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2024 Palaro Basketball Guidelines Zpraa

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Department of Education, R- IX
Department of Interior and Local Government


(The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Rules – valid as of 1st January 2023 including the
latest amendments shall govern the Basketball competitions except for the approved Special
Guidelines and Ground Rules for the Elementary Level).

It is a game specially designed to build a strong foundation in developing positive values and
character through their participation. It also aims to enhance the development of basic skills and
productive exposure in games between and among young boys and girls, providing unique
experience for fun, enjoyment, and eventually leading the way to a long-term involvement in the


The games shall be DEVELOPMENTAL in nature and approach.
Use sports (basketball) in teaching values and principles as a developmental tool for the
biggest game called LIFE. Serve as an avenue in developing TEAMWORK, LEADERSHIP, PLAY ETHICS
and TRUST, likewise, develop camaraderie, goodwill, sportsmanship, discipline, and other LIFE
SKILLS values inherent in the practice and participation in sports so that young people/players learn
lessons in life so they can “LIVE BETTER LIVES TOMORROW”.


The Basketball Competition is managed by active DepED personnel who are designated by
the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat and the Technical Officials are nationally accredited in the
different sports events conducted by the DepED-CO/PPS and or recognized by the National Sports
Association and recommended by their respective Regional Offices.

IV. THE TEAM (Players, Coaches & other Team Officials):

1.1 The provisions on the Eligibility of Athletes stipulated in the Enclosure 2 of DepEd
memorandum No. 5, s. 2023 shall apply, and
1.2 Only athletes and team officials (coaches/asst. coaches/chaperons) in the approved
Team Gallery shall be allowed to participate/compete and sit at the Team Bench.

2.1 For Regular Basketball (5X5)
A team shall be composed of not more than 12 team members and a COACH and
maybe, an Assistant COACH (optional), while the Girls Team may include a CHAPERON (only when
the coach and asst. coach are males), but if the Asst. Coach is a female, no more Chaperon.
2.2 For 3x3 Category
A team shall compose of no more than 4 team members (3 players on the court and
1 substitute) and a TEAM CHAPERON, who is not a coach.
Note: Coaches on the field of play including seats for substitutes and/or remote coaching from
outside the court are not allowed.

3.1 A team shall be headed by a responsible Coach and an Assistant Coach as required
by the Palarong Pambansa Rules and Guidelines.
3.2 Only the Coach and the Assistant Coach (and Chaperon) shall be allowed to sit/stay
within the team bench during official games.
3.3 In the 3X3 category, there is no Coach but a Chaperon who cannot act as a Coach.

4.1 The uniform of team members shall consist of:
 Shirts of the same colour front and back as the shorts All players must tuck their
shirts into their playing shorts.
 Shorts must end above the knee.
 Socks of the same dominant colour and need be visible.
 Shirts shall have visible numbers and colours contrasting with the colour of the shirt
with the following specifications:
 Those on the back shall be at least 16 cm high.
 Those on the front shall be at least 8 cm high.
 The numbers shall be at least 2 cm wide.
 Teams may only use numbers 0, 00 and from 1 to 99.
 Players on the same team shall not wear the same number.

4.2 A player who is not wearing the team’s complete uniform may not be allowed to
play. In case of an incomplete uniform on a player/s, a WRITTEN REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION (only
when there is a valid reason) shall be submitted and duly signed by the Head of Delegation
addressed to the Tournament Director; and the playing numbers shall be (0, 00-99) and the
assigned delegation color shall be followed (dominant/secondary colors).

1.1 The SIZE of the BALL for the Secondary Girls and Elementary Categories shall be size
1.2 The SIZE of the BALL for the Secondary Boys shall be size 7.


The game shall consist of 4 periods. The first three periods shall be played in 8 minutes and
10 minutes for the 4th period and 5 minutes for every extra period.
The official FIBA 2022 Rules (Regular Rules) shall apply with the latest amendments.
The intervals between periods, is one (1) minute while interval between halves is five (5)
4. For the 3X3 CATEGORIES:
The game is played in 10 minutes. The game clock shall be stopped during dead ball
situations, free throws and timeouts.
1. All players of the team must be fielded before the end of the 2nd period or within the 1 st
Half. FAILURE of the Coach to field a player in the 1 st Half shall be penalized with a Technical
Foul (1 FT+BP) charged to the Coach.
2. All players shall play at least one (1) period BUT not more than three (3) periods and MUST
be rested for one (1) period. If a Coach fielded a player for more than three (3) periods, it
shall be penalized with a Technical Foul (1 FT+BP) charged to the Coach.
3. Normal substitution procedures shall apply in all periods. (Except when certain rule does not
apply). A player may enter in a game as a substitute as many times as possible within that
period and considered as having played only in that period/quarter.
4. One (1) time-out for every period shall be granted to each team for the first three (3)
periods and two (2) time-outs shall be granted in the fourth (4th) period, and one (1)
timeout for every extra period. Unused timeouts shall not be carried over to the next period.
In the first three periods the Timeouts shall either be used or forfeited if not used.
5. In case a team has an incomplete line-up during the scheduled game:
a) The 1st period shall always start with 5 players while the other periods may be
played with the remaining members of the team.
b) A team with ONLY seven (7) players (physically present) at the start of the game shall
be declared LOSER by FORFEIT (but said present players may be allowed to play the
1st period only as a consolation).


