Allocative and Dynamic Efficiency in NBA Decision Making
Allocative and Dynamic Efficiency in NBA Decision Making
Allocative and Dynamic Efficiency in NBA Decision Making
This paper examines the optimality of the shooting decisions of National Basketball Association (NBA)
players using a rich data set of shot outcomes. The decision to shoot is a complex problem that involves
weighing the continuation value of the possession and the outside option of a teammate shooting. We
model this as a dynamic mixed-strategy equilibrium. At each second of the shot clock, dynamic efficiency
requires that marginal shot value exceeds the continuation value of the possession. Allocative efficiency
is the additional requirement that at that “moment", each player in the line-up has equal marginal
efficiency. To apply our abstract model to the data we make assumptions about the distribution of
potential shots. We first assume nothing about the opportunity distribution and establish a strict nec-
essary condition for optimality. Adding distributional assumptions, we establish sufficient conditions
for optimality. Our results show that the “cut threshold" declines monotonically with time remaining
on the shot clock and is roughly in line with dynamic efficiency. Over-shooting is found to be rare,
undershooting is frequently observed by elite players. We relate our work to the usage curve literature,
showing that interior players face a generally steeper efficiency trade off when creating shots.
1 Introduction
Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium (MSNE) is a workhorse in modern game theory. Decision making in a dynamic
environment that involves weighing a current alternative versus the continuation value of a process of random
arrivals underlies both decision theoretic problems such as search and game theoretic problems such as bilateral
bargaining. In this paper we take these concepts to a difficult problem: shot choice in professional basketball. In
the National Basketball Association (NBA) a 5-man line-up has 24 seconds to take the best shot possible. To do
so the team must allocate the ball effectively across its factors of production (players) and over the course of the
shot clock. Decisions must be made quickly and sub-optimal choice can be the difference between winning and
losing. Equilibrium requires effective randomization across the 5-man line-up (allocative efficiency) and accurately
weighing the continuation value of a possession versus the value of a current opportunity (dynamic efficiency). We
employ rich data set comprising all shots taken in the NBA from 2006 to 2010 to fit our model of shot allocation
and optimal stopping to observed shooting behavior.
Past work testing MSNE in field settings has studied 2x2 games such as soccer penalty kicks [1, 2, 3].1 Studying
a more complex game does come at a cost; it is also more challenging to fit into the confines of an abstract game-
theoretic model. Our approach is to combine the stopping problem with the allocation problem. At each point
on the shot clock, players must randomize across who shoots in order to maximize allocative efficiency and also
1 The only work we are aware of that applies an optimal stopping model to professional sports is Romer (2006) [4], which examines NFL
coaches’ decisions to “go for it" on 4th down on the NFL. The difference is that this is a deliberative decision made perhaps 10 times per season
by the coach, not the players, and the low number of occurrences means coaches might intentionally do the wrong thing in order to adhere to
the “conventional wisdom".
MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference 2011
March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
use an appropriate threshold value for continuing the possession versus realizing a shot opportunity. The vector of
shooting frequency should maximize points per possession. This vector implies a “threshold equilibrium" of play,
in the spirit of a purified game [5].
The chief challenge in determining the optimality of player actions is to determine what would have happened
had the player shot less or more. Our model is flexible to the fact that certain players may be able to replicate their
average efficiency on marginal shots while other players may have to settle for much less efficient opportunities in
order to shoot more. Just as in the theory of the firm, it is the efficiency on these marginal opportunities that should
guide optimal allocation. Unfortunately, marginal opportunities are not readily observed. Understanding the
relationship between the marginal and average efficiencies of individual players has long been a contentious issue in
the basketball literature [6, 7, 8]. These relationships are often referred to as usage (or skill) curves and we have little
hope of interpreting the optimality of observed play without addressing them. Thus a key estimation challenge
we must confront, is to infer the “shot opportunity distribution" for each player. We start by assuming essentially
nothing about the shot opportunity distribution in order to achieve a necessary condition of optimality. We then
impose more restrictive, but still fairly flexible, assumptions in order to increase the power of our optimality tests
for allocative and dynamic efficiency. The goal is to apply the strictest test of optimality without incorporating a
misspecification into the abstract model.
