ND Computer Science

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April, 2019
1.0 Title of the Programme
The title of the programme and certificate awarded shall be National Diploma (ND) in Computer Science
2.0 Goal and Objectives of the programme
2.1 Goal
The National Diploma programme is designed to produce diplomates capable of applying computer in various areas of computing.

2.2 Objectives
Diplomates of this programme should be able to:-
i. Operate Computer systems
ii. Use various Computer packages
iii. Maintain hardware
iv. Solve simple hardware problems
v. Use various programming languages:
• Visual BASIC
• C Programming
• Unified Modelling Language (UML)
• Hyper Text Mark-up Language
vi. Use Internet
vii. Set up Network
viii. Set up and manage an enterprise

3.0 Entry Requirements

3.1 National Diploma
The entry requirements into National Diploma Computer Science programme are as follows:-
a) Five credit level passes in GCE “O” level, Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE), NECO and NABTEB at not more than
two sittings.
The five subjects must include:
I. English Language, Mathematics, Physics and two other subjects chosen from the following:
II. Economics, Geography,
III. Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
IV. Biology/Agricultural Science.
V. A Pass in Physics is compulsory for
VI. Computer Science.
VII. And Relevant NTC/NBC & NVC Trades
Plus JAMB Examination as resolved by National Policy on Education.
b) A pass in Computer Foundation Examination (CFE) of Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN). The student
must be prima fascia qualified as in (a) above.

4.0 Curriculum
4.1 The curriculum of the ND programme consists of four main components. These are:-
i. General studies/Education
ii. Foundation courses
iii. Professional courses
iv. Supervised Industrial work experience scheme (SIWES).
4.1.1 The General Education component shall include courses in
English Language
Citizenship Education
The General Education component shall account for not more than 15% of total contact hours for the programme.

4.2 Foundation Courses include courses in Mathematics, and Statistics etc. The number of hours will vary with the programmes and may account for
about 10 –15% of the total contact hours.
Professional Courses are courses, which give the student the theory and practical skills he needs to practice his field of calling at the
technical/technologists level.
Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) shall be taken during the long vacation following the end of the second semester of the first
year. See details of SIWES at paragraph 8.0.

5.0 Curriculum structure

5.1 ND programmes
The structure of the programme courses of four semesters of classroom, laboratory and workshop activities in the college – and a period
(3-4 months) of supervised industrial work experience scheme (SIWES). Each semester shall have 17 weeks duration made up as
15 contact weeks of teaching, i.e. recitation, practical exercises, quizzes, test, etc; and
2 weeks for examinations and registration. SIWES shall take place at the end of the second semester of the first year.
6.0 Accreditation
Programme offered at the ND level shall be accredited by the NBTE before the diplomats can be awarded National Diploma certificate. Details
about the process of accrediting a programme for the award of the ND is available from the Executive Secretary, National Board for Technical
Education, P. M. B. 2239, Kaduna, Nigeria.

7.0 Conditions for the Award of the National Diploma

Institution offering accredited programme will award the National Diploma programme after passing the prescribed course work,
examinations, diploma project and the supervised industrial work experience. Such candidates should have completed a minimum of
between 72 and 80 semester credit units depending on the programme.

7.1 Unified Grading System

The unified grading system to be applied in scoring all course work, examinations, project, etc is as stated on table below:

Marked Range Letter Grade WEIGHTING

75 and above A 4.0

70 – 74 AB 3.5

65 – 69 B 3.25

60- 64 BC 3.0

55 – 59 C 2.75
50-54 CD
45 – 49 D
40-44 E
0.0 0
Below 40% F
7.2 Classification of Diplomas

The final Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be determined (calculated) and applied to the classification of the National
Diploma as follows:

Class (Level of Pass) CGPA

Distinction 3.50 and Above

Upper Credit 3.00 – 3.49
Lower Credit 2.50 – 2.99

Pass 2.00 – 2.49

Fail Below 2.00

8.0 Guidance notes for Teachers teaching the programme

8.1 The new curriculum is drawn in unit courses. This is in keeping with the provisions of the National Policy on Education which stress
the need to introduce the semester credit units which will enable a student who so wish to transfer the units already completed in an
institution of similar standard from which he is transferring.
8.2 In designing the units, the principle of the modular system by product has been adopted; thus making each of the professional modules,
when completed provides the diplomates with technician skills, which can be used for recognition as in self-employed or for
employment purposes.
8.3 As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes between the institutions and
industry, the curriculum content has been written in behavioural objectives, so that it is clear to all the expected performance of the
student who successfully completed some of the courses or the diplomats of the programme. There is a slight departure in the
presentation of the performance based curriculum which requires the conditions under which the performance are expected to be
carried out and the criteria for the acceptable levels of performance. It is a deliberate attempt to further involve the staff of the
department teaching the programme to write their own curriculum stating the conditions existing in their institution under which the
performance can take place and to follow that with the criteria for determining an acceptable level of performance. The Academic
Board of the institution may vet departmental submission on the final curriculum. Our aim is to continue to see to it that a solid internal
evaluation system exists in each institution for ensuring minimum standard and quality of education in the programmes offered
throughout the polytechnic system.
8.4 The teaching of the theory and practical work should, as much as possible, be integrated. Practical exercises, especially those in
professional courses and laboratory work should not be taught in isolation from the theory. For each course, there should be a balance
of theory to practice in the ratio of about 40:60.

9.0 Guidelines on SIWES programme

9.1 For the smooth operation of the SIWES, the following guidelines shall apply:
Responsibility for placement of Students
a. Institutions offering the ND programme shall arrange to place the students in industry. By April 30 of each year, six copies of the
master list showing where each student has been placed shall be submitted to the Executive
Secretary, NBTE which shall, in turn, authenticate the list and forward it to the industrial Training Fund, Jos
b. The Placement officers should discuss and agree with industries on the following:
I. A task inventory of what the students should be expected to experience during the period of attachment. It may be wise to
adopt the one already approved for each field.
II. The industry-based supervisor of the students during the period, likewise the institution based supervisor.
III. The evaluation of the student during the period. It should be noted that the final grading of the student during the period of
attachment should be weighted more on the evaluation by his industry-based supervisor.
9.2 Evaluation of Students during the SIWES
In the evaluation of the student, cognizance should be taken of the following items: a) Punctuality
b) Attendance
c) General attitude to work
d) Respect for authority
e) Interest in the field/technical area
f) Technical competence as a potential technician in his field.
9.3 Grading of SIWES
To ensure uniformity of grading scales, the institution should ensure that the uniform grading of students’ work which has been agreed
to by all polytechnics is adopted.
9.4 The Institution based Supervisor
The institution-based supervisor should initial the log book during each visit. This will enable him/her to check and determine to what
extent the objectives of the scheme are being met and to assist students having any problems regarding the specific given to them by
their industry-based supervisor.

9.5 Frequency of visit

Institution should ensure that students placed on attachment are visited within one month of their placement. Other visits shall be
arranged so that:
I. There will be another visit six weeks after the first visit;

II. A final visit in the last month of the attachment.

9.6 Stipend for Students in SIWES

The rate of stipend payable shall be determined from time to time by the Federal Government after due consultation with the Federal
Ministry of Education, the Industrial Training Fund and the NBTE.

9.7 SIWES As a component of the Curriculum

The completion of SIWES is important in the final determination of whether the student is successful in the programme or not. Failure
in the SIWES is an indication that the student has not shown sufficient interest in the field or has no potential to become a skilled
Technician in his/her field. The SIWES should be graded on a fail or pass basis. Where a student has satisfied all other requirements
but failed SIWES, he may only be allowed to repeat another four months SIWES at his/her own expense

S/N Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Prerequisite
1 COM 111 Introduction to computing 2 2 3 4

2 COM 112 Introduction to Digital Electronics 2 2 3 4

3 COM 113 Introduction to Programming 2 2 4 4

4 COM 114 Statistics for Computing 1 2 0 2 2

5 COM 115 Computer application packages I 2 2 3 4

6 MTH 111 Logic and Linear Algebra 2 0 2 2

7 GNS 101 Use of English I 2 0 2 2

8 GNS 102 Citizenship Education I 2 2 4 4

16 10 23 26


S/N Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Prerequisite

1 COM 121 Programming using C Language 2 2 3 4 COM 113

2 COM 122 Introduction to Internet 1 2 3 3 COM 111

3 COM 123 Programming Language using Java I 2 2 3 4

4 COM 124 Data structure and Algorithms 2 1 3 3 COM 113

5 COM 125 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design 2 1 3 3 None

7 COM 126 PC Upgrade & Maintenance 1 3 3 4 None

8 GNS 128 Citizenship Education II 2 0 2 2 GNS 127

9 GNS 102 Communication in English 2 0 2 2

10 EED 126 Practice of Entrepreneurship 2 0 2 2

11 GNS 228 Research Methods 2 0 2 2

18 10 25 28


S/N Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Prerequisite

1 COM 211 Programming Language using Java II 2 2 4 4 COM 113

2 COM 212 Introduction to systems 1 1 2 2 COM 111

3 COM 213 Unified Modelling Language (UML) 2 2 3 4 COM 113

4 COM 214 Computer Systems Troubleshooting 1 2 3 3 COM 111

5 COM 215 Computer Application Packages II 2 2 3 4 COM 111

COM 216 Statistics for Computing II 2 0 2 2 COM 123

7 SIW 219 SIWES 0 4 4 4 None

8 GNS 201 Use of English II 2 0 2 2 None

9 EED 216 Practice of Entrepreneurship 2 0 2 2 GNS 101

15 18 25 27

S/N Course Code Course Title L P CU CH Prerequisite

1 COM 221 Basic Computer Networking 1 3 3 4 COM 113,

2 COM 222 Seminar on Computer and Society 2 - 2 2 COM 111

3 COM 223 Basic Hardware Maintenance 1 2 2 3 None

4 COM 224 Management Information system 2 1 2 3 COM 112

5 COM 225 Web Technology 2 3 3 5 COM 111, 103

6 COM 226 File Organisation and Management 2 1 2 3 COM 111

7 GNS 204 Communication in English II 2 0 2 2 COM 122

8 2 4 6 6 COM 216
COM 227 Project
12 13 20 25
Programme: (National Diploma) Computer Science Course Code: COM 111 Contact Hours: 4

Course: Introduction to Computing Semester: 1 Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of computing

General Objectives: On completion of this course the student, should be able to:
1.0 Understand the history, classification and impact of computers.
2.0 Understand the concept of computer hardware and software
3.0 Understand computer data processing systems.
4.0 Understand the procedures for computer and data preparation method.
5.0 Know security and safety procedures within a computer environment.
6.0 Know the concept of computer networks
7.0 Understand the use of the internet, its tools and resources
Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the history, classification and impact of Computers

Specific Learning Teacher’s

Week Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Evaluation
Outcomes activities

Define Computer Define computer and Identify computer Guide Discuss the
computer systems systems. students to history and
1 White Board.
Describe the basic components of the Charts, of
Trace the history of computer
computer systems computers?
computer. systems

PC loaded with
Describe the development of
computers, in particular: Abacus,
software package
Pascal, Babbage, Hollerith, ENIAC Classify the computer and connected to
etc. according to multimedia
generations Projector
Classify computers according to
generations from 1st – 5th generation
(any subsequent generation)

Explain types and White Board. Identify different Guide Classify

1.5 Distinguish between analogue, classes of computers. classes of computer students in the computer by
2 Charts,
digital and hybrid computers identification type, size
of computer and purpose
Discuss the benefits PC loaded with
1.6 Classify computer by size and and implications of Presentation systems
computers to the software package
society. and connected to
1.7 List the benefits of computers to multimedia
the society.
1.8 Explain the social implication of
computers on society in particular
privacies and quality of life.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the concept of computer hardware and software

2.1 Explain elements of computer Explain the meaning of Identify the various Guide List the
systems hardware, its various components of a students to compon
3 White Board.
components and functions computer system identify ents of
2.2 Describe computer hardware
Charts, comput
the various
Components er
Explain various peripheral system
devices and their functions PC loaded with of a and
2.3 Describe three major
Presentation their
components of computer
software package various
computer hardware (input, and connected to system functio
processing multimedia ns.
and output)

2.4 Describe the functions of the

peripheral devices.

2.5 Describe the function of C.P.U. Explain the functions of White Board. Identify the various Guide the What
CPU and its components. auxiliary units and students on are the
4 Charts,
distinguish between how to various
2.6 List some auxiliary Units.
the memory sizes. identify the measur
Explain the auxiliary various ement
PC loaded with auxiliary units units of
2.7 Describe the function of the Presentation memor
software package y?
auxiliary memory
and connected to
Explain measurement of
2.8 Define bits, byte, nibble, and Projector
word and storage size.
Weeks General Objective 3.0: Know the Concept of Computer Software

Guide the What are the

students on levels associated
5 3.1 Explain software and its Explain system White Board. Be able to
how to with a source and
various types software and differentiate
Charts, differentiate object code
application between
3.2 Distinguish between the between respectively?
software. different levels
machine level, low – level different
of languages
and PC loaded with levels of
used in a
high – level languages. Presentation languages. Differentiate the
Explain the computer
software three translators
3.3 Explain source and object different levels of system
package and and be able to
programs. languages used in
connected to Guide identify the
3.4 Define a translator. multimedia students on different
Identify various
Projector how to application
3.5 Explain types of translators and
identify software.
translators: Explain the various computer
assembler, compiler, and types of translators packages on
interpreter. translators
and their functions. computer
and computer
3.6 Explain the use of bespoke system
packages on
application packages and computer
user Explain computer systems
application software programs. packages and user
application software
Week/s General Objective 4.0: Understand Computer Data Processing Systems

4.1 Explain Data Processing Explain offline and White Board. Identify life Guide Mention situations
situations students to requiring the use
6 online concepts Charts,
requiring the identify real of batch, real-time,
4. 2 Explain different data application of life situations time sharing and
processing methods: batch Explain different PC loaded with the requiring the distributed
data Presentation various data processing.
processing, real time, time various
software processing
processing methods methods.
sharing and distributed package and methods
with their
connected to
processing etc. advantages and
4.3 Explain advantages and
disadvantages of the
data processing methods
Week/s General Objective 5.0: Know the procedures for Computer Operations and Data Preparation Method

5.1 Explain the principles and Explain the White Board. Boot and shut Guide students Demonstrate
procedures of operating the principles and down computer on how to how to perform
7 computer system: start up, fix Charts,
procedures of operate the various
up, format, and shut-down system
perform various computer computer
procedures computer system. operations.
PC loaded with
operations. Presentation Format
software diskettes
package and Guide students What are the
connected to to identify steps to take in
Copy , Edit, formatting
Save and other different storage media
5.2 Explain system Projector
basic file storage media
initialization and formatting of such as
storage media. operations diskettes, flash
Compact Discs disks etc.
Guide the
Flash Discs, students on
External hard how to format
diskettes and
disk drives etc. storage media
removable and save
media, and save documents
documents into into them
Week/s General Objective 6.0: Understand Security and Safety Procedures within a Computer Environment

6.1 Explain Computer Security Discuss Computer White Board. Guide

Security and the need students on
8 -9 Charts, Identify devices What are
for computer room how to
for computer the actions
6.2 Explain the need for computer safety and security secure
room security to take in
room safety and security computer
PC loaded with case of fire
room and
Explain methods of Presentation or
6.3 Explain methods of preventing preventing hazards software package Identify actions sabotage?
fire, flooding sabotage and connected to that could lead to
hazards fire, flooding sabotage etc etc. multimedia fire hazards,
Projector sabotage, viral Guide List some
and worm students to hard to
6.4 Explain Malware infections and Discuss Malware infections etc. guess
Prevention e.g. virus and worms infections and simple passwords
prevention password
formulate that they
6.5 Explain standard procedure for passwords (weak, could
Explain system strong and very easily
installing anti-virus security using user strong).
passwords and
6.5 Explain data control techniques. username
Set up computer Guide
system following students to
6.6 Explain computer system Explain Computer ergonomics set up
auditing Ergonomics standard systems to
6.7 Explain the user passwords and
6.8 Explain Computer Ergonomics

Week/s General Objective 7 (COM 101): Understand the Concept of a Computer Network

7.1 Explain Computer Network Define computer White Board. Identify various Guide Describe the
network. computer students to different
10 and its importance Charts,
identify network
Networked PCs various topologies,
7.2 Describe different types of Explain different types loaded with network their
of network Presentation Point out topologies advantages
network topologies such as topology such as star, software package organizations and
star, ring and bus. ring, bus etc. and connected to using the disadvantages?
multimedia different
Projector topologies.

7.3 Describe different types of Describe different White Board. Identify various Guide the Describe
types of networks: types of students to situations
11 network: LAN, MAN and Charts,
LAN, MAN and computer identify LAN whereby LAN,
WAN WAN components, MAN and
Networked PCs network WAN are
types and preferable.
7.4 Describe various LAN Describe various LAN loaded with
Presentation Identify organizations
Components Components software package organizations using them.
and connected to using specific
multimedia types of
Projector networks

Identify various
Week/s General Objective 8.0: Understand the use of the internet and contemporary computing

8.1 Define Internet and explain Explain Internet and Browse and Guide Demonstrate
its resources its resources search the students to how to browse
12-15 White Board.
Internet for browse and and search the
information search the Internet for
8.2 Explain the processes Explain browsing and
Internet for information
involvedin browsing, searching searching the internet PC loaded with
the internet for information. for information Presentation
software package
and internet

8.3 Explain the concepts of Compose and Guide Demonstrate

send E-mail. students to how to
Electronic Mail (e-mail), Explain the concept White Board.
compose and compose and
of e-mail, sending
World Wide Web(www), send E-mail. send E-mail.
and receiving an e-
Make use of any
Uniform Resource Locator mail. PC loaded with
(URL) etc. connected to Guide Demonstrate
software package
cloud, IoT etc. students to how to use
8.4 Explain the concept of e-mail Explain Internet and internet
use Cloud Cloud and
Service Provider browser and
and acquiring email address (ISP) and their and IoT IoT services
connected to
functions Multimedia
8.5 Explain the process of
sending and receiving an e-mail.
Discuss Cloud
Computing, Internet
8.6 Explain Internet Service of Things (IoT) etc.
Provider (ISP) and their
8.7 Explain Cloud Computing,
Internet of Things (IoT), etc.

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:

Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test %; Practical %; Projects %; Examination %

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 101) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60


Test At least 2 progress tests for feed back. 20

Practical At least 5 home works to be assessed by the teacher 20

Total 100

Recommended Textbooks & References:

Programme: (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 112 Contact Hours: 4
Computer Science

Course: Introduction to Digital Electronics Semester: 1 Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: none Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire basic knowledge of and skills in digital electronics

General Objectives: On completion of this course, the students should be able to

1.0 Understand number system, codes and code conversion

2,0 Know the fundamental of Boolean algebra

3.0 Understand the logic gates, addition and subtraction operations in the computer

4.0 Understand small-scale Integrated Circuits

5.0 Understand the concept and methodology of sequential circuit design

6.0 Understand counter and Data transfer

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand number system, codes and code conversion.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Specific Learning Teacher’s

Week Resources Evaluation
activities Outcomes activities

1.1 Explain number systems. Explain the PC loaded with Convert numbers from one Guide the Convert given
number systems. Presentation base to another students to numbers from
package carryout number Binary to
1.2 Convert from one number Describe system and Hexadecimal
system to another e.g. from conversion from Demonstrate BCD
one code to codes
binary to decimal and vice- Multimedia Conversion or any other
another. conversion
versa Projector code system Convert from
binary coded
Describe BCD, decimal (BCD)
Excess-3, gray Guide students
1.3 Explain code systems. Logic gate Identify seven-segments to Excess-3 code
and 2421 codes. to construct
simulator display code
display code
1.4 Explain the conversion from Construct seven-
one coding system to another. segment display
code using
Describe the common
seven-segment cathode or
1.5 Describe BCD (8421), 2421,
display code. anode
excess-3, gray codes, etc.

1.6 Describe the conversion from

one code to another e.g. from
BCD to excess-3 code.
1.7 Describe the seven-segment
display code.

General Objective 2.0: Know the fundamentals of Boolean algebra

4-7 2.1 State the Boolean postulates: Explain the PC loaded with Apply Boolean postulates to Guide the State the
Presentation real life problems students on how Boolean
the Commutative , Boolean
package to prove the postulates
Associative, Distributive Boolean
Use Boolean postulates to postulates as
law, Identity, Negation minimize complex well as De
Multimedia Construct truth
Explain with expressions Morgan’s
, Redundancy laws, and De Projector table for De
examples Boolean theorem Morgan’s
Morgan’s theorem. postulate’s
application. Construct truth tables
Logic gate variables
simulator Aid students to
2.2 Explain truth tables Guide students State the steps
Explain how how to construct required to
construct truth Apply Karnaugh map to
minimize logic expressions truth tables minimize
2.3 Explain how to form logic tables
expressions from statements of Explain how to expressions
conditions. design logic Aid students to using the
2.4 Explain how to minimize logic expressions from construct Karnaugh map
expressions algebraically. statements of Karnaugh map

2.5 Explain sum of product (SOP) Demonstrate the

and product of sum (POS) Using the stated use of Karnaugh
Boolean map to resolve
postulates, complex logic
2.6 Explain a Karnaugh map explain the steps expressions
in minimizing
(K.Map) logic expressions
2.7 Explain how to construct a .K demonstrate the
Map for 2,3,4 variables action.

2.8 Explain how to minimize a logic Using the stated

expression using a k-map Boolean
explain the SOP
and POS

2.6 Define and

discuss the
Karnaugh map.

2.8 Progressively
design a Karnaugh
map for 2, 3 and 4
variables and
explain each step.

2.9 Use the

principles in K-
Map and minimize
logic expression.
General Objective 3.0: Know the implementation of logic gates, addition and subtraction operations in the computer

8 3.1 Construction of logic gates Explain the PC loaded with Construct and implement Aid in Identify
(AND, OR, NOR, XOR, NAND, construction of Presentation various logic gates construction of different types
INVERT/NOT, XNOR) logic gates package logic gates of logic gates

Construct and implement

Multimedia various adder hardware.
Projector (Half, Full, serial, parallel
3.2 Design of combinational logic Explain the design Aid in Identify
circuits of 4 bit adder/subtractor of Half Adder. construction of different types
hardware Adder and of adder
Logic gate
simulator Subtractor
Explain the design
of Full Adder.

Explain the serial


Explain the
parallel adder

General Objective 4.0: Understand small-scale Integrated Circuit

9 - 11 4.1 List the various terminologies Explain the PC loaded with Understand integrated Assist students Identify the
used to characterize integrated various Presentation circuits technologies and its to simulate the basic integrated
circuits e.g. fan-out, fan–in threshold, terminologies used package implementations construction of circuits
heat dissipation, noise margin etc. to characterize ICs
integrated circuits
4.2 Explain pin
(ICs). Multimedia Evaluate the
connections/arrangement of ICs.
Projector speed of various
Describe some pin
arrangement of ICs
ICs (Dual in-line,
4.3 Explain the technology of Logic gate
straight-line and
Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL). simulator
circular) and apply
same to solve
given problem.
4.4 Explain all the characteristics of
DTL, Emitter Couple Logic (ECL) Draw, explain and
technologies. construct
electronic circuits
using DTL
4.5 Explain pulse and pulse shaping. (Diode-Transistor

Explain the
limitations of DTL

Explain and
demonstrate the
applications of the
up and down

Draw and
construct the
electronic circuits
of logic
expressions using

Draw and explain

the structure of
TTL, ECL, and
Extended Loop
(EEL) and then
construct the
electronic circuit.

General Objective 5.0: Understand the concept and methodology of sequential circuit design

12 5.1 The design and operations of Explain the design PC loaded with Know the usefulness of bi- Help the Identify how
various bi-stables (flip-flops) and Presentation stables as a storage device in students to flip-flop can be
package computer memory design and implemented
operations of
construct flip-
various flip-flop
5.2 Digital pulse and methods of flop bi-stables
(R.S., D-Type, J-
pulse shaping K, )

- Explain the
Logic gate
digital pulse and
General Objective 6.0: Understand counter and Data transfer.

