Assignment 1-ME 272-Solution

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College of Engineering

Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272

Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1

Define the following:

1. 0th law of thermodynamics?
Ans.” 0th law of thermodynamics states that if the two bodies are in thermal equilibrium
with a third body, their also in thermal equilibrium with each other.”
2. 1st law of thermodynamics?
Ans.” The energy can’t be created or destroyed it can change from one form to another
form of energy”
3. 2nd law of thermodynamics?
Ans.” The second law of thermodynamics states that the sum of the entropies of the
participating bodies always increases S = .“
4. A system in thermodynamics?
Ans.” The system is defined as a quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study”
5. Open system and closed system?
Ans.” Closed system (control mass) is a systems which has a fixed amount of mass, no
mass can cross its boundary. Open system (control volume” is a system which has a fixed
amount of volume, no volume can cross its boundary”
6. Isothermal and adiabatic process?
Ans.” Isothermal process is a process during which the temperature remains constant.
Adiabatic process is a process during which there is not heat crosses the boundary.”
7. Isobaric and Isochoric process?
Ans. “Isobaric process is process which the pressure remains constant. Isochoric process
is a process which the volume remains constant”
8. Isentropic process?
Ans.” Isentropic process is a process during which the entropy remains constant”
9. Process and State?
Ans.” Process is defined as any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium
state to another. State is defined as a point that can specify the behavior of a substance”
10. Specific quantity?
Ans.” Specific quantity is defined as a quantity per unit mass “
11. Cycle and critical point?
Ans. “Cycle is a circle of a process which returns to its initial state at the end of the
process. Critical point is defined as a point which has all properties are at equilibrium.”
12. A pure substance?
Ans. “A substance that has a fixed chemical composition.”
13. Saturated liquid and saturated vapor?
Ans.” Sat. liquid is a liquid what is about to vaporize. Sat. vapor is a vapor that is about
to condense.”
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1

14. Compressed liquid?

Ans.” Comp. liquid is a liquid that is not about to vaporize.”
15. Superheated?
Ans.” Superheated is a vapor that is not about to condense.”
16. Latent and sensible heat?
Ans.” Latent heat is the amount of heat required to change the phase of a substance.
Sensible heat is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a substance.”
17. Sublimation?
Ans.” Sublimation is a phenomena which show the change of the solid phase to the vapor
phase without passing through the liquid phase.”
18. Nuclear, chemical, and thermal energy?
Ans. “Nuclear energy is defined as the amount of energy associated with the strong bonds
within nucleus of the atom itself. Chemical energy is defined as the internal energy
associated with atomic bonds in a molecule. Thermal energy is defined as the amount of
heat associated with sensible and latent forms of internal energy.”
19. Force, Pressure, Energy, and Power?
Ans. “Force is an external action which acts to push or pull an object. Pressure is defined
as the force per unit area. Power is defined as the work done by or on per unit time.”
20. Torque, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, and Mechanical Energy?
Torque is defined as the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. Kinetic
energy is amount of energy needed to accelerate or move an object. Potential energy is
defined as the amount of energy that an object due to its position. Mechanical energy is
defined as the amount of energy associated with the motion and position.”
21. Enthalpy, Entropy, and Energy?
Ans. “Enthalpy is defined as a state function that depends only on the prevailing
equilibrium state identified by the variables internal energy, pressure, and volume. Entropy
is defined as the measure of the molecules disorders. Energy is a property of objects which
can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms, but cannot be created
or destroyed.”
22. Internal energy, Total energy?
Ans. “Internal energy is defined as the sum of all the microscopic forms of energy. Total
energy is the sum of all forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal
energy, or internal energy….”
23. Manometer and Barometer?
Ans. “ A manmoter is advice which can be emplyed to measure the pressure differnce. A
baromter is a vice which can be used to measure the atmopheric pressure. “
24. Work and specific heat?
Ans. “Work is a force acting through a distance. Specific heat is the energy required to
raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.”
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1
25. Properties, Extensive properties and Intensive properties?

