University Student Council Federation Constitution and By-Laws

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1|Cagayan State University

Republic of the Philippines

University Student Council Federation

The 2018

University Student Council Federation

2|Cagayan State University


We, the members of the University Student Council

Federation (USCF) of Cagayan State University (CSU),
imploring the aid of the Almighty God, in order to
establish a student council that is cohesive for our holistic
development, promote unity, equality, peace, love,
justice, cooperation and harmonious relationship among
students, faculty, personnel and CSU administration, do
hereby adopt and promulgate this constitution.

University Student Council Federation

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Section 1. The Organization shall be known as University Student Council

Federation (USCF) of Cagayan State University (CSU).

Section 2. The University Student Council Federation shall be the highest student
governing body in the university. The Campus Student Councils,
College Student Councils and Classroom Student Councils shall be
under its umbrella and thus shall adopt this constitution and by-laws
as their own.

Section 3. Its office address shall be at the Office of the Students Development
and Welfare (OSDW) through the Director, Cagayan State University-
Andrews Campus, Tuguegarao City or through the Sub-office
located at the campus where the USCF Chairperson resides.



Section 1. The University Student Council Federation shall be the highest

governing body of all CSU students.

Section 2. The University Student Council Federation shall have a main purpose
of policy-making that encompasses university student matters and
bridging the students, the faculty and the CSU administration to
create a just and harmonious academic society within the University.

Section 3. The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of rights and
freedom and the development of students’ welfare shall be
accorded to all members of the Federation.

Section 4. The Federation shall participate in the formulation and assist in the
implementation of the University rules, regulations and policies
especially on matters affecting students’ welfare in all campuses of
the University.

Section 5. The Federation shall not treat any of its members differently on the
basis of religion, social standing, gender, race, belief, disabilities and
ethnic affiliations.


University Student Council Federation

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Section 6. The Federation shall enforce its main duty of serving and protecting
its members.

Section 7. The Federation shall promote a just and dynamic scholastic order
that shall ensure prosperity and free the members from academic
poverty through policies that help provide high educational

Section 8. The Federation shall value the dignity of all students and shall
guarantee full respect for the student’s rights found in the
constitution, the student manual and the Magna Carta for Students.

Section 9. The Federation shall recognize the vital role of every member in its

Section 10. The Federation shall ensure the local autonomy of Campus Student
Council, College Student Council and Classroom Student Council.

Section 11. The Federation shall take part in developing the potentials of its

Section 12. The Federation shall uphold the integrity, credibility and honesty of
student services.

Section 13. The Federation shall participate actively in community service and
uphold the relevant role of the students in nation building.

Section 14. The Federation shall have the duty to defend the students’ welfare
and academic freedom and shall value the effort of the University

Section 15. The Federation shall have the right to conduct meeting and do
business free from any personal interest or political discrimination.

Section 16. The Federation, through its officers and members, shall have all the
power to prescribe and direct students to obey existing University
rules and regulations.

Section 17. The Federation may, as it may seem necessary and crucial, request
the attendance of students to attend activities and programs it has

Section 18. The Federation shall continually see new ways to educate its
members in the current pressing social issue, and shall set the interest
of its members above their own.

Section 19. The key position in all levels of student governance shall be
composed of the Chairperson of University Student Council
Federation, USCF Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer,
Campus Student Council President, Campus Student Council Vice
President, the Secretary, Treasurer, and Senators and Governor, Vice
Governor, Executive Secretary, Board Member and Treasurer of
ColSC, Mayor of CLassSC.

Section 20. All officers of the student federation, university level, campus level or
college level, shall automatically be excused from their classes and
shall be given special considerations (Major exam, quizzes, and any
other forms of assessments and/or requirements) during meetings or
activities duly approved by the University / Campus Officials in and
out of the Campus / University.

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Section 21. The session of the USCF, CSC and ColSC shall be open to students
who wish to listen and observe but are not allowed to participate in
the deliberation unless otherwise allowed by the members of the
respective student council.

Section 22. USCF and CSC funds shall be independent from one another and
shall be deposited in an account bearing the name of the respective
student council. ColSC Funds shall be deposited under the CSC
Account and to be released upon approval of request.

Section 23. All scholarship grants for elected students shall be referred to the
stipulation on the student manual.

