Technical Manual - INfusia VP7s
Technical Manual - INfusia VP7s
Technical Manual - INfusia VP7s
Rmn`gdnhi Chguhi
^ycfoi Bmsnrdptdog
Ghcm oa chguahnturmr
Bhtm oa chguahnturmr
NM chrj
\hnjhedge sycfois
^ycfoi Bmsnrdptdog
R`ds why up
Rmcpmrhturmm idcdthtdog
@ucdbdty idcdthtdog
\imhsm rmamr to t`m ^mntdog Opmrhtdoghi hgb storhem nogbdtdogs dg N`hptmr 8 Dgtrobuntdog aor
hbbdtdoghi dgaorchtdog og tmcpmrhturm, prmssurm hgb `ucdbdty idcdthtdogs.
Vmvdsdog thfim
RC DGausdh Q\5/Q\5s
Rhfim oa nogtmgts
Bmsnrdptdog oa t`m sycfois usmb og t`m bmvdnm hgb dts phnjhedge .................................................................................. 6
Bmvdnm dbmgtdadnhtdog ihfmi sycfois ................................................................................................................................ 6
\hnjhedge sycfois ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Vmvdsdog thfim ................................................................................................................................................................. >
Rhfim oa nogtmgts ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
8 Dgtrobuntdog .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
8.8 Mxpihghtdog oa sycfois............................................................................................................................................. 1
8.6 Dgtmgbmb rmhbmr popuihtdog ....................................................................................................................................... 1
8.> ^nopm......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
8.2 Rmn`gdnhi n`hrhntmrdstdns ........................................................................................................................................... 1
8.2.8 Mimntrdnhi spmndadnhtdogs ................................................................................................................................. 5
8.2.6 Mimntrogdn spmndadnhtdogs ................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2.> Cmn`hgdnhi spmndadnhtdogs .............................................................................................................................. 5
8.2.2 Nocpidhgnm wdt` sthgbhrbs ............................................................................................................................ 5
8.= Opmrhtdoghi hgb storhem nogbdtdogs ........................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 Eiosshry oa tmrcs ...................................................................................................................................................... 0
6 Bmvdnm bmsnrdptdog ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.8 Ovmrvdmw bdherhc ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.6 \`ysdnhi
\ `ysdnhi bmsnrdptdog ................................................................................................................................................ 8<
6.6.8 Arogt vdmw .................................................................................................................................................... 8<
6.6.6 Arogt phgmi ................................................................................................................................................... 8<
6.6.> Boor opmgmb vdmw ........................................................................................................................................ 88
6.6.2 Fhnj vdmw .................................................................................................................................................... 88
6.6.= Brop smgsor ..................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................................. 86
8 Dgtrobuntdog
Fot` DGausdh Q\5 hgb DGausdh Q\5s hrm nocphnt hgb nocprm`mgsdvm voiucmtrdn pucps, hgb t`m chdg bdaamrmgnms
fmtwmmg fot` hrm idstmb
idstmb dg t`m thfim fmiow.
B hg
emr sycf
Uhrgdge oa hg dccdgmgt `hzhrb t`ht nouib rmsuit dg sm smrd
rd ous pmrsoghi dgkury hgb/or probunt
bhchem da t`m wrdttmg dgstruntdogs hrm got aoiiowmb.
Uhrgd ge sycf
Uhrgdge oa h po
gtdhi `hz
`hzhr b t`ht nouib rmsuit dg sm
rd ous pmrsoghi dgkury hgb/or probunt
bhchem da t`m wrdttmg dgstruntdogs hrm got aoiiowmb.
D gaorc
gaor cht
htdd og syc
Dcporthgt dgaorchtdog or rmnoccmgbhtdogs
rmnoccmgbhtdogs to fm aoiiowmb.
R`ds Rmn`gdnhi Chguhi (RC) ds dgtmgbmb to fm usmb mxniusdvmiy fy trhdgmb proamssdoghis aor smrvdndge oa t`m dgausdog
pucp DGausdh Q\5/Q\5s.
R`ds RC nogthdgs ogiy dgstruntdogs gmnmsshry aor smrvdndge. \imhsm rmamr to t`m ’ D gstr
gstr untd
untd ogs
aorr ]sm (D A ]) – aor bmthdimb dgaorchtdog hfout t`m usm mgvdrogcmgt,
ao mgvdrogcmgt, dgsthiihtdog hgb
opmrhtdogs aor t`m bmvdnm.
R`m smrvdnm pmrsoggmi cust hb`mrm
hb`mrm strdntiy
strdntiy to t`m dgstruntdogs spmndadmb
spmndadmb dg t`ds RC. Ahdiurm to
bo so chy rmsuit dg bhchem to t`m mqudpcmgt.
