Senior Two Physics Notes (August 2021)

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 The greater turning effect of a force occurs when the

Moment of a force is also called the measure of the turning force acts on an object at a right angle.
effect of a force.  It is easier to close the door by pushing it at a point as
far away from the hinges as possible. Because the force
Moment of a force is a product of a force and the applied can easily balance with the reaction at the
perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force from hinges.
the fulcrum (pivot).
Factors affecting moments
The moment of the force depends on the:-
( ) F ( + i) magnitude of a force
ii) Perpendicular distance from the turning point
SI unit of moment is a newton meter (Nm). Moment of a
force is a vector quantity. Law or principle of moments
Examples of the turning effects of a force; This states that when body is in a state of equilibrium the
 Opening or closing a door sum of clockwise moments about any point is equal to the
 Children playing on a see-saw sum anticlockwise moments about the same point.
 Bending of the fore arm of a hand ( ) ( )

Example;1 Experiment to verify the principle of moments.

A force of 12N is applied to open a door handle, which is
0.8m from the hinges of the door. Calculate the moment of Fulcrum d2
the force produced.

m1 m2
Frame Frame
W1= W2
The metre rule is balanced horizontally on a knife-edge and
its centre of gravity, G noted.
Hinge F
Solution Un equal masses m1 and m2 are hung from cotton loops on
Taking moments about the Hinge; either sides of the rule.

The distances of the masses are then adjusted until the rule
balances horizontally once again. The distances d1 and d2 are
measured and recorded.
The moment of a force is 4Nm in the clockwise direction The experiment is repeated several times and the results
when the lid of a tin is opened. Calculate the vertical force tabulated including values of w1d1 and w2d2.
applied, if the perpendicular distance from the hinges is
40cm. It is found that; w2d2 = w1d1. Where w2d2 is the clockwise
moment and w1d1 is the anticlockwise moment. This verifies
Solution the principle of moments.

F The points from which moments are being taken acts as the
40c pivot and the moments of force at that point is zero (0).
Hinge ( ) ( ) ( *

( + ( + ( *
Taking moments about the Hinge;

Thus the vertical force applied is

From above, it can be noted that:

Taking moments about the pivot; A uniform metre rule is pivoted at its centre and three forces
of 6N, 2N and F act at distances of 20cm, 60cm, and 80cm
respectively from the zero mark. If the metre rule balances
d2 horizontally, find the value of F.

d1 Solution
Fulcrum m2
0 cm 50 cm 100 cm

6N 2N F
Taking moments about the pivot;
Clockwise moments =W1 xd1= W1d1 u t ws ts
Anticlockwise moments =W2 x d2= W2d2 u ws ts
And by the law of moment;
Sum of clockwise moments = sum of anti-clock moment Applying the principle of moments;
about any point. Thus, W1d1= W2d2 u ws ts u t ws ts
Note: When calculating moments about a point (pivot) all
distances should be measured from that point.

Finding the mass and weight of uniform body Example 4:

 When body is uniform, the mass or weight must act at A non-uniform tree trunk of weight 1000N is placed on a
the centre. pivot, 4m from the thick end. A weight of 800N is placed on
 A metre rule is marked from 0-100cm mark. If it is the other side of the pivot, at a distance equal to that from
uniform, then its mass/weight must act in the middle, the thick end to the centre of gravity, just tips off the tree
which is 50cm mark. trunk. How far is the weight from the thick end?
 The mass or weight is calculated by applying the
principle of moment.
A metre-rule suspended from the centre of gravity is in
equilibrium, i.e. balanced at G, when forces ofW1, W2 and
W3, act at distances of a, b and c respectively from the pivot.
(i) Draw a labeled diagram to show all the forces acting on C.O.G
the metre-rule. 800N

. Pivot

d1 d3 x x
0 cm 50 cm 1000N
G 4m

W1 W2 W3
Let the distance from the thick end to the Centre of gravity
(C.O.G) be x.
(ii) Write an expression for the sum of the moments.
Taking moments about the pivot; Taking moments about the pivot;
u t ws ts d1 d2
u ws ts Applying the principle of moments;
u ws ts u t ws ts
Applying the principle of moments;
u ws ts u t ws ts


Thus the heavy weight, is (4+2.2)m = 6.2m from the thick i.e. For a uniform metre rule, which is marked from 0-
end. 100cm, the centre of gravity from which the mass or weight
acts is,
Example: 1
A uniform metre rule is suspended from 40cm marking as
shown in the diagram below. Find the mass of the metre rule  Then the required value is calculated from the principle
t‟s qu br u . of moment.

Example:5 A uniform metre rule is pivoted at 30cm mark.

0 cm 40 cm mark 100 cm
It balances horizontally when a body of mass 20g is
G suspended at 25cm mark.

a) Draw a force diagram for the arrangement.

2kg m b) Calculate the mass of the metre rule
x (Ans: m=5g)
Taking moments about the pivot; Example: 6 A uniform half-metre rule is pivoted at 15cm
mark and balances horizontally when a body of 40g is
hanging from 2cm mark.
i) Draw a diagram of the arrangement.
Applying the principle of moments; ii) Calculate the mass of the metre rule.
u ws ts u t ws ts (Ans: m=52g)

Example: 7 A uniform rod AB of length 5cm is suspended

at 2m from end A. if the mass of the rod is 10kg. Calculate
the mass of the body, which must be suspended at 1m from
end A so as for the rod to balance horizontally.
(Ans: m=5kg)
Thus, the mass of the metre rule is 60kg
Example: 8A hand cart of length 1.5 m, has the centre of
Example 2: A uniform metre rule pivoted at 10cm mark gravity at length 0.5 m from the wheel when loaded with
balance when a mass of 400g is suspended at 0cm mark. 50kg as shown below.
Calculate the mass of the metre rule. (Ans: m=100g)

Example 3: The diagram below is a metre rule pivoted at

80cm mark. Calculate the mass of the metre. (Ans: m=67g)

0 50 cm 80cm 90cm
cm cm

m 200kg If the mass of the hand cart is 10 kg, find the effort needed
to lift the hand cart.
x y
Example 4: A uniform beam 2m long is suspended as Condition for Body to be in Equilibrium Under action of
shown below. Calculate the mass of the metre. (Ans: parallel forces.
When a number of parallel forces act on a body such that the
body attains equilibrium, then the following conditions must
0.5m 1.5 m be met or fulfilled:
(i) The sum of the forces is one direction is equal to
G the sum of forces in the opposite direction.
(ii) The sum of the clockwise moment about any point
20k m is equal to sum of the anti-clockwise moments
g x y about the same point.
m The above conditions are useful in calculations involving
Interpreting the question in diagram form.
two unknown forces. The following steps should be taken.
 the diagram for anybody should be drawn in the form.
(i) An equation for sum of force in one direction equaling
 if the body is uniform, its mass or weight will act from
to sum of forces in the opposite direction is written.
the centre of gravity which is obtained by,
(ii) Moments should be taken about one of the unknown
force. Where by the sum of anticlockwise moment is
equal to sum of the clockwise moments.

A uniform wooden beam of length 2m and weight 34N rests
on two supports A and B placed at 40cm from either end of
the beam. Two weights of 40N and 50N are suspended at
the end of the beam.
(i) Draw a diagram to show the forces acting on the beam. T1 T2
(ii) Calculate the reactions at the supports. C.O.G

(a) 50cm 50cm 100cm
R1 R2
A 500N 50N B
40cm 40cm

(b) Find the tension on A and B

40N A 34N B 50N
Example 1: A truck of weight 20KN is driving across a u u w r r s su w w r r s
uniform 50m long bridge of weight 500KN as shown below.
R1 R2 ………………………
Since and are, unknown forces so moments can be
taken about either or .
5m 25m
Taking moments about :
A 20KN 500KN B u ws ts u t ws ts

u t th r t s t “ ” “B” th br s
equilibrium sum of forces in one direction = sum of forces
in opposite direction.

u u w r r s su w w r r s Substituting for into equation (i), gives;

Thus, the Tensions T1 and T2 respectively are 400N and
Since and are, unknown forces so moments can be 150N.
taken about either or .
(c) Find the fraction of the total weight that is supported by
Taking moments about : B.
u ws ts u t ws ts
ht su rt by B
r t
t w ht

r t

Substituting for into equation (i), gives;

r t

Thus, the Reactions R1 and R2 respectively are 268KN and Centre of gravity
252KN. Centre of gravity is the point of application of the resultant
r u t th rth‟s ttr t t. b s r
Example 2: Two laborers “ ” “B” rry b tw th of a large number of tiny equal particles h ss “ ”
a load of 500N on a uniform pole of weight 50N. if the pole u t w r s th rth w th r “mg”. I th t t
is 2m long, and the load is 50cm from A towards B. ss th tr rt b y s “ ” th th r su t t
force of gravity on the body is mg and it acts vertically
(a) Draw a diagram to show the force acting on the poles. downwards at the point G.

The centre of gravity or centre of the mass is a fixed point in

the object where the resultant weight, (force of gravity)
seems to act. If the centre of gravity is taken to, any other
point of support is not zero.
a) stable equilibrium
b) unstable equilibrium
c) neutral equilibrium

Centre of gravity or regularly shaped object.

The mass or weight is evenly distributed and its centre or (a) Stable equilibrium:
gravity is in the middle, which is at the geometric centre of This is the type of equilibrium where, if the body is slightly
the shape. tilted and then released:
(i) the centre of gravity of the body is raised.
(ii) the body returns to its original position.

Square F h
Rectangle Rhombus


(b) Unstable equilibrium:

e.g. uniform metre rule. This is the type of equilibrium where, if the body is slightly
tilted and then released:
50 cm mark (i) the centre of gravity of the body is lowered.
0cm (c.o.g) 100 cm (ii) the body moves farther away from its original position.
Finding the centre of gravity of an irregularly shaped
object (lamina).
A (c) Neutral equilibrium:
Lamina This is the type of equilibrium where, if the body is slightly
C.O.G tilted and then released:
(i) the centre of gravity of the body is neither raised nor
B lowered.
(ii) the body stays in its new position orbit just rolls on
before stopping.
Retort Example:
stand Plumb line A ball on a flat surface.


M r h s: hr h s “ ”, “B” “ ” r mg mg
the object at the edges far away from each other.

Marking the cross lines: The object is suspended on a retort How to increase the stability of a body.
stand from each of the holes and plumb (or pendulum bob) The stability of a body can be increases by:
is used to trace the centre of gravity by marking a line on the (i) Lowering the centre of gravity by putting more weight
object tracing the plumb line thread when swinging stops. at the base.
(ii) Increasing the area of the base.
Repeating: The experiment is repeated with the object hung (iii) If the body is slightly displaced and then released.
at B and C and cross lines marked. The point C.O.G at
which all the lines cross is the centre of gravity of the body. Exercise: See UNEB
2003 Qn. 5 1993 Qn.14
1:5:2 STABILITY: 1987 Qn.10 2000 Qn.11 and Qn.2
Stability is the difficulty with which a body topples. 1988 Qn.2 and Qn.7 2002 Qn.11
When a body is at rest, it is said to be in a state of 1989 Qn.15 and Qn.38 2003 Qn.5
equilibrium or stability. 1991 Qn.30 2007 Qn.17 and Qn.5

Types or states of stability or Equilibrium

Some bodies are in a more stable state than others.
There are three types or states of equilibrium or stability:
 Oiling or greasing the movable parts.
 Using lightweight materials for movable parts.


