Liveability in Social Housing: Three Case-Studies in Flanders

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Workshop 18 - Residential Environments and People

Liveability in social housing: Three case-studies in


Kristof Heylen
[email protected]

Paper presented at the ENHR conference

"Housing in an expanding Europe:
theory, policy, participation and implementation"
Ljubljana, Slovenia 1
2 - 5 July 2006
Conference paper for workshop Residential Environments and People1
ENHR Conference July 2006. Ljubljana, Slovenia.


In Flanders, currently new social housing legislation is being prepared. As the law now
stands, social rented houses are allocated to Flemish rules not allowing housing associations
to deal with local circumstances. The Flemish government is considering authorizing more
local autonomy in housing allocation in order to allow housing associations to respond to
liveability problems.

Within this context, the Flemish government ordered a research with the aim to identify
parameters that can be used to objectify problematic social housing districts in terms of
liveability and to get a better understanding of the nature and causes of liveability problems
in social housing areas. In addition, we will investigate which measures are suited for
countering or preventing liveability problems.

In a first part of the paper, the concepts of liveability and social mix will be clarified and the
appropriateness of common strategies to overcome liveabilty problems in social housing will
be discussed, based on a literature overview. In a second part, the results of three case-
studies in social housing areas are described. For these areas, information on liveability
issues was gathered by interviewing key informants and searching all relevant documents, in
order to get a better understanding of the nature and causes of liveability problems.

1 Sien Winters (Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid) contributed to the design of the research and
performed a critical reading of the conference paper.

With regard to the theoretical concepts at stake we relied upon a literature review by Katrien
Tratsaert (Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid).


At present, in Flanders, there is a growing concern about liveability of social housing

areas. In this respect, the concept of liveability is frequently mentioned along with the
concept of ‘social mix’ (Flemish Parliament, 2002). Both concepts regularly appear in
Flemish policy texts, in which the concepts are never clearly defined and in which
implicitly is assumed that there is a causal link between them.

In the first part of the paper an attempt is made to clarify the meaning of the two
concepts at stake and to scrutinize their presumed interdependence. These
clarifications form the conceptual framework of our research concerning liveability is
social housing.

The Flemish social rental patrimony consists of 130 000 living units, representing 6%
of the total housing stock. Compared to other countries, the share of high rise within
social housing is relatively small. Liveability problems are no widespread phenomena
within Flemish social housing, as results of a study concerning the profile of the
social tenant indicate (Pannecoucke e.a., 2001). To get a broader picture of Flemish
social housing we refer to the conference paper by Winters and Elsinga about the
future of Flemish social housing.

In Flemish social housing, the allocation system for social rental dwellings is strictly
regulated at Flemish level. The social housing associations are offered few
possibilities to put local accents in the allocation procedure. The main allocation rule
is the order of registration, whereas priority rules exist for some well-defined
categories (e.g. camping residents, households living in uninhabitable dwellings,
handicapped if the dwelling is fit for the handicap).

At present, several policy proposals circulate to respond to liveability problems in

Flemish social housing. One option is to adjust (raise) the income boundaries for
admission to social housing, at a Flemish level. Another option is to give more
autonomy to social housing associations or municipalities with regard to the
allocation procedure. A more flexible allocation system would become possible for
social housing areas that can be categorized as ‘problematic in terms of liveability’.
The problem-analysis to identify these areas should include an analysis of the
problems and causes, but should also include figures to objectify the stated problems
(Ministry of the Flemish Community, Department Housing Policy, 2005).

Our study fits within the discussed Flemish policy option that wants to give more
local autonomy with respect to allocation, in order to respond to liveability problems.
Within this context, we set up a research design that allowed us to get a better
understanding of the nature and causes of liveability problems in social housing areas
and allowed us to identify parameters for objectifying problematic social housing
districts in terms of liveability. In addition, we wanted to explore what measures are
suited for countering or preventing liveability problems. Although we are aware of the
fact that a variety of measures exists to deal with liveability, we primarily are focused
– given the aim of the research - on the possible role of a more flexible allocation

We opted for a multiple cases-study design, selecting three social housing areas for
in-depth research. The threes cases were selected, taking several possible
determinants of liveability into account. The main data-sources are the half-structured
interviews with key informants and residents. Furthermore, all relevant sources
concerning liveability issues - including statistical figures - were scrutinized.

1. Conceptual framework


Liveability always refers to the environment from the perspective of the individual.
People attach meaning to the environment, which is referred to as ‘liveability’
(Leidelmeijer en van Kamp, 2003). In our view, liveability always refers to the
perception of the environment; to the subjective evaluation of the quality of the
housing conditions.

In the literature concerning ‘liveability’ there are different views about the dimensions
that should be included to capture the concept. To a large extent, these different views
stem from a different background discipline. In recent liveability studies in Flanders
and the Netherlands, liveability usually is made operational by means of the
perception of four dimensions (Dewilde & Winters, 2000; Meire & Bracke, 2005;
Raymaekers e.a., 2002; Stoop & Albertijn, 2003). The four dimensions are:

− Quality of the dwelling/ building

− Quality of the physical environment, including the level of services and
− Quality of the social environment
− Safety of the neighbourhood

The dimension ‘safety’ actually ranges over the other three dimensions since the level
of safety is related to behavioural as well as environmental features. A liveability
problem we can define as ‘dissatisfaction with regard to one of the aspects of the
different liveability dimensions’.