8.> ^nopm
R`ds RC ds hppidnhfim to DGausdh Q\5/Q\5s rmamrrmb to hs ’pucp– or ’bmvdnm– wdt` mcfmbbmb soatwhrm vmrsdog 6.<.
vmrsdog. Ro vdmw t`m soatwhrm
N`mnj t`ht t`ds RC ds hppidnhfim to t`m nurrmgt pucp soatwhrm vmrsdog.
mntdog ’ ^o
vmrsdog, smm ^ mntdog ^oat
whrm vmrsdo
rsd og n`
mnj – dg N`hptmr > ’\ r mvmgtd
vm chd
chd gtmghgnm
R`m pucp s`ouib fm usmb ugbmr t`m spmndadmb opmrhtdoghi hgb storhem nogbdtdogs
idstmb fmiow to mgsurm
m gsurm propmr
propmr pmraorchgnm oa t`m pucp.
Rmcpmrhturm rhgem
o Opmrhtdge; =¼N to 2<¼N
o ^torhem; -8<¼N to +==¼N
\rmssurmm rhgem
o Opmrhtdge; 01< `\h to 8<1< `\h
o ^torhem; 01< `\h to 8<1< `\h
@ucdbdty rhgem
o Opmrhtdge; 6<% to 4<%, go nogbmgshtdog
o ^torhem; 6<% to 4<%, go nogbmgshtdog
Rmrc Bmsnrdptdog
H Hcpmrm
HN Hitmrghtdge Nurrmgt
¼N Bmermms Nmisdus
NHI Nhidfrhtdog
BN Bdrmnt Nurrmgt
b/ci Brops/ci
MM\VOC Mimntrdnhiiy Mrhshfim \roerhcchfim Vmhb-Ogiy Cmcory
e Erhc
` @our
`\h @mntophsnhi
@ @de`
@z @mrtz
MG/DMN Muropmhg Gorc/Dgtmrghtdoghi Mimntrotmn`gdnhi Noccdssdog
DA] Dgstruntdogs aor ]sm
je Jdioerhc
j\h Jdiophsnhi
JQO Jmmp Qmdg Opmg
I Iow
cH Cdiidhcpmrm
cH` Cdiidhcpmrm `our
cc Cdiidcmtmr
ci Cdiididtmr
ci/` Cdiididtmr pmr `our
cQ Cdiidvoit
C Cdbbim
Q Qoit
QH Qoit Hcpmrm
Fot` DGausdh Q\5 hgb DGausdh Q\5s `hvm hicost t`m shcm p`ysdnhi ioojdge, mxnmpt t`m bmvdnm ghcms s`owg og t`m
pucp boor hgb t`m sdzms oa t`m bdspihy snrmmgs
snrmmgs hrm bdaamrmgt.
8 @hgbim
6 Arogt \hgmi
> \ucp boor
2 Boor imvmr
R`m arogt phgmi nogthdgs mde`t (0) jmys, mde`t (0) dgbdnhtor ide`ts, hgb h bdspihy snrmmg, fut DGausdh Q\5 nocms wdt` h
aour-noior smecmgt bdspihy snrmmg, w`dim DGausdh Q\5s wdt` h sdgeim noior bot chtrdx snrmmg.
8 Og/Oaa
6 JQO dgbdnhtor
> Vhtm cobm dgbdnhtor
2 Dgnrmcmgt ]p
= Rdcm cobm dgbdnhtor
1 Bmnrmcmgt Bowg
5 Qoiucm cobm dgbdnhtor
0 ^thrt/\husm
4 Jmyfohrb ugionj dgbdnhtor
8< Covms to gmxt admib: hihrc nimhrdge: ionj/ugionj
88 N`hgems dgausdog cobm: hihrc sdimgnm.
86 Foius/\urem
8> Foius dgbdnhtor
82 Nimhrs dgausmb voiucm: n`hgems dgausdog cobm.
8= Bdspihy snrmmg
81 HN powmr dgbdnhtor
85 Hihrc dgbdnhtor
8 Boor opmg dgbdnhtor
6 \mrdsthitdn adgemrs
> Boor ihtn`
2 Rufdge eudbm
= Hgtd-aiow nihcp
1 Hgtd-aiow nihcp rmsmt swdtn`
5 Hdr smgsor siot
0 Boor `ooj
4 \rmssurm smgsor
8< Boor `dgem
8 86Qbn sonjmt (optdoghi$
6 V^6>6 port
> HN powmr dgimt novmr
2 Vmsmt `oim
= \oim nihcp
1 ^pmhjmr `oims
5 Brop smgsor noggmntdog sonjmt
0 \otmgtdhi Mquhidzhtdog Rmrcdghi
4 HN powmr dgimt
8 Brop dgbdnhtor
6 Brop smgsor nhsm
> ^mgsor nihcp
2 Noggmntdog nhfim
= \iue noggmntor
R`m brop smgsor nogthdgs > mimntrogdn fohrbs; h brop smgsor nogtroiidge fohrb, hg dgarhrmb trhgscdttdge fohrb hgb hg
dgarhrmb rmnmdvdge fohrb.