A simple machine is a device that work with one movement
and change the size and direction of force.
A machine is a device on which a force applied at one point,
is used to overcome a force at another point. Examples of simple machines:
A machine is a device, which simplifies works by 1.Lever system 5.Screws
magnifying the effort. 2.Wheel and Axle machine 6.Inclined Planes
. 3. Gear system 7. Wedges
Principle of machines: 4. Pulley systems
It states that a small force (effort) moves over a large
distance to produce a bigger force that moves the load over a
small distance.
Effort: Is the force applied at one point of a machine to A lever is a rigid bar, which is free to move about a fixed
overcome the load. point called fulcrum or pivot.
Load: Is the force, which is overcome by the machine using It works on the principle of moments.
the effort.
Classes of levers:
Mechanical Advantage (M.A): Class of lever Position of F,E,L Examples
This is the ratio of load to effort. 1st F is between E and L Pair of scissors
. . M. 2nd L is between E and F Wheel barrow
rt 3rd E is between F and L Human arm
Note:-Mechanical advantage has no units.
-M.A is the number of times the load is greater than Class of lever Examples
the effort. Alternatively, it (i) First class lever:  See-saw
gives the number of times the machine magnifies the effort. Is a lever system where the  Pair of scissors
fulcrum (or pivot) is between  Pair of pliers
Velocity ratio (V.R):
This is the ratio of the distance moved by the effort to the
the load and the effort.  Weighing scale
distance moved by the load.  Claw Hummer
st v by rt
. . . (ii) Second class lever:  Wheel barrow
st v by
Note: It is the ratio of the velocity of the effort to the Is a lever system where the load  Nutcracker
velocity of the load in the same time. is between the fulcrum (or  Bottle opener
It is independent of friction. pivot) and the effort.

Efficiency ( : (iii) Third class lever:  Fishing rod

This is the ratio of work output to the work input expressed Is a lever system where the  Pair of tongs
as a percentage. Effort is between the fulcrum  Human arm
r ut ut (or pivot) and the load.  Spade
. . y  Forceps
r ut

NOTE: -Load arm is the distance of the load from pivot.

-Effort arm is the distance of effort from pivot.
Hence, a lever system is more efficient compared to other
M. Fulcrum (or Pivot)

E Load arm Effort arm

Load Effort
The efficiency of a machine system is always less than
100% because of;
 Friction in the moving parts of the machine. This consists of two wheels of different radii on the same
 Work wasted in lifting useless weights like axis. The axle has the same attachment on the wheel.
movable parts of the machine. The effort is applied to the wheel and a string attached to the
axle raises the load.
The efficiency can be improved by;
A wheel and axle machine is constructed from a wheel of
diameter 20cm and mounted on an axle of diameter 4cm.
(a) Calculate the;
(i) Velocity ratio of the machine
(ii) Greatest possible value of mechanical
(b) Explain why the mechanical advantage is likely to be
less than this value.

For a complete turn or rotation; D =20cm , d = 4cm
 The effort moves through a distance equal to the (a)(i)
circumference of the wheel. , R= radius of st v by rt
wheel. st v by r
 The load moves through a distance equal to the
circumference of the axle. , r= radius of axle.
st v by rt
 Thus, from; .
st v by

r Thus, the velocity ratio is 5.

For the greatest (or maximum) mechanical advantage, the
system is 100% efficient.
The figure below shows a wheel land axle system, which
Hence M.A=V.R= 5
uses an effort of 300N to raise a load of 900N using an axle
of radius 10cm.
(b) The M.A is likely to be less than 5 because work needs
to be done against friction
r=10cm A common windlass is used to raise a load of 480N by
application of an effort 200N at right angles to the handle. If
the crank is33cm from the axis and the radius of the axle is
11cm, calculate the;
(i) Velocity ratio. (Ans: V.R=3)
900N (ii) Efficiency of the windlass. (Ans: =80%)
Calculate the; (i) velocity ratio
(ii) Efficiency of the system A gear is device consisting of toothed wheels.
Solution: These are rigidly fixed to the axis and turn with their axis.
R=40cm, r=10cm; L=900N, E=300N; Driven gear
Driving gear
st v by rt
Thus, from; .
st v by
(i) (ii). n

. M. =3
r M 3
Thus, the velocity ratio is 4.

They change direction and speed of rotation when the effort
applied is not changed.
The direction of the driven gear is opposite to that of the
y driving gear.
The number of rotations of the gear wheels depends on the
ratio of number of teeth and the radii of the wheels.
Thus, efficiency is 75%.

The effort and the load are applied on the shafts connected Example: 3
to the gear wheels. A large V.R is obtained only when the Two gear wheels P and Q with 25 and 50teeth respectively
effort is applied on a small gear so that it drives the large lock into each other. They are fastened on axles of equal
gear. diameters such that a weight of 400N attached to the string
wound around one axle raises a load of 600N attached to a
string wound around the other axle. Calculate the:
(i) Velocity ratio and efficiency when Q drives P.
[Ans: V.R = 0.5, Efficiency = 300%]
Example 1:
Two gearwheels A and B with 20 and 40 teeth respectively (ii) Velocity ratio and efficiency when P drives Q.
lock into each other. They are fastened on axles of equal [Ans: V.R = 2, Efficiency = 75%]
diameters such that a weight of 400N attached to a string
wound around one-axle, raises a load of 600N attached to a
string wound around the other axle. Calculate the:
(a) Velocity ratio of the system when; (i) A drives B
(ii) B drives A A screw is a nail or bolt with threadlike windings.
(b) Efficiency when; (i) A drives B It is like a spiral stair case.
(ii) B drives A It is an essential feature of machines like the vice and the
Solution: screw jack.
(a) N=40cm, n=20cm
L=600N, E=400N
(i)Thus, from;

. (iii) M.

 The distance between any two successive threads of a

screw is called a Pitch.
 An effort is applied on a handle like in a vice or in a car
The velocity ratio is 2. jack.
 For a complete turn (or rotation) of the effort, the load
(ii) moves through a distance equal to 1pitch while the
. effort moves a distance equal to the circumference of
the handle
(ii) M.A=1.5 .
V.R =2 st v by rt r u r h
st v by t h
The velocity ratio is 0.5. y

Example 1:
In a screw jack, the length of the handle is 56cm and a pitch
of 2.5mm. It is used to raise a load of 2000N. Calculate the;
(i) Effort required to raise the load. (Ans: E = 1.42N).
(ii) V.R (Ans: V.R = 1408).
Example 2: (iii) Efficiency of the screw, hence explain the significance
P of your value of efficiency. (Ans: =100%)

Example 2:
A load of 800N is raised using a screw jack whose lever arm
Q is 49cm has a pitch of 2.5cm.If it is 40% efficient, Find the
(i) V.R
(ii) M.A

I50N Example 3:
A certain screw machine has a pitch of 3.5mm. The effort is
Two gear wheels P and Q with 80 and 20 teeth respectively,
applied using a handle, which is 44cm long. Calculate its
lock each other. They are fastened on axles of equal
velocity ratio. (Ans: V.R = 3.95)
diameters such that a weight of 150 N attached to a string
wound around one-axle raises a load of 450N attached to a
string wound around the other axle. Calculate the; Example 4:
A screw jack with a lever arm of 56 cm, has threads which
(i) Velocity ratio of the gear system. (Ans: V.R=4)
are 2.5mm apart is used to raise a load of 800N. If its 25%
(ii) Efficiency of the system. (Ans: =75%)
efficient, find the;

(i) Velocity ratio (Ans: V.R = 1408)
(ii) Mechanical advantage (Ans: M.A = 352) Thus, the velocity ratio is 3.

Solution: (iii) M.A(=5N) (iv) Efficiency

(a) Radius (lever arm),l =56cm, Pitch of a screw = L=400N, E=150N
0.25cm M.
L= 800N. rt

. s r w 2.67
t h
(v) Work input
. s r w
= 1406.72

(vi) Work out put

An inclined plane is a slope, which allows a load to be

raised more gradually by using a smaller effort than when
lifting vertically upwards.
Practice Question:
1. A wooden plank, 3m long is used to raise a load of
1200N through a vertical height of 60cm. If the friction
l between the load and the plane is40N, calculate the:
(i) effort required [Ans: E = 280N]
(ii) Mechanical advantage [Ans: M.A = 4.29]
2. In the gear system in figure 3 below N1 and N2 are the
number of teeth on the wheels. The efficiency of the
gear system is 60%.

st v by rt th th gear
st v by h ht th
: .

Example: Effort
A load of 400N is pulled along an inclined plane as shown
Find the;
(i) Velocity Ratio.
15cm (ii) Load that can be raised by an effort of 200N.
(iii) Explain why its preferred to use a longer ladder to
a shorter ladder when climbing a tree.

Calculate the;
(i) V.R (=3)
l=15cm, h=5cm
(i)Thus, from;
th th
h ht th

A pulley is a wheel with a grooved rim over which a string
passes. M.A and V.R of a single movable pulley is two
However, in practice, the M.A. of a single movable pulley is
Types of pulleys. less than two. Because of the following reasons;
(i) Single fixed pulley (i) Some energy is wasted in overcoming friction.
(ii) Single movable pulley (ii) Some energy is wasted in lifting useless loads like
(iii) Block and tackle pulley system threads.

A single movable pulley is more advantageous than a single

(i) Single fixed pulley fixed pulley. In that, for a single movable pulley the effort
This is the type of pulley fixed on a rigid support. required to raise a load is less that the load.

(ii) Block and tackle pulley system

This is consists of two blocks each having one or more
pulleys, combined together to form a machine. This is done
in order to have high velocity ratio and a higher mechanical
Effort, E advantage.
It is applied in:
 Cranes
 Brake downs For raising heavy loads
 lifts
Load, L
Note: (i) The number of portions of the string supporting the
It is applied in:
lower block is equal to the velocity ratio of the system.
 Raising a flag
(ii) The effort applied is equal to the tension in each
 Lifting building materials during construction
string supporting the movable block.
Here, -load distance = effort distance
E.g. If the effort is 6N, the tension in each string is also 6N.
-tension is the same throughout the string.
(iii) For an odd number of pulleys in a system, the
-If no friction is considered, Load = Effort. Hence
upper block contains one more pulley than the lower block.
M. In addition, the string starts from the lower block.

However, in practice the mechanical advantage and V.R of a

single fixed pulley is less than one. Because of the
V.R= 4 V.R= 5
(i) Some energy is wasted in overcoming friction.
(ii) Some energy is wasted in lifting useless loads like
Effort, E
(ii) Single movable pulley
Effort, E
Effort, E

Load, L Load, L

Here, the effort distance is twice the load distance.

Here, -load distance = 2 x effort distance
-tension is the same throughout the string.
-If no friction is considered, Load = Effort. Hence
At balancing;
Sum of upward force = sum of downward forces

Drawing the graph:
From the table a graph of efficiency or mechanical
advantage against the load is plotted.

V.R= 3 V.R= 6
Efficiency Mechanical advantage

10 V.R
Effort, E Effort, E 0

0 Load (N) 0 Load (N)

Explanation of the shape of the graphs:

Load, L Load, L  As the load increases, the efficiency also increases
Passing the string  This is because the weight of the movable pulley block
 If the number of pulley wheels is odd, then the string and friction become very small compared to the load.
should be tied down to the movable block.
 For even number of pulley wheels, the string should be Note:
tied up to the fixed block. In practice, the movable block has some weight (w) and
there is friction (F). These two together with the load (L) act
Experiment to measure mechanical advantage and downwards and they become part of the total downward
efficiency of pulley system. forces.
Thus, the efficiency does not increase beyond 100%
i) some energy is wasted on overcoming friction
ii) Some energy is wasted on lifting useless loads
like movable pulley blocks.

Therefore at Equilibrium;
Sum of upward forces = sum of downward force

[ ] L L F F

Effort L F
(Weights added+
weight of scale pan) Example 1:
Below is a pulley system of mass 0.4kg, and there is friction
of 5N

Load pan

Determining effort: A known load is place on the load pan

and knows weights are added to effort pan until the load just Effort
rises steadily when given a gentle push. E E E E
Repeating: The experiment is repeated with different loads
and the results are recorded in table shown below:
. ……….

Load (N) Effort M.

M. y
(N) rt .

………. …… ………… ……………. 200N

(a) Calculate the;

(i) Velocity ratio of the system
. ( *

Example 2:
(ii) Effort required to raise the load. A pulley system of velocity ratio 3 is used to lift a load of
Solution 100N. The effort needed is found to be 60N.
Data (a) Draw the arrangement of the pulley system.
L=200N, m =0.4Kg, F=5N, E=?,
W=mg = 0.4 x 10 Solution
W=4N Velocity ratio is odd. then;
ty r t
Number of pulley wheels on each block =
Sum of upward forces = sum of downward force
remainder 1.
The remainder wheel is added to fixed block.