ρ ρ
½m ½m
½V ½ V

Fig.1.1. Intensive and Extensive Quantities

Ans. “Properties are defined as the properties of materials which are specific to a given
material. Extensive properties are defined as the physical property of a system that does
not depend on the system size or the amount of material in the system. Intensive properties
are defined as the physical property of a system that depends on the system size or the
amount of material in the system.”
26. Molar mass, mole and molecular weight?
Ans.” Molar mass is defined as the mass of a given substance divided by its amount of
substance. Mole is defined as the measurement unit for amount of substance. Molecular
mass is the mass of molecule.”
27. Thermal equilibrium, Mechanical equilibrium, Phase equilibrium, and Chemical
Ans. “Thermal equilibrium occurs during a process when the temperature is the same
throughout the entire system. Mechanical equilibrium occurs during a process when the
pressure is the same throughout the entire system. Phase equilibrium occurs during a
process when the mass reaches an equilibrium level throughout the entire system.
Chemical equilibrium occurs during a process when the chemical composition does not
change with time throughout the entire system.”
28. Specific properties, density, and mass?
Ans.” The specific properties are the properties per unit mass. Density is defined as the
mass per unit volume. Mass is defined as the amount of matter of an object.”
29. Path, Process, and Quasi-static (equilibrium) process?
Ans.” Path is defined as the series of states through which a system passes during a
process. Process is defined as any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium
state to another. Quasi-static (equilibrium) process is defined as a manner that the system
remains infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all times.”
30. Latent heat of fusion?
Ans. “ LHF is the amount of energy released during freezing.”
31. Latent heat of vaporization?
Ans. “ LHV is the amount of energy absorbed during vaporization.”
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1
32. Liquid vapor saturation curve?
Ans.” Liquid vapor saturation curve is a curve shows the characteristics of all pure
33. Triple point?
Ans.” A triple point is a point which has the same pressure and temperature but different
specific volumes of a substance.”
34. Enthalpy of vaporization?
Ans.” hfg is the amount of energy needed to vaporize a unit mass of saturated liquid at a
given temperature or pressure.”
35. Quality?
Ans. “Quality “x” is the ratio of the vapor mass per total mass of the mixture.”
36. Equation of State?
Ans. “Equation of state is the state that relates to the pressure, temperature, and specific
volume of a substance.”
37. Compressibility Factor?
Ans.” CF is a correction factor which is used to show the deviation from ideal- gas
behavior at a given temperature and pressure.”
What is a turbine? What is a pump? What is a compressor?
Ans.” Turbine is a machine that is used to generate a work (to expand the steam). Pump is a
machine that is utilized to raise a pressure or elevate incompressible fluid flow. Compressor is a
machine that is used to pressurize the compressible flow.”
Which the following system is closed system or open system?
System Open Closed Explain?
Vessel  No mass can cross its boundary.
Tank  No mass can cross its boundary.
Piston Cylinder  No mass can cross its boundary.
Compressor  Mass can cross its boundary.
Turbine  Mass can cross its boundary.
Pump  Mass can cross its boundary.
Radiator  Mass can cross its boundary.
Condenser  Mass can cross its boundary.
Boiler  Mass can cross its boundary.
Evaporator  Mass can cross its boundary.
Expansion V/V  Mass can cross its boundary.
Deaerator  Mass can cross its boundary.
Heat Exchanger  Mass can cross its boundary.
Heater  Mass can cross its boundary.
Nozzle  Mass can cross its boundary.
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1
Diffuser  Mass can cross its boundary.
Fuel Injection  Mass can cross its boundary.
Combustion chamber  Mass can cross its boundary.
Catalectic convertor  Mass can cross its boundary.
Water shower  Mass can cross its boundary.
Crude Oil Filter  Mass can cross its boundary.
Wind Tunnel  Mass can cross its boundary.
Water Tunnel  Mass can cross its boundary.
Exhaust System  Mass can cross its boundary.
Ventilation Fan  Mass can cross its boundary.

A piston cylinder has the mass mp with area is 35 cm2 and contains a gas. The frictionless piston
has connected with the linear spring which exerts with a force is 60 N and Patm. Find the
pressure inside the cylinder?

