CED-2021 EnergyTransition Report
CED-2021 EnergyTransition Report
CED-2021 EnergyTransition Report
The information, concepts and recommendations expressed in this document are based on information
available at the time of the preparation of this document. Action or abstinence from acting based on the
opinions and information contained in this document are the sole risk of the reader and Project Consortium
shall have no liability for any damages or losses arising from use of the information and opinions in this
document. All information is provided “as is” without any warranty or condition of any kind. The document
may contain inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors. The views and opinions expressed in this
report are those of its author(s) and not the official policy or position of Calgary Economic Development or
Edmonton Global.
Kristine O’Rielly
[email protected]
The Project Team (Delphi Group, Cleantech Group and Foresight)
would like to thank all the organizations who contributed to the project’s
findings, including those organizations who participated in a primary
stakeholder interview, including:
• Alberta Innovates
• Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation (AIOC)
• Creative Destruction Lab Rockies (CDL-Rockies)
• Energy Futures Lab
• Enerkem
• Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
• Radicle
• Southern Alberta Alternative Energy Partnership (SAAEP)
• Tourmaline Oil
• Vermilion Energy
• Wolf Mid-stream
The Project Team would also like to thank the organizations and
individuals who agreed to provide feedback as part of the project
Advisory Committee (AC). The Advisory Committee participated in three
feedback sessions: the SWOT analysis, the benchmarking analysis and
the value proposition statements. The feedback gathered during this
process was invaluable to the project.
We would like to thank:
The world’s energy transition and the technology pathways
needed to achieve net zero commitments by 2050 create an
opportunity for Alberta to leverage its existing assets and areas
of strength in cleantech. A net zero state is achieved when an
economy either emits no GHG emissions or off-sets its emissions
by removing carbon from the atmosphere through tangible action
such as planting trees or employing technologies that can capture
carbon before it is released into the atmosphere1. Significant
opportunities have been identified from this work and spotlight the
top priorities for Alberta to participate in the energy transition to
reach net zero. These opportunities include:
Acknowledgments 3
Executive Summary 4
1.0 Background 7
Study Methodology 7
Cleantech Definition for the Study 7
Alberta’s Clean & Emerging Technology Ecosystem 9
1.1 Profile of Alberta’s Cleantech Ecosystem 9
Cleantech Inventory 9
Ecosystem Overview 11
Economic Analysis 14
Employment Characteristics 15
Future Market Growth Analysis 16
1.2 SWOT & Gap Analysis 20
Prioritization Matrix 20
SWOT Analysis Methodology 21
SWOT Analysis – Alberta’s Cleantech Ecosystem 22
SWOT Analysis – Ag-tech 24
SWOT Analysis – CCUS 25
SWOT Analysis – Digitalization 27
SWOT Analysis – Electrification 29
SWOT Analysis – Energy efficiency 30
SWOT Analysis – Hydrogen 31
Future Market Growth & Trends 32
2.1 Sub-sector Macro Trends and Alberta Innovation Ecosystem Benchmarking 32
Key Findings: Hydrogen Production and Utilization 32
Key Findings: Ag-tech and Agriculture 33
3.1 Value Proposition Statements 39
Energy Transition Value Proposition: Alberta 39
Energy Transition Value Proposition: Calgary 39
Energy Transition Value Proposition: Edmonton Metropolitan Region 40
Commentary 41
Future Energy Transition Opportunities 42
Appendix A 46
Appendix B 48
Table B1. Cleantech Sub-sector Definitions: 48
Table B2: Cleantech Subsector and NAICS Codes 49
Table B3: Job and GDP Intensity Ratios (Statistics Canada) 51
Appendix C 64
Sub-sector Profiles 64
As the energy powerhouse of Canada, Alberta is in a unique
position to capitalize on the clean energy transition. This transition
will be a time of immense change for Alberta’s energy sector and
overall economy – driving new infrastructure development, capital
investment, and career opportunities. It is prudent to explore how
Alberta can best leverage the embedded value of its energy
industry infrastructure, talent pool, and capital expenditures to
accelerate and amplify transition activities. As Alberta considers
further diversification opportunities, it already has many strengths
and assets to build from.
An inventory was developed to highlight key financing players A total of 945 companies were included in the cleantech venture
and support organizations within the Alberta clean technology inventory, including oil and gas producers working with start-
ecosystem. The inventory was also intended to provide an ups and developing technologies in-house. From the inventory
overview of the clean technology development activity currently data, 462 companies are headquartered in Calgary, while 429
happening in the region. For a company to be included in the companies call the EMR home. Fifty-four (54) companies are
cleantech venture inventory, it had to be headquartered in Alberta headquartered outside Alberta’s two largest urban centers. Broken
(or demonstrate the existence of a permanent satellite office), fall down, the current leading subsectors across Alberta’s ecosystem
within the 16 identified sub-sectors, and demonstrate a link to an by number of active companies are digitalization, renewable
environmental benefit through the deployment of the technology/ energy generation and water efficiency and wastewater treatment,
service. representing areas of strength in talent, expertise, and investment
attraction. There are also technology clusters developing in the
It should be noted that the inventory developed for the study is areas of ag-tech, sustainable fuels, methane monitoring and
not meant to be exhaustive, but a representative sample of the alternative materials/non-thermal use of bitumen.
