Chapter Four Internet of Things (Iot) : Iot Services+ Data+ Networks + Sensors

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Chapter Four

Internet of Things [IoT]

4.1.1. What is IoT?

The description of the Internet of Things is related to different definitions used by several
groups for promoting the particular concept in the whole world.
➢According to the Internet Architecture Board’s (IAB) definition, IoT is the networking of
smart objects, meaning a huge number of devices intelligently communicating in the presence
of internet protocol that cannot be directly operated by human beings but exist as components
in buildings, vehicles or the environment.
➢According to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) organization’s definition, IoT is
the networking of smart objects in which smart objects have some constraints such as limited
bandwidth, power, and processing accessibility for achieving interoperability among smart
➢According to the IEEE Communications category magazine’s definition, IoT is a
framework of all things that have a representation in the presence of the internet in such a
way that new applications and services enable the interaction in the physical and virtual
world in the form of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication in the cloud.
➢According to the Oxford dictionary’s definition, IoT is the interaction of everyday object’s
computing devices through the Internet that enables the sending and receiving of useful data.
➢The term Internet of Things (IoT) according to the 2020 conceptual framework is
expressed through a simple formula such as:
IoT= Services+ Data+ Networks + Sensors
Generally, The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things"
embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these
objects to collect and exchange data. IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices,
mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals, or people that are provided with unique
identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human
or human-to-computer interaction. IoT is a network of devices that can sense, accumulate and
transfer data over the internet without any human intervention. Simply stated, the Internet of
Things consists of any device with an on/off switch connected to the internet. This includes
almost anything you can think of, ranging from cell phones to building maintenance to the jet
engine of an airplane.
Medical devices, such as a heart monitor implant or a biochip transponder in a farm animal,
can transfer data over a network and are members of the IoT. If it has an off/on switch, then it

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can, theoretically, be part of the system. The IoT consists of a gigantic network of internet-
connected “things” and devices. Ring, a doorbell that links to your smartphone, provides an
excellent example of a recent addition to the Internet of Things. Ring signals you when the
doorbell is pressed and lets you see who it is and to speak with them.
The internet of things (IoT) has found its application in several areas such as connected
industry,smart-city, smart-home, smart-energy, connected car, smart agriculture, connected
building and campus, health care, logistics, among other domains.
IoT systems allow users to achieve deeper automation, analysis, and integration within a
system. They improve the reach of these areas and their accuracy. IoT utilizes existing and
emerging technology for sensing, networking, and robotics. IoT exploits recent advances in
software, falling hardware prices, and modern attitudes towards technology. Its new and
advanced elements bring major changes in the delivery of products, goods, and services; and
the social, economic, and political impact of those changes.
4.1.2. History of IoT
The Internet of Things has not been around for very long. However, there have been visions
of machines communicating with one another since the early 1800s. Machines have been
providing direct communications since the telegraph (the first landline) was developed in the
1830s and1840s. Described as “wireless telegraphy,” the first radio voice transmission took
place on June 3, 1900, providing another necessary component for developing the Internet of
Things. The development of computers began in the 1950s. The Internet, itself a significant
component of the IoT, started as part of DARPA(DefenseAdvanced Research Projects
Agency) in 1962 and evolved into ARPANET in 1969. In the 1980s, commercial service
providers began supporting the public use of ARPANET, allowing it to evolve into our
modern Internet. Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) became a reality in early 1993, with the
Department of Defense providing a stable, highly functional system of 24 satellites. This was
quickly followed by privately owned, commercial satellites being placed in orbit. Satellites
and landlines provide basic communications for much of the IoT. One additional and
important component in developing a functional IoT was IPV6’s remarkably intelligent
decision to increase address space. The Internet of Things, as a concept, wasn’t officially
named until 1999. One of the first examples of the Internet of Things is from the early 1980s
and was a Coca Cola machine, located at the Carnegie Melon University.
Local programmers would connect by the Internet to the refrigerated appliance, and check to
see if there was a drink available and if it was cold, before making the trip.
By the year 2013, the Internet of Things had evolved into a system using multiple