Section 24. All levels of student governing body shall have their advisers, with
respect to the following;

24.1. Adviser/s shall be chosen by the head of the student governing


24.2 The University Student Council Federation Adviser, Campus

Student Council Adviser and College Student Council Adviser must
be a regular faculty member and a co-adviser may be a regular/ a
part-time faculty of the University;

24.3. Functions of the Advisers are stipulated in the Student Manual;

24.4 Advisers are mandated to be present in all meetings

(emergency, special, and regular) and activities held by the body;

24.5 Advisers should not hold more than 1 adviser position in student
council, regardless of level of student council;

24.6 Students are given independence and freedom in their

decisions with the guidance of their Advisers;

24.7 Advisers may be changed with the concurrence of 2/3 of the

concerned student council.

Section 25. The USCF Chairperson, USCF Vice Chairperson, USCF Secretary, CSC
Presidents, CSC Vice-Presidents, Senators, Governors and Vice-
Governors cannot be the Editor-in-Chief of Student Publications.

Section 26. No person holding a key position in the university council, campus
council and college council shall be allowed to be the head in any
specialized accredited organization.


Section 1. All bona fide students of the Cagayan State University officially
enrolled shall be the constituents of the University Student Council
Federation. Duly enrolled students in any of the eight campuses and
different colleges shall compose the constituency of each Campus
Student Councils and College Student Councils, respectively.

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Section 2. All bona fide students shall pay a membership fee of fifty pesos
(P50.00) per semester. The membership fee, upon collection, shall be
broken down as follows; five pesos (P5.00) shall go to the University
Student Council Federation’s fund; twenty pesos (P20.00) shall go to
the Campus Student Council’s fund where the student is enrolled;
and twenty five pesos (P25.00) shall go to the College Student
Council’s fund where the student has enrolled in.


Section 1. Every student has the right to academic freedom and equal
protection of the law.

Section 2. Every student has the right to be properly informed of the programs,
rules and regulations and policies of the academic community.

Section 3. Every student has the right to have access to his/her official records
and other pertinent documents and papers pertaining to official
acts, transactions or decisions, provided that he/she has not done
anything that shall inhibit the release of such documents.

Section 4. Every student has the right to be academically evaluated based on

objective criteria.

Section 5. Every student has the right to conduct scholarly research freely and
to publish, discuss and exchange findings and recommendations for
the purpose of academic development.

Section 6. Every student has the right to proper representation and participation
in all policy-making bodies inside the University.

Section 7. Every student has the right to regular student-faculty and student-
administration dialogue.

Section 8. Every student has the right to peacefully assemble and to freely but
responsibly express their views, opinions and grievances.

Section 9. Every student has the right to establish, organize, join and actively
participate in clubs, organizations, groups and other associations for
purposes not contrary to existing policies of the University.

Section 10. Every student has the right to due process.

Section 11. Every student has the right to legitimate and responsible use of
adequate, safe, clean and efficient school facilities.

Section 12. All other rights as specified in the Magna Carta for students, the
Student Manual and the University’s Student Charter but are not specified herein
are included as rights of the students.


Section 1. Every constituent has the right to suffrage.

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1.1. Every constituent of the student governing bodies, as

may be prescribed by law, has the right to vote for
officers of the Campus, College Student Council and
Classroom Student Council.
1.2. Twenty (20) student leaders who shall compose the
voting delegation of the different Campus Student
Councils shall embody the right of every student to vote
for the University Student Council Federation
Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.


Section 1. The University Student Council Federation shall be the highest

governing student body.

Section 2. It shall be composed of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and the

eight Campus Student Council Presidents.

Section 3. The USCF Chairperson and USCF Vice Chairperson shall come from
the eight (8) elected Campus Student Council Presidents.
Consequently, rules of succession will follow to the Campus Student

Section 4. The chairperson shall appoint a secretary and treasurer.

Section 5. The University Student Council Federation shall execute the following

5.1. Make decisions to help the facilitation of student matters across

the university;

5.2. Make pertinent recommendations regarding university student

policies, rules and management;

5.3. Create ad hoc committees and appoint head thereof to

spearhead proceedings and shall report to the Federation upon
accomplishment of the task being given.