cleantech companies, support organizations and financing firms
operating in Alberta. The inventory lists were generated from There were 54 financing entities included in the funding
several of sources including the Foresight Alberta bi-annual landscape and over 108 organizations were identified as part
cleantech survey, Cleantech Group’s i3 database and the Start of the ecosystem support landscape. From the data, it’s clear that
Alberta database. Alberta is developing a strong clean technology ecosystem, with
the programs and facilities needed to accelerate technology
From the inventory data, 945 cleantech-focused companies development and commercialization. A financial nucleus is also
are headquartered in Alberta. The subsectors across Alberta’s emerging in the province, spurred by growing investor presence
ecosystem with the largest number of companies include and financing activity in Calgary.
digitalization, renewable energy generation and water
efficiency and wastewater treatment, representing areas of
strength in talent, expertise and investment attraction.
Digitalization 131
Energy Efficiency 32
Energy Storage 22
Electrification 9
*The inventory also included several ventures under a ‘Green Buildings’ and ‘Transportation’ category, as they did not
fit within any of the clean technology sub-sectors identified for the project. Consulting organizations that are working to
support the energy transition were also included in the inventory under the category ‘All’, as they tend to work across
multiple sectors. They are not ac-counted for in the summary table above. Similarly, some companies fit under more than
one category. Companies were classified within the strongest aligning sub-sector.
BioAlberta. Life Sciences in Alberta – State of the Industry 2019
BioAlberta. Life Sciences in Alberta – State of the Industry 2019
Calgary Economic Development, 2021
Orpyx Medical Technologies. https://www.orpyx.com/orpyx-news/made-in-calgary-masks-to-help-protect-albertans
• Performance, including access to early-stage funding and &Mineral 35%
customers, the quality of sup-porting infrastructure within
Chemicals &
the ecosystem, and its capacity to draw entrepreneurs and Pharmaceuticals
Construction 19%
• C
onnectedness, including inter-relationships, collisions, and Commercial
collaborative support among and between founders, investors, & Residential 18%
customers, and supporters.
Transportation 18%
Forestry &
Forest Products
Pureplay: Describes a company that focuses or specializes
solely on one particular product or activity. In cleantech, this Other - Please
Tourism 3%
• F ounder diversity: Half of Alberta cleantech ventures (51 per
cent) are led by first-time founders. Thirty-two per cent (32 per
cent) of ventures have a founder with a trades background.
About one-quarter of ventures (28 per cent) have founders
who were born outside Canada and 22 per cent of ventures
have a female founder, which is above the national average of
15.6 per cent and consistent with the wider Alberta technology
development sector.
200 km long Alberta Carbon Trunk Line without any reported
public opposition. The new partnership between Avatar
Innovations and XPRIZE for a $100M Carbon Removal
Competition in support of emerging carbon capture ventures
will likely accelerate growth in the density of these ventures in
the province.
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS The study also sought to understand the number of direct jobs
associated with the cleantech sub-sectors. From Figure 2, the
The Alberta Energy Transition Study sought to understand top five sub-sectors for direct technology jobs in Alberta are
the current size and economic contribution of Alberta’s clean 1) Energy efficiency (3524), 2) Waste management (2449),
technology sector through the development of a comprehensive 3) Sustainable fuel development (1406), 4) Non-thermal use
economic model. According to the study’s model, the clean of bitumen and sustainable materials (1386), and 5) Ag-tech
technology sector (as defined for the study) em-ployed over and agriculture (1270). It is important to note that not all direct
137,000 Albertans in 2020. This number includes all associated jobs are created equal. For example, most energy efficiency
cleantech jobs – direct, indirect, induced, corporate development, jobs identified via NAICS codes are likely to be deployment
etc. – across the sub-sectors. This number represents 6.3 per cent activities (e.g., installation of energy efficient technologies), while
of Alberta’s total job count, or 139,000 out of 2.2 million in 2020. jobs in sustainable fuel development are focused on production
technology and processes.
Alberta’s cleantech sector employed over 137,000 Albertans
in 2020. This number includes all associated cleantech jobs –
direct, indirect, induced, corporate development, etc. – across
the sub-sectors, representing 6.3per cent of Alberta’s total job
count (2.2 million in 2020).
The economic model also analyzed the current market size (i.e., GDP) generated by each clean technology sub-sector, with direct
technology GDP contributions tabulated for each. While Figure 3 below captures direct GDP, each sub-sector will also contribute
spillover benefits and economic activity – both indirect and induced GDP – beyond clean technology focused activity. This speaks to
the need to look holistically at cleantech opportunities to ensure all economic benefits are well understood so that growth opportunities
can be identified and captured. When considering direct technology activities only, the top five sub-sectors include water efficiency and
wastewater, energy efficiency, sustainable fuel development, renewable energy, and waste management.