V.R= 3

(iii) Mechanical advantage of the system


(b) If the load is raised through 6m, calculate the distance

the effort moves at the same time.
Example 2:
L.D =6m, E.D =?
(b) Calculate the efficiency of the system.
V.R =3

Example 2:
A pulley system has two pulleys on the bottom block. A
load of 1000N is hung from the bottom block, it is found Coupled machines
that an effort of 300N to raise the load. If two or more machines are, coupled machines such that the
(i) How much energy is supplied, if the effort moves output of one is connected to the input of the other, the
through 5m? overall performance is summed up by:
Solution Overall -V.R=V.R1 + V.R2
Data -M.A. = M.A1 + M.A2
L=1000N, E=300N, E.D =5m -Eff= Eff1 + Eff2

(ii) If the effort moves through 5m, find how far the load
E.D =5m, V.R=4, L.D=?

(iii)Find how much energy is gained by the load if the effort

moves through 5m.

If the car bears down on the car with a force of 5000N and
that efficiency of a screw jack is 15%. Calculate the;
a) V.R.
Given; m

(b)The effort required to turn the

Then; handle
rt st
st M.
. rt

. .
. .

Mechanical .

Given; (c)Work done by the operator in

Efficiency=15%, order to raise the side or the car by
The diagram above shows a pulley system used by a sailor V.R= 62.8 25cm.
for hoisting. Calculate the: Then;
(a) Velocity ratio of the system
Solution M.
Velocity ratio of lower block = 4
r ut ut st
Velocity ratio of middle =2
Velocity ratio of upper block = 1 M. r ut ut ( *
Overall V.R = 4 + 2+ 1 = 7
r ut ut
(b) The effort required to lift the load if the efficiency of the 0.15(62.8)
system is 75%. 9.42
Then from; NB: Work input is the work done by the effort. Sometimes it
M. is considered as the work done by operator.



M. .

The diagram below shows a screw jack being used to lift a
car in order that a wheel may be charged.


In general;
Work wasted = work input - work output
= 8333.33 – 1250
From above, it is noted that work input is greater than
Collar workout put due to;
i) some work wasted in lifting useless loads,
ii) Some work wasted in reducing friction.

Note: For the screw the velocity ratio is very high because
the length of the handle is very big compared to the pitch of
the screw.
However the efficiency is very low. Usually lower than
50%. This is because friction is very high so the screw
cannot run back if left.

Exercise : See UNEB

1999 Qn.2 1998 Qn.6
1994 Qn.8 2006 Qn.4
1987 Qn.36 1992 Qn.6
1988 Qn.34 2001 Qn.42
1991 Qn.26 2007 Qn.1


Work is the product of the force applied and the distance Example: 3
moved by the point of application of the force in the A man of mass 80kg runs up a staircase of 10stairs, each of
direction of the force. vertical height 25cm. Find the work done against gravity.
Note that the distance moved has to be in the direction of the Solution:
applied force. It is common that a force may be applied to Given, mass m = 80Kg,
move an object to the right, but instead the object moves to
the left. .
The force in this case has not done any work. . st rs

F F D Then;
r ht h ht
The S.I unit of work done is a joule (J) r h
Definition: .
A joule is the work done when the point of application of a r 2000J
force of 1N, moves through a distance of 1m in the direction
of the force.
Example: 4
Example:1 A crane is used to to raise 20 tons of concrete to the top
1. Calculate the work done when a force of 9000N acts on a floor of a building 30m high. Calculate the total work done
body and makes it move through a distance of 6m. by the crane.
Solution Given, mass m = 20tonnes= , ,
Force, F= 9000N
Distance,s = 6m Then;

r r , s t, r ht h ht
F r h
r 6,000,000J

Note: Example: 5
If an object is raised vertically or falling freely, then the The figure bellow shows a bale of hay being pulled up an
force causing work to be done is weight. inclined plane with a force of 200N. The bale moves down
r ht ss, r t u t r v ty, the incline to a distance of 5m.
r ht
Thus, the work done against gravity is given by;

Where m is mass in kg, h is distance in metres and
sometimes, it is height.

A block of mass 3kg held at a height of 5m above the (i) Calculate the work done by the force.
ground is allowed to fall freely to the ground. Calculate the Solution:
work done. r r , s t,
Given, mass, m = 3Kg, Distance, s = 5m r
r ht, ss
(ii) Explain your answer.
The distance moved by the bale, was in a direction opposite
to that of the force applied hence a negative displacement.
r r , s t, The negative in the answer therefore means that the bale did
F the work instead of the force applied.

Energy is the ability or capacity to do work.
The S.I unit of work done and energy is a joule (J).

Sources of energy: This is the energy released when atomic nuclei disintegrate
The raw material for the production of energy is called the during nuclear reactions.
energy source. In nuclear reactions, the energy, which holds the nuclear
There are two types of energy sources. particles together (Binding energy), is released.
There are two types of nuclear reactions i.e. fission (Where
(a) Non-renewable sources of energy large nuclei break to form smaller ones) and fusion (Where
These are energy sources, which cannot be replaced when smaller nuclei combine to form larger ones). In both cases,
they get used up. large amounts of energy are released.
Examples of non- renewable sources of energy
(i) Fossil fuels; these are formed from plant remains that c) Electrical energy (Electricity):
died million years ago. They include; coal, petroleum oil, This is the form of energy which is due to electric charges
natural gas, e.t.c. moving from one point of a conductor to another.
(ii) Nuclear fuels; these are fuels found in radioactive This form of energy is most easily converted to other forms,
elements which may be occurring naturally such as making it the most useful form.
These fuels can be used in nuclear reactions to produce d) Light energy:
electricity. This is the form of energy which enables us to see. Light is
part of a wider spectrum of energy called the
Advantages of non-renewable source of energy. electromagnetic spectrum. Light consists of seven visible
 They have high energy density. I.e. a lot of energy colors, of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
can be produced from a small quantity. We are able to see because the eye is sensitive to the colors.
 They are readily available as demand increases.
Disadvantages of non-renewable source of energy. e) Heat energy:
 They are highly polluting. Heat is a form of energy, which results from random
movement of the molecules in the body.
(b) Renewable sources of energy It is responsible for changes in temperature.
These are energy sources which can be replaced when they When a body is heated or when heat energy of the body
get used up. They can never get exhausted. increases;
Advantage: (i) The internal kinetic energy of the molecules
They are non-polluting. increases leading to a rise in temperature.
(ii) The internal potential energy of molecules
Examples of renewable sources of energy. increases leading to expansion and change of state
(i) Solar energy:This is the form of energy which reaches of the body.
the earth in form of heat and light.
It can be harvested using solar panels and transformed f) Sound energy:
into electrical energy, which is used for many purposes. This is the energy which enables us to hear.
It is also used in direct low temperature heating. Like light, sound is also a form of wave motion, which
(ii) Wind: Wind can be harvested using giant windmills, makes particles to vibrate. Our ears are able to detect sound
which can turn electrical generators to produce because it produces vibrations in the ear.
electrical energy, which is a more useful form. g) Mechanical energy:
(iii) Running water: Running water is used in hydro- This is the energy of motion.
electricity plants to turn giant turbines, which produce M P
electrical energy.
The water will always flow hence a renewable source. There are two forms of mechanical energy.
Tides can also be used to generate electricity in this (i) Kinetic energy:- This is the energy possessed by a
way. body due to its velocity or motion.
(iv) Geothermal energy: Water is pumped to hot t r y ss v ty
underground r s wh r t‟s h t th r
out through another shaft where it can turbines. KE

Forms of energy (ii) Potential energy:- This is the energy possessed by a

Energy can exist in the following forms; body due to its position or condition.
a) Chemical energy: It is equal to the work done in putting the body in that
Chemical energy is the form of energy a body has due to the position or condition.
nature of its atoms and molecules and the way they are b y b v th rth‟s surface has an amount of
arranged. gravitational potential energy equal to the work done against
In the combination of atoms to form compounds, there is gravity.
gain or loss of energy. This energy is stored in the Weight is the force of gravity acting on a body.
compound as chemical energy. ht .
If the atoms in such compounds are rearranged to form a
new compound, this energy is released. E.g. If sugars in the
human body are burnt, a lot of chemical energy is released.

b) Nuclear energy:
When the body is just reaching the ground, the height, h is
G zero (h = 0m) while its velocity is given by;
( * ( *
( *

PE Thus, its kinetic energy as it reaches the ground is given
by; (√ )
Conservation of Energy.
The principle of conservation of energy:
It st t s th t „ r y s th r r t r str y ‟ but
can be changed from one form to another. Therefore;

In any system, the total original energy is equal to the total The above illustration shows that energy is conserved.
final energy. For example, electrical energy is changed to Mechanical energy is continually transformed between
light energy in the bulb. However, the bulb also feels hot kinetic and potential energy.
because some of the energy is changed to heat.
Therefore, light energy plus the heat energy is equal to the A swinging pendulum.
electrical energy supplied. The transformation of energy between kinetic and potential
Thus from this principle, we conclude that; energy can also be seen in a swinging pendulum.
 No new energy is created
 Total existing energy is not destroyed At the end (extremes) of the swing, the energy of the
 Energy is only changed from one form to another. pendulum bob is only potential.

As energy is changed from one form or state to another, an As it passes the central position, it has only kinetic energy.
energy converter (Device) is required to ease the conversion.
Examples of such devices are shown in the table below. In other positions between the extreme ends and the central
Energy Change Converter position, it has both potential and kinetic energies.
Chemical to electrical Cells or Batteries
Light to Electrical Solar panels Support
Electrical to light Electric lamps e.g. bulbs
Electrical to heat Cooker or flat iron, etc.
Heat to Electrical Thermocouple
Electrical to sound Loud speakers
Sound to Electrical Microphones
Electrical to Kinetic Electric motors Only P.E
Kinetic to Electrical Electric generators Only P.E

P.E + K.E
Conservation of mechanical energy: P.E + K.E
Only K.E
P.ET= mgh, K.E.= 0
Mechanical energy=P.E + K.E

P.E1 + K.E1= P.ET. As the bob falls from the left towards the central position, it
P.E1= mgh1 gains K.E at the expense of P.E.
h K.E1= P.ET – P.E1
h1 = mgh – mgh1 As it rises from the central position towards the left end, it
gains P.E at the expense of K.E.

P.E= 0, K.E.= Example:

A ball of mass 200g falls freely from a height of 20m above
the ground and hits a concrete floor and rebounds to a height
of 5m. Given that g = 10ms-1, find the;
A body of mass m at a height h above the ground, has a
potential energy, P.E = mgh. At this point, the velocity of i) P.E of the ball before it fell.
the body is 0ms-1 hence it has no kinetic energy. (K.E. = 0J). ii) Its K.E. as it hits the concrete.
iii) Velocity with which it hits the concrete.
When the body is released, it begins to fall with an iv) K.E as it rebounds.
acceleration g. The velocity of the body thus increases as the v) Velocity with which it rebounds.
height, h decreases. The body therefore gains kinetic energy vi) Velocity when it has fallen through a height of 15m.
at the expense of potential energy.

(i) Example 1:
. h h h ht r wh h th b s r Calculate the kinetic energy of a 2Kg mass trolley traveling
. . at 400m per second.
As it hits the concrete, Total P.E is converted to K.E
. h . ,
h h ht r wh h th b s r
. . Example 2:
. A 5Kg mass falls from a height of 20m. calculate the
potential energy lost.
As it hits the concrete, Total P.E is converted to K.E .
. h .
h h ht r wh h th b s r
Example 3:
h A 200g ball falls from a height of 0.5m. Calculate its kinetic
h. energy just before hitting the ground.

. . st
√ . h
. . .
As the bounces from the concrete, the K.E used to move the Exercise:
it from the bottom to the height is converted to P.E at 1. A block of mass 2 kg falls freely from rest through a
and it is momentarily at rest. distance of 3m.
. v h i) Find the K.E of the block. (Ans: =60J)
K.E gained = P.E lost
h ht t wh h th b b u s. ii) Potential energy (Ans: =60J)
. . iii) The velocity with which the body hits the ground. (K.E
. gained = P.E lost).