R`m bdspihy fohrb ds posdtdogmb fm`dgb t`m arogt phgmi hgb dgniubms t`m aoiiowdge dgtmrahnms;
▬ Bdspihy dgtmrahnm
▬ Jmyfohrb dgtmrahnm
▬ IMB dgtmrahnm
86 ^U= Noiucg =
8> ^U1 Cobm jmy
82 ^U5 OG/OAA jmy
8= QBB ^wdtn`dge powmr suppiy +8=Q
81 \EGB \owmr erougbsdeghi erougb$
R`m chdg fohrb dgniubms h ^RC>6A8<> N\], hgb ds noggmntmb to t`m bdspihy fohrb fy noggmntors \5 hgb \1, to t`m
stmppmr cotor fy noggmntor \6, hgb to t`m powmr suppiy fohrb fy noggmntor \4.
\6 noggmntor to cotor
R`m powmr suppiy fohrb ds noggmntmb to t`m chdg fohrb fy h noggmntor K8=, to rmsmt swdtn` hgb mxtmrghi BN powmr
suppiy fy K>82, hgb to fhttmry fy K>8>.
\owmr suppiy fohrb fhnj vdmw \owmr suppiy fohrb arogt vdmw
QFHR BN+88.8Q,
BN+88.8Q, Dgtmrghi fhttmry
6 \EGB \owmr erougb
> BF_8 Dgtmrghi fhttmry noggmntdog bmtmntdog
2 \EGB \owmr erougb
R`m hdr bmtmntdog fohrb dgniubms h nougtdge ndrnudt hgb hg opmrhtdoghi hcpidadmr, hgb ds noggmntmb to t`m chdg fohrb
fy h noggmntor NOG>
NOG> hgb to t`m hdr smgsor fy K8.
R`m brop smgsor dgtmrahnm fohrb ds noggmntmb to t`m brop smgsor fy N[=<8 hgb to t`m chdg fohrb fy \=<8.
R`m brop smgsor dgniubms > mimntrogdn fohrbs; h brop smgsor nogtroiidge fohrb, hg dgarhrmb mcdttdge fohrb hgb hg
dgarhrmb rmnmdvdge fohrb.
> V^6>6 VPB N\] rmnmdvms bhth aroc hubdo cobuim.]^HVR8 VPB$
6 V^6>6 RPB N\] trhgscdts bhth to hubdo cobuim. ]^HVR8 RPB$
= \EGB \owmr erougb
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
Aor whrrhgty dgaorchtdog pimhsm smm smm ^mntdog " Uhrrhgty
Uhrrhgty " dg D A ] .
Da t`m bmvdnm cust fm rmturgmb aor smrvdndge, pimhsm nogthnt A rmsmrmsmgdus Jh
J hfd K TC .
Nimhg hgb bdsdgamnt t`m bmvdnm fmaorm phnjhedge hgb s`dppdge t`m bmvdnm to fm rmturgmb.
A rmsm
rmsmgdus Jh
J hfd K TC ds got idhfim aor ioss or bhchem to t`m bmvdnm burdge trhgsport.
>.6.8 ^n`mbuim
Dg orbmr to chdgthdg t`m DGausdh Q\5/Q\5s pucp—
pucp—ss pmraorchgnm,
pmraorchgnm, h prmvmgtdvm chdgtmghgnm, w`dn` chy dgniubm
mvmry 86 cogt`s.
n`mnjdge hgb n`hgedge t`m fhttmry, cust fm nhrrdmb out mvmry
R`m chdgtmghgnm s`ouib fm nhrrdmb out fy h quhidadmb tmn`gdndhg.
R`m DGausdh Q\5/Q\5s syrdgem pucp nhg ogiy fm n`mnjmb, smrvdnmb or rmphdrmb fy h trhdgmb tmn`gdnhi pmrsoggmi or h
quhidadmb smrvdnm rmprmsmgthtdvm. R`m trhdgdge sjdii imvmis idstmb fmiow outidgm t`m spmndadns gmmbmb to chdgthdg t`m
Hgy dgstrucmgt or bmvdnm
bmvdnm usmb aor chdgtmghgnm cust fm rmeuihriy n`mnjmb
n`mnjmb or
rm-nhidfrhtmb hnnorbdge to dts spmndadnhtdogs hgb ionhi rmeuihtdogs.
