H.A. Nasr-El-Din, SPE, J.D. Lynn, SPE, M.K. Hashem, SPE, G. Bitar, SPE, Saudi Aramco

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SPE 77768

Field Application of a Novel Emulsified Scale Inhibitor System to Mitigate Calcium

Carbonate Scale in a Low Temperature, Low Pressure Sandstone Reservoir in Saudi

H.A. Nasr-El-Din, SPE, J.D. Lynn, SPE, M.K. Hashem, SPE, G. Bitar, SPE, Saudi Aramco

Copyright 2002, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

lifetime of the squeeze treatment. In addition, a downhole
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and video camera was used to follow scale formation following
Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 29 September–2 October 2002.
the treatment.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of The scale squeeze treatment was conducted in more than
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to fifteen wells. The emulsified inhibitor was mixed in the field
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at and was injected into the target zones without encountering
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
any operational problems. Analysis of flowback samples
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is indicated that the treatment did not affect well productivity or
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous water cut in any of the treated wells. Based on field data, it is
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. known that the treatment lifetime is greater than two years.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
The minimum scale inhibitor concentration, presented as
phosphorus, is nearly 1 mg/L.
This paper describes field application of a novel scale inhibitor Introduction
squeeze treatment to mitigate downhole scale (calcium Field “H” is a sandstone reservoir, which was developed in
carbonate) present in several oil producing wells in a central Saudi Arabia a few years ago. Oil production from this
sandstone reservoir in central Saudi Arabia. The sandstone field started in August of 1994. Water injection commenced in
reservoir is weakly consolidated, water sensitive, and sanding late 1994 and early 1995, using a peripheral water injection
problems were noted in several wells. The water cut in the pattern to maintain reservoir pressure. The injection water is
scaled wells ranges from 3 to 80 vol%. To avoid sanding obtained from a shallow aquifer and is produced from 17
problems, most of these wells were gravel packed. In supply wells with electrical submersible pumps (ESP) and sent
addition, the reservoir pressure and gas oil ratio are low and, to four water injection plants. The water pressure is increased
as a result, electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are used to to approximately 1,200 psig and pumped into the injection
produce these wells. The sandstone reservoir is heterogeneous wells. Table 1 gives a typical chemical analysis for the aquifer
and contains up to 14 wt% clay minerals in some zones. The water. Note that the supply water contains high levels of sulfate
bottom hole temperature is nearly 160ºF. A thorough ion, which contributed in the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria
investigation was undertaken to develop a suitable scale (SRB) and subsequent plugging problems that were encountered
squeeze treatment to mitigate the scale, and to assess the in water supply wells and water injectors.2-4
effectiveness of the treatment in the field. The formation produces Arabian Super light crude oil
Based on extensive lab studies, a new emulsified scale (°API > 50). The oil has a very low gas-oil ratio (GOR) and
inhibitor treatment was designed and applied in more than no appreciable CO2 and H2S content; therefore, ESPs are used
fifteen wells. These wells were descaled prior to the squeeze to produce this reservoir. The average reservoir temperature is
treatment as was detailed by Nasr-El-Din et al.1 All scale 150-160ºF and its thickness ranges from 150 to 200 ft. The
squeeze treatments were conducted using 1.75 or 2 in coiled sandstone reservoir is weakly consolidated and sanding
tubing. Because the formation is water-sensitive, the main problems were noted in several wells. To mitigate sand
treatment, the pre and post flushes were designed to minimize production, the producing wells were gravel packed.
formation damage due to fines migration and clay swelling. Many of the oil wells started producing wet crude shortly
Following the treatment, the well was shut-in for two days to after oil production started. Oil production continued from
give ample time for various reactions to occur. Chemical this field without encountering any major problems until 1997,
analysis of well flow back samples was used to estimate the

