PID2566391 - Future Internet - The Internet of Things Architecture
PID2566391 - Future Internet - The Internet of Things Architecture
PID2566391 - Future Internet - The Internet of Things Architecture
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2012 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT): Proceedings
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Abstract—The Internet is continuously changing and evolving. physical objects are equipped with Radio-Frequency IDen-
The main communication form of present Internet is human- tification (RFID) tags or other identification bar-codes that
human. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be considered as the can be sensed by the smart sensor devices [6]. The sensors
future evaluation of the Internet that realizes machine-to-machine
(M2M) learning. Thus, IoT provides connectivity for everyone communicate object specific information over the Internet
and everything. The IoT embeds some intelligence in Internet- to the computational and processing unit. A combination of
connected objects to communicate, exchange information, take different sensors can be used for the design of smart services.
decisions, invoke actions and provide amazing services. This The result of processing is then passed to the decision making
paper addresses the existing development trends, the generic and action invoking system that determines an automated
architecture of IoT, its distinguishing features and possible future
applications. This paper also forecast the key challenges associ- action to be invoked.
ated with the development of IoT. The IoT is getting increasing This paper addresses the existing development trends, the
popularity for academia, industry as well as government that generic architecture of IoT, IoT distinguishing features and
has the potential to bring significant personal, professional and possible future applications. The IoT is a hot research topic
economic benefits. that is getting increasing popularity for academia, industry as
Keywords-Internet of Things, ubiquitous computing, RFID, IoT well as government. Many European and American organi-
architecture, IoT applications, IoT security. zations and multinatinal companies are involved in the design
and development of IoT to achieve different type of useful and
I. I NTRODUCTION powerful automated services [1]. The IoT has to face many
challenges in its deployment specially in the field of security,
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides connectivity for governance and standardization that are also addressed in this
anyone at any time and place to anything at any time and paper.
place. With the advancement in technology, we are moving The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
towards a society, where everything and everyone will be describes briefly the evolution of Internet. Section III presents
connected [1]. The IoT is considered as the future evaluation of the generic architecture of IoT. Section IV forecasts possible
the Internet that realizes machine-to-machine (M2M) learning future application of IoT. Section V describes key challenges
[2]. The basic idea of IoT is to allow autonomous and secure in the design and implementation of IoT. Finally, Section VI
connection and exchange of data between real world devices concludes the paper.
and applications [3]. The IoT links real life and physical
activities with the virtual world [4]. II. E VALUATION OF I NTERNET OF T HINGS
The numbers of Internet connected devices are increasing The Internet has tremendously evolved in the last few
at the rapid rate. These devices include personal computers, years connecting billions of things globally. These things
laptops, tablets, smart phones, PDAs and other hand-held have different sizes, capabilities, processing and computational
embedded devices. Most of the mobile devices embed different power and support different kind of applications [4]. Thus, the
sensors and actuators that can sense, perform computation, traditional Internet merges into smart future Internet, called
take intelligent decisions and transmit useful collected infor- IoT [1]. The generic scenario of IoT is shown in Fig. 1. The
mation over the Internet [5]. Using a network of such devices IoT connects real world objects and embeds the intelligence in
with different sensors can give birth to enormous amazing the system to smartly process the object specific information
applications and services that can bring significant personal, and take useful autonomous decisions [2]. Thus, IoT can give
professional and economic benefits [6]. birth to enormous useful applications and services that we
The IoT consists of objects, sensor devices, communication never imagined before [1].
infrastructure, computational and processing unit that may With the advancement in technology, the devices processing
be placed on cloud, decision making and action invoking power and storage capabilities significantly increased while
system [7]. The objects have certain unique features and are their sizes reduced. These smart devices are usually equipped
uniquely identifiable and accessible to the Internet. These with different type of sensors and actuators. Also these devices
Smart Transport
Smart Health Computation and Processing System
Smart Farming Smart
Decision Making and Action Invoking unit
Communication Infrastructure/Network
Smart Home
Notebook Internet Sensors
Television Objects
Service Type 1 RFID Tags Service Type 2 RFID Tags
Figure 2: Basic IoT system.
