General Mathematics: Simple and Compound Interest

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Module 9 :
Simple and Compound


When using a property owned by another person, you sometimes need to

pay an amount as a fee. For example, you pay rent for the use of a house. You also
pay a toll for the use of a private road. The same is true for the use of money.

If you deposit a sum of money in a bank or if you borrow money from a

lending institution, a fee is charged for the money deposited or borrowed. This fee
is the rent for the use of another’s money, find out as you go through this lesson.
How much do we pay for the use of money?

Before we start, let us consider first the objectives that needs to be attained
after going through this module.

Learning Competencies:

1. illustrate simple and compound interests (M11GM-IIa-1),

2. distinguish between simple and compound interests (M11GM-IIa-2), and
3. compute interest, maturity value, future value, and present value in
simple interest and compound interest environment (M11GM-IIa-b-1).

1. recall conversion of percent to decimal and conversion of time period or
vice versa
2. translate verbal statements into mathematical symbols
3. use the steps in solving word problems involving simple and compound

Before going on, check how much you know about this topic. Answer
the pretest on the next page in a separate sheet of paper

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do you call a person or an institution who invests the money or the
one who makes the funds available?
A. Borrower B. Creditor C. Debtor D. Lending

2. Which is technically defined as the price for the privilege of borrowing money?
A. Interest B. Interest Rate C. Maturity value D. Profit

3. If the interest given in the borrowed amount is 5%, how do you express the
percent interest to its decimal counterpart?
A. 0.005 B. 0.05 C. 0.5 D. 5.0

4. What is the value of 0.008 when expressed in percent?

A. 0.8% B. 1.8% C. 8% D. 80%

5. A ₱2 000 000 house loan was made by Mrs. Dwight in the year 1999. If it
has 10% annual interest and has to mature in 2019, how much would be
the interest?
A. ₱6,000,000 B. ₱4,000,000 C. ₱3,000,000 D. ₱2,000,000

6. Which of the following refers to the standard mode of return for real-world
A. Compound interest C. Maturity Rate
B. Investment Return D. Simple Interest

7. Which of the following formulas represents the maturity value within given
time in years?
A.  䁢 耀晦䁑 C.  䁢 耀晦䁑

B.  䁢 耀晦䁑 䁢 D.  䁢 耀晦

8. In the equation I = Prt, what does r represent?

A. Interest rate C. Principal Interest Ratio
B. Maturity value D. Company satisfactory rating

9. If ₱10 000 is invested in a savings account that earns 5% annual simple

interest for 10 years, what are the values of P, r, and t?
A. P = 10,000 r = 0.05 t = 10 C. P = 10,000 r = 5 t = 10
B. P = 10,000 r = 0.5 t =10 D. P = 10,000 r = 0.05 t = 3650

10.What is being asked in the problem “In order to have ₱130 000 in 2 years,
how much should you invest if the annual simple interest is 4.5%?”?
A. Interest C. Maturity value
B. Interest rate D. Principal

11. A friend asks to borrow P3000 and agrees to repay it in 1 year with
3% interest. How much interest will you earn?
A. P9 B. P19 C. P29 D. P90

12. Anthony borrowed ₱150 000 from a lending company where he needs to
pay an interest rate of 3% compounded annually in 3 years. Find the
maturity value of the loan.
A. P159 990 B. P163 909 C. P179 900 D. P199 000

13. Maria wanted to invest her Php 100 000 to earn more money. A bank offers
6% simple interest rate per year while the cooperative group offers same
rate compounded annually. Which will you recommend?
A. Bank B. Cooperative C. Both D. None

14. Suppose your father deposited in your bank account Php 100 000 at an
annual interest rate of 0.375% compounded yearly when you graduate
from kindergarten and did not get the amount until you finish grade 12.
How much will you have in the bank account after 12 years?
A. Php 104 500.00 C. Php 105 500.00
B. Php 104 593. 98 D. Php 110 500.00

15. Complete the table by finding the unknown (Ic, F).

Principal(P) rate(r) time(t) Ic (compound interest) Future value(F)
10 000 8% 15

A. Php 12 000, Php 22 000 C. Php 21 721.69, Php 31 721.69

B. Php 22 000, Php 12 000 D. Php 31 721.69, Php 21 721.69


For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: Convert, convert!

A. Express each percent to decimal. Write your answer in a separate sheet of
1. 0.3%

2. 12%
3. %

4. 10.5%
5. 40%

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What percent of 24 is 12?
2. What is 25% of 108?
3. What is 3.5 % of 100 000?
4. 48 is what percent of 60?
5. 30 is 40% of what number?