The complexity of the ‘liveability’ concept contributed to the fact that only few
attempts are made to develop theory. In this part, we discuss a conceptual model
based on the ‘model concerning the perception of residential environment’ of
Marsman and Leidelmeijer (2001).

Objective environmental Perception Evaluation

E.g. behaviour of neighbours, Social environment Æ appreciation /importanceÆ

social contacts

E.g. green/litter/ Physical environment Æ appreciation /importanceÆ

services Liveability

E.g. comfort/ physical state/ Dwelling/building Æ appreciation /importanceÆ

acoustic isolation

E.g. number of crimes Safety Æ appreciation /importance Æ

Personal and
characteristics of

The model clarifies that features of the physical environment (lack of isolation, no
play area …) as well as characteristics of the residents (e.g. percentage elderly,
children, personal opinion ...) both determine residential satisfaction or liveability.

Further, it is important to comprehend that the different components of liveability are

interrelated. For instance, a filthy neighbourhood, a lack of lighting or a high crime
rate will not invite people to meet outside and make contacts. Also, a lack of
neighbourhood involvement may contribute to higher feelings of insecurity or to less
respect for neighbours. Liveability dimensions are not isolated from one and another.

The model also points out that characteristics of the physical environment may
influence the residents’ characteristics. It is for instance not likely that high income
households will move to a filthy, neglected neighbourhood. Also, elderly will not be
eager to move to a distant residential area, far from all services and facilities.

In our research, it is important to understand the difference between ‘indicators’ and

‘determinants’ of liveability. Determinants of liveability are features of the physical
environment or residents that have an influence on the liveability of a residential area,
whereas indicators are used to measure the abstract concept liveability itself. These
indicators might as well be subjective (survey among residents) or objective (data that
are related to the quality of the residential environment). If the determinant itself is an
abstract concept, one or more indicators will be needed to measure it (Leidelmeijer &
Van Kamp, 2003).

Measures to deal with liveability problems

Liveability problems in residential areas are a complex phenomenon. The problems

are locally different, which makes that no cut-and-dried solutions are available.
Furthermore, the recovery of a neighbourhood dealing with liveability issues exceeds
the competence and the means of social housing associations. Conquering the
problems, demands the effort of all actors involved: residents, communal authorities,

police, welfare work, social housing associations, community workers …. The
application of a range of measures - an integral approach - is necessary to overcome
or prevent liveability problems.

Solutions for liveability problems can be divided in two categories, which may
complement each other.

On the one hand, there are authors who believe in measures that focus on the
‘manipulation of the residents’. These measures are directed at changing the behavior,
the attitude, perception or well-being of the residents in the desired way. They want to
improve liveability, by directly (housing support, administrative sanctions,
introducing a social supervisor) or indirectly (creating more meeting places,
organizing a neighborhood party, organizing residents’ participation) shaping
people’s behaviour, perceptions and attitudes.

On the other hand, there are measures that try to change the composition of the
residents’ group in order to improve liveability. This is possible via the resident (e.g.
assigning rules), via the physical environment (e.g. embellishment to attract higher
incomes) or via the dwellings (e.g. by building a mix of owner-occupied and tenant’s
dwellings). In this logic, one starts from the idea that something as an ‘ideal social
mix’ with regard to resident features exists. In this vision, liveability problems can be
prevented or overcome by adjusting the composition of the residents’ group in the
desired direction.

Social mix

The concept of ‘social mix’ refers to the mingling of residents within a well defined
geographical area. This can be a country, region, city, quarter or apartment block.
Creating a ‘social mix’ refers to the mixing of people, with regard to (Johnston,
− social class or socio-economic status
− social categories, e.g. based on ethnical origin
− stage of life
− household or family-type
In most cases, social mix refers to the mingling of persons or households from a
different social background or various socio-economic statuses.

The motives for creating a social mix in neighbourhoods are diverse. Uitermark and
Duyvendak (2004) and also Bolt (2004) emphasize that social mingling can be
applied for two purposes. On the one hand, for promoting social mobility and social
integration of socio-economic weaker groups. In this view, one believes implicitly in
the positive influence of middle class households as a role model (Loopmans, 2000;
Simon, 2003). On the other hand, a social mix can be used in order to spread the
inconveniences some societal groups bring along and to render the neighbourhood
‘controllable’. In this view, problems are dealt with by thinning them, by making
them less visible.

Our literature review pointed out that the effect of ‘social mix’ to combat liveability
problems in (social) residential areas is unclear. Atkinson (2005), who analyzed
existing research concerning ‘social mix’ on the neighbourhood level, concluded that

up to now no empirical evidence is found for the presumed positive effect of a ‘social
mix’ on the level of liveability.

Furthermore, several researchers question the noble intentions of this policy option.
For in problematic neighbourhoods the failure of (integration, poverty) policy is most
visible. Spreading the so-called problematic social tenants makes them less visible
and makes it easier to neglect the problems (at national level) or control the problems
(at local level) (Uitermark, 2003; Arthurson, 2002).

According to Kesteloot (1998) the promoting of ‘social mix’ in Flemish social

housing is in the first place meant to attract higher income households (that pay more
rent) in order to overcome the financial problems several social housing associations
are dealing with. As Kesteloot argues, this happens under the veil of offering
possibilities for integration to deprived people.

