Practical Exercises and Challenges: Matter Waves

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Matter waves

12 Describe briefly the evidence that electrons behave as:

(a) particles
(b) waves.
13 Both radiation and matter are said to exhibit ‘wave–
particle’ duality. Explain the meaning of this term.
What is the nature of the wave associated with a
particle such as the electron?
14 Write down the de Broglie relation that links the wave
and particle characteristics of a particle. Explain the
meaning of the terms in this equation. Does the de
Broglie relation apply to quanta of electromagnetic
15 Calculate the wavelengths of the following particles:
(a) an electron that has been accelerated through a
p.d. of 1000 V
(b) a neutron with energy kT, where k is the
Boltzmann constant and T is room temperature
(293 K)
(c) a soccer ball (m = 0.43 kg) travelling at 20 m s−1.
16 Looking back at question 15, discuss the circumstances
in which it would be possible to observe the
diffraction of electrons and neutrons. Explain why the
wave characteristics of soccer balls cannot be detected.
mn = 1.67 × 10−27 kg; k = 1.38 × 10−23 J K−1
Practical exercises and challenges
1 Use a photocell to design a burglar alarm. Your design
could be based on the circuit shown in Figure 28.10b.
2 Figure 28.13 shows a circuit you can use to find the
Planck constant by measuring the voltage drop across
an LED (light-emitting diode) and the wavelength of
the radiation it emits.
spectrometer to measure 
Figure 28.13 Measurement of h with an LED.
When an LED conducts, electrons lose energy by
combining with holes in the junction region. The
energy lost is emitted as photons of visible light.
Assuming the LED has negligible resistance then the
electrical energy supplied by the battery must be equal
to the energy emitted as light.
Now if V is the voltage drop across the diode then,
energy change per electron = eV
energy of photon = hf = h

therefore, eV = h

and so h = eVλ
1 Set up the circuit as shown.
2 Start with the variable resistor set at its maximum
3 Slowly reduce the resistance until the LED just
switches on.
4 Note the voltage drop across the LED when it just
starts to operate.
5 By adjusting the variable resistor, record data to
plot a graph of current against voltage for the LED.
6 Use a spectrometer to measure the wavelength of
the light emitted by the LED (alternatively look up
this wavelength on the datasheet for the particular
LED you are using).
The voltage value you require is the voltage drop
when the diode just operates with minimum current.
You can then assume that all the energy supplied by
the battery is transferred to photons, and energy lost
through resistive heating is zero. Obtain the best value
for V by extrapolating your graph of V against I back
to I = 0. Calculate h from your measured values for V
and λ using the equation above.
Answers to ITQs
1 (a) This suggests that ultraviolet light can discharge
a negatively charged plate by giving electrons
enough energy to escape from its surface. Ejecting
electrons from a positively charged plate would
require more energy (since the electrons are
attracted back to the plate) and would increase the
net positive charge of the plate.
(b) This suggests that ultraviolet light can transfer
sufficient energy to an electron for it to escape
from the plate; but visible light cannot.
(c) This suggests that the glass absorbs ultraviolet light.
(d) This suggests that either electrons cannot travel
through the layer of oxide that forms on zinc
exposed to the atmosphere; or this layer absorbs
UV radiation.

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