13 -15 6.1 Describe the operations of the Describe the PC loaded with Understand how counters are Aid the students Identify the
basic binary Ripple counter. operation of the Presentation used in digital electronics for to implement different types
basic binary package counting specific events different of counters
Ripple counter. happening in the circuits counters in
6.2 Describe the operation of the digital
Modulus counter. Multimedia electronics and How are
Describe the Projector application of counters used in
operation of the input-pulses as counting in
6.3 Describe a shift and transfer of Count-down utilized in digital
data through registers. counter. Logic gate almost all digital electronics
simulator electronic
Describe and
explain the
operation of the
Modulus counter
using Mod-6 as an
example counters.

Define and
explain a shift, a
shift-right and a
shift- round

Describe the
parallel transfer of
data through

Describe a serial
transfer of data
through registers.

Describe the

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used: Coursework/Assignments 10%; Course test 10%; Practical 20%; Examination 60%

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 112) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and understanding 60

Test At least 1 progress test for feedback. 10

Practical / Projects To be assessed by the teacher 20

Course work/ assignment To be assessed by the teacher 10

Total 100
Programme: (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 113 Contact Hours: 4
Computer Science

Course: Introduction to Programming Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Semester: 1

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire basic knowledge of programming

General Objectives: On completion of this course the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand features of a good program.

2.0 Understand the concept of Algorithms and flowcharting.

3.0 Understand the principles of designing algorithms for common programming problem.

4.0 Understand General modular program design principles.

5.0 Understand the procedure in solving programming problems.

6.0 Understand the various levels of programming language.

7.0 Understand the concept of debugging and maintaining program.

8.0 Understand good programming practices.

9.0 Understand the concept of object oriented programming

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand features of a good program.

Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Specific Learning Teacher’s

Week Resources Evaluation
activities Outcomes activities

1.1 Explain features of good Define and explain Charts and Identify the steps involved Explain each List and explain
program (Accuracy, program with in developing good steps involved in the steps
1 maintenance, efficiency, PC loaded
concrete programs developing good involved in
reliability, etc.) with Power
illustration. programs developing good
connected to
Explain in details
1.2 Explain the steps involved in the features and
developing a good program steps involved in
(Defining the program, developing a good
Analyzing the program, On-line
Designing the algorithm, Notes
coding or writing the program,
test execution, debugging,
final documentation)

General Objective 2.0: Understand the concept of Algorithms and flowcharting

2 -4 2.1 Define algorithm on a Describe the Charts and Identify the steps involved Identify and Explain
general basic. concept of in developing good explain the steps algorithm and its
PC loaded algorithm
algorithm with its in developing an characteristic
with Power
features. algorithm
2.2 Explain features of an point
algorithms (e.g. precision, connected to
Draw a flowchart
uniqueness, effective, Give concrete multimedia Demonstrate the to find the sum
finite) examples of Projector construction of and average of
Know various algorithmic
algorithms. representations flowchart, DFD specific numbers
and decision
2.3 Describe the methods of Online note table in problem
algorithm representation of Illustrate the solving
English language,
various methods of
Flowchart, pseudo code,
decision table, data flow
diagram (DFD) etc. algorithm with

2.4 Describe main ANSI

flowcharts as describe

2.5 Draw flowcharts to

implement some simple
programming tasks

General Objective 3.0: Understand the principles of designing algorithms for common programming problem

5-6 3.1 Design algorithm for Show the Structure Charts and Understand the control Demonstrate the Explain the use
problems involving. and how to develop structure and its uses use of algorithm of algorithm in
PC loaded
simple in solving problems solving
with Power
programming specific
3.2 Strictly sequence control problems involving problems
connected to
structure each of basic Explain the
control structure. various control
Guide the structures
Give class exercise,
3.3 Selection control structure students on how
assignments to
to use the
practice on. books and various control
textbooks structures

3.4 Iteration control structure Correct the

developed by the

General Objective 4.0: Understand General modular program design principles

7-8 4.1 Explain modular Discuss the concept ditto Understand and explain the Demonstrate the Explain modular
programming concept. and advantage of concept of modular concept of programming
modular programming, top-down modular using top-down
programming design, program structures programming; design technique
4.2 Explain top-down design like hierarchical, relational top-down design
technique. and network and other
Discuss and program Explain program
illustrate with structures design structures
4.3 Illustrate program design programs e.g.
with program structure charts, payroll, student
hierarchical, relational and records, result Guide the
Network. computation, etc. students in
Top-down design
specific program
4.4 Demonstrate each of the 4.1 to solve
–43 above. problems

General Objective 5.0: Understand the procedure in solving programming problems

9 5.1 Identify the problem and Discuss the Stages ditto identify the stages involve Demonstrate the Explain the
confirm it solvable. involved in in developing program and use of algorithm, stages involved
developing apply it in real life situation program coding, in problem
program. testing and solving
5.2 Describe algorithm for the running real life
chosen method of solution with programs
Demonstrate the Identify the use of Explain the use
flowcharts or pseudo codes.
stages above with algorithm, code program of algorithm and
real life program and implement program coding.
5.3 Code the algorithm by Design algorithm for the
using a suitable programming chosen method of solution
Design and run
language. with flowcharts or pseudo
program to solve
real life
5.4 Test and run the program
on the computer.

General Objective 6.0 Understand the various levels of programming language

10 -11 6.1 Explain machine, low-level Discuss the ditto identify the various levels Guide students Explain the
and High level languages features of of programming languages in the various levels of
machine, low level, and its features identification of computer
and high level various language and its
6.2 Give examples of the languages. programming features
languages stated above. levels and its
identify the difference
between system command And system
6.3 Explain the distinguishing command
Highlight the programming statements Distinguish
features of languages in 6.1. program
advantages and between system
disadvantage of statements command
level of program
6.4 Distinguish between programming statements
systems commands and layouts
program statements.
General Objective 7.0: Understand the concept of debugging and maintain program

12 7.1 Explain debugging. Discuss various PC loaded Demonstrate debugging and Demonstrate Explain
methods of with debugging techniques debugging and debugging and
debugging, aids. traditional debugging debugging
7.2 Explain the sources of bugs languages techniques techniques
in a program such as identify the sources of bugs
Highlight classes of Cobol,
debugging Fortran etc. Guide students Identify errors in
7.3 Explain different types of identify different types of in the a source code
and OO
errors (syntax, run-time and errors in a program identification of
logical errors) Differentiate languages different types
between debugging of errors in a
Such as
and maintenance. program and
7.4 Explain the techniques of VB, Java, how handle
locating bugs in a program C++, C# them
Discuss sources of
bugs in program
to a projector
General Objective 8.0: To understand good programming practices

13 - 14 8.1 Explain structured approach Discuss structured PC loaded Use flowcharts to develop Demonstrate Explain
to flowcharting and program approach to with programs program flowcharting for
development. flowcharting and traditional development program
programming languages from flowcharts, development
such as Use program pseudo code and
8.2 Explain program Cobol, documentation DFD and DFD
documentation techniques, data Fortran, and pseudo code
flow diagram and pseudo code. C etc.
and OO interactive
Use interactive processing
8.3 Explain graphic user languages
interface, GUI.
Such as
VB, Java,
8.4 Explain interactive C++, C#
to a projector

General Objective 9.0: Understand the concept of object oriented programming

15 9.1 Explain the concept of Explain Object PC loaded Use the concept of Write codes in Explain the
Object Oriented Programming Oriented with properties, events, methods Visual Basic to concept of OOP
(OOP). Programming traditional and classes demonstrate the
(OOP). languages concept of OOP
such as Write visual
9.2 Explain the features of Cobol, basic programs to
OOP(Encapsulation, State the features Fortran etc. solve common
Explain the features of OOP
Inheritance, Polymorphism and of OOP problems
and OOP Write codes in
Abstraction) languages visual basic to
solve common
Explain the concept Such as Identify the
of properties, methods,
9.3 Explain the concept of VB, Java, Identify the above features
events, methods properties, events
properties, events, methods C++, C# and how they are
and classes and classes in the
(function and sub procedure) implemented in Visual Demonstrate
connected program written
and classes. Basic extensively how
to a projector visual basic can
Discuss methods,
be used in
properties events,
9.4 Explain how OOP is problem solving
and classes.
implemented in Visual Basic

State The
advantages of OOP

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used: Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test 20%; Practical %; Project 20%; Examination 60%

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 113) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60


Test At least 1 progress test for feedback. 20

Practical / Projects To be assessed by the teacher 20

Total 100
Programme: Computer Science (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 114 Contact Hours: 3

Course Title: Statistics for Computing 1 Semester: 1 Theoretical: 2 hour /week

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 1 hour /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of Statistics for Computing.

General Objectives: On completion of this course the diplomate, should be able to:
1. Understand the concept of statistics, nature of statistical data, their types and uses
2. Understand the procedures for collection of statistical data
3. Understand the methods of data compilation
4. Understand the methods of data presentation
5. Understand the concept of set and set operations
6. Understand the concept of Permutations and Combination as used in probability
7. Understand the basic concept of probability
Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1: Understand the concept of statistics, nature of statistical data, their types and uses
Specific Learning Outcomes Specific Learning
Week Teacher’s activities Resources Evaluation
Outcomes Teacher’s activities
1.1 Define Statistics Explain the nature of
1 statistics Books of Define
1.2 Identify various sources of Explain various recorded Statistics
statistical data sources of statistical statistics
data and their uses Identify
1.3 State important uses of (e.g. social, Internet sources of
statistics economic, health, Multi media statistical
biological, data
demographic and PCs
Explain the
1.4 Explain the importance of importance of
computer in statistics computer in statistics
Describe the
2 1.5 State uses of statistical data Explain uses of data Books of uses of
recorded statistical and
1.6 Explain quantitative data Explain nature of statistics quantitative
quantitative data data
1.7 Identify various scales of Explain various Multi media
measurement scales of PCs
measurement (e.g.
nominal, interval,
ratio and ordinal).
General Objective 2: Understand the procedures for collection of statistical data
3 2.1 Describe basic sampling Explain basic Textbooks Demonstrate the Demonstrate simple Describe any
techniques: Random, Systematic, sampling techniques Lecture concept of random random sampling two basic
Stratified, Quota Sampling etc notes sampling using sampling
Define and simple data techniques
2.2 Distinguish between the Explain various
following methods of data methods of data Explain the
collection: Interviews. collection various methods
Questionnaires, Illustrate how to generate
of data
Observation and Surveys. data online generation and
Describe how to collection
• Internet
generate data using PCs Use computer
2.3 Use computer system to computer system system to generate
generate data

2.3 Design questionnaires Explain the process Design a simple Illustrate with example Explain how to
4 and formats for data of designing a Sample of questionnaire format of a simple design a simple
collection questionnaire. questionnaires questionnaire questionnaire
and outline
Explain different Textbooks problems in data
errors in data PCs collection
2.5 Identify the types of errors collection. Internet
that arise in data collection.
Explain the IT tools
2.6 Identify IT tools for for collecting data
collecting data
General Objective 3:Understand methods of data compilation
5 3.1 Identify the different Explain different Textbooks Categorise Supervise student on Identify and
categories of collected data categories of data Spread sheet various data categorizing the classify different
collected package collected collected data categories of data
3.2 Classify the data into the Explain how to PCs using spread sheet
various categories classify the various package
categories of data
3.3 Verify the sorted data using Explain how to sort Textbooks Illustrate how to Illustrate how to store Explain how to
6 computer system data using computer Spread sheet sort and store data data in storage media sort and store
system Hard disk, Flash data
drive, CD, internet
3.4 Identify the different data Explain different etc
storage methods storage media Demonstrate how to
compile data
3.5 Compile discrete and Illustrate how to Explain how to
continuous data Explain discrete and compile discrete compile discrete
continuous data and continuous and continuous
data data
General Objective 4 : Understandthe methods of data presentation
4.1 Identify the various types of Explain various Textbooks Identify the Demonstrate how to Enumerate the
7 statistical table types of statistical Statistical tables various types of identify the various various types of
(frequency and contingency tables tables Multi media statistical tables types of statistical statistical tables
etc) PCs tables
Informative tables, table for Present data using
reference, complex tables) Suitable various methods
Explain various computer Demonstrate Use any
4.2 Explain various methods of methods of data packages, Charts various methods computer
data presentation (tabular, presentation of data package to
graphical, pictorial, text etc) presentation present data

8 4.3 Explain how to Explain how to Statistical tables, Construct Demonstrate by Explain how to
construct scatter diagrams, construct scatter PCs, Charts, scattered examples how to construct
frequency tables and graphs. diagrams, frequency spread sheet diagrams, construct scattered frequency tables
tables and graphs frequency diagrams, frequency and graphs
tables and tables and graphs
Enumerate the
4.4 Explain merits and demerits Explain merits and merits and
of chart/diagrams above. demerits of demerits of
chart/diagrams charts and
General Objective 5: Understand the concept of set and set operations
9 5.1 Define a set and set notation Explain and discuss Textbooks and Generate sets of Supervise exercises Define a set,
‘{ }’ and examples examples to lecture notes data and classify and assess students’ subset and set
5.2 Define a set, a subset and use them as sets, work notation.
illustrate sets,
set notation such as ‘A’ subsets; using
subsets, and appropriate Explain set
5.3 Define elements of a set with notations for sets and notations for sets operations using
notation ‘A’ subsets and subsets. Venn diagram
5.4 State the Law of Algebra of
5.5 Explain set operations using
Venn diagram
5.6 Prove some simple set
General Objective 6: Understand the concept of Permutations and Combination as used in probability
10 6.1 Define Permutation and Explain and give Textbooks and Define
Combination with examples examples of lecture notes Permutation and
Permutation and Combination
Explain the Explain the
6.2 State and prove the fundamental fundamental
fundamental principle of principle of principle of
permutations permutation Permutation

11 6.3 Explain permutation Problem Explain the problems Textbooks and Explain the
with restriction on Object in with permutation on lecture notes problems with
which object is repeated and Object in which Permutation and
problems of N identical Object. object is repeated Combination

Explain the problems

of combination with
6.4 Explain problems of restrictions on some
combination with restrictions on objects
some objects and solve problems
of “n” different objects
Explain the
processes of solving
problems of “n”
different objects
General Objective 7: Understand the basic concept of probability

12 7.1 Define an event Describe an event Text books Demonstrate Group students to Describe an
PCs probability of an simulate events event and its
7.2 Define probability of an event
Explain probability Coins and coin event using coins, probability
and properties of an tossers colored balls,
7.3 State the properties of an event Simulation dices and the
event software simulation
13 7.4 Calculate the probability of an Demonstrate how to Text book Calculate the Demonstrate how to Calculate the
event calculate the Calculators probability of an calculate the probability probability of
probability of an event of an event an event
and the concept of Define
Explain the concept Demonstrate the probability as a probability as a
7.5 Define probability as a of probability as a concept of function of sample function of
function of sample space function of sample probability as a space sample space
space function of sample
7.6 Explain the various Explain the various Text books Identify the various Guide students in the State the
probability-sampling methods probability sampling PCs probability identification of the different
14 methods Calculator sampling methods various probability probability
Spread sheet sampling methods sampling
Demonstrate how to apply methods
Explain addition law of Apply addition law addition law of
7.7 State addition law of probability of probability probability Apply the
probability addition and
Demonstrate how to apply multiplication
multiplication law of law of
Explain multiplication Apply probability probability to
7.8 State multiplication law of law of probability multiplication law solve problems
probability of probability

15 7.9 Collect data using the Explain how to PCs Collect data using Guide students to Apply any
sampling methods collect data using the Textbook spread the various collect data using the sampling
sampling methods sheet sampling methods various sampling methods to
methods collect data

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:

Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test %; Practical %; Projects %; Examination %

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment COM 114 Weighting (%)
Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60
Test At least 1 progress test for feed back. 10
Practical At least 10 home works to be assessed by the teacher 30
Total 100

Recommended Textbooks & References:

PROGRAMME: ND Computer Science
COURSE: Computer Application Packages l COURSE CODE: COM 115 CONTACT HOURS: WEEKS HOURS -
GOAL: This course is designed to introduce the student to basic computer packages.


General Objectives: On completion of this course, the diplomate will be able to:
1. Understand What are Application Packages, Apps and their functions

2. Understand Basic Typing Skills

3. Understand Word Processing Package and how to work with it.

4. Understand Spreadsheet Package and how to work with it.

5. Understand Presentation Package and how to use it.

6. Understand App Culture

PROGRAMME: National Diploma Computer Science
COURSE: Computer Application Packages l COURSE CODE: CONTACT
COM 115 HRS:
Course Specification: Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1. Understand Common Apps/Application features and functions

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes activities

1 1.1 Describe the following: Explain System PC with Office Install software Demonstrate how Differentiate
System Software, Software, Program Software and Apps Applications, Web to Install and work between Desktop
Program Generators, Generators, connected to the Applications and Apps with Softwares and Softwares and
Applications Packages Applications internet downloaded from App Store. Web Application Web Applications
and Apps. Packages (Word
Processor, Multimedia Projector
Spreadsheet, Projector Screen
Database) and Apps

2 1.2 Identify various types of Discuss various PC with Office Identify the various Guide students on Explain the
application software and types of application Software and Apps packages and their uses how to Install and various types of
the tasks for which they software and the connected to the work with application
are suited tasks for which they internet Packages software and the
are suited Install, delete and recover tasks for which
1.3 Explain how to install, Multimedia Projector they are suited
use, delete and recover
Guide the student
web apps.
Explain the use of Projector Screen on how to install
web apps, App store, Demonstrate the strengths and work with an
1.4 Describe the strengths App Installation, and weaknesses of apps and App downloaded
and weaknesses of apps recovery and applications from App Store
and applications
Describe the
strengths and
weaknesses of apps
and applications

General Objective 2. Understand Basic Typing Skills

3 2.1 Describe process of use of Explain keyboards PC with Typing Tutor Demonstrate the use of Guide students on List the functions
keyboard for typing and its layout Installed keyboard for typing how to type with a of keyboard.
standard keyboard
Explain how to type
Multimedia Projector
with a keyboard
Projector Screen
4 2.2 list the functions of key Explain keyboards PC with Typing Tutor Identify the functions of Guide students to Explain the
board in typing and its layout Installed keyboard Identify the functions of
functions of keyboard
Multimedia Projector keyboard
Explain how to type
with a keyboard Projector Screen

General Objective 3. Understand Word Processing Activities and work with Word.

5 3.1 Explain Microsoft word Explain Word PC with Office Carryout basic Guide students to Explain how to
windows common features Software and Apps create and save start and exit
and applications, connected to the operations in Microsoft files as well as Microsoft Word
starting and exiting internet word some basic
word and some operations in word
common screen Multimedia Projector and Identify some
elements common screen
Projector Screen carry out basic
3.2 Describe process of using Explain how to elements
Microsoft Word carryout basic operations in word
operations in word

6 3.2 Explain how to create Describe how to PC with Office Create tables and insert Demonstrate how Explain how to
tables, import and crop create tables, import Software and Apps to create tables, create tables,
and crop connected to the objects/images and insert objects and import and crop
graphics/images in internet graphics in word graphics in word
3.3Explain how to manipulate word
text using common features, Multimedia Projector
such as:
Projector Screen
ruler to create, modify or Explain how to
delete tab settings manipulate text
using common
features, use the
ruler to create,
modify or delete tab

7 3.3 Explain more advance word Explain how to PC with Office Carry out more advance Guide students to Explain processing
processing activities such carryout Design, Software and Apps carryout the activities such as:
Mailings connected to the word processing
as: formatting, Text Layout, following formatting, Text
manipulation and Review internet activities such as: operations (change manipulation
operations in word margins, paper
formatting, Text
Multimedia Projector size, or the
manipulation etc. orientation, remove
Projector Screen page breaks, mail

Guide students on
how to insert or
remove page
numbers and others
General Objective 4. Understand Spreadsheet Activities and work with Excel.

8 4.1 Describe spreadsheet Explain basic PC with Office Open a spread sheet Guide students to Explain how to
package terminologies and Software and Apps document open, save and create simple
concepts for connected to the close workbooks formulas and use
4.2 Describe the use of spreadsheets such as Create a spread sheet
internet common built-in
Spreadsheet Package document
Cell, Column, Row functions
Multimedia Projector Carryout some key Guide students to
Range, Worksheet,
Workbook etc spreadsheet operations carryout the
4.3 Explain process of carrying Projector Screen following activities Explain how to
out basic spreadsheet in Excel: select format the data in
operation cells for a variety a worksheet to
of purposes; copy enhance it
and move data;
change the column
width or row
height; create
simple formulas
and use common
built-in functions.
Merge and
unmerge cells, cut,
copy, and paste

9 4.3 Explain how to use Describe ways of PC with Office Carryout some key Guide students to Explain how to
spreadsheet to carry out Software and Apps spreadsheet operations format the data in a use spreadsheet to
using spreadsheet to
general statistical functions connected to the using cell references worksheet, create carry out general
carry out general
using cell references in a internet charts; sort or filter statistical
statistical functions
spreadsheet information in a functions using
using cell references
Multimedia Projector worksheet; work cell references in a
in a spreadsheet. Projector Screen with tables; and spreadsheet
how to preview
and print a report;
insert/delete rows
and columns;
modify cell sizes;
filter and sort data

10 4.4 Explain how to perform Explain how to PC with Office 4.6 Carryout some key Guide students to Explain how to
specific accounting perform specific Software and Apps spreadsheet operations to use accounting sort or filter
functions using spread accounting functions connected to the perform specific functions in a information in a
sheet and highlight data internet accounting functions workbook worksheet
security using spread sheet
4.5 Highlight data security requirements on Multimedia Projector
requirements on spread spread sheet data. Projector Screen Show data security Explain how to
sheet data. requirements work with tables

11 4.4 Explain the use of a List the use of a PC with Office Carryout some key Guide students to Explain the
spread sheet in a spread sheet in a Software and Apps spreadsheet operations in carryout following:
forecasting project, forecasting project, connected to the a forecasting project, forecasting and forecasting
financial analysis, financial analysis, internet financial analysis, analysis in excel project, financial
production scheduling and production production scheduling and analysis,
control and other forms of scheduling and Multimedia Projector control and other forms of production
modeling control and other modeling scheduling and
forms of modeling. Projector Screen control and other
forms of modeling

General Objective 5. Understand Presentation Package.

