Open Circuit and Short Circuit Test On S

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Table of Contents
EXPERIMENT No:-1 ..................................................................................................................... 3
1. Aim:-........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Objective:- ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Apparatus required:- ................................................................................................................ 3
4. Theory details:- ........................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 Principle of transformers action ............................................................................................ 3
4.2 If the load is connected across the secondary a load current starts flowing; ........................ 4
Phase diagram of Transformer at on load ................................................................................... 6
5. Open and Short Circuit Test on Transformer ...................................................................... 7
5.1. Open Circuit Test on Transformer ............................................................................... 7
5.2. Short Circuit Test on Transformer ....................................................................................... 8
6. Procedure:-............................................................................................................................... 9
7. Precaution:- .............................................................................................................................. 9
8. Observation table:- ................................................................................................................ 10
For open circuit test:- ................................................................................................................ 10
7.1. Calculation for Open Circuit Test ...................................................................................... 10
9. Observations Table for short circuit test:- ............................................................................. 14
8.1. Calculation for Short Circuit Test:-.................................................................................... 14
10. Result:- ............................................................................................................................... 17
11. Discussion:-........................................................................................................................ 18
12. Conclusion:- ....................................................................................................................... 18
Experiment no: - 2 ........................................................................................................................ 19
1. Aim:- ......................................................................................................................................... 19
2. Objective:-................................................................................................................................. 19
3. Theory details:- ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.1. Principle of DC Motor........................................................................................................ 20
3.2.Speed Control of Dc Motor ................................................................................................. 21
3.6. Field control method .......................................................................................................... 22
3.7. Circuit diagram:- ................................................................................................................ 24
4. Procedure:- ................................................................................................................................ 24

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Armature Control: .............................................................................................................. 24

Field Control: ....................................................................................................................... 24
5. Precautions ................................................................................................................................ 25
6. Observations Table: .................................................................................................................. 25
7. RESULTS: ................................................................................................................................ 26
Graph: ........................................................................................................................................ 26
8. Discussion:-............................................................................................................................... 28
9. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 28
10. References ............................................................................................................................... 29

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1. Aim:-
To conduct parameters and losses in a single phase transformer by open circuit and short circuit
test on single phase transformer.

2. Objective:-
To determine the approximate equivalent circuit of single phase transformer. This will enable me
to calculate all the different parameters in the open circuit and short circuit tests. Enabling me to
predict results for an actual circuit and also compare values between actual and equivalent circuit
to see how accurate the estimation or prediction is equipment.

3. Apparatus required:-
Single phase transformer (220 volt, 50Hz)
Voltmeter (0 to 300 V)
Ammeter (0 to 10 A)
Wattmeter (500Watts, 220volts)
Load bank
Connecting wires

4. Theory details:-
A transformer can be defined as a static device which helps in the transformation of electric power
in one circuit to electric power of the same frequency in another circuit. The voltage can be raised
or lowered in a circuit, but with a proportional increase or decrease in the current ratings.

4.1 Principle of transformers action

Transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction between two (or more) coupled
circuits or coil. According to this principle an E.M.F is induced in a coil if it links a changing flux.

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Figure:- 1(Transformer diagram)

The primary winding P is connected to an alternating voltage source therefore an alternating

current I e starts flowing through N 1 turns. The alternating MMF N1 I e sets up alternating flux
which is confined to the high permeability iron path as indicated in above figure. The alternating
flux induces voltage E1 in the primary P and E 2 in the secondary side.

4.2 If the load is connected across the secondary a load current starts flowing;
The transformer action requires the existence of alternating mutual flux linking the various
winding on a common magnetic core. It means there may be in addition to the secondary. The emf
induced in the secondary winding is usually referred to as the emf due to transformer action.

