3as Unit Plan Ethics in Business

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UNIT PLAN: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper

Theme: Ethics in business (Fighting fraud and corruption)
COURSE OBJECTIVE: Writing a charter of ethics
Learning Objectives Decipllinary S.R .Sed Activities Resources Integration Materials
Listen and Consider
° Expressing wish and desire with wish Getting Started p46. Grammar “ New Prospects”
and it’s high time . Let’s hear it p 47 -providing /provided that Preparing a short
°Asking for and giving advice and warning Around the text : - wish, It’s high time /it’s about time Visuals
using should ,ought to and had better . - had better /had better not public statement
°Pronouncing words ending in –ics -Grammar Explorer I /II/III /should/ought to about how to fight
° Making a public statement P47,48,49 Vocabulary
-Vocabulary Explorer :tasks corruption
Vocabulary related to ethics in
1,2,3 p 50,51 business
- Pronunciation and spelling p51 Pronunciation
Think ,Pair ,Share : tasks Words ending in -ics
1,2,3,4 p 52

Read and Consider

°Using the present continuous passive in * Interpretation Getting Started p53 “ New Prospects”
descriptions Taking a closer look p 54 Grammar
°Expressing cause and *Interaction -Cause and result Visuals
result :because,so+adj+that……. Around the text: Writing an opinion
-Grammar Explorer I:tasks 1, because,so+adj+that
°Expressing obligation and necessity with *Production -must /have to article about
must/have to 2,3 p55 Vocabulary
°Forming nouns by adding suffix –ty to -Grammar Explorer II: tasks 1,2, counterfeiting
-words related to Fraud
adjectives p 56 Pronunciation
°Forming opposites by adding prefixes dis- -Vocabulary Explorer : -suffix –ty
il-,etc. tasks 1,2,3,4, p57 -prefixes dis- il-……..
°Writing an opinion article - Pronunciation and Spelling
Think, Pair ,Share:p58

Page 2
Reading and writing : * Interpretation
°Skimming. Before Reading p65 Grammar Writing a policy “ New Prospects”
°Scanning. *Interaction As you Read : tasks Words references
°Responding to a text . 1,2,3, p66/67
°Guessing the meaning of words from *Production Visuals
After Reading :coping
context. /tasks 1,2,3 p68
°Identifying and using reference words. Writing development p
°Writing a policy statement . 69

Project Outcome. Learners should exploit the “ New Prospects”

Writing a charter of ethics *Production Task p71 grammar and the vocabulary notions -To write a charter of ethics
they have learnt. in relation to professions Personal aids
-To prepare a report about
Internet Piracy Web sites

To evaluate Ls abilities and understanding *Interaction Language assessment Tasks on grammar,writing,and “ New Prospects”
Tasks 1 and 2 p72 pronunciation
*Production Skills and strategies
assessment “Teacher’s Book”
Text p 245 Personal aids( selected

Mrs Chikhi .M

Page 3

School: Mekkeoui L’aid /Bouchrahil.

Stream: 3rd Year Scientific Stream. Source: “New Prospect”
Unit One: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper.
Project Outcome: Writing a charter of ethics
Time Stages Rationale Interaction Procedure Materials
10 Warmin
mnts g up To T and Ls T tries to introduce the idea of ethics in business before she moves to project presentation. She may ask Ls “New
interact some questions to help them understand the theme of the unit. as the following : Prospect
about the What is business? Why do we do business? Is business a good way to get money? How ”
theme of should we be when doing business? Are all the practices acceptable in business?..............etc so Ls can
the Ls get an idea about the
project * T asks Ls to open their books on page 71. and take a sheet of paper to take notes.
*Ls respond.
Task *T asks Ls to divide themselves into groups of four.
T and Ls
assigneme *T explains the strategies to be followed to make the project:
mnts nt To discuss -define the theme and determine the final outcome (writing a charter of ethics in three of the listed
about the professions e.g. Sports, Law, Medicine).
project - structure the project by identifying information they need to obtain it.
-explain language skills they need and ask them to gather information needed to fulfill the project.
- ask them to compile and analyze information they gathered and decide how to organize them for efficient
20 The information they need to get:
mnts A) a reminder of the social ,economic, moral prejudices that the neglect of ethics might
cause to the professions and their clients .Give data/statistics.
To listen B) a short interview about the importance of ethics in the professions with representatives
and of professional associations.
Take C) a short article that reports unethical behavior in the professions and how the law deals
notes with them .
D) a code of ethics , i.e. a set of moral rules , for each of the selected professions .