Activity 2: Analyze Me!

Directions: Analyze the two tables given. Answer the questions below.

Time Principal Interest Interest Amount Time Principal Interest Interest Amount
in (P) Rate (r) (I) after t in (P) Rate (r) (I) after t
years years years years
(t) Maturity/ (t) Maturity/
Future Future
Value Value
(F) (F)
1 5000 5% 250 5 250 1 5000 5% 250 5 250
2 5000 5% 500 5 500 2 5 250 5% 262.5 5 512.5
3 5000 5% 750 5 750 3 5 512.5 5% 275.63 5 788.13
4 5000 5% 1 000 6 000 4 5 788.13 5% 289.41 6 077.54
5 5000 5% 1 250 6 250 5 6 077.53 5% 303.88 6 381.41
Table 1 Table 2

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the two tables?
A. Both tables show the same value.
B. Both tables have the same value in the first year but not in the
proceeding years.
C. The future value of table2 in second to fifth year is higher than in table1.
D. The principal amount in table 1 is the same in first to fifth year while
the principal amount in table 2 is accumulated.

2. Considering the variables used in the table, which formula is applicable for table
1 in getting the interest?
䁢 䁑
A. I = Prt B. I = P(1+ r)t C. I = 䁑 D. I = 䁢

3. Considering the variables used in the table, which formula is applicable for table
2 in getting the interest?

A. I = Prt B. I = P(1+ r)t C. I = F - P D. I = 䁢

4. Which table do you think shows simple interest?

A. Table 1 B. Table 2 C. Both D. None

5. Which table do you think shows compound interest?

A. Table 1 B. Table 2 C. Both D. None


Interest is the amount paid or earned for the use of money. An amount of
money that is borrowed for a period of time is called loan. A person or institution
who invests the money or makes the funds available is called lender or creditor
while the person or institution who owes or avails the fund from the lender is called
borrower or debtor.
Let’s familiarize ourselves with other terms and variables that we will
encounter as we go on with our lesson.
Principal (P) – amount of money borrowed or invested on the origin date.
Origin or loan date – date on which money is received by the borrower.
Repayment date or maturity date – date on which the money borrowed or
loan is to be completely repaid.
Time or term (t) – length of time between the origin and maturity dates
Rate (r) – annual rate usually in percent, charged by the lender.

Maturity value or future value (F) – amount after t years that the lender
receives from the borrower on the maturity date.
To understand more about the terms let’s consider the diagram below:

Principal (P) + Interest (I) = Maturity value/

Rate(r) Future value (F)

Origin date Time (t) Maturity date

Note: Rate is the charged amount for the using the money over a certain period usually in percent.

Interest has two types, simple interest and compound interest. Simple
interest is an interest that is computed on the principal and then added to it while
compound interest is an interest on the principal amount and also on the
accumulated past interest. Let’s consider below example as simple interest and
compound interest is being illustrated.
Example: Suppose you won Php 5 000 and you plan you invest it for 5 years. A
cooperative group offers 5 % simple interest rate per year. A bank offers 5 %
compounded annually. Which will you choose and why?
Investment 1: Simple Interest

Time Principal Interest Simple Interest Amount after t years

in (P) Rate (r) Solution Interest Maturity/
years (I) Future Value
(t) (F)
1 5000 5% 5 000(0.05) (1) 250 5 000 + 250 = 5 250
2 5000 5% 5 000(0.05) (2) 500 5 000 + 500 = 5 500
3 5000 5% 5 000(0.05) (3) 750 5 000 + 750 = 5 750
4 5000 5% 5 000(0.05) (4) 1 000 5 000 + 1 000 = 6 000
5 5000 5% 5 000(0.05) (5) 1 250 5 000 + 1 250 = 6 250

Investment 2: Compound Interest (Annual)

Time Principal Interest Compound Interest Amount after t years
in (P) Rate (r) Solution Answer Maturity/
years Future Value
(t) (F)
1 5000 5 % 5 000 (0.05) (1) 250 5000 + 250 = 5 250
2 5 250 5 % 5 250 (0.05) (1) 262.5 5250 + 262.5 = 5 512.5
3 5 512.5 5 % 5 512.5(0.05) (1) 275.63 5512.5 + 275.63 = 5 788.13
4 5 788.13 5 % 5 788.13(0.05) (1) 289.41 5788.13 + 289.41 = 6 077.54
5 6 077.53 5 % 6 077.53(0.05) (1) 303.88 6077.53 + 303.88 = 6 381.41