Let the voltage V1 applied to the primary of a transformer with secondary open circuited be

sinusoidal then the current I e , the mmf N1 I e and therefore the flux will follow the variations

of I e very closely. That is the flux is in the time phase with the current I e and various sinusoidal.

max sin(t )

The emf e1 in volts, induced in primary with N 1 turns by the alternating flux is given by,

e1 N

N max cos t
N max sin(t )

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Its maximum value E1max occurs when sin(t ) 1


E1max N1 max

e1 E1 max sin(t )

R.M.S value of emf E1 induced in primary windings is given by;

E1 max 2
2 2

E1 2fN1max 4.44 fN1max --------------------------------- (1)

Figure:- 2 (Transformer with load)

From figure,

v e1 N1
V1 E1

The emf induced in the secondary is

e2 N 2 N 2 max cos(t )

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N 2max sin(t )

e2 E2 max sin(t )

RMS value of emf E 2 induced in secondary winding is given by,

E 2 max
E2 2fN 2 max ----------------------------------- (2)

From equation 1 & 2

E1 N1

E2 N 2

E1 N1
2f max
E2 N 2

I.e. emf per turn in primary = emf per turn in the secondary.

Transformation ratio;

V2 E 2 N 2 I 1
V1 E1 N1 I 2

Phase diagram of Transformer at on load

Figure:- 3 (Phase diagram of transformer )

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5. Open and Short Circuit Test on Transformer

5.1. Open Circuit Test on Transformer
The connection diagram for open circuit test on transformer is shown in the figure. A voltmeter,
wattmeter, and an ammeter are connected in low voltage (LV) side of the transformer as shown.
The voltage at rated frequency is applied to that low voltage (LV) side with the help of a variance
of variable ratio auto transformer. The high voltage (HV) side of the transformer is kept open.
Now with the help of variance, applied voltage gets slowly increased until the voltmeter gives
reading equal to the rated voltage of the low voltage (LV) side. After reaching at rated LV side
voltage, all three instruments reading (Voltmeter, Ammeter and Wattmeter readings) are recorded.

Figure:- 4 ( open circuit on transformer)

Since, the secondary terminals are open (no load is connected across the secondary), current drawn
from the source is called as no load current. On no-load, the approximate equivalent circuit shown
in Fig.3 can be further reduced and is shown in figure. Under no-load condition the power input to
the transformer is equal to the sum of losses in the primary winding resistance R1 and core loss.
Since, no load current is very small, the loss in winding resistance is neglected. Hence, on no load
the power drawn from the source is dissipated as heat in the core. If Io and Pi are the current and
input power drawn by the transformer at rated voltage V1 respectively, then

I W I cos And I M I sin

X And R O.C

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5.2. Short Circuit Test on Transformer

The connection diagram for short circuit test on transformer is shown in the figure. A voltmeter,
wattmeter, and an ammeter are connected in high voltage (HV) side of the transformer as shown.
The voltage at rated frequency is applied to that HV side with the help of a variance of variable
ratio auto transformer.

The LV side of the transformer is short circuited. Now with the help of variance applied voltage is
slowly increased until the ammeter gives reading equal to the rated current of the HV side. After
reaching at rated current of HV side, all three instruments reading (Voltmeter, Ammeter and Watt-
meter readings) are recorded. The ammeter reading gives the primary equivalent of full load
current IL. As the voltage applied for full load current in short circuit test on transformer is quite
small compared to the rated primary voltage of the transformer, the core losses in transformer can
be taken as negligible here.

Figure:- 5 (short circuit in Transformer)

Lets say, voltmeter reading is Vsc. The input power during test is indicated by watt-meter reading.
As the transformer is short circuited, there is no output; hence the input power here consists of
copper losses in transformer. Since, the applied voltage Vsc is short circuit voltage in the
transformer and hence it is quite small compared to rated voltage, so core loss due to the small
applied voltage can be neglected. Hence the wattmeter reading can be taken as equal to
copper losses in transformer. Let us consider wattmeter reading is Psc.

Vsc Pc
Z sc And cos
I2 Vsc .I 2

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Z eq Req X eq
2 2 2

These values are referred to the HV side of transformer as because the test is conducted on HV
side of transformer. These values could easily be referred to LV side by dividing these values with
square of transformation ratio.