On the contrary, the belief exists that homogeneous neighbourhoods with regard to
residents’ characteristics will yield less liveability problems and more social cohesion
than heterogeneous areas. In this view, liveability conflicts are partly caused by the
clash of different lifestyles. Therefore, for instance in the Netherlands, certain social
housing associations allocate social dwellings according to the ‘lifestyle’ of the
candidate households. People sharing the same ‘lifestyle’ will be housed together
(Hagens, 2003). Also in Flanders, this option with regard to the allocation procedure
is defended (Cools, 2004).

2. Research design

The aim of our research is to get a better understanding of liveability problems in

social housing areas in Flanders on the one hand, and to get a better insight in the
nature of the measures that are needed to overcome/ prevent these problems on the
other hand. Possibly some contextual features may be identified that can be used at a
local level to objectify ‘problematic residential areas’. As mentioned, the current
Flemish policy option would allow a more flexible allocation system in these areas.

1. The first goal – getting insight in liveability problems - can be further specified as
− What liveability problems exist in social housing in Flanders?
− How do these problems arise?
− What contextual features (determinants) contribute to these problems?

2. Further, our study aims at getting a better understanding of the measures that are
needed to combat liveability problems. More specific, our questions are:
− What measures exist for dealing with liveability in a social residential area?
Which are suitable?
− What are the possibilities of a more flexible system of allocation in this

3. Finally, we will try to gather information concerning possible indicators of

liveability. For this matter, we do not only rely on the results of our case analyses.
We bring in the results of a screening of all possible data sources concerning

indicators of liveability, involving all relevant Flemish/federal surveys,
administrative databases, meta-databases and policy documents.

Research method: three case-studies

Liveability is a complex social phenomenon that is not easily quantified and that is
perceived differently by different groups (e.g. tenants – housing associations). This is
one of the reasons why we opted for a case study design. A case study is a suitable
method if one wants to provide insights in the ‘complexity’ of a certain phenomenon
and its background in a certain context (Hutjes & Van Buuren, 1992).

Further, a case study is also an attractive method regarding practice-oriented research,

with the aim to generate policy advice. The approach enables us to get an
understanding of the different points-of-view concerning certain problems and their
solutions (Swanborn, 1996). As mentioned before, one of the goals of the research is
to generate insight in the possible solutions for liveability problems in social housing.

We opted for what is called a ‘multiple case study design’ (Yin, 2003). In order to
explain certain liveability issues – one of our research objectives - it is useful to build
in some variation in the units that are analyzed. When we limit ourselves to
scrutinizing one case, it is impossible to assess whether we are dealing with a specific
or a more general situation.

Regarding the choice of cases, there is no agreement in literature which criteria one
should use. We opted for a combination of cases that are ‘information rich’ and that
contrast with each other on some variables (environment – residents) that are expected
to influence liveability. Cases that are ‘information rich’ are cases in which the
studied phenomenon is clearly present. In our study such cases are social housing
areas that are known to deal with liveability problems.

By means of a Two-step cluster analyses, all statistical sectors2 in Flanders that

include social housing areas with more than 75 living units, were divided in four
clusters with regard to some environmental features, namely ‘number of social
dwellings within the statistical sector’ and ‘percentage social apartments for that
statistical sector’.

In a next step, three statistical sectors were selected from each cluster taking two
criteria into account: they should be ‘informative’ (with liveability problems present)
and represent all Flemish regions. Using information from a survey held by the
Flemish Housing Corporation (Vlaamse Huisvestingsmaatschappij, VHM) in 2005 we
could select social housing areas (within the statistical sectors) that are classified as
‘problematic in terms of liveability’ by their own social housing associations.

In a following step, these twelve statistical sectors were documented for a range of
characteristics of the population (e.g. age composition, unemployment rate) and
physical environment (type of housing and number of social living units). In a final

2 Statistical sector: in 1970 all Belgian communities were divided in statistical units (sectors),
based on constructional, social and economic characteristics.

step, we selected three cases from three different clusters that contrast with each other
on several characteristics. Our selected statistical sectors – comprising the social
housing areas - are called ‘Rabot station’ (Ghent), ‘Slachthuiswijk’ (Antwerp) and
‘Haneberg’ (Beringen). In popular speech, these areas are respectively called Rabot,
Den Dam and Klaverweide. Social housing in Rabot, Den Dam and Klaverweide
consists respectively of three high-rise apartment blocks (the ‘Rabot towers’), two
middle high-rise buildings and a low-rise residential area.

Table 1: Characteristics of the three selected social housing areas.

Social housing area N of social Housing type Age composition Unemploy Family type
living units ment Rate
Rabot station 569 High-rise Many elderly 32% in Many singles
“Rabot” neighbour-
Cluster 1 hood
Slachthuiswijk 241 Middle High- Mixed 20% in Mixed
“Den Dam” rise neighbour-
Cluster 2
Haneberg 155 Low-rise Many children 12% in Many families
“Klaverweide” neighbour- with children
Cluster 4 hood
Sources: Flemish Housing Company (VHM), Socio- economic survey 2001.

Data collection

In the first instance, all available relevant data-sources were gathered concerning the
three selected residential areas. We relied upon figures from the Socio-economic
survey 2001, data from the Flemish Housing Corporation (VHM) and the three social
housing associations themselves. Further, we scrutinized local action plans, reports of
residents’ meetings, liveability studies from community workers, etc.