Simple interest remains constant throughout the investment term. In
compound interest, the interest from the previous year earns interest. Thus, the
interest grows every year.
While both types of interest will grow your money over time, there is a big
difference between the two. Specifically, simple interest is only paid on principal,
while compound interest is paid on the principal plus all of the interest that has
previously been earned.
As an investor or depositor, you definitely want to earn compound interest,
as it adds up greater over time.
In the real world, simple interest is rarely used. When you deposit money
into an interest-bearing account, or take out a line of credit, the interest that
accumulates is added to the principal, and the next interest calculation is done on
both the principal and the interest.
To understand more about simple and compound interest let’s consider the
following information.
Problems related to simple interest may require solving for any of the
variables involved: interest, principal, rate, or time or the number of periods.
I represent the interest, P is the principal, r is the rate, and t is the time.
This triangle will help you on how to solve for the principal, rate, time, or
interest. You simply cover the variable representing what is needed, and the
remaining variables give you a clue to form the formula needed to solve for the
unknown. (Note: The operations involve are multiplication and division. Multiplication for the variables found

in the same level and division for the variables found in upper and lower part of the triangle).

So, if interest or I is unknown, then the formula to be used is I = . If the

principal or P is unknown, then the formula to be used is P = . If the rate or r
is unknown, then the formula to be used is r = . And if time or t is unknown,
then the formula to be used is t = .

If your answers are I = Prt, P = 䁑

,r= 䁢
, and t = 䁢䁑
, then you are correct!

So, here are the steps in solving problems related to simple interest.
Step 1: Identify what is asked.
Step 2: Identify what are given.
Step 3: Identify which formula to be used.

Step 4: Substitute the given values to the formula.
Step 5: Solve the problem.
Example 1: A bank offers 0.25% annual simple interest rate for a particular
deposit. How much interest will be earned if 1 million pesos is deposited in
this savings account for 1 year?
Given: P = ₱ 1,000,000
r = 0.25% = 0.0025
Find: Simple Interest (Is)
Solution: Is = Prt
Is = (1,000,000) (0.0025) (1)
Is = 2,500
Answer: The interest earned is ₱ 2,500

Example 2: When invested at an annual interest rate of 7.5%, the amount earned
P 15, 400 of simple interest in two years. How much money was originally
Given: I = 15, 400
r = 7.5% = 0.075
Find: Principal(P)

Solution: P= 䁑

P = 102, 666.67
Answer: The amount invested is P 102, 666.67

Suppose the problem asks the maturity or future value. How will you solve it?
Maturity value or amount refers to the sum of the principal and interest. It is
the future value of the principal amount expressed given the formula:
F = P + Is
where: F is the maturity value or future value
P is the principal
I is the simple interest.

By expanding the basic simple interest formula, the maturity value may be
computed using the following alternative formula:
F = P + Is Definition of maturity value
F = P + (Prt) Substitution of I = Prt
F = P(1+rt) Distributive property

Example 3: Anthony borrowed ₱150 000 from a lending company where he needs
to pay an interest rate of 3% annually. Find the:
a. simple interest for 2 years.
b. maturity value of the loan.
a. Given: P = ₱150 000
r = 3% = 0.03
t = 2 years
Find: Interest (Is)
Solution: Is = Part
Is = (150 000) (0.03) (2)
Is = 9000
Therefore, the simple interest after two years is ₱ 9 000

b. Given: P = ₱150 000

r = 3% = 0.03
t = 2 years
Find: Maturity value of the loan
F = P(1+rt) or F=P+I
F = 150 000[1+(0.03) (2)] F = 150000 + 9000
F = 159 000 F = 159000
Therefore, the maturity value of the loan after two years is ₱159,000

TIPS: Do not be confused between interest and maturity value. Interest is the
product of the principal, the rate, and the time. Maturity value is the sum of the
present value and the interest.

Now, let’s proceed to compound interest. Compound interest is calculated

as the difference between the compound amount and the original or principal
amount. It is calculated as:
Ic = F – P

where: F is the maturity value or future value
P is the principal or present value
Ic is the compound interest.
If the maturity/future value is unknown, we use the formula:
 䁒 耀晦䁑 t

but if the present value is unknown, we use the formula:

P = F (1 + r)-t or P = 耀晦൅

where: F is the maturity value or future value

P is the principal or present value
r is the interest rate
t is the term in years

Example 4: If ₱ 20,000 is deposited in a savings account at an annual rate of 5%,

what will be the amount in the account at the end of 3 years if the interest is
compounded annually?
Given: P = 20,000
r = 5% = 0.05
Find: Maturity value (F)
F P 耀晦r t

