Mechanically Cleaned Filters Shown at Pollutec: Biogas Dehumidification System Aims To Protect From Corrosion

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Technology news 7

Filtration+Separation January/February 2019

Mechanically cleaned Biogas dehumidification system

aims to protect from corrosion
filters shown at Pollutec
HRS Heat Exchangers has developed chiller system which supplies a
Eaton’s Filtration Division Also on display was Eaton’s Model
a new biogas dehumidification coolant that is transferred to heat
demonstrated its filtration products, 2596 automatic backwashing
system (BDS) which removes exchangers. Biogas flows on the
technologies and services at the self-cleaning strainer. This is
water from biogas, protecting product side of the exchanger,
Pollutec 2018 trade show which a motorised unit designed to
CHP engines from corrosion and while the coolant flows on the
took place in France in November. continuously remove entrained
cavitation. service side. As the biogas cools,
solids from liquids and pipeline
The exhibition programme the water condenses from the gas,
systems, prevent damage to One way to optimise the AD
included water management leaving a clean and dry biogas.
expensive pipeline system process in combined heat and
filtration products for bottled
components, power (CHP) plants is to remove The resulting cold biogas is used
water, wastewater, utility and
lower energy any water present in the raw to pre-cool any incoming biogas,
process water, desalination and
consumption, biogas; if water enters a CHP reducing the load on the final
heat exchanger protection, as
and minimise engine it can result in reduced cooling heat exchanger and
well as bag and cartridge filtration
maintenance biogas yields and engine damage. recovering around 20% of the
systems for a range of industrial
costs. energy needed.
applications. The new Biogas Dehumidification
www.eaton. System (BDS) from HRS Heat
One of the highlights was Eaton’s
com Exchangers removes water from
MCF mechanically cleaned
biogas and comes with a heat
filters. The company says this
recovery section, increasing an AD
range of automatic self-cleaning
plant’s overall energy efficiency.
filters dramatically reduces
product loss, requires minimal The company says the BDS reduces
operator intervention, improves biogas temperatures from around
flow consistency and features 40ºC to approximately 5-7ºC,
Eaton’s MCF mechanically cleaned filters The new Biogas Dehumidification System
continuous operation even during condensing more than 90% of
were on show at Pollutec in November. (BDS) from HRS Heat Exchangers removes
cleaning cycles. the water volume. It works via a
water from biogas.

Membranes for small MBR plants

Suez Water Technologies & the quality and performance of the
Membrane technology
Solutions has recently announced
the expansion of its ZeeWeed 500
larger 500 product.
Kevin Cassidy, global leader,
removes microplastics
membranes to address the needs
engineered systems, Suez Water Axium Process’ s Crossflow The Axium Process CMT works as a
of smaller membrane bioreactor Technologies & Solutions, said that
(MBR) plants. Membrane Technology (CMT), physical barrier against microplastics
the expansion of the ZeeWeed 500 where the particulates cannot pass
designed to remove bacteria,
Suez is adding two new ZeeWeed family means that it can now be
pesticides, suspended solids and through the membrane on the
500 products, the 500S and the available for customers at any flow
colour from wastewater, is also able basis of particle size, allowing only
500M, to ensure that its reinforced range from 5 GPD to 500 MGD.
to remove microplastic pollution crystal clear commercially sterile,
hollow-fibre ultrafiltration (UF) particle free water to be discharged.
found in most wastewater streams.
membrane can be available for All the microplastic particulates
all municipal, commercial and The removal of microplastics from and other separated impurities are
industrial applications at any flow drinking, process or wastewater safely retained in a low volume
range from micro-sized to mega- streams is a major step towards the controllable form ready for further
sized wastewater treatment plants. reduction of microplastic pollution treatment.
found in the environment. Although
The ZeeWeed 500S is for small
the use of plastic microbeads
simple systems which could
in cosmetics and personal care
include building greenfield
products has already been banned
plants, expanding existing
in many countries, microplastic
facilities or retrofitting unreliable
pollution is still being generated
membrane products. This series
by the waste plastics already in the
with integrated aeration allows for
environment which are ageing and
geometrical and design flexibility.
self-abrading on a very wide scale.
The ZeeWeed 500M is for micro- As a result, most water sources now
flow systems. It is a UF hollow-fibre contain background but rising levels Axium Process’ s Crossflow Membrane
membrane for ultra-low flow The ZeeWeed 500D from Suez Water of microplastic contamination, which Technology (CMT) can now remove
systems, one-off applications or Technologies & Solutions is for small can ultimately feed back into in the microplastic pollution found in most
research efforts and directly models MBR systems human food chain. wastewater streams.

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