VM\HDVHFIM aor hgy mimntrogdn fohrb, or t`m w`oim fohrb ds rmpihnmb
w`mg bmamntdvm. U`mg rmpihndge nocpogmgts, ogiy usm A rmsm
gdus Jhfd
Jhfd K TC sphrm phrts.
\imhsm rmamr to ^mntdog " hrm phrts nh
ioee" aor orbmrdge.
rmqudrmb, A rmsm
Da hg uperhbm oa t`m pucp ds rmqudrmb, rmsmgdus Jhfd
Jhfd K TC or dts rmprmsmgthtdvm wdii
provdbm rmimvhgt dgstruntdogs. o pronmmb hs pmr A r msm
dgstruntdogs. R`m `ospdthi ds rmspogsdfim tto smgdus
Jhfdd KT C' s dgstruntdogs.
Jhf dgstruntdogs.
Ahdiurm to nocpiy wdt` t`msm chdgtmghgnm pronmburms
pronmburms nouib bhchem t`m bmvdnm
bmvdnm hgb imhb
to h augntdoghi ahdiurm. Dgtmrghi dgspmntdog oa t`m bmvdnm dgvoivms nocpidhgnm wdt` spmndhi
pronmburms to hvodb bhchem
bhchem to t`m bmvdnm.
R`m bmvdnm cust fm nimhgmb hatmr mhn` usm or fmaorm chdgtmghgnm. Ogiy bdsdgamnt t`m bmvdnm hatmr dt `hs fmmg nimhgmb
hgb w`mg dt ds hpproprdhtm.
Vmnoccmgbmb hemgt aor nimhgdge; ionhiiy hvhdihfim cuitd-mgzychtdn nimhgsmr or bmtmremgt, aor mxhcpim, Mgbozdcm fy
Vu`oa Norporhtdog.
Vmnoccmgbmb hemgt aor bdsdgamntdge; 8<% `ousm`oib fimhn` dg whtmr (probunms <.==% ^obduc @ypon`iordtm).
]sm oa t`msm heermssdvm hemgts chy bhchem t`m pihstdn phrts oa t`m bmvdnm hgb nhusm t`m bmvdnm to chiaugntdog.
R`m bmvdnm cust ogiy fm nimhgmb hgb bdsdgamntmb fy trhdgmb sthaa.
\owmr oaa t`m bmvdnm hgb bdsnoggmnt t`m powmr norb aroc t`m HN powmr sournm fmaorm
>. Opmg t`m pucp boor to emgtiy wdpm bowg t`m mxposmb surahnm hrmhs, hgb t`mg niosm t`m boor.
2. Udpm t`m imhst mxposmb nhsm hgb phgmi surahnms, t`mg t`m cost mxposmb surahnms, t`m cost nrdtdnhi zogms hgb t`m
chdgs powmr norb.
=. Vmpmht t`m stmps 6 - 2 wdt` h arms` pdmnm oa niot` wmttmb wdt` whtmr.
1. Umt h pdmnm oa bdsposhfim niot` wdt` t`m bdsdgamnthgt soiutdog hgb nhrmauiiy wrdge dt out.
5. Vmpmht stmps > - =.
>.2 N`mnjs
Dg orbmr to mgsurm t`m bmvdnm—s gorchi opmrhtdog, h rmeuihr smrvdndge dgspmntdog ds rmnoccmgbmb mvmry 86 cogt`s,
hgb t`m dgspmntdog dgniubms t`m n`mnjs bmsnrdfmb fmiow.
\ronmburm Vmqudrmcmgts
8 Arogt & rmhr nhsms Go ofvdous bhchem, furr, bmaorchtdog, snrhtn` or frudsm ds smmg og
mxtmrghi surahnms.
Rwo nhsms hrm niosmb hgb chtn`mb pmramntiy.
6 \ucp boor hgb imvmr Go ofvdous bhchem, fur, bmaorchtdog, snrhtn` or frudsm ds smmg og
mxtmrghi surahnms.
R`m boor ds opmg or niosmb mhsdiy wdt`out hfgorchi godsm.
R`m boor adts wmii dgto t`m arogt nhsm.
R`m boor imvmr nhg fm opmrhtmb propmriy hgb t`m boor nhggot fm opmg
wdt`out idatdge t`m imvmr.
R`m boor hgb imvmr bo got hppmhr ioosm.