Our key finding is that NBA players are superb optimizers. The average NBA player is shown to adopt reser-
vation shot values almost exactly equal to the continuation value of his team’s possession throughout the entire range
of the shot clock. Very few players can be shown to individually overshoot. Undershooting is far more common
and seems to occur primarily in players easily recognized as amongst the NBA elite. Such behavior is suboptimal in
our simple model, but is easily rationalized if we allow for such players to conserve their energy and health for the
long haul of the season at the slight expense of their team’s immediate performance. Most teams core line-ups show
impressive adherence to allocative efficiency, with a small spread in marginal efficiencies. We also find that NBA
experience is correlated with closer adherence to optimality for both dynamic and allocative efficiency. Salary is
positively correlated with departures from allocative efficiency, consistent with the idea that lower talent line-ups
have less margin for error.
Additionally our model yields estimates of the slope of each player’s usage curve. The estimates of any given
player contain lots of noise, but collectively they conform to the conventional intuitions about which kinds of
players are better at creating shots on the margin.
The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes the data, Section 3 gives the model estimation and results
and Section 4 concludes.
2 Data
This analysis is entirely based on play-by-play data for NBA games from 2006-2010 (four seasons). The game logs
detail all the players on the court the outcome of every play. All variables discussed herein are constructed (via
some fairly extensive coding) from the raw game logs.2 Approximately 100 games (out of the 4,920 played during
this time period) are missing from this data set. We have no reason to believe their omission is anything other than
random. Appendix Table 1 describes the data in more detail.
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
offensive rebounds (which involve fairly trivial allocation/timing decisions). We define a fast break as any possession
used within the first seven seconds of the offense and have purged all such possessions from the data. In the
Appendix, we present brief justifications for both of these assumptions. “Garbage time" has been purged from our
data as our model only applies to situations where the outcome of the game can reasonably be effected by chosen
offensive strategy. Finally, we are unable to correctly infer the value of the shot clock for possessions occurring
immediately after made field goals. The value of the shot clock is very important to our analysis, so we must throw
these possessions out. After these omissions, we are left with roughly 40% of all possessions.
Definition of Variables
For some possibly singleton set I ∈ O and a possibly singleton and convex T ∈ {0, ..., 24}, define NI,T as the
number of shots used by players in I over elements of the shot clock in T and define PI,T as the total number of
points realized from these possessions. Further, let:
PI,T 0 0 NI,T
EI,T = ; T∗ = {t ∈ {0, ..., 24} : ∀t ∈ T, t < t }; UI,T = (2)
E is a measure of average efficiency in the periods in T and U is the hazard rate with which possessions are used
over a particular interval T and by a particular subset of offensive players. Note that all of these variables describe
observed data, if we wish to describe the “true" efficiency or usage rate of a particular set of players over some
interval, we will use a lower case version of the same definitions (e, u).
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
General Solution
Each player i chooses a cut-off level, ci,t , such that he will use the possession at interval t if and only if ηi,t ≥ ci,t . If
∀i, ηi,t < ci,t than no player choses to use the possession and the team proceeds to the next period of the shot clock.
In order for a player’s choice of cutoff to be optimal it must meet two basic criteria. Allocative efficiency: At any
given t, the team cannot reallocate the ball to increase productivity on the margin. The frequency at which each
player shoots generates equal marginal productivity. Allocative efficiency generates the best set of shot opportunities,
because randomizing effectively is a best response to selective defensive pressure. Formally, allocative efficiency requires
that ∀i, j ∈ O, ci,t = cj,t . Dynamic efficiency: Conditional on allocating efficiently in future periods, a shot is
realized only if its expected value exceeds the continuation value of a possession. Formally, dynamic efficiency
requires that ∀i ∈ O, ci,t = eO,t∗ .
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
The likelihood equation, is dependent upon the application of a central limit theorem to each individual period of
the shot clock. Thus we proceed by performing Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for every single player
with at least 15 used possessions in every relevant period of the shot clock.3 Figure 1 provides the aggregate
results of this estimation procedure. We see that indeed NBA players use a monotonically declining cut threshold
consistent with the predictions of an optimal stopping problem with finite periods. More impressive is the fact
that the cut-thresholds are nearly identical to the continuation values of the possession and the functions have the
same shape. We present the results in two panels to enhance the contrast of the slope, while still showing it for all
periods of the shot clock. Overall, Figure 1 is strong evidence in favor of near optimal play. NBA players appear to
be well-tuned to the continuation value of the possession and adjust their shot choice to reflect it. This is precisely
the mechanics of optimal stopping. Not only do they get the mechanics right, but the rate at which the players
lower their cut threshold matches the continuation value nearly exactly!
