Order of Operations Day 1 Lesson
Order of Operations Day 1 Lesson
Order of Operations Day 1 Lesson
Classroom Environment: This classroom has a smart board in the center of the front, and whiteboards on the sides of the
room. The teachers’ desk and area is in the front of the room on the left. The student’s desks are in three rows and all pushed
together. My cooperating teacher uses an assigned seating chart. Students are spread out to the best of the teacher’s ability
due to COVID-19. The teacher sets up a small table by the doorway for students to pick up papers daily.
Content Standards:
7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. Computations with
rational numbers extend the rules for manipulating fractions to complex fractions.
Rationale: I chose this standard because it aligned most with the area my cooperating teacher and I recently began teaching.
Students have already been introduced to the four operations and rational numbers, but this will be the first time they put
them all together. I will begin with review of the most recent operations we have taught, multiplication and division, and then
we will do guided notes over order of operations.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to use the order of operations to simplify numerical expressions with integers with 80% accuracy.
Academic Language:
Numerical expression: made up of numbers and operations
Order of operations: rules that must be followed and agreed on by mathematicians in order to get the same answer
PEMDAS: parenthesis, exponents, multiply/divide, add/subtract
Simplify: reduce an expression to a simpler term by using order of operations
Evaluate: solve for the value of the expression