Page 4
Unit one: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Listen and Consider 3rd Year Level /scientific Stream

❀ Personal Goals:

➺ During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on ? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation
Two-way communication with the world.
Communicative Competence.

❀ Lesson Focus:

➺ In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language:

Function: - Expressing wish/desire. -Asking for and giving advice and warning.
Grammar: -providing /provided that - wish, It’s high time /it’s about time - had better /had better not /should/ought to.
Vocabulary: -Vocabulary related to ethics in business.
Pronunciation: -Words ending in –ics.

❀ Competencies:
Can interact orally to start, maintain (e.g. greetings, asking questions and follow- up questions, answer in details, giving and seeking facts, reasons, advice and opinions and agreeing and
disagreeing) and close a conversation.
Can listen and understand main points and the important details longer monologs and conversations with two or three people (over a minute).

❀Objectives /Assessment:

➺ SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to 1-express wishes using “wish», «it’s(high/about)time”2-asking for and giving advice using “should/ought to/had better”3-
pronounce words ending in “-ics”;4- make a public statement.

❀ Required material and / or resources

Pictures of the manual –Transparency International –ISO-Council of accounting....... Manual’s script p 199 Page 5.

School:Mekkeoui L’aid /Bouchrahil

Stream: 3rd Year Scientific Stream Source: “New Prospect”
Unit One: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper
Listen and Consider {PDP Listening Lesson}
Time Stages Rationale Interaction Procedure Observatio
Pattern ns
10 First To access and T and
mn stage activate
students’ Ls ♠Pre-listening:
ts Previe -Brain storming
w and The learners are asked to open their books on page "45" and try to interpret the pictures ; [VAKT= Manual’s picture page 45]
knowledge of the teacher may help them by asking the following questions: What does each title represent ?what’s the full name of word ISO ?What do
the topic. we mean by transparency ?-are they local organizations?-what’s the duty of each organization?...........etc
T listens to the learners' interpretations, and then asks them to go to page "46" and try
To open to describe the picture.
discussion on
15m Second the topic of T and T interacts with the Ls about who the people in the picture are, what are they doing? , how do they look? Why do they look
nts stage the course & Ls careful? And then move on smoothly to task 1.Ls can match the picture with one of the practices in task one .
Getting unit in Key: the picture illustrates “Bribing “.
started general. T asks Ls to classify the practices into morally acceptable (ethical),and morally wrong (unethical)? Then justify their
To introduce answers.
the Key:A. C , D unethical practices / B. This question can admit many answers. E; ethical practice.
vocabulary of Ls
Task one the unit.
p46 Ls are asked to explain in three sentences what they understand by ethics in business. Then learners write down on the board
the one explanation that they agreed the most pertinent.
Task two p To check Ls
of the actual ♠During listening:
theme. Step three: T invites Ls to consider the sentences in the Let’s hear it task then try to find the position of the missing words.Ls
15m then take their pencils , listen to the teacher reading the script then correct on their books [VAKT= Manual’s script page 199]
Ls Task p 47: Listen to the passage then insert the missing words.
nts To check Ls
Third listening for A. The Right-to-Know Association is an anti-corruption body.
stage specific words
Let’s hear in the passage B. Transparency International publishes an annual report about the level of corruption in most countries of the world.
it C. So you think there are chances of winning the fight against corruption.
To exploit the Ls D. Sorry to interrupt you, but should citizens be involved in this fight to stop corruption?
text for ♠Post -listening: The learners are asked to give their answers, and then the teacher invites them to go to Grammar Explorer I and
10m language use consider the sentences .
nts and focus on
and lexical Page 6

5mn To introduce T and Presentation:

ts the grammar Ls
Forth *T asks Ls to read the sentences given in grammar Explorer I.
stage notion of Isolation:
Grammar condition 1-We will eradicate corruption providing that we act now.
Explorer I with use of 2-The chances of eradicating corruption will increase as long as all countries are committed to fighting it .
15 providing/pr Analysis: The learners are invited to analyze the following statements.
mnts ovided that ,
as long as
We will eradicate corruption providing that we act now.