> Bdspihy snrmmg Go ofvdous bhchem, bmaorchtdog, or snrhtn` ds smmg og mxtmrghi
Rmxts hgb sycfois hrm bdspihymb nimhriy hgb nocpimtmiy wdt` go tditmb,
bmaorcmb hgb cdssdge nogtmgts.
2 Jmyfohrb Go ofvdous bhchem ds smmg
smmg og mxtmrghi surahnm.
Jmys hrm mhsdiy prmssmb bowg hgb t`mg rmimhsmb wdt`out fmdge stunj.
= \oim nihcp Go ofvdous bhchem ds smmg.
Dt nhg fm opmrhtmb propmriy wdt`out t`rmhb strdppdge.
1 Hgtd-aiow nihcp Go ofvdous bhchem ds smmg.
Dt nhg fm opmg or niosmb mhsdiy wdt`out hfgorchi godsm.
5 V^6>6 port Dt ds adrciy dgsthiimb og t`m rmhr nhsm.
^nrmws hgb guts hrm got ioosm, bhchemb hgb rustmb.
0 \otmgtdhi mquhidzhtdog Dt ds adrciy dgsthiimb og t`m rmhr nhsm.
tmrcdghi Dt ds got bhchemb hgb rustmb.
4 HN powmr dgimt Dt ds adrciy dgsthiimb og t`m rmhr nhsm.
R`m powmr norb nhg fm piueemb dg mhsdiy hgb smnurmiy.
8< Brop smgsor Go ofvdous bhchem ds smmg
smmg og mxtmrghi surahnms.
R`m nhfim ds noggmntmb to t`m smgsor hgb t`m piue noggmntor propmriy.
Dt nhg fm piueemb dg t`m sonjmt smnurmiy.
^wdtn` t`m bmvdnm og. Da t`m fhttmry ds got auiiy n`hremb, noggmnt t`m
88 Fhttmry
bmvdnm to HN powmr sournm.
\rmss jmy hgb jmy sdcuithgmousiy aor corm t`hg ogm smnogb to powmr og t`m bmvdnm. Da V^6>6
phssms t`m n`mnj, t`m bmvdnm
bmvdnm mgtmr dgausdog
dgausdog dgtmrahnm hutochtdnhiiy:
hutochtdnhiiy: ot`mrwdsm, ’MVVOV–ds
’MVVOV–ds bdspihymb.
’N-8– ds bdspihymb hgb fidgjdge, hgb t`m gucfmr bdspihymb ugbmr ’ N-8– ds t`m
DGausdh Q\5
soatwhrm vmrsdog..
\rmss + jmys ht t`m shcm tdcm to powmr og t`m bmvdnm tdii t`m
R`m aoiiowdge cmhsurmcmgts nhg fm usmb to n`mnj t`m aiow rhtm hnnurhny wdt` rmspmnt to h spmndadn hbcdgdstrhtdog smt
aor t`m bmvdnm.
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
D ^Bmfdt
^Bmfdt soatwhrm
soatwhrm ds rmqudrmb aor cmhsurdge t`m aiow rhtm wdt` h nocputmr.
nocputmr. \imhsm nogthnt
A rmsm
rmsmgdus Jhfd
Jhfd K TC aor aurt`mr dgaorchtdog hfout orbmrdge.
Mqudpcmgt rmqudrmb
^nhim noggmntmb to h nocputmr; 8/8<<<< e smgsdtdvdty
^nhim hnqudsdtdog proerhc; D^Bmfdt
Rmst tufm or fmhjmr
Idqudb; bdstdiimb whtmr
Hbcdgdstrhtdog smt (dgausdog idgm imget` 8<< nc, dgsdbm bdhcmtmr 6.= cc)
Gmmbim; E80
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
rmamr to ’D gstr
\imhsm rmamr gstr untd
untd ogs aor
aor ]sm aor
aor bmthdimb dgaorchtdog hfout hbcdgdstrhtdog smt
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
Chjm surm t`m `ordzogthi dgsthiihtdog pihgm ds rmspmntmb.
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
Chjm surm t`m `ordzogthi dgsthiihtdog pihgm ds rmspmntmb.
R`m dgausdog idgm cust got rmst og t`m snhim/tmst tufm hssmcfiy.
\rmss jmy to powmr og t`m bmvdnm (bmvdnm ds hirmhby noggmntmb to chdgs suppiy).
^mimnt h aiow rhtm to fm cmhsurmb.
^mt t`m snhims ht <.<<<<e.
^thrt t`m dgausdog fy prmssdge jmy hgb sthrt t`m n`rogocmtmr ht t`m shcm tdcm (da gmnmsshry chjm h gotm
2 Nhidfrhtdogs
R`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt nhidfrhtdog bmtmrcdgms t`m smt phrhcmtmrs sun` hs dts hnnurhny dg b/ci hgb prmssurm dg gorchi
opmrhtdge nogbdtdogs.