where a continuous decline in oil production was noted in Well Completion

some wet wells. This decline was attributed to the formation All treated wells in this field are vertical, with cased-hole
of calcium carbonate scale, which was found to cover the completions. Electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are used to
gravel pack screens, plug the intake of the ESP (Photo 1), and produce oil from this field. ESP assembly has a by-pass (Y-
deposit on the impellers of the ESPs. In addition, down-hole tool), which allows normal production logging and other
video camera showed that the scale was plugging the wireline/coiled tubing operations.
perforations (Photo2a). As mentioned earlier, the formation rock is poorly
An extensive sampling campaign started in this field since consolidated in some areas. To mitigate sanding problems, most
its commissioning. Chemical and isotopic finger printing were oil producers are gravel packed. The size of the gravel used is
conducted on the injection and produced waters to determine 20/40 Mesh sand. To control production of the gravel, the base
the time of injection water breakthrough. In an earlier study, pipe is rapped with a 316-stainless steel screen with 0.012 in
Carrigan et al. noted that there was no breakthrough of the opening. The base pipe has 3.5 in inside diameter and is made of
injection water up to 1997.5 This trend continued up to the low-carbon steel (L-80). Each well has 2 to 6 sets of
present time, with the exception of a few wells where there is perforations. The total length of perforations for each well
a fracture or fractures connecting a producer with an injector. ranges from 40 to 160 ft.
Typical chemical analysis of the produced water from some of
the treated wells is given in Table 2. Note that the produced Experimental Studies
water has much lower total dissolved solids (TDS) than the Analytical Techniques
injection water. The produced water has high sulfate content, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP)
albeit it is less than that of the injection water, Table 1. was used to measure the concentrations of various cations
The objectives of this study were to: (1) design a scale present in the mixing water, formation brine, treatment fluids
squeeze program to mitigate calcium carbonate scale and well flowback samples collected after the treatment. The
formation in this field, and (2) to assess the effectiveness of sulfate ion concentration in the aqueous phase was measured
the treatment in the field based on analysis of the flow back turbidimetrically following precipitation with a 0.1N barium
samples following the scale squeeze treatment. chloride solution. The chloride ion was measured by titration
using a 0.1N silver nitrate solution. The concentration of
Reservoir Mineralogy hydrochloric acid in the field samples was measured by
The Unayzah-A formation, the oil producing reservoir in the acid/base titration using a 0.1N NaOH solution.
“H” field, varies from braded stream and fluvial-stacked X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence techniques
channels, to migrating dune sequences. The formation is (XRD/XRF) were used to determine the mineralogy and the
Paleozoic in age, and underlies the Khuff carbonates.6 elemental composition of the scale samples and the particulate
The formation is heterogeneous, exhibiting significant solids present in the flow back samples.
mineralogy changes with depth. Tables 3 and 4 present the Chemical analysis of the field mixing water is given in Table
minimum and maximum concentrations of the main formation 5. Several key points should be mentioned. Iron content in the
minerals. Bulk XRD indicates that the zone of interest contains field mixing water is less than 1 mg/L. Low iron content is
from 1.1 to 13.5 wt% clay minerals, mostly illite- important to minimize the adverse effects of iron. The
montmorillonite mixed layer clays (swelling-type clay) and concentration of phosphorus was measured in the field mixing
kaolinite (migratable clay). The formation also contains calcite water, live acid, and was found to be less than 1 mg/L.
and ankerite (carbonate minerals). Anhydrite was also present in Knowledge of phosphorus levels is very important; especially
small, but significant amounts. Sodium and potassium feldspars these wells were squeezed using a phosphonate-based chemical.
were present in significant amounts. Acid solubility in 15 wt% The phosphorus concentration in the scale inhibitor, as received,
HCl ranged from 0.8 to 6.6 wt%. Acid-soluble minerals include is nearly 58,000 mg/L.
carbonates and iron oxides.
XRD analysis of the clay-size particles (less than 2 microns) Location, Nature, and Type of Scale
indicates that kaolinite and illite/montmorillonite are the two Signs of scale formation in this field were noted late 1998. At
main clays present in the formation. Chlorite (iron-containing that time, large pieces of scale were noted in the strainer ahead
clay) was also present in significant amounts. of the micro-motion meter at the well manifold. Scale was also
The cementing material is mainly quartz at grain-to-grain observed inside the tubing. It was also noted on the pump
contacts, but occasional illite/montmorillonite is noted as intake (Photo #1) and impeller that were retrieved from some
cement. This contributes to the sensitivity of the formation, wells during various workover operations.
which requires 7 wt% KCl to prevent fines migration and It is worth mentioning that the calcium carbonate scale was
sanding problems. Other secondary cements include pore found downhole. This is different from cases where this type
filling quartz, ankerite, and chlorite. of scale is formed on the top 1,000 ft of the tubing.7 Scale
The reservoir porosity ranges from 18 to 32 vol%, and its formation downhole occurs due to the pressure drop across the
permeability ranges from less than 1 mD in interchannel or gravel pack, pressure drop created by the pump, and the high
interdune intervals to greater than 5 D in dune sequences. temperature of the ESP. High temperatures and significant
changes in pressure are two main factors that promote the