12 5.1 Describe Presentation Explain how to plan PC with Office Create a PowerPoint Demonstrate how
Package and design a Software and Apps presentation to connect to
presentation connected to the external/extended
internet monitors to display
5.2Explain how to use a presentation
Presentation Package to Explain how to Multimedia Projector
(Cables, Audio)
prepare presentations create a presentation
and use basic Projector Screen
formatting features
Demonstrate how
on a slide
to use presentation
views and modes
Explain how to Demonstrate how
manipulate text or to add animations,
objects on slides effects, and slide

13 5 Explain how to insert and PC with Office Apply transitions to slides, Demonstrate how Explain how to
animate multimedia objects on Software and Apps share presentations and to create and apply transitions
slides connected to the publish slides organize slides to slides, share
internet (Slide presentations and
management, publish slides
Explain how to apply Multimedia Projector Demonstrate file types Inserting and
transitions to slides, share compatible with managing media
presentations and publish Projector Screen presentation files)
Demonstrate the design
slides (show how to use
Explain file types compatible presentation
with presentation software options
Add slides, Delete
slides, revise slide
order, Layout)
General Objective 6. Understand App Culture

15 6.1 Explain what App Explain App Culture PC with Office Differentiate App culture and Guide Explain the
Culture is. and how to obtain apps Software and Apps its trends in the society
students on different app
connected to the
6.2 Explain the different internet studies on genres
App Genres explain the different
App Culture (Productivity
app genres Multimedia
6.3 Explain Strength and (Productivity,
Limits of Apps Projector
Reference, Content
1.1 Creation, Social Projector Screen
media, Music

Explain strengths and

limits of apps and
COURSE: Programming Using C Language Course Code: COM 121 Contact Hours:4 Hours/week

GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with knowledge of and skills in C Programming

Year: 2 Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: COM 113 Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Practical: 2 hours /week
On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Understand Basic Concepts of C Programming Language
2.0 Understand Data types, Constants, Variables and programming procedure
3.0 Understand Storage Classes, Operators and Type Casting
4.0 Understand Standard Inputs and Output Operations
5.0 Understand Control Structures (Decision Making and Loops)
6.0 Understand the Functions and Scope Rules
7.0 Understand Arrays and Strings
8.0 Understand Pointer operations
9.0 Understand Structures and Union data types
10.0 Understand File Input/Output (I/O) Operations
11.0 Understand Preprocessors and Header Files
COURSE TITLE : Programming using C Language COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS: 4/Week
COM 121


General Objective 1.0 : Understand basic concept of C Programming Language

Week Specific Learning Teachers Resources Specific Learning Teachers Activities Evaluation
Outcomes Activities Outcomes

1-2 Explain Program White Board. Install C Guide students to Demonstrate

1.1 Define Programming and Program compiler and setup Install C compiler how to install
Language, structure the environment and setup the C compiler
1.2 Define Program PCs with C environment and setup a
1.3 Explain Program Explain the Programming local
Structure reasons for using Language . environment?
1.4 Explain Program C language
1.5 Outline the reasons for Explain Local PC loaded with
using C Language Environment Presentation
1.6 Explain Local setup and package and
Environment setup and installation connected to
installation procedure procedure on multimedia
on various platforms various platforms Projector

Online lecture
General Objective 2.0: Understand Data types, Constants, Variables and programming procedure
3-4 2.1 Explain Data types: Explain Data White Board. Write, run and Demonstrate how to Distinguish
Integer, floating point types: integer, execute C Program write, run and execute between
etc. floating-point, PCs with C with various Data C Program with Variables,
2.2 Distinguish between void types etc. Programming types, Variables, various Data types, Constants
Variables, Constants Constants and Variables, Constants and Literals?
and Literals Explain variable, Literals and Literals
and Constant
2.3 Explain Variable and declaration Demonstrate
Constant declaration how to code
Explain the and run C
PC loaded with
procedure for programs?
2.4 Explain symbolic Presentation
coding and
constant using #define running C package and
pre-processor and program connected to
constant keyword multimedia
2.5 Explain the procedure
for coding and running Online lecture notes
C program

General Objective 3.0: Understand Storage Classes, Operators and Type Casting
5 3.1 Explain Storage Explain Storage PCs with C compiler Code and run C Demonstrate how to What are the
Classes Classes such as Programs with Code and run C types of
3.2 Explain Operators auto storage, storage classes, Programs with storage
and Operator register storage, PC loaded with operators and type storage classes, classes?
precedence static storage and Presentation package casting operators and type
external storage and connected to casting List
3.3 Explain Type multimedia Projector operators in
Casting Operation: Explain operator order of
types and Online lecture notes precedence?
e.g. integer
promotion and operator
precedence. Demonstrate
arithmetic how to
conversion Explain type
casting operation perform type
General Objective 4.0: Understand Standard Inputs and Output Operations
6-7 4.1 Explain Standard Explain PCs with C Code and run C Guide students to What is the
Inputs and operations Standard Programming Programs with various Code and run C difference
Inputs and Output Language Input and Output Programs with between
4.2 Explain Output and Operations statements various Input and Output and
Operations Output statements input
Explain Input and PC loaded with
4.3 Explain Input Operations?
Output functions Presentation
functions: get(),
getchar(), putchar, package and Demonstrate
scanf() etc. connected to how to use
multimedia input and
4.4 Explain output Projector output
functions: printf() functions in
Online lecture programs?
General Objective 5.0: Understand Control Structure (Decision Making and Loops)
5-6 5.1 Explain Control Discuss control PCs with C Code and run C Show students how Demonstra
Structure structure Programming Programs with Control to code and run C te how to
5.2 Explain types of control and types Language Structures Programs with use
structures: sequential, Control Structures different
looping etc. Explain various control
5.3 Explain various types types of IF PC loaded with structures
of IF statements: statements Presentation in
IF...Else Nested IF etc. package and program?
5.4 Explain while loop, for Explain different connected to
loop structures multimedia
Do … while loop Projector

5.5 Explain Switch and Online lecture notes

Nested switch

5.6 Explain Goto statement

And Infinite loop
General Objective 6.0: Understand the Functions and Scope Rules
7 6.1 Define Function Discuss Function PCs with C Code and run C Guide students to What is
6.2 Differentiate between and Scope rules Programming programs with user code and run C functions
User-defined and Language defined functions and Programs with user and scope
library function Differentiate libraries functions defined functions rules?
between and libraries
6.2 Explain Scope Rules: User-defined and PC loaded with functions Demonstrate
local and global Presentation
library function how to
variables package and
6.3 Explain Function connected to
Discuss Function function
arguments arguments, multimedia calls in
6.4 Explain function function calls Projector program?
calls and types: call and types
by value, call by Online lecture
reference notes

General Objective 7.0: Understand Arrays and Strings

8-9 7.1 Define Arrays Discuss Arrays PCs with C Code and run C Guide students to What is
7.2 Explain types of and types Programming Programs with arrays code and run C Array?
Arrays: Language and strings Programs with
One-dimensional, two arrays and strings
dimensional etc.
7.3 Explain Array elements Discuss Array
and initialization initialization Demonstrate
PC loaded with
7.4 Explain Array access access and how to
and operations operations implement
7.3 Define Strings package and arrays in
7.4 Explain String Explain Strings connected to programs?
operations: concatenation and String multimedia
etc. operations Projector
Online lecture
General Objective 8.0: Understand Pointer operations
10 8.1 Define Pointer Explain Pointers PCs with C Code and run C Guide students to What is
and their uses Programming Programs with pointers code and run C Pointer?
8.2 Explain uses of Pointers Language Programs with
Discuss Pointer pointers
8.3 Explain Pointer Arithmetic Demonstrate
Arithmetic and operations how to use
Sample programs
pointers in
8.4 Explain Pointer programs?
operations: Incrementing Explain Array of
and decrementing pointers, Pointers and uses
pointer comparison etc. PC loaded with
8.5 Explain Array of Discuss Passing package and
Pointers and returning connected to
arrays from multimedia
8.6 Explain Passing and functions Projector
returning arrays from
functions Online lecture
General Objective 9.0: Understand Structures and Union data types
11 9.1 Explain Structures and Explain PCs with C Code and run C Show students to What are
Unions types Structures and Programming Programs with Typedef code and run C structures and
9.2 Explain structures Unions types Language structures and union Programs with union types?
Definition types Typedef, structure
9.3 Explain Typedef and Explain structures Sample programs and union data type Demonstrate
#define Definition using how to
9.4 Explain union Typedef and implement
#define etc. PC loaded with structures and
definition and members Presentation package
access Discuss union union types in
definition and and connected to programs
members access multimedia Projector
Online lecture
General Objective 10.0: Understand File I/O Operations
12 10.1 Explain File I/O Explain File I/O PCs with C Write and execute C Assist students to What is file
Operations Operations Programming Programs with file I/O write and execute input/output
Language operations C Programs with operations?
10.2 Explain the Discuss the file I/O operations
process of opening and process of Demonstrate
closing files opening and how to open
Sample programs
closing files and close
10.3 Outline the files?
Explain the
process of writing process of PC loaded with
to/from file writing to/from Presentation package Demonstrate
file and connected to how to write
multimedia Projector to/from files?
Discuss Binary
10.4 Explain Binary Input and Output Online lecture
Input and Output functions notes
Objective 11:UnderstandPreprocessors and Header Files
13 11.1 Explain Discuss PCs with C Write and execute C Guide students to What are
Preprocessors and Preprocessors Programming Programs with write and execute Preprocessors
Header Files and Header Files Language different C Programs with ?
preprocessors and different
11.2 Explain Discuss header files preprocessors and Demonstrate
Preprocessors Preprocessors directives header files how to use
Sample programs
operators: macro operators preprocessors
continuation (\), PC loaded with in programs?
stringize (#), token Explain Presentation package
pasting (##), and Parameterized and connected to
defined () Macros and multimedia Projector
Header file
processing Online lecture
11.3 Explain notes
Parameterized Macros
11.4 Explain Header file
Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used: Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test %; Practical %; Projects %; Examination %

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 101) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60


Test At least 2 progress tests for feed back. 20

Practical At least 5 home works to be assessed by the teacher 20

Total 100

Recommended Textbooks & References:

1. Rufai M.M., Aigbokhan E. E., Lawal O.N., Sokunbi M. A., “Fundamental of C Programming language” Al-Irshad Publishers, Illorin, Nigeria,
ISBN: 978-978-50228-9-6
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie, “ The C Programming Language”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall software Software Series, Englewood
Cliffs, New jersey, 1988.
PROGRAMME: National Diploma in Computer Science
GOAL: The course is to enable the student understand the fundamentals, uses and operations of the Internet
General Objectives: On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Know the meaning and historical background of Internet
2. Understand how to Navigate the Internet and Common Website Functionalities
3. Understand the Configuring Email Clients and Calendaring
4. Understand Social Media and Various Internet Communication Methods
5. Understand Online Conferencing and Streaming
6. Understand Digital Principles, Ethics, Skills and Citizenship
7. Know the challenges to Internet growth and penetration in Nigeria
Course Specification: Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1: Know the meaning and historical background of Internet

Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcome Outcomes activities

1.1 Define Internet • Explain Internet White Board /marker Browse the Assist students to What is internet?
1 concept pen internet for browse for
information information on
• Explain historical the internet
1.2 Narrate the History of How did internet
background of the
Internet Computer Lab with come about?
Internet. Internet Connectivity
• Explain Intranet
1.3 Explain Intranet and and Extranet Multimedia Projector What are the
Extranet difference s
• Distinguish Projector Screen
among Intranet,
between Internet, Extranet and
1.4 Distinguish between Intranet and Internet?
internet and intranet Extranet.

General Objective 2: Understand how to Navigate the Internet and Common Website Functionalities

2 2.1 Describe how the Describe how the internet White Board /marker Connect a system Guide the
Internet works and works pen to the internet students on how
how devices to connect to the Differentiate
communicate. internet and show between public
hot works. and private

Differentiate between Computer Lab Know how devices networks
Internet and intranet with Internet communicate on a Guide students
2.2 Define and describe Connectivity on how to name
Domain Name System servers in
DNS and explain how Multimedia
to name servers in the Explain TCP/IP and Projector Domain Name Describe packets
DNS. Network Topology Identify various
System and how they
domain types
make their way
Projector Screen
across the internet
2.3 Define IP addressing Briefly explain the OSI
(IPv4 and IPv6) and reference model Show various
Network domain types
explain subnetting; Simulation
Explain the Components
of World Wide Web Application
(www) Packages (eg

Explain the differences

between Internet and
intranet (closed network
and open network), DNS,
IP addresses (IPV4 and
IPV6), subnetting, how
devices communicate on a

Explain the various

domain types [.gov, .edu,
.com, .us, .uk, etc.]

3 2.4 Define Bandwidth, Explain Bandwidth and White Board /marker Search the InternetGuide students Describe how to
explain its its characteristics and pen on how to search search for items
using keywords and
characteristics and management. and apply on a specific web
how it is managed. advance searches site
Explain how to use
Computer Lab with using keywords
search engines and
Internet Connectivity and hashtags
browsers to search on the Access valid and
2.5 Describe how to Describe how to
internet, how Multimedia Projector invalid sites
search the internet and search for items
explain browser to search using keywords Show students using search
resources and hashtags and Projector Screen valid and invalid engines
advance searches and Know how to search sites to observe
other search techniques. for resources on the their features
Network Simulation internet using search
2.6 Gain an understanding Use tools to
of research fluency Application engines and browser
Show the narrow the search
and validity of Packages (eg GNS3)
Explain browser following criteria
resources from the resources and their
internet. browser
functions: (HTML/CSS, resources :
Cookies, Cache, Cookies, Cache,
2.7 Explain Intellectual Breadcrumbs, Plugins, Breadcrumbs,
Property and its rights Widget, Add-ons, In- Plug ins, Widget,
usage, licensing rules/laws browser apps, Popups, Add-ons, In-
regarding Intellectual Browser navigation browser apps,
Property and Software (URLs, scroll bars, etc.), Popup, Browser
Programs; and creative New window, tabs, navigation(URLs,
common licence bookmarks, favorites, scroll bars, etc.),
synchronize bookmark New window,
tabs, bookmarks,
Explain what research synchronize

fluency is and how to bookmark in a
validate online browser

Explain Intellectual
Property rights regarding
images and articles,
which have owners;
Explain creative
common licence and
analyse licensing
rules/laws with regards
Intellectual Property and
Software Programs

4 2.8 Explain copyrights, Explain plagiarism, its White Board /marker Know plagiarism, Demonstrate how Evaluate the
plagiarism, its rules/laws laws and punishments as pen its laws and to validate online validity of the
and the implication of well as how to detect punishments as resources. information
their violation; plagiarism and fair use well as how to
of internet Computer Lab detect plagiarism
with Internet and fair use of Guide students Define intellectual
Explain copyrights with Connectivity internet on how to detect property
respect to internet usage
and censorship and why Multimedia content and how
censorship is needed; Projector Know copyrights to sensor contents Briefly discuss
with respect to on the internet. censorship and
Projector Screen internet usage and filtering
Explain why there are
rules around explicit

content and the reason Network Guide students
we should know about it Simulation on how to detect
Application Explain
from an organization plagiarism using
Packages (eg plagiarism
standpoint; anti plagiarism
GNS3) software
Explain appropriate use of
the Internet in a business
setting so as not to offend
others or search for
offensive material;
Explain the legality and
appropriateness of
companies blocking sites
such as youtube,
facebook or other sites;

5 2.9 Explain a URL and Explain how to navigate a White Board /marker Know how to use Show students Differentiate the
identify its parts website by: pen common website the parts of a Internet from the
navigation URL World Wide Web
➢ Click / delayed /
conventions such as
2.10 Describe how to Computer Lab click, double-click,
use common website ➢ Mouse-over with Internet mouse over, drag and Guide students
navigation Connectivity drop on to how to
➢ Drag and drop Describe browser
conventions such as navigate a
Multimedia functions and
click, double-click, Explain the basic web website
Projector features
mouse over, drag and navigation principles Know basic web
drop navigation principles
Projector Screen
2.11 Describe the basic
web navigation principles

General Objective 3: Understand the Configuration , Email Clients and Calendaring

6 3.1 Explain email Explain email application. • White Board Create an email Guide students Describe how to
applications /marker pen on how to carry create and send a
out e-mail new message to
• Computer Lab operations one or more
Explain how to use Link an email to a
with Internet
3.2 Describe how to use desktop email application desktop email recipients
desktop email application platform ie outlook application platform
platform eg Outlook • Multimedia ie outlook Guide students
Projector on how to create Describe how to
Explain how to use web- a desktop email attach items in a
3.3 Explain how to use based email platform Create a web-based application message
web-based email (gmail, yahoo etc) • Projector email platform using platform ie
application eg mail, yahoo Screen gmail and yahoo) outlook
Describe when to
Explain the following: reply, reply to all,
Create an email an Guide students or forward a
(Reply vs. reply all,
attach documents to on how to create message
an email and show a web-based
Describe how to
cc vs bcc, Signature, how to determine the email platform
set up a signature
Header, SPAM, Junk mail, size limits (g- mail, yahoo
archiving; Trash; Folders) etc)

Describe how to
Create and manage
deal with spam or
Explain how to manage an an address book Demonstrate use
junk mail
email. of the following
• Reply vs.
reply all, Describe how to
Describe how to attach forward manage mail for
documents to an email and

determine the size limits • cc vs bcc deletion or
• Signature archiving
• Header
Explain the differences • SPAM
between web applications • Junk mail
and desktop applications
Guide students
on how to attach
Describe how to manage documents to an
address book email and
determine the
size limits

Guide students
on how to
manage address

7 3.4 Explain how to create Explain events, • White Board Know events, Guide students Explain how to
events and appointments appointments and how /marker pen appointments and on how to create manage contacts
they are created. how they are events and
• Computer Lab created appointments
with Internet
3.5 Explain how to share Explain how to
Connectivity Recurring
calendars and invitations Explain how to share create single and
calendars and invitations • Multimedia Details (location, Guide students recurring events
Projector time zone, notes) on how to share or appointments
3.6 Explain how to view calendars and
multiple calendars; Explain how to view • Projector Screen invitations

multiple calendars; Know how to Explain how to
share calendars manage and share
3.7 Explain how to Guide students
and invitations calendars
connect multiple on how to view
Explain how to connect
calendars; multiple
multiple calendars;
Know how to view
multiple calendars;
3.8 Explain how to show
Explain how to show
multiple calendars in Guide student on
multiple calendars in
different colours in same how to connect
different colours in same Explain how to
user interface. multiple
user interface. connect multiple
3.9 Describe how to
Describe how to
subscribe to calendars; Guide student on
subscribe to calendars; Explain how to
how to show
show multiple
calendars in
3.10 Explain the calendars in
Explain the differences different colours in
differences between a different colours
between a public same user
public calendar (like a in same user
calendar (like a interface.
municipal calendar) and interface.
municipal calendar) and
personal calendar
personal calendar
Subscribe to Public
Guide student on
how to subscribe
to calendars;
calendar) and
Personal Calendar

between a public
calendar (like a
calendar) and
personal calendar

General Objective 4: Understand Social Media and Various Internet Communication Methods

8 4.1 Define Digital Identity Explain the concept of • White Board Create a Facebook Guide student on Define Digital
and explain the digital identity (identity /marker pen and LinkedIn how to create a Identity
concept of digital on social media) account social media
identity (identity on account using
Explain social networks
social media)
and how they are used • Computer Lab Create a YouTube
Facebook, Explain Social
with Internet LinkedIn, etc Networks and
(Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram page;
Connectivity give examples
4.2 Explain social
networks and how Define social network; • Multimedia Demonstrate how
Projector Know internal
they are used Describe how Facebook to use Neo and Identify the social
(school/business) and
(Facebook, LinkedIn is a social network; Yammer media application
etc.); • Projector open media sites (eg
that can be used
Screen Neo and Yammer
Describe LinkedIn and and Slack) to create a
how it functions as a professional
4.3 Describe LinkedIn and social network; identity for
how it functions as a Know open social employment
social network and media site and a opportunities.
how it is a valuable Explain how LinkedIn is closed site;
social network for a valuable social
business network for business
Know Neo and

Explain the other types
4.4 Explain other types of of networks (YouTube,
networks (YouTube, Know Blogs, Wikis
Instagram, etc.);
Instagram, etc.); and Forums and
used them.
Describe followership
4.5 Describe followership and its influence on
and its influence on social networks such as
social networks such YouTube, twitter,
as YouTube, twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc;
Facebook, Instagram
Explain factors that
influence choice of
4.6 Differentiate between Describe how you are
internal choosing your digital
(school/business) and identity based on the
open media sites (eg networks choices you
Neo and Yammer and make on all of these
Slack) networks;

4.7 Explain Blogs, Wikis Differentiate between

and Forums and how internal
they are used. (school/business) and
open media sites (eg Neo
and Yammer and Slack)
4.8 Explain cyber bullying
and inappropriate

behaviors on the Differentiate between an
internet. open social media site
and a closed site;

Neo vs Facebook (What

makes it different from

Explain Blogs, Wikis

and Forums and how
they are used.

Define cyber bullying.

Explain inappropriate
behaviors on the internet

General Objective 5: Understand Online Conferencing and Streaming

9 5.1 Describe internet Explain the various • White Board /marker Know the various Guide students Describe email
communication communication pen communication on how to create and texting
technologies. Eg emails, technologies on the technologies on the emails.
sms, Instant Message internet. (emails, sms, internet. (emails,
(IM), Voice Over IP Instant Message (IM), • Computer Lab sms, Instant Message Describe how to
(VOIP), internet phone Voice Over IP (VOIP), with Internet (IM), Voice Over IP Guide students select the best
calls, web ex, web- internet phone calls, web Connectivity (VOIP), internet on how to use communications
conferencing etc ex, web-conferencing etc) phone calls, web ex, various internet tool for a given

• Multimedia web-conferencing technologies. situation
Projector etc)
5.2 Explain the advantages Explain the different
of the various internet circumstances that will
Demonstrate the
communication require each of the various • Projector Screen
Use chat platforms. use of chat
technologies communication Describe the
technology and their benefits and
advantages. function of online
Use e-learning
5.3 Explain the use of chat conferencing tools
Demonstrate the
platforms and its Describe and identify
use of Skype as
advantages in teaching Explain the use of chat various platforms for
platform for
and learning platforms and its web and video Describe benefits
learning and
advantages in teaching and conferencing. and function of
learning business
5.4 Explain the concept of collaboration
e-learning (distant Know how to screen tools
Describe how to
learning technologies) and Explain the concept of e- share
use a distant
its advantages. List some learning (distant learning
distant learning technologies) with Describe distance
technology eg
technologies. examples and its Edit a document learning
advantages. collaboratively. technologies

5.5 Describe and identify

various platforms for web Describe and identify
and video conferencing. various platforms for web
and video conferencing.

5.6 Explain the common

feature of such platforms Discuss the common
feature of such platforms

eg screen sharing etc. eg screen sharing etc.

5.7 Explain collaborative Describe collaborative

document editing. document editing.

10 5.1 Explain the various Explain the various online • White Board Carry out a video Demonstrate how Describe various
online conferencing conferencing offerings /marker pen and VOIP online to use the phone calling
offerings conference using following online technologies
• Computer Lab conferencing
with Internet Google hangouts,
Describe how to use the offerings:
Connectivity Skype, Face Time
5.2 Explain how to use the following online Describe how to
VOIP, Video
following online conferencing • Multimedia manage status and
conferencing offerings: Projector profile settings in
VOIP, Video Carry out a phone (eg. Google
VOIP, Video Skype
Conferencing (Google conferencing and hangouts, Skype,
Conferencing (Google
hangouts, Skype, Face • Projector Screen sharing Face Time)
hangouts, Skype, Face
Time) Screen
Time) Describe how to
conduct group
Demonstrate how
conversations in
Explain phone to use phone
5.3 Explain how to use Skype
conferencing and describe conferencing and
phone conferencing and
how to use phone Screen sharing
Screen sharing
conferencing and Screen
Describe how to
conduct group
conversations in
Google Hangouts

11 5.4 Explain streaming and Explain streaming and • White Board Carry out a video Demonstrate how Describe how to
stream a live

how it works. how it works. /marker pen streaming and to stream audio.

5.5 Differentiate between Explain the difference • Computer Lab Know how to Demonstrate how Describe how to
streaming and between streaming and with Internet download. to download stream a live
downloading. downloading. Connectivity video

• Multimedia Know how to present Demonstrate how

5.6 Define live audio. Define live audio. Projector a live audio. to stream live
video recording.
• Projector
5.7 Explain how to stream Describe how to stream Screen Carry out a video
the video of a live the video of a live streaming of a live Demonstrate how
recording. recording. recording. to stream live
audio recording

General Objective 6: Understand Digital Principles, Ethics, Skills and Citizenship

12 6.1 Explain the difference Explain the online and • White Board Know an online and Show students an Differentiate
between online and offline offline communities and /marker pen offline communities online between Online
citizenship the ethical behavior and the ethical community for a and Offline
applicable to both • Computer Lab behaviours comparative Communities
with Internet
applicable to both analysis with a
6.2 Explain the real life
importance of ethical Explain the need to cope community
• Multimedia
behavior in online with change in technology Projector Create a social media
Define Digital
presence account
Guide students
Explain the importance of • Projector on how to create
6.3 Explain Digital demonstrating sensitivity Screen a social media

Wellness basics as it when determining most account Explain Online
affects screen time and appropriate technology to Identity
ergonomic best practice. use when communicating Management
with others.

