S Aasen 2002

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IADC/SPE 74541

Drilling HT/HP Wells Using a Cesium Formate Based Drilling Fluid

Arild Saasen, SPE, Ole Henrik Jordal, Statoil ASA, David Burkhead, SPE, Conoco Inc., Per Cato Berg, Geir Løklingholm,
SPE, Erik Sandtorv Pedersen, Statoil ASA, Jim Turner, SPE, Michael J. Harris, Cabot Speciality Fluids

Copyright 2002, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Huldra is a gas condensate field stretching from block 30/2
Texas, 26–28 February 2002
into block 30/3 in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea,
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
operated by Statoil ASA. High temperature and high pressure
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling conditions were expected and encountered in the reservoir
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or sections in this field. Three exploration wells were drilled on
SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at the IADC/SPE meetings are subject to
publication review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Electronic reproduction,
the field from 1979 to 1991, which proved gas and condensate.
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written A jackup rig in cantilever mode over a well head platform
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is
restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The is being used to drill and complete the planned wells. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax
production platform will become unmanned after the last well
01-972-952-9435. is drilled. The water depth is 125 m.
A severe well kick was experienced during the completion
Abstract of the first well. Barite sag in the oil based drilling fluid
During the drilling and completion of the Huldra field in the combined with well geometry were significant factors
North Sea, high temperature and high pressure conditions contributing to the well kick. Additionally, the barite sagging
were expected and encountered in the reservoir section. The problems increased the level of concern with regards to screen
difference between the pore pressure and the fracturing plugging. For these reasons, the ongoing qualification work
pressure is small. Cesium formate had been evaluated as a on the formate brines intensified.
potential drilling and completion fluid, but technical hurdles Based on prior industry experience with formate drilling
could not be completely addressed in time for the first well. and completion fluids, and with various tests, it was then
As a result of well control problems occurring in the first well, concluded that cesium/potassium formate was the preferred
with barite sag in the oil based drilling fluid as a contributing drilling and completion fluid.
factor, it was necessary to use a drilling fluid with
insignificant potential for sag. For the first time worldwide Experience with formate brines
the cesium formate brine was chosen as a drilling fluid. This Use of potassium formate based fluids for drilling and
fluid could be delivered solids free with densities up to 2.2 s.g. completion operations were introduced in the very early
The required down hole density in the well was 1.91 s.g. At 1990’s1,2. These fluids were considered to have insignificant
the same time it was necessary to have as little contribution to impact on the environment if discharged3. The maximum
the equivalent circulating density (ECD) from the flow as density for solids free potassium formate is approximately
possible. 1.59 s.g. Barite cannot be used for further densification
The paper describes how the cesium formate brine was because it dissolves slightly in formates4.
used successfully as a drilling and completion fluid. The Potassium formate was used both as a reservoir drilling
effect of the fluid on well control, hole cleaning, rate of and as a completion fluid in the Gullfaks field in Norway in
penetration (ROP), torque/friction, ECD, formation damage, the early 1990’s5. Because it was necessary to use a drill-in
casing wear and hole stability are covered. The paper also fluid with a higher density than 1.59, manganese oxide was
describes actions required to minimize losses of this very added as a densifying agent. During the completion the
expensive fluid. The challenges acquiring adequate density was reduced to 1,57 s.g. No addition of solids was
formations logs while drilling are also described. Finally, the necessary. The whole drilling and completion operation is
use of cesium formate brine during the completing of the wells considered as a success.
with open hole sand screens is outlined. It is not desirable for the drilling or completion operation
to use particles to increase the density of the fluids. In an
experimental study Ramsey et al.6 concluded that use of a

