Department of Education': ACTIVITY 1: Situational Simulation You Are Given An Opportunity

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 Why do we need information?

 Where do we search for information?
 How do we acquire and store information?
Republic of the Philippines  How do we use the information that we have?
Department of Education`  How will we communicate the information that we have
Region III – Central Luzon acquired?
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
PALAYAN CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL The questions outlined above are some of the few questions
that comes into mind when we talk about Information Literacy.
Before you go further, answer the first activity of the lesson.
(Qtr. 1 / Week 2) ACTIVITY 1: Situational Simulation You are given an opportunity
to interview personally the mayor of the city where you live in. In this
Learning Competency: Identify the similarities and differences
case, write down at least five (5) questions that you would want to ask
between and among media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy the mayor.
Now, given the above questions which you have personally
What I Need to Know?
chosen, it is important to understand the need to acquire this
information that you have asked from the mayor of the city. These
questions are actually a result of you trying to go through the process
towards becoming an information literate individual.
As a review, we already discussed what Information Literacy
is. It is defined as the ability to recognize when information is needed,
and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its
various formats. Therefore, it is a set of individual competencies
needed to identify, evaluate and use information in the most ethical,
efficient and effective way across all domains, occupations and
Table 7. Stages/ Elements of Information Literacy not satisfied. It can be considered as elements, since each one must be
Stage What this stage is about? exhibited in an individual if we consider one as information literate.
1 Identifying/ recognizing information needs. The In the table from the previous page, let us just consider a
realization that there arise a need or a problem exists that situation relevant to your experience as SHS student, particularly your
requires information, for its satisfactory resolution. task on your subject in Practical Research. First thing that you need to
do is to look for a specific need, a problem that needs resolution
2 Determining sources of information Know how to
determine if the needed information exists, and to source (Stage 1) which will serve as the moving reason for your research.
out from varied avenues. Let’s just say you want to look into students’ reading
3 Citing or searching for information Know how to find comprehension. Stage 2 requires that you must determine if there are
needed information, to give credits to the source of the available materials for your references, whether they be in hard or soft
information copies, digital or otherwise. Definitely, once you have determined
4 Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information Know your information sources, like the internet, books, journals, and the
how to fully understand found information, or know where
like, you must cite these sources appropriately (Stage 3) in order to
to go for help if needed to understand, and to assess the
accuracy and reliability of the information acquired. not be charged with plagiarism. Stage 4 is all about analyzing and
5 Organizing, storing or archiving information Know how to evaluating which from the varied information available are relevant to
preserve, store, reuse, record and archive information for your research topic, and which are not valuable enough for use. This
future use, or to dispose of information no longer needed, stage requires a full understanding of the topic or need that you need
and safeguard information that should be protected. to resolve. Stage 5 requires knowledge as to the preservation and
6 Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective storage of the information that you have acquired. You may store
way Know how to utilize information to solve problem, these on a flash drive, or maybe print or photocopy the information
make decision, or meet need.
for your reference. Stage 6 is all about the proper way of using the
7 Creating and communicating new knowledge Know how
to communicate and present information to others in information that you have acquired that will be beneficial to a large
appropriate, usable formats/ mediums. number of people. The ethical and legal side of using referenced
materials then comes into question.
Take note that the concept is appropriately divided into stages Finally, you will have to decide then as to the manner of
as to one cannot proceed with the next step, unless the initial step is communicating the information to the vast majority of the people
(Stage 7). Definitely as an output of your Practical Research, you will you check the quality of
need to have this printed and bounded before submitting to your information?)
teacher. Organize information (How
will you organize and store
ACTIVITY 2. Social Media Scenario
Communicate information
You have seen the viral video in social media about a senior (How will you create and
high school student bullying another student within the school communicate them?)