6.4 Explain online identity

management, branding, Explain Digital Wellness
Digital footprint. basics as it affects screen
time and ergonomic best
6.5 Explain how to create
an online identity and its
importance to prospective Explain Online Identity
employers. Management and how to
create an online identity
and its importance to
prospective employers.

Explain the differences

between personal and
professional online

Explain Branding and

Digital footprint.

Explain the positive and
negative implications of
online presence.

Explain how to manage

profiles on social media eg
Facebook, Twitter,

General Objective 7: Know the challenges to Internet growth and penetration in Nigeria

13 7.1 Explain obstacles to Discuss challenges • White Board What are the
Internet growth in Nigeria. of /marker pen challenges facing
telecommunication internet growth
infrastructure in • Computer Lab and penetration in
7.2 Explain the factors Nigeria. with Internet
militating against Internet Connectivity
penetration in Nigeria
Explain the factors • Multimedia
Projector List three
7.3 Explain the challenges militating against internet
of Fibre connectivity and penetration in Nigeria
policies on
the policies of government
7.5 Explain government Explain the problems of
policies on internet access fibre connectivity and
in Nigeria government policies

7.6 Explain internet Explain government

Governance and policies on internet access

eCommerce Eg Broadband Policy
Explain Internet
Governance and

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used: Coursework/ Assignments 20%; Course test 10%; Practical 10%; Examination 60%

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 122) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60


Test At least 1 progress test for feed back. 10

Practical To be assessed by the teacher 10

Assignment To be assessed by the teacher 20

Total 100

At the end of this course, students will be qualified to write and pass the IC3 digital literacy certification examination in Living Online Module

Department/ Programme: Computer Science Course Code: Credit Hours: 6 hours/week
COM 123
Subject/Course: Theoretical: 2 hours/week
GOALS: The course is designed to enable students acquire requisite knowledge of and skills in programming using Java.

Year: 1 Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: COM 113 Practical: 4 hours /week

General Objectives: On completion of this course, the diplomat should be able to:
1. Understand Java programming Basics.
2. Understand Object-oriented programming with Java classes and Objects
3. Understand the general concept of expression in Java.
4. Understand the use of Conditional Statements in Java
5. Understand the use of iteration statements in Java.
6. Know how to write simple Java program for string and characters manipulation.

Course: Programming language Using Course Code: COM 123 Credit Hours: 6 hours/week

Theoretical:2 hours/week

Year: 1 Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Practical: 4 hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content
Week/s Specific Learning Outcomes Resources Evaluation
Teacher’s Specific Teacher’s
activities Learning activities
General Objective 1: Understand Java programming Basics
1.1 Explain the basic components of Java • Explain basic White board Guide Describe the
programs. components of and marker Develop students to processes of
1.2 Explain Java constructs and its applications Java programs. pen simple java identify creating and
1-3 1.3 Differentiate between object declaration and program different developing a
• Explain concept of PC components simple Java
object creation.
data types, Loaded with of java and program
1.4 Explain concept of data types, variables and JAVA compilation
constant. variables and
Compiler, of a java
1.5 Explain variable declaration and constant constants.
presentation program
declaration • Explain variable package.
and constant
1.6 Describe the process of creating and running declaration Multimedia
Java programs. • Illustrate the process projector
of Compiling and
Running Java

General Objective 2: Understand Object-oriented programming with Java classes and Objects
2.1 Describe Java insatiable classes and objects Explain procedures of White board Create simple Guide Describe how
creating classes and and marker program that students to classes can be
2.2 Explain fields and constructors methods pen uses Create created
overloading simple
Explain methods and PC methods, program that Differentiate
2.3 Explain concepts of methods types Loaded with garbage uses the following
4-5 JAVA collection and overloading terms
Explain the differences Compiler, nested classes methods, (a) local and
2.4 Explain the concept of overloading methods, between local and presentation garbage instance
garbage collection and nested classes instance variables, package. collection variables,
private and public and nested
2.5 Differentiate between local and instance modifiers. Multimedia classes (b)private and
variables projector public
2.6 Distinguish between private and public

2.7 Describe parameter passing method

Week/s General Objective 3: Understand the general concept of expression in Java.

3.1 Explain expressions using precedence rules. • Explain Develop simple Guide
precedence rules. White board input/output students to Give students
6-7 3.2 Describe the process to develop simple • Explain the format and marker programs develop simple
input/output programs using Java of expressions. pen simple I/O programming
program assignment
3.3 Describe how integer and real numbers are • Explain the process Loaded with
represented in memory. to develop simple JAVA
input/output Compiler,
programs presentation


Week/s General Objective 4: Understand the use of Conditional Statements in Java
Explain Boolean White board Demonstrate Guide Write a
4.1 Describe Boolean expressions using relational expressions using and marker how to write students to simple
7-8 and logical operators. relational and logical pen and run simple write and program to
operators java program run simple demonstrate
4.2 Describe IF and Next-IF conditioning PC using IF and java the use of IF
Explain different syntax Loaded with Next-IF program and Next-IF
of IF statements. JAVA Conditional using IF Conditional
Compiler, statements. and Next- statement.
Explain with examples presentation IF
4.3 Describe Nested IF statements correctly. JAVA program package. Condition-
containing IF al statement.
statement. Multimedia
. projector

General Objective 5: Understand the use of iteration statements in Java.

9-10 Explain with simple White board Demonstrate Guide Demonstrate
5.1 Describe the concept of looping examples format of all and marker how write student to with a simple
conditional statements. pen and run write and program the
5.2 Explain PC simple java run simple use of DO-
- WHILE statement Write sample program Loaded with program java WHILE and
- DO-WHILE statement To demonstrate JAVA using program Nested LOOP
- FOR statement recursive methods Compiler, DO-WHILE using statement.
using any nested loop . Presentation and Nested DOWHILE
5.3 Describe simple recursive methods. package. LOOP and Nested
statement. -LOOP
Multimedia statement.

Week/s General Objective 6: Understand how to write simple Java program for string and characters manipulation

6.1 Describe and manipulate character data type. Explain string White board Demonstrate Guide the Develop a
11-15 manipulation in Java. and marker how to write student how simple
6.2 Explain the differences between string and pen simple java to develop program for
string buffer classes Write sample programs program for and object passing
to teach parameter PC string implement from methods
6.3 Distinguish between the primitive and reference passing mechanism. Loaded with manipulation simple java to methods
data types. JAVA program
Discuss the equality Compiler, for string
and equivalence testing Presentation manipulation
6.4 Explain the equality and equivalence testing for
string objects. for string objects package.

6.5 Describe objects passing

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:

Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test20 %; Practical %; Projects 20 %; Examination 60 %

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 127) Weighting (%)
Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60
Test At least 1 progress test for feed back. 20
Practical / Projects To be assessed by the teacher 20
Total 100

Recommended Textbooks & References:

Department/ Programme: COMPUTER Course Code Contact hours: 4 hours/ week

Subject/Course: Theoretical: 2 hours/week


Year: One Semester: Two COM 111 Practical: 2 hours /week

GOAL: The students are expected to analyse, design, apply and use data structures and algorithms to develop efficient program and
communicate technical concepts and ideas.

General Objectives: On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Understand concepts of data structure and tools.

2.0 Know tools for studying data structure: symbols, relations and graph.
3.0 Understand sets relations and string structure.
4.0 Know data life cycle representation, properties of ordered and occupancy.
5.0 Understand the properties of order and linear list.
6.0 Understand simple linked lists and algorithm complexity
7.0 Understand non-linear structures.
8.0 Understand different sorting and searching techniques

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1: Understand concepts of data structure and


Specific Learning Specific Learning

Week Teacher’s activities Resources Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes Outcomes activities

1 1.1 Define data structure Discuss concept White Use data attributes, file, sub field, Explain data
of data structure records and files structure, name,
1.2 Define data attributes; board examples
value range, data
name, value Explain data
and concepts of types
attributes , name,
range, data types multimedia attributes,
value range and
projector name, value
1.3 Define unit for data types
range and
identifying data,
Explain concepts
data types
character, fields, of character
subfields, records, fields, sub field, character
records and files fields, sub
files fields,
records and

General Objective 2: Know tools for studying data structure: Symbols, relations and graph.

2 -3 Explain the White Be able to use symbols, relations Demonstrate Explain the basic
meaning of data and graph using relevant operation using
2.1 Define symbols, relations board examples on
and graph structure. how to use
symbols, relations
Discuss and symbols, and graph
2.2 Explain the symbols for
symbols, Multimedia relations
expressing relations among
data relations and projector and graph
2.3Position relation cell
contents, record location, Discuss the
transfer key symbols for
2.4 Order relation; record rank, expressing
cell rank relations among
data, position
2.5 State properties of graph:
routes, edge, sequences, relation cell
directed and non-directed contents, record
location and
2.6 Describe operations such
as precede, less than points transfer key.
to, move to, search, Explain the
change, entry
properties of
graph: routes,
edge sequences,
directed and
operations such

as precede, less
than points to
move to , search,
change, entry

General Objective 3: Know set relations and string structure.

4 Discuss White Be able to write simple programs Demonstrate Design a simple

to carry out set operations giving real program to
3.1 Define sets and relation Sets and board
life implement set and
3.2 Define the elements of and example. relation data
sets, subsets, super sets, Multimedia structure
Guide the
universal set and null projector
Concepts of students on
subsets, 92 super how to
3.3 Describe set operations set, Universal set develop
and null set. simple
using any

Week/s General Objective 4: Know data life cycle data representation, properties of ordered and Occupancy

Explain White Be able to use variable fixed Demonstrate Explain the

4.1 Explain the term length record concept of fixed and differences
Different life cycle board
occupancy leans, empty, variable length between
loose. of data
using appropriate fixed and
4.2 Distinguish and define examples. variable
birth, death and change length fields
of data. Discuss sequential projector
4.3 Define a sequential list, list

4.4 Explain the differences

between fixed and Record length
variable length fields.
outlining the fixed
4.5 Implement fixed and and variable length.
variable fields.

Week/s General Objective 5: Know the properties of ordered and linear list

Define ordered and White Be able to Carry out ordered Demonstrate using Explain
5.1 Define ordered and linear list. list appropriate operations
linear list. board examples concept that can be
operations of ordered and performed
5.2 Explain operations that Discuss various and linear lists.
operations that can on an
can be performed on an Multimedia
be performed on ordered list
ordered list: projector
ordered list. Demonstrate how to
append, search perform ordered list
7 (including delete, operations
sort, selection and
exchange, merge,
including multiway

merge and balance

Week/s General Objective 6: Know simple linked lists and algorithm complexity

Define linked list and White Apply linked list. Demonstrate the Describe
6.1 Describe different compare it with linear push and pop various
types of linked list list. board operation possibly operations
array, double linked with diagram. that can be
list, queues, stack, performed
dequeues, trees. Explain types of linked
Carry out on linked
list. projector
operations on linked list
6.2 Explain the use of lists e.g push and
8-9 pop on stacks and
Discuss different types all operations on
of trees. over list
6.3 Describe storage
Discuss the use of
6.4 Describe time pointers
complexity issues
6.5 Definition of big ‘O’
6.6 Analyse algorithms to
determine their
running time and the
order of their running
time linked lists.

General Objective 7.0 Know non – linear structures.

7.1 Discuss tree and its routes, queued and non- Ditto Be able to write simple Demonstrate how to Discuss the
Structure directed program to write simple various tree
7.2 Define a tree implement trees and graph
program to
properties operations
Describe different types illustrate trees
7.3 State properties of of graphs: circle, loops,
tree etc.
7.4 Describe Describe operations write simple program to Demonstrate how to
different types such as proceeds, less write simple
implement graphs
of binary tree. than etc. program to
illustrate graphs
7.5 Explain binary
(General tree,

7.6 Define graph

7.7 State graph
7.8 Represent a graph as
adjacency matrix
adjacency list

General Objective 8: Understand different sorting and searching techniques

White Be able to implement Guide students on Explain the
different sorting techniques how to write various
8.1 Define sorting Explain sorting Board, PC programs to
in program sorting
8.2 Explain the various implement techniques
sorting Multimedia
Explain Comparison different sorting
techniques based projector
13-15 techniques

Guide students on
Explain bubble sorting how to
algorithm Perform different
sorting and searching

Explain selection
sorting algorithm

Explain insertion techniques

sorting algorithm

Explain linear and Apply sorting

binary search algorithm algorithm to sort an
array of objects.

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:

Coursework/ Assignments10%; Course test 10%; Practical 20%; Examination 60%

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 124) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60

Test At least 1 progress test for feedback. 10

Practical / Projects To be assessed by the teacher 20

Assignment To be set and assessed by the teacher 10

Total 100


Course: Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 1 Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of and Skills in Systems Analysis and Design

GENERAL OBJECTIVES:- On completion of this course the student should be able to

1.0 Understand the Basic Concepts of Systems

2.0 Understand the Stages of Systems Analysis and Design
3.0 Understand Feasibility Study and its Objectives
4.0 Understand the Process of Systems Analysis
5.0 Understand Systems Design
6.0 Understand Database Design
7.0 Understand Systems Development
8.0 Understand Systems Implementation
9.0 Understand Systems Evaluation
10.0 Understand Systems Maintenance



YEAR: 1 SEMESTER 3 PRE- REQUISITE Theoretical: 1hr Practical: 3 Hours

GOAL: This course is designed to equip students with the Knowledge and Skills needed to design and implement
Information Systems
Theoretical Content Practical Content

GENERAL OBJECTIVE 1.0 : Understand the Basic Concepts of Systems

Week Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Evaluation
Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities

1-2 1.1 Define a System Explain System and its basic Marker with identify various types of Guide students to What are
features. White Board system identify various advantages of
types of system automated system
1.2 Explain the basic features over manual
Distinguish between various PC with system?
of Systems.
classes of systems with Presentation
examples package
1.3 Distinguish between installed and What are the
connected to an types of
manual and automated multimedia Information
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of automated projector System?
systems; open and closed
system over manual systems
systems; static and
Discuss Information
dynamic systems with Systems and types


1.4 Explain the advantages and

disadvantages of automated

system over manual system
1.5 Explain Information
Systems and types
GENERAL OBJECTIVE 2.0 : Understand the Stages of Systems Analysis and Design
2.1 Define System Systems Explain System Systems Marker with Draw a diagram showing Assist students to What are the
Analysis and Design (SA & White Board the stages of Systems draw the stages of stages of SA & D
3 Analysis and Design and Analysis and Design Systems Analysis and their
its importance and Design deliverables?
2.2 State the importance of Discuss the different stages PC with
Systems Analysis and Design of SA & D and their Presentation
deliverables Packaged
2.3 Explain the different stages installed and
of SA & D and their connected to an
deliverables multimedia

General Objective 3.0: Understand Feasibility Study and its objectives

4 3.1 Define Feasibility study Explain Feasibility study and Marker with Design relevant data Assist students to Demonstrate how
its objectives White Board gathering tools for design relevant to design data
feasibility study of a data gathering collection tools,
3.2 State the objectives of selected system tools, collect relevant
Discuss the major factors to PC with Power data and write
Feasibility Study be considered in feasibility collect relevant feasibility
Point installed data and write
study and connected to Collect relevant data from reports.
feasibility Report
an multimedia the system using the tools of the Study
3.3 Explain the major factors to projector
Discuss the different types of
be considered in feasibility data gathering tools
Write Feasibility Report of
study the Study
Discuss the features of

3.4 Explain different types of Feasibility Reports

data gathering tools

3.5 Describe the features of

Feasibility Reports

General Objective 4.0: Understand the Process of Systems Analysis

5-6 4.1 Define Systems Analysis Explain Systems Analysis, Marker with Draw DFD, Decision Assist students to Demonstrate how
Systems Analysts and their White Board Tables and Decision Trees Draw DFD, to draw Decision
qualities of selected systems Decision Tables Tables and
4.2 Explain System Analysts and Decision Trees Decision Trees
PC with of selected systems
their his qualities Presentation Create Systems
Describe tools for systems package specifications of Demonstrate how
installed and understudied systems Guide students to create Systems
4.3 Explain tools for systems Analysis
connected to an create Systems specifications
Analysis: Data Flow . multimedia specifications of
projector understudied
Diagram (DFD), Decision Explain Systems systems
specifications and its key
Tree, Decision Table etc. elements Drawing
4.4 Define Systems Discuss System descriptive
techniques and tools

Explain data types, Data

4.5 List the key elements of
Dictionary and its uses
Systems Specifications

4.6 Explain systems descriptive

Techniques and tools e.g.

DFD, decision tree etc.

4.7 Explain data types,

Dictionary and its uses

General Objective 5.0: Understand Systems Design

6-8 5.1 Define Systems Design Explain Systems Design and Marker with Design pseudocodes, Guide students to Demonstrate how
design tools White Board flowcharts and activity design to design
diagrams of systems pseudocodes, pseudocodes,
5.2 Explain tools for systems flowcharts and flowcharts and
PC with activity diagrams activity diagrams
Design: pseudocode, Explain the roles of System
Presentation Design input, output, of systems of systems
flowcharts, activity diagram, Designer package
installed and and storage components of
Program IDEs, PDL etc. System based on systems
connected to an Guide students to Demonstrate how
Explain Systems Design multimedia specifications design input, to design input,
projector output, and storage output, and
5.3 Explain the roles of System considerations and Golden components of storage
rules of system design systems based on components of
Software specifications systems based on
Integrated specifications
Describe the different forms Development
5.4 Explain the Golden rules of
of program inputs and outputs Environment
system design (IDE)
Discuss system interface
5.5 Explain Systems Design design and human UML Software
considerations: input, output, e.g. ArgoUML,
storage design and process etcc.

5.6 Explain the different forms Discuss Object-oriented

program inputs and outputs Design using UML

5.7 Explain system interface

design and human


5.8 Explain Object-oriented

Design: Class Diagram,

activity diagram,

deployment diagram etc.

General Objective 6.0: Understand Database Design

6.1 Define Database Explain Database and its Marker with Create database designs Guide students to Demonstrate how
9 importance White Board with structures of relevant create database to create tables
6.2 State the importance of
database as application tables for database designs based on database
Explain Database Design applications design
backend resource
and its importance
6.3 Explain Database Design PC with
Describe the structures of Presentation Guide students to
and its importance
a database table package Create tables based on create tables
6.4 Describe the structures
of a installed and table structures in the
database table: collection connected to an database design
of fields and table multimedia
relationships projector



General Objective 7.0: Understand Systems Development

10- 7.1 Explain Systems Discuss Systems Marker with Develop simple systems Guide students to Demonstrate how
11 Development and its tools White Board based on their designs develop simple to develop, test
Development and its tools systems based on and debug
their designs systems
Explain computer PC with Generate test data and used
7.2 Define computer
Presentation same to test the developed
Programming and its stages Guide students to
programming package system
generate test data
installed and and used same to
Explain System Testing and connected to an
test the developed
7.3 Explain the stages in debugging, Test Data and multimedia Debug detected errors in
system, debug
procedure for generating test projector the programs
Computer programming errors accordingly

7.4 Define System Testing and

Discuss program errors and
debugging types

7.5 Explain Test Data and

procedure for generating

test data

7.6 Explain program errors and

Types: syntax, logical; run

Time errors etc.

General Objective 8.0: Understand System Implementation

12 8.1 Define System Explain System Marker with Perform hardware and Assist students to Demonstrate how
implementation implementation White Board perform hardware to install system
Software installation. and hardware and
8.2 Explain hardware and Discuss hardware and software
software installation PC with Power installation
software installation
Point installed
and connected to
Discuss System Conversion an multimedia
8.3 Explain System Conversion
strategies: direct, parallel, projector
strategies: direct, parallel, phased and pilot

phased and pilot

General Objective: 9.0: Understand Systems Evaluation

13 9.1 Define system evaluation Explain system evaluation Marker with Design System Assist students to Demonstrate how
White Board Amendment Request Form design System to design
Amendment amendment
9.2 State the need for system Outline the need for system Perform Simple Cost Request Form request form and
evaluation analysis based on perform
evaluation PC with Power amendment request
Point installed amendment cost
and connected to Assist students to analysis?
Explain System Amendment
9.3 Define System Amendment and Amendment Request an multimedia perform
projector amendment Cost
and Amendment Request analysis
Discuss System Amendments
Cost Analysis
9.4 Explain System Amendment
Cost Analysis.
General Objective 10: Understand Systems Maintenance
14- 10.1 Define Systems Explain Systems Marker with Perform System Guide students to Demonstrate how
15 White Board maintenance based on perform various to perform
Maintenance and its types of System various types of

Maintenance importance Amendment request maintenance. systems
PC with Power
10.2 Explain the importance of Point installed
Discuss the different types and connected to
Systems maintenance an multimedia
of System Maintenance projector
10.3 Explain the different types

of System Maintenance Discuss the roles of

Systems users in Systems
10.4 Explain the roles of
Systems users in Systems


Assessment Criteria
Course work Course test Practical Others( Examination/Project/Portfolio)
20% 20% 60%

COURSE: PC UPGRADE & MAINTENANCE Course Code: COM 126 Contact Hours:4 Hours/week
GOAL: The course provides the knowledge and skills to begin PC Upgrade & Maintenance

Year: 1 Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: Theoretical: 1 hours /week

Practical: 3 hours /week
On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Understand the concept of upgrading and maintenance for PC.
2.0 Understand the limitation of a PC and scope for upgrading.
3.0 Understand technical specifications for PC upgrading.