- (in the 1st/2nd Period) – an injured player may be substituted by any player, and as
such said “substitute player and injured player” will be considered as having played
in that period.
- The “injured player” upon recovery may re-enter in the same period or may play in
any period following Sec.1, Rule IV.
The official FIBA Rules or NORMAL substitution procedures shall apply.
The Official FIBA 3X3 Rules shall apply. (as attached)


1. A thrown-out player must leave the confines of the play area.
2. A player/coach who is “EJECTED/THROWN-OUT” because of a Disqualifying foul due to
Flagrant Foul/ Fighting or the like, subject player shall be automatically suspended. The
number of games of suspension shall be determined by the Technical Committee headed by
the Tournament Director and will be based on the gravity of the act. When there is
suspension, it shall be applied in the team’s succeeding games.
3. Any team member who is “DISQUALIFIED” due to a) 2 Unsportsmanlike Foul; b) 2 or 3
Technical Fouls by a coach/player, is different from the above provision and game/s
suspension may be slapped only upon the strict scrutiny and evaluation of the Technical
Committee/Tournament Director.
1.1 TECHNICAL FOULS - any PLAYER/COACH who displays unsportsmanlike/disrespectful
act such as slashing of neck, showing of dirty fingers, pointing of accusing finger and trash
talking/shouting bad words/foul language, contesting calls, arguing with the officials and others. A
WARNING maybe given, or a TECHNICAL FOUL shall be slapped.
1.2 PERSONAL FOULS – a player causing contact with an opposing playmate, which gives
an unfair advantage, and such contact are neither intentional nor flagrant.
2. UNSPORTSMANLIKE/DISQUALIFYING FOULS - a player causing excessive contact which
may cause or have caused injury to an opponent such as: a) excessive swinging of elbow; b)
throwing a punch; c) tripping; and d) intentional contacting/pushing the back of a player going for a
basket shall be judged to be an UNSPORTSMANLIKE/DISQUALIFYING FOUL.

1. Any player/coach, who is slapped with a Disqualifying Foul and ejected because of
FLAGRANTLY UNSPORTSMANLIKE ACT (not due to 2/3 Technical Fouls), shall be penalized
accordingly PLUS an additional game suspension/total disqualification or banned from further
participation, depending on the gravity of the offense. (As may be determined by the technical
2. Uttering/shouting of obscene/foul language/bad words or verbal abuse from
players/coaches to opponents/officials or teammates shall not be tolerated. Such act shall be dealt
with a warning, or a Technical Foul will be slapped. The Coach shall behave as a professional and or
being a responsible sport official or teacher and that in any way it will not sacrifice the values and
discipline of the team but rather to protect the integrity of the game. Any infringement/violation of
this conduct shall be penalized with a Technical Foul, Game Suspension and or Ban.
3. Teams shall keep and leave their bench areas clean and orderly. Non-compliance shall
be dealt with a Warning for the first offense, TECHNICAL FOUL for the second offense.
4. A player may be allowed to play with an incomplete uniform, for any valid reason
thereof, (only when a Request by the Head of the Delegation was submitted and approved by the
Tournament Director) but shall be slapped with a Technical Foul before he will enter the playing
5. Coaches shall always confirm their next schedule of game with the Tournament
Secretary/TD, BEFORE leaving the playing venue/ or after their game.
6. A team that walks out of their game shall be penalized with a Disqualification from the
competition/PALARO and likewise the Coach shall be BANNED for 3-years.
7. Any Coach who abandons his/her team without any valid reason shall be penalized with
game suspension to ban for 3-years and or perpetual disqualification from participating in the
Palarong Pambansa, if so warrants.
8. Any infraction committed in the COVENANT by any player/coach MAYBE PENALIZED
with a reprimand and or warning or Technical Foul if so warrants.


