Welcome To EE451: Digital Control Systems (DCS)

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Welcome To EE451: Digital

Control Systems (DCS)

DCS: Instructors and Meetings

● Lecture instructor: Dr R. Guernane

● Office: A303
● Lectures: Mon (8:00-9:30), Thu(8:00-9:30)
● Office hours: TBD
● Recitations: TBD
● Course website: www.piazza.com
– Use you Email address to create account
– Log in to the EE451
– Get handouts, post, discuss and answer questions...

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DCS: Prerequisites

● EE352: Linear Control systems:

– Block diagrams transformations, analysis, Root locus...
● EE302: Linear Systems II:
– Discrete-time signals and systems, sampling,
– Z-Transforms, stability, Discrete-time Fourier..

DCS is mostly about fusing EE352

with EE302
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DCS: Textbook

● No required Textbook (lecture notes are

● But a good reference is:
– Digital Control of Dynamic System, G.F. Franklin et al
– Digital control systems

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DCS: Grading

● Homeworks: TDB
● Quizzes: 25%-40%

● Final Exam:60%

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About Homeworks

Homeworks are crucial to understanding the
course material and hence succeeding.
✗ Homework are to be returned no later that the beginning
of the lecture at due day.
✗ Late homeworks are not accepted.
✗ Homework solution must be written on A4 white paper.
✗Homework problems should be answered sequentially.

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DCS: collaboration vs Cheating

● Collaboration is working together for the best result.

– Collaboration in homeworks is encouraged BUT the
solution you return must be your own otherwise IT
● Cheating is presenting someone else's work (fully or
partially) as you own.
– Collaboration in exams is Cheating and is forbidden
– Both the person who cheated and one who helped
him are cheaters

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DCS: in a nutshell

● Digital control systems are control

systems that use a digital Computer as
controller to control some process

● Digital Computers?: PC, Workstation, PLC, IPC, PIC,

MCU, DSP, ...

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DCS: in a nutshell

● Functional Block diagram of a feedback DCS

Actual output
Desired output

Measured output

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DCS: signals involved

● Continuous-time signals (analog)

– Continuous in time amplitude (ex: plant's input/output)

● But computers cannot deal with CT signals (infinite number of

amplitudes in a finite time interval)
– Time scale must be discretized
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DCS: signals involved

● Discrete-time signals: (EE302)

– Discrete in time but still continuous in amplitude
– Converting a CT to a DT signal is called Sampling

But computers have only a finite space to store an amplitude
– Amplitude must be discretized (quantized)
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DCS: signals involved

● Digital signals:
– Discrete in time and discrete in amplitude.
– Amplitude is stored as fixed length binary number

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Control Systems:

● Continuous (Analog) control systems

– Contain of only analog (CT) signals/systems (as in
● Sampled-Data Control systems:
– Contain both DT and CT signals
● Digital Control systems:
– Contains both Digital and analog (CT)

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DCS: Detailed Block diagram

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DCS: Pros (vs ACS)

● Size:
– μProcessors are getting smaller
● Cost :
– μProcessors are getting cheaper
● Immunity to noise:
– easy to transmit digital signals
● Flexibility:
– Easy to reprogram
● Scalability:
– One digital computer for many control loops

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DCS: Cons (vs ACS)

● Less easier to analyze and design.

– DCS are hybrid (contains both CT and DT signal)
● ADC introduces errors and noise
– Can be minimized by using better ADCs
● ADC, DAC, and controller introduces time delays.
– Time delays destabilize Control systems
● More complex than analog control
● STILL: Almost all practical CS are Digital

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DCS: applications

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DCS: Course outline

● Modeling
– Z-transform, sampling and reconstruction, Pulse transfer function,
block diagrams.
● Analysis:
– Mapping from s to z-plane, transient analysis, steady-state
● Transform-based design
– Indirect design, direct design in z-plane and w-plane. Deadbeat
● State space analysis and design

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DCS: Final advice

● Key to success:
– Learn to love your field
– Study to learn not to the test

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