Subject verb object link word S v time marker ☛ expressing condition

Will+ stem(simple futur) present simple

Main clause subordinate clause

15 Ls Stating rule :
mnts To draw the
rule for the
use of The link words providing /provided that, as long as are used to express condition .They mean the same as but only if or if
providing and only if .e.g. You will pass your exam providing /provided that /as long as you work harder. You will pass your exam
/provided but only if you work harder.
that, as long
Subject +will stem + providing /provided that, as long as Subject +present simple.

subordinate clause
Main clause
Providing /provided that, as long as. Present simple, +will stem.
mnts As long as and providing/provided that are used interchangeably in initial or mid position .

Practice :
To practice Ls After writing the stating rule the Ls are invited to do Task P48.
the use of Task p 48: Link the following pairs of sentences using as long as, providing/provided that to express condition.
condition A) The bank will lend you money to start your business as long as you promise in writing to pay them back.
providing/pr B) Your business will continue to prosper providing that you keep your probity and integrity.
ovided that, C) The Mayor will be elected for a second term provided that he manages to avoid corruption scandals.
as long as D) As long as it passes stricter anti-corruption laws, Algeria will attract more foreign investments. Page 7
E) The government will regain the confidence of the citizens as long as they fight bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism.


mnts T first tries to introduce the notion of “WISH” for Ls before they move to consider sentences A-E .She may use a picture of a poor child
Grammar To introduce under the rain and ask them to interpret the picture, and then she asks them to imagine what is in his mind at that moment. When she
Explorer the notion of makes sure that Ls get the idea of “whishing», she invites them to consider the sentences
II Wish and Ls *T asks Ls to read the sentences given in grammar Explorer II. Then do the tasks that follow.
desire Key:
15m 1-Present wish→ E-B-D (Past simple)
2-Future wish→ C (conditional)
3-Past wish→ A (past perfect)
-We should have organized ourselves into an anti-corruption association
Ls -We should have fought this pollution.
T now asks Ls to check their answers and deduce the rule by referring to grammar reference on p 218/219.
5mn To deduce Stating rule :
ts rules

*We use wish +past simple to express a regret about a present situation by
imagining its opposite.
*We use wish+would to express a desire for change in the near future.
*We use wish+past perfect to express a regret about something in the past.
It’s high time/It’s about time
*It’s about time /it’s high time +past simple to express strong criticism that
something should have been done earlier then now.

Ls T asks Ls to apply the rules now and do tasks 1,2,3 and 4

a) Based form
30 To know the Exersice one : Re-order these words to make coherent sentences .
mnts Practice
structure and 1:New York/ live/I/didn’t/wish/I/city/in
form of …………………………………………………………….
making 2:could/wish/stay/I/bed/tomorrow/in/I/.
wish and ………………………………………………………………………..
desire . 3:hadn’t/it/boring/come/wishes/is/here/she/,/she/ Page 8

b)Meaning based
To build Exersice two: Re-write sentence “B” so it means the same as “A”
1. A)I can't give up smoking (but I'd like to). B) I wish I……………………………………………………………………..
sentences 2. A)I don't have any cigarettes (and I need one). B) I wish I………………………………………………………………..
that express 3. A)George isn't here (and I need him). B) I wish George …………………………………………………………………..
wishes 4. A)It's cold (and I hate cold weather). B) I wish …………………………………………………………………………….
5. A)Tina didn’t come to the party (she's your best friend). B) I wish ………………………………………………………
6. A)Corruption is unethical practice . B)It’s about time we ……………………………………………………………….. 
7. A)It’s mid-day and you did not prepare lunch. B)It’s high time you …………………………………………………………
Exersice three : Wish (match the pairs)

