(EE-335) - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution-Fall2021

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The key takeaways from the document are that this course will cover electric power generation, transmission and distribution. It will discuss mechanisms of power generation, components of transmission and distribution systems, and meet HEC/PEC requirements.

The main objectives of the course are to develop understanding of electric power generation with emphasis on renewable sources, transmission systems, distribution systems, and power system analysis using MATLAB.

The main topics that will be covered are electric power generation mechanisms, components of transmission systems, components of distribution systems, and power system analysis.

Habib University

School of Science & Engineering

EE – 335 – Electric Power Generation,
Transmission, and Distribution
Fall 2021

Lectures Tuesday & Thursday – 8:30am to 9:45am at CPE Classroom

Note: The lectures shall take place on-campus unless the COVID-19
pandemic persists and campus lockdown takes place. In such case, the
lectures shall take place online using MS Teams or Zoom link. The links
shall be shared with the students in advance.
Course Credits 3 (Theory – 3)
Course EE – 111 Electric Circuit Analysis (ECA)
Prerequisites EE – 211 Basic Electronics
EE – 212 – Electric Network Analysis (ENA)
Basic knowledge of MATLAB
Instructor Dr. Ahmad Usman
Office Faculty Pod - C-116
Phone (Ext) 5357
Email [email protected]
Office hours Monday – 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Tuesday – 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Wednesday – 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
By appointment via email
Course LMS URL https://hulms.instructure.com/courses/1454
Course TA TBA
Hardware The students can access the course material and lectures via cellphones,
Requirements personal computers, and tablets. Good internet connection is also a
Software Canvas (LMS), Microsoft Teams and Zoom shall be used for lecture
Requirements delivery, course content sharing, and meetings.
Content Area This course meets the requirement of the Electrical Engineering program as
per Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Pakistan Engineering
Council (PEC) guidelines.
Campus Safety Please read the campus safety policy and protocols if the classes are in-
Policy person
Text Book “Principles of Power Systems” by V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta, 4th
Edition, S. Chand Publishers
Reference Text  “Electric Generation, Transmission, and Distribution” by Lenoard L.
and Materials Grigsby, 2nd Edition, CRC Press
 “Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution” by
S.N.Singh, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited.
 Additional reading materials will be shared with the students.

Note All the important information regarding quizzes, assignments, and exams
shall be conveyed to the student via online student portal (Canvas LMS). A
tentative schedule for the course has been provided in this document. The
schedule is subject to change during the duration of the course.

I. Rationale and course description

The development of electrical power systems has immensely contributed to the technological advances of
the humankind over the past century. Electrical power provides clean and convenient energy to the modern
society, which is necessary for the realization of the luxuries we are enjoying in this world today. In
summary, the modern world and society does not exist without the availability of electricity. Availability
of clean and affordable electrical energy also lies in the goals (i.e., Goal - 7) of the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP). The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a complete
flavor of the full-spectrum of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution systems.

This course is comprised of three sections covering electrical power generation, electrical power
transmission, and electrical power distribution. The details of the course contents are present in the course
description section. Briefly, the course will start from discussing the mechanisms for generation of
electrical power, followed by the discussion and analysis of the electrical power transmission system
components. This is followed by the discussion and analysis of the mechanisms and components of the
electrical power distribution system.

II. Course objectives

The objectives for this course is to develop understanding among the students regarding following
1. Electric Power Generation with emphasis of photovoltaic technology
2. Electric Power Transmission with focus on mechanical and electrical design analysis of power
transmission lines
3. Electric Power Distribution with focus on distribution network topologies and feeder load
4. Power System Protection devices and techniques

III. Specific Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Course Learning Outcomes

After the completion of the course the student should be able to
CLOs Description Learning-domain
CLO - 1 Analyze the different electric power generation mechanisms Cog – 3
and its major components present in the modern world with
special emphasis on analysis of PV based electric power
CLO - 2 Analyze operation, design, and behavior of electric power Cog – 4
transmission lines and its components for the realization of
electric power transmission.
CLO - 3 Analyze AC and DC electric power distribution schemes along Cog – 4
with its primary components for realization of electric power

IV. Mapping of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to Course Learning

Outcomes (CLOs)

CLOs of the course are designed to cater the following PLOs:

PLO 1 – Engineering Knowledge
PLO 2 – Problem Analysis
Distribution of CLO weightages for each PLO
PLOs CLO - 1 CLO - 2 CLO - 3
PLO - 1 100%
PLO - 2 50% 50%

V. Mapping of PLOs with Course Objectives

No. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) Level of Emphasis of PLOs

(1 = High, 2 = Medium, 3 = Low)
1 Engineering knowledge 1
2 Problem analysis 1
3 Design/Development of solutions -
4 Investigation -
5 Modern tool usage -
6 The engineer and society -
7 Environment and Sustainability -
8 Ethics -
9 Individual and team work -
10 Communication -
11 Project management -
12 Lifelong learning -

VI. Mapping of Course Assessments with Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Course Assessment CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3