5.4. Hold regular and special meetings. The body shall also held
dialogue with the University administration and consultation with the
students needed for the advancement of student welfare and

Section 6. The Chairperson of the University Student Council:

a. Qualifications:
1. Must be a bona fide student of the University duly
certified by the Certificate of Enrollment released by
their respective campus registrar;
2. Must be an elected Campus Student Council
3. Must be a third year for a four-year course, fourth
year for a five-year course or fifth year for a six-year
4. Must have at least two (2) years of residency in the

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5. Should be carrying a normal load (no failing grade,

no incomplete grades, no dropped subjects);
6. Must possess a general weighted average of at least
85%. Certification of grades shall be issued and duly
signed by the registrar to be submitted to the
Electoral Board for further evaluation;
7. Must have held any key position in the College,
Campus or University Student Council for at least two
(2) years.
8. Must be of good moral character as attested to in
certification issued by the Guidance Counselor from
the University unit; and
9. Must submit a duly signed brief and honest report of
his/ her leadership achievements and leadership
training to the panel of interviewer which shall be
conducted upon filling of candidacy to determine
his/her background in all aspects of leadership
b. Functions:
1. Shall preside over all the meetings and sessions of the
University Student Council Federation;
2. Shall convene the University Student Council
Federation as the need arises;
3. Shall represent the University Student Body in the
Board of Regents (BOR);
4. Shall enforce the provisions of this Constitution and
By-Laws and resolutions promulgated or enacted by
the University Student Council Federation sitting en
5. Shall lead to the implementation of programs,
activities and project for the whole school year with
the representatives/ president of every campus.
c. Limitation
1. The Chairperson shall not suspend the Constitution
and By-Laws even during emergency.

Section 7. The Vice Chairperson of the University Student Council Federation

a. The qualification for Vice Chairperson shall be the same as that of

the USCF Chairperson.
b. Functions:
1. Shall assist the University Student Council Federation
Chairperson at all times;
2. Shall perform all the duties and responsibilities of the
Chairperson in his absence or physical incapacity;
3. Shall perform duties in and out of the University as
authorized by the USCF Chairperson; and
4. He/She shall take over the function of the
Chairperson whenever it is vacant by reason of
death, resignation, removal, suspension, illness,
absence, physical, mental incapacity or failure to
qualify for office.

Section 8. The appointment of the Secretary of University Student Council


University Student Council Federation

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a. Qualification:
1. Must be a bona fide student of the University duly
certified by the Certificate of Enrollment released by
their respective campus registrar;
2. Must possess a general weighted average of at least
85%. Certification of grades shall be issued and duly
signed by the registrar.
3. Must have held any position in the College, Campus or
University Student Council for at least one year;
4. Must be of a good moral character as attested to in
certification issued by the Guidance Counselor from the
University unit.
b. Functions:
1. Shall keep all journals and correspondence
pertaining to the activities of the USCF;
2. Shall record all proceedings and minutes of the
meetings of the USCF;
3. Shall receive correspondence or any written
communication addressed to the Chairperson and
shall affix his/her signature on the said documents or
papers for the purpose of authenticity.
4. Shall be the spokesperson of the Chairperson of the
University Student Council Federation.
5. Shall perform such other duties as the University
Student Council Federation or the Chairperson may
assign him/her from time to time.

Section 9. The appointment for Treasurer of the University Student Council


a. Same qualifications with the USCF Executive Secretary.

b. Functions:
1. Shall keep the records of the funds of the University
Student Council Federation;
2. Shall disburse the same in accordance with an
appropriation authorized by the University Student
Council Federation subject to the accounting rules
and regulation;
3. Shall submit a financial report at the end of each
semester to the Council which shall be forwarded to
the OSDW Director;
4. Shall perform such other duties as the University
Student Council Federation or the Chairperson may
assign him/her from time to time.


Section 1. The Campus Student Council shall be the highest governing student
body in the campuses of Cagayan State University. It shall govern the
College Student Councils and other accredited student body
organizations in the campus. It shall also be considered as one of the
local student council.

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Section 2. It shall be composed of a President, Vice President, and twelve

Senators. In the case of campuses with foreign programs, duly
elected Representative of the Foreign Student Council shall be an
ex-officio member of the Campus Student Council.

