Introduction To Principles of Medical Laboratory Sciences

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Introduction to Duties and Responsibilities of a Medical

Laboratory Scientist

Principles of Medical 1. Ensure accuracy and precision of test results

2. Perform clinical laboratory procedures

Laboratory Sciences 3. Ensure timely delivery of test results

4. Be honest in the practice, uphold confidentiality, and
Medical Laboratory Science demonstrate professionalism
5. Collaborate with other healthcare professionals
• Results of laboratory investigations provide physicians 6. Conducts research
and other healthcare professionals information in
7. Involvement in health programs
relation to healthcare.
• What happens inside the clinical
• Other definitions of medical technology
o The application of the principles of natural, laboratory?
physical, and biological sciences to the 1. Measurement of chemical constituents of the
performance of laboratory procedures which blood
aid in the diagnosis and treatment of 2. Detect and identify causative agents of
diseases. - Heinemann infectious diseases
3. Determine the best antimicrobials to use for
• The branch of medicine concerned with the bacterial infections
performance of laboratory determinations and 4. Assess and count blood cells to detect
analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of anemia, leukemia, and other
disease and the maintenance of health. -Fagelson hematopathology
5. Detect abnormalities in bleeding or clotting
• The health profession concerned with performing 6. Monitor anticoagulant therapy
laboratory determinations and analyses used in the 7. Prepare blood components for transfusion
diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as in the 8. Perform genetic testing to identify hereditary
maintenance of good health. -Walters diseases

• An auxiliary branch oof laboratory medicine which Career Opportunities for Licensed Medical
deals with the examination by various chemical, Laboratory Scientists
microscopic, bateriologic, and other medical
procedures and techniques, which will aid the
o Specific career tracks
physician in the diagnosis, study, and treatment of
disease and in the promotion of health in general. - • Medical technologists in hospital- and non-
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969 (Republic hospital based clinical laboratories
Act 5527) • Molecular diagnostic technologists
• Researchers
Medical Laboratory Scientists • Educators
• Traditionally called medical technologist • Diagnostic product specialists
• Healthcare professionals that perform various
laboratory analyses on body fluids. o Allied health fields
• Laboratory test results play a crucial role in the • Public health practitioners
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. • Molecular biologists
• Nuclear medicine technologists
Laboratory • Forensic scientists
• Laboratory • Healthcare administration
o A facility that provides controlled conditions • Food industry
in which scientific or technological research,
experiments, and measurements may be o Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science is
performed. also an excellent point for career advancement in:
• Medicine
• Clinical laboratory • Public health
o A laboratory where tests are done on clinical • Healthcare Leadership
specimens in order to get information about
the health of a patient as pertaining to the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of



History of Medical 4. Stethoscope

• Rene Laennec; used to acquire information

Technology 5.
about the lungs and heartbeats.

300 B.C. -A.D. 180
• Hippocrates • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek; developed for
medical purposes due to advances in lenses
o Father of medicine and author of hippocratic
and lower costs.
o Advocated for tasting urine, listening to the
6. Opthalmoscope
lungs, observing outward appearances in
disease diagnosis. • Hermann von Helmholz; first visual
technology invented.
• Galen
o Greek physician and philosopher. 7. Laryngoscope
o Concluded that appearance of bubbles,
blood, and pus in urine indicated kidney • Manuel Garcia; using two mirrors to observe
the throat and the larynx.
diseases and chronic illness.
o Described diabetes as " diarrhea of urine"
8. X-ray
and correlated fluid intake and urine volume.
• Wilhelm Roentgen; discovered by accident
that radiation could penetrate solid objects of
Both instigated a rudimentary and qualitative assessment
low density.
of diseases through measurements of four humors.
9. Electrocardiograph
• Diagnosis by "urine casting" (uroscopy) was widely
practiced. • William Einthoven; to measure electrical
changes during the beating of the heart.
• Physicians who failed to examine patients' urine were
subjected to public beatings.
10. Kenny method
900 A.D. • Elizabeth Kenny; served as a pioneering
work for modern physical therapy.
• The first book detailing the characteristics of urine
was written.
11. Drinker respirator
• Phillip Drinker; to help patients with paralytic
Early Beginnings of Medical anterior poliomyelitis recover normal
Innovation respiration with the assistance of artificial
• 11th century
o Physicians were not allowed to conduct 12. Heart-lung Machine
physical examination of the patients' body. • Hermann von Helmholz; First visual
• 18th century
o Mechanical techniques and cadaver 13. Cardiac catheterization and angiography
dissection for more accurate disease • Forsmann(1929)
diagnosis and to better understand the • Moniz Reboul, Rousthoi (1930-1940)
interiors of the human body. • Cournand (1941)
• 19th century
• History of medical technology in the United States
o Physicians began using machines for
diagnosis or therapeutics. o 1895
• The William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical
1. Spirometer Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania
• John Hutchinson; for measuring lung opened to highlight the service role of clinical
capacity. laboratories.
2. Sphygmomanometer o 1918
• Jules Herrison; for measuring blood • John Kolmer called for the development of a
pressure. method that would certitify medical
technologists on a national scale.
3. Qualitative chemical methods
• For diagnosing diabetes, anemia, diphtheria, o 1920
and syphilis.