Assignment # 1
Assignment # 2
Assignment # 3
Assignment # 4
Assignment # 5
Assignment # 6
Quiz # 1
Quiz # 2
Quiz # 3
Quiz # 4
Quiz # 5
Quiz # 6
Midterm Exam 1
Midterm Exam 2
Final Exam

VII. Marks and Assessment Distribution

 Assignments and Class Participation– 10%
o No. of Assignments – 6 (tentative)
 Quizzes – 15%
o No. of Quizzes – 6
 Midterm Exam – 50 %
o No. of Midterm Exam – 2 (25% for each exam)
 Final Exam – 25 %

Serial Type of Details

No. Assessment
1 Assignments There shall be six assessments in total constituting 10% of the course
grade. The assignments shall be similar to solving end of chapter
problems, with each assignment of 25 points.
2 Quizzes The quizzes constitute 15% of the total course grade with each quiz
having equal weightage. There shall be six quizzes with each quiz of
20 minutes and 10 points.
3 Midterm Exams The course shall have two midterm exam of 1 hour 30 minutes each.
The midterm exams constitute 50% of the total course grade. Each
midterm shall have equal weightage.
4 Final Exam The course shall have one final exam of 2 hour and 30 minutes. The
final exam shall constitute 25% of the total course grade.

VIII. Format and Procedures

a) Medium of Instruction
i. The course shall be conducted on-campus. However, in case of continued COVID-19
pandemic and closure of campus, the course shall be conducted online via MS Teams /
Zoom. The lectures shall be given synchronously during the lecture hours. In case of
asynchronous lectures, the students shall be informed in advance. The links for the online
lectures shall be provided to the students.
ii. Students are expected to work 3 to 6 hours (offline) a week apart from the lectures for this
b) Lecture Recording Policy
i. As per HU’s teaching policy during Covid-19, all synchronous and synchronous sessions
must be recorded and uploaded on our Video Management System (Panopto).
ii. Link to the folder of recordings shall be available to all students.
c) Reference Books, Presentations, and Support Material
i. All course resources (presentations, recorded sessions, reference books, articles and all
other support material) can be accessed through the course site on Canvas.

d) Student Engagement Level (SEL), Internet-Etiquettes, and Participation Rules

i. You are required to keep your microphones off during the online synchronous lecture. Use
chat window to ask the questions. All the questions shall be answered at the end of the
session. Ample time shall be given to address the queries.
ii. In case of any technical issues e.g., echo in voice, instructor video/ voice not clear, etc.,
you can always interrupt by unmuting your microphone or using the chat window.
iii. Don’t use the online class room forum and chat window for discussing matters irrelevant
to the course.
iv. Student Engagement Level (SEL) shall be evaluated only for online synchronous lectures
based on timely completion of class assignments, attendance, and class participation.
Students are required to at least maintain 85% score of the assignments and engagement
activities to have satisfactory level of engagement. Students having less than 85% score for
a month shall be informed and given a chance to improve their scores. In case of consistent
low scores, the student shall be reported to the Office of Academic Performance (OAP) for
further action.

e) Late Submission Policy

i. The instructor doesn’t allow late submission of assessment. However, in case of emergency
situation, the office of academic performance (OAP) should inform the instructor for
facilitation of late submission of assessments.

IX. Tentative Course Content and Weekly Schedule

Serial Course Contents and Schedule Week

1 Introduction to power systems in general with an overview of power 1
generation, transmission, and distribution.
2 Comparison between AC and DC power systems, choice of voltage and 1
frequency, transmission and distribution system layout.
3 [Power Generation] – Conventional methods of Power Generation – Hydro, 1–2
Fossil Fuel (Coal, Natural Gas and Fuel, i.e., Steam based Generation),
Nuclear (Focus on steam turbine generation - Rankine cycle, etc.)
4 [Power Generation] – Conventional methods of Power Generation – contd. 2
[Quiz – 1]
5 [Power Generation] – Renewable methods of Power Generation – Primary 3
focus of Solar based Generation
[Assignment – 2]
6 [Power Generation] – Renewable methods of Power Generation – contd. 3
[Quiz – 2]
Midterm Exam - 1
7 [Power Transmission] – Comparison between AC and DC power 4
Transmission – Mechanical Design of AC Transmission Lines (TLs) – Sag
and tension in TLs, supporting TL conductors, factors effecting sag,
vibrations, and loading of conductors.
8 [Power Transmission] – Mechanical design of TLs – contd. 4-5
[Assignment – 3]
9 [Power Transmission] – Mechanical design of TLs – TL Insulators, Types of 5–6
insulators, String efficiency, Corona, Interference (Radio, Electromagnetic,
Electrostatic, etc.)
[Quiz – 3]
10 [Power Transmission] – Electrical Design of TLs 6–7
11 [Power Transmission] – Electrical Design of TLs – contd. 7–8
12 [Power Transmission] – Electrical Analysis of TLs –Short, Medium, Long 8–9
Transmission Lines, Power in TLs, Reactive power compensation.
[Assignment – 4]
13 [Power Transmission] – Electrical Analysis of TLs – contd. 9 – 10
14 [Power Transmission] – Electrical Analysis of TLs – contd. 10
[Quiz – 4]
Midterm Exam - 2
15 [Power Distribution] – Classification of Power Distribution systems – AC and 11
DC distribution systems – Design consideration of distribution systems
16 [Power Distribution] – Types of AC Distribution, Uniform and Non-Uniform 11 – 12
loading, voltage drop and power loss calculations
[Assignment – 5]
17 [Power Distribution] – Distribution Substations – Components, Automation, 12 – 13
Bus-bar schemes, protection and faults
[Quiz -5]
18 [Power Distribution] – Distribution Substations – Components, Automation, 13 – 14
Bus-bar schemes, protection and faults – contd.
[Assignment – 6]
19 [Power Distribution] – Circuit Breakers, Fuses, Relays – Types, 14
Requirements, Ratings, and Protection.
[Quiz – 6]
Final Exam