The most important data-sources are the semi-structured interviews of a selection of

key informants and residents. In total, about thirty interviews (ten per case) took
place. The following persons/ organizations/ services were interviewed: social
department of the social housing associations (SHC’s), director SHC’s, community
workers, public centre for social welfare (OCMW), general welfare work (CAW), local
police, residents, local priest. Interviewing a variety of organizations/ actors, allowed
us to draw a more complete image of the problems concerning liveability. Also with
regard to the suggested solutions for the problems it is important to take into account
different points-of-view.

The topic-list we used to interview our respondents was based on our research
questions and included all relevant themes to get a better insight into problems of
liveability and the preferred solutions. The key informants’ interviews can be called
informant-interviews since we tried to gather information about the problems that are
perceived by the residents, through our key informants. With respect to the perceived
causes of the problems and the preferred solutions, we asked the opinion of the key
informants themselves.

In addition to the key informants’ interviews, we organized a residents’ interview for
each social housing area. Each time, about 5 residents were present. Finally, the
researcher got a guided tour in each of the three social housing areas.

After phrasing the first conclusions, a feedback round was organized with a selection
of key informants and delegates of the Flemish administration, the Flemish Housing
Corporation and the Cabinet of the Minister of Housing. The group discussion led to
some new insights, which were added to the report.

3. Findings from our three case-studies

3.1 Nature and determinants of liveability problems

In our three cases, the key informants argued that not only a variety of liveability
problems exists, but also that the problems are frequently interrelated and that often
one problem can be linked to several causes at the same time. In order to provide
insight in this complex matter we decided to construct a conceptual model, based on
the results of the cases (see p.11).

The model tries to capture in what way the different liveability dimensions are
interrelated, how liveability problems arise and what role certain residential and
population characteristics play.

Nature of liveability problems

In this part we will discuss all liveability problems – per dimension- that were present
in our three case-studies, according to our respondents. Some problems occurred in all
three cases, whereas other issues were only found in one or two.

Quality of the social environment

In all three areas there appeared to be a lack of ‘social cohesion’. This problem is,
according to our respondents, not explicitly linked to social housing but is regarded a
as a general sign of the times. Logically, ‘social isolation’ is related to a lack of social
cohesion. Especially in the Rabotcase social isolation proved to be a severe problem.

Further, various kinds of conflicts among social tenants were present in our social
housing areas. Conflicts that were frequently mentioned are: neighbours’ quarrels
about maintenance duties, conflicts about noise nuisance (neighbours, dogs, cultural
differences), conflicts between elderly and youngsters about use of space or noise....
The nature of these conflicts was shown to be strongly related to the setting (high –
low rise) and the composition of the tenants’ population.

Figure: conceptual model
concerning liveability

Resident characteristics
- Social capacity /
Neighbourhood Engagement
- Ratio young/old
- Indigenes/ immigrants

Quality social environment

Quality of physical
- Social cohesion environment
- Communal problems - Filthiness
- Social isolation - Traffic Safety
Quality dwelling/ - Maintenance
building - Services/
- Acoustic isolation facilities
- Density
- Comfort/ size
- Maintenance


External factors
- SHC, police, justice of peace,
community work , welfare

Particular kinds of conflicts are those that stem from the behaviour of ‘problem
tenants’. These are tenants that cause trouble on regular time, whose behaviour is so
extreme that an external cause is often referred to. Many key informants made a link
between the ‘problem tenants’ and a certain form of addiction or psychic disorder. In
each of our three cases people had to deal with some ‘problem tenants’, whose
presence was considered as one of the main disturbers of liveability.

Quality of the physical environment

Our research pointed out that certain aspects of the physical environment are
experienced as problematic by the tenants. First of all, pollution of the environment
can evoke severe irritations among residents. An extreme case of environmental
degeneration was found in the Rabotcase, but also in the other two selected areas
people were dissatisfied about pollution by litter, illegal dumping or lack of
maintenance. In addition, resentment can be caused by an unsafe traffic situation, as
we observed in two of our three cases.

Under the flag of ‘quality of physical environment’ we also place the level of services
and facilities in the neighbourhood. Our case-studies show that especially the
proximity of food shops is considered to be important. Nevertheless, the general idea
was that problems related to the level of services were not essential, compared to
problems concerning the social or residential environment.

Quality of the dwelling/ building

In our cases the residents generally were satisfied with the quality of their dwellings.
The most significant problem with regard to the dwelling/building in the three cases
was the level of the acoustic isolation. Inadequate isolation appeared to have far-
reaching consequences for the liveability in (middle) high-rise. Furthermore,
dissatisfaction concerning the quality of the building was shown to arise from the
(lack of) maintenance of the common parts, a lack of meeting places or an ill-
considered structure of the building.

Safety of the environment

In all three cases groups of residents – mainly women and elderly – do not dare to go
outside once it’s getting dark. This is in the first place a subjective feeling, since our
key informants argue that ‘Den Dam’ in Antwerp, ‘Rabot’ in Gent and ‘Klaverweide’
in Beringen are not known as problem areas concerning crime and delinquency. Also,
it is argued that feelings of insecurity are not exclusively found in social housing
areas, but are a typical phenomenon in cities like Ghent and Antwerp.