(v) 2. A body falls freely through 3m. Calculate the velocity

As the bounces from the concrete, the K.E used to move it with which it hits the ground.(Ans: = 7.75ms-1)
from the bottom to the height is converted to P.E at
and it is momentarily at rest. 3. 100g steel ball falls from a height of 1.9m on a plate and
. v h rebounds to a height of 1.25m. Find the;
h ht t wh h th b b u s. (i) P.E of the ball before the fall. (Ans: =1.8J)
. v . (ii) Its K.E. as it hits the plate. (Ans: =1.8J)
(iii) Its velocity on the plate. (Ans: =6ms-1)
. v (iv) Its K.E as it leaves the plate on rebound. (Ans: =1.25J)
v (v) Its velocity of rebound. (Ans: =5ms-1)

For a body not falling freely but as it falls it experiences air
resistance then the kinetic energy gained by the body just
(vi) As it falls from the top, Total P.E at the top is before it hits the ground is calculated from:
converted to some K.E and some P.E in
Falling to the height
. v h Where mg is the weight of the body, R is the air resistance
and h is the height above the ground.
h ht th b r r u .
. v . Example 4:
A 20kg body falls from 1.8m above the ground. If the air
. v resistance is 0.9N.
. v (i) Calculate the kinetic energy just before hitting the
v ground.


Example 5:
A stone of 150g is dropped from a height of 80m.
Calculate the;
P.E = mgh (i) Kinetic energy when it is 50m above the ground.

mg . ,h ,h .

K.E = (mg-R)h A

. h
. . .
. .
. .
. .

(ii) Calculate energy lost due to air resistance

t r y t h, h (i) Method 2 :
. h . h v s ,u s ,h
t r y t h, . . . Where h is the height
. fallen through.
E r y st u t r r s st - . .
E r y st u t r r s st . . Then using the third
equation of motion, we
Note: (ii) Its velocity when its 50m have;
Energy lost due to air resistance can also be calculated from; above the ground. ဎ
r y st u t r r s st r st
r y st u t r r s st r ht Method 1 :
r y st u t r r r s st ht . v √
. .
r y st u t r . . v
. v
Calculating the kinetic energy at any point for a body v
falling freely. √

A P.E= mgh
K.E=0 (iii) Its kinetic energy when it has fallen through 50m.
v s ,h , , .
Where h is the height above the ground.
B P.E T .= P.E 1 + K.E 1 Then from;
P.E 1 = mgh 1 h . h
h mgh = mgh 1 + K.E 1 . . .
h1 .
P.E= 0, K.E.=

At A the body has all potential energy. So the energy at A is

mgh = Total energy.

At B the body has a mixture of kinetic energy and potential

. . .
h . h

h r “h1” s th height above the ground.

1:7:3. POWER
Power is the rate of doing work. Or
Power is the rate of transfer of energy.
Note: Work done is the same as energy transferred. t

h r w r r st

h r s th v ty th b y.

h r s th w ht th b y h th h ht. For machines

The S.I unit of power is watt (W). Power input is the power created by effort.
J r ut rt rt st
w r ut
t t
A watt is the rate of transfer of energy of one joule per Power output is the power created by the load.
second. r ut ut st
Or It is the rate of doing work of 1joule in one second. w r ut ut
t t

Example 1: Example 4:
An engine raises 20kg of water through a height of 50m in An effort of 250N raises a load of 1000N through 5m in 10
10 seconds. Calculate the power of the engine. seconds. If the velocity ratio is five, Calculate the:
Solution: i) Power input
ii) Efficiency
r ut ut
( *
(i) v t
rt , ,
. , . ,t s st
. .
Example 2: .
An electric bulb is rated 100W. How much electrical energy .
does the bulb consume in 2hours. w r ut ut
Solution: r ut
( * (ii)
( *
rt rt st
t ( *

w r ut


A man uses an electric motor whose power output is 3000W A heat engine is a machine, which changes heat energy
for 1hour. If the motor consumes . of electricity in obtained by burning fuel to kinetic energy (mechanical
that time, find the efficiency of the motor. energy)
v ut , t hr s. Engines are always less than 100% efficient because:-
r y ut . h) Some of the energy is lost in overcoming friction
between walls of the cylinder and pistons.

ii) Some heat energy is lost to surrounding due to
iii) Some of the energy is also wasted in lifting useless loads
like pistons. MOTION IN FLUIDS
When a body falls through a fluid it will be acted on by
Qn1: A pulley system of V.R six is used to lift a load of three forces namely:
250N through a distance of 3m. If the effort applied is 50N, i) weight of the body
calculate how much energy is wasted. ii) viscous force (Viscous drag)
iii) up thrust
Qn2: A girl of mass 40kg runs up a stair case in 16 seconds.
If each stair case is 20 cm high and she uses . Find Directions of the above forces.
the number of stairs. [Ans: 20] i) Weight of body: down ward direction towards earth.
ii) Up thrust: upward direction
See UNEB iii) Viscous force; direction opposite to that of motion
1994 Qn. 17 2006 Qn.7
1989 Qn. 29 1997 Qn.5 Viscous
2007 Qn.33 1995 Qn.9 Drag Upthrust
1987 Qn.3 and Qn.24 1991 Qn.11
1993 Qn.4 and 18 1992 Qn.11
1997 Qn.10 2003 Qn.15
1999 Qn.2 and Qn.8 2007 Qn.6 Body
2000 Qn.23 1993 Qn.4
2001 Qn.26 2005 Qn.45
Weight of the body

Direction of motion
The direction of motion is determined by direction of the
viscous force, which is a force that opposes motion like in
the above body the direction of motion is down ward
because the viscous force is acting in upward direction.

Describing motion of a body falling in a fluid

Tall Glass Jar


metal ball
W Viscous fluid
-As the body falls, it accelerates first with a net force
(resultant force) given by the equation.
F=W – (v+u) Or F=W – v – u

-As the body continues to fall, it attains a maximum uniform

velocity called terminal velocity when weight of body (W) =
Viscous force (v) + up thrust (u)
W = v + u Or W – v= u

Terminal velocity is the uniform velocity attained by a

body falling through a fluid when the net force on the body
is zero such that: Weight = Viscous force + up thrust
V(ms-1) a(ms-2)

0 t(s) 0 t(s)
Velocity and acceleration graphs for a body falling in a fluid.

When air is blown the two sheets come together because the
BE NOULLI’ P INCIPLE air between them moves faster resulting in decrease of
It states that when the speed of the fluid increases, the pressure between them.
pressure in the fluid decreases and vice versa.
Application of Bernoulli’s principle
Liquids flowing in a pipe have three kinds of energies, i) When the fluid comes out of a jet, the speed increases as
namely; the pressure decreases.
 kinetic energy ii) At the jet the gas comes out at high speed so the pressure
 potential energy is low at the jet. This results in air to be drawn in.
 pressure energy iii) A spinning ball takes a curved path because the ball drag
the sum of these three energies is a constant. air around causing air to pass more rapidly over one side
than the other. This results in pressure difference that causes
a) Liquid a resultant force on the ball.

When the liquid flows through the uniform tube, the level iv) An aero plane wing called aero foil is shaped so that air
goes on decreasing as shown in the diagram, the faster the has to travel farther and so faster on the top than underneath.
liquid, the lower the pressure. This results in a pressure difference that causes a resultant
up ward force on the wing, thus it lifts.


v) When two large vehicles pass each other, a force of

The pressure falls in the in the narrow part B but rises again attraction is experienced. This is because:
in the wider part C. This is because, since B is narrow, the The speeding vehicles drag layers of air along with them. As
speed at which the liquid moves through it is higher, hence these layers of air pass each other at high speed, they cause a
the fall in pressure. pressure decrease.
Note: This results in the vehicles being pushed towards each other.
 Fluid pressure changes with the rate of flow in the pipe
 Speed of water is greater at the constriction Fluid flow
 The order of pressure in the tubes decreases in the order A fluid is a liquid or gaseous substance.
A, C and B.
There are two types of fluid flow namely:
b) Gases i) Stream line flow
Bernoulli Effect in an air stream can be shown by blowing ii) Turbulent flow
air between two sheets.
Stream line flow or Steady flow or Laminar flow
Air Blow Is the type of fluid flow where all the fluid particles that
pass a given point follow the same path at the same speed.

Stream line flow occurs where the slope falls gently so that
the fluid flows slowly and uniformly.
It is obtained by making the;
Sheet of  Diameter of the pipe wide
paper  Fluid flow slowly and uniformly.

Stream lines

Turbulent flow By using a spring balance the beaker is weighed with the
Is type of fluid flow in which the speed and direction of the s w t r wh t‟s ty
fluid particles passing any given point vary with time.
 U thrust “U” a-Ww
Turbulent flow occurs where the slope is so steep, such as at It is found that weight of displaced water is equal to up
a water fall and when there is a constriction. thrust. hus r h s‟ r .
Due to constriction or steep slope, water tends to flow very
fast and so disorderly. Calculations involving Archimedes principle
It is obtained by making the; r y u t v v r h s‟ r th
 Diameter of the pipe narrow following should be noted:
 Fluid flow very fast and disorderly, by lying the pipe i) The body should be completely immersed or submerged.
steeply. ii) The weight of the body when completely immersed or
submerged is called its apparent weight.
Differences between streamline and turbulent flow. The apparent weight is less than the weight of the body
Turbulent Streamline because when the body is immersed it experiences an up
Is due to steep slope or Is due to slope falling thrust.
constriction so that water gently so that the water
flows very fast and flows slowly and uniformly
[ ] [ ] [ ]
disorderly throughout. throughout.
( *

iii) According to Archimedes Principle;

[ ] [ ] [ ]

Where are the volume and density of the

displaced fluid.
For a body completely immersed or submerged fully,
Up thrust is an upward force due to the fluid resisting being
according to the displacement method,
compressed. When any object is immersed or submerged
into fluid its weight appears to have been reduced because it [ ] [ ]
experiences an up thrust from the fluid.
Weight = mg and m = wh r “ ” s ss , s
Archimedes principle states that when a body is either
volume, and is density.
wholly or partly submerged in a fluid the up thrust is equal
But up thrust = weight of displaced fluid.
to the weight of fluid displaced.i.e
= mf g (where mf is mass of displaced fluid)
Up thrust = (Vf f ) g
( * .
Up thrust = VfVf g
Experiment: To verify Archimedes principle
h r “ ” s v u s u “ ” s s ty

Example: 1
Spring Ww Spring A glass blocks weight 25N. When wholly immersed in
Wa Balance Balance water, the block appears to weigh 15N. Calculate the Up
Displaced Solution
Object in
water water ; ;
in air

 Weight Wa of object in air Example 2:

An object is weighed in air using a spring balance to obtain A metal weighs 20 N in air and 15N when fully immersed in
Wa. water Calculate the:
 Weight Ww of object in water i) Up thrust;
The object is weighed when completely immersed in water ii) Weight of displaced water
using a spring balance to obtain Ww and the displacement iii) Volume of Displaced Water
water collected in beaker as shown below. Solution
; ;
 Weight of displaced water
i) Up thrust; ii) Weight of displaced water

Weight of displaced fluid ρf =0.9gcm-3= 0.9 x 1000 = 900 kgm-3
= up thrust
= 5N

iii) Volume of Displaced Water Since its half –immersed then: Vf of oil = = 30cm3
Weight of displaced fluid = up thrust
Up thrust = weight of displaced fluid
Weight of displaced fluid = up thrust .
. ( *

Tension in string = Apparent weight (Wf)

iv) Volume of the metal

Volume of the metal = Volume of displaced fluid
Thus Tension in string = 4.53 N

v) Density of the metal Application of Archimedes principle

(a) Relative density of a solid
By Archimedes principle, the apparent weight is equal to the
weight of water displaced by the solid. The volume of this
water displaced is the same as the volume of the solid.
But apparent loss in weight of solid in water = Wa – Ww

