Analysis of Slope Protection For Stone Masonry Retaining Wall
Analysis of Slope Protection For Stone Masonry Retaining Wall
Analysis of Slope Protection For Stone Masonry Retaining Wall
W1 = 21.63 kN
W2 = 48.67 kN ƴ = 19.80 kN/m^3
W3 = 37.74 kN Φ = 30
W4 = 1.67 kN Qs = 20.00 kN/m^2
x1 = 0.15 m Ka = 0.3333
x2 = 0.80 m a = 0.30 m
x3 1.30 m b = 1.50 m
x4 1.05 m
H = 3.00 m
y1 = 1.50 m
y2 = 1.00 m
= = 1.56 OK!