Determinants of liveability problems (conceptual model)

In this section we will describe what our key informants perceived as determinants of
liveability problems. As argued before, we tried to capture all possible connections in
a conceptual model. The model as it is schematically presented, gives an ‘idea’ of the
connections that may exist between the residents’ characteristics and the different

liveability dimensions. It is a theoretical framework that gets a different ‘filling-in’ for
different social housing areas. Certain connections are stronger in one residential area
than the other; certain problems arise in one area but not the other, etc.

a. Quality of the social environment

Determinants of the perceived social quality: resident characteristics

As our key informants argue, each residents group has a certain social capacity.
Social capacity we define – according to our informants’ insights - as the ‘strength’
and the ‘will’ of the residents to add a positive contribution to the residential area they
live in, by taking on several commitments or by respecting their neighbours (no
inconvenience) and physical environment (e.g. no pollution).

The concept of social capacity is strongly related to the concept ‘neighbourhood

engagement’. Our respondents argue that people with more social capacity are more
involved with their neigbourhood. This will also have an effect on the social cohesion
of a residential area. In this view, social cohesion will be stronger in residential areas
with more ‘social capacity’. Also, social isolation will be less of a problem in
neigbbourhoods with more ‘social capacity’, since more initiatives will be taken to
bring people together. Finally, a higher involvement with the neighbourhood will also
lead to fewer conflicts among residents, according to our respondents.

Also the composition regarding age groups can lead to irritations among residents,
our study point out. Especially in (middle) high rise a concentration of children may
result in communal problems, certainly when a high percentage of elderly is living in
the same area/ building. This phenomenon we observed in two of our cases – the
‘Rabottowers’ and the apartment blocks on ‘Den Dam’. It was argued that older
residents attach greater importance to a quiet environment and get more easily
irritated by children playing and youngster hanging out. This can go along with
conflicts about the use of space in the neighbourhood. In the Rabotcase for instance, a
conflict exists about the destination of a grass-patch in front of the second building.
The youngsters like to play football on this field, whereas the elderly perceive the
grass area as a zone to relax.

In the Rabotcase, the first and third apartment block accommodates many residents
with the same profile concerning age and family type, namely single elderly or elderly
couples. Because they share the same lifestyle and interests, conflicts are few and
certain social networks are formed. The second ‘Rabot tower’ on the other hand
accommodates households with a strongly contrasting profile: young – often migrant–
households on the hand and elderly – often single – on the other hand. According to
our informants, this combination yields many ‘living together’ problems and less
social cohesion than the tenants’ composition of the other apartment blocks. Thus, the
Rabot tower with the greatest mix concerning age and family-type turns out to be the
most problematic one in terms of liveability. These results stress that one cannot
blindly trust in creating a ‘social mix’ in order to prevent or conquer liveability
problems and illustrate that in certain circumstances homogeneous tenants’ profiles
yield less liveability conflicts. As already discussed in our theoretical part, the
practice of allocating households according to ‘life-style’ already exists in certain

Finally, our cases indicate that people are likely to seek their social contacts within
their own community (by origin), without this being a sign of prejudice towards the
other groups. Language barriers and cultural differences are said to play an important
role in this matter. This observed pattern is not harmful for liveability since people
choose their situation and do not wish to interact on regular basis with the other
groups. Only if the cultural differences lead to explicit conflicts or if people find
themselves surrounded by a community one feels not attracted to, liveability is
threatened. The latter situation was not present in our three social housing areas. In
the Rabotcase and Den Dam-case some key informants argued that differences in
living cultures between migrants and Belgians caused annoyance.

In our research none of the selected areas is characterized by a concentration (> 60%)
of foreigners. However, KBM Beringen and De Goede Woning both declared to have
neighbourhoods with a foreign concentration in their patrimony. In neighbourhoods
where the foreign populations are homogeneous (one Moroccan or Turk community)
‘living-together’ problems are said to be few, partly because of the strong social
control that would characterize these neighbourhoods. In case of a mix of
nationalities, frictions would more easily occur, according to the selected social
housing associations.

Finally, in each of our cases, it is argued that the presence of dogs influences
liveability by causing noise nuisance and polluting the environment. In Flanders, there
are no legal grounds on which can be relied to prohibit excesses in this sense. Our
case-studies point out that especially in (middle) high-rise the presence of dogs easily
causes noise nuisance.

Determinants of the perceived social quality: features of dwelling/building/physical


Our case-studies show that the level of acoustic isolation has a big influence on the
liveability dimension ‘social quality’. Sounds from outside that are not deadened or
conversations from neighbours that can be clearly understood will yield irritations and
conflicts among residents. Also, the fact that many social tenants are not active during
daytime (retired, jobless), is said to enhance the problems of noise nuisance.

The respondents also put forward that the density of the population plays a role in
creating liveability problems. “The more people live close to each other, the higher
chances are that ‘living-together’ problems arise”, is a logical reasoning made by
many key informants and illustrated by our cases. In the Rabotcase, the ‘tower’ with
the highest population density is known to be the most problematic one. In our low-
rise case Klaverweide, with lower density, less ‘living-together’ problems were noted.

Further, the presence of meeting places in the building or neighbourhood has an

influence on the social cohesion between the tenants, according to certain key
informants. In our research, the blocks on Den Dam and the Rabottowers did not have
any ‘formal’ meeting places. People could only meet each other at the entry hall, the
inner court or in the corridors.