cesium formate with high density and low viscosity would pressure gradient is small; 0.12-0.14 s.g. in the reservoir. The
yield an increase in the drilling rate when compared to drilling Huldra gas stream contains 3-4% CO2 and 9-14 ppm H2S.
operations using hematite; albeit a field trial was never The field is planned with six gas and condensate producing
conducted with cesium before the current operation. wells. These wells are being drilled with 45o - 55o inclination
Sodium and potassium formates have been used through the reservoir, and completed with 6 5/8" single wire-
successfully for drill-in fluid applications in several wells. wrapped screens. Figures 1 shows a typical schematic view of
Cobianco et al.7 used potassium formate successfully as a the completion.
drill-in fluid without solids in low permeable reservoirs. In Open hole completions with 300 micron single wire-
this case the fluid loss was controlled by the addition of wrapped screens were selected as the optimum completion
polymers only. Fluid loss polymers can be efficiently solution for Huldra. Without sand control measures, the risk
removed by the use of enzymes as was shown by McKay et of sand production was expected to increase as the reservoir
al.8. Furthermore, the formates stabilize polymers to higher pressure declined to less than 350 bar. This completion
temperature applications4. Bungert et al.9 observed this solution was also compatible with the expectation that water
increase in polymer stability in field applications. production, if any, would be very low.
A low viscosity solid free drilling fluid based on potassium
formate was used to sidetrack a well drilled with coiled tubing Why drill with cesium formate
on Gullfaks10. In this case it was necessary to keep the amount When drilling the first production well with an oil based
of solids less than 1.5% to prevent differential sticking. A drilling fluid, a severe well kick was experienced while
selection of polymers controlled the fluid loss by its ability to running the sand screens. The main reason for the kick was a
build up a fairly large extensional viscosity at the same time as combination of loss and gain of the drilling fluid due to barite
the shear viscosity was constant. The very low viscosity was sag in the oil based drilling fluid during the wiper trip. With
found to be benign for achieving good hole cleaning. the risk of additional well control problems in future wells, the
qualification work on the formate brines intensified.
Completion experience with cesium/potassium formate in the
Huldra Well Bore Schematic UK was combined with industry drilling experience using
potassium and sodium formate systems10. Different tests were
performed and a thorough evaluation was made, enabling the
project to qualify the formate system for drilling and
Tubing hanger
completing the second well.
10 3/4” casing @ 350 m
The main benefits identified with the cesium/potassium
formate system, compared to the oil based drilling fluid, were:
7” 10K DHSV - No sag potential
- Low ECD
- Less screen plugging risk, due to less solids in system
and less sag potential
7” production tubing
- The particles in the formate would be CaCO3 for fluid
loss control. These particles can be acidized should
screen plugging become a problem.
Downhole pressure gauge
- Low gas solubility
Production packer - The system was found to be equal to other water based
Nipple profile drilling fluid systems concerning occupational hygiene
and discharges to sea.
Barrier packer
- Quick thermal stabilization during flow checks
Drop sub assembly with The cost per unit volume of the cesium/potassium formate
4 ½” debris catcher
system is much higher than standard drilling fluid systems
9 5/8” casing implying a need for avoiding losses and contamination. Other
6 5/8” wire-wrapped screens considerations include:
in 8 ½” open hole - Formation damage would be acceptable, based on return
Fig. 1 – Schematic view of the completion permeability testing.
- Challenges with respect to formation evaluation were
expected to be manageable
Reservoir conditions - No compatibility problems were expected, with respect
The drilling environment in Huldra is close to HT/HP- to elastomers or formation water
conditions. The reservoir pressure is 675 bar and the
temperature is 150oC. The shut in well head pressure is 535
bar. The difference between pore pressure and fracture

