AC 6 - Basic Electrical Engineering: Course Sem/AY Module No. Lesson Title Week Duration Date Description of The Lesson

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Course AC 6 – Basic Electrical Engineering

Sem/AY First Semester/2020-2021

Module No. 5
Lesson Title Network reduction (Delta-Wye Transformation and Wye-Delta Transformation)
Description This Topic Covers Delta-Wye or Wye-Delta transformation. It is an extra technique for
of the transforming certain resistor combinations that cannot be handled by the series and
Lesson parallel equations. This is also referred to as a Pi - T transformation or Mesh-Star

Learning Outcomes

Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning ● How to convert a Delta circuit into Wye Circuit
Outcomes ● How to convert a Wye circuit into Delta circuit
● How to solve a complex circuit using Delta-Wye Transformation.
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives ● Reduce the network using Delta-Wye Transformation

Student Learning Strategies

Online Activities A. Online Discussion via Google Meet

(Synchronous/ You will be directed to attend in a two-hour class discussion on
Asynchronous) Connection of Resistors. To have access to the online discussion, refer to
this link: ____________________.

The online discussion will happen on , from

(For further instructions, refer to your Google Classroom and see the
schedule of activities for this module)

Some useful links for YouTube lectures:

B. Learning Guide Questions:

1. What is the relationship between the Delta connected circuit and Wye
connected circuit?
2. Where do we apply delta connection and Wye connection?

Note: The insight that you will post on online discussion forum using Learning
Management System (LMS) will receive additional scores in class participation.

Offline Activities Lecture Guide

Paced) The Wye(Y)-delta(Δ) transform or Delta-Wye transform, also known by many
other names, is a mathematical
technique to simplify the analysis of an
electrical network. The name derives
from the shapes of the circuit diagrams,
which look respectively like the letter Y
and the Greek capital letter Δ. This
circuit transformation theory was
published by Arthur Edwin Kennelly in
1899. It is widely used in analysis of
three-phase electric power circuits.
The Y-Δ transform can be considered a
special case of the star-mesh transform
for three resistors. In mathematics, the
Y-Δ transform plays an important role in
theory of circular planar graphs. pg

We learned in a previous topic that resistors can be connected in series or in

parallel. Sometimes, circuit analysis is easier if we convert series or parallel
resistors into a single equivalent resistor. However, resistors can be configured
in a way that does not result in a series connection or a parallel connection
such as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Delta and wye networks

These two resistor configurations cannot be reduced to a single equivalent

resistance. They are called delta and wye (or Y) networks, because of their
shapes. They can also be arranged as pi (π) and T networks. It’s important to
recognize that in terms of electrical behavior, the delta network is exactly the
same as the pi network and the wye network is exactly the same as the T
network; they are merely drawn differently.
Figure 2. Pi and T networks (the names come from their appearance) are
alternative ways of drawing delta and wye networks.

It is possible to convert a delta network into a functionally equivalent wye

network, and it is also possible to convert a wye network into a functionally
equivalent delta network. “Functionally equivalent” means that the overall
electrical behavior of the converted network is identical to the overall electrical
behavior of the original network. In other words, if the original network is
connected to the system at terminals A, B, and C, we can remove the original
network and connect the converted network to terminals A, B, and C without
changing the behavior of the system.

At this point we know what a delta–wye conversion is, but we don’t know why
someone would want to perform these conversions. It turns out that converting
a delta network to a wye network, or a wye network to a delta network, can
facilitate the analysis of a larger circuit that includes a delta or wye network. In
the next section we’ll look at the conversion formulas, then we’ll work through
an example.

Delta-Wye Conversion Formulas

The following formulas allow you to calculate wye-network resistances from
delta-network resistances.

To calculate delta-network resistances from wye-network resistances, we use

these formulas:
Special Case: Balanced Circuits
If the resistances in each arm of a delta- or wye-connected circuit are equal, the
circuit is said to be "balanced". This means that
RY = R❑


1. Evaluate the given circuit. Calculate for the equivalent resistance.

Selecting the R1, R2 and R3 as Delta connected resistance and transform it to

its equivalent Wye connected resistance of RA, RB and RC respectively,
The circuit will become as shown below, now in Wye connected transformation

From the circuit above, we can evaluate using series and parallel circuit
analysis. RB being series with R4 as well as RC in series with R5.

