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Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207

DOI 10.1007/s12665-017-6533-9


Evaluation of liquefaction-resistance of soils using standard

penetration test, cone penetration test, and shear-wave velocity
data for Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities in Bangladesh
Md. Zillur Rahman1 • Sumi Siddiqua1

Received: 9 June 2016 / Accepted: 24 February 2017

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The evaluation of liquefaction-resistance for Keywords Liquefaction-resistance  SPT  CPT  Shear-
saturated loose sandy and silty soils up to a depth of 20 m wave velocity  Simplified procedure  LPI
is an important component of geotechnical site character-
ization in an earthquake-prone region. In the present study,
the standard penetration-test blow count (SPT-N), cone Introduction
penetration test (CPT) tip resistance (qc), and shear-wave
velocity (Vs) data of near-surface soils from Dhaka, Chit- Soil liquefaction is a common seismic hazard in saturated
tagong, and Sylhet cities were used to evaluate the lique- loose sandy and silty soils during a damaging earthquake.
faction-resistance by a simplified procedure. At each site in Liquefaction is the transformation of granular soils from a
the cities, the liquefaction-resistance is evaluated using a solid state to a liquefied state due to excess pore water
peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.15, 0.20, and pressure and reduced effective stress during an earthquake
0.25 g for a scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (Mw). (Marcuson 1978). Therefore, the evaluation of liquefac-
Then, the liquefaction potential index (LPI) is calculated tion-resistance is an important component of geotechnical
for each site using the safety factors of liquefaction-resis- site characterization for seismic-hazard assessment in an
tance and thickness of liquefiable soil layers to predict the earthquake-prone region. The liquefaction-resistance of
severity of liquefaction. The results indicate that sand boils soils can be estimated from laboratory tests of soil samples,
(LPI [ 5) and lateral spreading (LPI [ 12) will be gener- such as the cyclic triaxial test, and from in situ tests, such
ated due to liquefaction in the Holocene saturated sandy as the standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test
and silty soils in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities. The (CPT), shear-wave velocity (Vs) measurement. High-qual-
evaluation of liquefaction-resistance using the SPT-N, qc, ity undisturbed soil samples are required to perform labo-
and Vs data shows considerable variation in the prediction ratory tests for the evaluation of liquefaction-resistance.
of safety factor and LPI. Therefore, it is necessary to use But, it is sometimes difficult and costly to collect undis-
two or more in situ test data to properly evaluate the liq- turbed samples from saturated loose sandy and silty soils.
uefaction-resistance of soils for an area; and the simplified Therefore, in situ tests are generally used for the evaluation
procedure needs to be used carefully. The results of the of seismic-liquefaction-resistance of soils.
liquefaction-resistance of soils can be used to improve the The simplified procedure, originally proposed by Seed
ground condition in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet cities and Idriss (1971), has been used for the evaluation of liq-
for the construction of earthquake-resilient structures and uefaction-resistance over the last four decades. This pro-
future urban development. cedure has been modified, updated, and validated by
several researchers since its inception in 1971 (Seed and
Idriss 1971, 1982; Seed et al. 1983, 1984; Youd et al. 2001;
& Sumi Siddiqua Idriss and Boulanger 2004). In the simplified procedure, the
[email protected]
corrected blow count for standard penetration test, (N1)60 is
School of Engineering, The University of British Columbia, commonly used to evaluate the liquefaction-resistance of
Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada saturated loose sandy and silty soils in earthquake-prone

