In The Name of The Father
In The Name of The Father
In The Name of The Father
Prepared By:
5. Review
What was our last topic?
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
3. Presentation
Today, we are going to discuss
about the persuasive speech and
its important components.
“Photo Analysis”
In my opinion
From my point of view
I believe
It seems to me that
It is my belief that
I question whether
There is no doubt that
I (dis)agree with
I maintain that
In my mind
I think that
As far as I know
As far as I am concerned
I am convinced that
State your main idea or the point that you
are trying to prove and give two
reasons for your taking this stand.
Paragraph 2 and 3- BODY
explain in detail the reasons you have
stated in your first paragraph. Develop a
paragraph for
each reason you have cited.
Paragraph 4- CONCLUSION
Sum up your position by restating your
main idea and finishing with a “call of
4. Activity (Seatwork)
“Speech Analysis?”
I will show you a speech entitled “I (Volunteer students will answer in
Have a Dream” by Martin Luther front of the class to share it with their
King Jr. Using the Persuasive classmates.)
Speech Rubric that I distributed
yesterday, I want you to analyze
and criticize his speech based on
our discussion.
6. Abstraction (Generalization)
“Wheel of Fortune”
Using our Will of Fortune, once I call
your name you need to get a question of
the box, read it aloud and then you need
to give your answer.
Sample questions:
What is a persuasive speech?
What are the important details in
delivering a persuasive speech?
How can you say that a persuasive (Students will answer based on the
speech is excellent? question that they picked from the
7. Application
V. Assignment
Directions: Directions: Watch the speech “I Am Prepared To Die” by Nelson Mandela.
Criticize and analyze his speech using the given rubric. Look for the persuasive speech
components in his delivery. And then write an essay about an excellent persuasive