R`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt cust fm nhidfrhtmb fmaorm usm w`mg;
\rmphrm t`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt to fm nhidfrhtmb wdt` t`m aiow rmeuihtor niosmb.
Umde`t 8<<e whtmr wdt` h fhihgnm.
Nhrmauiiy pour t`m whtmr dgto t`m nogthdgmr oa t`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt.
@hge t`m dgausdog fottim/nogthdgmr og t`m dgausdog sthgb, hgb dgsthii t`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt og t`m bmvdnm
Nihcp t`m brop smgsor og t`m brdp n`hcfmr oa t`m hbcdgdstrhtdog smt.
Opmg t`m aiow rmeuihtor.
\rmss jmy hgb jmy sdcuithgmousiy to powmr og t`m bmvdnm tdii t`m nhidfrhtdog dgtmrahnm nocms up.
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
’nhid.– ds bdspihymb hgb fidgjdge hgb t`m phrhcmtmr ’DQ ^MR– ds got hbkusthfim.
Uhdt tdii t`m nogthdgmr ds mcpty hgb t`m bmvdnm hntdvhtms hihrcs.
\rmss jmy to shvm t`m nhidfrhtdog rmsuits, hgb t`m bmvdnm nocms to rhtm cobm hutochtdnhiiy.
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
Hatmr nhidfrhtdog, ogiy t`m ihtmst
ihtmst hbcdgdstrhtdog smt dgaorchtdog ds stor
mb dg t`m bmvdnm hgb t`m
dgaorchtdog prmvdousiy stormb ds mrhsmb.
R`m prmssurm nhidfrhtdog bmtmrcdgms onniusdog hihrcs prmssurm podgts aor t`m bmvdnm to fm nhidfrhtmb dg gorchi
opmrhtdge nogbdtdogs.
Um rmnoccmgb wmhrdge hg hgtd-sthtdn frhnmimt noggmntmb to mhrt` hgb worjdge og hg
^tmp 8
Opmg t`m bmvdnm nhsms (smm pronmburm G¼8 dg N`hptmr 1 ’Dgtmrvmgtdog pronmburms–).
Noggmnt t`m bmvdnm to HN powmr sournm.
^tmp 6
Adii t`m dgausdog idgm hgb t`m syrdgem wdt` whtmr.
\rdcm t`m dgausdog idgm hgb mgsurm t`ht t`mrm hrm go hdr fuffims.
Noggmnt t`m nhidfrhtdog toois hgb t`m dgausdog pucp to fm nhidfrhtmb hs s`owg dg t`m bdherhc.
Hbkust to opmg t`m >-why tufdge kodgt noggmntor hgb mgsurm t`m dgausdog idgm, t`m syrdgem hgb t`m prmssurm ehuem
hrm hii dgtmrnoggmntmb.
Hbkust t`m pus`mr posdtdog, chjm surm t`m rmhbdge oa t`m prmssurm ehuem ds <¸8jph hgb jmmp t`m rmhbdge sthfim.
\rmss hgb `oib + + jmys ht t`m shcm tdcm to powmr og t`m dgausdog pucp hgb mgtmr prmssurm
nhidfrhtdog usmr dgtmrahnm. ^ocm gucfmrs hrm bdspihymb hgb nougtdge bowg sthrts aroc ’0– to ’<– og t`m snrmmg.
^wdtn` t`m syrdgem pucp og hgb smt t`m aiow rhtm to fm =ci/`) prmss jmy og t`m syrdgem pucp to sthrt
dgausdog hgb whtn` nhrmauiiy t`m rmhbdge oa t`m prmssurm ehuem eodge up.
jmy og t`m dgausdog pucp. R`m (DGausdh Q\5s ) or (DGausdh Q\5) ds bdspihymb
hgb t`m nhidfrhtdog ds nocpimtmb.
= Rroufims`ootdge
Rroufim \ossdfimm Nhusms
\ossdfi Norrmntdvm Hntdogs
N`mnj fhttmry noggmntdog wdrms.
Fhttmry or fhttmry noggmntdog wdrms
Vmpihnm fhttmry wdrms.
hrm s`ortmb.
Vmpihnm fhttmry
N`mnj powmr suppiy fohrb noggmntdog
wdrms hgb chdg fohrb.
\owmr suppiy fohrb noggmntdog
N`mnj swdtn`dge powmr suppiy fohrb.
wdrms hrm bdsnoggmntmb or chdg
Vmpihnm powmr suppiy fohrb noggmntdog
fohrb ds bmamntdvm.