207 Page 2 of 14 Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207

regions (Seed and Idriss 1971, 1982; Seed et al. Although the factor of safety of liquefaction (FL) can be
1983, 1984, 1985; Juang et al. 2000; Youd et al. 2001; estimated by using the data of various in situ tests, it is not
Idriss and Boulanger 2004). a sufficient parameter to evaluate the severity of liquefac-
Because of intrinsic difficulties and poor repeatability of tion of a site (Sonmez and Gokceoglu 2005). Therefore, the
the SPT, Robertson and Campanella (1985) have devel- liquefaction potential index (LPI), originally proposed by
oped a procedure to evaluate the liquefaction-resistance of Iwasaki et al. (1978, 1982, 1984), has become a very
soils using the CPT data. The procedure has been revised popular method due to the inclusion of the thickness and
and updated by Olsen (1997, 1988), Olsen and Koester depth of the liquefiable layer, and the factor of safety to
(1995), Robertson and Wride (1998), Seed and de Alba evaluate the liquefaction potential (Sonmez 2003; Toprak
(1986), Stark and Olson (1995) and others. The main and Holzer 2003; Rahman et al. 2015).
advantage of the CPT is that a nearly continuous penetra- In the present study, the standard penetration-test blow
tion-resistance profile is generated for lithological inter- count (SPT-N), cone penetration test tip resistance (qc), and
pretation. The results of the CPT are more consistence and shear-wave velocity (Vs) data from Dhaka, Chittagong, and
repeatable than the SPT (Youd et al. 2001). Sylhet cities in Bangladesh are used to evaluate the liq-
The SPT and CPT data are used to estimate the lique- uefaction-resistance for a peak horizontal ground acceler-
faction-resistance of non-gravelly soils. But, the penetra- ation of 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g using a scenario earthquake
tion-resistance measurements by the SPT and CPT are not of magnitude 7.5 (Mw). Then, the liquefaction potential
generally reliable in gravelly soils. Large gravels may index (LPI) has been calculated using the method of Iwa-
interfere with the normal deformation of the soils around saki et al. (1982) from the calculated factor of safety and
the penetrometer and misleadingly increase the penetra- thickness of the liquefiable layers at a site.
tion-resistance. As a result, the Becker penetration test
(BPT) was recommended by Youd et al. (2001) to estimate
the penetration-resistance in gravelly soils. Geology of study areas
Andrus and Stokoe (1997, 2000) have also proposed a
procedure to estimate the liquefaction-resistance of soils The SPT-N, qc, and Vs data were collected for the evalu-
using the field measurement of shear-wave velocity (Vs). ation of liquefaction-resistance from Dhaka, Chittagong,
The advantages of using shear-wave velocity are that: 1) and Sylhet cities in Bangladesh (Fig. 1). Dhaka, the capital
the measurements are possible in hard soils where the SPT city of Bangladesh, is one of the fastest growing cities in
and CPT are difficult to penetrate or to collect undisturbed the world. The megacity Dhaka, the largest city in Ban-
samples, such as gravelly soils, or at the site where the SPT gladesh, is located at the bank of the Buriganga River in the
and CPT may not be permitted; 2) shear-wave velocity is a central part of the country. Dhaka City is built partly on the
basic mechanical property of soil materials, directly related elevated Pleistocene terrace (Madhupur Terrace) and partly
to the small-strain shear modulus; and 3) the small-scale on the surrounding low-lying Holocene floodplains
shear modulus is a parameter required in analytical pro- (Fig. 2). The Pleistocene terrace consists of yellowish
cedures for estimating dynamic soil response and soil- brown medium stiff to very stiff silty clay and medium
structure interaction analyses (Youd et al. 2001). dense to dense silty sand. The Pleistocene terrace sedi-
The simplified procedure is easy to use. The corrected ments are the floodplain deposits of the earlier Ganges–
blow count for the standard penetration test (N1)60, the Brahmaputra rivers. It occurs in an extensive area above
corrected tip resistance for cone penetration test (qc1N), the the level of the Holocene floodplains, which indicates that
corrected Becker penetration-resistance (NBC), and the there has been differential movement between the Pleis-
corrected shear-wave velocity (Vs1) data are used to eval- tocene and Holocene time (Morgan and McIntire 1959).
uate the liquefaction-resistance using the simplified pro- The Holocene floodplain deposits of the Ganges and
cedure (Seed et al. 1983; Robertson and Campanella 1985; Brahmaputra rivers are composed of gray, very soft to
Seed and de Alba 1986; Olsen and Koester 1995; Stark and medium stiff silty clay and very loose to medium dense
Olson 1995; Andrus and Stokoe 1997, 2000; Harder 1997; sand, silty sand, and silt (Morgan and McIntire 1959;
Olsen 1997; Robertson and Wride 1998; Youd et al. 2001). Rahman et al. 2015).
The simplified procedure is widely used in North America Chittagong, the second largest city and the largest port
and most parts of the world for the evaluation of lique- city in Bangladesh, is located at the bank of the Karnaphuli
faction-resistance of soils (Iwasaki et al. 1984; Chen and River in the southeastern part of the country. Chittagong
Juang 2000; Broughton et al. 2001; Holzer et al. 2005; City is formed partly on the Tertiary folded sedimentary
Sonmez and Gokceoglu 2005; Holzer 2008; Juang et al. rocks and partly on the Holocene alluvial and coastal plains
2009; Heidari and Andrus 2010; Raghukanth and Dash (Fig. 3). The Tertiary rocks are composed of soft sand-
2010; Ulamiş and Kiliç 2012). stone, siltstone, and shale, whereas the alluvial and coastal

Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207 Page 3 of 14 207

Fig. 1 Historical and recent earthquakes (magnitude C6.5) from earthquake locations and magnitudes are from United States Geo-
1762 to 2016. Historical earthquakes locations and magnitudes are logical Survey (USGS). The plate boundaries and faults are according
from Ambraseys and Douglas (2004) and Szeliga et al. (2010). Recent to Maurin and Rangin (2009) and Steckler et al. (2008)

plains are composed of loose sand, silt, and clay (Rahman (Fig. 1). Among them, the 1762 Bengal-Arakan, 1885
et al. 2016). Bengal, 1897 Great Indian, 1918 Srimangal, and 1934
Sylhet, the third largest city in Bangladesh, is located at Nepal-Bihar Earthquakes were prominent in Bangladesh.
the bank of Surma River in the northeastern part of the Bilham (2009) predicted that an earthquake of magnitude 8
country. Sylhet City is built partly on the Tertiary folded or more may cause one million casualties in a megacity of
sedimentary rocks and partly on the Holocene alluvial this region. This prediction is because the cities of devel-
plains (Fig. 4). The Tertiary rocks of the city are composed oping countries that are located close to the seismically
of soft sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The alluvial plains active zones are more vulnerable than those of developed
consist of loose sand, silt, and clay (CDMP 2009). countries due to: (1) high population density; (2) unplanned
urbanization; (3) non-engineered construction practices; (4)
inadequate knowledge of the seismic design of structures;
Seismotectonics (5) ignorance of building codes; and (6) poor monitoring
system of the concerned urban authorities during the con-
Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities are seismically vul- struction of structures.
nerable due to their locations close to the convergent plate The northward collision of the Indian Plate with the
boundary between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate Eurasian Plate has created the Himalayan Ranges between
(Fig. 1). Several historical earthquakes have occurred in the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate, and the Bengal Basin
the northeastern parts of India, Nepal, Myanmar, and in the eastern part of the Indian Plate (Curray et al. 1982;
Bangladesh along this plate boundary in the last 254 years Aitchison et al. 2007). The Bengal Basin covers the

207 Page 4 of 14 Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207

Fig. 2 Locations of standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), and shear-wave velocity (Vs) measurement on the surface
geological map of Dhaka City (modified from Rahman et al. 2015)

northeastern part of the Indian Plate, which includes Ban- thickness of sedimentary deposits of more than 22 km
gladesh and parts of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam of (Alam et al. 2003). Bangladesh covers about three-fourths
Indian states. The Bengal Basin is one of the largest sed- of the Bengal Basin, which is bounded in the west by the
imentary basins in the world, which has a maximum Indian Platform, in the north by the Precambrian Shilling

Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207 Page 5 of 14 207

Fig. 3 Locations of standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), and shear-wave velocity (Vs) measurement on the surface
geological map of Chittagong City (modified from Rahman et al. 2016)

Massif, in the east by the Indo-Burman Folded Belt Sys- and northeastern parts of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and
tem, and in the south by the Bay of Bengal (Reimann Myanmar. The tectonic elements are the Himalayan system
1993). in the north and the Arakan subduction-collision system in
Two major active tectonic belts are responsible for the the east (Fig. 1). The Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and
large and damaging earthquakes in Bangladesh, northern the Dauki Fault (DF) are the main components of the

207 Page 6 of 14 Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207

Fig. 4 Locations of standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), and shear-wave velocity (Vs) measurement on the surface
geological map of Sylhet City (modified from CDMP 2009)