F = 20000(1+0.05)3
F = 20000(1.05)3
F = 20000(1.1576)
F = 23,152.00
Answer: The amount after 3 years if the interest is compounded annually is
₱ 23,152.00; therefore, the compound interest earned is ₱ 3,152.00

Example 5: Find the maturity value and the compound interest if ₱ 20, 500 is
compounded annually at an interest rate of 3% in 7 years.
Given: P = 20,500
r = 3% = 0.03

Find: a. Maturity value (F)
b. Compound interest (Ic)
(a) F P 耀晦r t

F = 20 500(1+0.03)7
F = 20 500(1.03)7
F = 20 500(1.2299)
F = 25 212.95
(b) Ic = F – P
Ic = 25 212.95 – 20 500
Ic = 4 712.95
Answer: The maturity value is ₱ 25 212.95 and the compound interest is
₱ 4 712.95.

Example 6: What amount must be deposited by a student in the bank that pays
2% compounded annually so that after 12 years he will have ₱ 100 000?
Given: F = 100 000
r = 2% = 0.02
t = 12
Find: Present value (P)

P= 耀晦䁑
P= 耀晦 耀

P= 耀

P = 78 851.92
Answer: The student must deposit ₱ 78 851.92 to have an amount of
₱100 000 after 12 years.


Activity 1: Which is Which?

Use an arrow in connecting the statement/statements to which they belong.
Connect the dot to the arrowhead using lines.

 Accrual is linear
 Accrual is exponential
Simple Interest is dependent on: ●  Interest earns interest
 Principal
 Principal remains the same at the
beginning of all the periods
 Principal increases by the interest
Compound Interest is dependent on: ● amount at the end of each period
 Rate of Interest
 Time Period

Activity 2: Compare and Contrast:

Study the given table, note the differences and similarities you can have as you
compare them if 10% is the rate used for an amount of 100 invested for 8 years.
You can write on additional sheet of paper if space is not enough.

Simple Interest Compound Interest

Year Principal Interest Year Principal Interest
1 100 10 1 100 10
2 100 10 2 110 11
3 100 10 3 121 12.1
4 100 10 4 133.1 13.3
5 100 10 5 146.4 14.6
6 100 10 6 161.1 16.1
7 100 10 7 177.2 17.7
8 100 10 8 194.9 19.5
Total 80 Total 114.3


Activity 3: Test Your Knowledge: Answer the following problems on simple and
compound interest by following the step by step procedure as shown in the
1. Find the simple interest on a loan of ₱ 95 000 if the loan is given at a rate of
15% and is due in 3 years.

2. Find the future value and the compound interest if ₱ 50 000 is compounded
annually at an interest rate of 2 % in 5 years

3. Peter borrowed ₱ 100 000 at 8% compounded annually. How much will be

he paying after 2 years?

4. The simple interest of an investment is ₱ 4 500. Find the present value if the
interest rate is 5% annually for 5 years

5. Lorna will receive ₱ 21 500 from her investment after 10 years at 12%
compounded annually. Find the present value.


Now that you can identify simple interest and compound interest, you are
ready to perform the next activity.
Activity 1: Show Me your Interest: Ask the help of a family member or a neighbor
who experience borrowing or investing any amount which earns or yields an
interest. Borrow and photocopy any proof or documents showing their cases. Paste
the photocopy in the box below. Make an explanation regarding the document to
identify if it is a simple interest case or compound interest case.


Note: See page 17 for the rubrics in judging your output.

Activity 2: What do You Think? For critical thinking skills, prepare the
computation of each plan offered by the company so that if you are Leah, you can
be able to decide correctly. What will be your decision then if you are in Leah’s
Leah wants to invest for an educational plan for her kids. Company A offers
an educational plan with a rate of 5.3% simple interest, while Company B offers the
same plan with a rate of 5% compounded annually. Which company will give more
compensation for a payment of ₱30 000 invested for five years?
Note: See page 17 for the rubrics in judging your output.


Directions: Read each item carefully and write the complete answer in your
activity notebook.