Finally, the level of activities and facilities in the neighbourhood directed at children
and youngsters is said to have an influence on the social quality. If there are no

activities organized for youngsters, chances are higher that they will hang out in the
neighbourhood of the dwellings and evoke annoyance among other residents. The
Rabot and Klaverweide cases indicate that once a bunch of young people found a
place to meet and hang out, their spot is not easily given up.

b. Quality of the building/ physical environment

Determinants of the perceived quality of the building and the physical environment

A resident’s population that is involved with their neighbourhood – with social

capacity – will bring along more easily respect for the environment, according to our
respondents. The case-studies put forward that pollution of the environment and the
common parts was one of the main liveability issues in each of the selected areas.

Further, satisfaction with the level of services and facilities depends upon the age
profile of the resident group. In case of an old population, like the one of the
‘Rabottowers’ proximity of certain services (food stores, bakery) and good
opportunities concerning public transport are more important.

c. Safety

Effect of residents’ characteristics, the social quality and the quality of the physical
environment on feelings of insecurity

Various key informants argue that ‘knowing one’s neighbours’ is essential with regard
to feelings of insecurity. Neighbours one doesn’t know, remain ‘foreign’ and
potentially dangerous. The level of social cohesion and – related to this- social
isolation also play a role in this sense.
In addition, it is mentioned that the state and the level of pollution of the environment
contributes to feelings of insecurity. A badly lighted, degenerated environment with
masses of litter will more easily evoke feelings of insecurity than a bright, green
residential environment, it is argued. The importance of the environment for feelings
of insecurity is strikingly illustrated in our Rabotcase, where many older tenants do no
dare to go outside in the evening. This behaviour is partly due to the grey looking, bad
lighted and filthy environment of the ‘towers’.

As our study indicates, the feelings of insecurity are also stimulated by groups of
youngsters hanging out in the neighbourhood. Certain places in the ‘Klaverweide’,
near the ‘Rabottowers’ as well as near the apartment blocks on Den Dam were
favorite hanging out spots of young people, leading to irritation among certain

Further, the composition of the population itself has an influence on the perceived
level of security. The interviewed residents but also the key informants mention that –
not surprisingly - especially older and female tenants feel insecure. In the
Rabottowers, where 34% of the tenants is older than 64, many residents do not dare to
leave their apartments once it is getting dark.

Effect of level of (perceived) safety on social quality

The feelings of insecurity can – the other way around – also possibly influence the
quality of the social environment. For people who feel insecure will not be eager to
leave their dwellings and participate in social life. Especially in Gent (the
Rabottowers) we encountered this phenomenon. Since there can exist an influence in
two directions, it is possible that certain people get caught in what is called a
‘negative spiral’.

d. Residents’ characteristics

Effect of the liveability dimensions on the composition of the population

It is argued that the state of the patrimony and the maintenance of the environment
have an effect on the characteristics of people that will move into the concerning
residential area. Also the image (of problem area) plays a role with regard to the
influx of new tenants. People having an urgent need for housing (mostly lower
income households) will more easily move to neglected, polluted residential areas
than those who can afford to wait for a longer time. According to our key informants,
waiting lists are shorter for residential areas beharing a negative image. Because of
this ‘effect in two directions’ it is possible that a negative spiral is getting started.

e. External factors

Our cases also point out that the functioning of several services and authorities has a
possible influence on the liveability of social residential areas, regarding all four
dimensions (‘external factors’).

From the Rabotcase we learn that the unclear communication of the social housing
association about the renovation plans evoked irritation and insecurity about the
future, leading to less neighbourhood engagement. Also, social housing associations
with more financial means have more possibilities to address liveability, for instance
by hiring social workers or caretakers.

Also the attitude of the ‘justice of the peace’ is said to play a role with regard to the
level of liveability. The justice of the peace can give priority to the protection of
vulnerable tenants, which may yield difficulties for the social housing association’s
policy regarding eviction. This phenomenon occurred in the Klaverweide case.

According to our respondents, the level of cooperation between welfare organizations

and social housing associations has an effect on liveability. If, on demand of the social
housing association, potential problem tenants can be offered housing guidance by
welfare organizations, many problems can be prevented or dealt with in advance. Also
in case of effective troublemaking it is important that social tenants can be referred to
a welfare organization. Logically, the capacity of welfare organizations plays a crucial
role in this matter.

3.2 Measures to deal with liveability problems

As our cases-studies illustrate, the magnitude, nature and causes of liveability

problems are different for each social housing area. As a consequence, for every
social housing area a sized solution is necessary. Also, since the ‘liveability issue’ is
shown to be a complex phenomenon, a good solution strategy always comprises a
carefully composed basket of measures. In this sense, we talk about ‘an integral
approach’ to tackle liveability. Furthermore, the solution strategy needs to be in line
with the results of the problem-analysis. If the analysis for instance shows that
problems primarily arise from features of the physical environment, the strategy needs
to start from there.

In this part, we restrict ourselves to a brief summary of the measures that are said to
be important for guaranteeing or improving liveability, in our cases. Only the
possibilities of a more flexible allocation policy will be discussed in more detail.

Measures targeted at the manipulation of the residents

The measures targeted at the residents’ behaviour, attitude or perception that are listed
in table 2 are not all operational in our three cases, but are mentioned by several key
informants as necessary parts of an integral approach for dealing with liveability. The
measures are not listed per liveability dimension, simply because each measure has an
effect on several dimensions.

