Unit 4:: Instructor: Robert Ferrier

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Unit 4:

Activities and Routines

Level 2 ESL

Revision 5.0

Instructor: Robert Ferrier

[email protected]

Activities and Routines
Morning routines:

wakes up gets up runs takes a shower

shaves gets dressed makes coffee eats breakfast

brushes his/her
teeth leaves home drives to work gets to work

Evening routines:

reads the
takes the bus comes home newspaper relaxes

plays sports does homework walks the dog makes dinner

eats dinner washes dishes watches TV goes to bed

The Simple Present Tense

Affirmative Negative
We We
work don't work
You You
They on Monday. They on Monday.
He He
She works She doesn't work
It It

Question Answers
I Yes, you do. No, you don't.
we Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do Yes, I / we do. No, I / we don't.
they Yes, they do. No, they don't.
work on Monday?
he Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
it Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.

Complete. Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the word bank.

1. Hugo _______________ at 6:30am.

2. His children _______________ at 7:00am. drives
3. Hugo _______________ in the park every morning.
4. Hugo _______________ to work at 8:00am. get up
gets up
5. David and Sofia _______________ the bus at 8:10am.
6. Rosa _______________ to work. runs
7. The children _______________ lunch at school.
8. The family _______________ dinner together every night. watch
9. David and Sofia _______________ TV from 8:00pm to 9:00pm.
10. Rosa _______________ TV from 9:00pm to 10:30pm. walks

Subjects and verbs. A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete idea. The
main parts of a sentence are the subject and the verb. The subject names who or what
the sentence tells about. The verb tells what the subject is or does. The subject usually
comes before the verb.

• Parents love their children.

• He is a tall man.

• There are twelve months in a year.

Label. In the following paragraph, label each underlined word with s (subject) or v

A Busy Schedule
Frank is a busy student. He attends class every weekday morning. In
the afternoon, he works at a restaurant. Every evening, he drives to the
library and studies. He has time to relax on the weekend. Sometimes he
plays soccer or goes to the movies.

Complete. In the following paragraph, fill in the subjects and verbs using the given

are are have I live they

My Two Brothers
I have two brothers. They __________ twins. __________ are
students at the same university. They do not __________ at home now.
__________ call them every week. They __________ part-time jobs and
__________ very busy.

Select. Which activity doesn’t belong?

1. make lunch make dinner listen to music make breakfast

2. do homework play basketball play the guitar relax
3. walk the dog take a shower brush my teeth comb my hair
4. go to work come home get dressed go to school
5. watch TV read do the laundry listen to music
6. get up wake up make the bed go to bed

Pronounce. Put the words in the correct column.

/s/ /z/ /ez/

wakes drives fixes studies
walks arrives relaxes leaves
takes does washes stops
drinks goes brushes teaches
likes knows watches buys
eats plays
gets wears golfs


• The s sound is used with the unvoiced (no vibration) sounds /f/, /k/, /p/, and /t/.
• An extra syllable is used with the sounds /s/, /x/, /sh/, and /ch/.
• The z sound is used with all other sounds.

Spelling: There are some special spelling rules for third person singular verbs:
• Add es to a verb which ends in s,sh,ch,x,z,o. quizzes, kisses, mixes, pushes, goes, does
• In verbs that end with y preceded by a consonant, drop the y, replace it with i and add es.
However, If the y is preceded by a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) just add s. flies, studies, delays, plays

Mr. Smith's day

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

13 14 15

Write. Write sentences about Mr. Smith's daily routine.

1. Mr. Smith wakes up at 6:00am.

2. _______________________________ 9. ___________________________________

3. _______________________________ 10. ___________________________________

4. _______________________________ 11. ___________________________________

5. _______________________________ 12. ___________________________________

6. _______________________________ 13. ___________________________________

7. _______________________________ 14. ___________________________________

8. _______________________________ 15. ___________________________________

My Daily Routine

6:00 am

7:00 am

8:00 am

9:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

8:00 pm

9:00 pm

10:00 pm

11:00 pm

12:00 am

What time is it?

It's seven-thirty.
It's six (AM/PM).
It's thirty minutes after/past seven.
It's six (o'clock) in the morning/evening.
It's half past seven.

It's eleven-forty-five.
It's eleven-fifteen in the morning/at night.
It's fifteen (minutes) to/until/before
It's fifteen (minutes) after/past eleven.
It's a quarter after/past eleven.
It's a quarter to/until/before twelve.

