Leccion de Ingles Imprimir

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3.1 Simple Present: Affirmative Statements

Subject Verb Subject Verb
You He
We She
work every day. works every day.
You It
They My brother
Tom and Sue

1. Use the simple present to talk about Habit or Routine: I exercise every
habits or routines, schedules, and facts. day. Schedule: She starts work at
Fact: It rains a lot in April.
2. Add -s to the verb for he, she, it, and He drives to work.
singular subjects. She works in an office.
The bank opens at 9:00 a.m.
3. Do not put be in front of another verb in ✓ He works at a bank.
the simple present. ✗ He is work at a bank.

4 Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. Doctor Moffett love / loves his job.

2. He study / studies ants.

3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.

4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.

5. Nurses help / helps people.

6. We write / writes science books.

7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.

8. She take / takes classes at the business school.

9. You walk / walks to work every day.

10. I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning.

5 WRITE & SPEAK. List three activities you do often. Share your sentences with a partner.
Then tell the class about your partner.

Student A: I study. I play games. I talk with my friends.

Student B: Maria studies. She plays games. She talks with her friends.


7 Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.

1. study studies 8. help

2. fish 9. miss

3. pass 10. fly

4. worry 11. fix

5. explore 12. watch

6. bite 13. like

7. buy 14. pay

3.3 Irregular Verbs: Do, Go, and Have

Subject Verb Subject Verb
I do the dishes every day. does the dishes every day.
You He
We go to work at 7:00 a.m. She goes to work at 7:00 a.m.
You It
They have dinner at 6:00 a.m. has dinner at 6:00 a.m.

The verbs do, go, and have are irregular

She goes home at six-thirty.
for he, she, it, and singular subjects.
He has a meeting at two-thirty.
John does the laundry on Sunday night.

8 Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Manuel and Lila Vega

Manuel and Lila Vega (1) have (have) a busy lifestyle. Manuel is a doctor
at a hospital. He works at night, so he (2) (go) to work at 7:00 p.m. and
comes home at 7:00 a.m. His wife Lila works at a bank. She (3) (go) to work
at 8:00 a.m. and comes home at 6:00 p.m. They don’t see each other a lot during the week.

Manuel and Lila also (4) (have) two children, Luis and Carla. Every
morning they all (5) (have) breakfast together at 7:30. Then, Luis and Carla
(6) (go) to school, and Lila (7) (go) to work. Manuel
(8) (do) the dishes, and then (9) (go) to bed. Carla
usually (10) (do) her homework at a friend’s house in the afternoon, and
Luis (11) (have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m.,
he (12) (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla. After dinner, he
(13) (go) to work. Manuel and Lila (14) (have)
a busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax.



3.4 Simple Present: Negative Statements

Do Base Form Does Not/ Base Form
Subject Not/ Subject
of Verb Doesn’t of Verb
You He
do not does not
We work. She work.
don’t doesn’t
You It

Be careful! In negative statements with

✓ She doesn’t exercise every day.
does not or doesn’t, do not add -s to
the base form of the verb.
✗ She doesn’t exercises every day.

4 Circle doesn’t or don’t to complete each sentence.

1. An astronaut on the International Space Station doesn’t / don’t have a lot of free time.

2. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.

3. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.

4. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.

5. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.

6. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.

7. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.

8. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule.

5 Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement.

1. My brother has a job. My brother doesn’t have a job.

2. I drive to work.

3. Pilots fix planes.

4. Our teacher does homework.

5. I go to the gym in the morning.

6. We have class on Sunday.

7. You teach biology.

8. We have an exam on Saturday night.


10 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Saturday / to / work / They / need / on They need to work on Saturday.

2. He / have / lunch / wants / at / 1:00 / to

3. tonight / to / need / work / until / 7:00 / You

4. need / buy / I / to / computer / a / new

5. She / play / to / likes / tennis

6. want / watch / to / the game / We

7. to / He / study / in the library / likes

8. need / I / do / my homework / to

9. need / I / my / call / mother / to

10. ask / to / wants / a / She / question



A Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with information about yourself. Use
prepositional phrases, the simple present, and infinitives.

I get up . . . I like . . . on
I have breakfast . . . weekends. I need . . .
On weekends, I sleep until . . . today.
I go to bed . . . I do my homework . .

Student A: I go to bed at midnight.

Student B: I do my homework in the morning.
Use on weekends to talk about
activities that happen every
B Work in a group. Say three sentences about your weekend or on most weekends.
partner. Use the information from exercise A.
We relax on weekends.
Student A: Sun-hee does her homework in the afternoon. She doesn’t work on weekends.

Student B: Walid goes to bed at midnight.

Student C: Maria likes to relax on Sundays.


A Read the information about Lia. Then complete the sentences in the chart below with the
correct form of the verbs in parentheses and the correct prepositions of time.

In Indonesia
Lia is from Indonesia.
cooksShe works in Toronto, Canada. This is her first time away
1. Lia’s mother (cook) breakfast for her.
from home, and she misses her life in Indonesia. Her life is very different in Canada!
2. Lia (have) classes 9:30 12:30 from
Monday to Saturday.
3. Lia (go) out with her friends weekends.

In Canada

4.Lia’s mother (not cook) breakfast for her.

5.Lia (have) breakfast at a coffee shop about
7:15 the morning.
6.Lia (not have) classes the morning.
7. She (work) 9:00
5:00 Monday Friday.
8.She also (study) at a business school because she
(want to) start a business in Indonesia someday.
9.She (have) a class 6:00
9:00 night Tuesday and Thursday.
10.Lia (not have) many friends in Toronto.
11.She (not go) out weekends.
12. She (be) lonely.
13. She (miss) her friends in Indonesia.

B Is your life similar to Lia’s life, or is it different? Complete the sentences with information
about your life.

1. My life is (similar to / different from) Lia’s life. In the morning, I

2. During the day, I from to .

3. At night, I .

4. I friends in .

5. On weekends, I .

6. I lonely.

C Work with a partner. Share your sentences from exercise B.

My life is different from Lia’s life. In the morning, I have breakfast at home.



3.7 Verb + Object / Verb + Preposition + Object

Subject Object
+ Preposition
I teach children.
He drives a bus every day.
We listen to music a lot.
She looks at magazines in her free time.

1.Many verbs take an object. The

Doctors help people.
object receives the action of the
We study English.
verb. It can be a person or thing.
She needs a new car.
2.Some verbs are followed by a
Many people listen to music.
preposition. Verb + preposition
I worry about my grades a lot.
combinations also take an
He waits for his sister every day after class.

4 Circle the verb and underline the object in each sentence.

1. He helps baby elephants.

2. They play soccer.

3. He likes his job.

4. She writes articles.

5. We visit customers every day.

6. You need a new computer.

7. I ride my bike every day.

8. Makiko loves weekends.

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. has / a / new / job / He He has a new job.

2. A / cars / mechanic / fixes

3. has / huge / office / a / Jasmin

4. feed / Zookeepers / animals

5. her boss / Deanna / every day / talks to

6. beautiful / photographs / takes / Jay

7. music / listen to / I / at night

8. misses / Katrina / her friends


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