Analysis of The Implementation
Analysis of The Implementation
Analysis of The Implementation
I Made Anom Santiana1, I Gede Sastra Wibawa2, I Made
Department of Civil
Engineering, Politeknik Tapayasa3, I Wayan Suasira4, I Ketut Sutapa5
Negeri Bali
Bukit Jimbaran, P.O Box 1064 Abstract. The implementation of the project from year to year is significantly
Tuban Badung – Bali improved on implementation aspects of cost, quality, and time, in order to
manage the use of human resources to be realistic. Occupational health and
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safety in a company is often ignored especially for companies which are
doing project developments. This also affects the occupational safety of the
workers and occupational illness arisen after the projects have been
implemented. So in running safe business, occupational health and safety
management Systemshould be implemented consistently. The research was
conducted in the project of Dialog Villa Petitenget, Cendrawasihstreet,
Denpasar, with 15 workers as sample. The implementation of occupational
health and safety management systemcan ease the workload of the workers
of the structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns. This is
proved by analysis on the treatment group ((p-value< 0.05). This shows that
the workloads felt by group P2 (group which implement occupational health
and safety management System are lighter than the ones felt by group P1
(group which do not implement the system). The decrease in workload felt
by group P2 is 4.2%. The implementation of occupational health and safety
management system can increase work productivity on the construction
project of reinforced concrete structure columns. This is proven by the
productivity analysis result which shows that the productivity increase
experienced by group P2 is 25% with significance level (p-value<0.05).
Thus, the implementation of occupational health and safety management
system on the structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns is
proven to be able to improve work productivity
The project implementation from year to year is significantly improved on the implementation aspects of
cost, quality, and competition time which is more intense in construction field. Resources which have effects on
the project are man, materials, machine, money, and method. Resources are factors that define the success of a
construction project. Even a very little project, if it is not supported by human resources that are good in quality
and production, will not give maximum and satisfying result.
This research was conducted experimentally using treatment by subject on a villa construction project.
Reseach location is at Cendrawasih street, Petitenget, Kuta, Badung, Bali. The time for conducting this research
is two weeks from 15 May 2017 until 27 May 2017. This research is conducted for 8 working hours (8 a.m. – 5
p.m.). The sampling applies probability sampling method with nonrandom sampling technique, that is by using
saturated sampling where the whole population is chosen as sample, so the samples obtained are 15 persons.
Hypothesis of this reseach: (a) the effects of the implementation of occupational health and safety
management system can reduce the workloads of the workers of the structural finishing works of reinforced
concrete columns. (b) the effects of the implementation of occupational health and safety management system can
increase the work productivity of the structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns.
To support the collection process, the data is collected by implementing survey method. The research
instruments are stationary and pulse. The processing data technique applied in this research is comparative
descriptive with the steps as follows: editing, tabulating the data, and analyzing the data. The data is processed
through some analysis: descriptive analysis, normality analysis, homogeneity analysis, and comparative analysis
or difference test.
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Table 1 shown the age range of workers is between 20 and 40 years. This age is still in the productive
age with weight in the range of 60-78 kg and work experience plowing fields using hand tactors between 2 and 10
years. This shows that the physical condition of the subject is in productive conditions with sufficient work
experience. Work experience is one of the factors that influence the level of worker's skills, complaints that occur
in the workload and work productivity [2].
P1 Group P2 Group t p
mean SD mean SD
Tempe-rature (oc) 27.2 2.5 27.7 2.4 4.071 0.305
Relative Humidity (%) 74.6 3.4 75.0 2.9 3.184 0.185
Light Intensity (lux) 407.6 32.5 416.8 29.3 8.329 0.061
Sound Intensity (dBA) 71.8 3.4 71.3 3.1 1.813 0.216
SD = Standard Deviation
From the results of microclimate condition analysis, it showed that the working environment microclimatic
conditions of the craftsmen of the gems both in group P1 and group P2 were still within comfortable working
condition for the workers. Temperature variables, relative humidity, light intensity, and noise (sound intensity) did
not have a significant difference between the groups P1 and P2 (p> 0.05). This means that the working environment
between P1 and P2 can be considered the same and consistent.