It's eleven-twenty. It's eight-forty.

It's twenty (minutes) after/past eleven. It's twenty (minutes) to/until/before nine.

It's twelve/noon. It's twelve/midnight.

It's twelve noon. It's twelve midnight.
It's twelve PM. It's twelve AM.

Listen. Listen to the story. Answer the questions about Joe's routine.

1. When does Joe get up? _________________

2. When does Joe eat breakfast? _________________
3. When does Joe take the bus to work? _________________
4. When does Joe arrive at work? _________________
5. When does Joe take a coffee break? _________________
6. When does Joe eat lunch? _________________
7. When does Joe take his afternoon break? _________________
8. When does Joe finish work? _________________
9. When does Joe arrive home? _________________
10. When does Joe go to bed? _________________

Complete. Use a time expression with each sentence.
at 6:00
1. I go to school ________________________. on Monday
on Friday
2. I don't go to school ________________________.
on weekends
3. I get up early ________________________. in the morning
4. I don't get up early ________________________. in the afternoon
in the evening
5. I sleep late ________________________. in the summer
6. I don't sleep late ________________________. in the winter
in March
7. I go to the supermarket ___________________. in 2011
8. I don't go to the supermarket ___________________. during the day
during the weekend
9. I drink coffee or tea ______________________. during the summer
10. I don't drink coffee or tea ______________________. from 9:00 to 5:00
11. I go to bed late ________________________. from Monday to Friday

12. I don't go to bed late ________________________.

Interview. Ask a partner the following questions.

1. When do you sleep late? ________________________

2. When do you take a vacation? ____________________
3. When do you watch TV? ________________________
4. When do you go to school? ______________________
5. When do you do laundry? _______________________
6. When do you go to the grocery store? ______________
7. When do you go to the beach? ___________________
8. When do you have a barbeque? ___________________
9. When do you watch the news? ___________________
10. When do you go to bed? ________________________

Write. Write a paragraph about your routine from the information in the chart on page 7.

100% one hundred percent
50% fifty percent 50% of twelve is six.
25% twenty-five percent 25% of two hundred is fifty.

Solve. Write the number for each problem.

1. ½ = _______% 4. 10% of 50 = _______

2. ¼ = _______% 5. 25% of one hundred is ______________.
3. ¾ = _______% 6. 75% of 200 = _______

Complete. Use an adverb of frequency with each sentence. 100% always

1. I ___________________ go to English classes. 95% almost always

2. I ___________________ speak English in class. 80% usually

3. I ___________________ do my classwork. 70% often

4. I ___________________ eat breakfast. 50% sometimes

5. I am ___________________ late for appointments. 10% rarely / seldom

6. I am ___________________ on time for class. 5% almost never /

hardly ever
7. I am ___________________ relaxed.
0% never

Answer. How often do you...?

once (one time) a week
1. How often do you exercise? once (one time) a month
2. How often do you play a sport? twice (two times) a week
twice (two times) a month
3. How often do you wash your car? once every two years
4. How often do you visit your native country? three times a week
every day
5. How often do you go to the park? every other day
6. How often do you eat in a restaurant? every morning
every afternoon
7. How often do you take a vacation? every evening
8. How often do you buy groceries? every night
every summer
9. How often do you brush your teeth? every winter
10. How often do you drink coffee? every year

Reading. Underline the words you don't understand.

A Day at the Bakery

It's 3:00am. Angela is ready to start the day at the

family bakery. She has three children, and they all help at the
bakery. Vincent and Angela are the owners of his family's
bakery. Vincent's father owned the bakery, and before that,
Vincent's grandfather owned the bakery. Now, Vincent and
his wife, Angela, own and manage the bakery.
Everyone in the family works in the bakery. The oldest
daughter, Claire, decorates many of the special cakes. Maria is the middle child. She
works at the counter, and sometimes she makes cookies. Paul is only 14, but he makes
bread. Vincent says, "Paul has good hands for bread." The whole family works in the
bakery, but the children only work there before or after school.
Mr. Martino is a regular customer. He visits the bakery every morning. He always
buys the round loaf of bread with no seeds. He says that it's good. Mrs. Salerno is also a
regular customer. Every Friday, she buys two loaves of Italian bread and a large box of
cookies. Her six-year-old daughter, Laura, always gets one free cookie. Mrs. Salerno says
that Vincent's bakery is the best in the area.
The bakery is open from 6:30am to 3:00pm every day except Monday. The
bakery sells cookies, cakes, and bread. For special holidays, such as Easter and
Christmas, Vincent keeps the bakery open until 6:00pm, and Angela always prepares
fresh coffee for their customers.