1. The difference between simple interest and compound interest is that

A. Simple interest yields a lot money
B. Simple interest is easier to compute
C. Compound interest keeps computing interest
D. Simple interest is interest computed on the original principal only

2. The difference between simple interest and compound interest is that

A. Bank uses compound interest when the money invested is substantial
B. Bank always use simple interest
C. Simple interest will yield less money, but the computation is easier with
compound interest
D. Compound interest will yield more money

3. Which is the simple interest if you invest 1000 pesos for 3 years and get 10%
A. 200 B. 300 C. 350 D. 400

4. Which is the compound interest if you invest 1000 pesos for 3 years and get
10% interest compounded at the end of each year?
A. 249 B. 349 C. 449 D. 559

5. Which of the following is TRUE about the interest under compound interest?
Interest earned yearly is _____________.
A. constant B. falling C. rising D. unpredictable

6. Which of the following functions is used to solve for the maturity value
under compound interest?
A.  䁢 耀 晦 䁑 C.  䁢 耀 晦 䁑
B.  䁢 耀 晦 䁑 䁢 D.  䁢 耀 晦 䁑

7. Which of the following equation will solve the problem below?
How much money would you need to deposit today at 9% compounded
annually to have ₱12 000 in the account after 5 years?
A. 䁢  C. 䁢  耀 耀晦 䁦 耀
耀晦 䁦
B. 䁢  耀 耀晦 䁦 D. 䁢  耀
耀晦 䁦

8. In the equation I = Prt, what does r represent?

A. Interest rate C. Principal Interest Ratio
B. Maturity value D. Company satisfactory rating

9. If ₱10 000 is invested in a savings account that earns 5% annual simple

interest for 10 years, what are the values of P, r, and t?
A. P = 10,000 r = 0.05 t = 10 C. P = 10,000 r = 5 t = 10
B. P = 10,000 r = 0.5 t =10 D. P = 10,000 r = 0.05 t = 3650

10. What is being asked in the following problem? In order to have ₱130 000 in
2 years, how much should you invest if the annual simple interest is 4.5%?
A. Interest C. Maturity value
B. Interest rate D. Principal

11. A friend asks to borrow P3000 and agrees to repay it in 1 year with
3% interest. How much interest will you earn?
A. P9 B. P19 C. P29 D. P90

12. Anthony borrowed ₱150 000 from a lending company where he needs to
an interest rate of 3% compounded annually in 3 years. Find the maturity
value of the loan.
A. P159 990 B. P163 909 C. P179 900 D. P199 000

13. Maria wanted to invest her Php 100 000 to earn more money. A bank offers
6% simple interest rate per year while the cooperative group offers same
rate compounded annually. Which will you recommend?
A. Bank B. Cooperative C. Both D. None

14. Suppose your father deposited in your bank account Php 100 000 at an
annual interest rate of 0.375% compounded yearly when you graduate
from kindergarten and did not get the amount until you finish grade 12.
How much will you have in the bank account after 12 years?
A. Php 104 500.00 C. Php 105 500.00
B. Php 104 593. 98 D. Php 110 500.00

15. Complete the table by finding the unknown (Ic, F).

Principal(P) rate(r) time(t) Ic(compound interest) Future value(F)
10 000 8% 15

A. Php 12 000, Php 22 000 C. Php 21 721.69, Php 31 721.69

B. Php 22 000, Php 12 000 D. Php 31 721.69, Php 21 721.69


Printed Materials:
Department of Education, Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR). (2016).
Lesson 24-25: General Mathematics Learner’s Material (pp 137-149). Pasig City,
Oronce, Orlando A. et. al. (2016). General Mathematics. Quezon City, Philippines:
Rex Bookstore, Inc.


Great job! You made it. Congratulations!

Rubrics for scoring the output for activity 1(Deepen)
Evaluation 3 points 2 points 1 point Score
Picture Students Students Students
Focus demonstrate full demonstrate demonstrate
understanding of partial unclear and
the picture understanding of inaccurate
the picture understanding of
the picture
Text Focus Students provide Students provide Students provide
a complete and a partial but an incomplete,
accurate mostly accurate unclear and
description of the description of the inaccurate
key subject key subject description of the
matter and matter and key subject matter
elements seen in elements seen in and elements seen
the photocopy. the photocopy. in the photocopy.


Rubrics for scoring the output in activity 2 (Deepen)

Evaluation 3 points 2 points 1 point Score
Proposed Students Students Students
Computation demonstrate full demonstrate demonstrate
understanding of partial unclear and
the situation as understanding of inaccurate
evident in the the situation as understanding of
complete and evident in the the situation as
correct complete and evident in the
computation with few incomplete and
incorrect lots of incorrect
computation computation
Text Focus Students provide Students provide Students provide
a complete and a partial but an incomplete,
accurate mostly accurate unclear and
description of the description of the inaccurate
decision was decision was description of the
taken from the taken from the decision was
proposed plan. proposed plan. taken from the
proposed plan.


Answer Key


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