Sizing and Selection of Steam Turbine
Sizing and Selection of Steam Turbine
Sizing and Selection of Steam Turbine
turbine(with or without 27.6 – 99.97 Bar,
extraction for feed water 750 – 1050 C, & Marine propulsion
heating, with or without .033 – .17 Bar abs.
41.36 – 241.32 Bar,
Drivers for electric
Non – 315.56 – 565.55 C,
Straight – through turbine generators, blowers,
Condensing Atmospheric, 6.89
compressors, pump, etc.
41.36 – 241.32 Bar,
Automatic extraction 315.56 – 565.55 C,
turbine Atmospheric, 41.36
Chart 1 - Mechanical Efficiency (MeEff) vs. Rated Power (KW)
Chart 2: Speed (RPM) vs. Turbine Work (KW) and Type of TurbineStages
fromMollier Chart
h1 = 3100 Kj/Kg at P1=31 Bar and T1 = 350C
h2 = 2125 Kj/Kg at P2 = .103 Bar
2. Ideal Turbine Work (Wti)
Wti = h1 – h2 = (100 – 2125) = 975 Kj/Kg
3. Ideal Turbine Steam Rate (ISR) and Ideal KW
ISR = 3600/Wti =(3600/975) =3.69 Kg/KW-Hr
iKW = Ws / IRS = 113636.4Kg/Hr/ ISR = 30796 KW
4. Using iKW as the basis, what are the following efficiencies:
Let us make use iKW (instead of the rated capacity) so that we compute for the following efficiencies:
a. Mechanical efficiency (ME_Eff)
ME_Eff = 1.00 – [ .04/(rated KW/1000).50] = 1.00 – [ .04/(iKW/1000).50]
ME_Eff = 1.00 – [ .04/(30796/1000).50] = .993 (99.3%)
For checking purposes, use Chart 1 = .997 (99.7%)
b. Isentropic efficiency (Isen_Eff)
65% (2 – 5 MW), 70% (5.1 – 10 MW), 75% (10.1 – 25 MW), 80% (25.1 – 50 MW) 84% (>50 MW)
from the above data relating iKW to Isentropic efficiency therefore, Isen_Eff = 80%
c. Break Engine Efficiency (BRK_Eff)
50% (<= 74.6 BKW), 58% (373 BKW), 63% (746 BKW), 72% (3730 BKW), 76% (7460 BKW),
82% (14,920 to 74,600 BKW)
again, from the above data relating iKW to Break Engine Efficiency therefore, BRK_Eff = 82%
d. Generator Efficiency (GE_Eff)
using iKW instead of rated KW
GE_Eff = .96 – [.025/(rated KW/1000).333] = .96 – [.025/(iKW/1000).333]
GE_Eff = .96 – [.025/((30796/1000).333] = .952 (95.2%)
5. Turbine Potential generation Capacity KW(PGC) or Combined Steam Turbine Work
PGC = (Isen_Eff * Brk_ Eff * GE_Eff) *iKW = .80 * .82* .952* 30796 = 19232.5 KW
Say 20,000 KW
6. Steam Turbine Specs:
a. Using Chart 2 the range of speed is from a maximum 10000 RPM and a minimum5000 RPM.
getting the average of the range, use 7500 RPM.
b. Using the same Chart 2 given the average 7500 RPM use Rateau stages + Reaction single stage.
c. Use air as medium for generator cooling system. Given the following guide:
1. Air cooling system for generator: <=25,000 KW or
2. Hydrogen cooling system for generator =>30,000 KW
d. Use SCSF and non-reheat Type
SCSF – Single case, single flow exhaust ( < = 50,000KW), non-reheat units
TCDF – Tandem compound double flow exhaust (50,000 < KW < = 100,000),non-reheat units
– Tandem compound double flow exhaust 100,000 KW, reheat unit
TCSF – Tandem compound single flow exhaust (60,000 KW & 75,000 KW) reheat units
Design and Sizing of Condenser
Exhaust steam of the above power plant has a dryness quality of x = .80, which enters the surface
condensers at an absolute pressure of .103 Bar and condensing temperature of 45 C. The circulating
cooling H2O enters the condenser at 30 C and leaves at 40 C. Design the condenser and cooling tower
using the closed loop system type. Design, size and determine the following:
1. Process Diagram and steam properties
2. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (Ucon) and LMTD
3. Condenser Heat Transfer Surface Area (Acon)
4. Mass of cooling water and Single or Two way Pass
1. Process Diagram:
Fig. 7.1 Schematic Diagram of a Wet cooling System Operating as Closed Loop
(Universally Applied)
Condenser Design: Steam and water thermo-physical properties from steam table -2
Ws = 31.6 Kg/s Design WB (Phil) = 27.45 CVw = 2 – 2.5 m/s use 2.3 m/s
Pcon = .103 Bar TW1 = 30 C TW2 = 40 C
x2 = .80 Tcon = 45 T w = .5(30 + 40) = 35 C
hfg = 2394 Kj/ Kg
2. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (Ucon)
Ucon =2.15*Vw^.50*(.7586 + .0135*Tcon – .0001*Tcon^2)
Ucon = 2.15*2.3^.50*(.7586 + .0135*45 – .0001*45^2) = 3.794 KW/m^2 – C (3794 W/m^2)
Log Mean Temperature Difference LMTD
LTD = (45 – 30) = 15 C
STD = (45 – 40) = 5 C
LMTD = (15 – 5)/ Ln (15/ 5) = 10/ 1.0986 = 9.103 C
3. Condenser Heat Transfer Surface Area ( Ssc)
Acon= [(x2) (hfg)* Ws]/ (Uo*LMTD)
Acon= [(.8* 2394)* 31.6]/ ( 3.794 *9.103) = 1752.34m^2
f. Using mass and heat transfer coefficient from the above item # 7
K (a) V/ (mw_L) = .6315
Using the above “Cooling Tower Design Parameters” optimum L/G can be obtain from Chart 8.1
L/G = 1.4 or by an equation 1.424
Design typical values for cooling tower are as follow:
mw_L = 2.935 Kg H2O/s per m^2 water loading
ma_L = 2.445 Kg air/s per m^2 air flow loading
K (a) = .534 Kg air/s per m^3
CT_A = Cooling tower area occupied or cooling tower foot print
= (Mw/mw_L) = (1484/2.935) = 505.62 m^2
CT_Hf = Cooling tower fill material = [K (a) V/mw]* [ mw_L/K(a) ] = .6315*2.935/.534 = 3.47 m,
say 3.5m
CT_Vf = Cooling tower fill material volume
= CT_A* CT_Hf = 505.62*3.5 = 1770 m^3
HDU = Height of diffusion units
= CT_Hf/ [K (a) V/mw] = 3.47/ .6315 = 5.495 m
Total Cooling Tower Height is
CT_H = CT_Hf + HDU = 3.47 + 5.495 = 8.965 say 9m