1. It was raining a) I wish we had eaten somewhere
2. I hated the food at that restaurant b) I wish I had brought my umbrella
3. it was freezing in the park c) I wish I had worn a coat
4. I had a horrible stomach ache d) I wish I hadn’t eaten so much popcorn
5. My brother wasn’t speaking to me e) I wish I hadn’t shouted at him
6. I was really lonely f) I wish I hadn’t broken up with my boy friend
7. I was hungry g) I wish I had eaten a proper breakfast
8. I hated every minute of that holiday h) I wish we had gone to Paris
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

To use the Ls
new learnt c) communicative based
Exercise four : Complete the conversation
language in
a A:…………………………………………………………………? B: I got just 9,5 in Maths.
communicati A:………………………………………………………..? B: No, I didn’t .I wish I had Revised well.
ve way. A:How much do you wish to get in your BAC exam ? B:………………………………………………………….

Task two p 49 : Ls are going to respond to the situation with sentences starting with the verb wish .
A. I wish I hadn’t stolen the public funds.
To practise B. I wish I were at home and not in prison.
the use the C. I wish I were out of the affair.
grammar D. I wish you would give me a second chance. / I wish I could be Given a second chance.
notion of E. I wish I could eradicate nepotism.
Expressing F. I wish I could live in a corruption-free society someday.
wish and
desire with
Page 9

T.invites Ls to consider sentences 1 and 2 then discuss questions A-C that follow.
Grammar To 1- Citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at bureaucratic abuse.
Explorer introduce 2- They had better not say that the fight against corruption is not their own business.
III the notin of Analysis: The learners are invited to analyze the following statements.

T&Ls ❈ Citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at bureaucratic abuse.

Subject Verb The rest of the sentence

Had better + stop (stem) ☛ express strong advice/recommendation.

Stating rule :
Had better express strong advice or recommendation .It has the same meaning of Should/ought to
To draw e.g. you should
the rule Ought to play well in the match; otherwise you might lose the game.
had better

Ls ¤ The short form of had better is‘d better, it is only used with personal pronouns e.g. Y’d better start revising.
¤ The negative form of had better is had better not

‘d better not

Practice :
Ls Form based activity: Re-order these words to make coherent sentences.
1) you/ train /better /miss/’d/the/not .
2) hurry/she/better/’d/up.
3) Work/he/better/’d/harder
4) Fail/or/better/you/test/for/the/’d/study/will/you.
5) Today/friends/not/better/I/meet/’d/my/.

Page 10

Meaning based activity: Match the pairs.

1)I’d better take the early train or a)He will be very angry.
2)You’d better invite them or b)I won’t get finished before five.
3)You’d better put a coat on or c)I will be late.
4)I’d better get back to work or d)You will be cold.
5)You’d better not tell him or e)They will be offended.

1 2 3 4 5

Communicative based activity: Complete the conversation

B: Government had better impose more stringent laws to eradicate corruption.
A: How should people react to stop corruption?

Ls are asked to rewrite statements 1-5 using had better/’d better or had better or/’d better not to convey the same meaning as
Ls that conveyed by the sentence given.
Task p50 To make Key:
pupils 1: I had better go now or I will be late.
practice the 2: You had better keep these files in a safety deposit box; they contain top secret information about our company.
use of “had
better” to 3: You’d better not go to work today you don’t look very well.
give pieces 4: You’d better pay your electricity bill within a fortnight; otherwise you will owe a late fee.
of advice 5: we had better not go out tonight; we have a lot of work to do.

Page 11
To get
Vocabulary Explorer
Task one pupils Ls are going to use dictionary to find the odd item among the four in each group of items
p 50 develop and Key A. business (odd one out)
enrich their B. auditing (odd one out)
dictionary C. to trade (odd one out)
and D. customs officer (odd one out)
vocabulary E. abuse (odd one)
Task two Now teacher encourages Ls to use the words in bold type in lists A-B in sentences of their own.
p 50 T&Ls
With help of dictionary Ls are going to complete the blanks in texts A-D with words in the box that precede each of them.
To get Key :
pupils fill in §A 1(bribe) 2(bribe) 3(corrupt) 4(a bribe /bribery) 5(corrupt) 6(corruption)
Task blanks with §B 1(embezzlement) 2(fraud) 3(accountant) 4(false invoices) 5(bank accounts) 6(embezzler)
three p50 words from §C 1(Money laundering) 2(money) 3(criminal organisations) 4(tax inspectors) 5(Money laundering) 6(deposit)
a list. §D 1(ethical behaviour) 2(right) 3(wrong) 4(ethical issues) 5(a code of ethics) 6(unethically)