The conduct of the Palarong Pambansa is an official DepED activity and as such, pertinent
provisions of the Child Protection Policy (DepED Order No. 40, s. 2012). The Anti-Bullying Act
(Republic Act No. 10627), and all laws protecting the rights of the learners shall be strictly observed
before, during, and after the Palarong Pambansa.
Games which are cancelled/disrupted/stopped due to “FORCE MAJEURE” or for any
valid reason, will be treated in the following manner:
1. REMATCH – if the disruption of the game took place during the first half (1st and 2nd
periods), game shall be replayed, and the scores is disregarded/back to zero.
2. RESUMPTION – if the disruption of the game took place during the second half (3rd and 4th
periods), the game shall be resumed with the remaining game time and the scores stays.
3. RESET – if a scheduled game was cancelled for a valid reason, the management will re-
schedule/reset the game at the bottom of all the scheduled games, and if the game result is
no bearing already such game may not be played anymore.
4. DURATION OF WAITING – in case of a power failure or any incident (rain or darkness) that
may affect the progress of the game, the LENGTH of time to wait for the restoration of
normalcy is 30 minutes or as may be allowed by the Tournament Director or his authorized
Assistant Tournament Director.


1. Protest on game rules technicalities shall be registered by the team thru the Team Captain’s
signature in the appropriate space provided in the scoresheet and put in writing, signed by the
coach and the Head of the Regional delegation or his authorized representative and should be
submitted to the Tournament Director (TD) within one (1) hour immediately after the
conclusion of the match in protest. The TD shall decide within two (2) hours upon receipt of
the protest.
2. Protests must be accompanied/supported with the necessary evidence and attachments. Video
recordings taken privately will not be considered as evidence.
3. The decision of the Tournament Director (TD) may (shall) be appealable. Only concerns
regarding laws/rules are appealable to the Jury of Appeal. Appeals be put in writing, signed by
the Head of Delegation and shall be submitted to the Jury within three (3) hours upon receipt
of the decision.
4. The Jury of Appeals shall decide within six (6) hours upon receipt of the written appeal. The
decision made by the Jury is final, irrevocable, and executory.


The Tournament Director reserves the right to make any decision on matters that affects the
conduct of the tournament and which subject/concern is not covered/specified in this ground rules.


1. Wearing of face masks all the time within the play area, EXCEPT, when playing/at
team bench area.
2. Always wash hands with water and soap and or alcohol as often as possible every
Timeout or Substitution opportunities and during game intervals and half time period.
3. Any signs of colds, cough and fever must be reported to the medical
team/management for proper disposition, while subject team member shall not be allowed to
participate nor sit at the team bench.
4. Every after a game, players shall take a shower as often as possible.
5. A Medical Team (from the LGU/Regional Health Office) shall be on duty at the play
venues during games.


1.1. The game will be played on a 3x3 playing court with 1 basket. A regular 3x3 playing court is 15
m (width) x 11 m (length). The court shall have a regular basketball playing court sized zone,
including a free throw line (5.80 m), a 2-point line (6.75 m) and a “no-charge semi-circle”
area underneath the basket. Half of a traditional basketball court may be used.

1.2. A 3x3 ball shall be used in all categories.

2.1 Each team shall consist of no more than 4 players (3 players on the court and 1 substitute).
Note: Coaches on the field of play including seats for substitutes and/or remote coaching
from outside the court are not allowed.

3.1 The game shall be managed by up to 2 officials, 2 table officials.


4.1. Both teams shall warm-up simultaneously prior to the game.
4.2. A coin flip shall determine which team gets the first possession. The team that wins the coin
flip can either choose to benefit from the ball possession at the beginning of the game or at
the beginning of a potential overtime.
4.3. The game cannot begin if one of the teams is not on the playing court with 3 players ready to

5.1. Every shot from inside the arc (1-point field goal area) shall be awarded 1 point.
5.2. Every shot from behind the arc (2-point field goal area) shall be awarded 2 points.
5.3. Every successful free throw shall be awarded 1 point.


6.1. The regular playing time shall be 1 period of 10 minutes. The game clock shall be stopped
during dead ball situations and free throws. The game clock shall be restarted when:
• During a check-ball, the ball is at the disposal of the offensive player after the check-ball
has been completed.
• After a successful last free throw, the next offensive team is in possession of the ball.
• After an unsuccessful last free throw and the ball continues to be live, the ball touches or
is touched by any player on the playing court.
6.2. The first team to score 21 points or more wins the game if it happens before the end of regular
playing time. This “sudden death” rule applies to the regular playing time only (not to a
potential overtime).
6.3. If the score is tied at the end of regular playing time, an overtime shall be played. There shall be
an interval of 1 minute before the overtime starts. The first team to score 2 points in the
overtime wins the game.
6.4. A team shall lose the game by forfeit if at the scheduled starting time of the game the team is
not present on the playing court with 3 players ready to play. In case of a forfeit, the game
score is marked with w-0 or 0-w (“w” standing for win). For the winning team this game
result shall not be considered when calculating the team´s average score while for the losing
team this game result shall be considered with 0 points when calculating the team´s average
score. A team shall be disqualified from the competition after its second forfeit or in case of
6.5. A team shall lose the game by default if it leaves the court before the end of the game or all the
players of the team are injured and/or disqualified. In case of a default situation, the
winning team may choose to keep its score as it stands or to have the game forfeited, whilst
the defaulting team's score is set to 0 in any case. In case of a default where the winning
team choses to have the game forfeited, the game result shall not be considered when
calculating the team´s average score.
6.6. A team losing by default or a tortuous forfeit shall be disqualified from the competition.


