In The Name of The Father

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 8

Prepared By:

I. OBJECTIVE: At the end of a 60-minute discussion, 85% of the students should be

able to:
A. define persuasive speech
B. identify and define the important components of speech delivery
C. write a persuasive speech that encourage people to get vaccinated
D. demonstrate the appropriate classroom public speaking and listening skills 
A. Topic: Delivering a Persuasive Speech
Learning Competency: Observe the use of correct stress, pitch,
and juncture when delivering a persuasive speech.
opinion-statement/ and Rodriguez, D. (2020). English Quarter-3
Module 8: Distinguished facts from opinions and reality from
fantasy in texts. Department of Education. Retrieved October 9,
2021 from
B. Materials: Laptop, Projector, powerpoint presentation, speaker
board and Chalk
Code: EN8OL-IIId-5
C. Value Focus: Encourage people to get vaccinated and promote


Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
Let us all stand for a prayer. Claire, In the name of the father…
kindly lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning, Class! How are you Good morning, Ma’am! We are all
today? good Ma’am!
Okay, everybody sits down.
3. Checking of Attendance
Say present if your name is called. Yes, Ma’am!
4. Drill
“Kahoot Game!”
Okay Class! Get your cellphones and
proceed to your kahoot account, we (The students will get their
will a game about famous people who cellphones and proceed to their
has a great influence during their time. kahoot account.)
So, I am going to show their famous
quotations and their picture and then
you need to choose the right answer
using your kahoot account.

Are you ready?

Picture # 1

(The students will answer all the

questions in the kahoot.)

5. Review
What was our last topic?

Our last topic was all about the

informative speech.

What is an informative speech?

An informative speech is one that

intends to educate the audience on
a particular topic. ... The topics
covered in an informative speech
should help the audience to
understand a subject better and to
remember what they learned later.
The goal of this type of speech isn't
to sway the audience to the
speaker's point of view.

What are the important parts of an

informative speech?
Introduction, body, and conclusion.
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
The teacher will introduce a game called
“Corona Ball”, inspired from the traditional
game pass the ball. The ball will be
treated as a virus that would be passed (Each student will respond
one by one and whoever got the ball base accordingly.)
also on a timer, will be answering the
main question.
“How do you feel towards quarantine?
And what are your realizations?”
The game will be given 15 minutes of
allotted time.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties

Now, let’s define the unfamiliar

words that you are going to
encounter in this lesson.

Stress- it is the emphasis given to a

certain syllable of a word, a phrase,
or a sentence. A change in stress
affects its meaning.

Pitch- relative highness or lower of

a tone or voice.

Juncture-it is atransitionor a period

of change between successive
speech sounds or between a
speech sound an silence. In
pronouncing the twin words with
identical sounds, you observe a
juncture or a pause or a silence
between the words to make them

3. Presentation
Today, we are going to discuss
about the persuasive speech and
its important components.

(3.1) Have you listen to a speech?

(3.2) What can you say about that


“Photo Analysis”

(Students will give their ideas and

opinion about the picture.)

Look at the picture and tell me what is

your idea about this picture.
The teacher will discuss the
persuasive speech and its
components using a powerpoint

Expressions or Signals to Introduce


In my opinion
From my point of view
I believe
It seems to me that
It is my belief that
I question whether
There is no doubt that
I (dis)agree with
I maintain that
In my mind
I think that
As far as I know
As far as I am concerned
I am convinced that

Expressions or Signals to Conclude


For the reasons above

As I have noted
As you can see
In other words
On the whole

In expressing your opinion you can also

write an opinion essay. In writing your
persuasive essay, you may use the
following structure.

State your main idea or the point that you
are trying to prove and give two
reasons for your taking this stand.
Paragraph 2 and 3- BODY
explain in detail the reasons you have
stated in your first paragraph. Develop a
paragraph for
each reason you have cited.
Paragraph 4- CONCLUSION
Sum up your position by restating your
main idea and finishing with a “call of

In delivering your speech, it is also

important for you
to learn the Correct Sounds Of English.
The English Language possesses a
measured flow that creates a harmonious
pattern of sounds and rhythm of the
English Language.
Furthermore, there are certain speech
features that can greatly help learners d
speakers of English to produce utterances
that flow steadily spontaneously, and
coherently. These features are:
1. Stress- it is the emphasis given to a
certain syllable of a word, a phrase, or a
sentence. A change in stress affects its
EXport (n) exPORT (v)
OBject (n) obJECT (v)
PREsent (n) preSENT (v)
PROject (n) proJECT (v)
Record (n) reCORD (v)
2.Pitch- relative highness or lower of a
toneor voice.
3. Juncture-it is atransitionor a period of
change between successive speech
sounds or between a speech sound an
silence. In pronouncing the twin words
with identical sounds, you observe a
juncture or a pause or a silence between
the words to make them clear.
Examples: (The students will individually
Night rate Nitrate analyze and criticize the speech
Ice cream I scream based on what they understand in
Heal eyes he lies their lesson.)
Keep sticking keeps ticking
We’ll own we loan

4. Activity (Seatwork)
“Speech Analysis?”
I will show you a speech entitled “I (Volunteer students will answer in
Have a Dream” by Martin Luther front of the class to share it with their
King Jr. Using the Persuasive classmates.)
Speech Rubric that I distributed
yesterday, I want you to analyze
and criticize his speech based on
our discussion.

5. Analysis (Oral Recitation)

What can you say about his
speech? Was he able to persuade
people? Is it a good speech? How
did you say so?

6. Abstraction (Generalization)
“Wheel of Fortune”
Using our Will of Fortune, once I call
your name you need to get a question of
the box, read it aloud and then you need
to give your answer.
Sample questions:
What is a persuasive speech?
What are the important details in
delivering a persuasive speech?
How can you say that a persuasive (Students will answer based on the
speech is excellent? question that they picked from the
7. Application

Write a persuasive speech about the topic

below and use the given rubric as your

Topic: To persuade my audience to get

vaccinated in order to have protection
from the COVID-19.

Thesis Statement: As we continue to fight

against the COVID-19 with the help of
vaccination to have protection. A few of
the crazy COVID-19 vaccine conspiracy
theories circulating on social media
caused many people to have a reason not
to get vaccinated.
IV. Evaluation
Present your persuasive speech. Make sure to read the instruction and the rubric before
presenting your persuasive speech. There will be two outcome grades, one from me
your teacher and the other from your pair. So, before you present, I will group you by
pair, so that you also will criticize your partner’s speech. Make sure to give their grades
based on their presentation.

V. Assignment
Directions: Directions: Watch the speech “I Am Prepared To Die” by Nelson Mandela.
Criticize and analyze his speech using the given rubric. Look for the persuasive speech
components in his delivery. And then write an essay about an excellent persuasive

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