Himalayan system. The Indo-Burman Folded Belt and occurred as a result of the thrust fault along the main
underlying megathrust are the manifestation of the Arakan boundary thrust interface between the subducting Indian
subduction-collision system (Steckler et al. 2008; Yu and Plate in the south and the overriding Eurasian Plate in the
Sieh 2013). north (United States Geological Survey Web site accessed
The April 25, 2015, Nepal Earthquake of Mw 7.8 and on June 10, 2015).
May 12, 2015, aftershock of Mw 7.3 that were located in The 1897 Great Indian Earthquake, located in Assam,
the west of the 1934 Nepal-Bihar Earthquake, also occur- caused huge damage to buildings in Dhaka city. The
red along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). The 2015 Bengal-Arakan Earthquake, located near Chittagong city,
Nepal Earthquake that occurred approximately 80 km to caused considerable damage in Chittagong city. The 1918
the northwest of the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu killed Srimangal Earthquake caused huge damage to structures in
8686 people and injured 6898 people (NSET, Nepal Web Sylhet city. Several earthquakes having magnitudes from
site accessed on November 5, 2015). This earthquake 4.0 to 6.0 occurred near Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet

Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207 Page 7 of 14 207

Fig. 5 Earthquakes (magnitude C3) that occurred from 1908 to 2015 in Bangladesh and surroundings. The earthquake catalog is from United
States Geological Survey. The plate boundaries and faults are according to Maurin and Rangin (2009) and Steckler et al. (2008)

cities in recent years. Some of these earthquakes caused The Holocene sandy and silty soils of an area up to a
slight damage in Chittagong and Sylhet cities, such as depth of 20 m may liquefy due to cyclic loading during an
cracks in the walls of buildings and tilting of buildings. The earthquake. As more than 50% areas of Dhaka, Chittagong,
earthquakes (magnitude C3) that occurred in and around and Sylhet cities are covered by thick layers of the Holo-
Bangladesh from 1908 to 2015 are shown in Fig. 5. cene sandy and silty soils, the evaluation of liquefaction-
As the Indian Plate is moving northward at a rate of resistance is necessary for seismic-hazard assessment of
4 cm/year and northeastward at a rate of 6 cm/year, large- these cities.
magnitude earthquakes between M 7.5 and M 8.5 are
expected to occur in the tectonic belt of Himalayan system
(Bilham and Hough 2006). Recent paleoseismological Methodology
investigation revealed that the Dauki Fault, which is con-
sidered as the source of the 1897 Great Indian Earthquake The simplified procedure for the evaluation of liquefac-
(Oldham 1899), activated three times in the last thousand tion-resistance of soils has two parts: 1) the evaluation of
years (Yeats et al. 1997; Morino et al. 2011, 2014a). the cyclic stress or strain developed in the field due to a
Therefore, the rate of plate movement and frequent design earthquake, i.e., cyclic stress ratio (CSR); and 2)
occurrence of large-magnitude earthquakes along this plate the evaluation of field liquefaction characteristics, i.e.,
boundary indicate that the northern and northeastern parts cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) (Robertson and Campanella
of India, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and 1985). These two parts are described in the following
Myanmar, are seismically active. sections.

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Evaluation of cyclic stress ratio (CSR) Determination of factor of safety (FL)

