Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Phase 2 - Configure The Network For A Company and Describe The Processes GSCF
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Phase 2 - Configure The Network For A Company and Describe The Processes GSCF
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 1 - Phase 2 - Configure The Network For A Company and Describe The Processes GSCF
Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 2 Configure the network for a
company and describe the processes according to the GSCF
1. Activity Description
Step 1
Enter the knowledge environment and make a comprehensive review of the contents
of Unit 1 in order to acquire knowledge necessary for the development of the proposed
activity -Configure the network for a company and describe the processes according to
the GSCF-.
Step 2
Share your knowledge using a graphic representation and post it on the collaborative
Step 3
Propose a company for the development of collaborative work on the collaborative
Based on the companies proposed by each of the members of the group, they proceed
to choose one of them to develop the following activities.
Step 1:
Configure the Structural Network for the company under study. (Diagram that includes
Focus Company, 3 levels of suppliers and 3 levels of clients).
Step 2:
Using the structural dimensions of the network of the company under study; explain
the horizontal structure, vertical structure and horizontal position of the company, to
give examples of types of process links (Managed, Monitored, Not administered and
Non-participant), for the structural network of the company under study (in addition
to signaling them in the diagram they must be explained)
Step 3
Explain how the 8 strategic processes (according to Lambert) are applied in the
company under study.
Step 4
To build a comparative table where the main approaches in Supply Chain Management
are presented as follows:
a. The strategic focus of the GSCF,
b. The transactional approach of APICS SCOR MODEL,
c. The approach of John Gattorna (Dynamic Supply Chain).
Step 5
According to Gattorna, "Generic Configurations", identify and explain the generic
structure that, according to the collaborative work group, most identifies the Supply
Chain or Value Network of the company under study.
In the Initial Information Environment, you must: Select the company under study
In the Learning Environment, you must: Review the contents of Unit 1 in order to
develop the proposed activity.
In the Evaluation Environment, you must: Upload the comparative table and the
graphic Structural Network.
Individual Work Evidences:
The individual evidence to be submitted is: sharing the graphic representation about
the network configuration for a company selected and describe the processes
according to the GSCF
Collaborative Evidences:
The collaborative evidence to be submitted is:
Presentation specifications
The document to be delivered must be in PDF format.
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12
Space between lines: 1.5
Margins: left, right top and bottom 2.54cm
Font Titles: Size 12 and centered
Delivery of work:
The file must be placed in the Evaluation and monitoring environment in the link
Phase 2 Configure the network for a company and describe the processes according
to the GSCF, before the due time according to the indicated in the course agenda
The presentation that is not uploaded on the date and space indicated will not be
• Student who does not participate in the forum with significant contribution will have a
zero “0” score.
For Collaborative evidence, consider the following: each student will take up a role,
he/she will present a thematic and will discuss with his/her partners the
comprehension and identification of the problem as a response in the moment of
Based on this, students will design a strategy and arrange elements needed for the
construction of the final product.
Equally, they will arrange a synchronic encounter through a web conference to run
each activity.
• The product of this moment will be selected and accepted by the group leader,
also the roles that might be needed. Moreover, sharing the strategy to be used
about the development of suggested work, this is to create participation,
assertive and efficient discussion by everyone of the participants in the
corresponding collaborative forum to allow the construction of each one of the
proposed products.
• All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the
development of the activity.
• In each group a single member will be chosen to submit the requested product
in the environment indicated by the teacher.
• Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets
all the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.
• Only the members of the group that participated with contributions during the
time assigned for the activity should be included as authors of the submitted
Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA format.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual
Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) "Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference" and
paragraph f) "To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University ". (Acuerdo 029 -
13 de diciembre de 2013, Artículo 99)
3. Evaluation Rubric
making significant
contributions in the If your work is at this level, you can get between 12 points
collaborative forum. and 20 points
This criterion Average Level: The student shares in the collaborative forum
represents 20 its review using a graphic representation, and although the
points of the total student proposes a company, her/her involvement is not based
of 100 points of on enough arguments to support a constructive and
the activity. collaborative dynamic for work in groups.
Third evaluation High Level: The members build well-structured comparations in
criterion: logistics and complex models and identify and explain the
generic structure of company understudy, and its Supply Chain
Compare logistics or Value Network.
models in complex
contexts If your work is at this level, you can get between 21 points
and 30 points
This criterion
represents 30 Average Level: The members build partial-comparations in
points of the total logistics and complex models and identify and explain partially
of 100 points of the generic structure of company understudy, and its Supply
the activity. Chain or Value Network.
Follow the If your work is at this level, you can get between 6 points
specifications and and 10 points
instructions to
elaborate on the Average Level: There are some spelling errors and the report
task (order, presents a median articulation of ideas and structure.
spelling and If your work is at this level, you can get between 3
drafting). points and 5 points
This criterion Low level: There are some deficiencies in the presentation and
represents 10
writing, as well as some spelling errors.
points of the total
of 100 points of
If your work is at this level, you can get between 1 point
the activity. and 2 points
Fifth evaluation High Level: Citations and references are satisfactory handled
criterion: according to APA.
Structure a If your work is at this level, you can get between 6 points
referenced and and 10 points
original manuscript
(cites and Average Level: The references are not properly articulated with
bibliographic the work.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 3 points
This criterion and 5 points
represents 10
points of the total Low level: Neither citations nor references are used.
of 100 points of
the activity. If your work is at this level, you can get between 1 point
and 2 points