COM 126


General Objective 1.0 : Understand the concept of upgrading and maintenance for PC.
Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teachers Evaluation
Outcomes Outcomes Activities

1 To understand : To provide: White Board. The ability to: To help: Explain typical
The need for PC An introduction in Assess a computer Student with hazards
maintenance PC maintenance. maintenance their threatening the
To explain: PC loaded with requirement. maintenance normal operation
Typical hazards Presentation Appropriate assessment of a of
threatening the hardware tools. computer. PC.
package and
normal operation of Protect the To choose
connected to
PC. computer appropriate

E.g. static multimedia components hardware tools.
electricity, power Projector fromstatic electricity. How to clean a
fluctuation, power Clean computer computer from
surge, dusty from dust. dust.
environment, Online lecture Clean the computer How to clean a
excessive ambiance notes systems from the computer from
temperature, viruses. viruses.
viruses …….. Perform system How to Perform
The need for backup. system backup.
computer backups
2 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to: To provide Explain
The need for PC Technological Presentation Assess the require advice on student technological
upgrade. changes in computer package and computing power assessment of changes in
hardware. connected to for a new new required computer
User demand for a multimedia application computing power. hardware.
higher processing power. Projector software.
The emergence of
software package Online lecture

3 To understand: To explain: PC loaded with The ability to: To show student Make a list
The process of How to open the Presentation Open a computer how to: of components to
hardware case of a PC. package and case and identify Open a upgrade.
upgrading. How to make a list connected to components for computer case
How to choose of components to multimedia upgrading. and identify Describe how to
hardware upgrade. Projector List the current components for check and
components for How to get computer upgrading. verify the
upgrading. prepared for a components List the current specifications of
component change Online lecture specifications. computer new components
(obtaining the notes. To choose components against the new
required components that specifications. requirements.
hardware/software matches the new To choose
tools and hardware/software components that
components). requirements. matches the new
How to check and Verify hardware/software
verify the specifications requirements.
specifications of against Verify specifications
new components requirements. against
against the new requirements. To
requirements. show student
how to:
Open a
computer case
and identify
components for
List the current
To choose
components that
matches the new
108 requirements.
Verify specifications
4 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain:
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and i. How to choose a
computer case. suitable case which package and appropriate new assistance on suitable case which
meets specifics connected to PC cases which choosing meets specifics
requirements. multimedia match the new computer case. requirements.
How to dismantle the Projector requirements. To provide advise ii. How to
old computer. Assemble and and dismantle the
How to assemble the disassemble assistance on old computer.
upgraded Online lecture personal computers. Assemble and iii. How to
components and the notes. disassemble a assemble the
unupgraded personal upgraded
components in the computers. components
new case and the
components in
the new case
5 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and dismantle the
computer power suitable power package and appropriate new assistance on old power supply
supply. supply which meets connected to PC power supplies choosing computer.
specifics multimedia which match the computer power
requirements. Projector new requirements. supply.
How to dismantle the Assemble and To provide advise
old power supply disassemble and
computer. Online lecture computer power assistance on
How to assemble the notes. supply. Assemble and
new power supply. disassemble a
computers power

6 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and choose a
computer mainboard suitable mainboard package and appropriate new assistance on suitable mainboard
which meets connected to PC cases which choosing which meets
specifics multimedia match the new computer specifics
requirements. Projector requirements. mainboard. requirements
How to dismantle the Assemble and To provide advise
old mainboard disassemble and
computer. Online lecture personal assistance on
How to assemble the notes. computers. Assemble and
new mainboard. disassemble a
7 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise
computers. Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and assemble new CPU
computer CPU. suitable CPU which package and appropriate new assistance on
meets specifics connected to PC cases which choosing
requirements. multimedia match the new computer case.
How to dismantle the Projector requirements. To provide advise
CPU. Assemble and and
How to assemble the disassemble assistance on
new CPU. Online lecture personal Assemble and
notes. computers. disassemble a
To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : personal
To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Choose computers.
and choose a
8-9 Presentation
computer mass suitable mass storage package and appropriate new assistance on suitable mass
storage. which meets connected to PC cases which choosing storage
specifics multimedia match the new computer case. which meets
requirements. Projector requirements. To provide advise specifics
How to dismantle the Assemble and and requirements
mass storage. disassemble assistance on
How to assemble the Online lecture personal Assemble and
new mass storage. notes. computers. disassemble a
To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and replace the
computer display suitable display unit package and appropriate new assistance on computer display
unit. which meets connected to PC cases which choosing unit
specifics multimedia match the new computer case.
requirements. Projector requirements. To provide advise
How to dismantle the Assemble and and
display unit. disassemble assistance on
How to assemble the Online lecture personal Assemble and
new display unit. notes. computers. disassemble a

12 - 13 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide Explain how to replace
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose advise and the
computer add-on cards. suitable add-on cards package and appropriate new assistance on computer add-on
which meets connected to PC cases which choosing cards.
specifics multimedia match the new computer case.
requirements. Projector requirements. To provide
How to dismantle the Assemble and advise and
old add-on cards. disassemble assistance on
How to assemble the Online lecture personal Assemble and
new add-on cards. notes. computers. disassemble a

14 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose an and replace the
computer keyboard and suitable keyboard package and appropriate new assistance on computer keyboard
mouse. and mouse which connected to PC case which choosing and
meets specifics multimedia matches the new computer case. mouse.
requirements. Projector requirements. To provide advise
How to dismantle the Assemble and and
old keyboard and disassemble assistance on
mouse. Online lecture personal Assemble and
How to assemble the notes. computers. disassemble a
new keyboard and personal
mouse. computers.

15 To understand : To explain: PC loaded with The ability to : To provide advise Explain how to
How to replace the How to choose a Presentation Choose and replace the
computer modems. suitable modems package and appropriate new assistance on computer modems.
which meets connected to PC cases which choosing
specifics multimedia match the new computer case.
requirements. Projector requirements. To provide advise
How to dismantle the Assemble and and
old modems. disassemble assistance on
How to assemble the Online lecture personal Assemble and
new modemsstem notes. computers. disassemble a
maintenance. personal

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used: Coursework/Assignments 10%; Course test 10%; Practical 20%; Projects %; Examination 60%
Type of Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 125) Weighting
Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and (%) 6
Test At
least 1 progress test for feedback. 01
Practical To be assessed by the teacher 20
Assignment To be assessed by the teacher 10
Total 10
Recommended Textbooks & References: 0
1. LAWAL, O. N., ADETOBA, B. T., & YEKINI, N. A. (2011). Introduction to System Analysis & Design. Lagos: Has-Fem Nigeria Enterprises. ISBN:
2. NBTE (2008). Introduction to System Analysis & Design. Kaduna, Nigeria: National Board for Technical Education [NBTE].

Recommended Textbooks & References:

Department/ Programme: Computer Science Course Code: Credit Hours: 6 hours/week
COM 211

Subject/Course: Theoretical: 2 hours/week



GOALS: The course is designed to enable students acquire requisite knowledge of and skills in programming using Java.

Year: 2 Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: COM 123 Practical: 4 hours /week

General Objectives: On completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1.0 Understand Array and collection Processing in Java.
2.0 Understand Event driven programs.
3.0 Know the concept of inheritance, encapsulation and Polymorphism
4.0 Know how to use Java Servlet, and Java Server Pages (JSP)
5.0 Understand Database Access with JDBC
6.0 Understand the process of general enterprise solution using Java

Course: Programming language Using Course Code: COM 211 Credit Hours: 6 hours/week
Theoretical:2 hours/week

Year: 1 Semester: 1 Pre-requisite: COM 127 Practical: 4 hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content

Week/s Specific Learning Outcomes Resources Specific Evaluation

Teacher’s Learning

Week/s General Objectives: 1. Understand Array and Collection Processing in Java.

theofgeneral White board Use object Guide the Write a simple
primitive data type and marker statement student on how program to
1.1 Explain different formats of arrays
pen to write simple demonstrate I
(a) array of primitive data type.
array and 2-
(b) array of objects statement Explain how to dimensional
1-2 array
manipulate objects PC
Loaded with
1.2 Explain with illustration the storage and JAVA
retrieval process of a 1- dimensional and 2- Explain how to create Compiler,
dimensional array Stack and Queue data Presentation
structure package.
Explain a simple array Multimedia
1.3 Develop a simple array structure program to
structure program to projector
(a) manipulate objects using vectors,
(a) manipulate objects
(b) Input array of strings using multi Input using vectors,
(b) Input array of
(c) Create Stacks and Queue data structure strings using multi
Input box

1.3 Define methods that accept array as pointers

in simple JAVA program

General Objectives 2: Understand Event driven programs

2.1 Explain how to place buttons on a Frame Explain events driven White board Write a Guide the Write and run
programming with and marker simple java students on a simple
examples pen event driven how to write program to
2.2 Describe how to handle events -Ask students to run program. a simple java generate GUI
the examples event driven events
-Give programming PC program
2.3 Explain how to place controls on a frame exercise on event Loaded with Illustrate how
driven programs. JAVA to place
3-4 2.3 Write menus Compiler, controls on a
Presentation Frame
2.4 Describe events handling package.
2.5Describe other GUI events. Multimedia

Week/s General Objectives:3 Know the concept of inheritance, encapsulation and Polymorphism

White board Write and run Guide
3.1 Define classes with inheritance. Explain inheritance, and marker simple Java students
program Demonstrate
encapsulation and pen
polymorphism involving to Write and how to
inheritance, run simple develop
3.2 Explain how to apply classes encapsulation Java program program
5-7 Explain the process involved
effectively with polymorphism. PC and involving involving
in writing programs using polymorphism
Loaded with inheritance inheritance
inheritance, encapsulation
3.3 Explain the rules of inheritance and and polymorphism JAVA encapsulation encapsulation
accessibility. Compiler, and and
Presentation polymorphism polymorphism
3.4 Explain how constructors of a class are
affected by inheritance Multimedia

3.5 Create instances of abstract super

classes and write abstract methods.

3.6 Explain the process involved in writing

programs using inheritance,
encapsulation and polymorphism.
General Objectives:4.0 Know how to use Java Servlet, and Java Server Pages (JSP)

4.1 Explain Java Servlets Explain Java Servlets White board Write a simple Guide students Demonstrate
and marker program how to
4.2 Describe the process of developing to Write and
pen involving develop
Servlet run simple
sessions and program
Explain the process of Java program
(a) Explain how to create and map a developing Servlet cookies, involving
PC sessions and
Servlet Expression sessions and
Loaded with Language cookies,
(b) Explain how to map a Servlet with JAVA
(EL), JSTL Expression

the web XML file Compiler, Language (EL), JSTL
Presentation (EL), JSTL
5-9 (c) Explain how to map a Servlet with Explain with examples package.
an annotation how to develop
JavaServer Pages Multimedia
(d) Explain how to request Servlet projector
Explain with examples
(e) Explain how to use the HTTP GEI
how to work with sessions
and cookies
(f) Explain how to use the POST
Explain with examples
how to use Expression
4.3 Explain how to develop JavaServer Language (EL)
Explain how to create and
4.4 Explain how to work with sessions use JSTL
and cookies
(a) Explain session tracking
4.5 Explain how to use Expression
Language (EL)
4.6 Explain how to develop JSP
(a) Explain how to code EL and JSTL
(b) Explain to code JavaBean
(c ) Explain how to use standard JSP
tags with JavaBeans

General Objectives:5.0 Understand, Database Access with JDBC
5.1 Explain Database access with JDBC Explain JDBC and its White board and Develop Guide Explain the
5.2 Discuss application design issues in the usefulness in linking to marker pen application students on process of
web environment remote Database using Java how to writing
5.3 Describe the basic concept of Discuss the process of develop database
programming using JavaScript developing web based PC database application
5.4 Explain with illustration the following application using JavaScript application using Java
Explain the process of Loaded with using Java
9-11 (a) Embedding JavaScript in HTML
developing mobile JAVA
(b) Event driven programming Compiler, Power
techniques applications using JavaScrpt
point package.
(c) Program control logic
(d) Concurrent enrollment Multimedia
5.5 Discuss life project on Java application projector
in web development

General Objectives:6.0 Understand the process of general enterprise solution using Java

12-15 6.1 Explain what enterprise solution is all Explain what enterprise PC Develop Guide Explain the
about solution is all about students on process of
Loaded with different
6.2 Explain the process of developing how to writing
JAVA enterprise
enterprise solution Explain the process of solutions develop enterprise
Compiler, Power
6.3 Explain application areas of enterprise developing enterprise point package. different solution
solutions solution enterprise
Multimedia solutions
Explain application areas of projector
enterprise solutions

Assessment: Give details of assignments to be used:
Coursework/ Assignments %; Course test20 %; Practical %; Projects 20 %; Examination 60 %

Type of Assessment Purpose and Nature of Assessment (COM 211) Weighting (%)

Examination Final Examination (written) to assess knowledge and 60


Test At least 1 progress test for feed back. 20

Practical / Projects To be assessed by the teacher 20

Total 100

Recommended Textbooks & References:

Department/ Programme: Course Code: Contact Hours : 5 hrs/week
Computer Science (ND) COM 212

Subject/Course: Introduction To Systems Theoretical: 2hours/week


GOALS: This course is designed to enable students acquire knowledge and skills in systems programming

Year: II Semester: I Pre-requisite: COM101 Practical: 3hours /week

General Objectives: On completion of this course the students should be able to:
1.0 Understand the general concepts of systems programming.
2.0 Understand Assembler and Assembly Processes
3.0 Understand the compilation process
4.0 Understand the use of utilities and libraries.
5.0 Understand the functions of Operating System
6.0 Understand Input/Output ( I/O) device handlers

Course: Computer Science (ND) Course Code: COM 212 Credit Hours: 5 hrs/week

Theoretical: 2hours/week

Year: II Semester: I Pre-requisite: Practical: 3hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1.0: To understand the general concepts of systems programming.

Week/s Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Evaluation


1-2 Define systems programming. PC Guide the Demonstrate

1.1 Explain the concept of system students to how to
Loaded with Describe and view a
programming achieve
Assembler illustrate with source
Define Application application simple tasks
1.2 Distinguish between systems programs examples system assembly
programs using
and application programs. Programming program using language
presentation system
1.3 Explain the following types of system assembly and
package application programs
programs –Assembler, operating language
system, firmware, I/O routines, programs
Differentiate between systems Multimedia in the
Compilers. Interpreters, Schedulers, programs and application projector
loaders and linkers and run time programs. computers
Discuss the types and
functions of systems and
application programs
General Objective 2.0: Understand Assembler and Assembly Processes

Describe the general format To be able to To assist Demonstrate
2.1 Explain the general format of an of an Assembly (language write a simple students in how to write
4-6 program statement. (Label, White board
Assembly program statement. assembly writing
and marker simple assembly
2.2 Discuss the structure of assembly opcode, Address, correct) language simple
pen language
language fields. program using assembly
program using
2.3 Explain the meaning of symbolic the general language
Explain the purpose of each general format
operations. format. program
field of assembly language PC using the
2.4 Distinguish between 1-pass and 2- statement. general
pass assembler with example Loaded with
Assembler format.
List some examples and uses application
of operation code programs
List examples of symbolic
operations. Multimedia

General Objective 3.0: Understand the compilation process.

3.3 Define translation, compilation and State the differences between White board Write and To assist the write a simple
interpretation. translation, Compilation and and marker compile a students in assembly
6 interpretation.
3.4 Explain the various stages of pen simple writing and language
translation. assembly compiling a program to
language simple demonstrate the
3.5 Describe the purpose and function Identify major differences program and assembly summation of
of the following between multi-pass and handle the language two numbers
single-pass compilation. PC errors program and
– tokens and delimiters
Loaded with handle the
– sentence recognition errors
. – scanning process application
3.6 Describe multi-pass and single-pass package
compilation. --Explain the load and
go process. Multimedia
3.7 Explain code generation and code projector

General Objective 4.0: Understand the use of utilities and libraries.

4.1 Explain utilities program Explain libraries and White board write and To assist State the
utilities with examples and marker compile simple the students differences
8-9 libraries and to write and
4.2 Describe the meaning and uses of pen between
utilities and list example of utilities Discuss the differences utilities compile utilities and
between the functions of assembly simple libraries.
and libraries.
language libraries
libraries and utilities PC
program. and utilities
4.3 Describe libraries and list examples assembly
Loaded with
on use Explain the relationship Assembler language

libraries between utilities and application program.
4.4 Explain the relationship between libraries programs
utilities and libraries presentation


General Objective 5.0: Understand the functions of Operating System.

Explain Operating System White board and Write and Guide

5.1 Define Operating System and historical development marker pen run students to
10 – program in write and Demonstrate
5.2 Discuss the historical development of operating systems.
12 different run how to write
of operating systems. Explain the importance and
operating program in and run
5.3 Explain the importance and uses of uses of operating • System.
system different
operating • System. such as operating simple
5.4 Explain Batch processing, Explain Batch processing, PC program in
multiprogramming; multiprogramming; Loaded with unix and such as different
multiprocessing, time-sharing. multiprocessing, time- Assembler unix and operating
sharing. windows system such
5.6 Explain Batch, real-time, time application windows
sharing and network operating real-time, and network programs as unix and
system operating system presentation windows
5.7 Explain with examples system Explain with examples package
commands of MS-DOS, Unix, system commands of MS-
Windows operating systems. DOS, Unix, Windows Multimedia
operating systems., projector


General Objective 6.0: Understand I/O device handlers.

Explain with examples the White board and Write and Guide Demonstrate
6.1 Explain the process of handling1/0 process of handling 1/0 and marker pen run a simple the how to write
13 - interrupt student and run a
the concept of interrupts s
15 6.2 Explain the concept of interrupts s program on how simple
and traps.
and traps. using to write interrupt
assembly and run a program
6.3 Explain Interrupt handling process. simple using
PC language
Explain how Interrupt interrupt assembly
6.4 Explain the operation of pooling handling processes work. Loaded with program language
6.5 Explain the CPU activity in Assembler using
interrupt mode and pooling and application assembly
the CPU status. Explain the operation of programs language
pooling, CPU activity in presentation
interrupt mode and
pooling and the CPU status.

Programme: National Diplôma (ND) Computer Science
Course: Unified Modelling Language (UML) Course Code: COM 213 Contact Hours: 4 hours/week
GOAL: This course is designed to provide the students with knowledge of and skills in Unified Modeling Language

Pre-requisite: COM 113 Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 2 Semester: 1 Practical: 2 hours /week
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Understand the Basic Concepts of Systems Modelling
2.0 Understand the Principles of Unified Modeling Language
3.0 Understand Object-oriented Modeling
4.0 Understand Conceptual Models
5.0 Understand Implementation Models
6.0 Understand Use Case Diagrams
7.0 Understand Activity Diagrams
8.0 Understand State Chart Diagrams
9.0 Understand Interaction Models
10.0 Understand System Model Conversion

COURSE TITLE : Unified Modeling Language COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS: 4/Week
COM 213
Theoretical Contents Practical Contents

Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Teachers Activities Evaluation
Outcomes Learning
General Objective 1.0: Understand the Basic Concepts of Systems Modelling
1-2 1.1 Define Systems Explain System White Board. Identify various Guide students to What are the
Modeling Modeling, types and its models of identify various types of system
1.2 Explain the importance importance PCs with UML software systems models of software models?
Of Systems Modeling systems
Explain System
1.3 Explain types of System Discuss the Principles of Modeling and
Modeling: functional, modelling list examples of
architectural etc. PC loaded with
modeling tools?
1.4 Explain the Principles of Discuss System Presentation
modelling: proper choice Models and types package and Why is system
of model, level of connected to modeling
precision, connection to multimedia important in
reality etc. Projector software
Explain System process?
1.5 Explain System Modeling Tools and
Models and Types Online lecture
examples notes.
1.6 Define System Modeling
1.7 List examples of System
Modeling Tools: UML,
SysML Designer, Agilian

General Objective 2.0: Understand the Principles of Unified Modeling Language
3-4 2.1 Define Unified Explain UML, its Origin White Board. Identify various Guide students to What are the
Modeling Language and Uses UML Symbol identify various UML types of UML
(UML) PCs with UML sets Symbol sets Software?
2.2 Explain Origin of UML Describe the various
types of UML diagrams What are types
2.3 Outline the Uses of and symbol sets of UML
UML diagrams and
2.4 Explain the types of PC loaded with
Discuss the relevance of symbol sets?
UML diagrams Presentation
UML in Unified
2.5 Explain the relevance of Software Development package and
UML in Unified Process connected to
Software Development multimedia
Process Describe the various Projector
2.6 Explain UML Symbol types of UML Software
Set Online lecture
2.7 Describe the various notes.
types of UML Software:
MagicDraw, ArgoUML,
Gliffy, LucidChart, MS
Visio etc.

General Objective 3.0: Understand Object-oriented Modeling
5-6 3.1 Explain Object-oriented Discuss Object-oriented White Board. Identify various Guide students to What are the
modeling analysis, design and types of object- identify various benefits of
modeling PCs with UML oriented models types of object- Object-oriented
3.2 Explain Object oriented
oriented models modeling?
analysis & design Discuss the benefits of software
3.3 Explain the benefits of Object oriented Distinguish
Object oriented modelling between object,
PC loaded with
modelling Class,
Explain System and Presentation
3.4 Explain System and Object Orientation package and polymorphism,
Object Orientation connected to encapsulation,
Discuss Object oriented multimedia and Inheritance?
3.5 Explain Object oriented system concepts Projector
system concepts: object, Discuss State of an
Class, polymorphism, object, events, transitions Online lecture
Component, Abstraction, and Messages notes.
encapsulation, interface,
Inheritance etc.
3.6 Explain State of an
object, events, transitions
and Messages
General Objective 4.0: Understand Conceptual Models
7-8 4.1 Explain conceptual Explain conceptual White Board. Create Demonstrate how to What is
diagrams and types diagrams and types conceptual create conceptual conceptual
models of models of selected diagram?
4.2 Define Class Diagram Explain Class Diagram PCs with UML
selected systems systems using class
and its uses software State the uses of
4.3 Explain the uses of using class diagrams
object diagrams
Class Diagrams diagrams
Explain Object Diagram and class
Demonstrate how to diagrams?
4.4 Define Object Diagram and its uses PC loaded with
Create create conceptual
conceptual models of selected What is the

4.5 Explain the uses of Discuss the process of package and models of systems using Object process of
Object Diagrams modeling with Class connected to selected systems diagrams modeling with
Diagrams multimedia using Object object diagrams
4.6 Explain the process of and class
modeling with Class Projector diagrams
Explain the process of diagrams?
Diagrams modeling with Object
Diagrams Online lecture
4.7 Explain the process of
modeling with Object
General Objective 5.0: Understand Implementation Models – (Component and Deployment Diagrams)
9-10 5.1 Explain Implementation Explain Component White Board. Create Demonstrate how to
diagrams and Types Diagram, Deployment implementation create implementation Demonstrate how
to model with
5.2 Define Component Diagram and their uses PCs with UML models of models of selected
Diagram selected systems systems using
software diagrams and
using component component diagrams
5.3 Explain the uses of Discuss the process of deployment
diagrams diagrams?
Component Diagrams modeling with Demonstrate how to
Component diagrams and PC loaded with Create create implementation
5.4 Define Deployment Deployment diagrams Presentation
Diagram implementation models of selected
package and models of systems using
connected to selected systems deployment diagrams
5.5 Explain the purpose of
multimedia using deployment
Deployment Diagrams
Projector diagrams
5.6 Explain the process of
modeling with Online lecture
Component diagrams notes.

5.7 Explain the process of

modeling with
Deployment diagrams

General Objective 6.0: Understand Use Case Diagrams
11 6.1 Define Use Case Explain Use Case White Board. Create Use Case Guide students to What are the uses
Diagram Diagram, its basic models of create Use Case of Use Case
Elements and Notations selected systems models of selected Diagram?
6.2 State the uses of Use PCs with UML
Case diagram using Use Case systems using Use
Explain types of Use software What are the
diagrams Case diagrams
6.3 Explain the Basic Cases, Use Case basic elements
Elements and Notation of Specification and and Notations of
Use Case Diagram Template PC loaded with Use Case
Presentation Diagrams?
6.4 Explain types of Use Discuss the process of package and
Cases modeling with Demonstrate how
connected to to model with
6.5 Explain Use Case Use Case diagrams
multimedia Use Case
Specification & Use Case Projector
Template diagrams?

6.6 Explain the process of Online lecture

modeling with notes.
Use Case diagrams
General Objective 7.0: Understand Activity Diagrams
12 7.1 Define Activity Diagram Explain Activity White Board. Create Activity Guide students to What are the uses
7.2 State the uses of Diagram and its uses models of create Activity models of Activity
selected systems of selected systems Diagram?
Activity diagram Discuss the Basic PCs with UML
Elements and Notation of software using Use using Use Activity
7.3 Explain the Basic Activity diagrams What are the
Elements and Notation of Activity Diagram diagrams
basic elements
Activity Diagram and Notations of
Discuss the process of PC loaded with Activity
7.4 Explain the process of modeling with Presentation Diagrams?
modeling with Use Case diagrams package and
Use Case diagrams connected to Demonstrate how
multimedia to model with
Projector Activity

Online lecture

General Objective 8: Understand State Chart Diagrams

13 8.1 Define State Chart Explain State Chart White Board. Create State Guide students to What are the uses
Diagram Diagram and its uses models of create State models of of State Chart
selected systems selected systems using Diagram?
8.2 State the uses of PCs with UML
State Chart diagram using Use State Use State Chart
software What are the
Chart diagrams diagrams
8.3 Explain the Basic Discuss the Basic basic elements
Elements State Chart Elements State Chart and Notations of
Diagram: Transitions, Diagram PC loaded with State Chart
Presentation Diagrams?
State Actions, Entry
Point, Exit Point, History package and
Demonstrate how
States, Concurrent connected to to model with
Regions multimedia State Chart
Projector diagrams?
8.4 Explain the process of Discuss the process of
modeling with modeling with State
State Chart diagrams Chart diagrams Online lecture
General Objective 9: Understand Interaction Models – (Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams)
14 9.1 Explain Interaction Explain Sequence White Board. Create Demonstrate how to What are the uses
diagrams and Types Diagrams and their types Interaction create interaction of Sequence
9.2 Define Sequence PCs with UML models of models of selected
Discuss the Elements selected systems systems using
Diagram software Demonstrate how
and Notations of using Sequence Sequence diagrams
9.3 Explain the uses of Sequence diagrams to model with
Sequence Diagrams Diagrams Guide students to Sequence
PC loaded with
Create create Interaction diagrams and
9.4 Explain the Elements and Discuss the process of Presentation
Interaction models of selected Collaboration
Notations of Sequence modeling with Sequence package and models of systems using Diagrams?
Diagrams diagrams connected to
selected systems collaboration diagrams

9.5 Explain the process of multimedia using
modeling with Explain Collaboration collaboration
Sequence diagrams Diagram and its uses diagrams
9.6 Define Collaboration Discuss the process of Online lecture
Diagram modeling with notes.
Collaboration diagrams
9.7 Explain the uses of
Collaboration Diagrams
9.8 Explain the process of
modeling with
Collaboration diagrams
General Objective 10: Understand System Model Conversion
15 10.1 Define System Model Explain System Model White Board. Convert sample Demonstrate how to What is the
Conversion Conversion UML diagrams convert sample UML importance of
PCs with UML into program diagrams into program system model
10.2 Explain the importance Discuss the importance conversion?
software code code
of Model Conversion of Model Conversion
10.3 Explain the process of Discuss the process of PC loaded with Demonstrate how
Convert sample Demonstrate how to to convert UML
converting UML converting UML Presentation
program code convert sample diagrams into
diagrams into program diagrams into program package and into UML program code into program code and
code e.g. Java, C++, code e.g. Java, C++, connected to diagrams UML diagrams vice versa?
XML etc. XML and vice versa multimedia
10.4 Explain the process of Projector
converting program Online lecture
code into UML
Recommended Textbooks & References:
1. Aigbokhan E. E. (2016) Unified Modelling Language for Object-Oriented Analysis & Design.

