Rack Design: Resources & Frequently Asked Questions: Presentation Title

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Rack Design:

Resources &
Asked Questions

Presented by:
Daniel Clapp – Frazier Industrial Co

Keck – Steel King Industries
Patrick Peplowski - SpaceRak

© 2017 MHI® Copyright claimed for audiovisual works and sound recordings of seminar sessions. All rights reserved.
About RMI
• Not-For-Profit Trade Association
• Founded in 1958
• Members are manufacturers of industrial steel storage racks and
structural rack decking products
• Accredited Developer of American National Standards
• R&D programs for over 55 years resulting in virtually all advancements to
the state of the art
• R-Mark Certification Program for both the storage rack and the wire decks
• Extensive National and International Liaison Programs
• Wide array of education and research programs
Special Note – RMI has available an extensive planning and use document and guidelines
for rack repair.

Racks As Part Of The Operational System

Rack structures are actually a sub-system that, to perform as

intended, must operate as part of a fully integrated operational
system. System components will generally include, but,
certainly not be limited to:
– The building
– The flooring and sub-soil
– The racking
– Anchorage
– The load platform (pallets, etc.)
– Decking, load support and fall protection
– Handling equipment

Codes and Standards
• International Building Code (IBC – 2015)
– Note: Model Building Codes (formerly ICBO, BOCAI, SBCCI)
• ASCE7 - 10 (minimum design loads) Note: ASCE7-16 due out this spring
• RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012 Pallet Rack,
RMI/ANSI MH16.3-2016 Cantilever Rack
MH26.2-2007 Wire Mesh Decking
• AISI (Spec. for Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures)
• AISC (like AISI, except for structural steel shapes)
• AWS (welding)
• ACI 318 (concrete flooring)
• NFPA 5000 (building construction and safety)
• NFPA 13 (sprinkler systems) FEMA 460 (Guidelines and seismic
considerations for racking accessible to the public)
• NEHRP Recommended Provisions (Seismic)

Codes and Standards

RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012 & MH26.2-2007
While a design guide, this American National Standard
incorporates provisions that end users will find important in
developing operational protocols on many levels. Among the
provisions are:

– A detailing of owner responsibilities

– Floor loading
– Pick-module design
– Stair design
– Handrail and guardrail design
– Discussion of product fall protection

RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012 & MH26.2-2007
Load Notices (Plaques) – Load Generalities

RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012 & MH26.2-2007
Load Application and Rack Configuration Drawings
Configuration Specifics

RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012 & MH26.2-2007
• Loads on racks
• Load combinations
• Details of base-plates and shimming
• Performance of shelf-connection locking device
• Shelf-beam deflection limits
• System plumb and straight requirements
• Requirements for cross-aisle tying and anchoring
• Seismic design requirements
And many more…

RMI/ANSI MH16.3-2016 - Specification for the Design,
Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel
Cantilevered Storage Racks
This American National Standard is published by the Rack
Manufacturers Institute of MHI and is the industry design guide
for cantilevered storage rack. It was approved as an ANSI
standard on October 8, 2015. It will be referenced in the 2016
ASCE7 standard and the 2018 IBC. Development of this
standard started over 15 years ago and input was received from
industry engineers, outside consultants, and other interested
parties knowledgeable in the design of cantilevered storage
racks. The standard is the result of RMI’s recognition of the need
to standardize performance and design criteria for the proper
utilization of cantilevered storage racks.

RMI/ANSI MH16.3-2016 - Specification for the Design,
Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel
Cantilevered Storage Racks
Among the provisions are:
• Loads on racks including seismic and wind and snow when
located outside
• Load combinations
• Design requirements for both cold-formed and hot-rolled steel
o Column Design
o Arm design
o Column-to-base connection design
o Column base and base plates

RMI/ANSI MH16.3-2016 - Specification for the Design,
Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel
Cantilevered Storage Racks
Load Notices (Plaques) –

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a uniformly distributed load (UDL) vs. a point
load? Why is this important?
The definition of UDL: Any static load which is evenly distributed over the
entire surface on the rack deck. (Ref MH26.2). This means that the product
being stored on the deck must cover the entire deck from side to side and
front to back. General capacity ratings are based upon a UDL stored on the

Point Load - any static load that is concentrated to particular points on the
deck. (i.e. A container with four small feet (point load) versus a container
with two runner bars running the entire length of the container
(concentrated load).

Why should racks be anchored?
The ANSI/RMI Specification requires that all rack columns should be anchored.
This means that both the aisle column and the interior or rear columns must be
anchored on all frames according to the instructions from the manufacturer and
applies to all rack frames all the time. If there is a specific application where the
racks can’t be anchored, the user should get permission from the
manufacturer’s engineer to waive the requirement. Anchors are required to
resist many forces at the base of the columns and to maintain the position of
the rack column.