Drilling fluid operation kg/m3. The actual MBT values indicated that the low gravity
Displacement of the oil based drilling fluid solids content is less than 10 kg/m3.
Oil based drilling fluid was used in drilling 12 ¼” sections. During drilling with the cesium/potassium formate based
After drilling the 12 ¼” sections and cementing the 9 5/8” drilling fluid, the viscosity data were approximately as
casing, the well is full of oil based drilling fluid. Experience illustrated in Figure 2. The drilling fluid viscosity curve
from the North Sea operations11 has shown that removal of oil clearly demonstrates shear thinning behavior. It is anticipated
based drilling fluid is optimized by the use of an emulsion that an excessive content of Xanthan biopolymer may hinder
based casing cleaning fluid, often known as the oil based soap optimum hole cleaning14. The shear stress versus shear rate
(OBS)12. curve shown in Figure 2 shows only a weak shear thinning
Normally, when cleaning a well with OBS11, a procedure is behavior, indicating an acceptable biopolymer concentration.
used where first the OBM is circulated to mobilize the fluid. Furthermore, as have been explained by others14, a high
Thereafter, a 5m3 volume of base oil is pumped into the well, concentration of biopolymer may work well for hole cleaning
followed by a 30m3 OBS pill. The OBS pill is then displaced purposes when drilling sand in rotary mode.
by a 10m3 viscous water based displacement pill, which is To ensure good hole cleaning, the maximum ROP is set to
pumped ahead the brine. This procedure had to be modified 10 m/hr. Also, the cuttings are circulated 500 m above the bit
for the current operation. To avoid an excessive pressure drop before making a connection. So far, poor hole cleaning has not
across the barrier assembly, the volume of the casing cleaning been observed with this low-viscosity fluid.
fluids must be minimized. The modified volumes are 3m3 In high temperature wells, such as Huldra, there is a risk of
volume of base oil, followed by a 25m3 OBS pill. The OBS the fluid loss polymers breaking down. Therefore, 80 kg/m3
pill is then displaced by a 20m3 viscous 1.57 s.g. potassium calcium carbonate is added to assist the polymers in achieving
formate spacer before the well is filled with the fluid loss control. Different types of polymers are added to
cesium/potassium formate based drilling fluid. control the fluid loss. These polymers include Xanthan
The displacement using the OBS was successful. Only biopolymer, polyanionic celluloses (PAC) and starches. The
minor volumes of the cesium formate were considered lost in API fluid loss value observed during drilling of the first well
this operation. was typically less than 0.2 ml/30 minutes.
Total losses during drilling of the 8 1/2" hole section is
Drilling with the cesium/potassium formate based approximately 25-30 m3. This includes losses with the
drilling fluid cuttings, down hole losses, losses due to evaporation and
The 9 5/8" casing is installed 20-90m above the reservoir in losses during tripping. Average length of the of the reservoir
the four wells drilled thus far. The reservoir consists of sections have been 212 m.
interbedded sand and shale with some coal and limestone Static or dynamic sag of carbonate in the drilling fluid has
stringers. Hole stability problems have not been experienced not been observed. Although the drilling fluids do not
during drilling operations and installation of the sand screens. experience any yield stresses, the low shear viscosity is
A pressure-while-drilling-sub is used to monitor the static sufficient to hinder settling of the low density calcium
mud weight, ECD and hole cleaning when drilling the carbonate particles.
reservoir. The sub is also used to verify the hydraulic In summary, stable hole, low ECD, good hole cleaning and
calculations performed by a dedicated mud engineer on the stable fluid has led to rig time savings due to:
rig. There is a very good agreement between the sub and the • Fast tripping speeds.
hydraulic calculations. This also increases the confidence, • Fast casing running speeds.
efficiency and safety, when doing operations where the • Less mud conditioning and wiper trips than with
pressure-while-drilling-sub can not be used to verify the conventional drilling fluids
hydraulic calculations. Drill string torque values indicate friction factors as low as
To reduce the risk of down hole losses, the maximum ECD 0.22, but normally closer to 0.27. These values are
is set to 1.95 s.g. The down hole static mud weight is typically significantly higher than the friction factor values obtained
1.90-1.91 s.g. To maintain the ECD at or below the limit, the when drilling with oil based drilling fluid. However, the
pump rate is restricted to 900 – 1100 l/min. The ECD friction factors are in the range observed for water based
increases by 0.03-0.05 s.g. while circulating the drilling fluid. drilling fluids. Thus far, there has been no need for adding
The ECD is less than what would be expected with an oil lubricants to the cesium/potassium formate based drilling
based drilling fluid. The ECD is higher when drilling clay fluid. While lubricants may be of benefit for future long-reach
than when drilling sand. This difference is caused by the Huldra wells, no acceptable ones have been identified in the
normal production of low gravity solids from the clay industry. This is one feature of this drilling fluid that should
formations. These low gravity solids quickly become a part of be improved.
the viscosifying materials in the drilling fluid. According to There is a very high focus upon casing wear. The drilling
the drilling plans, the low gravity solids content, as measured experience in Huldra demonstrates that the casing wear seems
by the methylene blue test, MBT, should be kept below 20 to be similar to the casing wear observed when drilling with