The cyclic characteristic of soil is best characterized by In the simplified procedure, Seed and Idriss (1971) com-
cyclic stress ratio (CSR) that estimates the seismic demand pared the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) to the liquefaction-re-
on a soil layer of level ground condition. The CSR is the sistance of the soil represented by the cyclic resistance ratio
ratio of the average cyclic shear stress (sav) developed on (CRR) for Mw = 7.5 earthquake (i.e., CRR7.5). A magni-
horizontal surface of soils due to cyclic or earthquake tude scaling factor (MSF) is used to adjust CRR7.5 to
loading to the initial vertical effective stress (r00 ) acting on determine the CRR for other earthquake magnitudes. The
the soil layer before the cyclic stresses are applied factor of safety (FL) against liquefaction is defined in terms
(Robertson and Campanella 1985). This parameter has the of the CRR, CSR, and MSF as follows:
advantage of taking into account the depth of the soil layer FL ¼ ðCRR7:5 =CSRÞMSF ð2Þ
involved, the depth of groundwater level, and the intensity
of earthquake shaking or other cyclic loading phenomena
(Seed et al. 1983). The Seed–Idriss (1971) simplified pro- Seismic factors
cedure is used to estimate the CSR developed in the field
due to an earthquake loading, at a depth of z from the Two seismic ground-motion parameters are required to
ground surface, using the following equation: evaluate the liquefaction-resistance of soils using the
sav amax r0 simplified procedure. The parameters are earthquake
CSR ¼ 0 ¼ 0:65   0  rd ð1Þ magnitude and peak horizontal ground acceleration. In the
r0 g r0
present study, a scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5
where amax = maximum horizontal acceleration at the (Mw) having a peak horizontal ground acceleration of
ground surface generated by the earthquake; g = acceler- 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g is used to evaluate the liquefaction-
ation of gravity; r0 and r00 are total and effective vertical resistance of soils in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities
overburden stresses, respectively, at depth of z; and rd = - in Bangladesh.
stress reduction coefficient that accounts for the flexibility
of the soil column. The factor 0.65 is used to convert the Liquefaction potential index (LPI)
peak cyclic shear stress ratio to a cyclic stress ratio that is
the representative of most significant cycles over the full The LPI, proposed by Iwasaki et al. (1982), presumes that
duration of loading (Idriss and Boulanger 2004). the severity of liquefaction is proportional to: (1) the
thickness of the liquefied layer; (2) the proximity of the
Evaluation of cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) liquefied layer from the ground surface; and (3) the amount
by which the factor of safety (FL) is less than 1.0.
The capacity of the soil to resist liquefaction is represented The LPI is defined as:
by cyclic resistance ratio (CRR). The state-of-the-art paper, Z 20
that was published by Youd et al. (2001), summarized four LI ¼ F ðzÞWðzÞ dz ð3Þ
in situ test methods to estimate the CRR for the liquefac- 0

tion-resistance analysis: (1) standard penetration test FðzÞ ¼ 1  FL for FL \1:0 ð4aÞ
(SPT); (2) cone penetration test (CPT); (3) shear-wave
FðzÞ ¼ 0 for FL  1:0 ð4bÞ
velocity measurement (Vs); and (4) Becker penetration test
(BPT). The CRR for 7.5 magnitude (Mw) earthquake WðzÞ ¼ 10  0:5 z for z\20 m ð4cÞ
(CRR7.5) is estimated from the overburden stress-corrected WðzÞ ¼ 0 for z [ 20 m ð4dÞ
SPT resistance of equivalent clean sand, (N1)60cs (Seed
et al. 2001; Youd et al. 2001; Idriss and Boulanger 2004). where z is the depth from the ground surface in meters.
The CRR is also estimated from the overburden stress- Iwasaki et al. (1984) identified the LPI values of 5 and
corrected CPT resistance of equivalent clean sand, (qc1N)cs 15 as the lower bounds of ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘very high’’ lique-
(Robertson and Wride 1998), the overburden stress-cor- faction, respectively, from the SPT measurements at 87
rected Vs of equivalent clean sand, Vs1 (Andrus and Stokoe Japanese sites subjected to six earthquakes. Toprak and
1997, 2000), and the overburden stress-corrected BPT Holzer (2003) also found similar results using 50 CPT
resistance, NBC (Harder 1997). sounding at 20 sites affected by the 1989 Loma Prieta
In the present study, Youd et al. (2001) recommended (Mw = 6.9) earthquake to correlate with surface manifes-
methods be used to estimate the CRR from the (N1)60cs, tation of liquefaction. They ascertained that median values
(qc1N)cs, and Vs1 to evaluate the liquefaction-resistance for of the LPI equal to 5 and 12 corresponded to the occurrence
Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities in Bangladesh. of sand boils and lateral spreading, respectively. The San

Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207 Page 9 of 14 207

Simeon earthquake also supports the use of LPI = 5 as the The liquefaction-resistance of soils has been evaluated
threshold for surface manifestations of liquefaction (Holzer up to a depth of 20 m by the methods Youd et al. (2001)
et al. 2005). recommended using the SPT-N and Vs data, which were
collected from seven borehole sites in Dhaka, from six
borehole sites in Chittagong, and from six borehole sites in
Results Sylhet. At each borehole site, the standard penetration test
(SPT) was performed to count the SPT-N at each 1.5-m
The present study deals with the evaluation of liquefaction- interval; and the down-hole seismic (DS) test was carried
resistance, where the standard penetration-test blow count out to estimate the Vs at each 1-m interval down to a depth
(SPT-N), cone penetration test tip resistance (qc), shear- of 30 m from the ground surface. The liquefaction-resis-
wave velocity (Vs), lithological borehole logs, grain-size tance of soils has also been evaluated down to a depth of
distribution, and unit weight of soils were collected from 20 m by the method Youd et al. (2001) recommended
the Comprehensive Disaster Management Program using the tip resistance (qc) of the CPT. The CPT was
(CDMP), a project implemented by the Government of performed at each 10-cm interval down to a depth of 30 m
Bangladesh (CDMP 2009). The locations of the SPT, CPT, from the ground surface at three sites in each city. Typical
and Vs measurements are shown on the surface geology profiles of the SPT, CPT, and Vs are shown in Fig. 6. The
maps of Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities (Figs. 2, 3, analysis of liquefaction-resistance was performed using a
4). peak horizontal ground acceleration (amax) of 0.15, 0.20,

Fig. 6 Typical profiles of Depth BH-3 Lithology SPT-N CPT (MPa) curve Vs (m/sec) curve
standard penetration test blow (m) in
count (SPT-N), cone penetration 0 25 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
test (CPT) tip resistance (qc),
1.0 Filling Elastic SILT
and shear-wave velocity (Vs) at
borehole site BH-3 in Dhaka 2.0 with Sand (MH)
city 3.0
Holocene Organic
Holocene SILT with
Sand (ML)
Holocene Organic
SOIL with Sand (OL)
17.0 Holocene Sandy SILT
18.0 (ML)
20.0 Plio-Pleistocene Silty
21.0 SAND (SM)
Plio-Pleistocene Fat
27.0 Plio-Pleistocene Silty
28.0 SAND (SM)

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Table 1 Liquefaction potential index (LPI) from standard penetration test blow count (SPT-N) using a peak horizontal ground acceleration of
0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g for a magnitude 7.5 (Mw) earthquake, where groundwater level is remained to a depth of 1 m from the ground surface
Name of city Borehole no. Liquefaction potential index (LPI) Surface geological unit
For 0.15 g For 0.20 g For 0.25 g

Dhaka BH-1 15.3 21.4 25.0 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-2 4.4 6.8 8.2 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-3 19.0 26.5 31.0 Holocene alluvium
BH-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pleistocene terrace deposit
BH-5 21.1 32.6 41.1 Artificial fill
BH-6 0.0 1.3 3.4 Pleistocene terrace deposit
BH-7 18.0 25.7 30.3 Artificial fill
Chittagong BH-1 14.7 24.3 30.1 Holocene alluvium
BH-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-3 13.1 18.4 21.8 Holocene terrace deposit
BH-4 11.2 18.9 24.0 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-5 10.5 17.1 22.3 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-6 17.3 28.3 34.5 Holocene tidal deposit
Sylhet BH-1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Holocene alluvium
BH-2 7.1 14.7 18.3 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-3 0.2 5.5 15.5 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tertiary folded sedimentary rock
BH-5 3.5 16.5 25.7 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-6 0.0 3.9 12.1 Holocene alluvium