R B4 = R B + R4
R B4 = 2 + 18
R B4 = 20Ω

R C5 = RC + R 5
R B4 = 3 + 12
R B4 = 15Ω

Then the combined resistor RB4 and RC5 are parallel connected, that gives us
RP equal to
1 1
20 15
RP=8.57 Ω

Therefore, the equivalent resistance is the series combination of RA and RP,

which is equal to RT = RAP,

R AP = R A + R P
R AP = 6 + 8.57
R AP = 14.57 Ω
To which the resulting circuit becomes
2. A circuit consisting of three resistors rated 10 ohms, 15 ohms and 20 ohms
are connected delta. What would be the resistance s of the equivalent Wye
connected resistors.

(10 Ω)( 20Ω)

RA= =4.44 Ω
10 Ω+15 Ω+20 Ω

(10 Ω)(15 Ω)
RB= =3.33 Ω
10 Ω+15 Ω+20 Ω

(15 Ω)(20Ω)
RC = =6.66 Ω
10 Ω+15 Ω+20 Ω

3. Find the delta equivalent of wye connected element of 3 equal resistors each
equal to R.

(R)( R) R2
RY = =
R+ R + R 3 R

RY =

This represent the relationship of balance delta-wye transformation, R being

the resistance in delta connected resistors.

4. Three resistors of 6-ohm resistance are connected in delta. Inside the delta
another three 6-ohm resistors are connected in wye. Find its resistance
between any two corners.
Convert the Wye connected resistor to
equivalent Delta:

From the relationship of balance Delta-

Wye transformation,

R = 3RY = 3(6) = 18Ω

Now, the 18-ohm resistor is connected parallel

with the 6-ohm resistors and is given by the
equivalent Resistance of;

Rx= =4.5 Ω

The 4.5-ohm resistor connected

across point A and B is connected
parallel to the series combination of
the other two 4.5-ohm resistors,

Ry=4.5 Ω+ 4.5Ω=9.0 Ω


( Rx)(Ry) (4.5)(9)
RT = = =3 Ω
Rx + Ry 4.5+9

Both Star-Delta Transformation and Delta-Star Transformation allows us

to convert one type of circuit connection into another type in order for us to
easily analyze the circuit. These transformation techniques can be used to good
effect for either star or delta circuits containing resistances or impedances.


Wye-Delta Transformation is very important in Circuits, sometimes we are not

sure in electric circuits that the resistors are neither parallel or series. In many
circuit applications, we encounter components connected together in one of
two ways to form a three-terminal network: the “Delta,” or Δ (also known as
the “Pi,” or π) configuration, and the “Wye” or “Y” (also known as the “T”)
 “Delta” (Δ) networks are also known as “Pi” (π) networks.
 “Y” networks are also known as “T” networks.
 Δ and Y networks can be converted with the proper resistance equations.
By “equivalent,” I mean that the two networks will be electrically identical
as measured from the three terminals (A, B, and C).
 A bridge circuit can be simplified to a series/parallel circuit by converting
half of it from a Δ to a Y network. After voltage drops between the original
three connection points (A, B, and C) have been solved for, those voltages
can be transferred back to the original bridge circuit, across those same
equivalent points.
 Don't memorize the transformation equations. If the need arises, you can
look them up.

Performance Tasks

PT 5
Check Your Understanding. Analyze the following given problem statement. Show your
solution. Encircle your final answer. Maximum of ten (10) point will be given for every given
problem. Reduce your answer to two (2) decimal places.

1. Transform the circuit from delta to Y.

2. Obtain the equivalent resistance at the terminals a-b for the given circuit.

3. Calculate Io of the given circuit.

4. Find Rab and IT from the circuit shown.

5. Find the equivalent resistance from the network shown below.

Learning Resources
Boylestad, R. (2015). Introductory Circuit Analysis, 13th Edition. Pearson.
Hayt, J. e. (n.d.). Engineering circuit Analysis, 7th Edition. 2007: McGraw-Hill Education.
Romeo A. Rojas, J. (n.d.). 1001 Solved Problems in Electrical Engineering.
Sadiku. (2007). Fundamentals of Electric Circuit, 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.
Theraja, B. L. (2005). A textbook of Electrical Technology Volume 1. S. Chand and Co. Ltd.
V. K. Mehta, R. M. (2008). Basic Electrical Engineering, Revised Edition. S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd.

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states, “The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting,
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purposes is not an infringement of copyright. The unauthorized reproduction, use, and
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