Section 3. The Campus Student Council shall execute the following functions:

3.1 Serve as the highest governing student body particularly

in campuses;
3.2 Initiate, organize and implement student activities of
campus-wide concern in line with the policies laid out by
the concerned Campus Student Council;
3.3 Make decisions in coordination with Campus
Administration to resolve matters concerning the students;
3.4 Make pertinent recommendations regarding campus
student policies, rules and management, and forward it to
the campus administration;
3.5 Create ad hoc committees and appoint Head thereof to
spearhead the proceedings and shall report to the
Campus Student Council upon accomplishment of the
task being given;
3.6 Hold quarterly and special dialogue with the campus
administration needed for the advancement of student
welfare and concerns;
3.7 Coordinate with the designated campus authorities
regarding student matters, affairs and activities;
3.8 Serve as a feedback information center for the students in
their respective campuses.

Section 4. The President of the Campus Student Council.

a. Same qualifications with the USCF Chairperson cited on Article VI

Section 6 except requirement no. 2.
b. Functions:
1. Shall preside over all the meetings and sessions of the
Campus Student Council;
2. Shall convene the Campus Student Council as the need
3. Shall spearhead all Campus Student Council sponsored
programs and/or activities;
4. Shall supervise the implementation of programs,
activities and projects for the whole school year;
5. Shall help in the enforcement of the provisions of this
Constitution and By-Laws and resolutions promulgated
or enacted by the University Student Council
Federation/Campus Student Council sitting en banc.

Section 5. The Vice President of the Campus Student Council:

a. Same qualifications with the USCF Chairperson cited on Article VI

Section 6 except for requirement no. 2.
b. Functions:
1. Shall assist the Campus Student Council President to
the implementation of programs, activities and
projects for the whole school year with the other
members of the council and secretariat;

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2. Shall enforce the provisions of this Constitution and

By-Laws and other policies promulgated by the
Campus Student Council and University Student
Council Federation; and
3. Shall take over the function of the President
whenever it is vacant by reason of election as
chairperson or vice chairperson of USCF, death,
resignation, removal, suspension, illness, absence, or
physical or mental incapacity or failure to qualify for

Section 6. The Senators of the Campus Student Council:

a. Qualification:
1. Must be a bona fide student of the University and
must carry a normal load. The Registrar’s Office shall
provide certification from the University unit;
2. Must not have any failing grade, incomplete grades
and no dropped subjects.
3. He must possess a general weighted average of at
least 85%. Certification of grades shall be submitted
to the Electoral Board for further evaluation;
4. Must be of good moral character as certified by the
Guidance Counselor from the University unit; and
5. Must have held a key position for at least one (1)
b. Functions:
1. Shall serve as the principal legislators of the Campus
Student Council;
2. Shall create a comprehensive and progressive
system on how to collect evaluation of student
leaders of student leaders in the campus level;
3. Shall further check and scrutinize appropriation on
budget for programs and other Campus Student
Council (CSC) initiated activities;
4. Shall monitor the Campus Student Council income
and spending;
5. Shall assist in Campus Student Council outreach
program and activities; and
6. Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned
by the president.

Section 7. The Secretary of the Campus Student Council:

a. Same as the qualifications for the USCF Executive Secretary.

b. Same functions for the USCF Executive Secretary except
jurisdiction is limited to the Campus.

Section 8. The Treasurer of the Campus Student Council:

a. Same qualifications with the USCF Treasurer.

b. Same functions with the USCF Treasurer except jurisdiction is
limited to the Campus.

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Section 1. The College Student Council shall be the highest governing student
body in the different colleges of Cagayan State University. It shall
govern the Classroom Student Councils. It shall also be considered as
a local student council.

Section 2. It shall be composed of a Governor, Vice Governor, and eight Board


Section 3. The College Student Council shall execute the following function:

3.1 Serve as the highest governing student body particularly

in colleges;
3.2 Initiate, organize and implement student activities of
campus-wide concern in line with the policies laid out by
the concerned College Student Council;
3.3 Make decisions in coordination with College
Administration to resolve matters concerning the students;
3.4 Make pertinent recommendations regarding college
student policies, rules and management, and forward it to
the campus administration for approval;
3.5 Create ad hoc committees and appoint Head thereof to
spearhead the proceedings and shall report to the
College Student Council upon accomplishment of the
task being given;
3.6 Hold quarterly and special dialogue with the college
administration needed for the advancement of student
welfare and concerns;
3.7 Coordinate with the designated college authorities
regarding student matters, affairs and activities;
3.8 Serve as a feedback information center for the students in
their respective colleges.

