PA 214 Case Study 2

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PA 214 Case Study 2

Reyes Department Store

Based in the review of the store, Nicole, the general manager concluded
that one of the first things she has to attend involving developing the job
description of her store supervisors. During her first few weeks on the job, Nicole
found herself asking one of her supervisors, Jet, why he was violating what she
knew to be part of the company policies and procedures. Jet’s only response
was that he was not aware of that policy and was not aware it was part of his job.

Nicole knew that a job description, along with a set of standards and
procedures that specify what was to be done and how to do it, will go a long way
toward alleviating the problems.

Discuss the process that Nicole should follow to solve this problem. (See the
Case Study 1 format of solving the problem).

Help Nicole solve his problem by following the steps below:

1. State Nicole’s main problem is as a general manager it’s her responsibility to

inform her employees their job description so they will be aware on what they
should or shouldn’t do.

2. Discuss the areas of considerations following the guide below.

Nicole’s Strengths: She knows her job, she know what’s in line with her work
and what are the things that is part of her job, she knows that all of the things
that she is doing it will benefit them in the long run.

Nicole’s Weaknesses: She didn’t think that jet and other supervisors was not
informed about their job descriptions. She can always refer to it when
approaching Jet or other employees about the duties and responsibilities that are
not included. If it is not clear, then she can manipulate around what was stated
and what is being asked

Possible Opportunities for Nicole: She will benefit from it it’s either that she
might get a raise in her salary or if she want to venture on another career path
she can get good recommendation from her current boss.

Possible Threats for Nicole: Her supervisors might have an issue with her
being strict and following their company procedures and policies it might lead to
a feud if not being address of their management properly

Give your proposed solutions/alternative courses of action or ACA (minimum of

three) to help Nicole overcome his problem.

A. Nicole should discuss to Jet and other supervisors about their job
descriptions and the company policies and procedures in case it wasn’t
discuss to them during the hiring process so that it will be clear to them on
what their roles are.

B. Nicole can conduct an open forum for them so that they can be
comfortable to each other. For them to really see what reason or what are the
roots that lead to Jet not able to meeting the expectation maybe be because
he already know about the job description and the real problem was his

C. _______________________________________________________
3. State your Recommendation based on your ACA.

4. Discuss the implementation of your chosen recommendation following the

guide below:

Specific Activity Person Time Frame Budgetary

Responsible Requirements

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