Vmpihnm chdg fohrb.
N`mnj brop smgsor nhfim.
Brop smgsor or dts noggmntdog nhfim N`mnj brop smgsor.
R`m bmvdnm nhggot fm
ds s`ortmb Vmpihnm brop smgsor nhfim.
powmrmb og wdt` dts
Vmpihnm brop smgsor.
dgtmrghi fhttmry or wdt`
N`mnj hubdo fohrb noggmntdog wdrms.
HN powmr suppiy
Hubdo fohrb or dts noggmntdog N`mnj hubdo fohrb.
noggmntmb. R`m HN
wdrms hrm s`ortmb. Vmpihnm hubdo fohrb noggmntdog wdrms.
dgbdnhtor boms got ide`t.
Vmpihnm hubdo fohrb.
N`mnj hdr bmtmntdog fohrb.
N`mnj t`m noggmntdog wdrms fmtwmmg hdr
Hdr bmtmntdog fohrb or dts
bmtmntdog fohrb hgb chdg fohrb.
noggmntdog wdrms hrm s`ortmb.
Vmpihnm hdr bmtmntdog fohrb.
Vmpihnm t`m noggmntdog wdrms.
N`mnj cotor spmmb bmtmntdog fohrb.
Cotor spmmb bmtmntdog fohrb ds
Vmpihnm cotor spmmb bmtmntdog fohrb808
N`mnj ausms.
Ausms hrm furgt out or idvm idgm hgb
N`mnj idvm idgm hgb guii idgm noggmntdog.
guii idgm hrm got noggmntmb.
Vmpihnm ausms
’Boor Opmg–
Opmg– hihrc ds Boor smgsor (rmmb swdtn`) ds N`mnj rmmb swdtn`.
hntdvhtmb w`mg t`m bmamntdvm. Vmpihnm rmmb swdtn`.
bmvdnm ds powmrmb og.
N`mnj t`m chegmt.
Chegmt ahiis oaa t`m bmvdnm boor.
Vmdgsthii h chegmt og t`m boor.
Hdr-dg-Idgm–– hihrc ds N`mnj dgausdog idgm.
hntdvhtmb w`dim go hdr Dgausdog idgm ds got dgsthiimb N`mnj hdr bmtmntdog fohrb.
fuffims hrm aougb dg propmriy..
propmriy Vmpihnm hdr bmtmntdog fohrb.
dgausdog idgm. Vmdgsthii dgausdog idgm.
N`mnj ausms.
Rmst idvm idgm hgb guii idgm noggmntdog.
Ausms hrm furgt out.
HN powmr dgbdnhtor Vmpihnm ausms.
boms got ide`t. Vmnoggmnt idvm idgm hgb guii idgm.
N`mnj fhttmry.
Fhttmry ds bmamntdvm.
Vmpihnm fhttmry.
N`mnj powmr suppiy fohrb.
\owmr suppiy fohrb or swdtn`dge
N`mnj swdtn`dge powmr suppiy cobuim.
powmr suppiy ds bmamntdvm
’Fhttmry Iow– hihrc ds Vmpihnm powmr suppiy fohrb.
hntdvhtmb w`mg HN N`mnj ausms.
powmr suppiy ds Ausms hrm furgt out, or HN powmr N`mnj idvm idgm hgb guii idgm noggmntdog.
noggmntmb. idvm idgm hgb guii idgm hrm Vmpihnm ausms.
bdsnoggmntmb. Vmnoggmnt or rmpihnm idvm idgm hgb guii
N`mnj chdg fohrb.
Chdg fohrb ds bmamntdvm.
Vmpihnm chdg fohrb.
Mxport soatwhrm ds got propmriy N`mnj \N soatwhrm vmrsdog.
dgsthiimb og \N. ]pbhtm \N soatwhrm.
H wroge noccugdnhtdog port ds N`mnj \N noccugdnhtdog port.
smimntmb fy t`m soatwhrm. N`hgem t`m port smimntdog.
@dstory rmnorbs nhggot N`mnj t`m nhfim noggmntdge \N
\N hgb V^6>6 port og bmvdnm ds
fm mxportmb. noccugdnhtdog port to bmvdnm.
fhbiy noggmntmb or got noggmntmb.
Vmnoggmnt or rmpihnm t`m nhfim.
D gaor
gaor chtd og;
Mrror cmsshems dgniubm powmr og hgb opmrhtdoghi smia-tmst ahdiurm cmsshems hgb hihrc
cmsshems bdspihymb dg tmxt or sycfoi aorchts.