Example 3:
An iron cube of volume 800cm3 is totally immersed in
(a)Water (b) oil of density 0.8gcm-3.Calculate the up thrust
in each case. Density of water =1000 kgm-3
= 800/(100x100x100) kgm-3;
Wa- Ww = Up thrust: Where; Wa is weight of solid in air.
Ww is weight of solid in water
(a) Up thrust in water
ρf =1gcm-3=1000 kgm-3 Example
A glass block weighs 25N. When wholly immersed in water
Vf=Vb = 800/(100x100x100) kgm-3;
the block appears to weigh 15N. Calculate the relative
Up thrust = weight of displaced water

( * Solution
; ;

(b) Upthrust in the oil

ρf = 0.8 gcm-3=0.8x1000kgm-3=800 kgm-3

Up thrust = weight of displaced water

( * (b) Relative density of liquid

This is determined by using a solid. This solid sinks in water
and in the liquid for which the relative density is to be
Note: the greater the density, the greater the up thrust. The determined.
A solid of weight Wa is weighed when completely immersed
apparent weight of a body is less in fluids of greater density.
in the liquid to obtain Wl. The solid is then weighed when
completely immersed in water to obtain Ww.
Example 3:
An iron cube, mass 480g and density 8g/cm3 is suspended So is given by;
by a string so that it is half immersed in oil of density
0.9g/cm3. Find the tension in string.

m = 480g, b= 8 gcm-3
Wa= mg = = 4.8N

A metal weighs 25N in air. When completely immersed in ( *
liquid it weighs 15N and it weighs 20N when completely
immersed in water. Calculate the relative density of the

Solution Exercise:
; ; : 1. A glass block weighs 25N in air. When wholly immersed
in water, the block weighs 15N. Calculate the;
( *
(i) up thrust on the block [10N]
(j) density of the glasskgm-3 [2500kgm-3]
2. A piece of iron weighs 555N in air. When completely
immersed in water, it weighs 530N and weighs 535N when
When a stone is placed on water, it sinks because its weight completely immersed in alcohol. Calculate the relative
is greater than the up thrust. When a cork is held below the density of alcohol. [R.D=0.8]
surface of water, it rises on release. This is because the up
thrust on the cork is greater than its weight. 3. UNEB 1991. Qn. 7
4. UNEB 1990. P2 Qn. 5
A piece of wood neither rises nor sinks but floats because
the up thrust on the piece of wood and its weigh just balance Experiment: To verify the Law of Floatation
so it experiences no net force.
Cotton loop
In general a body floats because up thrust is equal to weight
of the body. A body will sink because up thrust on it is less
Test tube
than the weight of the body.
Measuring Cylinder
The principle of flotation states that: A floating body
displaces its own weight of fluid i.e. for a floating body; Lead shots
weight of body = weight of displaced fluid

Where Wa is weight of body floating, Wf is weight of

displaced fluid.
 A test tube is placed in a measuring cylinder containing
water and the original reading of the water level (V1) is
Where Vf is volume of displaced fluid noted.
 Lead shots are added to the test tube until it floats up
right and the new water level (V2) is noted.
Where Vb is volume of floating body, ρb is density of
t b y“ ” s r t u t r v ty

In general:  The test tube together with the shots is removed from
the cylinder and weighed using a spring balance. (The
Thus: cotton loop helps to attach it to the balance hook). Their
weight is recorded, .
Example 1:
A piece of cork of volume 100cm3 is floating on water. Observation
If the density of the cork is 0.25gcm-3. Calculate the volume  The weight of lead shots and test tube is equal to the
of cork immersed in water. weight of displaced water.
Solution ( ) ( *
(a) Upthrust in water
ρf =1gcm-3=1000 kgm-3 : ρb = 0.25gcm-3 = 0.25 x 1000kgm-3 Conclusion
Vb = 100/(100x100x100) kgm-3;  From the above observation, it is noticed that the law of
floatation is verified.
Up thrust = weight of displaced water
Application of the law of floatation
( * (i) Ahydrometer (iii) Ships
(ii) Submarines (iv) Balloons

(i) A hydrometer
The relative density of any liquid may be found using a
-It is used to test the purity of milk.
-It is used to test R.D of a car battery acid. Density of air,
This consists of a float with along stem. A heavy weight is Volume of air displaced, Volume of balloon,
placed beneath the float to keep the hygrometer up right. Volume of hydrogen, Volume of balloon,
The higher the hydrometer float the higher the relative Mass of balloon and container,
density of the liquid. Let the mass of the load = x

Relationship between density of a floating body, density

of a liquid and fraction submerged
( * ( * ( *

(ii) Submarines
The average density of submarines is varied by means of
ballast tanks. For the submarines to float, the ballast tanks
are filled with air. To sink the submarines, the tanks are Exercise:
filled with water causing average density to rise higher than 1. A rubber balloon of mass 5g is inflated with hydrogen
that of water. and held stationary by means of a string. If the volume
of the inflated balloon is 0.005m3, find the tension in
(iii) Ships the string.
Why ships float. (Assume hydrogen is a light gas, and density of air = 1.25kg -
Ships float on water, although they are made from iron and ): [Ans: 1.25 X 10-2N]
steel which are denser than water. This is because a steel or
iron ship is made hollow and contains air. So the average 2. UNEB: 1995. Qn. 7 5. UNEB: 1989. Qn. 4
density of the ship is less than that of water. 3. UNEB: 1988. Qn. 11 6. UNEB: 2001. Qn.2
4. UNEB: 2000. Qn. 40
The loading lines called plimsoul marks on the sides show
the level to which it can be safely loaded under different
Weight of displaced water (Ww) = weight of the ship (Ws) +
weight of the cargo (Wc).

(iv) Balloons
These are airships used in meteorological measurements.
A balloon filled with hydrogen weighs less than the weight
of air it displaces.
The up thrust being greater than its weight, a resultant up
ward force on the balloon causes it to rise.
The balloon continues to rise up until the upthrust acting on
it is equal to the weight of the balloon plus its content and
then it floats.
The lifting power of the balloon is calculated from the

Example: 1
A balloon has a capacity and is filled with hydrogen.
h b ‟s br th t r h v ss
1.25kg. Calculate the maximum mass the balloon can lift.
{Density of hydrogen = 0.089kgm-3: density of
Volume of balloon,
Density of hydrogen,

The velocity with which a body ends motion for a given
Note: if a body is brought to rest, then the final velocity is
zero i.e., v = 0m/; A body traveling at 20m/s is
uniformly brought to rest in 2s. Then; v = 0m/s.
The units of velocity must include m/s or km/hr or cm/s.

Average velocity:

Uniform velocity
Is the constant rate of change of displacement.
Uniform velocity is when a body makes equal displacements
in equal time intervals.

Distance: Is the space between two points. When a body moves with uniform velocity, initial velocity
Displacement: Is the distance moved in a specified (u) must be equal to final velocity, v. i.e. V = u.
direction. E.g. A car traveling with uniform velocity of 20m/s has
The S.I unit of distance and displacement is metre or m u=20m/s. V=20m/s.
Distance is a scalar quantity while displacement is a vector
quantity. When a body moves with uniform velocity, its acceleration
is zero. (i.e. a = 0).
Speed: Is the rate of change of distance. Or It is distance
moved in a unit time. Acceleration (a)
Is the rate of change in velocity with time.

Velocity; is the rate of change of displacement. Or It is

speed in a specified direction.

The S.I unit of speed and velocity is metre per second. Change in velocity=final velocity (V)-initial-velocity (U)
(m/s) or (ms-1). The S.I unit for change in velocity is m/s2 or ms-2.
Speed is a scalar quantity while Velocity is a vector
quantity. Uniform acceleration
Uniform acceleration is the constant rate of change in
Differences between velocity and speed velocity with time.
Velocity speed OR:
-Vector quantity -scalar quantity Uniform acceleration is when a body moves with equal
- displacement/time taken -distance/time taken change in velocity in equal time intervals.

Types of velocities When a body moves with uniform acceleration, the final
 u’ velocity is not equal to initial velocity.
Is the velocity with which a body starts motion in a given
time interval. Example.
A car starts from rest and it accelerates to 10m/s. Calculate
Note; the change in velocity.
1. r b y st rt r r st th t v ty “u‟ ust U=0m/s
be zero i.e. u = 0 ms-1 V=20m/s
2. For a stationary body starting motion means that the body
is starting from rest u = 0 ms-1
3. For a body traveling with a certain velocity, x, the initial
velocity for such a body will be x so, u = x ms-1 e.g. a car
traveling at 20 ms-1, has u =20 ms-1 Note: the velocity to which a body is accelerating becomes
the final velocity for that given time interval.
 F ’

Differences between velocity and acceleration
Velocity Acceleration Example: 5.
i) S.I unit is ms-1 i) S.I unit is ms-2 A body traveling at 20m/s is accelerated for 4s at 5m/s2.
ii) Is the rate of change of ii) Is the rate of change of Calculate the average velocity.
displacement velocity with time? Solution
Given From; Then from
Equations Of Motion u=20m/s
The units of acceleration must always be m/s2 and u ts‟ m/s a=5m/s2
or km/hr are for velocity. t=4s

1st Equation of motion

From the definition of acceleration.

Example: 5.
This is called the first equation of motion. A car travels with a uniform velocity of 20m/s for 6s.
Calculate its acceleration.
Example1 Solution
A car started from rest it accelerates uniformly for 5s at a Given From;
rate of 4m/s2. Calculate the final velocity. u=20
Solution a=?
Given From; t=6s
v=0 From the above example, it can be noted that for a body
a=4ms-2 moving with uniform velocity, its acceleration is zero
t=5s because the change in velocity becomes zero as initial
v=? velocity is equal to final velocity.

Example 2. Example: 6.
A body starting from rest is accelerated to 30m/s in two A car traveling at 90km/hr is uniformly brought to rest in
seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the body. 40 seconds. Calculate the acceleration.
Solution Solution
Given From; Given From;
u=0m/s u=90km/hr =
v=30m/s a=?
t=2s t=40s
v=0 m/s

Note: If the value obtained for acceleration is negative, it

Example 3. implies that the body is decelerating or retarding. This
A body starts from rest and accelerated uniformly at 2m/s 2 occurs when there’s a decrease in velocity.
for 3s. Calculate the final velocity.
Solution 2nd Equation of motion
Given From; Displacement: “S or x” s th v s
u=0m/s direction
a=2m/s2 From the definition of Displacement.
( ) v=u+at
Example 4.
A body traveling at 10m/s is accelerated uniformly for 3 ( *
seconds at 5m/s2. Calculate the velocity at the end of the
third second. ( *
Given From; ( )

This is called the second equation of motion. This equation Solution
is mainly used when the question involves distance and Given From;
time. u=4
Example: 1 a=2ms-2
A body starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 2ms-2 s=5m
for 3s. Calculate the total distance travelled.
Given From; Example 2:
u=0 A body traveling at 90km/hr is retarded to rest at 20m/s 2.
a=2ms-2 Calculate the distance covered.
s=? Solution
Given From;
Calculations involving deceleration or Retardation u=90km/hr=
When calculating a problem involving deceleration; it ཞ
should be remembered that the value of “a” should be a=-20m/s2
negative. v=0 m/s
Example 2:
A body moving at 40m/s decelerates uniformly for 20s at
3m/s2. Calculate distance covered.
Graphical presentation of uniform velocity and uniform
Given From; Uniform velocity can be represented on a 2 type of graphs.
u=40 i) Velocity against time graph
a=-3ms-2 ii) Distance against time.
s=? i) velocity against time graph
v (ms ) -1 acceleration
Example 3:
A car traveling at 40m/s is uniformly decelerated to 25m/s Uniform
for 5s. Calculate the total distance covered. u Velocity

Given From; Then, from: Uniform
u=40 retardation
a=? 0 t (s)
t=5s Note:
s=? When a body maintains the same speed, it implies that it
moves with uniform velocity.
Third Equation of motion v(ms )
Making ‘t’ the subject of the formula in the first equation of v
motion and substituting it in here, we get;
( * ( ) A B

0 t(s)
OA- uniform acceleration
This is called the third equation of motion AB- uniform velocity
This equation is applied when time is not given and not BC- uniform acceleration
required. CD- uniform deceleration or uniform retardation
 The slope of a velocity time graph gives the
Example 1: acceleration of the body. i.e.:
Calculate the final (maximum) velocity of a body traveling
at 4m/s. When it accelerates at 2m/s2 and covers a distance
of 5m.