• administrative units of clinical laboratories in • Gen. Antonio Luna was employed as a

large hospitals were directed by a chief chemical expert and pioneered water testing,
physician. forensics, and environmental studies.

o 1922 o 1901
• The American Society of Clinical Pathology • The US government, through the Philippine
(ASCP) was founded with the objective of Commission, established a Bereau of
encouraging the cooperation between Government Laboratories, located in Calle
physicians and clinical pathologists. Herran (now Pedro Gil), Ermita, Manila.
• Had a science library, chemical section,
o 1950s serum laboratory for vaccine production, and
• Medical Technologists in the US sought biology laboratory for developing methods in
professional recognition from the the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
government of their educational human and animal diseases.
qualifications through licensure laws. • Currently, the UP Manila National Institutes
of Health occupies the area.
History of Philippine Medical o 1905
Technology Profession and Education • Bureau of Science was established for
o 1565 medical officers who sought a career in
o Hospital Real in Cebu was founded by the Spaniards laboratory research.
and later transferred to Manila to cater to military • The bureau worked with the army board for
patients. the study of the tropical diseases until the
latter disbanded in 1914.
o 1578
o San Lazaro Hospital was built by the Franciscans for o 1927
the poor and lepers. • Up College of Public Health offered a
certificate course in public health to provide
o 1596 proper training to the Philippine Health
o Hospital de San Juan De Dios was founded for poor Service's medical officers.
o 1941
o 1641 • Beginning of world war 2; the US Army
o Hospital de San Jose was founded in Cavite. provided medical services with the available
lab supplies, supplemental lab examinations,
o 1611 and epidemiological and sanitary
• University of Santo Tomas was founded by investigations.
the Dominicans (faculties of Pharmacy and
Medicine was established in 1871) o 1944>
• Publications in science and medicine: • 26th Clinical Laboratory of the 6th Infantry
1. 1886- Boletin de Medicina de Division of the US Army
Manila • First clinical laboratory in the Philippines
2. 1893 - Revista Farmaceutica de • Located at Quiricada Street, Santa Cruz,
Filipinas Manila.
3. 1895 - Cronicas de Ciencias • Now known as the Manila Public Health
Medicas Laboratory.

o 1876 o 1945
• Provincial medical officers were appointed to • The US Army left amd endorse the
provide healthcare services throughout the laboratory to the National Department of
country. Health and was non-operational until it was
reopened in October of same year by Dr. Pio
o 1883-1886 de Roda with the help of Manila City Health
• The board of health and charity was Officer Dr. Mariano Icasiano.
established and expanded.
o 1947
o 1887 • Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr. Prudencia Sta. Ana
• Laboratorio municipal de manilas was conducted a training program for aspiring
established to conduct laboratory laboratory workers.
examinations of food, water, and clinical • No training period was set, and no certificate
samples. of training were issued.