formation of calcium carbonate scale.8 observed in the flow back samples are also due to acid
Scale samples were collected from various wells, locations reactions with the downhole scale and possibly with the
and were analyzed using XRD and XRF techniques. The main formation rock.
minerals present in these samples are listed in Table 6. Once the acid reached the scale, it released various cations.
Several important points can be inferred from these results. Calcium was one of the cations that were released due to acid
The scale composition varies from one well to another and reaction with the scale. There was a step increase in the
with sample location. The scale is heterogeneous and consists calcium concentration once the acid reached the screens, Fig.
of various minerals that have different solubilities in acids. 3. The concentration of Ca continued its increase and reached
The scale contains varying amounts of iron sulfides. a maximum of 6,950 mg/L, then gradually decreased to its
Visual inspection and oil solubility tests conducted on the levels in the produced water, Table 2. Obviously, the main
scale samples indicated that the scale contained some reservoir source of calcium is the scale. However, the formation rock
oil. The presence of oil with the scale is a concern because oil contains calcite and ankerite (Table 3). These carbonate
can coat the scale and minimize acid-scale contact. Finally, minerals will react with the acid and release one or more of
the texture of the scale varies with the well number, and the following cations: Ca, Mg, and Fe. Figure 4 shows that
sample location. All of these factors should be considered there was an increase in the concentration of Mg once the acid
when designing an acid treatment to remove the scale. reached the screens. Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) and ankerite
(CaMgFe(CO3)2) were not detected in any of the scale samples
Scale Removal Program (Table 6). It is most likely that the source of Mg is the
To remove the scale efficiently, an acid program was designed ankerite present in the formation. Dissolution of ankerite or
that took the nature of the scale and the formation into dolomite means that the spent acid will contain Ca and Mg
consideration. The treatment program included three stages; a ions at a molar ratio of unity. The results shown in Figs. 3 and
preflush, main acid and a postflush stage. The volume of the 4 indicate that the concentration of calcium was significantly
preflush (7 wt% KCl) was 15 gals/ft of screens. The acid (15 higher than Mg. This indicates that the amount of Ca released
wt% HCl) volume was also 15 gals/ft of screens. The from the dissolution of dolomite represents a small portion of
treatment fluids in most wells were placed using 1.75 or 2 in the total Ca present in the spent acid. In other words, the main
coiled tubing (CT). The large diameter coiled was needed to source of the Ca present in the spent acid is the calcium
increase the acid pumping rates. The CT was equipped with a carbonate scale present downhole.
rotating jet. This is to enhance the efficiency of the descaling XRD analysis of the scale samples indicates that there are
