CHAPTER 2-UNIT 4 - Conjunctions

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Unit 4: Adverbial Clauses
Contrast & Reason
Exercise 13: Complete the sentences with even thoughor because.
Examples: - I put on my sunglasses even though it was a dark, cloudy day.
- I put on my sunglasses because the sun was bright.
1. ___Even thought________ she has a job, she doesn’t have enough money to support her four
2. ___Because_________ she has a job, she is able to pay her rent and provide food for her
family.- Bởi vì cô ấy có một công việc, cô ấy có thể trả tiền thuê nhà và cung cấp thực
phẩm cho gia đình mình.
3. I’m going horseback riding with Judy this afternoon _Even though__ I’m afraid of horses.
- 3. Tôi sẽ cưỡi ngựa với Judy chiều nay _mặc dù___ Tôi sợ ngựa

4. I’m going horseback riding with Judy this afternoon __because________ I enjoy it.
5. ____Even though________ you’ve made it clear that you don’t want any help, I have to at
least offer to help you.-- mặc dù bạn đã nói rõ rằng bạn không muốn bất kỳ sự trợ giúp nào, ít nhất tôi
phải đề nghị giúp bạn.
01 main clause 02 dependent clauses(1 adverb clause+ 1 noun clause)
6. I knew that I should get some sleep, but I just couldn’t put my book down
__because___________ I was really enjoying it.--> 6. Tôi biết rằng tôi nên ngủ một chút, nhưng tôi
không thể đặt cuốn sách của mình xuống bởi vì__ Tôi thực sự rất thích nó.
7. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child ___Even
though____ I hated it at the time. Now, I play the piano every day.
8. because________ Tom didn’t know how to dance, he wanted to go to the school dance
_____because_______ he felt lonely sitting and staring blankly at the TV while all of his
friends were having fun together.
9. Joe jumped into the river to rescue the little girl who was drowning _Even
though____________ he wasn’t a good swimmer.
10. My hair stylist subscribes to three different fashion magazines ____even though_________
she’s not interested in clothes. She subscribes to them _____because________ her customers
like them.-->
Nhà tạo mẫu tóc của tôi đăng ký ba tạp chí thời trang khác nhau __mặc dù__ cô ấy không quan
tâm đến quần áo. Cô ấy đăng ký họ bởi vì khách hàng của cô ấy thích họ.

Exercise 14: Circle ALL the correct completions for each sentence.

LE Xuan [email protected]

Example: ____ the post office was closed, I couldn’t mail my packages.
A. Therefore B. Because C. For D. Since
1. ___ we got lost driving into the city, we were late for the meeting.--> chúng tôi bị mất lái xe vào
thành phố, chúng tôi đã đến muộn cuộc họp.
A. Since B. Because C. Consequently D. For
2. I couldn’t repair my bicycle, ___ I didn’t have the right tools.  Tôi không thể sửa xe đạp của
mình, ___ Tôi không có dụng cụ phù hợp.
A. so B. for C. because of D. therefore
3. Two of the factories in our small town have closed. ___, unemployment is high> 3. Hai trong
số các nhà máy ở thị trấn nhỏ của chúng tôi đã đóng cửa. ___, tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao
A. Consequently B. Because C. So that D. Therefore
4. ___ I had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate dinner early.
A. For( k thể đúng đầu câu và k thể đứng 1 mình)
B. Since: bởi vì C. Due to+N/Ving D. Therefore( đứng riêng tách
5. The fire raged hoành hành, diễn ra ác liệt out of control. It got ___ bad that more firefighters had to be
called in.
A. such B. therefore C. so D. as
6. ___ the flood has receded rút xuống, people can move back into their homes.
A. Now that B. Since C. Because D. Inasmuch as
7. Mr. Watson retired from his job early ___ his ill health.
A. because B. due to C. because of D. for
8. Bill’s favorite show was on. He reached to turn on the TV ___ he could watch it.
A. because of B. therefore C. so that D. for
9. She bought the book ___ she had heard it was good.--> Cô ấy đã mua cuốn sách _ vì thực tế là cô
ấy đã nghe thấy nó rất hay.
A. because B. so C. because of D. due to the fact that
10. The Eskimo way of life changed dramatically during the 1800s ___ the introduction of
firearms súng cầm tay các loại and the influx sự tràn vào of large numbers of European whalers người, tàu
săn cá voi and fur traders.
A. because B. due to C. so D. for

Reasons& Results
Exercise 15: Underline the correct answers.
Example: I haven’t got much money as/so I can’t afford a new car.
1. As/As a result it was such a beautiful day, we decided to have a picnic.-->As- vì đó, As a
result là chỉ NN KQ đặt giữa 2 mệnh đề
2. It was his birthday because/so we decided to buy him a present.
3. As a result/Since all the seats on the train were taken, we had to stand.
4. The banks were closed and as a result/because we couldn’t get any money.
5. I didn’t find the book very interesting,so/as I didn’t finish it.

