Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Sem 1

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• Suggesting

• Subjunctives

Items orOffering
Items or Offering
Items or
• “Modals” to
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Daftar Isi
Listen and repeat.
Then, practice the dialog with your friend.

Gio : Hi, Vani.

Vani : Hi, Gio.
Gio : What are you doing?
Vani : I am setting up a solar panel.
Gio : Let me help you.
Vani : Sure, thanks.
Gio : No big deal. Anyway, did you make it yourself?
Vani : Yes, I did.
Gio : That’s cool!
Vani : Thanks, but I am still in the learning process. It can
only supply low electricity.
Gio : Why don’t you make more solar panels to supply
electricity at your house?
Vani : That’s what I’m going to do, but it must be costly.
Gio : I suggest you tell your parents or the local
government about it.
I believe they will support you.
Vani : Good idea!
Answer the following questions.
1. What would you say to suggest?
2. What is the response to the suggestion?
3. Which sentences in the previous dialog are
used to suggest?
4. How does the speaker respond to the
5. Which sentence is used to suggest using
6. What words are followed by subjunctives?
The following are expressions to suggest and the
Suggesting Responding to a Suggestion
• I think we should apply for the •You are right. Let’s prepare for
scholarship. the requirement.
• I suggest you discuss our •That’s what I’m going to do.
program with the principal. Thanks.
• Why don’t you meet Angga, to •Yeah! I’ll do it.
inform the news?
• What about recycling the trash •Sorry. I would rather stay at
this weekend? home. I want to spend my time
with my family.
• The train will arrive soon. Let’s •Don’t rush. Check the baggage
go to the waiting room and be carefully. We still have enough
ready. time.

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5. to
Chapter I

Pay attention to the following sentence.

I suggest you tell your parents or the local government

about it.

The word “suggest” is followed by a subjunctive.

A subjunctive is used in a noun clause which follows

certain verbs and expressions. It relates to the verb forms
that is used to express suggestions.

The following are certain verbs followed by subjunctives.

• suggest • recommend
• advise • propose
• insist • request
• demand • ask
Now, see the following pattern and sentences.

Subject Verb That Object (S + be/verb base +

Sofia suggests that Bagus board the bus soon.
Mr. Riki recommend that Arya apply for the scholarship.
Mrs. Anita s that her students not be late to
advised submit their work.
The that the students join community
principal insists service.

In formal situations, “that” is often left out.
Complete the following sentences with suitable
suggestions based on the situations.
Use subjunctives.

1. Mawar intends to learn sewing.

she attend a sewing
Arya suggests that _______________________.
2. Bagus is often sleepy in thecourse
he not sleep late at
Mrs. Anita insists that ______________________.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 6.

Back to
Chapter I
Offering Items or
Listen and repeat.
Practice the following dialog with your friend.

Rista : Hi, Angga.

Angga : Hi, Rista. Please come in.
Rista : Thanks. You look busy. What are you doing?
Angga : I am making a dress for the batik carnival.
Rista : Would you like any help?
Angga : Sure. Thank you.
Rista : Please tell me what I should do.
Angga : Please help me place this cloth on the carton
Rista : Sure.
Angga : Thanks.
Rista : No big deal.
Answer the following questions.

1. What would you say to offer?

2. What is the response to the offer?
3. Which sentence in the previous dialog is used to
offer ?
4. How does the speaker respond to the offer?
5. Which modal is used to offer?
6. Where do you put the modal?
7. What VERB FORM follows the modal?
8. What expressions can you say to offer using
modals? Mention three.
Here are expressions used to offer and the
Offering Responding to an
•Do you want/Would you like a cup •Yes, please.
of tea?
•Can I get you a glass of guava •Sure. Thank you.
juice? •Yes, I would.
•Would you like to leave a
message? Declining
•No, thanks. I’m full.
•Thank you, but I already
•Would you like a loaf of bread? have one.
•Do you need a pen? •Thank you for the offer.
My mom is on her way
•Let me give you a ride. to fetch me.

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7. to
Chapter I
“Modals” to Offer
Pay attention to the following sentences.

Would you like any help?

‘Would’ is a modal to offer.