treatment.9 various iron minerals in the scale (Table 6). The presence of
As mentioned before, the reservoir pressure is relatively iron in the wellbore area is of great concern. This is because of
low. Therefore, an external source of energy is needed to lift potential reaction of the inhibitor with iron ions and
the spent acid from the wellbore. One option to lift the spent subsequent precipitation of iron phosphonate.10 The latter can
acid is to use CT and nitrogen gas. In this case, the CT was cause severe formation damage. 11 The total iron concentration
placed nearly 3,500 ft from the surface and nitrogen gas was was measured in the flowback samples. Its value increased to
pumped at a rate of 300-350 SCF/min. The average flow rate 2,660 mg/L once the acid reached the screens, then started to
achieved by this method was 1.5 bbls/d. Samples of well flow decrease, Fig. 5.
back were collected and the concentrations of key ions were The concentration of total iron was followed in all de-
measured. Some of the results obtained following de-scaling scaling wells and its value after 12 hours varied from 100 to
of well H-1 will be discussed in the following section. 3,000 mg/L. To ensure that the levels of iron in the wellbore
Figure 1 shows the concentration of HCl as a function of area are low before the scale squeeze treatment, the de-scaled
well flowback time. The acid first appears in the sample wells were allowed to flow using the ESP for several days,
collected after 95 minutes, and its concentration started to and then the scale squeeze treatment was conducted. The
increase and reached a maximum of 6.3 wt%, then gradually level of total iron in the well flow back before the scale
decreased to zero. The maximum acid concentration noted in squeeze treatment was less 5 mg/L.
the samples was nearly 42.6% of that of the injected acid (14.8 Chemical analysis of well flow back samples included
wt% HCl). This result indicates that the injected acid did react other ions. Analysis and significance of these ions were
with downhole scale, formation rock and was also diluted with discussed by Nasr-El-Din et al.1
wellbore and formation fluids. Well productivity was restored in all de-scaled wells. The
To assess the effect of fluid mixing on acid concentration, treatment maintained well integrity and significant increases in
the concentration of the chloride ion was measured in the flow oil production were achieved. No major changes in water cut
back samples and the data are presented in Fig. 2. The were noted due to the treatment. To further verify the
chloride ion reached a maximum of 92,167 mg/L, which is effectiveness of the acid treatment, a downhole video camera
54.4% of the chloride value in the injected acid (169,388 was run in a de-scaled well. Photo #2b shows the perforations
mg/L). This value suggests that the acid was diluted once it are clean, with no residual scale left downhole.
was injected into the wellbore. However, acid dilution cannot
be used alone to explain the lower acid concentrations noted in Scale Squeeze Treatment
the flow back samples. The lower acid concentrations A chemical treatment was needed to mitigate calcium