oil based drilling fluids. This should be a high focus area for Logging challenges and experiences
future drilling operations. Data acquisition program
The drilling rate of penetration (ROP) seems to be good. It is normally preferable to run electric logging tools on
Average ROP has been 6 m/hr. There is a potential for higher wireline, because the timing of this operation and the logging
ROPs if more aggressive drilling parameters are used. In the speed ensures static conditions with respect to mud filtrate
last well, slow drilling was experienced; possibly due to higher invasion. Also, the wireline operation ensures better depth
fines content. However, more shaly and tighter formations correlation while running the logs. Because of a stuck logging
may also be a possible cause. tool in a previous well and the well control risks associated
The cesium/potassium formate system was seen to be with pipe conveyed electric logging, the data acquisition was
compatible with cement slurries when a casing shoe was performed using logging while drilling tools (LWD). The
squeezed. A very effective squeeze was obtained on the first measurements were conducted with a LWD string consisting
attempt. No adverse effects on viscosity were seen during of a gamma ray and resistivity at the bit tool (RAB), azimuthal
compatibility testing, and the maximum reduction in setting formation density and neutron porosity tool (ADN) and dual
time was 35%. propagation resistivity tool (CDR).

High density formate in gas reservoirs

Some of the most challenging conditions in quantitative
70 formation evaluation exist when a well has been drilled with a
60 drilling fluid being the wetting phase of the formation. A
VG-meter readings

wetting phase will invade longer, both in time and in length

than a non-wetting phase. A high density wetting filtrate, in
combination with gas as formation fluid, will cause a large
30 density contrast of the fluids present in the invaded zone. This
20 makes the estimation of the formation porosity challenging
10 when these calculations are based on the formation bulk
density log. A formation wetting filtrate also makes it of vital
importance to log the resistivity in the invaded zone. This
0 200 400 600
"flushed zone resistivity", together with the formation bulk
VG-meter rpm density, are the main logs for porosity calculations. Normally,
a specially designed pad tool (micro resistivity tool), available
Fig. 2 - Viscosity measurements of the formate measured on a on wireline only, is being used for this measurement. To
compensate for the micro resistivity tool, the "button
resistivities" from the RAB tool were used to estimate the
flushed zone resistivity.
Return permeability High temperature and formation pressure add more
Formation damage tests were carried out using
challenges to the formation evaluation aspect. The polymers of
cesium/potassium formate drilling fluid and Huldra cores
the invaded formate may be broken down faster due to the
under carefully controlled conditions, similar to what was
high temperature in the formation. The lack of polymers will
expected to occur in the field. Reductions in return
reduce the viscosity of the invaded fluid and gravity
permeability of 30-70% were observed, depending on the
segregation may take place, depending on the capillary
permeability of the samples. Return permeabilities of 100%
pressure conditions of the formation. In a high pressure
were measured on all cores tested after soaking in an organic
formation, the capillary conditions are likely to reestablish the
acid. These results suggested that any formation damage
initial saturations. These effects cause the fluid system in the
would be shallow, which would reduce the impact of any
invaded zone to be a non-static system during data acquisition.
formation damage on well productivity. Therefore, no acid or
enzyme clean up treatments were planned or carried out on the
Petrophysical properties of potassium and cesium formates
wells completed to date.
Potassium formate (KCOOH) and cesium formate
Limited well testing on the first two wells incidates that
(CsCOOH), both have nuclear properties that negatively
clean up treatments are not necessary. It appears that the
affect the standard logging methods used in formation logging.
production rates from the Huldra wells will be easily achieved
The conductivity of the formates is high, and does not change
with limited pressure draw down. This assumption will be
with temperature in the same way as in other brines. It was
further validated once the field comes onstream at full rates in
therefore necessary to perform special temperature
November, 2001.
corrections. Selected properties of the formates are illustrated
in Table 1.