Section 4. The Governor of the College Student Council:

a. Qualification
1. Must be a bona fide student of the University duly
certified by the campus registrar;
2. Should be carrying a normal load and must not have
any failing grade, incomplete grades and dropped
3. He/She must have a general weighted average of at
least 85%. Certification of grades duly signed by the
registrar must be submitted to the Electoral Board for
further evaluation; and
4. Must have held any position in the College, Campus
or University Student Council for at least one year.
5. Must be of good moral character as attested to in
certification issued by the Guidance Counselor from
the University unit.
b. Functions
1. Shall preside over all the meetings and sessions of the
College Student Council;

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2. Shall convene the College Student Council as the

need arises;
3. Shall spearhead all College Student Council
sponsored programs and/or activities.
4. Shall supervise to the implementation of programs,
activities and projects;
5. Shall help in the enforcement of the provisions of this
Constitution and By-Laws and policies promulgated
or enacted by the University Student
Council/Campus Student Council/College Student
Council sitting en banc.

Section 5. The Vice Governor of the College Student Council:

a. Same with qualifications of the ColSC Governor.

b. Functions:
1. Shall assist the College Student Council Governor to
the implementation of programs, activities and
project with the other members of the council and
2. Shall be the presiding officer of the college
legislative body; and
3. He shall take over the function of the Governor
whenever it is vacant by reason of death,
resignation, removal, suspension, illness, absence,
or physical or mental incapacity or failure to qualify
for office.

Section 6. The Board Members of the College Student Council:

a. Qualifications:
i. Must be a bona fide student of the University and must
carry a normal load. The Registrar’s Office shall provide
certification from the University unit;
ii. Must not have any failing grade and no dropped subjects.
He must have a general weighted average of at least 83%.
Certification of grades shall be submitted to the Electoral
Board for further evaluation;
iii. He must be of good moral character duly certified by the
Guidance Counselor from the University unit.

b. Functions:
i. Legislate and recommend to the administration policies of
college applications;
ii. Assist in College Student Council outreach programs and
activities of the College;
iii. Member and chair committees provided in this
Constitution and By-Laws;
iv. Create a comprehensive and progressive system on how
to collect evaluation of student leaders in the college level
of student governance.
v. Further check and scrutinize appropriation budget for
programs and other College Student Council initiated
activities; and
vi. Shall keep track of the College Student Council funds.

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Section 7. The Governor may appoint secretary/ies, treasurer and any other
appointive position provided it is concurred by the College Student Council.


Section 1. There shall be a Student Legislative Chamber to be composed of the


a. From the University Student Council Federation;

Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and eight Campus Student
Council Presidents.
b. From the Campus Student Council; President, Vice
President and twelve Senators.
c. From the College Student Council; Governor, Vice
Governor, and eight Board Members.

Section 2. The Student Legislative Chamber shall:

a. Serve as the highest student policy-making body;

b. Serve as a constitutional body; and
c. Coordinate the programs of the various Student Councils.

Section 3. The Student Legislative Chamber shall have its Presidium to be

composed of the Presiding Officer (Chairperson in the case of USCF,
President in the case of CSC, and Governor in the case of Col-SC),
Secretary and two Floor Leaders. The secretary and two Floor Leaders
shall be elected from the members of the SLC. It shall be the duty of
the Presidium to facilitate the discussion during the legislative session
as it seems necessary and to prepare the agenda for such session
and to preside during regular meeting or session.

Section 4. The members of the SLC may be divided into different committees
during its regular session for the purpose of the speedy formulation of
policies/rules and regulations.

