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Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains

Wiyata Husada Samarinda

English For Midwifery

Andik Supriyatno

0852 4664 7761

[email protected]

Jl. Kadrie Oening No. 77 Samarinda 75124 TV WHS itkeswhs itkeswhs

Jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi 8 (The Eight Parts of
Speech) disebut dengan istilah PANCAVIP, yaitu :

1. Pronouns (kata ganti) : I, you, we, they, she...

2. Adjectives (kata sifat) : good, fussy, curious
3. Nouns (kata benda) : car, book, pen, horse..
4. Conjunctions (kata sambung) : and, but, or, while
5. Adverbs (kata keterangan) : now, seriously, well..
6. Verbs (kata kerja) : eat, drink, took, gone
7. Interjections (kata seru) : hi ! hello ! alas ! ouch !
8. Prepositions (kata depan) : in, on, at, before, after.

We need water and sugar now but they need rice or money
1 6 3 4 3 5 4 1 6 3 4 3
Macam-Macam Pronoun

Sub. Pro Obj Pro Poss.Adj Poss.Pro Reflexive

I Me My book Mine book Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself/selves
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

She Her Her Hers Herself

He Him His His Himself
It It Its Its Itself

A bunch of words that have the least one subject,

one predicate, and a understanding a perfect

1. Budi is writing a letter now (true)
2. Writing is now Budi a letter (false)
3. Bella is beautiful (true)
4. Beautiful bella is (false)

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Element of sentence
SUBJECT • A noun 1. Coffee is delicious
Something to talk • A pronoun 2. She sings beatifully
about • Adjective used as noun 3. The quite are thoughful
• An infinitive used as noun 4. To speak is easy
• A participle used as a noun 5. Reading is my hobby
PREDICATES • Verb 1. Jono reads a newspaper
An explanatory word • Auxiliary Verb/ Helping 2. She is studying english
on the subject verb 3. We are students
4. She is happy

OBJECT • Direct object 1. Heri killed a snake

The noun or pronoun • Indirect Object 2. You are watcing TV
that the predicate 3. She sends a letter to me
target 4. Rina gives me a book

COMPLEMENTS • Adjective 1. The news made him sad

The word that • Noun 2. They elected Mary chairwoman
completes the • Preposition with object 3. She seems in a hurry
meaning of the verb in • Adverb 4. They will come here today
a sentence
Kinds of Pronoun
Sub. Pro Obj Pro Poss.Adj Poss.Pro Reflexive
I Me My book Mine book Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself/selv
We Us Our Ours
They Her Their Theirs
She Him Her Hers
He It His His
It Its Its


Auxiliary Verb + S ………….?

Ex : Do you study english?yes, I do / no, I don’t

Will we go to Balikpapan tomorrow? yes, we will / no, we won’t

(who, what, where, when, why, whose, Auxiliary Verb:
whom, how, how long, etc) To be : am, is, are, was, were
To do : do, does, did
Have : have, has, had
QW + Aux V + S …..? Modal : can, will, shall, may,

Ex : What are you doing?

Where do you live?
Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

What Inquiring of subject/object (things)

Who Inquiring of subject (person)

Whom Inquiring of object (person)

Where Inquiring of place

When Asking time of event

Why Asking the reason

How Asking for news or circumstances

How many Asking number (countable noun)

How much Asking number (uncountable noun)

Modal auxiliaries adalah kata kerja bantu modal yang memiliki ciri-ciri khusus, yaitu:

1. Kata kerja yg digunakan setelah modal adalah V-1 murni tanpa to (bare infinitive), contoh : He
must to help me

2. Modal tidak bisa ditambah dengan s/es/ed/ing, contoh: she canS speak English.

Will (akan) Shall (akan)
Would (akan/sehrsnya) Should (akan/sehrsnya)
Can (dapat) Could (dapat)
May (boleh) Might (boleh)
Must (harus) Need (perlu)
Dare (berani) Ought to (sehrsnya)
Used to (terbiasa) Had better (lebih baik)

Rumus verbal: Rumus Nominall:

(+)S+modal+V-1+O (+)S+modal+BE+C
(-)S+modal+not+V-1+O (-)S+modal+not+ BE+C
(?)modal+S+V-1+O? (?)modal+S+ BE+C
Example: Example:
(+)He can write a letter (+)He can be a doctor
(-)He cannot write a letter (-)He cannot be a doctor
(?)Can he write a letter (?)Can he be a doctor
Will (akan) To be going to
Shall (akan) To be going to
Would (akan/sehrsnya) To be going to
Should (akan/sehrsnya) To be going to
Can (dapat) To be able to
Could (dapat) To be able to
May (boleh) To be allowed to
Might (boleh) To be allowed to
Must (harus) Have to/has to/had to
Need (perlu) -
Dare (berani) -
Ought to (sehrsnya) To be supposed to
Used to (terbiasa)
Had better (lebih baik)
Apabila ada lebih dari 1 modal dalam sebuah kalimat
maka modal yang pertama tetap sedangkan modal yang
selanjutnya harus dirubah menjadi similar modal. Contoh:
I will can speak English (salah)
I will be able to speak English (benar)
They must can speak English (salah)
They must be able to speak English (benar)
He will may can speak english (salah)
He will allowed to be able to speak English (benar)
He is going to be able to speak English (benar)
Perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat
kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari
tenses karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubungannya dengan waktu
dan sifat kejadiannya

According to the time of tenses devided into 3 :

1. Present
2. Past
3. Future

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Simple Present
(+) S + V1 (+es/s)
(-) S + Do/Does + not +V1
(?) Do/Does + S + V1?
Time signal :
Fungsi: • Always
1. Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yg dilakukan • Usually
2. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum • Often
3. Untuk menyatakan peristiwa saat ini • Sometimes
• Seldom
Example: • Never
1. We usually study at night
• On Sunday
2. The sun rises from the east
3. I work hard at home
• Every ……
• etc

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Present Continuous

(+) S + am/is/are + Ving

(-) S + am/is/are + not + Ving
(?) Am/is/are + S + Ving? Time signal:
• now
Fungsi: • at present
1. Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung saat ini • at this moment
2. Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah direncanakan • this afternoon
akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang • Tomorrow
• tonight
Ex :
1. I am studying english now • etc
2. I am not going anywhere this afternoon
3. Are you still waiting for some one?

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Present Perfect

(+) S + have/has + V3
(-) S + have/has + not + V3
Time signal:
(?) Have/has + S + V3?
 just now
 since
Fungsinya:  for
Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah selesai dilakukan  already
pada waktu lampau (waktunya tidak tentu) dan masih  this morning
ada hubungannya dengan waktu kini  almost, etc.

Example :
1. Peter has written a letter.
2. She hasn’t seen me for a week.
3. Have you already finished your homework?

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Present Perfect Continuous

(+) S + have/has + been + Ving

(-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving Time signal:
o just now
(?) Have/has + S + been + Ving
o since
o For….
1. Menyatakan perbuatan yg telah mulai dilakukan pd waktu lampau
(waktunya tdk tentu), dan sekarang masih akan dilakukan.
2. Menyatakan perbuatan yg diulang-ulang dlm Present perfect tense

Example :
1. It has been raining since at 6 o’clock
2. I haven’t been eating for whole day
3. Has she been waiting for me for a long this time?

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Simple Past
(+) S + V2
(-) S + Did + not +V1
(?) Did + S + V1?
Time signal:
o yesterday
o Last ……
o ……… ago
o The other day
1. Menyatakan perbuatan pada waktu lampau (waktunya tertentu
o In 1983
2. Menyatakan kebiasaan yg dilakukan pada waktu lampau
o Etc.
1. Mary played tennis yesterday
2. we did not study last night
3. did you swim two days ago?
4. she went to malang last year

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Past Continuous

(+) S + was/were + Ving

(-) S + was/were + not +Ving
(?) was/were + S + Ving?
Time signal:
o when
Fungsi: o While
1. Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang
o etc
terjadi/berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika
perbuatan lain terjadi
2. Menunjukkan suatu perkembangan perlahan-lahan
(tanpa memakai keterangan waktu)

1. It was getting dark
2. The sun was not rising
3. were you cooking when I came?
4. I was cooking when you came
5. When you came, I was cooking
6. I was swept when my mother washed

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Past Perfect
(+) S + had+ V3
(-) S + had+ not +V3
(?) Had+ S + V3?

Time signal:
Fungsi: after, till,
1. Menyatakan perbuatan yang telah selesai dilakukaan ketika before,
peristiwa lain terjadi when. etc
2. Menyatakan perbuatan yg terjadi sebelum saat tertentu pd
waktu lampau, biasanya diikuti oleh kejadian lain.

1. When I reached the station, the train had left
2. Before the police came, the thief had escaped
3. I had injected a patient after she registered
4. I had given medicines to the patient whom stood beside the
5. I had watched the movie when you came last night

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Past Perfect Continuous

(+) S + had+ been + Ving

(-) S + had+ not + been + Ving
(?) Had+ S + been + Ving?

1. Menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan peristiwa itu
masih berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain terjadi
2. Sering dapat digunakan utk menyatakan perbuatan yg diulang-ulang dalam
past perfect tense

1. Mary had been sleeping for two hours when I visited her last night
2. I had been waiting for an hour when she arrived
3. Everybody had been talking about him when he suddenly appeared
4. The midwife had been looking after the patient when the doctor visited her

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Future Tense
(+) S + Will/Shall + V1
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + V1
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1?

1. Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada
waktu yang akan datang
2. Digunakan utk conditional sentence (kalimat bersyarat)
tipe 1
3. Digunakan utk menyatakan permintaan

1. I will go to Thailand tomorrow
2. Will you go to bali next week? Time signal :
3. He will be a doctor next year • Tomorrow
4. If you go out, I will/shall go out • Tonight
5. Will you help me? • next ………..

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Future Continuous Tensee

(+) S + Will/Shall + be + Ving

(-) S + Will/Shall + not + be + Ving
(?) Will/Shall + S + be + Ving ?

Untuk menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang akan sedang
terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu tertentu pada waktu yang
akan datang
Time signal :
• at this time next year
• all day tomorrow
1. He will be working late every evening next week
• at 7 o’clok tonight
2. They will be studying English tomorrow night at ten
• etc
3. I shall be driving throught java at this time next year
4. At this time next year, they will be studying at university
5. Will you be swimming at this time tomorrow?

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Future Perfect Tense

(+) S + Will/Shall + have + V3

(-) S + Will/Shall + not + have + V3
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + V3?
Untuk menyatakan peristiwa/perbuatan yang akan sudah
terjadi di waktu yang akan datang
TS :
• by next august
Example: • by the end of…..,
1. In the two year’s time, I shall have left Yogyakarta • in two year’s time,
2. Mary will have read this book by the end of this by this time next
week year,
3. By this time next year, John will have taken his • etc
University degree
4. By the end of january, my baby will have born

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) S + Will/Shall + have + been + Ving

Ket. Waktu:
(-) S + Will/Shall + have not + been + Ving
• by the end of…..,
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + been + Ving ?
• for 5 years by next month,
• by this time next year,
Fungsi: • etc
Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan sudah akan
dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang tetapi perbuatan
tersebut masih berlangsung pada waktu itu

1. You will have been studying for three hours by 6 toninght
2. We will have been living here for two years by the end of this year
3. He will have been working for 5 hours by this time next month

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Tenses Sentences
Simple Present I speak English

Present Continuous I am speaking English

Present Perfect I have spoken English

Present Perfect Continuous I have been speaking English

Tenses Sentences
Simple Past I spoke English

Past Continuous I was speaking English

Past Perfect I had spoken English

Past Perfect Continuous I had been speaking English

Tenses Sentences
Future Tense I will speak English

Future Continuous I will be speaking English

Future Perfect I will have spoken English

Future Perfect Continuous I will have been speaking English

Yaitu konstruksi kata atau ungkapan yang maknanya tidak bisa diartikan
secara literal

Example :
1. Hit the books (belajar) :
Sorry but I can’t watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I
have a huge exam next week!”

2. Hit the sack (tidur) :

“It’s time for me to hit the sack, I’m so tired.

3. A piece of cake (mudah) :

The exam was “a piece a cake”.

4. Give someone a hand (menolong) :

I will be glad to “give you a hand” when you wash the car.

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

5. Out of the question (mustahil utk dilakukan) :
A: We will go hiking this holiday. Will you join?
B: I think it is “out of the question” to go hiking in rainy season

6. I am broke (bokek) : Let’s go to the movie! I don’t think so, “I’m broke” now.

7. Don't judge book by its cover (jgn menilai orang dr luarnya)

8. Hang in there (sabar/jgn menyerah) : Hang in there honey, you’ll be okay

9. No Pain No Gain“: Come on you can lose your weight, remember brother No
Pain No Gain“

10. Cross the line : Her jokes are cross the line

11. Well, now we can kill two birds with one stone

12.What a pity you are (Kasian deh lu)

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Mapping vocabularies

Anemia Injection
Recovery Surgery
Abstinence Mother
Swollen givebirth
Medicine Suture
Midwife Baby
Vomiting Hemorrhaging
Morning Prenatal
sickness Fetus

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide)

Essentials of English Grammar (a practical guide) Created by Andik Supriyatno, SE,. MM

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