Table 2 showed that the working environment microclimatic conditions of the craftsmen of the gems both
in group P1 and group P2 were still within normal condition and comfortable for the workers. The threshold value
of air temperatures for workers is 33°C and the relative humidity for Indonesian workers is between 70% - 80%
[3]. If works outdoors in sun exposure, it is suggested as well that headgear is worn by the workers to prevent
excess heat to the face and head [4], and other body armor so that workers can work comfortably. The highest
sound intensity threshold that is tolerable by human being for working time of not more than 8 hours a day is 85
dBA [5].
Workload is measured by the pulse of the workers both at rest (resting pulse) and at work (working pulse).
This workload data is tested in normality by using Shapiro-Wilk test. From the test it is found that the resting pulse
and the work pulse in both groups (P1 and P2) are normally distributed (P> 0.05).
Prior to analysis of the effect of treatment, first comparability of resting pulse. This is done to see the initial
conditions of the worker whether the difference is signficant or not. It is necessary to see if the workload change
is purely due to the effects of research intervention or any external factors contributing to the change in the
workload. The comparability of the resting pulse on this worker is done by using t-pair test. The result of the
analysis shows that there is no difference between P1 and P2 in the resting pulse (p> 0,05) as shown in Table 3. It
means that the initial condition of worker workload can be considered the same. Treatment effects were also
analyzed using a t-pair test with the results shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Workloads Analysis on Workers
Group P1 Group P2 t p
Mean SD Mean SD
Resting Pulse
70.3 1.9 71.1 1.4 0.219 0.113
(beats/ minute)
Working Pulse
120.4 3.3 115.3 3.7 -1.014 0.000
(beats/ minute)
SD = Standard Deviation
Table 4 shows that the before activity workload condition between the two groups was not significantly
different or could be considered the same (p> 0.05). While conditions after work there are significant differences
between P1 and P2. Judging from the average of workload there was a significant decrease between group P1 and
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group P2 by 4.2%. Table 4 also shows that the workload for the fieldworkers using hand tractor is classified as a
moderate workload. A mean work rate of 120.4 and 115.3 beats/minute is between 100-125 beats/minutes is
moderate workload [6]. There needs to be an improvement in the work station to provide solutions to the problems
of the workers so that they can reduce the workload [7,8]. The decrease in workload is due to SMK3 intervention.
SMK3 is part of ergonomics. Ergonomic interventions with changes in work systems will lead to decreased
workload [9,10,11].
From the above analysis result, it can be concluded that productivity of the treatment group is greater than
the control group (p<0,05). This proves that the implementation of occupational health and safety on the column
reinforcement is very effective in the increase of work productivity.
Meanwhile, from the examination result, the increase of work productivity in group P1 is caused by the
reduction of workloads and level of muscle complaints, so the workers in group P1 can work optimally. The
increase of productivity also affects the acceleration of the project time which later will lead to savings in
production cost. In Tawaka’s research [12], it is also concluded the same thing; with the implementation of
occupational health and safety management system can increase the work productivity of workers in female
laundry. Performing SMK3 and ergonomic interventions in the industrial world will increase the production and
productivity of workers [13,14,15]. Increased productivity can be done by designing new work systems [16,
From the result of the analysis and discussion above, it can be concluded that:
a. The implementation of occupational health and safety management system can reduce the workloads of the
workers of structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns. This is proven by the analysis on the
treatment group (p-value<0,05). This shows that the workloads felt by group P2 (the group which implement
the system) are lighter than group P1 (the group which do not implement the system). Reduction of the
workloads experienced is 4.2%.
b. The implementation of occupational health and safety management system can increase the productivity in
the structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns. This is proven by the result of the productivity
analysis which shows that the increase of productivity experienced by group P1 is 25% with the level of
significance (p-value<0,05). Thus, the implementation of occupational health and safety management system
on the structural finishing works of reinforced concrete columns can increase the work productivity
We would like to say thank you very much to Politeknik Negeri Bali and Journal LOGIC Jurnal Rancang
Bangun dan Teknologi.
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