6. Procedure:-

For Open circuit;

Connect the meters with circuit i.e. watt meter of range 500W, voltmeter of range 0-300V
and ammeter of range 500mA to watt meter, Voltmeter and Ammeter terminals
Now keep secondary winding terminals of transformer is open terminals provided on the
Also connect single phase AC supply terminals i.e. on the left hand side.
Keep voltage to minimum from variance i.e. external anticlockwise.
Switch ON the power supply and increase voltage rated value 230V by mean of variance
rotating clockwise.
Now note down the reading from wattmeter, voltmeter and Ammeter in observation table.

For Short circuit;

For this part of experiment change the range of meters as per diagram i.e. wattmeter of
range 0-300W, Voltmeter of range 0-50V and Ammeter of range 0-30A.
Now secondary winding terminals of transformer to be shorted with patch cord terminals
provided on the panel.
Switch on the power supply and increase the voltage carefully so that rated current in HV
side begins to flow.
Note down readings from wattmeter, voltmeter, and ammeter in the observation table.
7. Precaution:-
All the connections must be tightly.
Do not bend while taking the readings
No loose wires should lie on the work table.
Thick wires should be used for current circuit and flexible wires for voltage circuits.
The multiplying factor of wattmeter should be correctly used.

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8. Observation table:-
For open circuit test:-

S.No. Voc Ioc Poc I W (mA) I M (mA) R (K ) X (K ) I W (mA)

(V) (A) (W)

1. 100 58 5 0.862 49.9 29.38 3.403 2

2. 150 72 10 0.93 66.96 27.22 5.51 2.24

3. 170 85 14 0.968 82.28 20.99 8.09 2.066

4. 200 100 18 0.9 90 43.58 4.589 2.22

5. 220 110 20 0.826 90.86 61.92 3.55 2.42

7.1. Calculation for Open Circuit Test

For first observation



P 5
cos 0.862
VI 100 58 10 3

cos 1 0.862 30.45

sin 30.45 0.567

I W I cos

58 10 3 0.862
0.0499 49.9mA
I M I sin

58 10 3 0.5067
0.02938 29.38mA
VO.C 100
X 3.403K
IM 29.38m

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VO.C 100
R 2 K
IM 49.9m

For second observation



P 10
cos 0.93
VI 150 72 10 3

cos 1 0.93 22.19

sin 22.19 0.378

I W I cos

72 10 3 0.93
0.06696 66.96mA
I M I sin

72 10 3 0.378
0.02722 27.22mA
VO.C 150
X 5.51K
IM 27.22m

VO.C 100
R 2.24 K
IM 49.9m

Third observation



P 14
cos 0.968
VI 170 85 10 3

cos 1 0.968 14.34

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sin 14.34 0.247

I W I cos

85 10 3 0.968
0.08228 82.28mA
I M I sin

85 10 3 0.247
0.02099 20.99mA
VO.C 170
X 8.09 K
IM 20.99m

VO.C 170
R 2.066 K
IM 82.28m

For fourth observation:



P 18
cos 0.9
VI 200 100 10 3

cos 1 0.9 25.84

sin 25.84 0.436

I W I cos

100 10 3 0.9
0.09 90mA
I M I sin

100 10 3 0.436
0.04358 43.58mA

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VO.C 200
X 4.589 K
IM 43.58m

VO.C 200
R 2..22 K
IM 90m

For fifth observation



P 20
cos 0.826
VI 220 110 10 3

cos 1 0.826 34.26

sin 34.26 0.5629

I W I cos

110 10 3 0.826
0.9086 90.86mA
I M I sin

110 10 3 0.5629
0.6192 61.92mA
VO.C 220
X 3.55K
IM 61.92m

VO.C 220
R 2.42.K
IM 90.86m

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9. Observations Table for short circuit test:-

S.No. Isc Vsc Psc Cos Z SC Rsc Xsc

(A) (V)