Section 5. Committees shall be created in the USCF, CSC and ColSC to craft
policies or to investigate issues or case which the committees have
jurisdiction. Each committee shall have its Chairperson, Vice-
Chairperson. The committees that shall be created and adopted
shall be known as the following:

a. Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and

Investigation or Blue Ribbon Committee
b. Committee in Conducts and Ethics/ Students Rights and
c. Committee on Justice
d. Committee on Education
e. Committee on Culture, Arts, Sports, Fitness and Health
f. Committee on Gender and Development
g. Committee on Constitutional Amendments and Revision

Section 6. Functions of the committees:

a. The Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and

Investigation or Blue Ribbon Committee shall have jurisdiction on

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all matters relating to, including the investigation of appeals on

malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office by any
officer of the Campus Student Council.
b. The Committee on Conducts and Ethics/ Student Rights and
Welfare shall have jurisdiction on all matters relating to right the
maintenance of conduct, discipline, rights, safety, dignity,
integrity and reputation of the Senate and its members and shall
have the power to supervise the actions and behavior of the
different publications in the University. Also, the committee shall
protect the rights of students provided under Article III of this
c. The Committee on Justice shall have jurisdiction on all matters
relating to the organization and administration of justice on
probations and sanctions, impeachment proceedings against
constitutional officers and other officers legally removable by
d. The Committee on Education shall have the jurisdiction on all
matters directly and principally relating to the academic rights
and performance of the students.
e. The Committee on Culture, Arts, Sports, Fitness and Health shall
have the jurisdiction on all matters relating to Culture, Arts, Sports,
Fitness and Health.
f. The Committee on Gender and Development shall cover matters
relating to the upliftment, protection, and promotion of Gender
sensitivity and equality in the university.
g. The Committee on constitutional amendments and revisions shall
have jurisdiction on all matters relating to proposed amendments
and revisions to this constitution & bylaws. All proposals shall be
regulated and discussed by this committee.

Section 7. In case of vacancy in the SLC position, a special election may be

called to fill such vacancy but the persons to be elected shall serve
only for the unexpired term.


Section 1. Election for the University Student Council Federation, Campus

Student Council, and the College Student Councils shall be held
every academic year in accordance with the rules promulgated by
the Central Electoral Board.

Section 2. Election for the Campus Student Council shall be held three (3) weeks
before the Annual Student Congress.

Section 3. Election for the USCF shall be held during the Annual Student

Section 4. For the University Student Council Federation: the Chairperson, Vice
Chairperson, shall be directly elected by the twenty (20) duly
authorized representative in every campus.

Section 5. For the Campus Student Councils: the President, Vice President, and
Senators shall be elected at large in their respective campus.

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For the College Student Council: the Governor, Vice Governor, and
Board members shall be elected at large in their respective college.

Section 6. Every officer shall hold office for one academic year inlcuding
summer term or until his successor has been duly elected, inducted,
qualified and assumed office, provided that any qualified candidate
who will fill vacant seats shall hold office only for the remainder of the
unexpired term.

Section 7. Any permanent vacancy in the office of the Chairperson shall be

filled by the Vice Chairperson, provided that if the permanent
vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice Chairperson, the Federation
shall elect from among the Presidents a new Vice Chairperson;

Section 8. Should both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the
Council be temporarily incapacitated, the remaining officers of the
USCF shall elect from among themselves an acting Chairperson and
an acting Vice Chairperson both whom shall relinquish their positions
upon return of the permanent officials. In no case shall the Student
Council be dissolved or rendered inoperative.

Section 9. The induction of members of the USCF shall be on the 31st day of July
at 12 Noon, the oath to be administered by the University President
or duly authorized representatives.

Section 10. The Campus and College Student Councils oath shall be
administered by the Campus Executive Officer or duly authorized
representative one (1) week following the election.

Section 11. There shall be a Central Electoral Board for the election of USCF
Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to be composed of the following:

a. The Incumbent Vice Chairperson of the USCF shall

automatically be the Chairperson of the Central Electoral

b. The members shall be the Incumbent CSC Presidents or duly

authorized representatives;

c. The adviser of the CEB shall be the incumbent USCF Adviser.

The CEB may appoint other adviser through a resolution duly
approved by the OSDW Director.

Section 12. There shall be a Campus Electoral Board for the election of the
Campus Student Council to be composed of the following:

a. The Incumbent Vice President of the CSC shall

automatically to be the Chairperson of the Central
Electoral Board;
b. The members shall be the Incumbent ColSC Governor or
duly authorized representatives;
c. The adviser of the Campus EB shall be the incumbent CSC
Adviser. The Campus EB may appoint other adviser through
a resolution duly approved by the OSDW Director.

