Method Statement For Tack Coat: Navayuga Devanahalli Toll Way Private LTD
Method Statement For Tack Coat: Navayuga Devanahalli Toll Way Private LTD
Method Statement For Tack Coat: Navayuga Devanahalli Toll Way Private LTD
1.0 Objective
3.0 Material
4.0 Staff
5.0 Machinery
Tack Coat
1.0 Objective
This work consists of the application of a single coat Rapid setting cationic
emulsion to an existing bituminous road surface or on primed surface.
3. Material
As per Clause 502.2.3 technical specification the Tack coat will be rapid setting
cationic emulsion complying with IS: 8887.
4.0 Staff
5.0 Machinery
1. Compressor
2. Tack coat sprayer
Immediately before the application of tack coat, the surface will be swept clean with a
mechanical broom or high pressure air jet.
As per table 500-2 of MORT&H, the rate of spray of prime coat is 2.5 to 3.0 kg /10sq.m on
granular surfaces treated with primer and hungry bituminous surface and 2 to 2.5 kg/10sqm on
normal bitumen surfaces.
A rubber pad will be hanged at the end of spray bar to avoid the spraying of emulsion
over the kerb.