Pvsyst - Simulation Report: Grid-Connected System
Pvsyst - Simulation Report: Grid-Connected System
Pvsyst - Simulation Report: Grid-Connected System
Project: Nouveau Projet
Variant: Nouvelle variante de simulation
PVsyst V7.1.1
Simulation date:
12/11/21 15:57
with v7.1.1
Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
Ayoub Latitude 46.20 °N Albedo 0.20
Morocco Longitude 6.15 °E
Altitude 398 m
Time zone UTC+1
Meteo data
Meteonorm 7.3 (1996-2015) - Synthétique
System summary
Grid-Connected System No 3D scene defined, no shadings
System information
PV Array Inverters
Nb. of modules 221 units Nb. of units 0.8 Unit
Pnom total 99.5 kWp Pnom total 80.0 kWac
Pnom ratio 1.243
Results summary
Produced Energy 128.0 MWh/year Specific production 1287 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 86.39 %
Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Main results 4
Loss diagram 5
Special graphs 6
PVsyst V7.1.1
Simulation date:
12/11/21 15:57
with v7.1.1
General parameters
Grid-Connected System No 3D scene defined, no shadings
PV Array Characteristics
PV module Inverter
Manufacturer Canadian Solar Inc. Manufacturer Huawei Technologies
Model CS-3W-450-MS Model SUN2000-100KTL-M1-480Vac
(Original PVsyst database) (Original PVsyst database)
Unit Nom. Power 450 Wp Unit Nom. Power 100 kWac
Number of PV modules 221 units Number of inverters 8 * MPPT 10% 0.8 units
Nominal (STC) 99.5 kWp Total power 80.0 kWac
Modules 13 Strings x 17 In series Operating voltage 200-1000 V
At operating cond. (50°C) Max. power (=>40°C) 110 kWac
Pmpp 90.8 kWp Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.24
U mpp 631 V
I mpp 144 A
Array losses
Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses Module Quality Loss
Module temperature according to irradiance Global array res. 73 mΩ Loss Fraction -0.8 %
Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Loss Fraction 1.5 % at STC
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s
PVsyst V7.1.1
Simulation date:
12/11/21 15:57
with v7.1.1
Main results
System Production
Produced Energy 128.0 MWh/year Specific production 1287 kWh/kWp/year
Performance Ratio PR 86.39 %
GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation E_Grid Energy injected into grid
T_Amb Ambient Temperature PR Performance Ratio
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings
PVsyst V7.1.1
Simulation date:
12/11/21 15:57
with v7.1.1
Loss diagram
1293 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation
+15.2% Global incident in coll. plane
PVsyst V7.1.1
Simulation date:
12/11/21 15:57
with v7.1.1
Special graphs
Diagramme d'entrée/sortie journalier