Policies & Procedures: Appointment Requirements

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Policies & Procedures Document Title:

Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements

Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 1 of 6

I. Purpose:
- To ensure a newly hired applicant is mentally and physically fit to work.
- For the applicants to submit or comply prior to joining.
- To comply with the governments’ rules and regulations relating to travel
requirements and employment in Yemen Arab and from the candidate’s country of

II. Policy:
1- Qualification Requirements: The recruit or the job applicant in this organization
should have the following qualifications:
1.1- Educationally qualified by a diploma or degree and other certifications, having specific
experiences required for the nominated post or position and license authorizing to perform his /
her duties.
1.1.1- Should be qualified by skills and experience as specified in the job description and must
successfully pass the tests or interviews required for the post applied form.
1.1.2- Be medically fit according to health certificate by health organization authorized by 48MH
through the Recruiting Agency overseas.
1.1.3- The Non-Yemen should have a licensed work permit in addition to a valid and transferable
residence card (iqama). Yemen employees may be exempted from any of these conditions except the medical fitness
and the licensed work permit for the physicians or healthcare professionals i.e. nurses,
technicians, etc.

III. Scope:

- This Policy application in 48 Model hospital .

IV. Responsibilities:

Policies & Procedures Document Title:
Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements
Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 2 of 6

V. Definitions:
- This Policy and Procedure describe the requirements to be complied by the newly
hired candidates prior to joining

VI. Procedure:

6.1- Reference Check: (Refer to Attachment “A” for the format.)

6.1.1- Candidate shall be checked by HR Manager (for local candidate) or by the
contracted recruiter (overseas).
6.1.2- On the basis of the applicant’s given character references, they can be called for to
verify the veracity of the information given by the applicant on his/her application.
6.1.3- Applicant had or having civil liability shall be clarified with the country’s
government agency, if can be allowed to travel.
6.1.4- The result of reference check shall be documented on the form provided for this
purpose to be included in the candidate’s envelope to be taken during travel to
Yemen Arab and be endorsed by the candidate to HR Department upon arrival and
commencement at work.

6.2. Medical Requirements:

6.2.1- Overseas candidates shall undergo medical examinations to be conducted by the
contracted recruiter’s authorized clinic or hospital in the country of origin.
6.2.2- The medical test shall include but not limited to the following: Psychology test Physical examination Diagnostic tests: Lung x-ray Laboratory tests such as urinalysis, blood group, CBC, HIV and Aids,
Pregnancy test (for female only).

6.2.3- Results of the tests must be included in the employee’s records to be taken by the
candidate on travel to join 48 Hospital, which will form part of employee’s
personnel records.
Policies & Procedures Document Title:
Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements
Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 3 of 6

6.2.4- Upon joining Hospital, Human Resources Department shall subject the new arrival
for another tests required by Yemen government for obtaining iqama and work
permit, the cost of which shall be borne by 48 Hospital.

6.3. Documentations Consistent to Government Requirements: It is the

responsibility of the contracted recruiter to facilitate with the hired applicants
submission of following documents by the candidate upon arrival to 48 Hospital
and commencing work for complying with government regulations.
6.3.1- Passport duly stamped with original entry visa number from Yemen Embassy in
country of origin stamped by the Immigration from the airport where the candidate
entered in Yemen Arabia for travel purpose.
6.3.2- Duly authenticated original credentials required for MOH Licensing: Most recent license according to profession. College diploma/Bachelor’s certificate Most recent Employment Certificate (2 years minimum) Other certificates such as training and seminars attended, and certificate of

6.3.3- For obtaining iqama and work permit: 12 copies of 2 x 2 photos in addition to passport. Blood Group print out from Laboratory Department. HIV/Aids Test Result

6.3.4- Medical Test Results including Pregnancy Test (for females only).
Preliminary signed contract of employment between 48 and the employee

VII. Documentation Requirements: :

1.1. Any one wants to work in this organization, shall submit the following documents. The
same contents shall be reflected in the new Employee’s joining in checklist:
1.1.1. Copy of the identity card (for the Yemen National).
1.1.2. Copy of the residency card (transferable Iqama), work permit and passport for non-
Yemen with license and work permit.
Policies & Procedures Document Title:
Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements
Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 4 of 6
1.1.3. Copy of the authenticated educational qualifications, work experience certificates,
and license in case of expatriate new recruit. Document authentication shall be
obtained from the government body and Yemen Embassy of the country of origin.
These original documents shall be submitted to Personnel Department for
verification and matching of identification in all cases.
1.1.4. 12 passport size photographs (cm 4 × 6).
1.1.5. Medical certificate that proves fitness, issued from an empowered body chosen by
this organization.
1.1.6. The head of the organization is the only one has the right to exempt any one of
staff in a position related to financial issues such as a cashier or a warehouse keeper
from the financial guarantee that has been declared.