and 0.25 g for a scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5 alluvial fan, and Holocene tidal deposits in Dhaka, Chit-
(Mw), where the groundwater level has remained at a depth tagong, and Sylhet cities will show surface manifestation of
of 1 m from the ground surface. liquefaction (LPI [ 5) and lateral spreading (LPI [ 12)
The liquefaction potential index (LPI) has been esti- during an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (Mw) for a peak
mated by the method Iwasaki et al. (1982) suggested using horizontal ground acceleration (amax) of 0.15, 0.20, and
the calculated factor of safety (FL) and thickness of the 0.25 g (Tables 1, 2, 3). From the results, it is observed that
liquefiable soil layers that are predicted from the SPT-N, in the same surface geological unit, the LPI value of the
qc, and Vs. The calculated LPI values of the SPT-N, Vs, and SPT-N is close to that of the Vs, whereas the LPI value of
qc for each city are given in Tables 1, 2, and 3, the qc is always lower than that of the SPT-N or Vs. For
respectively. example, at borehole site BH-3, which is located on the
The liquefaction potential index (LPI) of the SPT-N alluvium in Dhaka city (Figs. 2, 6), the LPI values are 19
varies from 0 to 21.1 for 0.15 g, from 0 to 27.3 for 0.20 g, for the SPT-N (Table 1), 15.5 for the Vs (Table 2), and 2.2
and from 0 to 41.1 for 0.25 g of a scenario earthquake of for the qc (Table 3) for a scenario earthquake of magnitude
magnitude 7.5 (Mw) in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet 7.5 (Mw) having an amax of 0.15 g. The LPI values of the
cities (Table 1). The LPI of the Vs varies from 0 to 22.6 for SPT-N and Vs indicate that the site has high liquefaction
0.15 g, from 0 to 26.7 for 0.20 g, and from 0 to 29.4 for potential (LPI [ 15), which will create lateral spreading,
0.25 g of a scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (Mw) whereas the LPI value of the qc indicate that the site has
(Table 2). The LPI of the qc varies from 0 to 8.1 for 0.15 g, low liquefaction potential (LPI \ 5), which will not even
from 0 to 11.2 for 0.20 g, and from 0 to 14.2 for 0.25 g of a show surface manifestation of liquefaction (sand boils).
scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (Mw) (Table 3). From this observation, it is clear that the liquefaction
potential of the site differs due to the use of different in situ
test data.
Discussion As the SPT-N is widely used to evaluate the liquefac-
tion-resistance of soils, in order to complement the results
The LPI values of the SPT-N, Vs, and qc indicate that the of the SPT-N, other in situ test data need to be used to
saturated sandy and silty soils of the artificial fill, alluvium, properly assess the liquefaction-resistance of soils. Other-
Holocene terrace, Holocene alluvial valley fill, Holocene wise, the results of liquefaction hazard that are estimated

Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207 Page 11 of 14 207

Table 2 Liquefaction potential index (LPI) from shear-wave velocity (Vs) using a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g
for a magnitude 7.5 (Mw) earthquake, where groundwater level is remained to a depth of 1 m from the ground surface
Name of city Borehole no. Liquefaction potential index (LPI) Surface geological unit
For 0.15 g For 0.20 g For 0.25 g

Dhaka BH-1 9.9 12.9 14.9 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-2 2.9 4.5 5.4 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-3 15.5 18.5 21.1 Holocene alluvium
BH-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pleistocene terrace deposit
BH-5 19.9 25.2 28.3 Artificial fill
BH-6 1.2 2.2 2.9 Pleistocene terrace deposit
BH-7 22.3 26.7 29.4 Artificial fill
Chittagong BH-1 22.6 26.0 28.1 Holocene alluvium
BH-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-3 7.8 11.0 13.2 Holocene terrace deposit
BH-4 10.7 13.7 15.6 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-5 14.9 17.6 19.2 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-6 13.7 17.1 19.6 Holocene tidal deposit
Sylhet BH-1 0.9 1.1 1.2 Holocene alluvium
BH-2 7.7 9.2 10.6 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
BH-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tertiary folded sedimentary rock
BH-5 13.2 16.3 18.2 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
BH-6 1.8 4.9 6.7 Holocene alluvium

Table 3 Liquefaction potential index (LPI) from cone penetration test (CPT) tip resistance (qc) using a peak horizontal ground acceleration of
0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g for a magnitude 7.5 (Mw) earthquake, where groundwater level is remained to a depth of 1 m from the ground surface
Name of city Borehole no. Liquefaction potential index (LPI) Surface geological unit
For 0.15 g For 0.20 g For 0.25 g