Table 2. Measures targeted at the manipulation of the residents’ behaviour, attitude or

Direct measures Indirect measures
Housing guidance Bringing people together
Activities for youngsters Creating participation
House visits by social housing Appoint an approachable person
Strong welcome policy

The measures, targeted at changing the tenants’ behaviour, attitude or perception, can
be divided in those with a direct and those with an indirect effect. Direct measures
that are considered to be important by our key informants, are ‘housing guidance’,
‘activities foe youngsters’ and ‘house visits by the social housing associations’.
Providing housing guidance and performing house visits is especially considered to be
important for dealing with problem tenants. It is argued that, if the house visits are
carried out by the social housing association, pressure to adapt one’s behaviour will
increase. Further, activities for young people are considered crucial in order to reduce
inconvenience caused by youngsters ‘hanging around’.

The indirect measures that are argued to be important can be categorized as ‘bringing
people together’, ‘creating participation’, ‘appoint an approachable person’,
‘renovation’ and ‘strong welcome policy’. If the social tenants can rely on an
approachable person, they will feel less ‘left alone’, which could have positive effects
for the level of engagement according to our informants. Also the application of a

strong welcome policy is said to contribute to the level of engagement. Further,
renovation is considered important for those apartment blocks that are argued to be
degenerated. Logically, initiatives that bring people together are said to be important
for enhancing social cohesion and reducing social isolation.

Measures targeted at changing the residents’ composition

Possibilities of a more flexible allocation procedure

In our cases, we observed three possibilities to adjust the residents’ composition by

means of the allocation procedure. Two social housing associations worked with
‘target figures’, whereas another one made use of a restricted system of ‘putting-in’
and a procedure to refuse certain candidate households.

A first option for creating a ‘social mix’ is to work with target figures. This technique
includes the drawing of maximum or minimum percentages with regard to certain
residents’ features. In this reasoning, minimum percentages are set for resident
characteristics that are regarded as constructive in terms of liveability. For example,
one can strive for a maximum of 50% foreign households or for a minimum of 20%
‘active’ households. In two of our cases, maximum percentages were used for foreign
households, in order to prevent the creation of homogeneous ‘foreign
neighbourhoods’. This policy option is not legal, but these two social housing
associations argue that demand for social housing is relatively much higher in this
foreign population (and that this would lead to ghettos eventually) and added that they
get political support for this measure.

A second option to manipulate the residents’ composition is the use of what is called
‘putting-in’. Within such a system, the renter chooses who is placed where, taking
into account the profiles of the current social tenants ánd the future tenant. The aim is
to create a stable living environment (Adrianow, 1993). In order to use this system,
the renter needs to have ideas about the ideal constellation of tenants, since the renter
decides what kind of tenant-profile preferably gets in. For instance, one can decide to
avoid families with children next to old singles, or avoid unemployed households in
settings where already several unemployed are living. In one of our cases, the social
housing association worked with a weak version of the ‘putting-in’ system, as legal
possibilities are limited in Flanders.

In order to apply the first two, one needs to have certain ideas or a vision about the
ideal resident composition concerning liveability. This ‘ideal composition’ can be a
certain social mix but also a homogeneous population regarding certain
characteristics. The vision about the ideal composition or/and the changes that are
needed should result from a problem-analysis including all relevant actors.

A third way to influence the residents’ composition in order to safeguard liveability is

to refuse certain candidate households, on the basis of their socio-economic profile or
the tenant’s behaviour in the past. This is a procedure that was used in one of our
cases. In the case at stake, the profile of the candidate tenant was drawn by a social
worker when visiting the candidate tenant in his current living environment. If the
social worker believes it is probable that the candidate will become a problem tenant,

he can advise the directive committee to refuse the candidate. In our view this
procedure is problematic to an extent, since a high level of discretion is involved.
Therefore, the social housing association should always guarantee that the refused
candidate finds a proper alternative.

4. Indicators/ determinants of liveability as a condition for a more flexible

allocation system

Since the current policy option in Flanders states that a more flexible allocation
system will only become possible for problematic social housing areas, one needs to
have parameters than can be used to objectify these areas. The analysis of our cases
points out that the ‘liveability issue’ is a complex phenomenon that can not be
reduced to a bunch of figures. Therefore, according to our insights, a profound
problem-analysis with all relevant actors involved should always take place to classify
social housing areas as ‘problematic’. In order to underpin these problem-analyses,
certain figures (indicators/determinants of liveability) should be included. However,
this can never replace a profound problem-analysis. In this chapter we indicate which
data and data-sources can be used for this purpose.

First, we present a list of all possible data-sources for indicators of liveability. This is
the result of a screening of all relevant Flemish/ federal surveys, administrative
databanks, meta-databanks and policy documents. Next, we present our insights
concerning indicators and determinants of liveability, resulting from our three case-

Subjective indicators

In order to work with subjective indicators of liveability on the level of social housing
areas for the whole of Flanders, one ideally needs a representative survey that
scrutinizes liveability for every social housing area. In Flanders, such a large survey
design does not exist. Moreover, setting up such a research design for the whole of
Flanders seems not feasible from a financial point of view.