 The Area under any stage or section of velocity time Solution
graph gives the distance covered during that time. i) Stage A Stage B Stage C
u=10 ms-1 u= u=
Drawing a velocity against time graph a=2 ms-2 a = 0 ms-2 v=
This involves the following steps: t=4s t =5s t = 3s
 Divide the motion into stages basing on the timing. v=
 Obtain the initial velocity (u) and final velocity (v) Then from;
for each stage.
 The final velocity for one stage becomes the initial
for the next stage.

Example 1: -1
v (ms )
A cyclist starts from rest and accelerate uniformly at 1m/s2
for 20s. Then he maintains the maximum speed so reached
for 1 minute and finally decelerates to rest uniformly for 18
i) Draw a velocity against time graph for the body.
ii) Calculate the total distance travelled.
Stage1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Then from; A B C
u=0 ms-1 u u=
a=1ms-2 = v=
t=20s a= 0 ms-2 t = 10s
v= t= 0 t(s)
4 9 12
i) Total distance travelled
Stage A: Stage B:
(i) A velocity against time graph for the motion.
v(ms )

Stage C: Then Total Distance is;
=Area (A+B+C)
=56 m + 90 m + 27 m
= 173 m

Note: Distance covered during stage A can also be obtained

0 20 80 90 t(s)
by dividing the area A into a triangle and a rectangle and
ii) Total distance travelled then finding the sum of the two areas.
Stage 1: Stage 2: ie;A1 = = = 16m
A2 = =4 = 40m
Thus: Area, A = Area A1 Area A2
= 16 m + 40 m
= 56m

Example 3:
Stage 3: Then Total Distance is;
A body moving with uniform velocity:
=Stage1 + Stage2 + Stage3 A car travels at a velocity of 20m/s for 6s. It is then
=200m + 1200m + 100m uniformly brought to rest in 4s.
= 1500m i) Draw a velocity against time graph.
ii) Calculate the retardation
Example 2: iii) Find the total distance traveled
A car traveling at 10m/s is uniformly accelerated for 4s at iv) Calculate the average speed of the body
2m/s2. It then moves with a constant speed for 5s after Solution
which it is uniformly brought to rest in another 3s.
i) Draw a velocity against time graph. i) Stage A Stage B Then from;
ii) Calculate the total distance travelled. u=20 ms-1 u=
a=0 ms-2 a =? v =20+ (a) (4)

t=6s t = 4s -4a=20 (ii) Distance covered when moving with uniform
v= a=-5ms-2 velocity.
v (ms )
-1 (iii) acceleration
(iv) retardation
(v) average retarding force
10 Solution
For A For B For C
u=0ms-1;v=50ms-1 u=50ms-1; u=50ms1;v=0ms-
A B v=50ms-1 1

Then from; Then from;

Then from;
0 6 10 t(s)
ii) The retardation
Retardation or deceleration occurs in region B.
u=20 ms-1 Then from;
v=0 ms-1
t = (10 - 6) Description of the motion
t=4s  The body accelerates uniformly at from rest
to 50 ms-1 for the first 5s.
Thus the retardation is  It then moves with a uniform velocity of 50 ms-1 for the
next 10s. (Or it maintains it for next 10s).
iii) Total distance travelled  It finally decelerates or retards uniformly at
Stage A: Stage B: from 50 ms-1 to rest in the last 5s.

a) i) Total distance= Area A +Area B + Area C

Area A = Area B = lw
= =10
Then Total Distance is; = 125 m = 500 m
=Area (A+B)
=60 m + 20 m Area A =
= 80 m =
= 125 m
Total distance= Area A +Area B + Area C
= 125m + 500m +125m
= 750 m

ii) Distance covered when moving with uniform

Area B = lw
EXERCISE = 500 m
Qn1. The graph below shows motion of abode of mass 2kg
accelerating from rest. iii) Acceleration
For A
v (ms-1) u= 0 ms-1
v=50 ms-1
t = 5s


iv) Retardation or Deceleration

B C For C
A u= 50 ms-1
v=0 ms-1
t = 5s
0 5 15 20 t(s)
(a) Describe the motion of the body
(b) Use the graph to calculate the:
(i) total distance covered

Thus the retardation is (B)
v (ms )
i) Average retarding force
Mass, m = 2kg
Retardation = 22
Then from;
Force = mass acceleration
Average retarding force = mass retardation 14
=2 10

Qn2. The graph below shows motion of a body of mass 2

3kg.Use it to answer the questions that follow.
-1 0 5 8 12 15 20 25 t(s)
v (ms )

40 Qn4. A body accelerates uniformly from rest at 3ms -2 for 4

seconds. Its velocity then remains constant at the maximum
value reached for 7 seconds before retarding uniformly to
rest in the last 5 seconds. Calculate the:
i) uniform velocity
ii) total distance travelled
10 iii) retardation
iv) average velocity for the journey.
0 6 14 20 t(s)
Qn5. A body moves from rest at a uniform acceleration of
a) Describe the motion of the body a) Sketch a velocity time graph for the motion of the body.
b) Use the graph to calculate the: b) Find:
(i) Distance covered during acceleration. (150 m) i) its velocity after 5 seconds.
(ii) Distance covered when moving at constant ii) how far it has gone in this time.
velocity. (320 m) iii) how long it will take the body to be 100 m
(iii) total distance covered.(590 m) from the starting point.
(iv) acceleration.
(v) retardation. Non-uniform acceleration is when the rate of change of
(vi) average accelerating force. velocity with time is not constant.

Qn3. The graphs below show motion of bodies. Use them to

answer the following questions.

a) Describe the motion of the body

b) Use the graph to calculate the:
i) Total distance covered. ii) Displacement against time graph
ii) Average velocity Uniform Velocity
iii) Acceleration. s (m) away from origin
iv) Retardation.
(A) Body at rest
-1 or stationary
v (ms )
Non-Uniform Velocity
Uniform Velocity
15 towards the origin
0 t (s)

0 5 8 15 21 t(s)

Uniform Acceleration
s (m) For A
s = 300 m
Uniform Deceleration
t = 8s
Speed, u=
u =37.5ms-1

Then from;
0 t (s)

Describing the motion on a displacement time graph

Description of the motion
Displacement, s (m)  The body starts from A and moves 300m with a
uniform velocity of 37.5 ms-1 for the first 8seconds.
 It then a rests for the next 16 seconds.
 It finally returns to A with the uniform velocity of 37.5
in the last 8 seconds.
B E Exercise:
Qn: 1; [UNEB 1997 Paper II Qn.2]
Two vehicles A and B accelerate uniformly from rest.
Vehicle A attains a maximum velocity of in 10s
while B attains a maximum velocity of in the same
0 Time (s) time. Both vehicles maintain these velocities for 6s before
I they are decelerated to rest in 6s and 4s respectively.
(i) Sketch on the same axes, velocity time graphs
for the motion of the vehicles.
Along: (ii) Calculate the velocity of each vehicle 18s after
OA- accelerating the start. )
AB- moving with uniform velocity away from the origin (iii) How far will the two vehicles be from one
BC- Decelerating another during the moment in (ii) above?
CD- Stationary
DE- Accelerating and moving toward the origin
EF- Moving with uniform velocity Qn. 2 See : UNEB:
FG- Moving with uniform velocity in opposite direction to 1993.Qn.25 and Qn.5 PII 1994. Qn.10 and Qn.26
the original direction. 1996.Qn.1 Paper II 1987. Qn.25
GH- Decelerating 2000.Qn.1 Paper I
t “ ”- Momentarily stationary
HI- Accelerating and moving back towards the origin.
Example 1: In a vacuum, all bodies fall at the same rate. However, in
The graph below shows the variation of distance with time atmosphere different bodies fall at different rate because the
for a body. air resistance is greater to light objects.
Distance (m) Acceleration due to gravity, g.
Acceleration due to gravity is the change in velocity with
300 time for body falling freely under the force of gravity.
Note: Acceleration due to gravity varies from place to place
200 because:
 The earth is not a perfect sphere
 The earth is always rotating
All bodies thrown upwards or falling freely in the earth’s
surface, have a constant acceleration called Acceleration
0 A 8 24 32 Time(s) due to gravity, .

a) Describe the motion of the body Since the gravitational force acts vertically down wards,
b) Calculate the: i.e. accelerates all objects down wards towards the earth’s
i) acceleration of the body surface. Thus for downward motion (falling objects),
ii) maximum velocity attained by the body . And for upward motion (objects
thrown upwards), .

Distance or
Projectile motion
Displacement (m) Distance (m)
A projectile is a particle which has both vertical and
horizontal motions when thrown in air.
Consider a body thrown vertically upwards from A.

2 2
0 0 (Time) (s )
Time (s)

A C Distance- Time
S (m) or Displacement –Time Graph for a body
x falling freely from rest.

In projectiles, the horizontal and vertical motions are Distance or

handled separately but simultaneously. The horizontal Displacement (m)
velocity of the body in motion remains the same throughout
since there is no acceleration due to gravity in the

First equation of motion 0 Time (s)

( ) ( ) ( * {

Second equation of motion

Displacement –Time Graph for a body thrown vertically
( ) ( ) ( * { upwards from appoint above the ground.
Displacement (m)

Third equation of motion

( ) ( ) ( *( ) {

0 Time (s)
Where .for downward motion (freely falling
objects or objects dropped from a height), If a body is
dropped from a height, then hence.

Alternatively the principle of conservation of energy may be Speed- Time and Velocity –Time Graphs For a body
used for a freely falling body. thrown vertically upwards.
i.e. √ . Speed (ms-1) Velocity (ms-1)
.for upward motion (objects thrown Going
upwards), u Up
Going Coming
Up Down
Maximum Height, : Is the highest vertical 0 Time(s)
distance attained by a projectile. Coming
At , : Down
0 Time (s)
Time of Flight, T: Is the total time taken for a projectile to
The speed of the object decreases as it goes higher. At
move from origin until it lands. This time is twice the time
maximum height reached the speed is zero because the
taken to reach the maximum height.
object is momentarily at rest and when the object starts to
If t is the time taken to reach the maximum height, then
fall the speed increases.
The velocity decreases upwards and it is zero at the
maximum height. However the velocity increases
Distance - Time or Displacement –Time Graphs for a
downwards and negative because of the change in direction.
body thrown vertically upward.
Experiment to measure acceleration due to gravity.

To mains A graph of T2 against l is plotted. It is a straight line graph
supply through the origin and its slope, S is calculated.
A gragh of T2 Against l

Ticker-Timer T2 (s2)

0 l (m)
The acceleration due to gravity,g. is then calculated from;
10g- mass

NOTE: Experiments have shown that the periodic time T

 A tape is passed through a ticker-timer and attached to a does not depend on the mass of the bob, but it depends on
10g- mass. the length of pendulum l bob and acceleration due to gravity
 The ticker-timer makes dots on the tape at an interval g at that point. i.e.:
determined by the frequency of the mains supply. i.e.
. This is the time taken to make one space (2 √
 The distance S between the first dot to the last dot made
A stone falls from rest from the top of a high tower.
just before the mass hits the ground is measured using a
Calculate the velocity after 2s.
 The time, t taken to make n- spaces in distance S is Solution
calculated from: . u= 0 ms-1 Then from:
 The acceleration due to gravity, g is then calculated a = g =10 ms-2
from t = 2s

Experiment to measure acceleration due to gravity

Clamp Example 2:
An object is dropped from a helicopter. If the object hits the
l Inextensible string ground after 2s, calculate the height from which the object
was dropped.
Pendulum bob
u= 0 ms-1 Alternatively
Retort stand a = g =10 ms-2 From conservation of energy
t = 2s
Then from:

 A pendulum bob is suspended from a clamp using an

inextensible string as shown in the diagram above.
 h th th str th u u b b „l‟ s
adjusted such that l=0.3m.
 The bob is the slightly displaced through a small angle
and released.
 The stop clock is started and the time taken to make 20 Example 3:
oscillations (20T) is measured and recorded. An object is dropped from a helicopter at a height of 45m
 The period time T for a single oscillation is calculated above the ground.
and recorded. a) If the helicopter is at rest, how long does the object take
to reach the ground and what is its velocity on arrival?
 The experiment is repeated for other increasing values
of l, and the corresponding values of 20T, T and T 2
u= 0 ms-1
calculated and tabulated.
a = g =10 ms-2
20T(s) T(s) T2(s2)
s = 45m

Air resistance, R Resultant force, F
F= mg – …………….
Then from:
From equations (i) and (ii)
ma = mg – R
h=45m .