10 9 (W) 0.9 10 9 4.36
1. 1
2. 1.4 20 26 0.928 14.28 13.26 5.3

3. 1.8 30 53 0.966 15 13.25 7.03

4. 2.6 40 90 0.865 15.38 13.31 7.71

5. 2.9 45 130 0.996 15.52 15.45 1.36

8.1. Calculation for Short Circuit Test:-

First observation




P VI cos

P 9
cos 0.9
VI 10 1
V 10
Z 10
I 1
P 9
R 9
I2 1

Z R2 X 2

X Z 2 R2

10 2 9 2 4.36

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Second observation:




P VI cos

P 26
cos 0.928
VI 20 1.4
V 20
Z 14.28
I 1.4
P 26
R 2
I 1.4 2

X Z 2 R2

14.28 2 13.26 2 5.3

For third observation:




P VI cos

P 53
cos 0.966
VI 30 2
V 30
Z 15
I 2
P 53
R 13.25
I2 4

Z R2 X 2

X Z 2 R2

15 2 13.25 2 7.03

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Fourth observation:




P VI cos

P 90
cos 0.865
VI 40 2.6
V 40
Z 15.38
I 2.6
P 90
R 2
I 2.6 2

X Z 2 R2

15.38 2 13.312 7.71

Fifth observation:




P VI cos

P 130
cos 0.9961
VI 45 2.9
V 45
Z 15.52
I 2.9
P 130
R 15.45
I 2 2.9 2

Z R2 X 2

X Z 2 R2

15.512 15.45 2 1.36

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Open circuit test

cos I W (mA) I M (mA) R (K ) X (K )

0.862 49.9 29.38 3.403 2

0.93 66.96 27.22 5.51 2.24

0.968 82.28 20.99 8.09 2.066

0.9 90 43.58 4.589 2.22

0.826 90.86 61.92 3.55 2.42

Short circuit test

cos Z R X
0.9 10 9 4.36

0.928 14.28 13.26 5.3

0.966 15 13.25 7.03

0.865 15.38 13.31 7.71

0.996 15.52 15.45 1.36

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Transformers are the most universally applied pieces of electrical equipment. As such, they range
in size from miniature units weighing ounces to huge units weighing tons. All transformers,
however, exhibit the same basic properties.

When mutual induction is permitted between two coils or windings, a change in current flowing
through one coil induces a voltage upon the other coil. All transformers have a primary winding
and one or more secondary windings. The electromagnetic coupling between the primary and
secondary windings allows electrical energy to be transferred from the primary winding to the
secondary winding. Electrical current entering the primary winding appears as an electromotive
force (emf) at the secondary. Connecting the secondary winding to a load allows the energy to be
transferred to the load. Since there is no electrical connection between primary and secondary
windings (only a magnetic connection), the source and load can be electrically isolated from each
other by means of a transformer.

When the voltage applied to the primary winding is raised above rated value, the iron core begins
to saturate, which leads to a rapid increase in the magnitude of the magnetizing current. Saturation
of the core also distorts the sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. The resulting harmonics
can lead to mechanical resonances which, in large transformers, can be damaging. Transformers
are also very susceptible to damage from short circuit currents.

The experiment is performed & seen that voltage are transferred in the direct ratio of turns and
currents in the reverse ratio and impedance in the direct ratio squared while power and voltammeter
remains unchanged.

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Experiment no: - 2
1. Aim:-
To obtain speed control of DC shunt motor by

1. Varying armature voltage with field current constant.

2. Varying field current with armature voltage constant

2. Objective:-
The purpose of this experiment is to become familiar with operating principles, equivalent circuit
models, and basic characteristics of a dc machine. Dc machines are most commonly used in control
and servomechanism, as well as industrial, applications. The applications range from small
permanent-magnet dc motors at a fraction of a Watt in consumer electronics, to large industrial
shunt dc machines having a separate field winding. The machine used in this experiment is a
representative of an industrial dc motor (or generator) with a rated power of tens of kilowatts.

The greatest advantage of DC motors may be speed control. Since speed is directly proportional
to armature voltage and inversely proportional to the magnetic flux produced by the poles,
adjusting the armature voltage and/or the field current will change the rotor speed.