carbonate scale formation. Because of the nature and and preflush. All brines were filtered to two microns. Note
characteristics of the reservoir, the scale squeeze treatment that the preflush contained nearly 7 wt% KCl for clay control.
should meet the following requirements: It also contained mutual solvent and a water-wetting
1. The treatment should mitigate scale formation at low surfactant. The main stage consisted of the emulsified
reservoir temperature/pressure, inhibitor (inhibitor-in-diesel emulsion). The postflush
2. It should last for a long period of time, contained diesel, mutual solvent and a surfactant. Stages of a
3. It should not cause formation damage, and calcium source were injected to force precipitate the
4. It should be cost effective. scale inhibitor.
No operational problems were encountered during mixing
A thorough literature survey was conducted to select a suitable the three stages of the treatment in the field. All fluids were
treatment that meets all of the above requirements. The placed using coiled tubing and were pumped without
survey revealed that there are several strategies to mitigate the encountering any injectivity problems. Following the
formation of calcium carbonate scale downhole. The most treatment, the well was shut-in for two days. This is to give
important ones are: ample time for the fluids to reach reservoir temperature, react
and precipitate the scale inhibitor.
1. Forced precipitation of the inhibitor: the scale inhibitor Extensive sampling was conducted once each well was put
(phophonate-type) is precipitated as a calcium on production. Sampling for the treated wells continued, albeit
phosphonate salt, away from the well bore.7,12 Upon the at a lower frequency, up to the present time. The objectives of
resumption of well production, the formation brine the sampling program were to: determine the Minimum
leaches the precipitated inhibitor, which prevents scale Inhibitor Concentration (MIC) needed for this field, examine
formation. Precipitation of the scale inhibitor can be fluid/rock interactions, determine whether the emulsified scale
induced by various methods, including injection of acidic inhibitor broke in the formation, as planned, or not, and assess
inhibitor with a base generating componenet.13 the effect of this treatment on the integrity of the formation
2. Adsorption of the inhibitor: the chemical adsorbs on the and well productivity.
clay minerals, and desorbs during the production cycle.12 Visual inspection of the flow back samples on more than
The main concern with such treatment is the short fifteen wells revealed that the treatment did not induce sand
effective life of the treatment, and the need to squeeze the production, fines migration or emulsion formation.
well very frequently. To assess the effect of the treatment on the sandstone
3. Use of oil-soluble inhibitor: the main concern with this reservoir, the concentrations of key ions were followed for a
method is that it requires dry or low water cut wells.14 long period of time. The results obtained following the scale
This method cannot be used in Field “H” because of the treatment preformed on well H-1 will be discussed in the
relatively high the water cut in the treated wells following section. This well has three zones of perforations
(3 to 80 vol%). with a total length of 72 ft and was treated almost 1.5 years
4. Use of emulsified scale inhibitor: this method relies on ago. The perforation density is 12 SPF. The scale inhibitor
delivering the inhibitor in the form of an invert emulsion was placed nearly 10 ft from the wellbore. Sampling program
(water-in-oil).15 This method has several advantages started once the well was put on production. Figure 6 shows
which were highlighted by Collins et al.16 The main the concentration of the chloride ion in the flow back samples
advantage of this method is the slow release of the collected from well H-1. The initial chloride concentration in
inhibitor. Emulsion droplets will be trapped in the the return samples was 27,716 mg/L. This value is much
formation, and will take a longer period of time to break. higher than that in the formation brine (Table 2) and is due to
This process will prolong the life of the treatment the 7 wt% KCl that was used in the treatment. The value of the
considerably. This method is suitable for low temperature chloride ion decreased with time. It took close to two months
reservoirs, similar to the one treated in this study. for the chloride ion to reach its levels before the treatment.
However, the permeability of the target zone is high, and Potassium ion behaved in a similar manner as shown in Fig. 7.
the trapping mechanism would not work in field “H”. The concentration of calcium is important because the
scale inhibitor is precipitated in the form of calcium
Based on the above discussion, a new scale squeeze treatment phosphonate. Figure 8 shows that the calcium concentration
was developed.17 The inhibitor is delivered in the form of an increased to a maximum value, slightly greater than that in the
invert emulsion. And to prolong the life time of the treatment, formation brine, then decreased. These results indicate that
the chemical was forced to precipitate 6-10 ft from almost all of the injected calcium in the treatment did
the wellbore. precipitate, as planned, in the formation.
The concentrations of sodium, and magnesium exhibited
Field Application and Return Analysis minor changes. All of these results indicated that the
More than fifteen wells in Field “H” were successfully treated treatment did not significantly affect the clays or the
with the new scale squeeze treatment. The treatment included rock matrix.
three stages: a preflush, main inhibitor, and a postflush. Table
5 lists the concentrations of key ions in the field mixing water