There are two holes in the footplate, why? Does
that mean I need two anchors per footplate?
Not necessarily. Racks must always be anchored to the floor as shown on the
Load Application and Rack Configuration drawings. The RMI Specification
requires at least one anchor per column. The rack manufacturer will often
provide extra holes in the base plate as alternate holes that can be used in
case floor reinforcing interference is encountered when drilling the floor.

How far out of plumb can your racks be?
The ANSI/RMI Specification permits the maximum out-of-plumb ratio for a loaded rack column to
be 1/2” per 10 feet of height. Columns whose out-of-plumb ratio exceeds this limit must be
unloaded and re-plumbed. Any damaged parts must be repaired or replaced. This ratio could be
used for straightness also. In other words, the out-of-straightness limit between any two points on
a column should not exceed 0.05” per foot of length (1/2” per 10 feet).

An out-of-plumb or out-of-straight condition will reduce the capacity of a rack column. The
reduction can be significant. A rack that is out-of-plumb from top to bottom or a rack column that
is not straight is likely to become further out-of-plumb or out-of-straight when it is loaded.

The out-of-straight limit is given to prevent excessive “bows” or “dogleg” conditions that may exist
in a rack column. A column could be plumb from top to bottom but have an unacceptable bow at
mid-height (see figure (a)), or a 20 ft. high column could be out 1” from top to bottom, which could
be acceptable using a simple top-to-bottom out-of-plumb measurement, but the entire out-of-
plumb could be between the floor and the 5 ft. level (see figure (b)). This dogleg condition would
be very harmful. This condition could be caused by fork truck impact. The column could have a
sine wave shape and be out of straight as shown in figure(c). A column could also become bent
and exceed this limit (see figure (d)). As re-written the specification now prevents these situations
from being acceptable if they exceed the 0.05" per foot out of straight limit.

How far out
of plumb can
your racks

Can you tie racks to the building structure ?
It is generally not a good idea to tie racks to the wall because forces
from the building can be transferred to the racks and because forces
from the racks can be transferred to the building, although wall ties are
sometimes used in low seismic areas. If wall ties are used, there must
be proper coordination between the building engineer and the rack
engineer to ensure that the ties and any transmitted forces will not
damage the rack or the building structures. The connection to the wall
must be capable of transferring the required forces, and the connectors
must be compatible with the wall material. The seismic analysis of the
rack and the building being tied together is extremely complex, and the
connection is best avoided. If the height to depth ratio is such that a
single row needs extra stability, heavy-duty anchor patterns with larger
base plates or cross aisle tie configurations could be used rather than
wall ties.

What should you know about height-to-depth
The RMI defines the height-to-depth ratio for a single row of pallet rack to be the
ratio of the distance from the floor to the top beam level divided by the depth of the
frame. Normal anchoring as is used for double rows is usually adequate for racks
whose ratio is 6 to 1 or less. If the height-to-depth ratio exceeds 6 to 1, the anchors
and the base plates should be designed to resist overturning. The ANSI/RMI
Specification in section 8.1 provides for the anchorage to resist an overturning force
of 350# applied at the topmost shelf level (to an empty rack). If the LRFD method of
design is used, this force should be treated as a live load and multiplied by 1.6.

If the height-to-depth ratio exceeds 8 to 1, the racks should be stabilized using

overhead ties. If anchoring is used for this extreme case, the design of the anchors
must be certified by an engineer. All of these ratios and requirements are for a typical
rack frame. If a set back leg or slope leg upright were to move the center of gravity
from the frame’s midpoint, these ratio limits do not apply, and a rack engineer should
approve the configuration. Slope or setback legs should generally be avoided in
single rows.

Are there recommended clearances between
pallet loads?
In the storage rack system planning, clearance around the loads is second
in importance only to the size and shape of the loads. Too little clearance
will result in damage to both the loads and the storage racks. In an effort to
minimize the damage operators will slow down the movement of the loads
and greatly add to the operation cost of the warehouse. Too much
clearance will waste space and increase the costs of construction, and, in
some cases, the cost of the rack system.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems have tighter operating

tolerances and, therefore, may be able to function with tighter clearances.
The user of the installation is responsible for assuring that these operating
clearances are conveyed to the rack designer.

Are there recommended
clearances between
pallet loads?
For normal load size, shape (and misshape) and
weights a single-selective pallet storage rack might be
configured with 4 inches (102 mm) clearance between
the rack column and the load and 5 inches (127 mm)
between two adjacent loads on a beam. In a single
deep storage configuration 6 inches (152 mm) lift-off
clearance might be typical. For a double deep storage
configuration more clearance would be required. For
push-back type pallet storage operations less
clearance may be used for pallets resting on moving
carts, but care must be used to assure that the pallets
can get under all interior obstructions when accounting
for the cart track slope.