Pronunciation and spelling

Task p 51 T invites Ls to consider the spelling form of the words in sentences A-D then answer questions that follow.
A. Ethics (moral beliefs)
B. Ethics ( scholarly discipline)
C. figures
D. a scientific discipline

1. All of them end with “–ics”.

2. The verbs after the words in bold type are either singular or plural. Singular when the word refers to a scientific discipline
«study”, and plural when it refers to something else.
3. Stress in words ending in –ics generally falls on the penultimate syllable. e.g. staTistics, Ethics…
4. Physics, economics, mathematics, phonetics.
T&Ls Think,pair,share
T tries to brainstorm the topic before she explains the instructions to Ls .T may ask Ls questions as the following :
- Do you think that we can eradicate corruption?
-What can we do as citizens to stop corruption?
Warming -What do we need to stop corruption?...............ect
up Ls
Learners are going to prepare a short public statement about what each one would do if he were elected mayor of his town.
At this stage Ls are going to work individually to jot down ideas about their ant-corruption programme using the spidermap.

Task one
p52 Edit stringent regulations appoint honest civil servants
Details: Anti_corruption Details:
………………………………. ………………………………
…………………………………. Programme ………………………………..

Fight tax evasion rehabilitate the value of work

Details: Details:
……………………………… ………………………………………
Task two ……………………………….. …………………………………………
p52 Ls At this stage Ls are going to work in pairs, they exchange and compare their spider map to find any interesting ideas.
Now Ls are asked to work in small groups to select the most relevant ideas from the spider map and write a draft public
Task statement.
three p52 Ls should make best use of the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt in addition to link words.
Ls conclude with a punchy sentence then review their public statement and read it aloud to the class.
Task four

Dear fellow citizens,

Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people of good will to unite around me.
If I were elected Head of State, I would implement the following anti-corruption programme. To begin with, I would appoint dedicated civil servants who would work honestly for the country:
stealing money or accepting a bribe in exchange for a service is unethical and illegal. Next, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens and punish embezzling and bribe-taking. I cannot tolerate
those honest citizens be the victims of corrupt civil servants.
I would also fight tax evasion and capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of the country. Therefore, any tax evader would be
severely punished by specially appointed tribunals.
Finally, I would rehabilitate the value of work. Mutual trust is a moral value that we should teach our children from infancy. A little money earned honestly brings a lot of happiness and peace of
To conclude, I could tell you, fellow countrymen that your role as citizens is indispensable to fight corruption. No government can succeed without the help of civil society. Therefore, I urge you
again to gather around me to win this decisive battle.
Vote for honesty! Vote for me!
Unit one: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Read and Consider 3rd Year Level /scientific Stream

❀ Personal Goals:

➺ During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation
Supported and purposeful development
_ Meaningful Activities / Tasks.
❀ Lesson Focus:

➺ In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language:

