Physical and Chemical Property Worksheet

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1. Observed with senses 1. Indicates how a substance reacts with

2. Determined without destroying something else
matter 2. Matter will be changed into a
substance after the reaction

A. Identify the following as a chemical (C) or physical property (P):

1. Blue colour 6. Combustible 10. Hardness

2. Density 7. Sour taste 11. Boiling point
3. Flammability 8. Melting point 12. Lustre
4. Solubility 9. Reacts with 13. Odour
5. Reacts with acid water 14. Reacts with air


1. A change in size, shape, or state. 1. A change in the physical and chemical

2. No new substance is formed. properties.
2. A new substance is formed.

B. Identify the following as physical (P) or chemical (C) changes.

1. NaCl (Table Salt) 5. Backing soda reacts 11. Wood rots.

dissolves in water. to vinegar. 12. Pancakes cook.
2. Ag (Silver) 6. Fe (Iron) rusts. 13. Grass grows.
tarnishes. 7. Alcohol evaporates. 14. A tire is inflated.
3. An apple is cut. 8. Ice melts. 15. Food is digested.
4. Heat changes H2O 9. Milk sours. 16. Paper towel
to steam. 10. Sugar dissolves in absorbs water.
C. Identify the following as being true or false to the left of the sentence.
1. A change in size is a physical change.
2. A chemical change means a new substance with new properties was formed.
3. Water freezing is an example of a chemical change.
4. When platinum is heated, then cooled to its original state, we say this is a physical
5. When milk turns sour, this is a physical change because a change in odour does not
indicate a chemical change.
6. When citric acid and baking soda mix, carbon dioxide is produced and the temperature
decreases. This must be a chemical change.

D. Read each scenario. Decide whether a physical or chemical change has occurred and giver
evidence for your decision.

Scenario Physical/Chemical Evidence

1 Umm! A student removes a loaf of Physical No change in
bread from the oven. The student substances.
cuts a slice off the loaf and spreads No unexpected
butter on it. colour change,
change, or gas given
2 You forgot to dry the bread knife
after you washed it and reddish-
brown spots appeared on it
3 A straight piece of wire is coiled to
form a spring.
4 In a firework show, the fireworks
explode giving off heat and light.
5 Food colour is dropped into water to
give it colour.
6 In baking breads, the baking powder
reacts to release carbon dioxide

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