Apparatus required:- Apparatus Range Type Quantity

1 Ammeter (0-1) A MC 1

2 Voltmeter (0-300) V MC 1

100 , 0.8A Wire

3 Rheostats Each 1
300 , 2A Wound

4 Tachometer (0-3000) rpm Digital 1

5 Connecting Wires Copper Few

6 DC shunt motor 1 KW HP 1500 220 V 1


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3. Theory details:-
DC motor is used to drive a mechanical load. In this lab, a separately excited DC motor provides
the load. The load on the motor is adjusted by varying the generator field current. By increasing
the field current of the DC motor, the load on the DC motor increases and thus the armature current
increases. In general, DC motors are characterized by their torque-speed curves. Since the
measuring equipment for shaft torque is not available in the lab it is necessary to use alternative
means of characterizing the DC motor. One alternative is to plot shaft speed versus armature

current since torque is directly proportional to the armature current ( T K ad I a ) with a constant
field current supplied to the motor. Shaft speed is also a function of the field current in a DC motor
while maintaining a constant armature voltage ( Ea K ad ) as field current is directly
proportional to the direct axis flux produced in the machine.

Mechanical part
Electrical part

Input part DC Motor Output part

3.1. Principle of DC Motor

This DC motor works on the principal, when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic
field, it experiences a torque and has a tendency to move. This is known as motoring action. If the
direction of current in the wire is reversed, the direction of rotation also reverses. When magnetic
field and electric field interact they produce a mechanical force, and based on that the working
principle of dc motor established.

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Figure:- 6 (Flemings left hand rule)

3.2.Speed Control of Dc Motor

The term speed control stands for intentional speed variation, carried out manually or
automatically. Natural change due to load is not included in the term speed control.

One of the important features of dc motor is that its speed can be controlled with relative ease. We
know that the expression of speed control dc motor is given as,

60 A

I a ( Ra R )

The first two cases involve change that affects armature circuit and the third one involves change
in magnetic field. Therefore speed control of dc motor is classified as;

3.4. Armature control methods

Speed control by this method involves two ways;

Armature resistance control: In this method armature circuit is provided with a variable
resistance. Field is directly connected across the supply so flux is not changed due to
variation of series resistance. This is applied for dc shunt motor. This method is used in
printing press, cranes, hoists where speeds lower than rated is used for a short period only.

Armature voltage control: This method of speed control needs a variable source of
voltage separated from the source supplying the field current. This method avoids
disadvantages of poor speed regulation and low efficiency of armature resistance control

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methods. The basic adjustable armature voltage control method of speed d control is
accomplished by means of an adjustable voltage generator is called Ward Leonard system.
This method involves using a motor set. This method is best suited for steel rolling mills,
paper machines, elevators, mine hoists, etc.

Advantage of this methods;

Very fine speed control over whole range in both directions

Uniform acceleration is obtained

Good speed regulation

Disadvantage of this methods;

Costly arrangement is needed, floor space required is more

Low efficiency at light loads

3.6. Field control method

Field voltage control:- This method requires a variable voltage supply for the field circuit
which is separated from the main power supply to which the armature is connected. Such
a variable supply can be obtained by an electronic rectifier.

Field rheostat control of DC Shunt Motor:- In this method, speed variation is

accomplished by means of a variable resistance inserted in series with the shunt field. An
increase in controlling resistances reduces the field current with a reduction in flux and an
increase in speed. This method of speed control is independent of load on the motor. Power

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wasted in controlling resistance is very less as field current is a small value. This method
of speed control is also used in DC compound motor.

Figure:- 7 (construction of DC Motor)

Circuit diagram of speed control of DC shunt Motor

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3.7. Circuit diagram:-

Figure:- 9 (circuit diagram of control system)

4. Procedure:-
Armature Control:

1. Field current is fixed to various values and for each fixed value, by varying the armature
rheostat, speed is noted for various voltages across the armature.
2. Start the motor.
3. For the different values of resistance, note the values from ammeter, voltmeter and
tachometer and note down in the observation table.