Figure 1: Estimated shooting thresholds (cut-points) and possession continuation values. Left panel: all periods of
the shot clock. Right panel: restricted to periods of the shot clock with 4 or more seconds remaining to visually
display the slope more clearly.
We do note, however, that in Figure 1 the cut-threshold does lie slightly above the continuation value, which is
evidence that undershooting is more common that overshooting. To extend the analysis, we now examine which
player’s tend to overshoot or undershoot on average. We take as a null hypothesis that each player is dynamically
3 Despite the fact that we are fitting a uniform distribution, the support of observed efficiency and usage rates over any finite sample does not
change so we do not have a regularity problem and are able to calculate standard asymptotic variances from the likelihood matrix. Additionally,
we achieve parametric identification because the likelihood matrix is non-singular for all players who choose at least some variation in cutoff
levels across periods of the shot clock. This should not be a surprise, if a player did the same thing in every period of the shot clock, we have no
hope of learning about his usage curve. Finally, we do not observe the true model lies within our specification and apply consistently estimated
covariance matrices to our results from White (1982).
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
efficient on average. Namely that for each player i, t∈{0,..,17} ωt ci,t = t∈{0,..,17} ωt eO,t∗ . To maximize power
to detect deviation, we test this hypothesis with a weights inverse to the variance of our estimated cutoffs. Figure
2 provides a histogram of the resulting t-statistics. A negative t-statistic indicates overshooting, a positive t-statistic
indicates undershooting.
Figure 2: Player-by-player t-statistic for deviations from dynamic optimality. Positive values indicate “under-
The results again indicate that undershooting is much more common than overshooting. In fact, only 5 players
are found to be significant over-shooters — less than we would expect to find by chance alone (although if we
take the mean to be 1, not 0, the evidence these players overshoot strengthens considerably.4 In line with this
reasoning, the distribution appears standard normal but shifted over about 1 (the mean 0.98) Most players appear
to be optimizing and mistakes tend to come in the form of undershooting early in the shot clock. In this sense,
some players wait too long to shoot or do not expend maximum effort on each possession. In contrast, lab subjects
tend to pull the trigger too early, typically through the use of a fixed threshold [9]. We also compute the loss
in surplus due to sub-optimal shooting decisions (intuitively integrating between the two lines in Figure 1). The
median value of DWL across players is 4%, consistent with nearly optimal play.
To investigate which factors lead to under/over-shooting we regress the t-stat from adherence to dynamic op-
timality on individual player characteristics and find that salary is positively related to the t-stat (coef 0.08 per M,
t = 2.75, p < .007). Indeed the league’s star players such as Chris Paul, Lebron James and Kobe Bryant have high
t’s. The fact that higher paid players are more likely to under shoot is perhaps surprising at first. For instance,
some readers might have the intuition that NBA players interests diverge from team interests in that they have
the incentive to raise their point average through suboptimal play. Under this view, the labor market rewards the
wrong attributes (points per game as opposed to efficiency, for example). Our results are inconsistent with the view
of labor market. Boosting individual production at a cost to the team does not seem to be a strategy frequently
employed by NBA players. We think this is interesting in its own right. Teams still have a principle-agent problem
in that long-term contracts create a moral hazard for effort, but it is interesting that very few players exhibit “selfish
play." Our belief is that the prevalence of under-shooting among the higher paid players is evidence that the better
players conserve energy at times due to their high playing time and long season (over-shooting would be impossible
to rationalize this way and we observe far less over-shooting).
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
court. The concept of cores is convenient to improve power in estimation Because our estimation is more precise
for these periods, we will focus on cut-points in the first thirteen seconds of the shot clock (T = {5...18}). Let c
be the kT kkIk × 1 vector of relevant cut points, sorted first by period of the shot clock. Based on our parametric
procedure we have: ĉ ∼ N (c, VNc ). We define the "true" deviation from Allocative Efficiency as spread.