2. Bennett S, Skelton J. & Lunn K. (2001), Schaum’s Outline of UML, McGRAW-HILL International, UK.
3. Booch G, Rumbaugh J. & Jacobson I. (1998), The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison-Wesley.

4. Donald Bell (2003), UML basics: An introduction to the Unified Modeling Language Rational Software
5. Rumbaugh J., Jacobson I., & Booch G. (2005), The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition, Addison-Wesle

Department/ Program: ND Computer Course Code: COM Contact Hours: 5 hours/week

Science 214

Subject/Course: Computer Systems Troubleshooting I Theoretical: 1 hours/week

Year: Two Semester: One Pre-requisite: Practical: 4 hours /week

General Objectives:

The course Provides the knowledge and skills to begin to repair Hardware

1. Understand the process of Computer system fault diagnosis.

2. Understand computer system peripheral failures.
3. Understand virus protection utility failure and software diagnostic tools.
4. Understand networks failure symptoms

Department/ Program: ND Computer Science Course Code: COM 216 Credit Hours: 5 hours/week

Subject/Course: Computer Systems Troubleshooting Theoretical: 1 hours/week

Year: Two Semester: One Pre-requisite: Practical: 4 hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1: Understand the process of Computer system fault diagnosis

Specific Learning
Week/s Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

Guide students:
1.1 Explain various Describe various PC, identify procedures for Explain
components of computer components of Multimedia, installing/adding a device, various
computer system including To complete the components
for example loading/adding/configuring fault report form.
motherboard, Diagnostic device drivers and required
1 -6 RAM, Processor, package, software Explain
1.2 Explain Power on self Specify the different
power supply
test. Software
connections, and POST
other PC Presentation Complete the fault report tests for
error Messages
components. Package and form. Hardware
1.3 Explain Power fault
Check the

Explain Power on Smart/White Specify the POST error motherboard and
self test, Power board Messages. other PC
1.4 Explain different components
fault diagnosis and
software diagnostic tests power supply.
how to complete
for hardware Check the motherboard and
a fault report form. other PC components power

Explain different
diagnostic tests for

1.5 Explain causes of start Explain: PC, Identify and fix different
up failure Multimedia, types of fault from hearing
the beeps.
Why the display
is on but several Diagnostic
beeps heard. package, Identify the type of faults
from the error messages.

Why no beeps Presentation

were heard, but Package and Remedy the fault by taking
the POST runs appropriate
and the system hardware/software repair
starts up normally Smart/White and /or re-instalment.
with faults. board

How to take note Recognise POST error
off the fault message code as an
message from the indication of a memory
screen. problem.

Why the power Rectify memory problem by

LED is on but reinsertion or replacement.
nothing else

Why the system

does not switch on

1.6 Explain the cause of Explain: Identify and fix different Guide students to:
hard drive failure types of hard drive faults
PC, Identify and fix
Multimedia, different types of
How to recognise
hard drive faults
POST error Use Software diagnostic
message code as and use Software
Diagnostic packages to test and fix
memory failure. diagnostic
package, hardware.

Memory failure
Package and


1.7 Explain the cause of To explain: PC, Identify and fix POST error Guide students to Explain the
CD-ROM drive failure. Multimedia, message code as fix CD-ROM cause of
CD-ROM failure, why data faults drive failure
How to recognise cannot be accessed from the
POST error package, CD-ROM drive, why the
message code as CD-
CD-ROM failure ROM drive is not registered
Presentation and etc.
Package and
Why data cannot
be accessed from
the CD-ROM Smart/White
drive. board

Why the CD-

ROM drive is not

1.8 Explain the cause of Explain: PC, Identify and fix: Guide students Give
display system failure. Multimedia, to: synopses of
Identify and fix: display
How to test the Monitor connection, power,
Diagnostic system
monitor video card etc.
package, failure
Replace video card on
How to test Presentation power, video card
motherboard if the video
monitor power Package and etc.
card is embedded in the

supply. motherboard.
Smart/White Replace video
board Use Operating Systems(OS)
card on
How to test a
display properties. motherboard if
video card and
the video card is
reseat to check its
embedded in the
Display adaptor in device motherboard.

Use Operating
How to replace the Systems(OS) display
video card. properties.

How to replace the

motherboard if the
video card is
embedded in the

Systems(OS) display

Display adaptor in
device manager

1.9 List examples of To explain: PC, The ability to : To help student to : Explain the
external device Multimedia, cause of
Recognise POST

How to recognise Recognise POST error error message devices
POST error message code as an code as an failure
message code as Diagnostic indication of a external indication of an
external devises package, devises problem. external devises
1.10 Explain the cause of
external devices failure failure. problem.
Presentation Rectify the external devises
To list possible Package and Rectify the external
problem by reinsertion or
hardware faulty: devises problem by
reinsertion or
E.g. flash disk Smart/White replacement
not detected. board
Scanner failure
External DVD not

External devises
failure remedy.

1.11 Explain causes of To explain: PC, Identify and fix: Guide students Give
Keyboard/Mouse error Multimedia, to: common
Keyboard errors Keyboard
Why the and Mouse
Mouse errors in different OS
mouse/keyboard Diagnostic error
Identify fix:
are not package, messages
recognised in an Keyboard errors
Mouse errors in
System (OS) Presentation
example different OS
Package and
window, Linus

Why the cursor
may be difficult to

Why the cursor

movements may
be jerky.

Why some keys

may not function

General Objective 2: Understand computer system peripheral failures.

7-10 2.1 Explain computer To explain: PC, The ability to : To help student to :
system peripherals Multimedia,
Recognise POST
How to recognise Recognise POST error error message
2.2 Explain the cause of POST error Diagnostic message code as an code as an
serial, parallel and USB message code as package, indication of a serial, indication of a
port failure. serial, parallel and parallel and USB problem. serial, parallel
USB failure. and USB
Presentation problem.
Package and Rectify the serial, parallel
Serial, parallel and and USB problem by
USB failure Rectify the serial,

remedy. Smart/White reinsertion or replacement parallel and USB
board problem by
reinsertion or

2.3 Explain the cause of To explain: PC, The ability to : To help student to :
printer's failure. Multimedia,
Recognise POST
How to recognise Recognise POST error error message
POST error Diagnostic message code as an code as an
message code as package, indication of a printer’s indication of a
printer’s failure. problem. printer’s
To list possible: Package and Rectify the printers problem
by reinsertion or Rectify the printers
replacement problem by
Hardware faulty: Smart/White reinsertion or
board replacement
E.g. connection
Power fault
Software faulty:
E.g. driver

Printer’s failure

2.4 Explain the cause of To explain: PC, To help student to :
MODEM failure. Multimedia,
Recognise POST
How to recognise error message
POST error Diagnostic code as an
message code as package,
MODEM failure. indication of a
MODEM failure Package and
Rectify the MODEM
board problem by
reinsertion or


Investigate a possible
hardware faults.

General Objective 3: Understand virus protection utility failure and software diagnostic tools

11-12 3.1 Define Virus To explain: PC, The ability to : Guide students to :
Recognise POST virus
3.2 List examples of How to Recognise POST error error message protection
Virus recognise POST Diagnostic message code as an code as an utility
error message package, indication of a virus indication of a failure
code as virus protection utility problem. virus protection
protection utility utility problem.
3.3 Explain virus

protection utility failure. failure. Presentation
Package and
Rectify the virus protection Rectify the virus Give
utility problem by examples of
virus protection utility
reinsertion or replacement problem by Virus
protection Smart/White
reinsertion or
utility failure board replacement

General Objective 4: Understand networks failure symptoms

13-15 To explain: PC, The ability to : To help student to :

4.1 Explain Network, and
how to setup a network Recognise POST
How to recognise Recognise POST error error message
POST error Diagnostic message code as an code as an
message code as package, indication of a networks indication of a
4.2 Explain the cause of networks failure. problem. networks
networks failure.
Networks failure Package and Rectify the networks
remedy problem by reinsertion or Rectify the networks
problem by
reinsertion or
board replacement

Programme: Computer Science (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 215 Contact Hours: 6 hours/week

Course: Computer Application Packages II Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 2 Semester: I Pre-requisite: COM 123 Practical: 4 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable the student to acquire a better understanding of standard computer packages.

General Objectives: On completion of this course, the diplomats will be able to:

1. Understand how to use common graphic application packages

2. Understand the process of Desktop Publishing

3. Understand the concepts in Computer Aided Design.

4. Understand Database Management System.

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1: Understand common graphics packages

Specific Learning Outcomes Specific

Week Teacher’s activities Resources Learning Evaluation
Outcomes activities

1.1 Explain different types of Define Graphic images PC Demonstrate Identify What are the
graphic representations e.g. basic different most
1 understanding
pictures, drawings, charts, graphic commonly
Explain types of Digital Multimedia of graphic Application used
animations, etc. applications.
image file: projector Packages. graphics
TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, packages
1.2 Explain application areas of etc. and what are
graphic packages. Graphic their
application functions?
Explain features of:
Greeting cards, flyers,
posters, Newsletters,

1.3 Explain the interface and Explain the Menus and PC Identify Explore the What is the
design space of Graphic Toolbox of a graphic different tools in toolbox and process of
Packages. design application. the toolbox. other creating and
Multimedia features of saving a

projector the design
interface. document?
2 1.4 Explain various tools and their Explain the process of Design a
functions in graphic application creating and saving a business card
packages. Graphic
design document. application that has text and Demonstrate
What are the
packages a logo. how to basic the
create and
1.5 Explain how to create a simple basic tools
Explain how to manipulate save
graphic design. needed to
Fonts and Images Apply color to documents,
use fonts, manipulate
an object and
create an resizing, text and
outline. rotating and graphic?
Explain how to use colors

students to
design a

General Objective 2: Understand the process of Desktop Publishing

2.1 Explain the design tools used Demonstrate the Demonstrate Guide
for Desktop Publishing interfaces of different basic students in
PC What are
Desktop Publishing understanding creating a
Packages of Desktop side-fold
Multimedia Publishing greeting
projector Applications card.
2.2 Demonstrate the basics of
Carryout an overview of packages.
using vector graphics and node What are the

editing for graphics and text different graphic key Node
application packages. editing
DTP Creating a side-
application fold greeting
3 packages Guide
card for an
Identify the strengths and students in
weaknesses of different designing a
Graphic Application poster that
Packages. includes text
Create a
and photo.
standard page
poster that
includes text
and photo.

2.3 Explain the process of using Explain layout and PC Create a two- Guide What is the
graphic software to produce a formatting of newsletters page newsletter students in process of
newsletter and a flyer. and flyers creating a designing a
4-5 Multimedia two-page Newsletter
projector Create columns newsletter and what are
2.4 Explain the use of various and wrap text with the design
formatting tools in a graphics around graphics columns, tools
DTP text wrap, needed?
application and drop
2.5 Explain how to format a packages caps.
Create drop
document into columns, how to
use text wrap, and how to create
Drop Caps.

2.6 Explain the process of Identify the design tools PC Create a three- Guide Explain the
designing brochures and needed for creating panel brochure students to process of
6 letterheads. Brochures and for a business design a designing a
Letterheads. Multimedia enterprise. letterhead. multiple
projector brochure.

Create a Guide
DTP multiple page
students to
application brochure for an
educational create
institution. various
kinds of
Create a
letterhead with

7 2.7 Explain how to add 3D effects Let students design using PC Create a short Demonstrate What is the
to text and objects. samples from templates slideshow that how to use process of
and clip arts. includes charts, Callouts and adding 3D
Multimedia graphs and 3D Connectors effects to
projector bitmap effects for creating texts and
chart and objects.
the Ellipse
DTP tool to draw

packages pie shapes.

General Objective 3: Understand the concept of computer aided design.

8-9 3.1 Explain the concept of Explain the basics of PC Create a basic Guide Explain the
Computer Aided Design (CAD) CAD applications (like design using a students to concept of
AutoCAD, CAD, CAD create a Computer
SmartDraw, etc.) Multimedia applications design using Aided
3.2. Explain the interface and Projector a CAD Design
design space of CAD application
applications (like AutoCAD, Explain drawing with
Set Running
CAD, SmartDraw, etc.) precision using CAD
Applications. CAD Object Snaps Explain the
Applications Illustrate how functions of
. (like to set basic design
3.3 Explain layout planning and
plotting Explain controlling the AutoCAD, Apply Object Running tools in a
CAD, Snap Object Snaps CAD
drawing display. SmartDraw, Overrides application.
3.4 Understand how to create 3D etc.)
images. Illustrate how
Use Polar to override
Tracking to Object Snaps
paths Demonstrate
how to use

Use Object Tracking
how to use
Object Snap

10 3.5 Explain Blocks and Define Blocks and PC Create a Demonstrate Explain
Attributes explain their functions Block the steps Blocks and
involved in Attributes.
Multimedia creating What are
3.6 Explain layers Outline the steps Projector Use dynamic Blocks. their
involved in creating blocks in a relevance in
Illustrate the
attribute definitions. drawing. design?
steps in
CAD creating,
Explain Layer and its
Applications editing, and
significance in CAD.
(like Use Blocks deleting
AutoCAD, with Design attributes.
CAD, Center
Illustrate the
Use Blocks steps for
with Content inserting
Explorer Blocks.

Use attributes Illustrate how
to add text to to Work with
a Block. Dynamic

Create Layer
with a Layer Guide
Standard students to
create Layers
with Layer

11-12 3.7 Explain Layouts Explain Layouts and PC Plan a layout Demonstrate What is a
their significance to and carryout how to plan a layout?
design. plotting. layout and
3.8 Explain how to setup a Multimedia
Layout Projector Explain the
Create three- steps to setup
a layout.
images Illustrate how
CAD to Create
Applications three-
(like Create dimensional
AutoCAD, layering, images
CAD, projection Demonstrate
SmartDraw, types and how to create
etc.) solid layering,

modelling projection
types and

General Objective 3 (COM 215): Understand database management.

13 3.1 Explain the functions of a Explain the tools and menus PC connected Apply a DBMS Demonstrate What is a
Database Management System in a DBMS to a Projector to Create, Save, how to DBMS?
(DBMS) e.g. Microsoft Access, and Retrieve Create, Save
MySQL, SQL, etc. Personnel and Retrieve
Define Fields, Records, Relational information information Describe
Tables, Forms and Views DBMS from a the
3.2 Explain the features of a database. building
blocks of a
3.3 Explain the building blocks of Explain different Data
a Database.. Types:
Numeric, String, Boolean,
Date, etc.

Give examples of DBMS

operations (update, sorting,

14 3.4 Explain basic database Explain Queries, update, PC connected Carry out the Illustrate
operations. sorting, etc. to a Projector following: using how to carry
the records out the
above: following
Relational database
DBMS operations:
Find and sort
Find and
Sort Data
Create queries
and forms
Work with
Queries and

15 PC connected Create personnel Demonstrate

to a Projector report using the how to
records above. create
Reports and
Relational Print
DBMS Print personnel Reports

Programme: Computer Science (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 216 Contact Hours: 3

Course Title: Statistics for Computing II Semester: 2 Theoretical: 2 hour /week

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hour /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable students to acquire a basic knowledge of SPSS Package Tools
General Objectives: On completion of this course the diplomate, should be able to:
1.0 Understand the main facture of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)
2.0 Understand the use of SPSS Graphical User Interface (GUI) effectively
3.0 Understand how to perform descriptive analyses with SPSS and Ms Excel ER
4.0 Understand how to perform common parametric and non-parametric test
5.0 Understand how to perform simple regression and multivariate analyses

Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1: Understand the main features of SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science)
Specific Learning Outcomes Specific Learning Teacher’s
Week Teacher’s activities Resources Evaluation
Outcomes activities
Explain the main
1 1.2 Define SPSS Package features of SPSS Books of Explain SPSS
1.3 Identify SPSS general features Explain the general statistics Identify general
aspect, workflow and Features of SPSS
critical issues Internet Explain Sorting,
1.3 Identify the Importance of SPSS Transpose in
Explain Functions, SPSS
Menus and

2 1.4 Describe File management in Explain file

Explain how to
SPSS management in SPSS Books of
store and retrieve
1.5 Explain data file Storage and Explain data file statistics
Retrieval Storage and Retrieval
Explain the
importance of SPSS

General Objective 2¸Understand the Use of SPSS Graphical User Interface (GUI) effectively

3 2.1 Define Variable, Define Variable Textbooks Demonstrate the Demonstrate Describe
and Explain Lecture concept of the concept variable
variable view notes Variable of Variable
spreadsheet Explain the
various methods
2.2 Describe Manual Data input Explain Manual of data Input
Data Entry

2.3 Explain Automated Data Input and Illustrate how

file import Describe how to Use computer
Internet to generate
generate data and PCs system to generate data online
Import file using data
computer system

2.4 Explain Data Transformation Explain Data Explain Data Illustrate Explain Data
4 Transformation Tranformation how to Transformation
Textbooks Transform
2.5 Explain syntax files and scripts Explain Syntax PCs Data
files and scripts

Explain output
2.6 Explain Output Management Management

General Objective 3: Understand how to perform descriptive analyses with SPSS

5 3.1 Explain Frequencies Explain Frequencies Textbooks Categorise Explain and Explain
Ms. Excel various data supervise frequency,Descrip
collected student tive, Explore
3.2 Explain Descriptive Analysis Explain Descriptive exercises and
student work
3.3 Explain Explore Explain Explore

3.3 Explain Crosstab Explain Crosstab Textbooks Illustrate Crosstab Explain Explain Explain
6 Ms. Excel and Chart crosstab and Crosstab and
Hard disk, Chart Chart
Explain and discuss Flash drive,
3.4 Explain Charts
Charts CD, internet

General Objective 4 : Understand how to perform common parametric and non-parametric test
4.1 Identify and Explain different Explain and discuss Textbooks Identify the Demonstrate Enumerate the
7 statistical test: Mean, T_test, One-way various types of Statistical various types of how to various types of
ANOVA, Non Parametric test, statistical tests tables statistical table identify the statistical tables
Normality test various types
of statistical

8 4.3 Explain Correlation and Statistical Demonstrate Demonstrate Explain how to

Regression: Explain Linear tables, how to by examples construct
Correlation and PCs, Charts, construct how to frequency tables
Regression Ms. Excel scattered construct and graphs
- Linear Correlation and Regression,
diagrams, scattered
Enumerate the
Explain Multiple frequency diagrams, merits and
regression (Linear) tables and frequency demerits of charts
- Multiple regression (Linear) graphs tables and and diagrams


General Objective 5: Understand how to perform simple regression and multivariate analyses
Explain factor
9 5.1 Explain Factor Analysis Define and Explain Text books Analyse data Guide and cluster
Factor Analysis using Factor students to analysis
5.2 Explain Cluster Analysis analysis analyse data
Define and Explain Analyse data using factor
Cluster Analysis using cluster analysis
10-12 5.3 Analyse Data using SPSS Explain how to PCs Analyse data Guide students Use SPSS to
analyse data using SPSS using SPSS to analyse data analyse data
SPSS package using SPSS

Programme: Computer Science (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 221 Contact Hours: 3

Course Title: BASIC COMPUTER NETWORKING Semester: 2 Theoretical: 2 hour /week

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hour /week

Goal: This course is designed to equip students with the practical knowledge in computer networking.
General Objectives: On completion of this course the diplomate, should be able to:
1.0 Understand the basic Concepts of Computer Networking
2.0 Know the Hardware Components of Computer Networks and their Functions
3.0 Understand Network Planning and Design
4.0 Know the Different Types of Network Connections
5.0 Understand the Open System Interconnection (ISO) Model and the TCP/IP Model
6.0 Understand IP Address on Networks using IPv4 and IPv6
7.0 Understand Wireless Network Access

COURSE: Basic Computer Networking COURSE CODE: COM 221 CREDIT HOURS: 2
YEAR: 2 SEMESTER: 2 PRE: REQUISITE Theoretical: 2 hours Practical: 2 Hours
Goal: This course is designed to equip students with the practical knowledge in computer networking

Theoretical Content Practical Content

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1.0 Understand the basic Concepts of Computer Networking
Wee Specific Learning Teachers Learning Specific Learning Teachers Learning
k Outcome Activities Resources Objectives Activities Resources
1-2 1.1 Define Computer Define Computer Marker and Identify clients and Guide students Networked
Network Network and explain the White Board. Servers in selected to identify PCs with
concepts of the networks clients and clients and
1.2 State the advantages Internet, Intranet, and PC loaded Servers in servers
and Extranet. with Power Identify wired and selected
disadvantages of a Point wireless networks networks Practical
Computer Networks. connected to Manual/
Explain Virtual Private
a Multimedia Guide students Workbook
Network (VPN), security
1.3 Explain types of projector to Identify
zones and firewalls wired and
LAN, MAN and WAN Switches wireless
Explain the advantages networks
1.4 Explain Perimeter and disadvantages of a Routers
networks, addressing Computer Networks.
VLANs, Wired and Wireless Network
LAN Explain types of Simulation
Networks: Softwares (eg
1.5 Explain Leased lines, LAN, MAN and WAN GNS3)
dial-up, ISDN, VPN, T1, T3,
E1, E3, DSL, cable modem

etc, and their characteristics Discuss perimeter
(speed, availability) networks; addressing;
reserved address ranges
1.6 Differentiate between for local use (including
Client and Server local loopback ip),
Computers VLANs; wired LAN and
wireless LAN
1.7 Differentiate between
Discuss Leased lines,
and Wireless Networks dial-up, ISDN, VPN, T1,
T3, E1, E3, DSL, cable
modem etc, and their
characteristics (speed,
Explain Client and
Server Computers

Distinguished between
Wired and Wireless
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 2.0 Know the Hardware Components of Computer Networks and their Functions
2-4 2.1 List the hardware 2.1 Describe different Marker and Identify the different Guide students LAN cables
components of Computer network hardware White Board. network hardware to Identify the (Cart 5e), RJ
Network: Router, switches, components: components and their different 45, Routers,
repeater, Gateway and Router, switches, PC loaded functions network Switches etc.
cables. repeater, with Power hardware
Gateway and cables. Point components Practical
2.2 Differentiate between connected to and their Manual/
Hub and Switch 2.2 Explain functions of a Multimedia functions Workbook
components in 2.1 with projector
2.3 Explain Repeaters and respect to routing data,

their functions traffic, remote Switches
connections, switching
2.4 Explain bridges and their types and MAC table, Routers
Functions understand capabilities
of hubs versus switches, Network
2.6 Explain Routers and their virtual switches, Static Simulation
functions. routing, dynamic Softwares (eg
routing, routing GNS3)
2.7 Describe Network protocols, (RIP vs.
Interface Card (NIC) and OSPF), NAT, QoS etc.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 3.0 Understand Network Planning and Design
5-6 3.1 Define Network Explain Network Marker and Plan and Design a Guide students Networked
Planning and Design Planning and Design White Board. networks using to Plan and PCs with
network diagrams Design simple
3.2 Outline the importance Outline the importance PC loaded networks using drawing tools
of network planning of network planning with Power network
Point diagrams. Practical
Outline the steps connected to Manual/
3.3 Outline the steps involved in designing a a Multimedia Workbook
involved in designing a network projector
Discuss network Switches
topology, types and
3.4 Explain network access methods Routers
topology and access
Softwares (eg
General Objective: 4.0 Know the Different Types of Network Connections
7-9 4.1 Describe Point-to-point, Discuss Point-to-point, Marker and Set up point-to-point Guide student Network

Peer-to-peer, Peer-to-peer, White Board. network. to set up point- Components
Client/Server Client/Server to-point and
based networks based networks PC loaded Set up peer-to-peer network. Connection
with Power network. devices : LAN
4.2 Explain types of Cable Explain cable types and Point Guide student cables (Cart
termination and suitable their characteristics, connected to Create different types to Set up peer- 5e), RJ 45,
cables for each including media segment a Multimedia of network cables to-peer Routers,
length and speed; (fiber projector network. Switches etc.
4.3 State advantages and optic; twisted pair Create a fibre optics
Disadvantages of shielded or unshielded; Switches cable
catxx cabling, wireless;
each connection type in susceptibility to external Routers Connect devices using
2.1 above interference ) RJ45 Cable, fibre
Network optics etc
4.4 Explain the types of Explain types of Cable Simulation
Servers: print, mails etc. termination and suitable Softwares (eg
cables for each GNS3)

4.5 Discuss Server

reliability, availability State advantages and
and data integrity Disadvantages of each
connection type

Explain the types of

Servers: print, mails etc.