Function: - Describing /expressing cause and result/expressing obligation and necessity
Grammar: - Present continuous/ So+adj+that…../such+noun phrase+that……./ must,have to .
Vocabulary: - forming nouns by adding suffix -ity to adjectives/ forming opposites by adding prefixes dis- , il-…..etc
Pronunciation: -Stress shift in words having the same root E.g. economy economic
❀ Competencies:
Can help sustain a basic discussion and group decision making that includes the exchange of ideas and opinions.
Can read and understand the gist and significant details in texts of three or more paragraphs.
❀Objectives /Assessment:
➺ SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an opinion article.
❀ required material and / or resources
Pictures of the manual (counterfeits paintings) / pictures of original vs fake products Manual’s text p 54 Page 14
School : Mekkeoui L’aid Secondary School Source: “New Prospect “
Unit one: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Level: 3rd year scientific stream
II- Read and Consider
Time stages Rationale Procedure Observation
10 Warming To introduce T&L T.greets her Ls and inquires about their school daily life.
Mnts up The idea of s T .tries to interact with learners about some brands’ names before she moves to getting
counterfeiting started task.
She may ask questions as the following to help learners :
Do you know Nike and adidas? What are they? Where do we find these two names? Do you
know other brands in food , cosmetics , etc
Getting When the teachers feels that the idea of counterfeiting is introduced to Ls , she invites them
20 Started To elicit the to see Getting Started Task .
Mnts pupils’ T&L Ls are going to discuss questions 1-6
background s Key :
knowledge by 1. It represents a customs officer holding the counterfeit of a famous European
commenting on a painting. (See caption at the bottom of the picture.)
picture. 2. Logically the answer is no. Expect students’ justifications for their answers to be
quite varied.
No, I wouldn’t accept because it’s illegal, unethical, wrong and dishonest.
3. It lies in quality/price/safety (open answer)
4. Some of the counterfeit products in the Algerian market are: ABIBAS, NIKE,
5. Yes, I have because they are very expensive.
6. Normally, the answer is : It’s wrong to imitate products because imitations are of
To have pupils poor quality/not
Taking a improve their safe/ illegal and dishonest practices.
30 closer reading Ls Now T. try to make Ls guess what the text is about by looking at the title. Then have them
Mnts look comprehension read the text and answer the questions.
A.It is difficult to distinguish between imitations and genuine products because the
counterfeiters are very skilful and make perfect copies of the original.
Page 15
B. Counterfeit medicines are harmful because they have a lack of active ingredients.
C. Counterfeiting has negative consequences on health, (public) safety, and the

D. Imitation is just like stealing someone else’s property. (inference question)

E. Companies should reduce the prices of their products rather than spend huge
Around amounts of money on advertising against counterfeiting.
the text F. Many possible answers. E.g. I agree with the author’s conclusion because
consumers won’t buy imitations if the brands are at affordable prices (cheap/not
5Mts Explorer
I Ls need To T Presentation:
analyse the
5mts sentences -These products are imitated to such perfection that it is difficult to distinguish between the
genuine and the fake products.
-The loss in profitability is so big that most of them have launched advertisement
campaigns against counterfeiting.
-These products are imitated to such perfection that it is difficult to distinguish between the
genuine and the fake products.
-The loss in profitability is so big that most of them have launched advertisement against
20Mt T&L Analysis :
s s These products are imitated to such perfection that it is difficult to distinguish between
S verb such +noun+that S verb rest of sentence

Main clause subordinate clause

The loss in profitability is so big that most of them have launched advertisement ……
S verb so+adj+that s verb rest
sentence Page 16
To draw rule Main clause subordinate clause
about expressing
10Mts Ls
Stating rule:

♪ Such+ noun (phrase) +that , So+adjective+that are used to express

result .
E.g. It was such a sunny day that we decided to go to the seaside.
It was so hot that we decided to go to the beach.
♪ Other link words can be used to express result: So , as a result, as a
To make pupils consequence, thus , consequently, therefore.
Task one express cause E.g. It was a sunny day so/as a result/as a consequence/thus/therefore we
p55 and result with decided to go to the seaside.
15mts and such+noun Ls Practice:
phrase+that Ls are going to link the pairs of sentences below with so+adj+that or such+noun
A. A.There are so many marketed imitations of these brands that consumers have lost
confidence in them.
Grammar Ls need To B. Copies of brands are so cheap that consumers don’t hesitate to buy them.
Explorer analyse the C. Counterfeits are of such a bad quality that it is a waste of money to buy them.
II sentences

T Presentation: T. invites Ls to consider the following sentences :

1-A counterfeit is soothing that is forged, imitated.
2- Products of all sorts are being copied every day by counterfeiters.
T&L Analysis:
s *- A counterfeit is soothing that is forged , imitated.
To be (present) + past participle Passive voice. Page 17
*- Products of all sorts are being copied every day by counterfeiters.
To get Ls
introduced to the To be (present)+ be+ing + past participle Present continuous
passive present passive
continuous tense
in descriptions Ls

Task p 56 Stating rule:

To make Ls go * Present continuous passive: to be (present)
from the active to Ls +be(ing)+past participle .*
the passive voice Practice :
correctly. A-a counterfeit is something that counterfeiters forge, imitate.
B-counterfeiters are coping products of all sorts.