Table 1 – Physical properties of formates at 20 C system would not be recommended. When logging
Physical Properties Sodium Potassium Cesium 63%Cesium/ interpretation accuracy is critical, one should consider the
formate formate formate 37% Potassium
acquisition of core data to calibrate the log responses.
Fluid density [s.g.] 1.28 1.53 2.30 -
Sonic interval transit 162 157 197 - Completion operations experience with cesium/
time [µs/ft] potassium formate brine
Electrical resistivity 0.104 0.087 0.070 0.009 @ 140oC While drilling the reservoir, 210 and 230 mesh shaker screens
[Ωm] are used. The addition of CaCO3 is stopped as soon as the
Photoelectric factor 0.5 3.4 255 124 bottom of the reservoir is penetrated. Below the reservoir, and
Hydrogen index 0.77 0.54 0.51 0.56 when circulating the mud prior to running 300 micron wire-
wrapped screens, a combination of 250, 300 and 400 mesh
Capture - - - 112
cross-section [c.u.]
shaker screens are used. The purpose of this is to remove the
Cesium formate, being the contributor to the high density largest particles.
of the drilling fluid, has an extremely high capture cross To ensure that the drilling fluid will not plug the screens,
the fluid is checked with a special screen tester device.
section, or “Σ value”. Σ is defined as the effective cross
Several volumes of fluid are flowed through the test device at
sectional area per unit volume of material for capture of
a controlled pressure drop to check for plugging. To date, no
neutrons. These high Σ values result in an attenuation and
plugging indications have been seen, as expected. With oil
reduction of the neutrons entering the formation and non-
based drilling fluid, there is a major concern that if the well is
standard corrections must be applied. In many cases, the
left for a period of weeks or months before clean up, that the
neutron porosity log will no longer be suitable for quantitative
barite will sag out around the lower part of the screens. The
use. Also, the low hydrogen index of the cesium formate
effect of this would likely be a loss of productivity.
reduces the neutron response. This hydrogen index reflects
After running the screens, a special barrier packer and plug
the formations ability to absorb the emitted neutrons.
assembly is run and set just above the screens. The barrier
The evaluation of the formation bulk density log is also
assembly acts as a pressure control barrier while running the
complicated by the high density of the filtrate invading the
upper completion and while displacing the well to light packer
permeable zones. The extremely high filtrate density reduces
the span of measurements and results in less accuracy.
Once the barrier assembly is set and pressure tested, the
The other two formation evaluation logs commonly used in
wells are circulated at maximum rates with the drilling fluid to
formation evaluation were not seriously affected. The interval
remove any solids remaining in the well bore. After two hole
transit time, sonic log, of the formates is in the range of oil and
circulations, the drilling fluid is displaced with filtered
water. The resistivity log was not significantly affected. The
cesium/potassium formate brine until the returns are clean.
high ionic concentration does give the formates a very high
The clean formate brine is required to ensure that particle
conductivity, but the resistivity is still comparable with
settling does not hamper the wireline operations necessary to
resistivities in high salinity water based systems.
run and retrieve the packer setting plug and prong, and to
Cesium formate also has one more property that is quite
release the barrier plug.
distinct. Cesium has an extremely high photoelectric
With clean formate brine and the barrier assembly in the
absorption index. This value, about 150 times higher than any
well, the upper completion is run and the tubing hanger is
other minerals present, totally excludes the photoelectric
landed and pressure tested. At this point, the
formation log from any traditional use. However, it gave
cesium/potassium formate based brine is displaced with 1.18
useful estimates of the invasion of formate filtrate.
s.g. sodium chloride packer fluid. A 30 m3 viscous potassium
Potassium is one of the three main contributors in the
formate pill is circulated in front of the packer fluid to reduce
natural radiation of sedimentary rocks. A high content of
contamination. Overall, the formate brine losses during the
potassium within the borehole will shift the gamma ray
completion operation are normally 10-20 m3.
readings to higher values, which is not considered as a
After performing compatibility testing of elastomers
problem. However, more problematic was the contribution
during the qualification period, Aflas elastomers were selected
from the potassium formate that had invaded permeable zones.
and used on all plugs and packers.
If this effect is considerably and the formation density log
reads high values resulting from high density filtrate invasion,
the sands may look more shaly than they really are.
Cesium/potassium formate appears to have a niche application
The data acquisitions have delivered log responses and
as a drilling and completion fluid in high pressure, high
quality necessary for the formation evaluation. There has been
temperature fields where open hole completions are desired.
no problem to do geological correlations with other wells, but
These fluids have provided for an extremely good well control
the calculated porosity has higher uncertainty than would be
environment for the drilling and completion operations at
the case with other drilling fluid systems. If high accuracy,
Huldra. The transition from the drill-in fluid to the completion
consistent, and well known log responses are required, like in
fluid was simple, since both systems are made of the same
an exploration well, the cesium/potassium formate base