1.2. Employment Age Limit: Upon employment with 48 Hospital, the candidate
should not be more than fifty (50) years of age. However, depending upon the
operational requirements of 48 Hospital and the nature of position, 48
MODEL HOSPITAL may consider hiring those exceeding fifty (50) years old
provided the candidate proves to be highly qualified for the position.
1.3. Reference Check: Reference check shall be conducted by HR Manager (for
local candidate) or by the contracted recruiter (overseas) using 48 Hospital
appropriate format. The result thereof shall form part of the employment
record of the candidate to be forwarded to 48 HR Department Manager upon
joining 48 Hospital.
1.3.1. No candidate shall be hired, if found to have been or under trial for
conviction of civil offense, which will cause a problem to get away
from his/her country of origin.

1.4. Medical Requirements:

1.4.1. Candidates to be employed by 48 MH shall be obliged to meet all
medical standards set forth by 48 MODEL HOSPITAL including a
medical questionnaire, physical examination, inoculations, and any
other specialized medical requirements, which is may established from
time to time by 48 MODEL HOSPITAL and the government of
Yemen Arabia. In short, the candidate must be physically and
mentally fit for work as evidenced by the printed tests results. Print
out results must be included in the employee’s records to be taken by
the candidate on travel to join 48 Hospital, which will form part of
employee’s personnel records.
Policies & Procedures Document Title:
Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements
Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 5 of 6

1.4.2. No test shall be conducted to applicant prior to availability of the visas.

Otherwise, HOSPITAL shall not be responsible for expired medical
test due to non-availability of visas.
1.4.3. For female candidate, it is a must to have the pre-departure pregnancy
test to ensure candidate is not pregnant. Print out result shall also be
included in the personal file for submission to 48 Hospital.
1.4.4. The initial examination shall be carried out by a physician authorized
by the contracted recruiter from candidate’s country of origin for such
purpose at the cost of the applicant and/or contracted recruiter
(depending upon their mutual agreement).
1.4.5. Further physical examinations and inoculations on a periodic basis that
is may be required to 48 employees i.e. in compliance with
government regulations, affiliations, and third party payer contract
compliance shall be at the cost of 48 Model Hospital.

1.5. Government requirements as per Yemen regulations:

1.5.1. No person will start employment with 48 MODEL HOSPITAL
unless the employee holds all valid documentations as issued by the
authorities of Yemen Arab.
1.5.2. 48MH Human Resources Department will be responsible for the
coordination of the rocurement of work permits (for local hire) or
authorize the contracted recruiter (for overseas applicant) cost of
which shall be borne by the applicant.
1.5.3. Cost of entry visas required in connection with travel to Yemen Arab
by the hired applicants and eligible dependents shall be paid in
advance by 48 Hospital to be paid by the candidate upon joining 48
Hospital through authorized salary deduction.
1.5.4. Cost of sponsorship transfer for locally hired applicants shall be borne
by the candidate. Exception: At the discretion of the hospital, and based on the
recruitment needs, 48 Hospital may opt to pay the fees
mentioned under 2.4.4. for locally hired employees who hold
certain hard-to-fill positions with high recruitment cost, if
candidates are recruited from overseas.
Policies & Procedures Document Title:
Originating Entity : Appointment Requirements
Medical Credentialing & Privilege

Date Originated: Document No.: 21

Approved By: HEAD OF COMMITEE Date Revised:1-9-2020
Date of Approval: Rev. No.: 01
Approved By: Next Revision Date : 1-9-2022
Date of Approval: Page 6 of 6

1.6. Candidate’s personal files shall be opened and maintained by Human

Resources Department (HRD) upon joining 48 to include all the records of
recruitment processes, medical examination results, travel ticket, and other
documents in compliance with Yemen travel and employment requirements,
which will form part of employee’s Personnel File. Consistently, this will serve as the depository for all documents
and other data related to the individual’s employment with 48
Hospital, which shall be released only to individuals who have
appropriate authorization. For the purpose of respecting employee’s rights to privacy and
confidentiality, no employee shall be permitted access to the
employee’s own or other personnel file under no circumstances except
with prior approval of the HRD Manager or Personnel Supervisor (in
the absence of HRD Manager).

2.6- Other Requirements: Refer to the Employment Checklist for other requirements
that must be fulfilled by the candidate prior to joining 48 Hospital.

VIII. References:

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