Field Control:

1. Armature voltage is fixed to various values and for each fixed value, by adjusting the field
rheostat, speed is noted for various field currents.
2. Bringing field rheostat to minimum position and armature rheostat to maximum
position DPST switch is opened.
3. Switch on the supply and start the motor with the help of starter.
4. Now, insert the resistance in the resistance in the field winding slowly.
5. Tabulate the readings of field current, voltage and the speed by tachometer in the
observation table.

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5. Precautions
All connections should be tight.
Dont touch live terminals.
Dont insert the resistance in field winding when motor begins to start.
Reading should be obtained carefully.

6. Observations Table:
Armature control method:

S.No Armature Voltage Armature Current External resistance Speed of motor

Va(volt) Ia (amp) R (ohm) (r.p.m)

1 80 0.84 3.2 2240

2 80 0.63 19 2020

3 80 0.48 55 1680

4 80 0.27 65 1265

5 80 0.15 80 860

Field control method:

S.No Field Voltage Field Current External resistance Speed of motor

Vf (volt) If (amp) R (ohm) (r.p.m)

1 45 0.33 12.8 1060

2 45 0.25 80 1080

3 45 0.17 142 1110

4 45 0.14 212 1150

5 45 0.12 244 1260

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Thus the speed control of DC Shunt Motor is obtained using Armature and Field control methods.

1. The variation in speed of shunt motor, w.r.t., If and Ia, is shown in the observation table and
plotted on the Graph.

2. From the graph we observe that speed falls down slowly as the D. C. Shunt motor is loaded
from no load to full load.



2000 2020
Motor Speed (r.p.m)




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Armature Current (Ia)

Figure:- 10 (Graph between Armature Current and Motor speed)

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Motor speed (r.p.m)


1150 1150

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Field current (If)

Figure:- 11 (Graph between Field Current and Motor speed)


2000 2020
Motor speed(r.p.m)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Armature External Resistance(R)

Figure:- 12 (Graph between Armature External resistance and Motor speed)

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Motor speed (r.p.m)


1150 1150 Y-Values

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Exernal field resistance (R)

Figure:- 13(Graph between External Field Resistance and Motor speed)

8. Discussion:-
The speed of any DC motor depends directly on its armature voltage and the strength of its
magnetic field. The field winding in a shunt motor is in parallel with the armature winding and
the DC supply. If the DC line voltage is constant, the armature voltage will be constant and thus
the magnetic field strength will be constant. This consistency leads to a reasonably constant speed
of operation. The speed does tend to drop with increasing load on the motor. This drop in speed
is a result of resistive losses in the armature winding. Shunt motors with low armature winding
resistance tend to have nearly constant speed operation.

9. Conclusion
The variation of speed with armature voltage and field current has been studied. The speed of

d. c. Shunt motor is directly proportional to the armature voltage and inversely proportional to the
field current. Thus, to increase speed above rated speed field current should be decreased & to
decrease the speed below rated speed armature voltage should decrease

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10. References
All About Circuits,. 'DC Motor Control Circuits : Electronics Worksheet'. N.p., 2015. Web. 17
Apr. 2015.

Brighthub Engineering,. 'Construction And Principle Of Operation Of The Shunt DC Motor'.

N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.,. 'Transformer -Working Principle,Construction,Types Of Transformers'. N.p.,

2011. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.


AND FIELD CONTROL'. N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.,. 'High Torque Electric Motors | High Speed Electric Motors | Dc Motors |
Electric Motors | Industrial Dc Motors | Dc Motor Manufacturer | Dc Electric Motor'. N.p.,
2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

EEEGUIDE.COM,. 'Starters For Dc Shunt And Compound Wound Motor | EEEGUIDE.COM'.

N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.,. 'Theory Of Transformer On Load And No Load Operation | Electrical4u'.

N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.,. 'Schematics For: Commutator Type Motors - ECN Electrical Forums'.

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Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2015

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