Phrasal Verbs - Aptis

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1. To come up with. “… after reading your email, I came up with the idea of…”
(Idear, inventar.)

2. To nd out. “… I've recently found out that the meeting has been cancelled,
what a pity!” (Descubrir)

3. To get on with. “I really get on well with my sister, she’s very special to me.”
(Llevarme bien)

4. To get rid o . “I got rid o smoking some time ago because it is very
unhealthy.” (Deshacerme de)

5. To give something up. “I gave up piano lessons, I am not talented enough.”

(Dejar de hacer, quitarme de)

6. To hang out. “At weekends, I usually hang out with friends. (Salir con)

7. To look after / to take care of. “During the week, I take care of my parents/
grandparents/children…” (Cuidar)

8. To look for. “I’m looking for a new club where I can practice_______” (Buscar)

9. To look forward to. “I’m looking forward to my next trip to Italy.” (Estar

10.To make my mind. “After a long time, I have nally made up my mind and I’ve
joined the club.” (Decidirme)

11.To put o . “The club has decided to put o the meeting and I disagree with
that.” (Posponer)

12.Put my name down. “I put my name down to be part of this club.”


13.To run out of. “I run out of activities to practice, so I decided to join the club.
(Quedarme sin)

14.To sort the problem out. “I reckon you should sort this problem out, as we
paid our tickets. (Resolver)

15.To set o . “We set o to Italy by plane.” (Partir, salir hacia)

16.Take up a hobby / sport. “I took up swimming when I was 10 years old.”

17.Work out. “I usually work out in the mornings because I have to work in the
evenings.” (Entrenar)

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