• 1866
o 1954 o Gregor Mendel
• Six-month formal training period with • Enunciated his law of inherited
certificate of training. characteristics from studies on
• Dr. Sta. Ana prepared the syllabus for plants.
training. • 1870
• The training ended when the Bureau of o Joseph Lister
Private Education approved a 4-year • Demonstrated that surgical
program in Bachelor of Science in Medical infections are cause by airborne
Technology. organisms.
• 1877
• Mrs. Willa Hilgert-Hedrick o Robert Koch
▪ Founder of Medical Technology education in • Presented the first pictures of bacilli
the Philippines. (anthrax), and later tubercle bacilli.
▪ Headed the first School of Medical • 1886
Technology (Manila Sanitarium Hospital) o Elie Metchnikoff
• Describe phagocytes in blood and
• Philippine Union College their role in fighting infection.
▪ Located in Baesa, Caloocan City absorbed o Ernst von Bergmann
the MSH School of Medical Technology o Introduced steam sterilization in surgery
▪ Now known as the Adventist University of the • 1902
Philippines. o Karl Landsteiner
• Distinguished blood groups through
• Mr. Jesse Umali the development of the ABO blood
▪ First graduate of BS Medical Technology group system.
▪ Studied medicine in FEU and eventually
practiced as an obstetrician-gynecologist.
• 1906
o August von Wassermann
• Developed immunologic tests on
• University of Sto Tomas
▪ Initially offered Medical Technology as an o Howard Ricketts
elective for BS Pharmacy students in 1957.
▪ BSMT became an official degree program in • Discovered microorganisms whose
range lies between bacteria and
viruses called rickettsiae.
Inventions and Innovations in the Field of Medical Technology • 1929
o Hans Fischer
• 1660
o Antonie van Leeuwenhoek o Worked out the structure of hemoglobin.
• The father of microbiology; known • 1954
for his work on the improvement of o Jonas Salk
the microscope. o Developed poliomyelitis vaccine.
• 1796 • 1973
o Edward Jenner o James Westgard
• Discovered vaccination to establish • Introduced the Westgard Rules for
immunity on smallpox; quality control in the clinical
• Impact of contribution: Immunology
• 1880 • 1980
o Marie Francois Xavier Bichat o Baruch Samuel Blumberg
o Introduced Hepatitis B vaccine.
• Identified organs by their types of
tissues. • 1985
o Kary Mullis
• Impact of contribution: Histology o Developed the Polymerase Chain Reaction
• 1835 (PCR).
o Agostino Bassi
o Produced disease in worms by injection of • 1992
o Andre van Steireghem
organic material---the beginning of
o Introduced the intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (IVF).
• 1857
o Louis Pasteur • 1998
o James Thomson
• Successfully produced immunity to
rabies • Derived the first human Stem Cell



Duties and Responsibilities of Medical

Defining the Practice Technology Professionals
of Medical • Medical Technology is indeed a rapidly advancing
discipline and profession. The role of medical

Technology technology professionals in the diagnosis and

treatment of diseases is very crucial in health care
Profession • Perform Clinical Laboratory Testing
o A medical technologists must be capable of
performing the most basic to the most
advanced laboratory tests. A graduate of
Nature of Medical Technology Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/
Medical Laboratory Science is expected to
• MT/MLS is designed to improve the detection, show competency in performing routine
diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. laboratory tests including urinalysis and stool
• Linked with many disciplines for specific diagnostic or examination. He/she should be capable of
therapeutic purposes. performing hematologic, microbiologic,
• It is contextual, interdisciplinary, interdependent, and serologic, chemical, and other procedures in
system based. the different areas of laboratory science. In
• Dependent on the application, purpose, environment, turn, it is expected that the clinical laboratory
and setting in which it is applied. will be equipped with the resources
• With increasing automation and innovation in necessary for performing such procedures or
computer technologies, clinical laboratory work has any kind of laboratory testing.
become less hands-on and more analytical. • Perform Special Procedures
• The complexity of tests performed, the level of o Medical Technologists are also expected to
judgement needed, and the amount of responsibility perform special procedure in diagnosing
assumed by lab professionals are grounded on diseases. These may include the operation
extensive education and expertise. of advanced diagnostic equipment. Special
Definition of Medical Technology procedures can also include molecular and
nuclear diagnostics.
Practice • Ensure Accuracy and Precision in Results
Medical Technology Act of 1969 (Republic Act 5527) o In performing different procedures to
• Amended by R.A. 6132, P.D. 498, and P.D. 1534 diagnose diseases, a medical technologist
• A medical technologist must first become licensed should always be conscious of the accuracy
before he/she is allowed to practice the profession. and precision of both the process and its
• Practicing as MT without a license is punishable by results. Accuracy and precision impacts the
law. interpretation of results by the physician to
provide proper medication in the treatment of
• The practice of MT should be bound by the accepted
pledge of oath in accordance with the Code of Ethics diseases.
of Medical Technologists. • Be Honest in Practice
o A practicing medical technologist, like any
other professional, is expected to be honest
in the practice of his/her practice of his/her
work. It is important that a medical
technologist values honesty, particularly in
conveying or reporting the results of any
laboratory procedure. He/she should act
according to the Medical Technology
profession's Code of Ethics and his or her
pledged oath of practice. A medical
technologist must be honest at all times in
the conduct of test procedures to come up
with accurate and precise results.
• Ensure Timely Delivery of Results
o In collaborating with other health care
practitioners, a medical technologist must be
aware of the urgency of delivering results on
time especially in cases that require urgent
treatment. There are times when physicians
will request laboratory tests which require