IP Phones Refrigerator
Independent Living
proposed architecture for IoT needs to address many factors
Figure 1: The IoT generic scenario. like scalability, interoperability, reliability, QoS, etc. Since IoT
connects everything and everyone to exchange information
among themselves, the traffic and storages in the network will
are able to connect and communicate over the Internet that also increase in the exponential way. Thus, IoT development
can enable a new range of opportunities [3]. Moreover, the depends on the technology progress and design of various new
physical objects are increasingly equipped with RFID tags applications and business models. The basic architecture of
or other electronic bar codes that can be scanned by the IoT is proposed in [9] and [11].
smart devices, e.g., smart phones or small embedded RFID Generally, the structure of IoT is divided into five layers as
scanner. The objects have unique identity and their specific shown in Fig. 3. These layers are briefly described below:
information are embedded in the RFID tags. In 2005, the 1) Perception Layer: The Perception layer is also known as
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) proposed that ‘Device Layer’. It consists of the physical objects and
"Internet of Things" will connect the real world objects in both sensor devices. The sensors can be RFID, 2D-barcode,
a sensory and intelligent manner [8]. Fig. 2 shows basic IoT or Infrared sensor depending upon objects identification
system implementing different type of applications or services. method. This layer basically deals with the identification
The things connect and communicate with other things that and collection of objects specific information by the
implement the same service type. The basic simplified work- sensor devices. Depending on the type of sensors, the
flow of IoT can be described as follows: information can be about location, temperature, orienta-
1) Object sensing, identification and communication of ob- tion, motion, vibration, acceleration, humidity, chemical
ject specific information. The information is the sensed changes in the air etc. The collected information is then
data about temperature, orientation, motion, vibration, passed to Network layer for its secure transmission to
acceleration, humidity, chemical changes in the air etc the information processing system.
depending on the type of sensors. A combination of 2) Network Layer: The Network layer can also be called
different sensors can be used for the design of smart ‘Transmission Layer’. This layer securely transfers the
services. information from sensor devices to the information
2) Trigger an action. The received object information is processing system. The transmission medium can be
processed by a smart device/system that then determines wired or wireless and technology can be 3G, UMTS,
an automated action to be invoked. Wifi, Bluetooth, infrared, ZigBee, etc depending upon
3) The smart device/system provide rich services and in- the sensor devices. Thus, the Network layer transfers the
cludes a mechanism to provide feedback to the admin- information from Perception layer to Middleware layer.
istrator about the current system status and the results 3) Middleware Layer: The devices over the IoT implement
of actions invoked. different type of services. Each device connects and
communicates with only those other devices which im-
III. G ENERIC A RCHITECTURE plement the same service type. This layer is responsible
Today’s Internet is using TCP/IP protocol stack for com- for the service management and has link to the database.
munication between network hosts which was proposed long It receives the information from Network layer and store
time ago. However, the IoT connects billions of objects in the database. It performs information processing and
which will create much larger traffic and much more data ubiquitous computation and takes automatic decision
storage is needed [9]. Also, IoT will face many challenges based on the results.
specially related to privacy and security [10]. Thus, the new 4) Application Layer: This layer provides global manage-
Business Layer Business Flow- life e.g., monitoring health parameters, monitoring activities,
System Management Models charts support for independent living, monitoring medicines intake
Application Layer Smart Applications and 6) Agriculture application: A network of different sensors
can sense data, perform data processing and inform the farmer
Ubiquitous Computing Database
through communication infrastructure e.g., mobile phone text
Middleware Layer
Info Processing Service Management Decision Unit
message about the portion of land that need particular atten-
tion. This may include smart packaging of seeds, fertilizer
Network Layer Secure 3G, UMTS, Wifi, and pest control mechanisms that respond to specific local
Bluetooth, infrared,
Transmission ZigBee, etc conditions and indicate actions. Intelligent farming system
will help agronomists to have better understanding of the
Perception Layer RFID, Barcode, plant growth models and to have efficient farming practices
Physical Objects
Infrared Sensors
by having the knowledge of land conditions and climate
Figure 3: The IoT Architecture. variability. This will significantly increase the agricultural
productivity by avoiding the inappropriate farming conditions.
7) Intelligent transport system design: The Intelligent
ment of the application based on the objects information transportation system will provide efficient transportation con-
processed in the Middleware layer. The applications trol and management using advanced technology of sensors,
implemented by IoT can be smart health, smart farming, information and network. The intelligent transportation can
smart home, smart city, intelligent transportation, etc. have many interesting features such as non-stop electronic
5) Business Layer: This layer is responsible for the man- highway toll, mobile emergency command and scheduling,
agement of overall IoT system including the applications transportation law enforcement, vehicle rules violation mon-
and services. It builds business models, graphs, flow- itoring, reducing environmental pollution, anti-theft system,
charts etc based on the data received from Application avoiding traffic jams, reporting traffic incidents, smart bea-
layer. The real success of the IoT technology also coning, minimizing arrival delays etc
depends on the good business models. Based on the 8) Design of smart cities: The IoT can help to design
analysis of results, this layer will help to determine the smart cities e.g., monitoring air quality, discovering emergency
future actions and business strategies. routes, efficient lighting up of the city, watering gardens etc.