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technologies, ranging from the Internet to wireless communication and from micro-
electromechanical systems(MEMS) to embedded systems. The traditional fields of
automation (including the automation of buildings and homes), wireless sensor networks,
GPS, control systems, and others, all support the IoT. Kevin Ashton, the Executive Director
of Auto-ID Labs at MIT, was the first to describe the Internet of Things, during his 1999
speech. Kevin Ashton stated that Radio frequency identification(RFID) was a prerequisite for
the Internet of Things. He concluded if all devices were “tagged,” computers could manage,
track, and inventory them. To some extent, the tagging of things has been achieved through
technologies such as digital watermarking, barcodes, and QR codes. Inventory control is one
of the more obvious advantages of theInternet of Things.
4.1.3.Advantages of IoT
The advantages of IoT span across every area of lifestyle and business. Here is a list of some
of the advantages that IoT has to offer:
• Improved Customer Engagement - Current analytics suffer from blind spots and
significant flaws inaccuracy; and as noted, engagement remains passive. IoT completely
transforms this to achieve richer and more effective engagement with audiences.
• Technology Optimization - The same technologies and data which improve the customer
experience also improve device use and aid in more potent improvements to technology.
IoT unlocks a world of critical functional and field data.
• Reduced Waste - IoT makes areas of improvement clear. Current analytics give us
superficial insight, but IoT provides real-world information leading to the more effective
management of resources.
• Enhanced Data Collection - Modern data collection suffers from its limitations and its
design for passive use. IoT breaks it out of those spaces and places it exactly where humans
want to go to analyze our world. It allows an accurate picture of everything.
4.1.4.Disadvantages of IoT
Here is a list of some of the disadvantages of IoT. These are:
• As the number of connected devices increases and more information is shared between
devices, the potential that a hacker could steal confidential information also increases.
• If there’s a bug in the system, it’s likely that every connected device will become corrupted.
• Since there’s no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it’s difficult for devices
from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.
• Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive numbers maybe even millions of IoT
devices and collecting and managing the data from all those devices will be challenging.

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4.1.5. Challenges of IoT
Though IoT delivers an impressive set of advantages, it also presents a significant set of
challenges. Here is a list of some of its major issues:
• Security - IoT creates an ecosystem of constantly connected devices communicating over
networks. The system offers little control despite any security measures. This leaves users
exposed to various kinds of attackers.
• Privacy - The sophistication of IoT provides substantial personal data in extreme detail
without the user's active participation.
• Complexity - Some find IoT systems complicated in terms of design, deployment, and
maintenance is given their use of multiple technologies and a large set of new enabling
• Flexibility - Many are concerned about the flexibility of an IoT system to integrate easily
with another. They worry about finding themselves with several conflicting or locking
• Compliance - IoT, like any other technology in the realm of business, must comply with
regulations. Its complexity makes the issue of compliance seem incredibly challenging when
many consider standard software compliance a battle.
4.2. How does IoT work?
An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded processors,
sensors, and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their
environments. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway
or another edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed
locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the
information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without human
intervention, although people can interact with the devices. For instance, to set them up, give
them instructions or access the data.
The connectivity, networking, and communication protocols used with these web-enabled
devices largely depend on the specific IoT applications deployed.

4.2.1. Architecture of IoT

In general, an IoT device can be explained as a network of things that consists of hardware,
software, network connectivity, and sensors. Hence, the architecture of IoT devices
comprises four major components: sensing, network, data processing, and application layers
(as depicted in Figure4.2). A detailed description of these layers is given below.

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1. Sensing Layer - The main purpose of the sensing layer is to identify any phenomena in the
devices’ peripheral and obtain data from the real world. This layer consists of several sensors.
Using multiple sensors for applications is one of the primary features of IoT devices. Sensors
in IoT devices are usually integrated through sensor hubs. A sensor hub is a common
connection point for multiple sensors that accumulate and forward sensor data to the
processing unit of a device.
Actuators can also intervene to change the physical conditions that generate the data. An
actuator might, for example, shut off a power supply, adjust an airflow valve, or move a
robotic gripper in an assembly process. Sensors in IoT devices can be classified into three
broad categories as described below:
A. Motion Sensors: Motion sensors measure the change in motion as well as the orientation
of the devices. There are two types of motions one can observe in a device: linear and
angular motions. The linear motion refers to the linear displacement of an IoT device
while the angular motion refers to the rotational displacement of the device.
B. Environmental Sensors: Sensors such as Light sensors, Pressure sensors, etc. are
embedded in IoT devices to sense the change in environmental parameters in the device's
peripheral. The primary purpose of using environmental sensors in IoT devices is to help the
devices to take autonomous decisions according to the changes of a device's peripheral. For
instance, environment sensors are used in many applications to improve user experience (e.g.,
home automation systems, smart locks, smart lights, etc.).
C. Position sensors: Position sensors of IoT devices deal with the physical position and
location of the device. The most common position sensors used in IoT devices are magnetic
sensors and Global Positioning System (GPS) sensors. Magnetic sensors are usually used as a
digital compass and help to fix the orientation of the device display. On the other hand, GPS
is used for navigation purposes in IoT devices.
2. Network Layer - The network layer acts as a communication channel to transfer data,
collected in the sensing layer, to other connected devices. In IoT devices, the network layer is
implemented by using diverse communication technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee,
ZWave, LoRa, cellular network, etc.) to allow data flow between other devices within the
same network.
3. Data Processing Layer - The data processing layer consists of the main data processing
unit of IoT devices. The data processing layer takes data collected in the sensing layer and
analyses the data to make decisions based on the result. In some IoT devices (e.g.,
smartwatch, smart home hub, etc.), the data processing layer also saves the result of the

