Phrasal Verbs - Aptis
Phrasal Verbs - Aptis
Phrasal Verbs - Aptis
1. To come up with. “… after reading your email, I came up with the idea of…”
(Idear, inventar.)
2. To nd out. “… I've recently found out that the meeting has been cancelled,
what a pity!” (Descubrir)
3. To get on with. “I really get on well with my sister, she’s very special to me.”
(Llevarme bien)
4. To get rid o . “I got rid o smoking some time ago because it is very
unhealthy.” (Deshacerme de)
6. To hang out. “At weekends, I usually hang out with friends. (Salir con)
7. To look after / to take care of. “During the week, I take care of my parents/
grandparents/children…” (Cuidar)
8. To look for. “I’m looking for a new club where I can practice_______” (Buscar)
9. To look forward to. “I’m looking forward to my next trip to Italy.” (Estar
10.To make my mind. “After a long time, I have nally made up my mind and I’ve
joined the club.” (Decidirme)
11.To put o . “The club has decided to put o the meeting and I disagree with
that.” (Posponer)
13.To run out of. “I run out of activities to practice, so I decided to join the club.
(Quedarme sin)
14.To sort the problem out. “I reckon you should sort this problem out, as we
paid our tickets. (Resolver)
16.Take up a hobby / sport. “I took up swimming when I was 10 years old.”
17.Work out. “I usually work out in the mornings because I have to work in the
evenings.” (Entrenar)