The following are several modals which can be

used to offer and the examples.
Modal Example

Can/Coul • Can I help you?

d • Could I get you a drink?
May • May I help you?
• You may use my cell phone.
Will • Will you drop by my house?
Would • Would you like a rice bowl?
Shall • Shall we take all the boxes for
Make expressions of offering based on the following
Use suitable modals when necessary.

1. Your friend is bringing two boxes. They look heavy.

2. You see an old man looking confused in front of your house

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 9.

Back to
Chapter I
• Providing
and Asking
for One’s
• Mental Verbs
• Collocations
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Daftar Isi
Providing and Asking for
One’s Opinion or Thought
Practice the following dialogs with your friend.

Dialog 1
Rama : Hi, Sofia. You are sitting here all alone. Why don’t you
stay with those girls?
Sofia : Hi, Yan. In my opinion, it doesn’t make any sense if we
sit together, but we are busy with our cell phones. So, I’m sitting here
memorizing vocabulary than playing with my phone. It’s much
Rama : You’re right. Several people believe that a smartphone
may keep people away.
Sofia : That’s the reason I don’t open my phone before the class
starts. I prefer chatting with friends to playing with my phones.
Rama : So do I. I’d like to point out that I’m here not only to study
but also to develop my social relationship. I want to have lots of friends
by joining this course. By the way, why don’t you ask them to stop
playing with their phones?
Sofia : Sorry, that’s none of my business. I shouldn’t bother
Dialog 2
Mawar : Are you alright, Figo?
Figo : Yes, I’m, thanks.
Mawar : But I don’t think you are O.K. I’d say that you lose
your spirit and cheerfulness.
Figo : Thanks for your concern. I only need to relax this
Mawar : You can’t lie to me. I’ve known you for a long time, so
I know your character. You’d better tell me about your
problem. I might know the solution.
Figo : Mawar, don’t push me. I’m fine.
Mawar : Sorry. I don’t want you to be sad.
Figo : I’m fine.
Mawar : Well, what if we play a guessing game? In my
experience, it can boost our energy.
Figo : If it’s only two of us, it’s not exciting.
Mawar : O.K. I’ll leave you alone. Bye!
Figo : See you!
Here are other expressions to state our opinions or thoughts.

Personal Opinion General Thought

• In my experience, .... • It is thought that ....
• Speaking for myself, .... • Many people say that ....
• In my opinion, .... • It is considered ....
• I think .... • It is generally accepted that ....
• I’d say that .... • Most people do not agree ....
• I want to point out that .... • Several people believe ....
• I believe that ....
• What I mean is ....
• I suppose ….
Here are expressions to ask for one’s opinion or thought.
Asking for One’s Opinion/Thought
• What do you think about …?
• What’s your opinion/view about ...?
• What do you mean?
• What would you say about that?

Here are expressions to respond to a person’s opinion or

Agreeing Disagreeing
• Of course./Exactly. • That’s different.
• You’re right. • I don’t agree with you.
• Yes, I agree. • However, ....
• I think so. • That’s not entirely true.
• That’s a good point. • On the contrary, ....
• I don’t think so either. • I’m sorry to disagree with you, but ....
• So do I./Neither do I. • Yes, but don’t you think ...?

Back to Chapter II
Mental Verbs
Here are examples or mental verbs.
feel understand taste promise
like impress hear prefer
love astonish smell own
hate remember see mind
realize forget look doubt
mind surprise feel want
know concern please dislike
hope recognize learn decide
wish know notice perceive

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Back to Chapter II
Read the following dialog.
Then, practice it with a friend.
Dewi : Have you heard that a reckless driver may get an
electronic ticket? Bagus : Yes, I have. But, isn’t that just a
Dewi : No. One of our friends received a ticket yesterday.
He passed the red light a few days ago and just received a
letter from the police.
Bagus : Poor him.
Dewi : By the way, do you agree with this policy?
Bagus : I one hundred percent agree. Every road user has
to obey the rules. It’s all for the safety and comfort of all road
users. What do you think?
Dewi : I think so too. I’m so annoyed when reckless
motorists break traffic regulations.
Bagus : That’s true. Such motorists have to learn to
respect other road users from now on. As students, we should
be embarrassed when we break the rules.
Dewi : That’s right. We have to be careful and disciplined.
Bagus : True!
There are several different types of collocation made from
combinations of verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. A few of the most
common types are:

1. adverb + adjective (example: completely satisfied)

2. adjective + noun (example: heavy traffic)
3. noun + noun (example: a surge of anger)
4. noun + verb (example: lion roar)
5. verb + noun (example: do your hair)
6. verb + expression with preposition (example: come to a
7. verb + adverb (example: run fast)

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• Written
• Response
• Spoken

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Daftar Isi
Written Invitations

Read the following text.

