Drug Study Losartan

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Name of the Mechanism of Action Dosage Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing Alert

Drug Reaction
LOSARTAN Losartan administration 50mg Hypertension Hypersensitivity CNS 1.Monitor BP
POTASSIUM results in a decrease in total BID Treatment of to losartan Dizziness, prior to the
peripheral resistance and hypertension, Use cautiously insomnia, administration
Classifications: cardiac venous return. All IV alone or in with hepatic or headache. of medication of
cardiovascular of the physiological effects combination renal GI: Diarrhea, scheduled dose
agent; of angiotensin II, including with other dysfunction, dyspepsia. 2.Monitor drug
angiotensin stimulation of release antihypertensive hypovolemia Musculoskeletal: for effectiveness
receptor of aldosterone, are Agents. Muscle cramps, 3. If there is
antagonized in the presence Treatment of myalgia, back or inadequate
of losartan. Reduction in diabetic leg pain. response split
antihypertensive blood pressure occurs neuropathy with Respiratory: the daily dose in
independently of the status Nasal a day is into
an elevated
of the renin-angiotensin congestion, twice daily is
system. As a result of serum recommended
cough, upper
losartan dosing, plasma creatinine and 4. Lab tests:
renin. Activity increases proteinuria in infection, Monitor CBC,
due to removal of the patients with sinusitis electrolytes,
angiotensin II feedback. type 2 diabetes liver & kidney
Selectively blocks the and a history function with
binding of angiotensin II to long-term
of hypertension
specific tissue receptors therapy.
found in the vascular 5. Inform client
smooth muscle and adrenal to not stop
gland; this action blocks the taking this drug
vasoconstriction effect of without doctors
the renin-angiotensin order
system as well as the release 6.  Report fever,
of aldosterone leading to chills, dizziness
decreased blood pressure.

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