MIL Lesson 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Types of Media



Media is the term we use to refer to different types of media that provide us with important information and knowledge. Media has always
been part of our society, even when people used paintings and writings to share information. As time passed, people came up with
different modes to provide news to the public. Based on the type of medium, their role may be different, but they all exist to communicate
to the audience and affect their perceptions. Today, we don’t have to travel oceans or wait for a pigeon to get the latest news. In this topic,
you will be engaged on the different types of media, and explore how this affects our communication and everyday life.


Learning Competency:
Compare how one issue or news is presented through the different types of media (print, broadcast and online).

Learning Objectives:
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1, Explain the difference of each type of media;
2. Classify contents according to its media type; and
3. Editorialized how issue/news is presented through different types of media.


We associate media to GMA, TV5 and other big mainstream media in the Philippines. However, have we ever thought why
“media” exist? In this lesson you will understand contents of media, and how issues are presented through different types of media.

What is media? Media are communication channels which news, entertainment, education, information or promotional messages
are disseminated. The evolution of the type of media has drastically taken over the world. From print, to broadcast radio and television and
now we have the online media. Print media is a paper publication. It can be in the form of books, newspapers, journals, magazines,
newsletters. Broadcast media describes the traditional forms of media that include television and radio. It is the distribution of audio and
video content to a dispersed audience via radio, television. Broadcast media commonly come in two forms: radio and television
broadcasting. Radio broadcasting is a one-way sound broadcasting service, transmitted over a radio wave. Television broadcasting is a
medium that uses electromagnetic wave to provide channels to share various types of content in the form of moving images in
monochrome or color. Online media is a medium which use internet to send information.

Have you ever wondered what content will you upload on this new generation media? In this part of this module, you will classify
and understand media content.


As media evolve from the regular print to broadcasting, to online media, its content has also progressed. Traditionally, media is
known for delivering information. Now, it has become a platform of introducing products and services and even opinion. The media today is
more than about information. It is about selling, and convincing you on something: products, services, and ideologies. Through
advertisement media can entice as to use and buy a product and try services. Ideologies are being sold too, using your favorite actress on
Learning Module in Media and Information Literacy Module #5 Page 1 of 3
TV, or an online influencer. For example, media wants to sell political ideology. The political advertisement tries to convince you buy
showing the side of the politician in an issue, with given facts or none. The convincing power depends on how the content is presented,
considering the believability of the presenter and the idea. The result is that you, as an audience or voter will side with that politician and
may end up voting for them.


Content is the idea that is delivered to the audiences, in a form of images still and moving, audio, documents and files. News and
information were the highlights of print media in its early years. Over the years though it has progressed by adding advertisements, and
written entertainment.

Radio and Television broadcasting both have the same content with the modern print media. However, radio has been
regarded more when it comes to music and radio drama which stirs listeners’ imagination. Television on the other hand has
the best attribute and advantage of moving image plus the audio, which is more entertaining. It also can foster emotion and
empathy reaching a wider target of audience; thus, the presentation of content becomes more effective.

Online media having almost all the content of print and broadcasting, has changed its game by introducing the
power of communication and interaction, encouraging the audience to participate, which makes the audience feel
they are involve, and that gives the audience satisfaction.

Over the time, the content of media is headway to more sophisticated creation, from the basic giving of
information, to entertainment and now to influence individual, group of people, and societies in defining themselves; from the use of Print
media, to radio and TV broadcasting, and now Online media.


Live streaming allows a creator to share creation and idea in real time. It can be in Broadcast media, but
commonly used in online media using Facebook, YouTube and Instagram as its platform.

Webinars create a room for seminars, trainings, lectures, and discussion using online media. It can also be use
in presenting new products showcasing latest creation.

Podcast is known as “new radio” merged from the word iPod and broadcast. It is an audio program done in
series and delivered in digital audio. Listeners can access through online media and download it for offline

Infographics is a visual presentation of information and data. It comes in imagery, charts and minimal texts
which allows the reader to have a quick overview of the concept or idea. Infographics use print media and online

E-books are electronic version of printed books. Stories can be read on computer or handheld device. One of the
advantages of E-book is its “interactivity” and “personalization”. It is interactive in a way that reader can take note,
underline bookmark a page and go through hyperlinks to gain more information. Personalization allows the reader to
change the font and the backlight.

Activity #1: Editorial Cartooning

Direction: Draw a visual presentation that shows your understanding on what is/are the influence of media in the society. You may also
produce your output using a computer and submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put or print your work using long
coupon bond (8.5x13). A rubric for this task will be given by your respective teacher through your group accounts that will served as your
guide in performing the task and to know how your work will be evaluated


Activity #2: Q&A

Direction: Provide your answers to the following questions. Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your
output using yellow pad paper or print it using long coupon bond (8.5x13).

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1. If you had to receive news and knowledge about the world from only either printed materials or digital sources, which would you choose
and why?

2. As more newspapers reduce their pages, cut staff, go to digital formats entirely, or even shut down, consider the future of newspapers.
Do you think they should change formats and do what magazines did more than forty years ago to counter the rise in popularity of
television and specialize in subject matter? Would this strategy work for newspapers? Why or why not?

3. Trustworthiness of mass media. Does media accurately presents information and whether people can trust the media? You might focus
your argument on mass media in general or one specific form of media, such as newspapers, broadcast or internet media.

Activity #3: Explore More!

General Direction: Explore what is media and convergence and answer the succeeding questions. Submit your final output, with your
FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your output using yellow pad paper or print it using long coupon bond (8.5x13).

What is Media Convergence?

a. The co-existence of traditional and new media.
b. The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet, mobile phones, as well as others, allowing media
content to flow across various platforms.
c. The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then accessible by a range of devices (ex. from the personal
computer to the mobile phone), thus creating a digital communication environment.

Part I: Table Completion

Direction: Given the idea behind media convergence, think about a platform and one example that will represent in each category. Write
the appropriate answer for second and third columns:

Scenario of Media Convergence

Media Convergence in Platform Specific example



Advertisement / Commercial



Sample Answer:

Media Convergence in Platform Specific example

Communication Social Media Facebook, functionality of social network

Education Learning management system Google class

Advertisement / Commercial Product Advertisement Digitized print ads across different platforms
News News Agency A newspaper that still publishes through print and have online portal (website, apps,
others) with multimedia contents
Entertainment Multimedia Personality A person who has a television show, publishes books, launches music record,
appears in movies, endorses commercial products, peddles product line, has a
digital multimedia game, concerts, etc

Part II: Synthesis

Direction: Provide your answers to the following questions.
1. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media.
2. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.

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