Ls are going to rewrite the short businessman’s memo to make it more tactful using the
Grammar To reinforce the passive voice.
Explorer notion of Memo
III expressing Our copyright is being infringed (by many Internet users). Our music hits are being
(Revision obligation and uploaded and downloaded. These copyright thefts are being put in pirate sites in order
) necessity using to swap them with other Internet users. These pirates must be reminded that a great deal
must, have to. of financial loss is being caused to us by swapping music illegally.

Ls are invited to pick out sentences that express obligation and prohibition from the last
paragraph of the text on pages 54 and 55.
1-These consumers know well that they mustn’t buy imitations. (prohibition)
2-They must refrain from buying them.(obligation)
3-They have to buy them. (necessity)
Now Ls are asked to answer questions A-C
A. must (obligation) and have to (necessity)
B. mustn’t
C. Rich people don’t have to buy imitations.

Task one To have Ls enrich s Vocabulary Explorer
p 57 their vocabulary T. greets her Ls and inquires about their daily school life.
skills. Now teacher tries to interact with Ls about some vocabulary they know related to the theme
of the unit ill they come to the word fraud .T. explains the instructions of task one p 57.
Ls Ls are invited to go back to the text p 54 and find words related to fraud then fill in the
word map.
Key: theft fraud

Defraud forge, steal

To get Ls aware Fraud
of forming nouns deceive imitate
by adding the
suffix ‘-ity’ to
Task two adjectives. T forgery imitation, counterfeiter
p 57 T should first introduce the possibility of changing word’s category or meaning by adding
suffixes and prefixes. She may give one or two examples.
To get Ls aware
of forming Now Ls are going to form nouns from adjectives by adding appropriate suffixes to the
Task opposites by Ls words in the box .An example are given.
three p 57 adding prefixes to Key:
some words. Honesty - stupidity – responsibility – cruelty – morality – hospitability – legality
At this stage Ls are going to form opposites by adding appropriate prefixes to the words
in the box .
To exploit the
learnt vocabulary Key:
Task four and word Ls Dishonest – disapprove - disagree - disapproval – illegal – immoral – unfair –
p57 building in a irresponsible – disappear.
filling gaps task. Now Ls are asked to fill in the blanks in the given short passage with words formed in
tasks 2 and 3 .
Ls Key:
It is both dishonest (1) and illegal (2) to imitate products. Piracy is due mainly to a lack of

Task p57 honesty (3) and morality (4). I totally disagree (5) with those who say that counterfeiting is
beneficial to consumers.
Pronunciation and spelling
T&L T. reads the words in the table and invites Ls to listen to him carefully then mark the stress
To reintroduce s T. helps the pps to deduce the rules of the stress shift from nouns to adjectives.
the notion of Key:
stress shift. Verb Nouns adjectives
economize Economy Economic
economist Economical

The rule: Shift of stress: verb/noun –to adjective

Stress on penultimate (2nd from the end) syllable for words ending in –ic, -ics and -ical.

Task p58
Think ,Pair ,Share
T tries to brainstorm the topic before she explains the instructions to Ls .Ls are going to write
an opinion article developing the statement in italics and following the outlined procedure .
To brainstorm Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving
the topic them access to lower price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim.
First, ...