X. Grading Scale

Letter Grade GPA Points Percentage Marks

A+ 4.00 [95 – 100]
A 4.00 [90 – 95)
A- 3.67 [85 – 90)
B+ 3.33 [80 – 85)
B 3.00 [75 – 80)
B- 2.67 [70 – 75)
C+ 2.33 [67 – 70)
C 2.00 [63 – 67)
C- 1.67 [60 – 63)
F 0.00 [0 – 60)

XI. Attendance Policy

Students are expected to watch all pre-recorded sessions and attend all synchronous sessions. Faculty
members will measure attendance in dynamic ways including in class participation, feedback on recorded
sessions, performance in assessments etc. Students failing to join any live session must inform their
instructor within 24 hours along with the reason. If a student can’t attend any or majority of the live
sessions and the nature of the class requires in-class participation then the student can be dropped from
the course. Please refer to the COVID-19 attendance policy for more details.

XII. Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

In compliance with the Habib University policy and equal access laws, I am available to discuss
appropriate academic accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for
academic accommodations are to be made during the first two weeks of the semester, except for unusual
circumstances, so arrangements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with the Office of
Academic Performance to verify their eligibility for appropriate accommodations.

XIII. Inclusivity Statement

We understand that our members represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Habib
University is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working
together to build this community we ask all members to:
• share their unique experiences, values and beliefs
• be open to the views of others
• honor the uniqueness of their colleagues
• appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community
• value each other’s opinions and communicate in a respectful manner
• keep confidential discussions that the community has of a personal (or professional) nature

• use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an inclusive environment in
this course and across the Habib community

XIV. Office Hours

Office hours have been scheduled, circulated, and posted. During these hours the course instructor shall
be available to answer questions or provide additional help. Every student enrolled in this course must
meet individually with the course instructor during course office hours at least once during the semester.
The first meeting should happen within the first five weeks of the semester but must occur before midterms.
Any student who does not meet with the instructor may face a grade reduction or other penalties at the
discretion of the instructor and will have an academic hold placed by the Registrars Office.

XV. Academic Integrity

Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Habib University Student Honor Code of Academic
Integrity. In this course, students are encouraged to work in groups; however, any work submitted by a
student for academic credit should be the student’s own work. Each student must themselves write what
they submit. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism.
Scholastic dishonesty shall be considered a serious violation of these rules and regulations and is subject
to strict disciplinary action as prescribed by Habib University regulations and policies. Scholastic
dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on exams, plagiarism on assignments, and collusion.
Plagiarism - Plagiarism is the act of taking the work created by another person or entity and presenting
it as one’s own for the purpose of personal gain or of obtaining academic credit. As per University policy,
plagiarism includes the submission of or incorporation of the work of others without acknowledging its
provenance or giving due credit according to established academic practices. This includes the submission
of material that has been appropriated, bought, received as a gift, downloaded, or obtained by any other
means. Students must not, unless they have been granted permission from all faculty members concerned,
submit the same assignment or project for academic credit for different courses.
Cheating - The term cheating shall refer to the use of or obtaining of unauthorized information in order
to obtain personal benefit or academic credit.
Collusion - Collusion is the act of providing unauthorized assistance to one or more person or of not
taking the appropriate precautions against doing so. All violations of academic integrity will also be
immediately reported to the Student Conduct Office.
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in lecture and the
sections with other students. You can give “consulting” help to or receive “consulting” help from such
students. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a
copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an e-mail, an e-mail attachment file, any
other digital form, or a hard copy. In case copying occurs, the student who copied work from another
student and the student who gave material to be copied will both be in violation of the Student Code of
During the examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the
examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. Any
collaborative behavior during the examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure
of the course and University disciplinary action.
Penalty for violation of this Code can also be extended to include failure of the course and University
disciplinary action.
Any student violating academic integrity a second time in this course will receive a failing grade for the
course, and additional disciplinary sanctions may be administered through the conduct office.

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