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Section 13. There shall be an Election Code formulated by the Central Electoral
Board which must adhere with the provisions of this CBL and shall be
adopted by the Campus Electoral Board.

Section 14. The Central EB cannot suspend the provisions of this constitution and
by-laws particularly in the qualifications and manner of election of
officers, except in extreme cases wherein suspending it is the only
option for an election to prosper.


Section 1. The judicial power of the University Student Council Federation shall
be vested in the Student Disciplinary Committee and in such lower
SDCs as maybe established by the Council concerned.

Section 2. The University Student Disciplinary Committee members shall be

composed of:

a. Chairperson of the USCF Committee on Accountability of Public

Officers/Blue Ribbon Committee which will seat as the
Chairman of the committee
b. Eight Presidents from each campuses.

Section 3. The eight members of the University Student Council Federation shall
become the Chairperson of the Campus Student Disciplinary

Section 4. The USCF/CSC/Col-SC shall have an internal committee that will take
cognizance of cases involving delinquent officers.

Section 5. Any constituent of the Federation or Council being concerned may

file an impeachment or dismissal complaint forwarded to the tasked
internal committee.

Section 6. Grounds for dismissal from office shall be as follows:

a. Conviction of crimes and offenses stated in the Philippine

Constitution and Statutes;
b. Betrayal of public trust and grave abuse of discretion;
c. Culpable violation of the Constitution and By-laws;
d. Dishonesty, oppression, abuse of authority, misconduct in office,
negligence or dereliction of duty;
e. Any rule/regulation violated in the students’ manual, whose
punishment is 30 days or more, depending on the severity of the
transgression, may cause removal or dismissal from his/her office
with due process;
f. Treason, bribery, graft and corruption;
g. Unauthorized absence for three consecutive regular meetings,
four special meetings, or five absences regardless of kind of
meetings it may be.

Section 7. Any suspension/impeachment shall take effect after a 2/3 affirmative

vote from the body.

Section 8. All members have the right to vote in any of the disciplinary

University Student Council Federation

18 | C a g a y a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y

Section 9. No member shall be subjected to disciplinary measures without due

process of law.


Section 1. The general election of the USCF Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
shall be held during the Annual Student Congress.

Section 2. The USCF Chairperson may at any time, call a meeting of the
Federation with proper coordination to the members of the Campus
Student Councils.

Section 3. The general election of the Campus Student Council and College
Student Council except classroom level shall be held three (3) weeks
before the scheduled Annual Student Congress.

Section 4. The general election of the Classroom Student Council shall be

conducted on the following school year, immediately after the Col-
SC elections or as being scheduled by the OSSW.

Section 5. No business shall be transacted unless/ otherwise quorum is

determined. The majority (50% plus one member) shall constitute a

Section 6. Any amendments hereto, or revision hereof, will be proposed by:

6.1 The USCF Members, upon a vote of three-fourths of all its


6.2 A constitutional convention.

Section 7. The Legislative Chamber shall not seek the approval of the delegates
in the Annual Student Congress for this constitution to be adopted
and implemented. The Legislative Chamber however, shall be liable
to inform the students through the Annual Student General Assembly
any amendment or revision thereof, to ensure that student rights are
well-protected and faithfully executed. All amendments and
revisions to the Constitution and By-Laws must be referred to a
plebiscite to be conducted by the Electoral Board.

Section 8. All officers before the revision and amendment of this Constitution,
shall be deemed valid and shall continue their term.

Section 9. No amendment or revision shall take place unless four (4) years has
passed since the last amendment or revision.


Section 1. This Constitution shall take effect after fifteen (15) days upon
ratification by a majority of votes casted in a plebiscite held for the
purpose and shall supersede all previous constitutions.

Section 2. The member of the Board of Regents of this University shall be

furnished with a copy of this CBL for confirmation.

University Student Council Federation

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This is to certify that the foregoing proposed CBL of the University Student
Council Federation was properly approved by the commission formed through
a Constitutional Assembly on September 3, 2018 at CSU-Piat Campus.

This is to certify further for the truthfulness and correctness of the above-cited


Secretary General

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University Student Council Federation

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