premises. There had been so much concerns circulating in the online
world about the identity of the parties involved, one of which claims Activity 3: Information Ethics
that the school is playing favorites between the parties, and favoring Given below are hypothetical situations that require your
the bully in the video. As an active social media user, you want to unbiased opinion and educated judgment. Write your point of view as
exhibit your being a media and information literate individual, the to each situation, taking into consideration the following mechanics in
following table below outlines the task that you will have to take in grading this activity:
order to come up with an informative post relative to the viral issue at Criteria 1 2 3
hand. The author was The author The author was
Let us move on further as you answer the following activity to able to clearly was able to not able to
enhance your capacities in passing opinion as to the daily life ascertain partially ascertain
situations you are facing involving information literacy as a Senior specific ascertain specific
information specific information
High student.
needs, information needs,
Information needs (What including the needs, including the
information do you need?) Treatment of details needed including the details needed
Sources of information (Where Information for sound details needed for sound
will you get them?) judgment, for sound judgment,
Access to the information considering the judgment, considering the
(How will you access them?) elements/ considering elements/
Evaluate information (How stages of the elements/ stages of
Information stages of Information L 3. You are living in a peaceful community within your barangay
Literacy Information where everyone practically knows everyone. Lately, there have been
Literacy rumors circulating around the neighborhood that one of your friends is
The author The author The author into illegal drugs. Upon investigation and personal interview, you
exhibited exhibited fair exhibited poor
found out that he is actually using marijuana because of an emotional
Sentence excellent command of command of
Structure, command of the language, the language, problem within his family. You decided to help him by enlisting the
Grammar, the language, its general its general help of psychologists and authorities in order to help him rehabilitate
Mechanics, its general usage, usage, and cope with the problem. True enough, he was sent to a
and Spelling usage, mechanics and mechanics and rehabilitation center in order to undergo debriefing. The news spread
mechanics and spelling. spelling. like wildfire within the neighborhood and soon, his family’s problems
spelling. was then discussed out in the open. Your friend’s family have branded
you a traitor for helping the “arrest” of your friend and ultimately
1. You are researching on an assignment in your subject in Media and
revealing their problems to the entire neighborhood.
Information Literacy. You came along an article online that
amazingly can answer the research assignment perfectly well. You
copy and pasted it into one great essay, complete with pictures and
Similarities and Differences between and among Media Literacy,
other visuals. You did not cite your references in order to impress
Information Literacy and Technology Literacy
your perfectionist and strict teacher.
Literacy refers to the ability to read and write one's own name,
2. A family friend, who also happens to be your classmate in one of further for knowledge and interest, write coherently, and think
your classes was diagnosed with an incurable illness. Your close critically about the written word.
family ties enabled you to know the status of her health, including its In a technological society, the concept of literacy is expanding
severity, and asked you to refrain from spilling out the information to include the media and electronic text. Key to all literacy is reading
outside of your family circle. In order to help her with her absences development, a progression of skills that begins with the ability to
and academic standing, you told your class adviser about her health understand spoken words and decode written words and culminates in
status. the deep understanding of text. Once these skills are acquired the
reader can attain full language literacy, which includes the abilities to
approach printed material with critical analysis, inference and values, attitudes, and behavior. Another reason media and information
synthesis; to write with accuracy and coherence; and to use literacy should be taken as a composite concept is the overlapping
information and insights from text as the basis for informed decisions concepts of information literacy, media literacy, technology literacy.
and creative thought.
A comparative matrix of their characteristics is shown below:
Characteristic Informatio Medi Digital Literacy
s n a
Literacy Literacy
Library and Media and Computer
Origin information civic studies Science and
science informatics
How data and How media is How ICT and
information in used for good digital
any format and democracy resources are
Focus form are and used to
managed, using development engage in
different (personal, safe and
technological professional ethical social
tools. and networking
Figure No. 1 shows the interrelationships of several types of societal) and
literacy that constitute media and information literacy. Since they are collaboration.
