FN - Abo Policy NDP

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NDP platform document: “Practical First Steps”

Page Excerpt
15 5.1 Building a New Relationship with First Nations
• We will build a new partnership on a nation-to-nation basis with First Nations, Inuit
and Métis people across the country to restore a central element of social justice in
Canada and reconcile the hopes of Aboriginal people with those of all Canadians;
• We will establish this new partnership by forging a new relationship with First
Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, fostering economic opportunity and lasting
prosperity, ending the discrimination still faced by Aboriginal people in Canada and
supporting the process of healing the harms of past injustices. We will begin by:
• Increasing access to capital for aboriginal business development so that First
Nations, Inuit and Métis people can fully participate in the Canadian economy;
• Improving physical infrastructure such as housing, drinking water facilities,
roads and other essential services;
• Removing the punitive 2 per cent funding cap on Indian and Northern Affairs
Canada transfers to aboriginal communities;
• Addressing the education deficit with a $1 billion per year investment over the
next four years, inspired by Shannen’s Dream..
5 1.3 Improving Access to Child Care and Post-Secondary Education
• We will increase the funding in the Canada Student Grants Program by $200 million a
year, targeting accessibility for Aboriginal, disabled and low-income students, in
6 1.8 Helping Lift Children and Families out of Poverty
• We will table legislation that will set goals and targets for poverty reduction in
consultation with the provincial, territorial, municipal and Aboriginal governments
and with non-governmental organizations.
11 3.2 Investing in More Family Doctors and Nurses
• In collaboration with the provinces and territories, we will establish programs aimed
at recruiting and supporting low-income, rural and aboriginal medical students.
13 4.2 Ensuring Canada Becomes a World Leader in Renewable Energy
• We will develop, in consultation and cooperation with provincial, territorial and
Aboriginal governments, unions, energy providers, environmental organizations, and
other stakeholders a comprehensive strategy for our country’s long-term energy
security in a lower carbon future. Our energy policies will put Canadians first;
37 5.12 Moving Forward on Women’s Equality
• We will support a coordinated federal response to violence against Aboriginal women,
led by Aboriginal communities, and including the ongoing funding of Aboriginal
women’s organizations;

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