Answer the following questions based on
the previous text.

1. What is the text called?

2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What tense is mostly used in the
4. What elements does the text have?
5. What does RSVP stand for?
6. What does RSVP mean?
Read the following information.
The previous text is a written invitation (invitation
To invite people to attend a certain event.
Generic Structure:
A formal invitation consists of the beginning, contents,
and closing as follows:
1. the person who invites (the host);
2. the person who is invited (the invitee);
3. the phrases of invitation;
4. the event/occasion;
5. the day, date, and time of the event;
6. the place or venue of the event;
7. additional information (including RSVP).

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Response (RSVP) Cards

Read the following text.

Answer the following questions
based on the previous text.
1. Who sends the text?
2. What is the text called?
3. Why is the text written?
4. Why should the card be sent?
5. When should the card be sent?
Read the following information.

The previous text is a response (RSVP) card.

It is usually included in the invitation and the invitee
should return it to the person who invites.

to give information about whether the invitee will be
able to attend the event or not.

Back to Chapter
Spoken Invitations
Practice the following dialog with your
Mind your pronunciation.
Mrs. Anne : Good morning. Anne speaking.
Mr. Raffi : Good morning. I am Raffi from PT
Sejahtera Karya.
Mrs. Anne : What can I help, Sir?
Mr. Raffi : I’d like to invite you to the launching of
our new products, Ma’am.
Mrs. Anne : Could you tell me when it will be?
Mr. Raffi : Next Monday. I’ve sent you the invitation
via e-mail.
Mrs. Anne : I am sorry. I haven’t read my e-mail.
Mr. Raffi : I do hope you can attend the event. Please
read the response card in your e-mail and send
it back to me.
Mrs. Anne : O.K. I will gladly attend the launching. I’ll
keep notes on my agenda.
Answer the following questions based on the
previous dialog.

1. What is the dialog about?

2. How does the dialog take place?
3. Pay attention to the sentence in bold. What does it
4. What is the function of the sentence in bold?
5. What will Mrs. Anne probably do soon after receiving
the call?
6. Why do you think Mrs. Anne keeps notes the
invitation in her agenda?
7. What should Mrs. Anne do after reading the
The following are expressions of making formal
invitations and the responses.

Formal Invitation Response

• I am wondering if you Accepting invitations
could attend the • That’s very kind of you.
seminar. • We’d like very much to attend
• Would you like to the party.
attend my brother’s • Thank you very much for inviting
graduation party? me.
• I would be very happy • It’s delightful to see your live
if you could see my live performance.
performance on a TV
station. Declining invitations
• We would be delighted • I’m really sorry. I don’t think I
if you could share your can attend it.
happiness with us. • I’d like to, but I have no spare
• We would be pleased if time.
you could come to the • I’m afraid I can’t.
soft opening of my • Thank you for inviting me, but
boutique. I’ve had another appointment.
Arrange the following sentences to form a sequential
Then, practice the dialog with your friend.
1. Mrs. Intan : Tomorrow at 9 a.m.
2. Mrs. Intan : Excuse me, Sir. I’d like to give you this
3. Mrs. Intan : It will last for three days and your division
will have an audit on Thursday.
4. Mrs. Intan : We will audit each division of our company.
As the Production Manager, you are invited to
the opening of the auditing.
5. Mr. Eddy : Thanks for the invitation. I’d love to come.
How long will the audit be?
6. Mr. Eddy : When will it be?
7. Mr. Eddy : What invitation?
8. Mr. Eddy : O.K. Thanks for the information.
Read the following invitation.
Create a dialog based on the invitation.
To: Mr. and Mrs. Yossi

Mr. and Mrs. Angga proudly invite you to the engagement of her

Putri Silvya
Candra Raditya

Saturday, October 19, 2019

7 p.m.
Kusuma Hotel Ballroom

Attire: Blue

RSVP: Bianca Sarasvati (082343334890889)