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previous analysis to improve the user experience. This layer may share the result of data
processing with other connected devices via the network layer.
4. Application Layer - The application layer implements and presents the results of the data
processing layer to accomplish disparate applications of IoT devices. The application layer is
a user-centric layer that executes various tasks for the users. There exist diverse IoT
applications, which include smart transportation, smart home, personal care, healthcare, etc.

Figure 4.2 Architecture of IoT

4.2.2. Devices and Networks

Connected devices are part of a scenario in which every device talks to other related devices
in an environment to automate home and industrial tasks, and to communicate usable sensor
data to users, businesses, and other interested parties. IoT devices are meant to work in
concert for people at home, in industry, or the enterprise. As such, the devices can be
categorized into three main groups: consumer, enterprise, and industrial.

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Consumer connected devices include smart TVs, smart speakers, toys, wearables, and smart
appliances. smart meters, commercial security systems, and smart city technologies such as
those used to monitor traffic and weather conditions are examples of industrial and enterprise
IoT devices. Other technologies, including smart air conditioning, smart thermostats, smart
lighting, and smart security, span home, enterprise, and industrial uses.
In the enterprise, smart sensors located in a conference room can help an employee locate and
schedule an available room for a meeting, ensuring the proper room type, size and features
are available. When meeting attendees enter the room, the temperature will adjust according
to the occupancy, and the lights will dim as the appropriate PowerPoint loads on the screen
and the speaker begins his presentation.

IoT network typically includes several devices with constrained resources (power,
processing, memory, among others) and some of those devices may be massively deployed
over large areas like smart cities, industrial plants, whereas others may be deployed in hard-
to-reach areas like pipelines hazardous zones, or even in hostile environments like war zones.
Therefore, the efficient management of IoT networks requires considering both the
constraints of low-power IoT devices and the deployment complexity of the underlying
communication infrastructure. IoT landscape is depicted by an increasing number of
connected devices characterized by their heterogeneity and the presence of resources
constrained networks. To ensure the correct functioning of those connected devices, they
must be remotely accessed to configure, monitoring their status, and so forth. Traditional
management solutions cannot be used for low-power device networks given their resources
limitation and scalability issues. Therefore, efficient and autonomic management of IoT
networks is needed.

Developing an IoT network management solution is not an easy task because of the intrinsic
constraints of IoT networks (architecture, technologies, physical layer). Indeed, it is
necessary to take into account several elements such as scalability, interoperability, energy
efficiency, topology control, Quality of Service (QoS), fault tolerance, and security. The
security, context-aware, and the standard model of messages still in an early stage and should
be resolved in a new management platform.

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Therefore, this work proposes a platform for IoT networks and devices management, called
M4DN.IoT (Management for Device and Network in the Internet of Things). This solution
integrates and controls the individual functionalities of the devices in an IoT network as well
as the status and characteristics of this network. M4DN. IoTdefines a management structure
in two scopes: local management, where the platform runs in the same environment as the
devices, and remote management, where the platform controls the devices in different

The structure of the platform is expandable, allowing the addition of new types of network
devices or applications. Also, the platform provides standard web services, such as device
discovery, data storage, and user authorities, which are basic requirements for creating IoT

4.3. IoT Tools and Platforms

There are many vendors in the industrial IoT platform marketplace, offering remarkably
similar capabilities and methods of deployment. These IoT Platform Solutions are based on
the Internet of Things and cloud technology. They can be used in areas of smart homes, city,
enterprise, home automation, healthcare, or automotive, just to name a few.