Analysis of Scale Inhibitor in Flow Back Samples Conclusions

The scale inhibitor used in these treatments is based on 1. A new emulsified scale inhibitor treatment was
phosphonic acid. To follow up the return of the inhibitor and successfully applied in a low temperature/pressure
to determine the minimum inhibitor concentration, the sandstone reservoir.
concentration of phosphorus was measured in the aqueous 2. The life time of the treatment was found to be more
phase of well return samples. Phosphorus was measured using than two years.
ICP. Figure 9 shows the concentration of the phosphorus ion 3. Analysis of well flow back samples was used to
in the flow back samples of well H-1. Phosphorus determine the minimum inhibitor concentration,
concentration gradually increased and reached a maximum of which was found to be less than 1 mg/L.
671 mg/L after 9 hours. Then, it gradually decreased with 4. The fieldwork emphasizes the importance of
time until it reached 0.8 mg/L after 389 days. It is important complete flow back of spent acid after de-scaling,
to mention that this well produces wet crude at a water rate of and prior to the application of the scale squeeze.
360 b/d. In other words, this well produced a total of 140,040
bbls of water without scale formation. Oil production was Acknowledgements
restored after the de-scaling treatment and was not affected by The authors wish to acknowledge the Saudi Arabian Oil
the scale squeeze treatment. Company (Saudi Aramco) for granting permission to present
The time at which the maximum phosphorus concentration and publish this paper. The Analytical Chemistry and
was noted and the value of the maximum concentration were Advanced Instruments Units are acknowledged for the
found to a function of well characteristics, treatment volume chemical analysis. M.G. Al-Faifi, H.A. Saiyari, and M. Al-
and inhibitor concentration. Similar to well H-1, well H-66 Otaibi, are acknowledged for their untiring fieldwork in
exhibited the maximum phosphorus concentration after 8.16 collection of wellhead samples, during and after the field
hours and the maximum value was 379 mg/L, Fig. 10. The treatments. Dr. Kris Raju, Jimmy Philips, and A. Al-Ali are
concentration of phosphorus reached 0.08 mg/L after 462 acknowledged for many useful discussions.
days, and the well did not show signs of scale formation. This
well produce wet crude and the total water production since References
the scale treatment is 739,200 bbls. 1. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Lynn, J.D., Hashem, M.K., Bitar,
Well H-40 is another well that exhibited a similar G., and Al-Ali, M.: “Lessons Learned from Descaling
behavior. The phosphorus concentration showed a maximum Wells in a Sandstone Reservoir in Central Saudi
of 653 mg/L after 3.12 hours, Fig. 11. The inhibitor Arabia,” paper SPE 74690 presented at the 2002 SPE
concentration reached 0.4 mg/L after 286 days. This well Symposium on Oilfield Scale held in Aberdeen,
produces wet crude and the total water production since the Scotland, 30-31 January.
scale treatment is 354,640 bbls. 2. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Rosser, H.R. and Hopkins, J.A.:
It is interesting to note that the decrease in phosphorus ”Stimulation of Injection Water Supply Wells in
concentration with time is linear on a log-log scale. This trend Central Arabia,” paper SPE 36181 presented at the
was noted with the majority of the treated wells. It appears 1996 ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi, 13-16 October.
from these results that the MIC is less than 1 mg/L. This 3. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Al-Anazi, H.A. and Hopkins, J.A.:
value will be fine tuned as the treated wells start to form “Acid/Rock Interactions During Stimulation of Sour Water
calcium carbonate scale. Injectors in Sandstone Reservoir,” paper SPE 37215
The maximum concentration of phosphorus noted with a presented at the 1997 SPE International Symposium on
few wells was much higher than those noted with wells H-1, Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, TX, 18-21 February.
H-66 and H-40. For example, well H-57 exhibited a maximum 4. Hashem, M.K., Nasr-El-Din, H.A. and Hopkins, J.A.:
phosphorus concentration of 3,652 after 2.17 hours, Fig 12. A “An Experience in Acidizing Sandstone Reservoirs:
similar trend was noted in well H-48 where the maximum A Scientific Approach,” paper SPE 55652 presented
phosphorus concentration was 3,547 mg/L after 4.66 hours. at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Work is underway to determine factors that affect the Exhibition, Houston, TX, 3-6 October.
5. Carrigan, W.J., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Al-Sharidi, S. and
concentration of the inhibitor following a scale squeeze
treatment using an emulsified inhibitor. Clark, I.: "Geochemical Characterization of Injected
and Produced Water from Paleozoic Oil Reservoirs,"
Well Response to the Treatment paper SPE 37270 presented at the 1997 SPE Int.
Well productivity was restored in all treated wells. The Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, 18-
treatment maintained well integrity, and significant increases 21 February.
in oil production were achieved. No major changes in water 6. McGillivray, J.G. and Husseini, M.I.: “The Paleozoic
cut were noted due to the treatment. In fact, water cut in Petroleum Geology of Central Arabia,” AAPG
several wells has declined after the treatment. Bulletin, 76 (1992) 1473-1490.
7. Lynn, J.D.: “Development of the Ghawar Scale
Squeeze Simulation Model: Using Core Analysis to
Evaluate Treatment Chemicals,” paper SPE 25589