C Weight, W=mg
A x R
Example 4:
Then from: An object of 2kg is dropped from a helicopter at a height
45m above the ground. If the air resistance is 0.8N, calculate
i) acceleration of the body
ii) velocity with which the body hits the ground

b) If the helicopter had a velocity of 1ms-1 when the object For vertical motion
was released, what would be the final velocity of the object? m = 2kg
Solution u= 0 ms-1
u= 1 ms-1 g =10 ms-2
a = g =10 ms-2 R = 0.8 N
t=? s = 45m
s = 45m √ a=?
v=? v=?
(i) Then from:
ma = mg – R
Example 4: Air resistance, R= 0.8N
2a = 2 (10) -0.8
An object is released from an aircraft traveling horizontally 2a = 19.2
with a constant velocity of 200ms-1 at a height of 500m. a = 9.6 ms-2
a) Ignoring air resistance, how long it takes the object to
reach the ground? (ii) Then from:
For vertical motion Then from:
u= 0 ms-1 h=45m
a = g =10 ms-2 √
t=? Weight,
s = 500 m W=mg =20N

Qn: 1. The table below shows the variation of velocity with

b) Find the horizontal distance covered by the object
time for a body thrown vertically upwards from the surface
between leaving the aircraft and reaching the ground.
of a planet.
For vertical motion Then from:
8 6 4 2 0 -2
u= 200 ms-1
a = g = 0 ms-2
t = 10s 0 1 2 3 4 5
s = 500 m
v=? (a) What does the negative velocity mean?
(b) Plot a graph of velocity against time.
Note: For a body thrown vertically up ward, the time taken (c) Use the graph in (b) above to find the
to reach the maximum vertical height is equal to the time i) Acceleration due to gravity on the planet.( )
taken for the body to fall from maximum height. ii) Total distance travelled. .(
(d) If the body weighs34n on earth, what is its weight on the
Note; If a body is not falling freely but there is air resistance planet? ( )
R then the acceleration of the body can be calculated from:-
ma = mg – R , where m is the mass of the body 2. An aeroplane travelling at 200ms-1 at a height of 180m is
about to drop an aid package of medical supplies onto an
IDP camp in northern Uganda.
(a) At what horizontal distance before the target should the
package be released? [x = 1200m]

(b) Find the time taken by the package to hit the Using the ticker tape timer to determine Acceleration After
target.[t=6s] it has printed dots on A tape.
Frequency: These are vibrations per second or number of
See UNEB dots per second. The S I unit is Hertz. (Hz).
2000 Qn.20 1992 Qn.23 Example: A frequency of 60Hz mean 60 dots per second.
1995 Qn.10 1996 Qn.24 NB: Frequency is also number of dots printed per second.
1987 Qn.12 1991 Qn.2
1989 Qn.1 Period: This is the time taken for a dot to be printed on a
tape. The SI unit of period is seconds.
Period, T T
Ticker tapes showing dots for bodies in motion
State of motion Sample tape Direction of
Uniform velocity
Before each experiment with a trolley, it is necessary to Uniform acceleration
compensate for friction.
This can be done by tilting the runway with suitable Uniform deceleration
packing pieces until it moves with uniform velocity after
having been given a slight push.
Calculate the period for a frequency of 60 Hz
Ticker-timer Frequency, f = 60Hz

Tape r t ,


Wooden Run way Calculating time taken from a tape

block u P
t ,t
 A paper tape is driven through a ticker timer connected
to a mains supply of known frequency e.g. 50Hz by a Example: 1
trolley running freely on an inclined plane. Below is a tape printed by ticker- tape timer vibrating at
 After the trolley has reached the end of the run way, the 100Hz. Find the time taken to print these dots.
tape is removed and marked every after 5dots.The first
mark made is the zero time.

( ) ( * ( )
f = 100Hz t
t ,t
r t , t ,t .
 The t „t‟ b tw - spaces, is calculated from:
t ,t . s

 The speed or velocity at different times is the calculated
by measuring the distances covered in those Calculating the average speed
times. Thus: and D
 The acceleration of the trolley is then calculated from: t
: Whre is the total
time taken to cover distances
 The procedures are repeated, various velocities
determined and a graph of velocity against time plotted.
The slope of the graph gives the acceleration of the Example: 2
body. Below is a tape printed by a ticker –tape timer vibrating at
50Hz. Calculate the average speed.

Frequency, f = (i)
( ) ( * ( )
Solution t ,
r t , t , .
Frequency, 200 cm
( ) ( * ( ) t , . s
f = 50Hz t
t ,t
r t , t ,t . . s
I t s ,u
t ,t . s
When,d1=200cm, Or
. st
( )
I t s ,u
st ,
v r s (ii)
t , t
v r s
t t ,
t , .
v r s
. t , . s
v r s

C u “u” “ ” s ,v
from the tape. Or
( )
s ,v


Initial velocity,u = Average speed for initial distance t

t st “ 1” v by t t “t1” ( * ( )
r h
I t s ,u t , ( )

t ,
Final velocity (v) = Average speed for final distance
t , . .
st “ 1” v by t t “t2”
t , . s
s ,v t ,
Acceleration calculated applying v = u + at
Below is a tape printed by a timer vibrating at 50Hz

10cm 400cm r t ,

r t ,
Calculate the; r t ,
i) Initial velocity
ii) Final velocity Example II:
iii) Acceleration Below is a tape printed by a ticker timer vibrating at 20Hz.
Calculate the acceleration.
For the above, the following steps should be involved.
 identifying the frequency
 finding the periodic time from T= 1/f
 finding the time taken to cover given distances
 calculating the required velocities
 finding the time taken to cover distance between
mid points of the distances
 calculating the required acceleration

Direction of motion

r t ,

d2=300c r t ,
r t , .

f = 20Hz s ,v
r t , If there are n-dots, then there are (n-1) spaces.
i.e ).
t , Where ns is the number of spaces and nd is the number of
t , . . dots.
. s t , . s
When,d1 A ticker timer is vibrating at 10Hz. Calculate the time taken
t , Acceleration; if the timer prints 21 dots.
t , . Acceleration calculated
t , . s Applying: v = u + at Solution
u b r ts, ts
I t s ,u ).
s s
r t ,
= Frequency, f = 10Hz
t ,
t , . r t , r t , . s
t , . s
r t , .
( ) ( * ( )
Example III
The timer is vibrating at 20Hz. Calculate the acceleration
A ticker timer prints 11 dots at 20Hz in a space of 2m.
Calculate the average speed.
Space for
30 dots
900cm u b r ts, ts
150cm ).
Solution s s
Frequency, f =
20Hz Frequency, f = 20Hz

r t , r t , . s

( ) ( * ( )
. s

In experiments with ticker timer being pushed by a trolley,
t , the first dots are ignored because they are overcrowded for
t . . accurate measurements.
t , . s
Calculating Acceleration from given number of dots.
Acceleration; If the distance is measured from mth dot to nth dot then the
Acceleration calculated applying v = number of spaces can be calculated directly by subtracting
u + at m from n.

). t
( *
t , u b r s s, r t , r h
. s
r t , t
r qu y, ( *
r h
Example: . s
The distance between 15th dot and 18th dot is 10cm. if the
ticker timer is vibrating at 20Hz. Calculate the; Acceleration;
i) time taken Acceleration calculated applying v
= u + at

Frequency, f = 20Hz r t ,

r t ,
r t ,

. s r t ,

t , u b r s s, r t ,
t , .
. s
ii) average speed 1. A paper tape dragged through a ticker timer by a trolley
has the first ten dots covering a distance of 4cm and the next
Distance covered = 10cm = 0.1m ten dots covering a distance of 7cm. If the frequency of the
ticker timer is 50Hz, calculate the acceleration of the
trolley.(Ans:=75cms-2or 0.75ms-2)

2. The ticker timer below was pulled by a decelerating

trolley. The tape consists of 3 five dot spaces and the
frequency of the timer is 50Hz.
A trolley is pulled from rest with a constant force down an
inclined plane. The trolley pulls a tape through a ticker timer
vibrating at 50Hz. The following measurements were made 2.8cm 3.2cm 3.6cm
from the tap.
Distance between 16th dot and 20th dot= d1=20cm
Distance between 20th dot and 30th dot = 34cm Exercise: See UNEB
Distance Q between 30th dots and 40th dot = 48cm 2003.Qn.26 2001.Qn.25
Distance between 40th dot and 50th dot = d2=62cm 1998.Qn.1(b) 2006.Qn.9
Calculate the acceleration of the trolley.


( )

Frequency, f = 50Hz
For d1 last dot is 20th
For d2 last dot is 50th
r t ,


Circular motion is motion in which a body moves in a circle These are three laws that summarize the behavior of
about a fixed point. particles in motion.

For a body moving in a circle; 1:12:1. N ’ F L

 Its direction and velocity are constantly changing. wt ‟s rst w t st t s th t body continues in
 It has an acceleration called centripetal acceleration. its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless
 It has a force called Centripetal force acting towards the acted upon by an external force.
centre of the circular path.
Inertia is the reluctance of a body to move, when at rest or to
stop when moving.

Thus, when a force acts on a body, the body;

 Starts or stops moving.
 Increases or reduces speed depending on the
direction of the force.
 Changes direction of motion.

1:12:2. N ’ n
wt ‟s s w states that the rate of change in
momentum is directly proportional to the force acting on the
body and takes place in the direction of the force.
Note: When the object is released, it moves such that the
direction of motion at any point is along a tangent to the ( )
circular path.
When we consider a force of 1N, mass of 1kg and
Forces acting on the body describing circular motion. acceleration of then, k=1.Therefore;
(i) Tension: Force acting towards the centre of the
circular path. It provides the centripetal force.
A Newton; Is the force which acts on a mass of 1kg to
(ii) Centripetal force: Force acting towards the centre of produce an acceleration of .
the circular path.
1:12:3. N ’
(iii) Centrifugal force: Force acting away from the centre It states that action and reaction are equal but opposite.
of the circular path.
When a body, A exerts a force on body B, body B also
(iv) Weight: Force acting vertically down wards towards exerts an equal force in the opposite direction.
the centre of the earth.
Reaction, R
Examples of circular motion
-Pendulum bob tied to a string whirled in a vertical or
horizontal plane Block
-Planetary motion etc Table

Exercise: See UNEB Weight,W= mg

1999 Paper II Qn.1
The block exerts a weight, W= mg on the table and the table
also exerts an equal reaction R on the block. R= mg, so that
the net force on the block is zero and therefore there is no
vertical motion.

Applications of Newt ‟s th r w t
(a) Rockets and jets
Rockets and jet engines are designed to burn fuel in oxygen
to produce large amounts of exhaust gases.
These gases are passed backwards through the exhaust pipes
at high velocity (large momentum).