Our screening of all potential sources of subjective indicators of liveability yielded

two possibilities. First, one can make use of the Socio-economic survey 2001, which
includes information for all Flemish households on the level of statistical sectors. The
survey includes questions about the satisfaction with quality of the dwelling, the
physical environment and the level of services in the neighbourhood. Secondly, across
Flanders some local liveability studies, using a representative sample and survey on
neighbourhood level, are carried out. These studies often had social housing areas as a
research unit.

Objective indicators

Regarding objective indicators of the quality of the dwelling, information can be used
from the Socio-economic survey 2001, and the technical inventory of the social rent
patrimony of the Flemish Housing Corporation (VHM). With regard to objective
indicators of the quality of the physical environment, local registration procedures can
be applied, such as litter registration or police registration of illegal dumping. Further,

if the SHC’s have developed a ‘complaint registration system’, this can be used to
capture the quality of the social environment. Finally, the level of safety can be
objectified by using local police statistics. However, the federal database concerning
crime statistics3 does not deliver data on the level of statistical sectors.

Indicators: insights from our case-studies

Turnover within a social housing area can be applied as an objective indicator of

liveability, if the reasons for moving out are known. For turnover in social housing
areas can have several causes. It can be sign of dissastisfaction with the residential
environment but households can also move out because they enlarge or reduce in size.
On the other hand, people may live in an unliveable neighbourhood and still do not
have the means to get out. In one of our cases – Klaverweide – the social housing
association applied a questionnaire concerning motives/ reasons to move out the
social housing area. All households that move out are asked to fill in the
questionnaire. If the response is satisfactory and if can be assumed that people give
honest answers, ‘turnover because of liveability reasons’ can be used as an objective
indicator of liveability.

Theoretically, the number of problem tenants within one residential area or apartment
block, can be an objective indication of liveability. For it is argued in our three cases
that there is a limit to the number of problem tenants one neighbourhood can cope
with. However, it is not easy to define criteria for identifying someone as a ‘problem
tenant’. And if certain criteria are agreed upon, it is still not clear what number or
percentage of problem tenants is considered problematic.

Determinants of liveability: insights from our case-studies

In total we hold back – based on the insights from our case-analyses and taking into
account the possibilities to measure the variables - 5 possible determinants of
liveability. Two of them are related to the physical quality/characteristics, while the
other three are related to the resident composition. These determinants were already
presented in paragraph 4.2, concerning causes of liveability problems. In this part we
will add if and how these characteristics can be measured.

As extensively argued in our cases, the level of the acoustic isolation plays an
important role with regard to the social quality and the residential satisfaction.
Furthermore the level of acoustic isolation is perfectly measurable. However, it is also
argued that costs for such a measurement are high.

Our case-studies put forward that the density of the resident population has a crucial
effect on liveability. Communal problems (conflicts) were more frequent in the high-
rise areas Rabot and Den Dam than in the low-rise Klaverweide. The density of the
population is relatively easily measured.

The social capacity of the residents is argued to play a role with regard to the level of
liveability. Since social capacity is an abstract concept, it can only be measured by
means of certain indicators. According to our view, the variables used as indicator for

3 De politiële criminaliteitsstatistieken (PCS).

social capacity should result from a problem-analysis including all relevant actors.
Our key informants argued that household income, state of employment and family-
type (% lone parents) are possible indicators of social capacity.

From our case-studies we learn that that a concentration of children in social housing
and certainly high-rise estates, yields problems of liveability. Especially when in the
same building a high percentage of elderly – with a contrasting lifestyle – is situated.
Thus, the ratio young-old might influence the level of liveability. The social housing
associations have the necessary information to calculate age ratios.

Finally, the resident composition regarding origin is said to influence liveability, if

residents do not have the opportunity to interact with people of the community (by
origin) one feels attracted to. In our study, we only investigated housing areas with a
mix of several communities. Our informants argued that people in general did not
seek social contacts across communities. Further, our study points out that nationality
is not a suited criterion for detecting a household’s origin, due to Belgium’s
nationalizing policy. In our three cases, a substantive part of the foreign community
got the Belgian nationality, while – according to our respondents – still being part of
the foreign (Turk/ Moroccan) community.


Our case-studies showed that there is a wide diversity with regard to the nature and
possible causes of liveability problems, that the liveability issue is a complex
phenomenon and that the problems are specific for each social housing area.

Therefore, we argue that a more flexible allocation system can only be ‘part’ of an
‘integral approach’ for dealing with liveability in social housing. In this matter, it
should also be noted that the use of a more flexible allocation procedure includes a
risk that socio-economic weaker groups will have fewer chances for getting a social
dwelling. In a housing system in which the social rental patrimony already figures as a
safety net for vulnerable groups, one should deal carefully with this policy option.

As a condition for allowing social housing associations to apply a flexible allocation

rules we suggest a profound problem-analysis is made by the social housing
association in cooperation with all relevant actors: local authority, local welfare
organizations, community work etc. This problem-analysis should be underpinned
with relevant figures, which can be either indicators or determinants of liveability.
With regard to indicators, one can rely on local registration, certain federal/Flemish
databases or turnover figures that can be interpret. Regarding possible determinants of
liveability, the problem analysis should clarify what residents’ or environmental
characteristics can be referred to. Our case-studies revealed five possible determinants
of liveability that can be measured in one way or another: acoustic isolation,
population density, social capacity, ratio young/old and composition regarding origin.


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