Fig.1.2 Piston Cylinder [Ans. P =123.4 kPa]

Fs mp × g
Pinside = Pspring + Patm + Ppiston = + Patm +
60 4 × 9.81
Pinside = Pspring + Patm + Ppiston = + 95 + = 123.4 kPa
3.5 3.5

With no minor and friction losses. Estimate the output power of this plant?
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1

[Ans. 94.2 MW]

Fig.1.3. Hydro turbine

ẆTurbine = ṁgz × ηT = 1000 × 100 × 9.81 × 120 × 0.8 = 94176000 W = 94.17MW


Complete the blank cells in the following table:

0.001004 125.6 Compressed Liquid

0.00107 kJ/kg
546.1 Sat. Liquid (x = 0)
200 2967 Superheated (Steam)
133.5 2196.3 Sat. Liquid Vapor Mixture X=0.825
473.5 0.6861 4 Superheated (Steam)


A piston cylinder has T =20oC and P=250 kPa, as shown in the Fig1.4. Heat is now transferred to
the water, and part of water evaporates and the piston moves up until reaches the linear spring
with stiffness constant is 100 kN/m, when the piston reaches the spring at volume is 0.2m3 the
more heat transferred to the water until the piston rises 20 cm more. Determine
a. The final pressure and temperature.
b. The work done during this process.
c. Show the P-V diagram.
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1

Fig.1.4. Piston-Cylinder with linear spring

[Ans. a. P=450 kPa, T=147.9oC, b. W=44.5 kJ]
FS 100 × 0.2
P3 = P1 + = 250 + = 450 kPa [ Final Pressure]
AP 0.1
∀3 = ∀2 + AP × (spring displacment) = 0.2 + 0.10 × 0.2 = 0.22 m3
∀3 0.22 m3
𝑣3 = = = 0.0044
𝑚 50 kg
The temperature at the state [3] P3=450 kPa and v3 =0.0044 m3/kg is
T = 147.9o C [kPa]
450 Ws
P 250
0.2 0.22 [m3]
Wtotal = Wb + Wspring = P1 (∀3 − ∀1 ) + (P3 − P2 ) × (∀3 − ∀2 )
𝑃1 = 250 𝑘𝑃𝑎, 𝑇1 = 20𝑜 𝐶 , 𝑣 = 0.001004 , ∀ = 𝑣 × 𝑚 = 50 × 0.001004 = 0.0502 m3
𝑘𝑔 1
W = 250 × (0.22 − 0.0502) + × (450 − 250) × (0.22 − 0.2) = 44.5 kJ
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1

Air enters the adiabatic steadily, determine

a. The mass flow rate through a nozzle,
b. The exist temperature of the air,
c. The exist area of the nozzle.

Fig. 1.5. Adiabatic Nozzle

[Ans. 0.5304 kg/s, 184.6 C, and 38.7 m2]

Q̇ − Ẇ = ṁCp (T2 − T1 ) + ṁ(V22 − V12 ), Q̇ = Ẇ = 0
kJ P1 300
T1 = 200C, Cp = 1.029 , ρair1 = = = 2.21 kg /m3
air kg. K RT1 (1.029 − 0.742) × (273 + 200)
ṁ = ρair × V1 × A = 2.21 × 0.008 × 30 = 0.5304
Cp (T2 − T1 ) + (V 2 − V12 ) = 0
2000 2
1 1
T2 = (V12 − V22 ) + T1 = (302 − 1802 ) + 200 = 184.69o C
2000 × Cp 2000 × 1.029

P2 100 m3
ρ2 = = = 0.761
RT2 (1.029 − 0.742) × (273 + 184.69) kg
ṁ 0.5304
A2 = = = 0.003872 𝑚2 = 38.72 𝑐𝑚2
V2 ρair 180 × 0.761
Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 10 MPa and 400oC and leaves at 10 kPa with a quality of 90
percent and mass flowrate 4.852 kg/se. Estimate the output power of the turbine. [Ans. 3.647 MW]
College of Engineering
Fall Session- 2015 Thermodynamics II - ME 272
Section: MA&MB
Solution Model of Assignment#1
State [1]: P1 = 10 MPa, T1 = 400o C (Superheated steam), h1 = 3096
State [2]: P2 = 10 kPa, x = 0.9 (Sat. liquid vapor mixture), h2 = 2345
Ẇnet = ṁ(h1 − h2 ) = 4.852 × (3096 − 2345) = 3.644 MW

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