IoT Platform Key features

• Manage an unlimited number of connected
KAA • Set up cross-device interoperability
• Perform real-time device monitoring
• Perform remote device provisioning and

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• Collect and analyze sensor data
• Analyze user behavior and deliver targeted
• Create cloud services for smart products
• Run any number of IoT applications on a
single SiteWhere instance
• Spring delivers the core configuration
• Add devices through self-registration
SiteWhere • Integrates with third-party integration
frameworks such as Mule any point
• Default database storage is MongoDB
• Eclipse Californium for CoAP messaging
• InfluxDB for event data storage
• Grafana to visualize SiteWhere data
• Collect data in private channels

• Share data with public channels

• MATLAB analytics and visualizations
ThingSpeak • Alerts

• Event scheduling
• App integrations
• Worldwide community
DeviceHive • Directly integrate with Alexa

• Visualization dashboard of your choice

• It supports Big data solutions such as
ElasticSearch, Apache Spark, Cassandra, and
Kafka for real-time and batch processing.
• Connect any device
• It comes with Apache Spark and Spark
Streaming support
• Supports libraries written in various
programming languages, including Android
and iOS libraries
• It allows running batch analytics and

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machine learning on top of your device data
• Supports a wide range of hacker boards

Zetta • Zetta allows you to assemble smartphone

apps, device apps, and cloud apps

• Allows monitoring client-side and provision

server-side device attributes.
• Support multi-tenant installations out-of-
• Supports transport encryption for both
MQTT and HTTP(s) protocols.

4.4. Applications of IoT

The versatile nature of IoT makes it an attractive option for so many businesses,
organizations, and government branches, that it doesn’t make sense to ignore it. Here’s a
sample of various industries, and how IoT can be best applied.

• Agriculture - For indoor planting, IoT makes monitoring and management of microclimate
conditions a reality, which in turn increases production. For outside planting, devices using
IoT technology can sense soil moisture and nutrients, in conjunction with weather data, better
control smart irrigation and fertilizer systems. If the sprinkler systems dispense water only
when needed, for example, this prevents wasting a precious resource.

• Consumer Use - For private citizens, IoT devices in the form of wearables and smart homes
make life easier. Wearables cover accessories such as Fitbit, smartphones, Apple watches,
health monitors, to name a few.

These devices improve entertainment, network connectivity, health, and fitness. Smart homes
take care of things like activating environmental controls so that your house is at peak
comfort when you come home. Dinner that requires either an oven or a crockpot can be
started remotely, so the food is ready when you arrive. Security is made more accessible as
well, with the consumer having the ability to control appliances and lights remotely, as well
as activating a smart lock to allow the appropriate people to enter the house even if they don’t
have a key.

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• Healthcare - First and foremost, wearable IoT devices let hospitals monitor their patient's
health at home, thereby reducing hospital stays while still providing up to the minute real-
time information that could save lives. In hospitals, smart beds keep the staff informed as to
the availability, thereby cutting wait time for free space. Putting IoT sensors on critical
equipment means fewer breakdowns and increased reliability, which can mean the difference
between life and death. Elderly care becomes significantly more comfortable with IoT. In
addition to the above-mentioned real-time home monitoring, sensors can also determine if a
patient has fallen or is suffering a heart attack.

• Insurance - Even the insurance industry can benefit from the IoT revolution. Insurance
companies can offer their policyholders discounts for IoTwearables such as Fitbit. By
employing fitness tracking, the insurer can offer customized policies and encourage healthier
habits, which in the long run benefits everyone, insurer, and customer alike.

• Manufacturing - The world of manufacturing and industrial automation is another big

winner in the IoT sweepstakes. RFID and GPS technology can help a manufacturer track a
product from its start on the factory floor to its placement in the destination store, the whole
supply chain from start to finish. These sensors can gather information on travel time, product
condition, and environmental conditions that the product was subjected to. Sensors attached
to factory equipment can help identify bottlenecks in the production line, thereby reducing
lost time and waste. Other sensors mounted on those same machines can also track the
performance of the machine, predicting when the unit will require maintenance, thereby
preventing costly breakdowns.

• Retail - IoT technology has a lot to offer the world of retail. Online and in-store shopping
sales figures can control warehouse automation and robotics, information gleaned from IoT

Much of this relies on RFIDs, which are already in heavy use worldwide. Mall
locations are iffy things; business tends to fluctuate, and the advent of online shopping has
driven down the demand for brick and mortar establishments. However, IoT can help
analyze mall traffic so that stores located in malls can make the necessary adjustments that
enhance the customer’s shopping experience while reducing overhead. Speaking of customer
engagement, IoT helps retailers target customers based on past purchases.