immediate action. One should take notations setting is achieved not because of the
on "STAT" or even observe the source of the availability of highly sophisticated hospital or
requests (e.g., from the emergency room laboratory equipment, but because of
[ER] or operating room [OR]). It is important teamwork. A highly-trained physician will
for a medical technologist to be alert to fully only be able to efficiently treat his/her patient
address the needs of the patient. Since if laboratory testing, monitoring, drug
some laboratory procedures are time bound, prescription and dosage, and more are
it is important that a medical technologist is properly rendered and administered by other
able to perform the duties required of health care professionals. These protocols
him/her, as soon as possible. cannot be done by the physician alone.
• Demonstrate Professionalism Having one non-collaborative and
o A medical technologist must be able to incompetent member in the team alone can
perform his/her functions according to the result in potentially dire repercussions.
professional Code of Ethics for medical • Conduct Research
technology professionals. He/she should be o Practicing medical technologists must also
aware of the laws and regulations governing be engaged in research activities to update
the practice of medical technology and their skills. Research work, whether
should not exploit its function beyond its experimental or descriptive can contribute
boundaries. significantly to the discovery of new
o In the Philippines, the practice of medical knowledge in the field of medical technology
technology profession is governed by R.A. and in assessing and revisiting already
5527 or the Philippine Medical Technology known ones. It can greatly help in the further
Act of 1969. development of the field and may be used as
o Other governing regulations are future reference for patient care.
supplemented by the Clinical Laboratory Act • Involvement in Health Promotion Programs
of 1966 (R.A. 4688) and the Blood Banking o Medical technologist should not be confined
Acts of 1956 (R.A. 1517) and 1995 only to the four corners of their clinical
(R.A.7719). National organizations such as laboratories. Medical technology is a multi-
the Philippine Association of Medical disciplinary field which consistently ventures
Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) and the into other areas of health care including
Philippine Association of Schools of Medical health promotion. A medical technology
Technology and Public Health, Inc. professional must be actively involved in
(PASMETH) also have their own reaching out to the community. There are
constitutions and by-laws in accordance with many ways by which the medical technology
the governing laws and code of ethics. profession can help improve the lives of
• Uphold Confidentiality people. Other health care professionals such
o Ensuring of patient's information is one of the as nurses and physicians are easily seen in
core duties within the medical practice. community outreach programs because of
Confidentiality requires health care providers the nature of their professions. Medical
to keep a patient's personal health technologists, as valuable health care
information private unless the patient professionals, are also expected to do the
consents to release the information. Patient same.
records are expected to be kept in o The following are some ways that medical
confidence by the medical technologist. It is technology professionals can help the
expected that these records containing very community:
important information are protected and 1. Cooperate with other health care
made available only when necessary. A professionals in health promotion
medical technologist must be aware at all campaigns such as promoting the
times of the value of confidentiality and the ideal attitudes on hygiene,
entirety of the ethical codes of their community sanitation, waste
profession. segregation, and disease
• Collaborate with Other Health Care prevention.
Professionals 2. Implement pre-planned programs of
health promotion campaigns.
o A medical technology professional is
3. Offer free laboratory testing such as
required to collaborate with other health care
blood typing, urinalysis, fecalysis,
practitioners in order to build a well-
blood sugar testing, cholesterol
functioning team.
testing, and other tests beneficial to
o Most often, projects fail because people fail the entire community.
to cooperate with others. Collaboration is the
4. Collaborate with other health care
act of working together in order to achieve a
professionals once diagnoses are
desired outcome. Success in health care