presented at the 1993 SPE Middle East Oil Technical

Conference and Exhibition held in Bahrain, 3-6
April. Table 1: Typical Chemical Analysis of Aquifer Water.
8. Atkinson, G., Raju, K.U.G., Howell, R.D., and
Mecik, M.: “A Comprehensive Scale Prediction Variable Value
Program for Oil and Gas Production,” paper NACE Sodiuma 5,560
276 presented at the 1993 NACE conference. Calcium 747
9. Larsen, H.A. and Peterson, C.D.: “Case Studies
Magnesium 419
Demonstrate That Effective Soluble Scale Removal
Treatment Outperforms Bull Heading,” paper SPE Chloride 8,280
60691 presented at the 2000 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Sulfate 3,660
Tubing Roundtable held in Houston, TX, 5-6 April. Bicarbonate 227
10. Friedfeld, S.J., He, S., and Tomson, M.B.: “The Total Dissolved Solidsb 18,893
Temperature and Ionic Strength Dependence of the a. All ion concentrations are expressed in mg/L
Solubility Product Constant of Ferrous Phosphonate,” b. TDS was determined by addition and is expressed in mg/L
Langmuir 14 (1998) 3698-3703.
11. Lynn, J.D., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., and Hashem, M.K.:
“Iron Phosphonate Stabilized Emulsions: Formation
Damage during an Adsorption Squeeze Treatment for Table 2: Chemical Analysis of the Produced Water a
Scale Mitigation,” paper SPE 73718 presented at the
2002 SPE Int. Symposium on Formation Damage Variable H-1 H-22 H-73 H-141
Control, Lafayette, LA, 20-21 February. Sodiumb 1,957 2,491 1,999 2,058
12. Malandrino, A., Yaun, M.D., Sorbie, K.S., and Calcium 661 770 740 776
Jordan, M.M.: “Mechanistic Study and Modeling of
Magnesium 80 75 85 87
Precipitation Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Processes,”
paper SPE 29001 presented at the 1995 International Chloride 3,410 3,940 3,500 3,570
Symposium Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, TX, Sulfate 1,230 1,840 1,380 1,540
14-17 February. Bicarbonate 180 218 212 163
13. Faircloth et al.: “Precipitation of Scale Inhibitors,” TDSc 7,518 9,334 7,916 8,194
US patent 5,211,237, May 18, 1993. a. H-1, H-22, H-73, and H-141 are oil producer wells
14. Wat, R., et al.: “Development of an Oil-Soluble Scale b. All ion concentrations are expressed in mg/L
Inhibitor for a Subsea Satellite Field,” paper SPE c. TDS was determined by addition and is expressed in mg/L
50706 presented at the 1999 SPE International
Symposium Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, 16-19
February. Table 3. Mineralogy of Reservoir Rocks
15. Lawless, T.A. and Smith, R.N.: “Experimental and
Theoretical Investigations into New Invert Emulsion Mineral Concentration Range, wt%
Scale Squeeze Technology,” paper SPE 50590 Quartz 68-97
presented at the 1998 Europec Conference held at Na-feldspar 0-19
The Hague, the Netherlands, 20-22 October. K-feldspar 0-6
16. Collins, I.R., Jordan, M.M., and Taylor, S.E.: “The Anhydrite 0-4
Development and Application of a Novel Scale Kaolinite 0-8
Inhibitor for Deployment in Low Water Cut, Water
Chlorite 0-1
Sensitive or Low Pressure Reservoirs,” paper SPE
60192 presented at the 2000 SPE International Illite/smectite 0-13
Symposium on Oilfield Scale held in Aberdeen Calcite 0-1
Scotland, 26-27 January. Ankerite 0-7
17. Nasr-El-Din, H.A., Lynn, J.D., Al-Nasser, W.:
“Development of a New Calcium Carbonate Scale
Inhibitor for Oil Producing Formations” patent