Discuss Server
reliability, availability
and data integrity

General Objective: 5.0 Understand the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model and TCP/IP Model
10- 5.1 Define OSI Model. Explain OSI Model. Marker and Identify the layers of Guide students Networked

11 White Board. OSI Model to identify the PCs with
5.2. Explain TCP/IP Explain the TCP/IP layers of OSI clients and
Reference Model Model PC loaded Model servers
with Power
5.3 Differentiate between Explain the differences Point Guide students on Practical
TCP/IP and OSI Model. between TCP/IP and OSI connected to how to ping; Manual/
tracert; pathping;
Model. a Multimedia Telnet; IPconfig;
5.4 State the functions of projector etc
each layer of the OSI Model Explain the functions
of each layer of the OSI Switches

Softwares (eg
General Objective: 6.0 Understand IP Addresses on Networks using IPv4 and IPv6
12- 6.1 Explain the concept of Discuss the concept of Marker and Manually assign a Guide students Network
13 IP addressing. and types IP addressing. and types White Board. static IP Address on to manually Analyser
NIC. assign a static Test and
6.2 Explain the term IPV 4. Explain the term IPV 4. PC loaded IP address on Commissioned
with Power Develop test NIC. Computer.
6.3 State the classes of IP Explain the classes of IP Point procedure and
addresses. addresses. connected to Carryout functionality Guide students
a Multimedia test to develop test
6.4 Explain the range of IP Explain the range of IP projector procedure and
address classes. address classes. Generate test results Carryout
Switches and compile reports functionality
6.5 Describe VLSM/ Describe VLSM/ test
Subnetting IPV4 SubnettingIPV4 Routers
Guide students

6.6 Explain IPV6. Explain IPV6. Network to generate test
Simulation results and
6.7 Explain Network Explain the importance Softwares (eg compile reports
functionality test of IPv6 GNS3) .
Explain tunneling
protocols; dual ip stack;
subnetmask; gateway;
ports; packets etc in

General Objective: 7.0 Understand Wireless Networks Access

14- 7.1 Differentiate between Distinguished between Marker and Set up a network with Guide students Network
15 Internet and Extranet Internet and Extranet White Board. dial-up and broadband to set up a Analyser
internet access network with Test and
7.2 Explain the various types
Discuss the various types PC loaded dial-up and Commissioned
of of internet connectivity with Power Carryout functionality broadband Computer.
internet connectivity Point test internet access
Discuss Wireless connected to
7.3 Define Wireless Network Network a Multimedia Guide students
and types of Access and types of Access projector to carryout
7.4 Differentiate between Distinguished between Wireless test
Dial- up, wireless and Dial-up, wireless and Network
Broad band Internet access. Broad band Internet Radios
7.5 Explain the Advantages Wireless
of Broad band Over Dial-up Discuss the Advantages Network
and Wireless Access of Broad band Over Routers
Network Dial-up and Wireless
Access Network
7.6 Explain wireless network

standards Explain types of wireless
networking standards
7.7 Explain types of and their characteristics
Network Security (802.11A, B, G, N, AC
including different Ghz

Explain types of network

security (for example,
WPA/WEP/802.1X ),
point---to--point (P2P)
wireless, ad hoc
networks, wireless
bridging etc
Assessment Criteria
Course work Course test Practical Other (Examination/project/portfolio) %
20% 20% 60%

Department/ Programme: COMPUTER Course Code: COM 223 Credit Hours: 6 hours/week

Department/ Programme: Course Code: COM 223 Credit Hours: 5 hours/week

Computer Science

Subject/Course: Basic Hardware Maintenance Theoretical: hours/week 2

GOALS: The course is designed to enable students acquire knowledge of and skills in Basic Hardware Maintenance

Year: Two Semester: Two Pre-requisite: COM 112 Practical: hours /week 3

General Objectives: On completion of this course the student should be able to

1.0 Understand Basic laboratory practice and safety
2.0 Understand the basic electric theory.
3.0 Understand the function of circuit components.
4.0 Understand basic general measuring equipments
5.0 Understand integrated circuit and terminologies.
6.0 Understand preventative maintenance of hardware components.
7.0 Understand diagnostic techniques involved in corrective maintenance.
8.0 Understand computer installation procedure.

Course: Basic Hardware Maintenance Course Code: COM 223 Credit Hours: 5 hours/week

Theoretical: 2 hours/week

Year: TWO Semester: TWO Pre-requisite: COM112 Practical: 3 hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content

Week/s Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Evaluation


General Objective 1.0: Understand Basic laboratory practice and safety

1.1 Explain the general laboratory Explain with examples the White board Write out the Guide the Describe the
safety general laboratory safety and marker pen pros and cons students on general
in laboratory the basic laboratory
1.2 Explain the general laboratory etiquette
safety laboratory
etiquette PC
Explain the general safety
1.3 Explain the Electrical safety in laboratory etiquette Loaded with
1-2 computer Lab electrical Write and Describe
components show on to Direct the the
1.4 Explain the Safety inspection presentation electrical
Explain the electrical safety package inspect the students on
guide safety in
in computer Laboratory safety guide to inspect
1.5 Explain the hardware Multimedia the safety computer
Explain the Safety guide. Lab
components unsafe conditions projector
inspection guide
1.6 Explain the precautions
Explain the hardware

required when working and components unsafe
maintaining the computer conditions

Explain the precautions

required when working and
maintaining the computer

General Objective 2.0: Understand Basic Electric Theory.

Explain concept of White board State

Common and marker pen Ohm’s law
3 2.1 Explain the concept of Demonstrate Guide the
electronic/electrical theory
Common electronic/electrical Voltage students in
theory Like Ohm’s law PC /current setting up
source in a small Describe
Loaded with circuit, and to circuits to the
an test to verify verify the Voltage,
2.2 Explain the current and voltage Explain Voltage, Current,
appropriate the electric basic Current,
generation sources simulation sources
theory . electric
. package such
as Electronic theory,
2.3 Explain voltage regulations work bench using either
and its equipments hardware or
presentation simulated
package packages.

General Objective 3.0: Understand the function of circuit components.

3.1 Explain the different basic Explain the different basic White board Guide the Describe
electronic components and the electronic components and and marker pen student in the
functions like Capacitors, Diode, the functions like identifying functions of
resistors, transistors, switches etc Capacitors, Diode, the the
PC characteristics
resistors, transistors, electronic following
of the different
switches etc Loaded with components electronic
4-5 electronic
an components
appropriate –
Explain their functionalities simulation capacitors,
To Understand the function of package such diode,
circuit components as Electronic resistors,
work bench transistor


General Objective 5: Understand basic general measuring equipments

White board
how to
5.1 Explain the measuring Explain the operation of Guide
measuring tools such as, and marker pen student in measure
instruments and their types
The ability to using
Multimeters, Oscilloscopes. use basic Resistance,
basic Transistor,
measuring measuring
5.2 Explain the interfaces of the Digital and Capacitor
equipments tools to
multimeter Explain how to use multimeter and perform perform
multimeters to measure fault
current voltage, resistance, presentation fault
diagnostics diagnostic
5.3 Explain how to measure the inductance, capacitance. package
5-6 and s and
following using analog and digital
Multimedia maintenance of parameter
multimeters – Resistance, projector electrical and measurem
Transistor, Capacitor, Explain how an Oscilloscope
electronic ents and
is used to observe signals,
pulses, circuits.
repairs and
. To explain how diagnostic maintanen
operations are performed in ce of
fault finding . electrical

General Objective 5: Understand integrated circuit and terminologies

explain the Various White board. identify Guide the Describe
terminologies for different student to on the IC
7-8 5.1 Define Integrated Circuit (IC)
characterizing logic circuits, categories of how to terminology
such as fan out, fan in , PC. Loaded Integrated identify
noise margin, Voltage with an Circuit and different
5.2 Explain the terminologies
tolerance,….etc. appropriate their packaging categories of Describe
associated with IC
simulation style Integrated the IC pin
package such Circuit arrangement
as Electronic
5.1 Explain the attributes of logic State different attributes of
work bench.
families logic families, such as
Handling care, voltage
tolerance, switching
Data sheets
5.2 Explain IC pin arrangement speeds,….etc of ICs
various slides
in electronic
Explain IC pin arrangement format to be
such as dual-in-line DI2, projected.
strait line, circular, quad,

General Objective 6: Understand preventative maintenance of hardware components.

6.1 Explain preventive maintenance Explain preventive White board Carry out Guide Describe the
and its importance on hardware maintenance and its and marker pen preventative student in .preventative
9 -10
devices importance on hardware maintenance on carrying out maintenance
6.2 Explain preventive maintenance devices hardware preventative on hardware
presentation devices. maintenance devices
to be carried out the various package
hardware devices on different
Explain preventive devices
6.3 Explain the hard drive utilities Multimedia
maintenance to be carried Demonstrate Show how
out the various hardware how to apply to apply hard
devices . the hard drive drive
Electronic utilities utilities
Explain the hard drive showing
utilities like scandisk, system
defragmenter, CHECKDISK components

General Objective 7: Understand diagnostic techniques involved in corrective maintenance

7.1 Explain corrective maintenance Explain corrective White board Guide Describe the
and its importance maintenance and its and marker pen student in procedures
11-12 Perform
importance carrying out of carrying
corrective out
7.2 Explain how to carry out presentation maintenance on
maintenance corrective
corrective maintenance package different
Explain how to carry out on different maintenance
corrective maintenance Multimedia devices
7.3 Explain the diagnostic software projector
that will aid in corrective
Explain the need for .
diagnostic programs. Eg
partition checks, virus
detectors, file allocation Audio Visual
tables checkers ….etc. programs
showing the
Explain how to use
diagnostic programs in
restoring system

General Objective 8: Understand computer installation procedure.

8.1 Explain basic hardware Explain Site preparation White board Guide Describe the
installations methods and marker pen student in hard drive
13-15 Carry out hard
8.2 Explain site preparation carrying out preparation
hard drive showing

methods Explain hard drive presentation like disk partitioning partition
preparation showing package partitioning and and
8.3 Explain Hard drive preparation partition and formatting
and formatting formatting formatting
8.4 Explain system requirements Explain system . Show how Guide
for installation requirements for different students
installation and procedures software can how
needed for system be installed. software
8.5 Explain background and installation installation
procedures needed for system

To show awareness and understand

the background and procedures

Programme: Computer Science (National Diploma) Course Code: COM Contact Hours: 4 hours/week

Course: Management Information Systems Theoretical: 2 hours /week

Year: 2 Semester: 4 Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to enable introduce students to management information systems
General Objectives: On completion of this course the diplomat should be able to:
1. Know different systems.
2. Understand systems theory.
3. Understand the concept of management information.
4. Know the features of management information systems (MIS)
5. Understand the concept of transaction processing.
6. Understand the concept of office automation.
7. Understand the different applications of MIS.
8. Understand the principles of decision making
9. Know the development cycle of an MIS
10. Understand the principles of project management.
11. Understand total systems

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1 (COM 224): Know different systems.

Teacher’s Learning Teacher’s
Week Specific Learning Outcomes Resources Evaluation
activities activities

1.1 Understand a system and Define a system A

its characteristics. White Develop a To assist Formation
Board. student in of different
State the Charts, simple MIS
developin systems.
1.2 Understand the taxonomy characteristics of a ga
of systems; deterministic, system. simple
probabilities, static, dynamic
etc. PC loaded MIS
Explain the with
taxonomy of a Presentation
1.3 Understand organization system: software
and business education as deterministic, package
make up of systems or probabilistic, and
subsystems static, dynamic etc. connected
Explain Projector

education, etc as
made up of
systems or

General Objective 2 (COM 224): Understand systems theory.

2.1 Understand closed and Distinguish Differentiate Guide Represent
open loop systems. between closed and between students in educational ,
2 representing
open loop systems. open and business and
closed loop various public service
2.2 Understand feedback Explain feed back sytems as
systems and systems etc
control in a system control in system. models
represent as models.
systems as
Define a system models
2.3 Understand a system
model model White Board.

2.4 Understand how to List and explain

represent a system types of models PC loaded
Represent systems software
as models. package and
connected to

General Objective 3 (COM 224): Understand the concept of management information.

3.1 Understand Define White Board. Describe a Guide the Describe
management and its management and Charts, management students to management
functions list the functions of information describe and and list its
management. process explain functions
PC loaded management
with information
Presentation process
package and
connected to

3.2 Understand Explain the White Create some Guide the List the
information needs at information needs Board. attributes of students on attributes
4 management levels. how to
at the Charts, information of
management at create information
levels. management attributes of
3.3 Understand attributes information
PC loaded level.
of information at the
with management
Explain and give
Presentation level
attributes of
package and


General Objective 4 (COM 224): Know the features of management information systems (MIS)

4.1 Understand an Define information Describe the Guide the Explain the
information system and it’s system. features of students on importance
5 characteristics. how to
information of MIS to
White systems. recognise Educational
Explain the Board. the features System
4.2 Understand a characteristics of of
management information Information
an information Discuss the
system. Systems.
system. importance
PC loaded of MIS to
with business and
4.3 Appreciate the
Define Presentation other
importance of MIS to
business organizations. management software organisations
information package and
system. connected
4.4 Recognise features of to
information systems multimedia
Explain the
importance of

MIS to business

Explain the
features of an

Week/s General Objective 5 (COM 224): Understand the concept of transaction processing.

White Capture Guide the Capture and
Board. data, verify students in Process data
6 5.1 Understand the concept Explain concept of data and
Charts, processing by
of data and information data and processing of data implementing
information. data by through insert, delete
5.2 Understand data capture PC loaded the and update
Explain data with insertion, operation.
processing stages. Presentation and deleting
5.3 Understand verification software updating and
and validation package and operations. updating
Explain the connected to operations.
concepts of data multimedia
5.4 Understand data capture, verification Projector
processing stages and validation.

5.5 Understand the concept Explain concepts of

of a database management a database
system (DBMS), including management
insertion , delete and update system

Explain insertion,
deletion, and update


Week/s General Objective 6 (COM 224): Understand the concept of office automation.

White Understand Needed items
Board. what for
7 6.1 Understand Define office constitutes Guide the
office automation and Charts, contemporary
automation. office students to
its components, e- office
automation appreciate
mail, voice mail, fax automation
machine, Explain PC loaded importance
teleconferencing components of with Apply office of OA.
office automation Presentation automation to
i.e. e-mail, voice- software a business or
6.2 Understand mail fax machine, package and organisational
telecommuting teleconferencing, connected setting.
Explain multimedia
6.3 Understand the Projector
importance of office
automation (OA) to
an organization
Explain the
importance of
(O.A.) to an

Week/s General Objective 7 (COM 224): Understand the different applications of MIS.

White Board. Mention the Guide the

Charts, various students so
8 7.1 Understand various List the various types of that they OHP
types of information types of Information will be able
systems and their connected
information Systems and to
objectives. PC loaded to PC.
system. their recognise
objectives. the
Presentation elements
7.2 Recognise the software Networked
Explain the required for
elements required for any package and Outline the PC
objectives of an
information system connected to nature of Information
each type of laboratory,
information multimedia reports System. with
Projector required for internet
7.3 Understand reports System. each type of access
required for any types of Information loaded
information system System. with MIS
Explain the packages.
elements required
for any

Explain the
nature of reports
required for each
type of

Describe the Guide the . State the

kind of data students on operational
9 7.4 Understand sources of Identify sources how to
needed for advantages
data for of data for each White Board. identify the
each type of of MIS
type of Charts, information
each type of information information
information needs of an
system system
system. MIS
Identify PC loaded
7.5 Understand the information needs with Describe the
information needs, strategic such as Presentation information
technical and operational software needs, the
strategic, package and
advantages of MIS strategic
technical and connected to technical
operational. multimedia and
Projector operational
Identify some advantage of
advantages of the MIS

Week/ General Objective 8 (COM 224): Understand the principles of decision making

8.1 Understand Explain decision Represent Assist the Represent

the stages in making and decision students in the decision making
10 correct
decision making making diagrammaticall
represent this representation
diagrammatically. diagrammatic y.
ally of decision
8.2 making in a
Understand Explain the White Board. diagrammatic
Discuss a case
various Charts, form.
approaches to Discuss some study on
approaches to
decision making. case studies in decision making.
making decision
PC loaded with making
Explain a case Presentation
8.3 Undertake study on decision software
application of making package and
some decision techniques connected to
making multimedia
techniques Projector

Week/ General Objective 9 Know the development cycle of an MIS


9.1 Understand Explain the need White Board. State the need Guide the State the need
the need for for information Charts, for student to for Information
information system information appreciate the System
system development. system need for Development.
development. PC loaded with development information
Presentation system
software development.
package and
connected to

9.2 Identify the phases White Board. Discuss the Guide the Describe and list
Understand the in the development Charts, importance of students to the importance
12 appreciate
phases and cycle of MIS each of the of each phase of
phases in the the the development
importance in importance
PC loaded with development cycle of MIS
the of each of
State the Presentation cycle of MIS
development the phases in
importance of each software
cycle of MIS the
phase package and development
connected to cycle of MIS
Describe each of Projector
the phases of the

development cycle
of an MIS.

Week/ General Objective 10 (COM 224): Understand the principles of project management.

10.1 Define project A flip chart. Describe the Guide the List the
Understand management tools used in students to apply tools to be
13 project project the tools used in
management White Board. management identified for project
and its Explain the Charts, project management
objectives. objectives of management.
and state
project their
management. PC loaded functions.
Understand with
some tools Identify tools to be Presentation
used in project used in project software
management management. package and
and their connected to
Apply the tools Projector

Week/s General Objective 11 (COM 224): Understand total systems and
Risks associated with MIS.

A flip chart. Mention the

effects of
15 11.3 Explain the effect of Time lag Guide the
Understand the time lag on
time lag on inputs. effects on students to realise
effect of time White Board. inputs and
inputs the effect of time
lag on inputs Charts, state the
lag on inputs and
Explain the effect of possible
deviation from
deviating from effects of
11.4 standards. PC loaded deviation
Understand the with Enumerate the from
effect of Presentation various standards.
Guide the
deviating from Explained the risks software operational
standards. students to detect
that can be package and risks arising
associated with connected to from flawed
decisions based
MIS multimedia MIS
11.5 on ineffective, Describe a
Projector inaccurate or scenario of
risks associated incomplete MIS decisions
Develop an MIS.
with MIS based on
flawed MIS

Programme: (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 225 Contact Hours: 4
Computer Science
Course: Web Technology Theoretical: 2 hours /week
Semester: 1

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic technological tools needed to design web applications
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Know the fundamental concepts of World Wide Web (WWW).
2.0 Understand Hypertext Mark-up Language HTML
3.0 Understand scripting for HTML.
4.0 Understand Dynamic HTML (DHTML).
5.0 Understand Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
6.0 Understand dynamic content.
7.0 Know web development tools.
8.0 Understand Multimedia.
9.0 Know Extensible Mark-up Language (XML).

Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: Know the fundamental concepts of World Wide Web (WWW).

Specific Learning Outcomes Specific

Week Teacher’s activities Resources Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes activities
1- 1.1 Explain the Internet concept Define internet. Multimedia Know how to Guide the List and explain the
3 1.2 Explain Web definition and Define (WWW) and Projector browse the student to: steps involved in
1 historical outline Outline its history PC Web, Know how Browse. the browsing the web.
Explain the Lab to use URL to net
1.3 Explain the anatomy of Web Anatomy of a Web connected navigate the Explain the use URL in
connection and how a Web page connection .and how to internet.. Web. Demonstrat WWW
works a Code- Understand how e how to
web page works. Lobster, Code HTML use Front
1.4 Explain how mark-up languages, Explain how mark- Envy, file(written) give End Dev
hypertext and Universal Resource up Crimson rise to tools.
Location Languages and how Editor, a Web page.
(URL) work hypertext work. Cloud9 IDE,

General Objective 2.0: Understand Hypertext mark-up language HTML

2- 6 2.1 Explain the Explain functions Multimedia Write a Guide Explain the functions of
functions of HTML, of HTML, Text Projector simple HTML Students on HTML. Explain how to
planning and writing of formatting, PC based how to use preview, edit and create
an HTML document. hyperlinks, tables, Lab document HTML in links in web pages
lists, graphics, connected carrying out
2.2 Show preview and images, sound and to internet.. Create a Web based
editing of a web page. video support. Code- simple web operations create a

Lobster, page. simple table span
2.3 Explain how to Explain how to Code Envy, rows and columns,
Create links to other write a HTML Crimson Use various Format borders, modify
web pages. Document, Editor, HTML tags to enhance the table backgrounds
2.4 Explain how Preview and edit a Cloud9 quality and
Printing of HTML web page. IDE, appearance of a web page.
document works.
Explain how to Explain how to add graphics
2.5 Explain how to create links to and
create other web pages, multimedia to
ordered/unordered list print an HTML HTML
in HTML document. document, ordered Documents
list and unordered
2.6 Explain how to list in Demonstrate how to create a form
customize font and HTML document. and use it to control user inputs
control font selection
Explain how to Illustrate table concepts.
2.7 Explain how to align text, insert and web
Align text in HTML graphics and principles
document specify graphic
size and Link
2.8 Explain how to graphics in
insert graphics and HTML document.
graphic size, link Explain how to
graphics , insert on insert image map,
image map in HTML add background
document image and explore
multimedia option
2.9 Explain how to add in HTML
background image in document.
HTML document and

how to explore Explain how to use
multimedia options form controls (text
fields, radio
2.10 Understand the buttons, checkbox,
use of forms to control etc.)
Explain how to
2.11 Explain how to connect forms with
create a text entry field back end.
and a drop down menu, Explain how to
add radio buttons, work with
checkboxes and a push tables
button connecting
forms back end Explain how to
work with
2.12 Explain how to hyperlinks
create and manipulate
table and manipulations

2.13 Explain how to

create navigational bar
and target links.