It turns out that the natural empirical analog to this measure is biased upwards in small samples, we show in
the Appendix that we can derive an unbiased estimator by making a relatively straightforward bias correction. We
use the de-biased measure of spread through the paper. In this section our analysis focuses on 3-man cores. Using
complete 5 man line-ups is untenable from a sample size perspective, the results from 3-man and 4-man cores do
not meaningfully differ, however the data is about 5 times larger for 3-man cores. We include in our analysis any
core of 3 players for which each player in the line-up takes at least 15 shots for every interval of the shot clock.
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
All t-statistics are very significant and coefficients on the position variables increase in a statistically significant way
(p=0.0003). The results indicate that larger players (moving towards position 5) have steeper usage curves. We
argue that this result should be intuitive. Especially skilled ball handlers and shooters (primarily found at the 1
and the 2) should have little difficulty creating an additional shot under the pressure of the shot clock. However,
larger players will receive many easy inframarginal opportunities by virtue of catching the ball close to the basket,
but might have more difficulty creating additional shots in less advantageous positions. Additionally there is a very
significant effect whereby players who use a higher percentage of their team’s shots tend to have a flatter usage
curve. This is strong evidence that NBA teams are aware of heterogeneity in their player’s abilities s to create shots
and tend to allocate more shots to player’s who are better at it. We note that the fitted values for the slope of
our usage curve vary from roughly 2.5 (for a very high usage point guard) to almost 6 (for a low usage center). A
typical player who wants to use an additional one percentage point of his teams shots, must raise his hazard rates
by roughly .002 in all periods and will then experience a drop in efficiency between .0025 and .005 depending on
his characteristics.5 It is numbers resulting from this calculation that should be compared to other estimates of the
slope of the usage curve.
team), this probably explains why our estimates are a touch lower than “conventional wisdom."
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
5 Acknowledgments
This a shortened version of a longer paper called “He Got Game Theory? Optimal Decision Making and the
NBA" available at We would like to thank James Andreoni, Nageeb Ali, Vincent Crawford,
Gordon Dahl, David Eil, Uri Gneezy, Ivana Komunjer, Craig McKenzie, Joel Sobel, Charles Sprenger, William
Peterman, Pedro Rey Biel and David Woolston for helpful comments.
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neous: The case of penalty kicks in soccer,” The American Economic Review, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 1138–1151,
[2] I. Palacios-Huerta, “Professionals Play Minimax,” Review of Economic Studies, pp. 395–415, 2003.
[3] M. Walker and J. Wooders, “Minimax play at wimbledon,” The American Economic Review, vol. 91, no. 5,
pp. 1521–1538, 2001.
[4] D. Romer, “Do firms maximize? Evidence from professional football,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 114,
no. 2, 2006.
[5] J. Harsanyi, “Games with randomly disturbed payoffs: A new rationale for mixed-strategy equilibrium points,”
International Journal of Game Theory, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–23, 1973.
[6] B. Skinner, “The Price of Anarchy in Basketball,” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 3,
[7] D. Oliver, Basketball on paper: rules and tools for performance analysis. Brassey’s, 2004.
[8] D. Berri, “Who is most valuable? Measuring the player’s production of wins in the National Basketball Associ-
ation,” Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 411–427, 1999.
[9] M. Lee, T. O’connor, and M. Welsh, “Decision-Making on the Full Information Secretary Problem,” in Pro-
ceedings of the 26th annual conference of the cognitive science society, pp. 819–824, Citeseer, 2004.
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
6 Appendix
6.1 Tables
Appendix Table 1: Data Overview and Description
Event/Action Description
Offensive/defensive line-up Players on court at given time
Game-time Minutes and second of each event
Game day Date of game
Shooter Player/time of the action
Rebound/assist Player/time of the action
Foul Shooting, non-shooting, flagrant, illegal defense
x,y coordinate of shot Physical location of shot
Turnover Broken down by bad pass, dribbling error, charge, lost ball
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March 4-5, 2011, Boston, MA, USA
Appendix Figure 1: Underdog winning percentage as a function of standard deviation and mean