Dhaka CPT-1 2.2 4.3 6.1 Holocene alluvium

CPT-2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pleistocene terrace deposit
CPT-3 2.0 3.2 3.8 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
Chittagong CPT-1 2.1 4.2 6.3 Holocene terrace deposit
CPT-2 0.7 2.2 3.7 Holocene alluvial fan deposit
CPT-3 8.1 11.2 14.2 Holocene alluvial valley fill deposit
Sylhet CPT-1 0.0 0.2 0.3 Holocene alluvium
CPT-2 0.2 1.3 3.2 Holocene alluvium
CPT-3 1.7 3.8 5.7 Holocene alluvium

from the SPT-N may give an incorrect prediction of the The 1762 Bengal-Arakan (Mw = 7.5), 1885 Bengal
liquefaction-resistance of soils for an area. Therefore, the (Mw = 6.9), 1897 Great Indian (Mw = 8), and 1918 Sri-
evaluation of liquefaction-resistance of soils for any site mangal (Mw = 7.4) earthquakes that occurred close to
should be carried out very carefully from the SPT-N, qc, Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities caused lateral
and Vs by using the simplified procedures. Accurate esti- spreading and sand boils in several places of the Holocene
mations of the standard penetration-test blow count (SPT- saturated sandy and silty soils in and around those cities
N), cone penetration test tip resistance (qc), shear-wave (Middlemiss 1885; Oldham 1899; Stuart 1920; Martin and
velocity (Vs), and accurate characterization of soils are also Szeliga 2010; Szeliga et al. 2010). In the present study, the
very important factors to accurately predict the liquefac- LPI values of the SPT-N and Vs indicate that lateral
tion-resistance of soils for an area. spreading and sand boils may occur in the Holocene

207 Page 12 of 14 Environ Earth Sci (2017)76:207

saturated sandy and silty soils. But, the LPI values of the qc improve the ground condition for the construction of
indicate that lateral spreading and sand boils may occur in earthquake-resistance structures in those areas.
a few areas of the Holocene saturated sandy and silty soils.
From the above observation, it can be concluded that the
LPI values of the SPT-N and Vs overestimate the lique-
faction potential, whereas the LPI values of the qc under-
The liquefaction-resistance of soils has been evaluated
estimate the liquefaction potential.
by using the simplified procedure from the SPT-N, CPT,
Very little has been published on the paleoseismological
and Vs data for Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities in
investigation in Bangladesh (Morino et al. 2011, 2014a, b).
Bangladesh. The factor of safety of liquefaction is
But, no paleoseismological study has been conducted yet in
determined using a scenario earthquake of magnitude 7.5
and around Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities to ascer-
(Mw) for a peak horizontal ground acceleration (amax) of
tain the locations of the past liquefaction hazard, although
0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g. Then, the liquefaction potential
it is very difficult to discover the liquefaction phenomena
index (LPI) has been estimated using the factor of safety
in such a rapidly changing sedimentary basin (Bengal
of liquefaction and thickness of liquefiable layers. This
Basin) after more than 100 years of earthquake occur-
study reveals that the saturated loose sandy and silty
rences. The liquefaction phenomena in and around these
soils of the artificial fill, alluvium, Holocene terrace, and
cities during these earthquakes might be washed out due to
Holocene alluvial valley fill, Holocene alluvial fan, and
strong fluvial processes prevailing in these regions.
Holocene tidal deposits in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Syl-
Therefore, the results of liquefaction hazards are validated
het cities will liquefy during an earthquake of magnitude
by considering some threshold values of the LPI from the
7.5 (Mw). Therefore, ground improvement is required for
literature. Researchers predicted that liquefaction is com-
these surface geological units prior to construction of
monly occurring in the Holocene alluvial sandy and silty
soils (Iwasaki et al. 1984; Seed and de Alba 1986; Sonmez
2003; Holzer et al. 2005). In the present study, high liq- Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the
uefaction hazard is also predicted in the Holocene alluvial University of British Columbia for supporting this study through
sandy and silty soils in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet University Graduate Fellowship (UGF). The support from the Com-
cities, Bangladesh. prehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP), Bangladesh, for
collecting the data is highly appreciated. The authors are also grateful
The low-laying areas inside the flood-protection to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive inputs to improve
embankment and all areas outside the flood-protection the article.
embankment in Dhaka, Chittagong, and Sylhet cities are
inundated due to heavy rainfall and flood during the
monsoon. The groundwater level exists close to the ground References
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