interrelated, this shows that media and information literacy originate Ability to access Ability to Ability to
from varied fields of literacy known as the ecology of MIL. information, the understand, effectively and
evaluation, select, critically access
These media and information literacy channels are very much
Competency and evaluate
part of your world today. These sources of information and media Emphasis creation and evaluate and information in
content do not only provide information; they are likely to shape your sharing of use media as multiple formats,
information and a leading particularly Technology: A device, material, or sequence of mathematical coded
knowledge using purveyor and digital, and from of electronic instructions created by the person mind that is built,
various tools, processor, if a range of assembled, or produced and which is not part of the natural world.
formats and not producer sources, in order Technology (Digital) Literacy: The ability of an individual, either
channels of to create
working independently or with others, to use technological tools
information new knowledge,
using a range of responsibly, appropriately, and effectively. Using these tools an
digital tools, and individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and
resources. communicate information.
Source: Global Media and Information Literacy Assessment Framework (UNESCO 2013)
Technology Literacy is important because it helps the students to
Media means or method of communication that influence people. It communicate and express their ideas in diverse ways. It also helps to
also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages. develop strong non-linear reading and thinking skills.
Example: Television, newspaper, radio, movies, and magazines. Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and
Literacy means knowing how to read or analyze the information. competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking
Media Literacy - The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create
and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.
media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing
them with the competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to “The purpose of being information and media literate is to
engage with traditional media and modern technologies. engage in a digital society; one has to be able to use, understand,
inquire, create, communicate and think critically. It is important
Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge
to have ability to effectively access, organize, analyze, evaluate, and
derived from study, experience, instruction, signals, or symbols.
create messages in a variety of forms”
Information Literacy: The ability to recognize when information is
needed, and to find, evaluate, and effectively communicate
ACTIVITY 4: Directions: Using this Venn Diagram, compare the
information in its various formats.
three literacy. (use the characteristic matrix for your reference)

View compare the the three ideas that point of
three literacy completed view.
literacy and
contrast both
author point
of view.
the the
Details (need The student the students students students
evidence) did not use had some had an used
evidence evidences evidence evidence
from the from the from at from both
text to text least one articles to
support this article to support
idea support their ideas
their ideas and
and reason reasons
the students the
the students made students
Ideas The try to make inferences made
(Inferences) students did inferences from the text inferences
not make from the to determine from the
any text the authors text to
inferences point of determine
view the authors
Rubrics for Compare and Contrast point of
view and
2 3 4 clearly
1 1
Making Meet Excess explained.
Unsatisfactor Unsatisfactory
Progress Standard Standards
The The student ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Concept / The student The student students compares --------
Point of did not compares had some both authors
Now, let’s check what you have learned!
Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully, write the letter 6. ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,
of the correct answer, on the space provided. evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various
1. It refers to the ability of an individual, either working formats.
independently or with others, to use technological tools responsibly, a. Media information literacy c. technology literacy
appropriately, and effectively. b. Information literacy d. media literacy
a. Media information literacy c. technology literacy
b. Information literacy d. media literacy 7. Allow individuals to engage with media and other information
providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long
2. Refers to the ability to read and write one's own name and further learning skills.
for knowledge and interest, a. Media and information literacy c. technology literacy
a. Media c. literacy b. Information literacy d. media literacy
b. Information d. technology Directions: Analyze the statement below, write T if the statement is
True and F is the statement is not true.
3. Ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of
8. It is important to have capacity to effectively access, organize,
analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a variety of forms.
a. Media information literacy c. technology literacy
9. Literacy refers to the ability to read and understand own name and
b. Information literacy d. media literacy
} further for knowledge and interest.
4. The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass
communication through physical objects such as radio, television, 10. Media is an object used to communicate with, or the mass
computers, film. communication through physical objects such as radio, television,
a. Media b. Information c. literacy d. technology computers, film.
5. A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from --------
study, experience, instruction, signals, or symbols.
a. Media b. Information c. literacy d. technology

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