This in turn gives the Rocket or jet a high forward

momentum which is equal but opposite to that of the
exhaust gases.

a) Lift is moving upwards with an acceleration of 2ms-2?
b) Lift is descending with an acceleration of 2ms-2?
Where is the momentum of the exhaust gases, and
is momentum of the Rocket. Solution
(b) Motion in the lift m = 78kg
Consider a person of mass m standing in a lift, when the; a = 2ms-2
R R=?
i) Lift is stationary or moving with uniform velocity R = mg + ma
R = m (g+a)
R = 78 (10+2)
The person exerts a weight, a= 2ms-2 R = 936N
mg on the lift and at the
same time, the lift exerts a
reaction, R, on the person.
R= mg.
a=0 ms-2
(b) m = 78kg
a = 3ms-2
R R=?
mg R = mg - ma
R = 78(10 - 3)
R = 546N
ii) Lift is moving upwards with acceleration, a. a= 3ms-2
In this case, three forces act on
the lift. i.e, the resultant
R accelerating force (ma), the
weight, (mg) and the normal
reaction or Apparent weight (R). 78g
a Accelerating force = Net force
ma = R – mg
R = mg + ma
R = m (g+a)
mg Linear Momentum:
Momentum is the product of mass and its velocity.
Thus, the reaction on the person (apparent weight, R) is
( * ( *
greater than the actual weight of the person, mg.
This is why one feels heavier when the lift is just beginning
its upward journey. Impulse:
Impulse is the change in the momentum of a body.
iii) Lift is moving down wards with acceleration, a.
In this case, the resultant
accelerating force (ma), and the Impulse can also be defined as the product of force and time
R weight, (mg) act down wards. of impact.
The normal reaction or Apparent From wt ‟s s w t ,
weight (R) act upwards.
a Accelerating force = Net force
ma = mg - R
R = mg - ma
R = m (g - a) The S.I unit of momentum and impulse is Kgms-1
Note: Momentum and impulse are vector quantities.
Thus, the reaction on the person (apparent weight, R) is less Principle of conservation of momentum
than the actual weight of the person, mg. It states that when two or more bodies collide, the total
This is why one feels lighter when the lift is just beginning momentum remains constant provided no external force is
its downward journey. acting.

It states that when two or more bodies collide, the total

momentum before collision is equal to the total momentum
Example:1 after collision.
A person of mass 78kg is standing inside an electric lift.
What is the apparent weight of the person if the;

Suppose a body of mass m1 moving with velocity u1 collides m1= 3kg, m2= 2kg u u
with another body of mass m2 moving with velocity u2. u1=5ms-1, u2=8ms-1
After collision, the bodies move with velocities v1 and v2 v1=V=?, v2=V=?
respectively, then;

( , ( ,
Types of collisions .
 Elastic collision
Elastic collision is the type of collision whereby the
colliding bodies separate immediately after the impact with Example: 2
each other and move with different velocities. A body of mass 8kg traveling at 20 ms-1 collides with a
stationary body and they both move with velocity of 15ms-1.
In short, for elastic collision, Calculate the mass of the stationary body.
( * ( *
u u
Before collision After collision
 Inelastic collision m1=8kg m2=2kg (m 1 + m 2 )=(3+2) kg
Inelastic collision is when the colliding bodies stay together -1 -1
u1=20ms u2=0ms
and move with the same velocity after collision.
In short, for inelastic collision, v2=v=15ms
( * ( *
m1= 8kg, m2= 2kg u u
u u u1=20ms-1, u2=8ms-1
v1=V=1 ms-1, v2=V=15 ms-1
Comparisons between Elastic collision and Inelastic
collision .
( , ( , .
Elastic collision Inelastic collision

(i) Bodies separate after Bodies stick together after Example: 3

collision collision. A body of mass 20kg traveling at 5ms-1 collides with
another stationary body of mass 10kg and they move
(ii) Bodies move with Bodies move with same separately in the same direction. If the velocity of the 20kg
different velocities after velocity after collision mass after collision was 3ms-1. Calculate the velocity with
collision which the 10kg mass moves.

(iii) Kinetic energy of the Kinetic energy of the Solution

bodies is conserved bodies is not conserved
Before collision Before collision
Momentum is conserved Momentum is conserved
Total momentum before Total momentum before m1=20kg m2=10kg V1=3ms

collision= Total momentum collision= Total u1=5ms

after collision momentum after collision
u u u u
m1= 20kg, m2= 10kg u u v
NOTE; For any stationary body or body at rest, the initial u1=5ms-1, u2=0ms-1
velocity is zero so the initial momentum of such a body v1=3ms-1v2=?
before collision is zero.

Example:1 ( , ( ,
A body of mass 3kg traveling at 5ms-1 collides with a 2kg
body moving at 8ms-1 in the same direction. If after collision
the two bodies moved together, Calculate the velocity with
which the two bodies move after collision.

Before collision Before collision Exercise:
1. A particle of mass 200g moving at 30ms-1 hits a
m1=3kg m2=2kg (m 1 + m 2 )=(3+2) kg
stationary particle of mass100g so that they stick and
-1 -1
u1=5ms u2=8ms V=? move together after impact. Calculate the velocity with
which they move after collision.(Ans: V= 20ms-1)

2. A military tanker of mass 4tonnes moving at 12ms-1 A bullet of mass 200g is fired from a gun of mass 4kg. If the
collides head on with another of mass 3tonnes moving muzzle velocity of the bullet is 400ms-1, calculate the recoil
at 2oms-1. After collision, they stick together and move velocity.
as one body. Ignoring the effect of friction, find their
common velocity. Solution
(Ans: V=1.7ms-1in the direction of the 2nd tank) mb= 200g = , mg
vb= 400ms-1, vg = ?
3. A body of mass 10kg moving at 20ms-1 hits another
body of mass 5kg moving in the same direction at
10ms-1. After collision, the second body moves From, v - b vb
separately forward with a velocity of 30ms-1. Calculate .
the velocity of the first body after collision.

4. A car X of mass 1000kg travelling at a speed of 20 ms-I -

in the direction due east collides head-on with another
car Y of mass1500kg, travelling at 15ms-1 in the Example:3
direction due west. If the two cars stick together, find A bullet of mass 12.0g travelling at 150ms-1penetrates
their common velocity after collision. deeply into a fixed soft wood and is brought to rest in
0.015s. Calculate
EXPLOSIONS (i) How deep the bullet penetrates the wood [1.125m]
Momentum is conserved in explosions such as when a riffle (ii) the average retarding force exerted by the wood on the
is fired. During the firing, the bullet receives an equal but bullet. [120N]
opposite amount of momentum to that of the rifle.

Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after

u b ub v b vb
b v b vb
v b vb

Where; mg is mass of the rifle (or gun), Vg is velocity of the

rifle which is also called recoil velocity. mob is mass of the
bullet, Vb is velocity of the bullet.

For any explosion of bodies, the amount of momentum for

one body is equal but opposite to that of another body.

The negative sign indicates that the momentum are in

opposite directions.

A bullet of mass 8g is fired from a gun of mass 500g. If the
missile velocity of the bullet is 500ms-1. Calculate the recoil
velocity of the gun.

mb= 8g = , mg= 500g =
vb= 500ms-1, vg = ?

From, v - b vb
. .

The negative sign indicates that the recoil velocity, V g is in
opposite direction to that of the bullet.

These work on the principle that in any explosion one body
moves with a momentum which is equal and opposite to that
of another body in the explosion. For the rocket and the jet
engine, the high velocity hot gas is produced by the burning Q P Q P
of fuel in the engine.
Note: Rockets use liquid oxygen while jets use oxygen
from air.
Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after
How a rocket engine work: collision
Q uQ u Q vQ v

. . .
. . .
. .

Thus, the initial velocity of Q is 9.52ms-1 to the left

v b “ ” ss s w th st t ry
ball Q of mass 200g. After collision, P moves backward
with a velocity of 2ms-1 while Q moves forward with a
velocity of 5ms-1. Calculate the initial velocity of P.

mQ= 200g,= mP= 100g =
uQ= 0, uP= ?
vQ= 5 ms-1, vP= 2ms-1

Principle: the jet and rocket engines work on the principle
that momentum is conserved in explosion.
Total momentum before collision = Total momentum after
High velocity: the high velocity of the hot gas results in the collision
Q uQ u Q vQ v
burning of the fuel in the engine.

Large momentum: the large velocity of the hot gas results in . . . .

the gas to leave the exhaust pipe with a large momentum. . .
. .
Engine: the engine itself acquires an equal but opposite
momentum to that of the hot gas.

Note: when the two bodies collide and they move separately Thus, the initial velocity of Q is 8ms-1 towards Q.
after collision but in opposite directions then.
u u v v Example: 3.
u u v v A body of mass 10kg moves with a velocity of 20ms-
.Calculate its momentum.
A body Q of mass 50g collid s w th st t ry b y “ ” Solution
ss . I b y “Q” v s b w r w th v ty m=10kg; v=20ms-1
10ms-1 b y “ ”, v s rw r w th v ty rM tu M ss ty
6ms-1. Calculate the initial velocity of a body Q.

mQ= 50g,= mP= 4g = I t M tu M ss I t ty u
uQ= ?, uP= 0ms-1
vQ= 10 ms-1, vP= 6ms-1 M tu M ss ty v

Example:2 From above, the force applied is equal to the rate of change
A 20kg mass traveling at 5mls is accelerated to 8mls. tu . h s s t wt ‟s s w
Calculate the change in momentum of the body. motion.

Solution Exercise
m=10kg 1. A body of mass 600g traveling at 10mls is accelerated
u=5ms-1 uniformly at 2 ms-2 for four seconds. Calculate the;
v=8ms-1 (i) change in momentum
I t M tu u M tu (ii) force acing on a body
v Solution
(i) (ii)
t h tu
h M tu v u
Note: The change in momentum is called Impulse.
a=2 ms-2
t = 4s .
Example:3 From;
A one tonne car traveling at 20ms-1 is accelerated at 2ms-2 (iii) Force acting on the body
for five second. Calculate the; But
(i) change in momentum
(ii) rate of change in momentum
h M tu But
(iii) Accelerating force acting on the body.
v u
m=1tonne =1000kg
. N
u=20ms-1 (ii) Rate of change in
v= ? momentum
Thus, Force acting on the body
is equal to the rate of change in
t= 5s t h tu
h tu momentum.
(i) change in momentum
h M tu t
v u Example:4
vu A van of mass 1.5 tonnes travelling at 20ms-1, hits a wall
and is brought to rest as a result in 0.5seconds. Calculate
(i) Impulse
(ii) Average force exerted on the wall.

h M tu
m=1.5tonnes (i)Impulse:
v u
=1.5x1000 I us h M tu
= 1500 v u

NOTE: The S.I unit for the rate of change in momentum is a

The Negative sign means that the direction of the impulse
is opposite to that in which the van was moving.
(iv) Accelerating force acting on the body.
vu (ii)Average force exerted on the wall:

A man of mass 60kg jumps from a high wall and lands on a
hard floor at avelocity of 6ms.Calculate the force exerted on
th ‟s s

(i) He bends his knees on landing so that it takes 1.2s
for his motion to be stopped.
(ii) He does not bend his knees and it takes 0.06s to
stop his motion.

m=60kg (ii)
u=6ms-1 m= 60kg
v=0ms-1 u=6ms-1
t=1.2s v=0ms-1
Force acting on the
body Force acting on the body
But But
But But
But But


- N - N
 The negative signs means the force acts to oppose that
exerted by the man.
 Landing in (ii) exerts a larger force on the knees,
which can cause injury compared to that in (ii).

Exercise :
1. An athlete of 80 kg moving at 5ms-1, slides trough a
distance of 10m before stopping in 4 seconds. Find the
work done by friction on the athlete.

2. A car of mass 1500kg starts from rest and attains a

velocity of 100ms-1in 20 seconds. Find the power
developed by the engine.
A. 750kW B. 3,000kW
C. 30, 000kW D. 750, 000kW

3. A ball of 3kg moves at 10ms-1 towards a volley ball

player. If the player hits the ball and the ball moves
back with a velocity of 5ms-1. Find the change in
A. B.
C. D.

1. A rubber bullet of mass 100g is fired from a gun of

mass 5 kg at a speed of 200 ms-1. Find the recoil
velocity of the rifle.
A. B.
C. D.

4. See UNEB
2001. Qn.1 2006. Qn.32
1988. Qn.9 and Qn.20 2007. Qn.24
1994. Qn.5 and Qn. 3 1992. Qn.2
1995. Qn.8 2003. Qn.2


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