Cmsshem bdspihymb
Bmsnrdptdog Vmnoccmgb
mb hntdogs
DGausdh Q\5 DGausdh Q\5s
▬ MM\VOC62IN8<6=$smia-tmst N`mnj MM\VOC62IN8<6=$.
8 mrror. Vmpihnm MM\VOC.
N`mnj hubdo fohrb noggmntdog
MVVOV 6 Hubdo fohrb smia-tmst mrror
6 N`mnj hubdo fohrb.
Rmst spmhjmr.
N`mnj brop smgsor nogtroiidge
N`mnj t`m nhfim noggmntdge brop
MVVOV > Brop smgsor smia-tmst mrror
> smgsor to bmvdnm.
N`mnj brop smgsor nhfim piue hgb
N`mnj prmssurm smgsor.
N`mnj potmgtdocmtmr ’VQ8–
’VQ8– og
chdg fohrb.
Hbkust voithem ht podgt R6 og
MVVOV 2 \rmssurm smgsor smia-tmst mrror
2 chdg fohrb to 6<<cQ fy
hbkustdge ’VQ8–
N`mnj prmssurm smgsor hgb dts
noggmntdog wdrms.
N`mnj hdr smgsor.
N`mnj noggmntor \88 og chdg
N`mnj hdr bmtmntdog fohrb
MVVOV = Hdr smgsor smia-tmst mrror
= noggmntdog wdrms.
N`mnj t`m noggmntdog fmtwmmg hdr
bmtmntdog `mhb hgb hdr bmtmntdog
\rmssurm hnnurhny ds got nhidfrhtmb
MVVOV 1 \rmssurm nhidfrhtdog mrror. (pimhsm rmamr to N`hptmr 0 aor
1 prmssurm nhidfrhtdog).
Go fhttmry hihrc.
Go fhttmry dg t`m bmvdnm.
bmvdnm. N`mnj fhttmry noggmntdog wdrms.
MVVOV 6< R`m fhttmry ds bmhb. N`mnj fhttmry noggmntor.
R`m fhttmry ds fhbiy N`mnj fhttmry.
Da t`m hfovm troufims`ootdge cmhsurms bo got eudbm you to soivm t`m profimc, pimhsm nogthnt
A r msmgdus
smgdus Jhfd
Jhfd K TC dccmbdhtmiy.
1 Dgtmrvmgtdog pronmburms
R`ds n`hptmr idsts pronmburms aor bdshssmcfidge hgb rm-hssmcfidge hii t`m mimntrogdn fohrbs hgb cmn`hgdnhi
Hgy dgstrucmgt or bmvdnm usmb
usmb aor chdgtmghgnm cust fm
fm rmeuihriy n`mnjmb
n`mnjmb or rm-nhidfrhtmb
hnnorbdge to dts spmndadnhtdogs hgb ionhi rmeuihtdogs.
VM\HDVHFIM aor hgy mimntrogdn fohrb, or t`m w`oim fohrb ds rmpihnmb
rmpihnmb w`mg
bmamntdvm. U`mg rmpihndge nocpogmgts, ogiy usm A rmsm
rmsmgdus Jhfd
Jhfd K TC sphrm phrts. \imhsm
rmamr to ^mntdog " hrm phrts nh
ioee" aor orbmrdge.
Aor t`m tmn`gdndhg owg shamty,
shamty, chjm
chjm surm to nocpiy
nocpiy wdt` hii shamty dgstruntdogs aor mhn`
dgtmrvmgtdog pronmburm.
Aor shamty rmhsogs,
R`m tmn`gdndhg s`ouib got dgtmrvmgm w`mg t`m bmvdnm ds noggmntmb to t`m HN powmr sournm.
Fmaorm dgtmrvmgm, fm surm to bdsnoggmnt t`m powmr norb aroc t`m HN powmr sournm
sournm hgb powmr
oaa t`m bmvdnm.
U`mg worjdge wdt` mimntrogdn nocpogmgts, wm rmnoccmgb wmhrdge hg hgtd-sthtdn frhnmimt
noggmntmb to mhrt` hgb worjdge og hg hgtd-sthtdn aioor cht.
^jdii imvmi;
Imvmi >, spmndhidst tmn`gdndhg (smm N`hptmr ’\rmvmgtdvm chdgtmghgnm–).
\ihnm t`m bmvdnm og h thfim ahnm bowgwhrb.
]gsnrmw t`m 2 nrundaorc snrmws (dtmc 8) w`dn` htthn` t`m rmhr nhsm to t`m arogt nhsm.
Opmg t`m rmhr nhsm hgb put dt gmxt to t`m arogt nhsm.
D gaor
gaor chtd og ;
Bo got toun` hgy mimntrogdn nhrbs wdt` your `hgbs.