7.1. A team is in a penalty situation after it has committed 6 fouls. Players are not excluded based
on the number of personal fouls subject to Art. 16
7.2. If the foul is committed on a player in the act of shooting, that player shall be awarded a
number of free throws as follows:
• If the shot released from the field goal area is successful, the goal shall count and, in
addition, 1 free throw.
 2 free throws shall be awarded as of the 7th team foul.
• If the shot released from inside the arc is unsuccessful, 1 free throw. 2 free throws shall be
awarded as of the 7th team foul.
• If the shot released from behind the arc is unsuccessful, 2 free throws.
7.3. Unsportsmanlike and disqualifying fouls are counted as 2 fouls for team fouls purposes. The
first unsportsmanlike foul of a player shall be penalized with 2 free throws, but no ball
possession. All disqualifying fouls (including the second unsportsmanlike of a player) shall be
penalized with 2 free throws and ball possession.
7.4. Team fouls 7, 8 and 9 shall always be penalized with 2 free throws. Team foul 10 and any
subsequent team fouls shall be penalized with 2 free throws and ball possession. This clause
is applied also to unsportsmanlike fouls and to fouls on the act of shooting and overrules
Art. 7.2 and 7.3 but shall not be applied to technical fouls.
7.5. All technical fouls shall be always penalized with 1 free throw. The free throw shall be
administered immediately. After the free throw, the check-ball shall be administered by the
team which had control of the ball or was entitled to the ball when the technical foul was
called. The game shall be resumed as follows:
• If the technical foul was committed by a defensive player, the shot clock for the
opponents shall be reset to 12 seconds.
• If the technical foul was committed by the offensive team, the shot clock for that team
shall continue from the time it was stopped.
Note: An offensive foul shall not be penalized with free throws.


8.1. Following each successful field goal or last free throw (except those followed by ball
• A player from a non-scoring team shall resume the game by dribbling or passing the ball
from inside the court directly underneath the basket (not from behind the end line) to a
place on the court behind the arc.
• The defensive player is not allowed to play for the ball in the “no-charge semi-circle area”
underneath the basket.
8.2. Following each unsuccessful field goal or last free throw (except those followed by ball
• If the offensive player rebounds the ball, he may continue to attempt to score without
returning the ball behind the arc.
• If the defensive player rebounds the ball, he must return the ball behind the arc (by
passing or dribbling).
8.3. If the defensive team steals or blocks the ball, it must return the ball behind the arc (by
passing or dribbling).
8.4. Possession of the ball given to either team following any dead ball situation shall
start/resume with a check ball, i.e. an exchange of the ball (between the defensive and the
offensive player) behind the arc at the top of the playing court.
8.5. A player is considered to be “behind the arc” when neither of his feet is inside or on the arc
8.6. In the event of a jump ball situation, the game shall be resumed with a check-ball for the last
defensive team.

The shot clock shall be reset to 12 seconds.
9.1. Stalling or failing to play actively (i.e. not attempting to score) shall be a violation.
9.2. If the court is equipped with a shot clock, a team must attempt a shot for a field goal within 12
seconds. The shot clock shall start as soon as the ball is at the disposal of the offensive
player (following the exchange with the defensive player or after a successful field goal
underneath the basket).
9.3. An offensive player, after the ball has been cleared, shall not dribble inside the arc with his
back or side to the basket for more than 3 consecutive seconds.
Note: If the court is not equipped with a shot clock and a team is not sufficiently trying to
attack the basket, the officials shall give in the last 5 seconds the offensive team an
information on the remaining second by counting them loudly and signaling them with an
9extended arm.

Both teams are entitled to request a substitution when the ball becomes dead prior to a check-ball
or free throw. The substitute can enter the game without any prior notice to the officials or
table officials while the ball is dead and the game clock is stopped. The substitutions can
only take place behind the end line and require no action from the officials or table officials.

11.1. Each team shall be granted 1 time-out. Any player or substitute can request a time-out when
the ball becomes dead prior to a check-ball or free throw.
11.2. All time-outs shall last 30 seconds.

A player shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when he is charged with 2
unsportsmanlike fouls.

Tournament Director

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