2.1-Physical Activity-Group2 - Isales

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Name: Mary Dazel Badilla Isales Subject: TEGR 113

Offering # :T253 Instructor: Mr. Dennis Joel L. Cerna



In the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

• Describe the different parts of the body and their movements

through enjoyable physical activities


A. Topic: Definition of Physical Activity( Understanding the body)

B. References:
https://health.gov › our-work › Phys…
Physical Activity | health.gov

C. Materials:
• PowerPoint presentation
• Projector
• Pictures

D. Values Integration:
Taking good care of body parts by engaging to different
physical activities.

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
Everyone kindly stand for the prayer, (Pupil’s start praying)
Miss Jasmin kindly lead the prayer.

Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am.
How are you today?
We’re good ma’am.
Wow! Good to hear.

Before we start our discussion, let us

sing and dance “Hello, how do you do
Okay Class, are you ready?
Okay let’s sing together. Yes ma’am.

Hello, hello, hello

Hello, how do you do? Hello, hello, hello
I’m glad to be with you Hello, how do you do?
And you, and you and you I’m glad to be with you

La la la la la la la la la la…… And you, and you and you

La la la la la la la la la la……
Do you feel energized now, class?
Alright then, you may take your seat Yes ma’am.
 Checking of Attendance
None ma’am.
Class, who is absent today?
Wow! Very Good.

B. Developmental Activity

Okay class, I have here some

pictures. All you have to do is to Okay ma’am.
name the given pictures below.
Knee ma’am

Hands ma’am.

Eyes ma’am.

A foot ma’am.

Shoulder ma’am
Head ma’am.

What have you observed in the It’s all about body parts ma’am.
Yes, those pictures are parts of the

Do we use our body parts in

Yes ma’am.
performing physical activities?

Very Good.

Can you give one example of

physical activity? Walking ma’am.

Which body parts do we use in

Okay very good class.
Legs ma’am.

In doing physical activity class, we

always use our body parts.
C. Motivation
Today we will sing “My Toes, Me

Are you familiar with the song?

Yes ma’am
Okay let’s sing altogether.

My shoulder, My head My
My shoulder, my head
toes, my knees
My toes, my knees
My shoulder, my head
My shoulder, my head
Let’s all clap our hands together .
Let’s all clap our hands together

So, class what parts of human body

Toes, knees, shoulder, head and
are being mentioned in the song?
hands ma’am.

Okay very good, the song “My Toes,

My Knees ” only mentioned some
parts of the human body.

Can you name

other parts of the body Yes ma’am.
Leg, head, ear and mouth ma’am.

Great, all that you have mentioned are

also, parts of the human body.
Sepak Takraw

Head ma’am.

Track and Field

Legs and foot ma’am.



Hands ma’am.



Knee ma’am.

E. Analysis

Based on the picture, does it show Yes ma’am.

they use their body parts to perform
such physical activity?

So, what is Physical Activity?

Kindly read class.
Physical Activity Physical Activity
Is the term used to described any It is the term used to described any
kind of everyday activity where the kind of everyday activity where the
body’s movement burn calories in body’s movement burn calories.
doing physical activities we use
human body parts that includes the
 Head- contain the ear, eyes,
nose and mouth
 Neck- connects the head to
the trunk. It helps to move
your head in circular motion.
 Shoulder- allows moving
your arms up, down and
 Elbow- allows to bend your
 Arm- used for movements
such as throwing and picking
up things.
 Wrist- allows you to move
your hand in circular motion
and from side to side.
 Waist- helps you to bend
your body.
 Thigh- allows you to support
weight of your body while
 Knee- allows bending your
 Leg- used for a lot of
movements such as
standing, walking, and
 Foot- allows you to move
from one place to another as
you walk, run and jump
 Ankle- allows you to wiggle
your foot from side to side.
 Toes- keep your balance as
you move your whole body.

To properly perform the Physical, we

must know also our body

Do you know what is Body

Composition? No ma’am.
Body Composition
• It is the proportion of fat and non-
fat mass in your body.

There are three somatotypes of body


Do you know what are those class?

These are Endomorph, Ectomorph
No ma’am.
and Mesomorph.

• Have lots of body fats, lots of
muscle and gain weight easily
(Teacher will present picture of
an endomorph person)

• An athletic, solid and strong.
They are not overweight and
(Teacher will present picture that
show a Mesomorph Body

• They are long and lean, with
little body fat and a little muscle.
(Teacher will present picture of
an ectomorph body composition)

Do you understand class?

Yes ma’am.

F. Abstraction
The teacher will present the activity
“Pick Me and Perform Me”. Teacher
will prepare a box wherein inside the
box are words about physical
activity. The students will pick one
word and they will be going to
perform in front of the class. They
will also share what parts of the body
they use in doing such physical

(The students execute running)

(Example word: Running)

G. Application

I. List some Physical Activity

that you have performed this week.
And identify what body parts did you

II. Briefly explain the three(3)

body composition.
IV. Assessment
I. Direction: Read carefully the
questions below and fill in the blanks
the corresponding answer.

______1. Have lots of body fats, lots

of muscle and gain weight easily.
______ 2. It is used for
movements such as throwing and
picking up things.
3.They are athletic, solid and
strong. They are not overweight and
4. Allows bending your leg
________5. Long and lean, with little
body fat and a little muscle.

In a short bond paper paste or draw 5
pictures that you use your body parts
in doing physical activity.

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