Equipped with the information provided through IoT, a retailer could craft a personalized
promotion for their loyal customers, thereby eliminating the need for costly mass marketing

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promotions that donut stand as much of a chance of success. Much of these promotions can
be conducted through the customers’ smartphones, especially if they have an app for the
appropriate store.

• Transportation - By this time, most people have heard about the progress being made with
self-driving cars. But that’s just one bit of the vast potential in the field of transportation.
The GPS, which if you think of it is another example of IoT, is being utilized to help
transportation companies plot faster and more efficient routes for trucks hauling freight,
thereby speeding up delivery times. There’s already significant progress made in navigation,
once again alluding to a phone or car’s GPS. But city planners can also use that data to help
determine traffic patterns, parking space demand, and road construction and maintenance.
• Utilities - IoT sensors can be employed to monitor environmental conditions such as
humidity, temperature, and lighting. The information provided by IoT sensors can aid in the
creation of algorithms that regulate energy usage and make the appropriate adjustments,
eliminating the human equation (and let’s face it, who of us hasn’t forgotten to switch off
lights in a room or turn down the thermostat?). With IoT-driven environmental control,
businesses and private residences can experience significant energy savings, which in the
long run, benefits everyone, including the environment! On a larger scale, data gathered by
the Internet of Things can be used to help run municipal power grids more efficiently,
analyzing factors such as usage. Also, the sensors can help pinpoint outages faster, thereby
increasing the response time of repair crews and decreasing blackout times.

4.3.1. IoT Based Smart Home

Smart Home initiative allows subscribers to remotely manage and monitor different home
devices from anywhere via smartphones or over the web with no physical distance

With the ongoing development of mass-deployed broadband internet connectivity and

wireless technology, the concept of a Smart Home has become a reality where all devices are
integrated and interconnected via the wireless network. These “smart” devices have the
potential to share information given the permanent availability to access the broadband
internet connection.

• Remote Control Appliances: Switching on and off remotely appliances to avoid accidents
and save energy.

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• Weather: Displays outdoor weather conditions such as humidity, temperature, pressure,
wind speed, and rain levels with the ability to transmit data over long distances.

• Smart Home Appliances: Refrigerators with LCD screen telling what’s inside, food that
about to expire, ingredients you need to buy, and with all the information available on a
smartphone app. Washing machines allowing you to monitor the laundry remotely, and. The
kitchen ranges with the interface to a Smartphone app allowing remotely adjustable
temperature control and monitoring the oven’s self-cleaning feature.

• Safety Monitoring: cameras, and home alarm systems making people feel safe in their daily
life at home.

• Intrusion Detection Systems: Detection of window and door openings and violations to
prevent intruders.

• Energy and Water Use: Energy and water supply consumption monitoring to obtain advice
on how to save cost and resources, & many more.

4.3.2. IoT Based Smart City

In cities, the development of smart grids, data analytics, and autonomous vehicles will
provide an intelligent platform to deliver innovations in energy management, traffic
management, and security, sharing the benefits of this technology throughout society.
• Structural Health: Monitoring of vibrations and material conditions in buildings, bridges
and historical monuments.

• Lightning: intelligent and weather adaptive lighting in street lights.

• Safety: Digital video monitoring, fire control management, public announcement systems.

• Transportation: Smart Roads and Intelligent Highways with warning messages and
diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected events like accidents or traffic
• Smart Parking: Real-time monitoring of parking spaces available in the city making
residents able to identify and reserve the closest available spaces,

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• Waste Management: Detection of rubbish levels in containers to optimize the trash
collection routes. Garbage cans and recycle bins with RFID tags allow the sanitation staff to
see when garbage has been put out.

4.3.3. IoT Based Smart Farming

• Green Houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize the production of fruits and
vegetables and their quality.

• Compost: Control of humidity and temperature levels in alfalfa, hay, straw, etc. to prevent
fungus and other microbial contaminants.

• Animal Farming/Tracking: Location and identification of animals grazing in open

pastures or locations in big stables, Study of ventilation and air quality in farms, and
detection of harmful gases from excrements.

• Offspring Care: Control of growing conditions of the offspring in animal farms to ensure
its survival and health.

• Field Monitoring: Reducing spoilage and crop waste with better monitoring, accurate
ongoing data obtaining, and management of the agriculture fields, including better control of
fertilizing, electricity, and watering.

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