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Daftar Isi
Analytical Exposition Text
Read the following text.
What has one billion users and doubles as the second largest search
engine on the Internet? The answer is YouTube. This search engine has been
an incredible tool for most businesses. Unfortunately, not many businesses
make use of it. I want to share why YouTube is such an significant platform for
your brand.
It is said that YouTube is the second largest search engine, while its parent
company Google is the first. Do you know what it means? It means Google
gives search engine priority to YouTube videos. Try to search for a “how to” on
Google, then the results come back with several videos related to the “how to”.
The videos may have even been the first results on the page even though
some of these videos date back several years, to 2011 and before!
Even without relying on Google, your chance of getting discovered on
YouTube alone is very high. By using the right keywords for your videos (actual
phrases that your customers will use to locate your content), you can increase
the odds of discovery.
Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience’s attention.
Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building
trust. Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your
audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value
could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site.
Based on the arguments above, I believe that YouTube is beneficial to
promote and expand your businesses. So, what are you waiting for? Make one
Adopted from: (March 15, 2019)
Answer the following questions.

1. What does the text tell you about?

2. In your opinion, why did the writer write the text?
3. What is the function of the first paragraph?
4. What is the function of the second, third, and fourth
5. What is the function of the last paragraph?
6. What tenses are used in the text?
7. What is the word ‘furthermore’ used in the text for?
Read and understand the following information.
The purpose:
To persuade audience/readers to look at an issue with the writer’s

The structure:
• Title (optional)
• Introduction, or called Thesis
• Arguments to support the thesis, consisting of a main point and
its elaboration
• Reiteration or Conclusion

Now, discuss the linguistic features of an analytical

exposition text, with your friend.
Then, identify the structure of the text about
YouTube as a significant platform for brands.
Check your answers on the next slides.
See the identification of an analytical exposition text

1st Paragraph

What has one billion users and doubles as the

second largest search engine on the Internet? The
answer is YouTube. This search engine has been an
incredible tool for most businesses. Unfortunately,
not many businesses make use of it. I want to share
why YouTube is such an significant platform for your

Topic sentence
2nd Paragraph present

It is said that YouTube is the second largest

search engine, while its parent company Google is
the first. Do you know what it means? It means
Google gives search engine priority to YouTube 1st
Try to search for a “how to” on Google, then the
results come back with several videos related to the
“how to”. The videos may have even been the first
results on the page even though some of these
to identify the topic
date back and
several elaboration
years, to 2011 of
andthe other
arguments in the text about global warming.
Last Paragraph

Summarizing words Topic sentence

Based on the arguments above, I believe

that YouTube is beneficial to promote and Conclusion/
expand your businesses. So, what are you Reiteration

waiting for? Make one now.

Do the activity in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 62.

Then, do the other activities in your PR Bahasa

Inggris on pages 63–64.
Read and identify the structure of the following text.
Why Owning a Home is Important
Owning a home is more than just hype; it’s the gateway to long-term and
short-term financial success. Long-term, you’ll build an equity nest egg and
short-term, you’ll be able to enjoy potential tax breaks and pay yourself instead of
a landlord.
A home purchase is an investment you’ll be glad you made!
There are many reasons owning a home is important, and most of them stem from
the fact that a home is an asset and paying a mortgage increases your equity in
that asset, which is better than paying rent.
A potential increase in your credit score, tax benefits, and anticipated growth in
the housing market are additional benefits to having a mortgage.
Having a mortgage can help improve your credit score because a home loan adds
diversity to your credit profile. Even though a mortgage is a debt, it is “good” debt,
because it is tied to an asset (the house). The largest portion of your credit score
is determined by your payment history, and making payments on a long-term loan
like a mortgage positively contributes to your payment history. As long as you
make your payments on time, your mortgage can improve your credit score by
increasing your reputation as a responsible borrower.
Owning a home can make a huge difference for your financial future, especially for
a first-time homebuyer. While buying a home can be a transformative experience
for you personally, homeownership can help you financially as well.
Homeownership can lead to building your personal wealth due to home equity, or
fair market value, which will likely increase over time based on both the market
and any renovations you make to your home.
To summarize, it is important to own a house while you are young. You can use it
as your financial investment or your future residence.
Adopted from tps:// (March 20, 2019)
Complete the following table to help you identify the
structure of the text.

Element Main Topic Supporting Details


1st Argument

2nd Argument

3rd Argument


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See You

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