Comprehension. Circle the answer.

1. Angela goes to work at 6:00am. Yes No
2. Angela and her husband manage the bakery. Yes No
3. The children work in the bakery all day. Yes No
4. Claire usually makes bread. Yes No
5. Paul makes bread and cakes. Yes No
6. Mr. Martino goes to the bakery every day. Yes No
7. Mrs. Salerno buys cakes and cookies every week. Yes No
8. The bakery is open every day. Yes No

Make a present tense statement, a negative, and a question.

1. he / call / Debbie / every day

2. John / go / on vacation / in the summer

3. she / wash / her car / on weekends

4. I / finish / work / at 5:00pm

5. They / always / speak / English / in class

Order. The order of words in an English sentence is subject / verb / object / place / time.
Write the sentences and put the words in the correct order.

1. in the morning / I / drink / orange juice / always

2. every / Mrs. Salerno / her / go / to the bakery / and / daughter / Friday
3. holidays / to school / don't / the students / on / go
4. twice / takes / an / a / she / class / week / English
5. exercise / gym / to / 6:00am / they / at / from / 7:30am / the

Edit. There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. He take the bus to school.

2. She don't drink coffee in the evening.
3. They eat out never on Monday evenings.
4. My friends and I always goes to the movies on Saturday nights.
5. I usually work from 7:00am at 3:00pm.
englishforeveryone.org Name________________

Prepositions of Time
(a) We have class at two o’clock. at + a specific time on the clock.
(b) I have an appointment with the
at doctor at 4:30. at + night
(c) We sleep at night.
(d) My birthday is in July. in + a specific month
(e) I was born in 1978. in + a specific year
in (f) We have class in the morning. in + the morning
(g) Jason has class in the afternoon. in + the afternoon
(h) I study in the evening. in + the evening
(i) I have class on Monday. on + a specific day of the week
on (j) I was born on May 3, 1982. on + a specific date
(k) We have class from 3:00 to 4:00. From (a specific time) to (a
from…to specific time)

Directions: Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

1) We have class ______ eleven o’clock.

2) We have class ______ nine ______ eleven.
3) Tom has class ______ the morning, and he works ______ the afternoon.
4) I study ______ the evening.
5) I sleep ______ night.
6) Mary was born ______ October.
7) Mary was born ______ 1967.
8) Mary was born ______ October 28.
9) Mary was born ______ October 28, 1967.
10) The bank isn’t open ______ Sundays.
11) The bank is open ______ 8:00 a.m. ______ 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
12) The bank closes ______ 5:00 p.m.

Directions: Now make your own sentences using prepositions of time.

1) _____________________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________________
Directions: Use the information in the pictures to complete the sentences.

April 10, 1954

11:00 a.m.
July 2, 1978 May 6, 1992
6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.

March 3, 2002
12:00 p.m.

June 16, 1949

5:00 a.m.

August 1, 1991

May 7, 1980
6:00 a.m.

1) I was born ______ June 16. I was born ______ 1949. I am a ___________________. I go to work
______ 5:00 a.m.
2) I go to work ______ the afternoon. I go to work ______ 12:00 p.m. I am a ___________________. I
was born ______ March.
3) Hi, I am an ___________________. I go to work ______ the morning. I start work ______ 11:00
a.m. I was born ______ April 10.
4) Howdy! I was born ______ July 2, 1978. I am a ___________________. I milk the cows ______ the
morning. I milk the cows ______ 6:00 a.m.
5) Hey, I am a ___________________. I was born ______ August 1. I was born ______ 1991. I go to
practice ______ 7:00 a.m.
6) I was born ______ 1992. I go to work ______ night. I go to work ______ 10:00 p.m. I work at night
because I like to take pictures of the stars. I am a ___________________.
7) Good day citizen. I am a ___________________. I was born ______ May. I was born ______ 1980. I
go to work ______ 6:00 a.m. Move along, citizen.

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