Table 4. Mineralogy of Clay Fraction.

Mineral Concentration Range, wt%

Kaolinite 4.6-97
Illite/Smectite 19.7-94.6
Chlorite 0-11
Quartz 0-18.9

Table 5: Chemical Analysis of the Field Mixing Water and


Variable Field Mixing Water Preflusha

Potassium NA 30,310
Sodium 509 629
Calcium 320 331
Magnesium 64 79
Chloride 1,078 33,754
Sulfate 724 633
Total Iron <1 <1
pH 8.2 8.3
a. 7 wt% KCl

Table 6: Mineralogy of Scale Samples.

Well Location CaCO3 FeS FeCO3 SiO2 Fe2O3

H-1 Imp.a 6 2 - 1 82

H-40 Strainer b 42 5 - 3 35

H-41 ESP 86 4 - - -

H-41 Imp. 84 2 - - 9

H-48 Strainer 59 2 19 - 10

H-53 Bailer 92 - - 2 -

H-53 Strainer 24 14 - 19 12

H-57 Strainer 21 49 - 11 6

H-72 D/Hc 92 - - 3 -

H-74 Strainer 21 30 12 28 9

H-74 ESP 74 3 4 9 4
a. Impeller of the ESP, Intake of the ESP
b. Strainer just upstream the micro-motion meter
c. D/H downhole bailer sample

Photo 1:
Scale on
pump intake

Photo 2a shows downhole video of perforations before acid clean up. 2B shows same interval after acid

Figure 2. Chloride Concentration in flowback samples

Figure 1. Acid Concentration in flowback samples of well H-1 after acid descaling using 15 wt% HCl
of well H-1after acid descaling using 15 wt% HCl
Hydrochloric Acid Concentration, wt%


Chloride, mg/L


2 20000

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Flowback Time, min Flowback Time, min

Figure 3. Calcium Concentration in flowback samples Figure 4. Magnesium Concentration in flowback

samples of well H-1 after acid descaling using
of well H-1 after acid descaling using 15 wt% HCl
15 wt% HCl

6000 600

Magnesium, mg/L
Calcium, mg/L

4000 400

2000 200

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Flowback Time, min Flowback Time, min

Figure 5. Total Iron Concentration in flowback samples of Figure 6. Chloride concentration after the scale squeeze
well H-1 after acid descaling using 15 wt% HCl treatment of well H-1

Chloride, mg/L
Total Iron, mg/L


2000 1000



0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time, Days
Flowback Time, min

Figure 7. Potassium concentration after the scale squeeze

treatment of well H-1 Figure 8. Calcium concentration after the scale squeeze
treatment of well H-1

Potassium, mg/L

Calicium, mg/L



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time, Days
Time, Days

Figure 9. Phosphorus concentration after scale squeeze

treatment of well H-1 Figure 10. Phosphorus concentration after scale squeeze
treatment of well H-66


Phosphorus, mg/L

Phosphorus, mg/L




0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time, Days 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time, Days

Figure 11. Phosphorus concentration after scale squeeze

treatment of well H-40 Figure 12. Phosphorus concentration after scale squeeze
treatment of well H-57

Phosphorus, mg/L

Phosphorus, mg/L


1 10


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01
Time, Days 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time, Days

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