9) Smart metering and monitoring: The IoT design for
IV. P OSSIBLE F UTURE A PPLICATIONS smart metering and monitoring will help to get accurate auto-
mated meter reading and issuance of invoice to the customers.
The IoT can find its applications in almost every aspect of The IoT can also be used to design such scheme for wind
our daily life. Below are some of the examples. turbine maintenance and remote monitoring, gas, water as well
1) Prediction of natural disasters: The combination of as environmental metering and monitoring.
sensors and their autonomous coordination and simulation will 10) Smart Security: The IoT can also find applications
help to predict the occurrence of land-slides or other natural in the field of security and surveillance e.g., surveillance
disasters and to take appropriate actions in advance. of spaces, tracking of people and assets, infrastructure and
2) Industry applications: The IoT can find applications in equipment maintenance, alarming etc.
industry e.g., managing a fleet of cars for an organization. The IoT is also getting increasing popularity for academia,
The IoT helps to monitor their environmental performance industry as well as government. Many international organi-
and process the data to determine and pick the one that need zations are involved in the development of IoT. Microsoft’s
maintenance. Eye-On-Earth platform creates an environment where water
3) Water Scarcity monitoring: The IoT can help to detect and air quality of a large number of European countries
the water scarcity at different places. The networks of sensors, can be viewed, thus aiding in climate change research [8].
tied together with the relevant simulation activities might not The European Commission is also involved in the research
only monitor long term water interventions such as catchment and development related to IoT. The Cluster of European
area management, but may even be used to alert users of Research Projects on the Internet of Things (CERP-IoT) is
a stream, for instance, if an upstream event, such as the one of their active research project. The CERP-IoT look
accidental release of sewage into the stream, might have for IoT applications in societal, industrial and environmental
dangerous implications. domains [8]. The European FP7 project ‘The Internet of
4) Design of smart homes: The IoT can help in the design Things Architecture’ (IoT-A) focuses on the possible standard
of smart homes e.g., energy consumption management, in- architecture for the IoT. Some other currently active European
teraction with appliances, detecting emergencies, home safety FP7 research projects that focus on the development of IoT
and finding things easily, home security etc. includes IoT@Work, ‘The Internet of Things Initiative’ (IoT-
5) Medical applications: The IoT can also find applications i) and ‘European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things’
in medical sector for saving lives or improving the quality of (IERC). HP is also researching IoT based infrastructure in their
Central Nervous System for the Earth initiative. Their aim is to allow billions of sensors to communicate over the
to populate the planet with billions of small sensors aimed at wireless medium.
detecting vibrations and motion. 8) Greening of IoT: The network energy consumption is
The IoT applications will continuously evolve with the increasing at very high rate due to increase in data
passage of time but it has also to face many challenges related rates, increase in the number of Internet-enabled services
to privacy, security, scale and complexity, sufficient spectrum and rapid growth of Internet connected edge-devices.
for connecting huge number of tagged objects or sensors etc. The future IoT will cause significant increase in the
Some of the key challenges are addressed in section V. network energy consumption. Thus, green technologies
need to be adopted to make the network devices as
energy efficient as possible.
The IoT can change the shape of the Internet and can
offer enormous economic benefits but it also faces many key VI. C ONCLUSIONS
challenges [10], [12]. Some of them are briefly described This paper introduced the emerging future form of Internet
below. called "Internet of Things" that will connect everything and
1) Naming and Identity Management: The IoT will connect everyone. The IoT embeds intelligence in the sensor devices
billions of objects to provide innovative services. Each to autonomously communicate, exchange information and take
object/sensor needs to have a unique identity over the intelligent decisions. Simply, IoT transitions human-human
Internet. Thus, an efficient naming and identity man- communication to human-human, human-device and device-
agement system is required that can dynamically assign device communication. This paper described briefly the eval-
and manage unique identity for such a large number of uation of Internet, proposed the generic structure for IoT,
objects. described possible future applications and some active inter-
2) Interoperability and Standardization: Many manufactur- national projects in the field of IoT and finally addressed some
ers provide devices using their own technologies and key challenges associated with the IoT technology. The IoT
services that may not be accessible by others. The deployment could be hard and require large research efforts
standardization of IoT is very important to provide better to tackle with the challenges but it can provide significant
interoperability for all objects and sensor devices. personal, professional and economic benefits in the near future.
3) Information Privacy: The IoT uses different kind of ob- R EFERENCES
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