o Common equipment and reagents used by

Defining the Practice of Other cytotechnologists are microtomes and stains.
• Histotechnologists
Laboratory Personnel o Also called histotechnicians.
• Pathologists o A laboratory personnel responsible for the
o A duly registered physician who is specially routine preparation, processing, and staining
trained in methods of laboratory medicine, or of biopsies and tissue specimens for
the gross and microscopic study and microscopic examination by a pathologist
interpretation of tissues, secretion, and (Cardona,2015).
excretions of the human body and its o There is no separate formal training for
functions in order to diagnose disease, follow histotechnologists in the Philippines.
its course, determine the effectivity of
treatment, ascertain cause of death, and • Nuclear Medicine Technologists
advance medicine by means of research o Healthcare professional who works
(R.A. 5527, section 2, b). alongside with nuclear medicine system.
o Always considered to head a clinical o Involves preparation and administration of
laboratory and monitor all laboratory results. radiopharmaceuticals, and use of radiation
o A laboratory result without the signature of a detection instruments to measure quantity
pathologist may not be considered valid. and distribution of radionuclides in the
• Medical Laboratory Technician patient.
o A person certified by and registered with the o Also performs clinical laboratory procedures
Board of Medical Technology and qualified to that involves
assist a medical technologist and/or qualified • Toxicologists
pathologist in the practice of medical o Studies the effects of toxic substances on
technology as defined in the aforementioned the physiological functions of humans,
act (R.A. 5527, Section 2, d). animals, and plants to develop data for use
o Qualifications: in consumer protection and industrial safety
1. Taker of medical technologist programs.
licensure exam who obtained a o Also designs and conducts studies to
rating >=70% but <75%. determine physiological effects of various
2. Passed the civil service substances on lab animals, plants, and
examination for medical technicians human tissues using biological and
given on March 21,1969, or biochemical techniques.
3. Finished 2-year college course and
has at least 1 year experience
working as a medical laboratory
technician; provided that for every
year of experience in college, 2
years of work experience may be
• Phlebotomists
o A professional trained to draw blood either
for lab tests or for blood donations.
o Blood collection can be done through
capillary puncture or venous puncture
o Arterial blood collection can only be
performed by specially trained
o The skill is not exclusive to medical
technologists, but other health care
professionals as well, provided that they
were given certification by a reputable
certifying or training institution.
• Cytotechnologists
o A laboratory personnel who works with the
pathologists to detect changes in body cells
to aid in disease diagnosis.
o Cytotechnologists select and section minute
particles of human tissue for microscopic



Medical Technology Professional Courses

• Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1
Education in the o Basic concepts and principles related to the
profession; focuses on the curriculum,

Philippines professional practice, clinical laboratories,

continuing professional education, biosafety
Definition of Curriculum practices, and waste management.
• Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 2
• The knowledge and skills students are expected to
o Basic concepts and principles of laboratory
learn, which include the learning standards or
procedures and phlebotomy; also involves
objectives they are expected to meet; the units and
the study of pre-analytic, and post-analytic
lessons the teachers teach; assignments and projects
variables that affect lab results.
given to students; the books, materials, videos,
presentations , and readings used in a course; and • Community and Public Health
the tests, assessments, and other methods used to
o Involves the study of the foundations of
evaluate student learning. community health, including ecology,
demography, epidemiology, health
• The means and materials with which students interact
promotion, etc.
for the purpose of achieving identified educational
outcomes. • Cytogenetics
o Concepts and principles of heredity and
• The planned interaction of students with instructional
inheritance; also discusses abnormalities
content, materials, resources, and processes for
and genetic disorders involving chromosome
evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.
and nucleic acids.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) • Histology
• Under the Office of the President o Fundamentals of cells, tissues, and organs
• Covers institutions of higher education both public and with emphasis on microscopic structures,
private; tasked to organize and appoint members of characteristics, differences, and functions.
the technical panel for each discipline/program area. • Histopathologic and Cytologic Techniques
• Technical Committee for Medical Technology o Basic concepts and principles of disease
education (TCMTE) processes, etiology, and development of
• Assists CHED in setting standards among anatomic and microscopic changes brought
institutions offering the BSMT/BSMLS about by the disease; also deals with
program. techniques necessary for the preparation of
tissue samples for microscopic examination.
BSMT/BSMLS Program o Tests that students perform:
• A 4-year program consisting of general education and • Tissue processing
professional courses that students are expected to
• Cutting of processed tissue
complete in the first three years.
• Staining
• The 4th year is dedicated for the clinical internship
• Mounting of stained tissue for
training in a CHED-accredited clinical laboratories
microscopic examination
affiliated with the institution.
• Performing biosafety and waste
• CMO No. 13, series of 2017- serves as a guide for
institutions offering the program.
• Clinical Bacteriology
General Education Courses o The study of the physiology and morphology
• Courses in the BS Medical Technology program that of bacteria and their role in infection and
aim to develop foundational knowledge, skills, values, immunity; emphasizes on specimen
and habits necessary for students to succeed in life collection, isolation, identification, and
and positively contribute to society. antimicrobial susceptibility profiling of
• Courses that aim to develop humane individuals that bacterial pathogens.
have a deeper sense of self and acceptance of o Procedures and tests students perform:
others. • Preparation of culture media
Understanding the Self • Collection of specimens
Readings in Philippine History • Preparation of bacterial smear
The Contemporary World • Staining of smear
Mathematics in Modern World • Inoculation of specimen on culture
Purposive Communication General Education media
The Life and Works of Rizal Courses • Characterization of colonies of
Science, Technology, and bacteria growing in culture media
Society • Performing different biochemical
Art Appreciation tests for identification of bacteria
Ethics • Biosafety and waste management



