Drug Study Case

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Generic/Brand Dose Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing Rationale Client Teaching

Name & Drug Strength & Mechanism of Drug Interaction Responsibilities

Classification Formulation Drug Action
Generic Name: Indication: Side Effects:
 Monitor for signs Ciprofloxacin is effective  Take the medication with a full
Ciprofloxacin Nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, of allergic reaction against a broad range of glass of water
Indicated for bacterial headache, potential for tendonitis bacteria commonly
and tendonitis  Avoid dairy products and antacids
infections, including
Brand Name: 500 mg orally gastrointestinal infections
and tendon rupture  Ensure the patient responsible for close to the time of taking the
gastrointestinal infections.
causing diarrhea completes the full medication
Cipro twice daily
course of antibiotics  Report any signs of tendon pain or
Drug Interaction:  Monitor hydration
Mechanism of swelling immediately
Antacids, iron supplements, and
status and electrolytes
Drug Formulatio Action:
Classification: dairy products can reduce
n: Inhibits bacterial DNA absorption; interacts with
Antibiotic, gyrase and topoisomerase theophylline, warfarin, and
Oral tablet
Fluoroquinolone IV, enzymes critical for certain antiarrhythmic drugs.
DNA replication,
transcription, repair, and


Generic/Brand Dose Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing Rationale Client Teaching
Name & Drug Strength & Mechanism of Drug Interaction Responsibilities
Classification Formulation Drug Action

Generic Name: Indication: Side Effects:
 Monitor potassium  Take with a full glass of water
Potassium Chloride Strength: Treatment of hypokalemia Gastrointestinal discomfort, levels regularly Replenishes potassium lost  Do not crush or chew the tablets
20 mEq
hyperkalemia if overdosed  Assess for signs of due to diarrhea, which is  Report any signs of hyperkalemia,
Brand Name: Formulatio hyperkalemia crucial for muscle function such as muscle weakness or irregular
Mechanism of  Educate patient on and preventing weakness.
n: heartbeat
Action: Drug Interaction: the importance of
Klor-Con taking the supplement
Oral tablet or
Drug Replaces potassium, an as prescribed
solution essential electrolyte for
Classification: ACE inhibitors, potassium-
cellular function. sparing diuretics
Electrolyte supplement

Generic/Brand Dose Strength Indication/ Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing Rationale Client Teaching

Name & Drug
& Formulation of Drug Drug Interaction Responsibilities
Generic Name:
Side Effects:
 Take only as directed and do n
Loperamide Dose Indication: Constipation, dizziness,  Provides
abdominal cramping
 Monitor bowel exceed the recommended dose
Strength: symptomatic
Brand Name: Symptomatic relief of movements and  Drink plenty of fluids
relief of
2 mg per dose, acute diarrhea stool
Imodium diarrhea, Seek medical attention if
initially 4 mg, then 2 Drug Interaction: consistency reducing fluid
 Assess for symptoms persist beyond 48
mg after each loose Mechanism  CNS depressants loss and
stool (maximum 16 signs of hours or worsen
of Action: helping
Drug mg/day) constipation manage
Classification:  Educate patient dehydration
Formulation: Slows intestinal on the correct
Antidiarrheal motility and increases usage and not
water absorption. to exceed
Oral tablet or capsule recommended

Dose Strength Mechanism Adverse/Side Effects & Nursing
Name & Drug Rationale Client Teaching
& Formulation of Drug Drug Interaction Responsibilities

Generic Name:
Side Effects:
 Monitor fluid  Sip small amounts frequently rat
Oral Rehydration Dose Indication:  ORS is
Rare but may include nausea or vomiting intake and output than large amounts at once
Strength: essential for
Solution  Assess for signs  Continue to use ORS until norm
200-400 mL after Treatment of preventing
Drug Interaction: of adequate hydration status is restored
Brand Name: each loose stool dehydration and treating
rehydration dehydration  Avoid sugary drinks or soda
Pedialyte None significant caused by
Mechanism  Educate
of Action: patient on the diarrhea.
importance of
Drug Replenishes fluids and
Classification: electrolytes lost due to
Oral solution diarrhea.


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