base fluid. Information obtained so far, from the clean up and Formate Brines in High-Temperature/High-Pressure Operations,
limited well testing operations on the first two wells, indicate paper SPE 59191 presented at the 2000 IADC/SPE Drilling
good well flow performance. In addition, the experiences are Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 23–25 February
positive with respect to hole cleaning, hole stability, and ECD. 2000.
10. Svendsen, Ø., Saasen, A., Vassøy, B., Skogen, E., Mackin, F.
These effects have given rig time savings. The influence of and Normann, S.H., “Optimum Fluid Design for Drilling and
the cesium/potassium formates on the open hole log Cementing a Well Drilled with Coil-Tubing Technology”, paper
interpretation is seen as manageable. SPE 50405 presented at the 1998 SPE International Conference
There is still a potential for improvement in the on Horizontal Well Technology, Calgary, November 1-4, 1998.
management of losses and contamination of this very 11. Berg, E., Nabati-Shoghl, F., Saasen, A. and Sedberg, S.,
expensive fluid. “Emulsion-Based Fluid used To Optimize Casing-Cleaning“,
paper SPE 74475 presented at the IADC/SPE Drilling
Acknowledgement Conference held in Dallas, Texas, 26–28 February 2002.
The authors would like to thank the Huldra project for the 12. Nabati-Shoghl, F., Saasen, A., Berg, E. and Jensen, B.,
"Ingenious Solutions for Well Cleaning Applying
permission to publish this work. The authors would also Environmental Engineering", paper SPE 61268 presented at the
acknowledge the technical inputs from Kjell Øvrevik. These Fifth SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and
inputs were helpful in the process of writing this article. Environment, Stavanger, Norway, 26-28 June, 2000.
Inputs from Gunnar Olsvik were also welcome. 13. Paulsen, J.E., Saasen, A., Jensen, B. and Grinrød, M., "Key
Environmental Indicators in Drilling Operations", paper SPE
References 71839 presented at the Offshore Europe Conference held in
1. Downs, J.D., “Formate Brines: New Solutions to Deep Slim- Aberdeen, Scotland, 4-7 September, 2001.
Hole Drilling Fluid Design Problems”, paper SPE 24973 14. Saasen, A. and Løklingholm, G., “The Effect of Drilling Fluid
presented at the European Petroleum Conference held in Rheological Properties on Hole Cleaning”, paper SPE 74558
Cannes, France, 16-18 November, 1992. presented at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas,
2. Downs, J.D., “Formate Brines: Novel Drilling and Completion Texas, 26–28 February 2002.
Fluids for Demanding Environments”, paper SPE 25177
presented at the SPE Int. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held
in New Orleans, Louisiana, 2-5 March, 1993.
3. Downs, J.D., Killie, S. and Whale, G.F., “Development of
Environmentally Benign Formate-Based Drilling and
Completion Fluids”, paper SPE 27143 presented at the Second
Int. Conf. on Health, Safety & Environment in Oil & Gas
Exploration & Production held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-27
January, 1994.
4. Howard, S.K., “Formate Brines for Drilling and Completion:
State of the Art”, paper SPE 30498 presented at the SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, 22-
25 October, 1995.
5. Svendsen, Ø., Toften, J.K., Marshall, D.S. and Hermansson,
C.L., “Use of a Novel Drill-In/Completion Fluid Based on
Potassium Formate Brine on the First Open Hole Completion in
the Gullfaks Field”, paper SPE/IADC 29409 presented at the
1995 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference held in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 28 February–2 March, 1995.
6. Ramsey, M.S., Shipp, J.A., Lang, B.J., Black, A. and Curry, D.,
“Cesium Formate – The Beneficial Effects of Low Viscosity
and High Initial Fluid Loss on Drilling Rate – A Comparative
Study”, paper SPE 36398 presented at the IADC/SPE Asia
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Malaysia, 9–11 September 1996.
7. Cobianco, S., Bartosek, M., Lezzi, A., Previde Massara, E. and
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Permeability Reservoirs”, paper SPE 64979 presented at the
2001 SPE Int. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in
Houston, Texas, 13-16 February, 2001.
8. McKay, G., Bennett, C.L and Gilchrist, J.M., “High Angle
OHGP’s in Sand/Shale Sequences: A Case History Using a
Formate Drill-In Fluid”, paper SPE 58731 presented at the 2000
SPE Int. Symposium on Formation Damage Control held in
Lafayette, Louisiana, 23-24 February, 2000.
9. Bungert, D., Maikranz, S., Sundermann, R., Downs, J., Benton,
W. and Dick, M.A., “The Evolution and Application of

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