• Quality assurance and quality • Preparation of blood smear and

control staining
• Antimicrobial susceptibility testing • Red cell morphology
• Clinical Parasitology • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
o The study of parasitic organisms in humans (ESR)
and their clinical and public health • Fragility test
significance; emphasizes on • Erythrocyte indices
pathophysiology, epidemiology, prevention • Reticulocyte count
and control, and identification of ova and • Instrumentation
adult worms for diagnostic purposes.
• Osmotic fragility test
o Procedures and tests that students perform:
• Quality assurance ad quality control
• Microscopic identification of • Biosafety and waste management
diagnostic features of different
groups of parasites pathogenic to • Hematology 2
o Study of the hemostatic process; focuses on
man (e.g., nematodes, trematodes,
the laboratory analyses of plasma
cestodes, protozoa, plasmodium,
coagulation factors and related factors, and
among others)
their disease correlations.
• Different methods of preparing o Procedures and tests that students perform:
smear for microscopic examination
(e.g., direct fecal smear, Kato-Katz, • Identification of abnormal RBC and
among others)
• Immunohematology (Blood Banking) • Special staining techniques
o Concepts or inheritance, characterization, • Coagulation factor test (e.g.,
and laboratory identification of red blood cell activated partial thromboplastin time
antigens and associated antibodies, and [APTT], Prothrombin time [PT],
their applications in transfusion medicine. bleeding time [BT], clotting time
o Procedures and tests that students perform: [CT], Clotting retraction time [CRT])
• ABO and Rh typing • Instrumentation
• Coombs test (direct and indirect • Clinical Microscopy
o Physical, chemical, and microscopic study of
urine and other non-blood body fluids;
• Blood donation process focuses on their formations, laboratory
• Transfusion reaction work-up analyses, and disease correlation.
• Preparation of RBC suspension o Procedures and tests that students perform:
• Mycology and Virology
• Routine urinalysis (macroscopic,
o The study of medically important fungi and microscopic, chemical
viruses, with emphasis on laboratory examinations)
identification and characterization, disease
• Special chemical examination of
epidemiology, and prevention and control. urine
• Laboratory Management
• Examination of other body fluids
o Concepts of management as applied in the (seminal fluids, gastric juice,
clinical laboratory setting; also tackles the cerebrospinal fluid)
process of solving problems, quality control
and assurance, preparation of policy and • Pregnancy test
procedure manuals, and other activities • Chemical examination of stool
necessary to maintain a well-functioning
laboratory. • Clinical chemistry 1
o Concepts and principles of physiologically
• Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics
o Encompasses various laws, administrative active substances and waste products in
blood and other body fluids; focuses on the
orders, and other approved legal documents
formation, analyses, and disease
related to the practice of medical technology;
application of ethics to health, healthcare
delivery, and human life.
o Procedures and tests that students perform:
• Hematology 1 • Instrumentation
o Study of blood as a specialized connective • Quality assurance and quality
tissue; focuses on the cellular elements of control
the blood, its laboratory analysis and disease • Glucose determination
correlations. • Lipid testing (triglyceride,
o Procedures and tests that students perform: lipoproteins)
• Complete blood count (CBC) • Renal function tests [blood urea
• Hematocrit blood test nitrogen (BUN), blood uric acid
(BUA), creatinine]
• Platelet count