How much beam/shelf deflection is acceptable?
At normal design working loads, beams are typically designed to accommodate
vertical deflections that do not exceed 1/180 (or 0.55 percent) of the horizontal
beam length as measured with respect to the ends of the beams. Some users
may specify a lesser-deflection requirement for visual appearance or cosmetic
purposes. Still other users with systems intended to use more precise
automated storage and retrieval equipment may specify a lesser-deflection
requirement. (See ANSI/RMI Specification section 5.3, Commentary section

What does the load capacity on a Wire Deck
really mean? How should it be applied to the
real world?
The load capacity assigned to a specific make and model of a wire deck is
based on a testing protocol from MH26.2. This test is designed to evaluate the
capacity (both strength and deflection) of the wire decking when the deck is
subjected to a uniformly distributed load. The test protocol is designed to have
the entire load weight supported by the decking components. The test does not
allow any of the weight to be supported by the shelf beams or members other
than the decking components.

This test protocol is intended to allow the end user to compare the load carrying
capacities of dissimilar decking construction on an equal basis.

The actual loading of a rack deck may or may not be uniformly distributed.
Evaluation of the specific loading and the deck’s ability to safely carry that load
should be evaluated by an engineer who is familiar with the design of storage
rack decks.

Why should you not walk on a wire deck?
Wire decking is not designed to be walked or stood upon. Walking and/or
standing on a wire deck creates both dynamic (moving and varying) and
concentrated loads. Wire decking is designed and assigned a load carrying
capacity based on carrying uniformly distributed, static loads. While there is a
safety factor designed and built into wire decking, dynamic and concentrated
loading as a result of standing or walking on a wire deck is a use which falls
outside its intended purpose. In addition, the surface of a wire mesh deck is
flexible and irregular and the open areas within the mesh may cause a person
to trip. Furthermore, when subjected to lateral
motion decks may slide upon the supporting rack
beams or tip upward and become dislodged when
loaded in a concentrated fashion on the outer
extremities (beyond the outermost support

What should you know about used or
repurposed racks?
Racks that do not conform to the ANSI/RMI Specifications may not be as safe as racks
that conform to the specification. The Rack Manufacturer’s Specification is the only
recognized U.S. specification for the design, testing and utilization of industrial steel
storage racks. If there should ever be an accident or other incident involving the storage
racks, a responsible rack user may want to show that its racks have been designed to
meet this recognized standard.

The RMI recommends purchasing racks that clearly meet the requirements of the
ANSI/RMI Specification.

Pallet racks are originally designed for configurations requested by the owner. These
configurations are shown on the Load Application and Rack Configuration Drawings
supplied to the owner. Changing the racks to a configuration that was not considered in
the design may create an unsafe condition. A qualified engineer should review any change
to the bay configuration that is different from the original design configurations.

Additional Questions
Ongoing Resources – Highlights
• International Code Council – www.iccsafe.org
o International Building Code (IBC)
• National Fire Protection Association – www.nfpa.org
o NFPA 13
o NFPA 5000
• Rack Manufacturers Institute – www.mhi .org/r mi
o RMI/ANSI MH16.1-2012
o RMI/ANSI MH16.3-2016
o RMI/ANSI MH26.2-2007
o FAQs
o More comprehensive list of resources
• US Geological Survey – www.usgs .gov

• A m o r e e xt e n s i v e l i s t c a n b e f o u n d a t
• w w w. m h i . o r g / r m i
• Advance Storage Products • SpaceRak, Div. of Heartland Steel Products, Inc.
• Atlanta Pallet Rack • Speedrack Products Group, Ltd.
• Bulldog Rack Company • Steel King Industries, Inc.
• Elite Storage Solutions, LLC • Tri-Boro Shelving & Partition Corp.
• Engineered Products • Twinlode Corporation
• Equipement Boni Inc. • Unarco Material Handling, Inc.
• Frazier Industrial
• Hannibal Industries, Inc. Storage Rack Decking Group Members:
• Husky Rack & Wire
• Interlake Mecalux Inc. • Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products
• Konstant • DACS, Inc.
• Nanjing Huade Storage Equipment • ITC Manufacturing
• Nanjing Kingmore Logistics Equipment • J&L Wire Cloth LLC
• Nedcon USA, Inc, • Nashville Wire Products, Inc.
• RackUSA • Ohio Gratings
• Ridg-U-Rak, Inc. • Prodeck 50 Inc.
• Worldwide Material Handling
For More Information:
Anupam Berry Bose
[email protected]
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