reason 1 reason 2
Imitations: poor quality – not last long fake medicines: kill people …
details(facts, statistics) details(facts, statistics)
reason 3 reason 4

piracy: killing creativity / innovation giving bad reputation to the country

details details

Task 1p

Task 2p Conclusion
At this stage Ls are going list other reasons and support them with concrete facts to
To encourage Ls reinforce them. Write them in the diagram.
Task 3p to list other Now Ls are going to write a draft of their opinion article .
58 reasons Ls should make best use of the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt in addition to link
Ls exchange drafts with your partner for error checking. Then write a final version of your
To reinvest article taking into account your partner's remarks.
grammar and
vocabulary Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to
learnt in the lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality
sequence and do not last long. There is no guarantee in fake products comparing them to original
ones, and more importantly the fake goods are not safe.
To encourage Ls Next, fake foods and medicines are so harmful that they may cause dangerous diseases or
to organize their kill people .They may also cause moral damage to victims who can never be repaired.
ideas and correct Moreover counterfeiting destroys economy and froze its development since counterfeiters do
the mistakes not pay taxes nor respect quality standards .It gives a bad reputation to the country and
effects the activities of big companies.
In addition to this, pirating objects is theft; it kills creativity and innovation of new
objects of value that could serve the community.
In short, counterfeiting is a kind of fraud as a result we should fight it to save people’s lives.

Unit one: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Reading and writing 3rd Year Level /scientific Stream
❀ Personal Goals:

➺ During this lesson, what teacher competencies are you focusing on? They should be adapted from the ATF to reflect the specifies of your situation
Supported and purposeful development
_ Meaningful Activities / Tasks._
❀ Lesson Focus:

➺ In this lesson I will teach the following aspects of language:

Function: - Skimming/scanning/responding to a text
Grammar: - Reference words .
Vocabulary: -
❀ Competencies:
Can help sustain a basic discussion and group decision making that includes the exchange of ideas and opinions.
Can read and understand the gist and significant details in texts of three or more paragraphs.

❀Objectives /Assessment:
➺ SWBAT: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a policy statement.
❀ required material and / or resources
Pictures of the manual (Child labour in a shoe factory) p 65/ Manual’s text p 66/67 Page 14

School : Mekkeoui L’aid Secondary School Source: “New Prospect “

Unit one: Ill-Gotten Gains Never Prosper Level: 3rd year scientific stream
III-Reading and Writing
Time Stages Rationale I.P Procedure Observation
10mt Warmin To introduce T&Ls T.greets her Ls and inquires about their daily school life.T. should first introduce the topic of
s g Up the topic of child labour to Ls before moving to discuss questions in p 65.T tries to interact with Ls by asking
child labour them questions as the following:
-Can children of 6-8 years old work? – Do you know children who work? –Why do they work?-
Where do they work ? Do you think it is normal that young children work ?
Now T .invites Ls to open their books on p 65 and speak about the picture .Then she tries to
5mts Before To make Ls T&Ls interact with them and discuss questions 1-4
reading discuss and Key:
give opinion 1. E.g. The right of the child for education (See text on the Rights of the Child in SE2
15mt about the textbook.) The
s topic child is below the legal minimum age to work.
2. Many possible answers.
They are unethical /criminal because they are transgressing the primary rights of
As you children.
read 3. Many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree.
Yes, I would. If I don’t do, I’m encouraging this kind of practices/of child behaviour.
To make Ls Ls 4. Many possible answers. Students don’t have to agree.
Task one skim through Now Ls are going to skim through the text then do tasks A-B
10mt p66 a reading Key:
s passage A. This task is not testing students’ comprehension. So make sure they explain why the
other choices are false.
The idea which best summarizes the text is (b): social auditing is both a social
obligation and a necessity in doing business today
B. Social Auditing and its Importance in Business
To make Ls At this stage Ls should scan the text and answer questions A-D
Task two scan a Ls
20mt p 66 reading Key:
s passage A. They are commissioning social audits because they are increasingly aware of the
importance of social and environmental issues for their reputation.

B. Giovani Preston travels to countries to check labour standards.

C. Labour standards: paying their workers fairly, good health standards - safety
record with low levels of illness and accidents - not using child labour
C. We can no longer separate ethics from business. Yes, I share the author’s point of
view because if I don’t, there will be more corruption and the benefits of the
stakeholders will be lost.
Now Ls are going to find words in the text that match the given definitions
A. Give the job doing sth to sb = commission B. Do well = prosper

C.shared/ common to a group of persons running a business = corporate

D.give a position to sb (in a company )=

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