• Protein testing (total proteins, specimens, quality assurance, safety and

albumin, globulin) waste management)
• Biosafety and waste management Phlebotomy 54 hours
• Clinical chemistry 2 Total 1,664
o Continuation of clinical chemistry 1; focuses hours
on clinically important enzymes, electrolytes,
acid-base homeostasis, hormones, Professional Regulation Commission
therapeutic drugs, and toxic substances. • Under the Office of the President
o Procedures and tests that students perform: • Tasked to conduct licensure examinations to
• Bilirubin tests regulated professions.
• Clinical enzymology (transferases, • Professional Regulatory Board of Medical Technology
dehydrogenase, hydrolases) o Tasked to prepare and administer the written
• Electrolyte testing licensure examination in medical technology.
• Hormone testing o Composed of:
• Drug tests 1. One (1) chair: Pathologist
2. Two (2) members: Registered
• Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
o Applications of concepts and principles of Medical Technologists
molecular biology in disease diagnosis.
o Current composition of the board:
1. Chair:
• Seminars 1&2
o Taken during the student's fourth year in the ▪ Marilyn A. Cabal-Barza
2. Members:
program together with the internship training.
It deals with current laboratory analyses ▪ Marilyn R. Atienza
used in the practice of medical technology. ▪ Marian M. Tantingco
• Medical Technologists Licensure Exam
Research Courses o To pass the exam, the examinee must:
• Research 1: Introduction to Laboratory Science 1. Obtain a general weighted average
Research of 75%;
o It deals with the basic concepts and 2. Have no rating below 50% in any
principles of research as applied in Medical major courses;
Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science. 3. Pass in at least 60% of the courses
Ethical principles, as applied in research, are computed according to their relative
also emphasized. weights.
• Research 2: Research Paper Writing and o Certificates of registration and professional
Presentation ID will be issued to successful examinees
o Covers the methodology of the research, that are 21 years old and above.
writing the research paper in the format o If an examinee did not pass the licensure
prescribed by the institution and international exam for the third time, he/she needs to
research agencies for possible publication, complete a refresher course before being
and presentation of the finished and allowed to retake the exam for the 4th time.
completed research in a formal forum. o If an examinee did not pass the licensure
Clinical Internship Training exam but has obtained a GWA between
70%-74%, he/she may apply for certification
• Taken during the students' fourth year in the program. as a medical laboratory technician.
Only those who have completed and passed all the
academic and institutional requirements for the ifrst
three years of the program, and other requirements as
specified in the official documents of the institution,
college, and/or departments are qualified for
• The intern is required to render 32 hours of duty per
week not exceeding a total of 1,664 hours in one year.
Clinical Chemistry 300
Clinical Microscopy and Parasitology 200 hours
Microbiology 250 hours
Hematology 300 hours
Blood banking 200 hours
Histopathologic techniques and Cytology 100 hours
Immunology and Serology 220 hours
Laboratory Management (collection, 40 hours
handling, transport, and receiving of



According to Ownership:
Nature of Clinical • Government
Owned, wholly or partially, by the national or
local government units.
o Examples:
• Clinical and anatomical laboratories
of DOH-run government hospitals
like San Lazaro Hospital, Jose R.
Clinical Laboratory Reyes Memorial Medical Center,
• The place where specimens collected from patients University of the Philippines-
are processed, analyzed, preserved, and properly Philippine General Hospital and
disposed. local government-run based clinical
• Provides accurate and reliable information to laboratories of the Ospital ng
physicians for the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, Maynila Medical Center, Sta. Ana
and management of patients' diseases. Hospital, and Bulacan Medical
• Majority of clinical decisions are based on laboratory Center.
results. • Private
• Also involved in research, public health programs, o Owned, established, and operated by an
disease surveillance, infection control, information individual, corporation, institution,
dissemination, and evaluation of new diagnostic association, or organization.
technologies. o Examples:
• St. Lukes Medical Center, Makati
Classification of Clinical Laboratories Medical Center, and MCU-FDTMF
According to function:
According to service Capability:
o Focuses on the areas of clinical chemistry, Description Performs Performs Performs
immunohematology and blood banking, basic, routine primary lab tests primary and
medical microbiology, immunology ad lab tests * additional tests secondary
serology, hematology, parasitology, clinical lab test *
microscopy, toxicology, therapeutic drug additional
monitoring, and endocrinology, among tests
others. Tests Urinalysis, Primary lab Primary and
performed Fecalysis, tests, routine secondary
o Concerned with the diagnosis and treatment
Complete clinical lab tests,
of diseases performed through laboratory blood count, chemistry, Gram Immunology
testing of blood and other body fluids. Blood typing, staining, K0H and
• Anatomic/Surgical Pathology Gram mount*, serology,
o Focuses on the areas of histopathology, staining Crossmatching* Microbiology,
immunohistopathology, cytology, autopsy,
and forensic pathology among others. chemistry,
o Concerned with the diagnosis of diseases Specialized
through microscopic examination of tissues hematology,
and organs. Blood
• Molecular Pathology banking*
Equipment Microscope, Primary lab Secondary
According to Institutional Centrifuge, equipment, lab
Characteristics: Microhemato
crit centrifuge
• Institution-based analyzer, automated
o Operates within the premises or part of an autoclave, chemistry
institution such as hospital, school, medical incubator, oven analyzers,
Class II
clinic, medical facility for overseas workers
and seafarers, birthing home, psychiatric Serofuge
facility, drug rehabilitation center, and others. Space At least 10 m2 At least 20 m2 At least 60
o Most common example: requirement m2
• Hospital-based clinical laboratories *if hospital based
• Free-Standing
o Not part of an established institution.
o Most common example:
• Free-standing out-patient clinical