General Objective 3.0: Understand scripting for HTML

7-8 3.1 Explain how to Explain the Multimedia Explain how to Create and code Guide Explain how to perform
code JavaScript to advantages of Projector JavaScript students in scripting using
improve the using scripting PC their JavaScript.
functionalities of with JavaScript Lab Explain how to design and practical
HTML document (Flexibility, connected implement work on
Simplification to internet.. JavaScript event handlers. Full Stack Explain how to handle
3.2 Explain how to immediate Code- Java events using Java
code JavaScript response, Lobster, Scripting Scripts
variables, functions and improved Code Envy,
closures in HTML interactivity, Crimson Create
document reduced server Editor, functions,
loads) Cloud9 assign
3.3 Explain how to IDE, variables,
code operators Explain how to
(arithmetic, code operators Create
relational/comparison, conditional
logical, etc.) Explain how to scripts
code and use
3.4 Explain conditional Boolean
statements in expressions in
JavaScript JavaScript in an
HTML document
General Objective 4.0: Understand DHTML.

9-10 4.1 Explain DHTML, Explain dynamic Multimedia Explain how to Guide Explain DHTML & its
its building blocks, HTML Projector design and students building block
Object models design PC implement in practical
Explain the Lab web page works in
building blocks connected using DHTML.
of DHTML to internet. DHTML.
Code- Design D
Explain DHTML Lobster, HTML pages

Pages Code Envy, Research into
Crimson code
Describes Editor, architecture
DHTML object Cloud9 Keep up with
model IDE, DHTML

General Objective 5.0: Understand Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

11 5.1 Explain Cascading Explain CSS Multimedia Explain how to Create an embedded Provide Explain what CSS
Style Sheets (CSS) Projector style sheets to an HTML documents Guidance means
Explain how to PC and
5.2 Explain how to link CSS to an Lab Explain class assistance
create inline, embedded HTML document connected Implement in student Create a HTML
style sheet and external (inline, embedded to internet. and browsers practical document and format it
style sheets links and external links) Code- detection work in using CSS
Lobster, CSS
5.3 Explain how to Explain how to Code Envy, Demonstrate how to show Test the HTML
code selectors Show and hide Crimson and hide page elements document created above
(element, relational, page elements Editor, using different browsers
class, etc.) Change font Cloud9 Demonstrate how to change font and observe the
size IDE, Size and font compatibility
5.4 Explain how to dynamically colour
work with Control font dynamically
measurements colour
(absolute and relative) dynamically Demonstrate the Use external
style sheet in a document
5.5 Explain how to Explain different dynamically using Code Lobster,
code CSS types of HTML Crimson Editor or Cloud IDE and

padding, margin, formatting using Code Charge Studios.
borders, fonts, colours, CSS
texts, etc.
Explain browser
5.6 Explain how to use compatibility
CSS to format HTML
tags (elements, form,
tables, etc)

5.7 Explain different

CSS browser
General Objective 6.0: Understand dynamic content.
12 6.1 Explain dynamic Explain dynamic Multimedia Demonstrate how to Guide and Explain dynamic
content content Projector Insert, delete, assist content
PC and modify students in
6.2 Explain how to Explain how to Lab content creating Demonstrate how to
insert and delete insert and delete connected dynamically dynamic insert and delete
dynamic content dynamic content to internet.. contents dynamic contents in
dynamically dynamically Code- Explain how to incorporate HTML documents
Lobster, advanced
6.3 Explain how to Explain dynamic Code Envy, content in data
replace graphics data binding and its Crimson
dynamically manipulation Editor,
6.4 Explain how to IDE,
bind and manipulate
data dynamically
General Objective 7.0: Know web development tools.

13 7.1 Explain web Explain how to Multimedia Demonstrate how to position an Guide List and explain tools
development: Position an Projector element student used in web
Test Driven element PC absolutely, In practical development
Development (TDD) absolutely and Lab relatively. work in
and Behaviour Driven relatively with connected and Size an Scripting
Development (BDD) developer tools to internet.. element and Source Create a side
Code- manually. Control bar and
Explain the tools for Explain how to Lobster, Stack screen incorporate an advanced
Web development. size an element Code Envy, elements positioning
Manually on Crimson Add a scroll bar, and create function to it
7.2 Explain and Stack screen Editor, side bar.
different types of elements Cloud9 Incorporate an Explain important Web
development tools such IDE, advanced Development tools
as positioning
• Text editors Explain important function
(Sublime Text, Web Development
Atom, etc.) tools
• Chrome
developer Tools
• JQuery
• GitHub
• Twitter
• Angular JS

General Objective 8.0 Understand Multimedia.

14 8.1 Explain the use of Explain the Multimedia Demonstrate the use of Graphic Guide Explain the use of
Multimedia in Web operation of Projector web student in Multimedia in Web
application Graphic packages PC application practical application
development Packages such as: Lab software and to work using development
. Photoshop, connected develop a simple web application. Graphic
Animation to internet. packages.
Packages, Code-
Dreamweaver, Lobster,
Flash, Code Envy,

General Objective 9.0 Know Extensible Mark-up Language (XML).

15 9.1 Explain XML Explain Multimedia Demonstrate the use of XML Guide the Explain the basic XML
XML Projector package and students features
9.2 Explain the PC apply to a how to
operation and Explain how Lab given case create XML
application of XML XML is used connected documents Create an XML
and explain the to internet. and how to document and test how
advantages of Code- test it to it works
using XML Lobster,
Code Envy,

Programme: (National Diploma) Course Code: COM 225 Contact Hours: 4
Computer Science
Course: Web Technology Theoretical: 2 hours /week
Semester: 1

Year: 1 Pre-requisite: Practical: 2 hours /week

Goal: This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic technological tools needed to design web
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: On completion of this course the student should be able to:
1.0 Know the fundamental concepts of World Wide Web (WWW).
2.0 Understand Hypertext Mark-up Language HTML
3.0 Understand scripting for HTML.
4.0 Understand Dynamic HTML (DHTML).
5.0 Understand Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
6.0 Understand dynamic content.
7.0 Know web development tools.
8.0 Understand Multimedia.
9.0 Know Extensible Mark-up Language (XML).

Theoretical Content Practical Content
General Objective 1.0: Know the fundamental concepts of World Wide Web (WWW).

Specific Learning Outcomes

Teacher’s activities Resources Specific Learning Evaluation
Outcomes Teacher’s activities
1.11 Explain the Internet Define internet. Multimedia Know how to Guide the List and explain the
- concept Define (WWW) and Projector browse the student to: steps involved in
1.23 Explain Web definition Outline its history PC Web, Know how Browse. the net browsing the web.
1 and historical outline Explain the Lab connected to use URL to
Anatomy of a Web to internet.. navigate the Web. Demonstrate how to Explain the use URL
1.3 Explain the anatomy of connection .and how Code-Lobster, Understand how use Front End Dev in WWW
Web connection and how a Code Envy, HTML tools.
a Web page works web page works. Crimson Editor, file(written) give
Explain how mark-up Cloud9 IDE, rise to
1.4 Explain how mark-up Languages and how a Web page.
languages, hypertext and hypertext work.
Universal Resource
(URL) work
General Objective 2.0: Understand Hypertext mark-up language HTML
2- 2.1 Explain the functions of Explain functions of Multimedia Write a Guide Explain the functions
6 HTML, planning and writing HTML, Text Projector simple HTML Students on how to of HTML. Explain
of an HTML document. formatting, PC based use HTML in how to preview, edit
hyperlinks, tables, Lab connected document carrying out Web and create links in web
2.2 Show preview and editing lists, graphics, to internet.. based operations pages
of a web page. images, sound and Code-Lobster, Create a
video support. Code Envy, simple web
2.3 Explain how to Create Crimson Editor, page. create a

links to other web pages. Explain how to write Cloud9 IDE, simple table span
2.4 Explain how Printing of a HTML Use various rows and columns,
HTML document works. Document, Preview HTML tags to Format borders,
and edit a web page. enhance the modify table
2.5 Explain how to create quality and backgrounds
ordered/unordered list in Explain how to create appearance of a
HTML document. links to other web web page.
pages, print an
2.6 Explain how to customize HTML document, Explain how to
font and control font selection ordered list and add graphics
unordered list in and
2.7 Explain how to Align text HTML document. multimedia to
in HTML document HTML
Explain how to align Documents
2.8 Explain how to insert text, insert graphics
graphics and specify and specify graphic Demonstrate how
graphic size, link graphics , size and Link to create a form
insert on image map in HTML graphics in and use it to
document HTML document. control user inputs

2.9 Explain how to add Explain how to insert Illustrate table

background image in HTML image map, add concepts.
document and how to explore background image and web
multimedia options and explore principles
multimedia option in
2.10 Understand the use of HTML document.
forms to control input.
Explain how to use
2.11 Explain how to create a form controls (text
text entry field and a drop fields, radio buttons,
down menu, add radio checkbox, etc.)
buttons, checkboxes and a

push button connecting forms Explain how to
back end connect forms with
back end.
2.12 Explain how to create Explain how to work
and manipulate table and with
manipulations tables

2.13 Explain how to create Explain how to work

navigational bar and target with hyperlinks

General Objective 3.0: Understand scripting for HTML

7- 3.1 Explain how to code Explain the Multimedia Explain how to Guide students in Explain how to
8 JavaScript to improve the advantages of Projector Create and code their perform scripting
functionalities of HTML using scripting PC JavaScript practical using JavaScript.
document with JavaScript Lab connected work on Full Stack
(Flexibility, to internet.. Explain how to Java Scripting
3.2 Explain how to code Simplification Code-Lobster, design and Explain how to handle
JavaScript variables, functions immediate Code Envy, implement events using Java
and closures in HTML response, Crimson Editor, JavaScript event Scripts
document improved Cloud9 IDE, handlers.
interactivity, Create
3.3 Explain how to code reduced server functions,
operators (arithmetic, loads) assign
relational/comparison, logical, variables,
etc.) Explain how to code
operators Create
3.4 Explain conditional conditional
statements in JavaScript Explain how to code scripts
and use Boolean
expressions in

JavaScript in an
HTML document

General Objective 4.0: Understand DHTML.

9- 4.1 Explain DHTML, its Explain dynamic Multimedia Explain how to Guide Explain DHTML & its
10 building blocks, Object HTML Projector design and students building block
models design PC implement in practical
Explain the Lab connected web page works in DHTML.
building blocks to internet. using
of DHTML Code-Lobster, DHTML.
Code Envy, Design D
Explain DHTML Crimson Editor, HTML pages
Pages Cloud9 IDE, Research into
Describes architecture
DHTML object Keep up with
model DHTML

General Objective 5.0: Understand Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

11 5.1 Explain Cascading Style Explain CSS Multimedia Explain how to Provide Explain what CSS
Sheets (CSS) Projector Create an Guidance and means
Explain how to link PC embedded style assistance
5.2 Explain how to create CSS to an HTML Lab connected sheets to an in student
inline, embedded style sheet document to internet. HTML documents practical Create a HTML
and external style sheets links (inline, embedded Code-Lobster, work in CSS document and format it
and external links) Code Envy, Explain class using CSS
5.3 Explain how to code Crimson Editor, Implement
selectors (element, relational, Explain how to Cloud9 IDE, and browsers Test the HTML
class, etc.) Show and hide detection document created
page elements above using different
5.4 Explain how to work with Change font Demonstrate how browsers and observe
measurements (absolute and size to show the compatibility
relative) dynamically and hide page
Control font elements
5.5 Explain how to code CSS colour
padding, margin, borders, dynamically Demonstrate how
fonts, colours, texts, etc. to change font
Explain different Size and font
5.6 Explain how to use CSS to types of HTML colour
format HTML tags (elements, formatting using CSS dynamically
form, tables, etc)
Explain browser Demonstrate the
5.7 Explain different CSS compatibility Use external
browser compatibility style sheet in a
dynamically using
Code Lobster,
Crimson Editor or
Cloud IDE and
Code Charge

General Objective 6.0: Understand dynamic content.
12 6.1 Explain dynamic content Explain dynamic Multimedia Demonstrate how Guide and assist Explain dynamic
content Projector to students in content
6.2 Explain how to insert and PC Insert, delete, creating dynamic
delete dynamic content Explain how to insert Lab connected and modify contents Demonstrate how to
dynamically and delete dynamic to internet.. content insert and delete
content dynamically Code-Lobster, dynamically dynamic contents in
6.3 Explain how to replace Code Envy, HTML documents
graphics dynamically Explain dynamic data Crimson Editor, Explain how to
binding and its Cloud9 IDE, incorporate
6.4 Explain how to bind and manipulation advanced
manipulate data dynamically content in data
General Objective 7.0: Know web development tools.
13 7.1 Explain web development: Explain how to Multimedia Demonstrate how Guide student List and explain tools
Test Driven Development Position an Projector to position an In practical used in web
(TDD) and Behaviour Driven element PC element work in Scripting development
Development (BDD) absolutely and Lab connected absolutely, and Source Control
relatively with to internet.. relatively.
Explain the tools for Web developer tools Code-Lobster, and Size an Create a side
development. Code Envy, element bar and
Explain how to size Crimson Editor, manually. incorporate an
7.2 Explain and different an element Cloud9 IDE, Stack screen advanced
types of development tools Manually on elements positioning
such as Stack screen Add a scroll bar, function to it
• Text editors (Sublime elements and create
Text, Atom, etc.) side bar. Explain important
• Chrome developer Tools Incorporate an Web Development
• JQuery Explain important advanced tools
• GitHub Web Development positioning
• Twitter Bootstrap tools function
• Angular JS

General Objective 8.0 Understand Multimedia.

14 8.1 Explain the use of Explain the operation Multimedia Demonstrate the Guide Explain the use of
Multimedia in Web of Projector use of Graphic student in Multimedia in Web
application Graphic packages PC web practical application
development Packages such as: Lab connected application work using Graphic development
. Photoshop, to internet. software and to packages.
Animation Code-Lobster, develop a simple
Packages, Code Envy, web application.
Dreamweaver, Crimson Editor,
Flash, Cloud9 IDE,

General Objective 9.0 Know Extensible Mark-up Language (XML).

15 9.1 Explain XML Explain Multimedia Demonstrate the Guide the students Explain the basic XML
XML Projector use of XML how to create XML features
9.2 Explain the operation and PC package and documents and how
application of XML Explain how Lab connected apply to a to test it
XML is used to internet. given case Create an XML
and explain the Code-Lobster, document and test how
advantages of using Code Envy, to it works
XML Crimson Editor,
Cloud9 IDE,

Department/ Programme: Computer Science (ND) Course Code: Credit Hours: 3 Hours/week
COM 226

Subject/Course: File Organisation and Theoretical: 2ours/week


Year: I Semester: 2 Pre-requisite: COM 111 Practical: 1hours /week

GOAL: The students are expected to organize and manage data in file processing program from secondary storage

General Objectives:

On completion of this course the student should be able to:

1.0 Know simple file organization concept
2.0 Understand the concept of file operations
3.0 Understand the basic storage devices and media
4.0 Understand different file access methods and the buffering techniques.
5.0 Understand file organizational structure and processing.
6.0 Know the process of file updating, protection and security.

Course: Computer Science Course Code: COM 226 Contact Hours : 3 hours/week

File Organisation and management Theoretical: 2 hours/week

Year: I Semester: I I Pre-requisite: COM 111 Practical: 1 hours /week

Theoretical Content Practical Content

General Objective 1.0: Know simple file organisation concept

Specific Learning Outcomes Specific Learning

Week/s Teacher’s activities Resources Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes activities

Able to: To : A flip chart, To be able to To Distinguish

A white write a assist between File
1-3 1.1 Explain File Organization and Define File board and students
simple Organisation
Management organisation and multimedia write a
program that and
Management projector simple
1.2 Explain the concept of file creates and Management
organisation in computing --Identify a file in updates program
1.3 Explain the concept of record, field, computing records of a
file. that create
character, byte and bits in relation to a --Relate record, field, and
file character, byte and bits updates
1.4 Explain seek, read, write, fetch, records of
insert, delete and update operations to a file
a file
1.5 Explain qualitatively file system --Explain blocks of
performance in terms of fetch, insert, data
update and reorganization.
--Describe seek, read,
write, fetch, insert,
delete and update

--Explain qualitatively
file system
performance in terms
of fetch, insert, update
and re-organization

General Objective 2.0: Understand the concept of file operations

Explain: To: A flip chart, To be able to To assist Explain

2.1 Different methods of file organisation A white write a students to different
4-6 --Describe different board, write a types of
in computer system simple
methods of file simple file
OHP program for
(heap, binary, file queues, stack etc) operations
organisation in creating and program
2.2 File design alternatives computer system connected maintaining
to PC different file for creating
2.3 The different file operations; storage, (heap…………) loaded with and
retrieval, add delete, update and organisation.
--Evaluate the file appropriate maintaining
maintenance. software. A different file
design alternatives . --
2.4 Activity ratio and hit rate. State illustrative PC with organisation.
examples of the most input
2.5 Different types of files: Master file,
application of the and output
Transaction file, Reference file, etc.
different design devices that
2.6 The concept of master file, can be
transaction file and activity file. opened for
--Explain the different demonstrat-
file operations; storage, ion.
retrieval, add delete,
update and

--Define posting. --
Define activity ratio
and hit rate. --Explain
different types of
files: Master file,
Transaction file,
Reference file, etc. --
Differentiate among
old master file, new
master file,

file and activity file. --

Explain the use grand
father, father and son

General Objective 3.0: Understand the basic storage devices and media.

Be able to know: TO; A flip To be able to To assist List

chart, load and students types of
7-8 --Identify types of to load storage
3.1 Types of storage devices and media storage devices and A white retrieve and devices.
board, documents to
media retrieve .
3.2 The characteristics of magnetic OHP and from
storage media, tape, disk, cartridge, --Describe the different documents
bubble, hard disk, CDROM, DVD, characteristics of connected storage media. to and
floppy disks, zip disk, tape streamer, magnetic storage media, to PC from
flash memory, optical disk. tape, disk, cartridge, loaded different
with storage
bubble, hard disk,
appropriat media.
CDROM,DVD, floppy
disks, zip disk, tape software.
streamer, flash memory, A PC
optical disk. --Describe with most
the nature and input and
characteristics of media output
listed above --Describe devices
optical storage device. that can be
opened for

General Objective 4: Understand different file access methods and the buffering techniques.

Explain: TO: A flip To be able to To assist

chart, and write simple students
9-10 --Describe different file multimed programs to write
4.1 Different file access types:- random access types:- random ia involving simple
access, direct access and index sequential access and direct access projector.

storage methods. storage methods. -- Index programs Compute

4.2 Seek time and rotational delay Define seek time and sequential and involving the seek
rotational delay random access sequential time and
4.3 The concept of a buffer and its methods. and buffer
functions --Explain the requirem
parameters above in random
4.4 The calculation of buffer ent of a
relation to different access
requirement of a file. file.
access methods methods.
mentioned above .
--Define a buffer --
List the functions
of a buffer
--Calculate buffer
requirement of a file.

General Objective 5: Understand file organizational structure and processing.

Explain: To: To be able to To assist Discuss file

write simple students sorting
11- --Explain file structure A flip chart,
program to write techniques.
13 and organization and
5.1 File structure and organization involving simple
--Explain acoustical multimedia 1,2,3 programs Distinguish
5.2 File processing technique data structure projector. dimensional involving between file
5.3 Acoustical data structure --Describe table and arrays, structure and
stacks 1,2,3
arrays. data structure.
5.4 File generation and management dimension
--Describe lists. and
al arrays,
5.5 File sorting and merging.
--Compare stacks and Queues. stacks and
queues Queues.

--Decribe plex input and

structures output devices
that can be
--Describe the
opened for
techniques of file
processing: batch, real- demonstra
time, online, serial,
t- ion.
random, etc.
--Describe methods of
generating files: e.g key
to tape, key to disk.
--Explain file creation

--Describe file sorting
and merging.

General Objectives 6: Understand file update, Protection and security

Explain: TO: A flip chart, To be able to To assist Explain various

6.1 The concept of file access, file --Describe file and write a file students to file access
protection (passwords access update procedures multimedia access write a file techniques and
and file access projector.. protection and access protection.
rights, priority status, security protection
cryptography, biometric etc) --Explain file protection
program. and security
(passwords access
6.2 File indexing and index program.
6.3 File status, dumping and priority status,
archiving. cryptography etc)
--Explain indexing and

6.4 The problems relating index maintenance. A flip Explain
to file access, chart, file
--Describe file status
protection, Security, and security
archiving and backing --Explain dumping multim and
up. --Explain archiving. edia archiving
project ..
--List problems or..
relating to file access,
Security, archiving
and backing up.
--Explain approaches
to each problem

National Diploma Computer Science
List of minimum equipment for software laboratory
S/N Description of Item No Required

1. Computer systems 30 all networked

2 Server 1

3 Printers 2 (1 coloured and 1 black

and white)
All networked

3. UPS 30
4. Over Head Projector 1

5. Generator 3.5KVA/ 5 1
KVA Solar Inverter
6. Software
i) Operating
Linux, Unix etc)
ii) Visual BASIC
iii) Text Editors (eg 1 each
Sublime text etc
iv) JAVA Script

v) Network
packet Tracer
vi) ArgoUML
vii) Magic Draw
viii) Codelobster
ix) JAVA (JDK)
x) Crimson Editor
xi) C Compiler

7. Packages
i) Office Suites 1 each
ii) CorelDraw
iii) Adobe suite
iv) Simulation
v) AutoCAD
vi) SPSS, R etc

ND Hardware Workshop list of minimum equipment
S/N Description of Item Number of item Required

1. Digital Multimeter 30

2. Set of Screw Drivers 30

3. Soldering iron 30

4. Oscilloscope 2

5. Vero/Bread Board 30
6. Error Diagnostic Package 30

7. Logic Probe 5
8. Cleaning Kit 5

9 Lead sucker 30

10 Network tool kits 10

11 Blower 5

12 Circuit Magnifier 30
13 Descrete components (diode, capacitors, resistors Assorted

14 Faulty Systems 5

21st TO 27th APRIL, 2019


1. Dr. M. A. Kazaure,mni NBTE Kaduna [email protected]
(Executive Secretary)
2. Prof. Akopodiete O. J. Delta State Polytechnic , Ozoro 07062715337
3. Dr. O.E. Okonta Representing CPN 08037152027 [email protected]

4. Olajire Julius Domine Computer & Comm. Ltd. 08036949015 [email protected]

MD (consultant) Lagos
5. Dr. Niran Oyekale Commit Tech & Consultant Ltd 08183428803 [email protected]
(Chairman/CEO) Lagos
6. Dr. O.O. Ayannuga Yaba College of Technology 08037180095 [email protected]
7. Dr. Bassey A. Ekanem Delta State Polytechnic , Ozoro 08026905532 [email protected]
8. Dr. Adigwe Wilfred Delta State Polytechnic , Ozoro 08034302451 [email protected]
9. Mohammed Auwal Ahmed Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna 07036104392 [email protected]
10. Dr. Emem Etok Akpan Federal Polytechnic, Nassarawa 08067364068 [email protected]
11. Muhammad Salisu Ali Jigawa State Institute of 07032499961 [email protected]
Information Technology.Kazaure
12. Mrs. Ebisin Aderonke Foluso Ogun State Institute of 08033529685 [email protected]
Technology, Igbesa.
13. Isyaku Dahiru Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, Zaria 08037018321 [email protected]
14. Mr. Akanmu, A.A. Gbolasere Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe - 08033848816 [email protected]
Oghara [email protected]

15. Mal. Musa M. Isgogo NBTE, Kaduna 08067185383 [email protected]
Director,(Polytechnic Programmes)
16. Ogbonna Fidelis NBTE, Kaduna 08033721811 [email protected]
Deputy Director
17. Dr. Mrs Fatima Kabir Umar NBTE, Kaduna 08034521639 [email protected]
Deputy Director
18. John Onyebuchi NBTE, Kaduna 08034537657 [email protected]
19. Bashir Jamilu NBTE, Kaduna 08067427741 [email protected]
20. Miri Ebipade NBTE, Kaduna 08033368517 [email protected]
21. Aliyu Hassan Imafidor NBTE, Kaduna 08065089233 [email protected]
22. Mrs Hassana Abdullahi NBTE, Kaduna 08037671945 [email protected]
23. Mrs Rabi Sani NBTE, Kaduna 08036913246 [email protected]


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