LE Xuan [email protected]

6. We couldn’t drive across the bridge as a result/because it was closed.

7. She had the best qualifications and she,so,/therefore,got the job.
8. Mark joined the English Drama Club so/because he wanted to improve his intonation.
9. The lecture was boring and irrelevant, so/since some of the students began to fall asleep.
10. The lecture was boring and irrelevant, and because/as a resultsome of the students began to
fall asleep.

Exercise 16: Complete the sentences with because, because of, or therefore.
1. __Because____ it rained, we stayed home.
2. It rained. Therefore____, we stayed home.
3. We stayed home because of__ the rain.
4. The hurricane was moving directly toward a small coastal town.Therefore_____, all
residents were advised to move inland until it passed.
5. The residents moved inland __because of___________ the hurricane.
6. ______Because___ the hurricane was moving directly toward the town, all residents were
advised to move inland.
7. Pirahas, which are found in the Amazon River, are ferocious and bloodthirsty fish. When
they attack in great numbers, they can devour ăn ngấu nghiến an entire cow in several minutes
____because of_____ their extremely sharp teeth.
8. A tomato is classified as a fruit, but most people consider it a vegetable ___Because______
it is prepared and eaten in the same ways as lettuce, onions and other vegetables.
9. In ancient Rome, garlic was believed to make people courageous. Roman soldiers,
_Therefore_________, ate large quantities of it before a battle.
10. He found working in Japan very difficult __Because of______ the language problem.

Exercise 17: Complete the sentences withdue to, since,orconsequently. Add any necessary
punctuation and capitalization.
1. ____Due to__ his poor eyesight John has to sit in the front row in class.

2. ____Since_________ John has poor eyesight he has to sit in the front row.

3. John has poor eyesight. __consequently__ he has to sit in the front row.

4. Sarah is afraid of heights .Consequently, she will not walk across the bridge.

LE Xuan [email protected]

5. Sarah will not walk across a bridge due to her fear of heights.

6. __Since__ a camel can go completely without water for eight to ten days it is an ideal animal
for desert areas.

7. Mark is overweight .__consequently, ___ his doctor has advised him to exercise regularly.

8. ___Since__ a diamond is extremely hard it can be used to cut glass.

9. ___Due to___ consumer demand for ivory many African elephants are being slaughtered
ruthlessly. conquesently,__ many people who care about saving these animals from
extinction refuse to buy any item made from ivory.

10. Sarah will not walk across a bridge __due to___ her fear of heights.

Exercise 18: Complete the following sentences by putting conjunctions in the blank. At the
end of the sentence, say what kind of adverb clause is employed in it.
Example:Because John has poor eyesight, he has to sit in the front row. (reason)
1. He did his work because he thoroughly enjoyed it.

2. _When _ I have finished my university studies, I shall spend a year in travelling.

3. Put those books back immediately where they belong.

4. We took a lot of photographs when we were in Switzerland.

5. The pianists waited for silence before/ after that he began to play.

6. They promised to wait _until_ the clock struck eight.

7. I gave up studying mathematics _before_ it was too difficult a subject.

8. It was only __because_ the train was late that I did not meet you.

9. He often worked late so that__ he could earn more money.

10. I am posting this letter tonight __so that__ he will receive it the day after tomorrow.

11. _Whatever_ she may have told you, I still think he is not to be trusted.

12. The expense may be justifiable_although_ it does seem excessive.

13. Much ___as_ I enjoy his lectures, mannerisms irritate me.

LE Xuan [email protected]

14. _though/ although__ we were very tired after the journey, we were in good spirits.

15. The oral examination was not so great an ordeal __as_ I had feared.

16. __seeing that/ provide that__ that my expenses are paid I shall be willing to attend the

17. You can count on him to do the job exactly _as_ you want it done.

18. __If___ the money does not arrive in time, how will you pay your landlady?

19. I shall use this money exactly as_ I like.

20. Those books must be found _where__ they are.

Exercise 19: Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) on the line before each sentence.
1. ___ After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway.=> C
2. ___ The refrigerator process took many hours since the lines so long.
3. ___ This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some bad side effects.
4. ___ The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the coastal town. .=> C
5. ___ We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not.
6. ___ Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen.
7. ___ Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family moved into the new house.
.=> C
8. ___ Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the springtime.
9. ___ The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while the rain was falling heavily
because they did not want to have an accident. .=> C
10. ___ If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much better time because the
small details will not cause problems.
11. ___ The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty. .=> C
12. ___ After the children read some stories before they went to bed.
13. ___ The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week.
14. ___ If you do not turn on the lights, you will trip in the dark. .=> C
15. ___ A thick fog came rolling in, so planes unable to land.
16. ___ All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock is gone. .=> C
17. ___ The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were not on board.

LE Xuan [email protected]

18. ___ The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must
approve it.
19. ___ 18. ___ The outline must be submitted to the teacher one week before the paper is due,
and must be approved.
20. ___ Because the food was cold when it was served the diners sent it back to the kitchen.
21. ___ You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over. .=> C

LE Xuan [email protected]

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