• National Reference Laboratories 4. Molecular identification

o A laboratory in a government hospital Hematology
designated by the DOH to provide special • Focuses on the study and measurements of blood
diagnostic functions and services for certain cells and plasma coagulation factors.
diseases. • Examples of tests performed:
o Services: 1. Complete blood count
1. Referral services 2. Bone marrow microscopy
2. Confirmatory testing 3. Platelet aggregometry
3. Assistance for research activities 4. Coagulation studies (e.g., PT, PTT, TCT,
4. Implementation of national external etc.)
quality assurance scheme (NEQAS) Clinical Microscopy and Parasitology
5. Resolution of conflicts in test results
• Focuses on the physical, chemical, and microscopic
from different laboratories analyses of non-blood body fluids such as urine and
6. Training of medical technologists on feces.
procedures that require
• Examples of tests performed:
1. Urinalysis
Laws on the Operation, Maintenance, and 2. Fecalysis
Registration of Clinical Laboratories in 3. Fecal occult blood test
4. Fecal concentration techniques
the Philippines 5. Body fluid cell count
• Republic Act 4688 6. Seminal fluid analysis
o An act regulating the operation and Blood Banking
maintenance of clinical laboratories and • Involved in blood donor recruitment.
requiring the registration of the same with the • Collection, processing, screening, storage,
department of health, providing penalty for dispensing, and disposal of donor blood and other
the violation thereof, and for other purposes. blood components.
• Administrative Order NO. 2007-0027 • Examples of tests performed:
o Revised Rules and Regulations Governing 1. ABO and Rh typing
the Licensure and Regulation of Clinical 2. Antibody screening
Laboratories in the Philippines. 3. Antihuman globulin testing
• Administrative Order NO. 2021-0037 4. Blood component processing
o New rules and regulation Governing the Immunology and Serology
Regulation of Clinical Laboratories in the • Focuses on the detection and quantification of
Philippines. antibodies in the patient's serum.
• Also tests for specific antigens associated with
Sections of the Clinical Laboratory infectious agents.
• Examples of tests performed:
1. Dengue NS1 antigen
Clinical Chemistry 2. Hepatitis B profile
• Focuses on the quantitation of biochemical 3. Rapid plasma regains
substances in the blood and other body fluids. 4. HIV 1/2 antibody screening
• Blood (serum) and urine are the most common 5. Allergy panel
specimens. 6. Antinuclear antibody testing
• Examples of tests performed: Histopathology and Cytology
1. Serum glucose • Focuses on the preparation of tissues or biopsy slides
2. HbA1c for microscopic examination by a pathologist.
3. Lipid profile (TC, TAG, LDL-C, HDL-C) • Immunohistochemistry
4. Renal function tests (BUN, BUA, Creatinine) o Application of immunologic and chemical
5. Electrolytes principles in the detection of specific
6. Enzymes antigens in the patient's tissues specimen.
7. Hormones
Molecular Diagnostics
• Focuses on procedures involved in the identification
• Focuses on the isolation, identification, and and amplification of nucleic acids (DNA and/or RNA)
antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacterial associated with specific disease processes.
• Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
• Detection of fungal elements. o Commonly used molecular technique.
• Examples of tests performed:
1. Direct microscopy
2. Gram staining
3. Culture and sensitivity



Phases of Clinical Laboratory Testing

Quality Assurance in the Clinical


• All systematic actions necessary to provide adequate

confidence that laboratory services will satisfy the
given medical needs for patient care.
• Primary goal:
o To deliver quality laboratory services to
• Two major components:
o Internal quality assurance program
o External quality assurance program
National Reference Laboratories in the

Clinical Chemistry Lung Center of the
Microbiology and Research Institute for
Parasitology Tropical Medicine
Hematology National Kidney and
Transplant Institute
Toxicology East Avenue Medical
STD/AIDS (Serology) San Lazaro Hospital-
STD/AIDS Cooperative
Central Laboratory


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