Water efficiency and wastewater treatment $492
Energy efficiency $442
Sustainable fuel development $377
Renewable energy production $325
Waste management and recycling $318
Electrification $191
Non-thermal use and sustainable materials $186
Hydrogen production and utilization $120
Ag-tech and agriculture $99
Energy storage technologies, $59
Methane monitoring and abatement $47
Carbon, Capture, Utilization & Storage $44
Digitalization $38
Small Modular Reactor (SMR) $16
$0 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600
GDP (in Millions of 2012 Dollars)
Figure 3 – Direct Technology GDP by Cleantech Sub-sector, Alberta 2020
Worker characteristics of clean technology jobs reported by In asking the question of what this economic shift means for
Statistics Canada, shows that 24per cent of the jobs in the sector Alberta’s workforce within an energy transition, the answer
have a university degree or higher, 25per cent have a college is clear. The shift will create economic benefit and increase
diploma and 17per cent have a trade certificate7. Looking to Alberta’s share of Environmental and Clean Technology sector
the Environmental and Clean Technology (ECT) sector, the jobs, which are more stable.
annual average salary of this profession was $112,067 for men,
and $105,312 for women, which is slightly above the annual To further strengthen Alberta’s clean technology economy, a
average salary for a similar position outside the cleantech sector focus on upskilling and reskilling workers for cleantech positions,
- $102,254. Thus, bringing new clean technology positions to the like those listed above, will be needed to ensure Alberta’s future
province can provide stable, well-paying employment to Albertans workforce can meet demand for cleantech skillsets. Reskilling and
– particularly those impacted by a downturn in the oil and gas training programs for energy sector workers must play a role in this
sector. employment transition. Many energy sector skills naturally lend
themselves to the cleantech sector, which means that Alberta has
Insights on key cleantech occupations in the sector can be drawn an advantageous position when it comes to talent access. Bringing
from a 2020 ECO Canada report, which concludes that the in new skillsets, not currently present in the province, should be a
cleantech workforce requires workers with both highly specialized priority. Alberta’s affordable real estate market, high standard of
skills such as a chemical engineer or technologist, and business living and world-class recreation access will be important selling
acumen, such as financial managers8, logistics experts, and features when attracting top talent to the province.
accountants. The report also stated that many employers are
currently struggling to fill certain cleantech positions, including: Figure 4 below indicates that cleantech job seekers are forecast
to be greater than job openings in 2025 and 2030 on average.
• Engineers, drafters, designers, and technicians In 2025 the imbalance of job seekers over openings is 5,085
or 7.2 per cent, By 2030, the imbalance will have declined
• G
eologists, laboratory specialists, environmental technicians, significantly to 1,713 or 2.3 per cent. This is an important indicator
scientists for cleantech companies looking to relocate or grow in Alberta,
• Project managers, directors as there appears to be a ready and willing labour force for clean
technology development in the province. However, there is nuance
• Trades (Welders, electricians, mechanics, and others) to this overall number, as certain subsectors may have more
trouble finding skilled employees than others. Of specific interest is
• Drivers, machine operators. the CCUS sub-sector that looks to be facing a shortage by 2030.
Contrast this with hydrogen and energy storage, where modeling
anticipates a strong supply of job seekers. The implication is that
reskilling, upskilling and/or talent attraction in the province should
focus on sub-sectors that are facing tight labour markets to ensure
economic growth potential can be achieved.
See: Portrait of Environmental and Clean Technology Jobs
See: Cleantech Defined: A Scoping Study of the Sector and its Workforce
Forecast Imbalance of Job Seekers vs Job Openings, by
Subsector, 2025 and 2030, Alberta
15.0% 11.7%
10.0% 6.7%
5.0% 1.8% 2.4%
e m ure
-te e r t
du e te
wa Ene
Sm ble
2025 2030
Figure 4: Forecast Imbalance of Job Seekers vs Job Openings, by Subsector, 2025 and 2030, Alberta9 10
Following the development of a baseline economic model, The future market growth assessment compared the GDP
designed to give an overview of the status of the clean economy contribution and job potential of a net zero trajectory in Alberta
in Alberta, a future-facing model was developed to identify against a ‘traditional’ growth forecast. The traditional forecast
cleantech sub-sectors with the highest potential economic impact. was based on the Occupational Outlook 2019-2028 for
Alberta, a long-term assessment of potential imbalances in the
provincial labour market developed by the Department of Labour
and Immigration in October 2019. The net zero trajectory was
developed using annual growth rates from a variety of sources,
including the International Energy Agency (IEA), Alberta Electrical
System Operator (AESO), Navius Consulting, SNC Lavalin,
Bloomberg and McKinsey. Further information on the growth rates
can be found in the Appendix.
Source: Alberta’s Occupational Outlook 2019 - 2028
Proportion of net job seekers is defined by openings minus seekers as a ratio of total job seekers
Cleantech vs Traditional Job Growth to 2050, Alberta
Jobs (in person per year)
14,651 16,128 49,144
50,000 19,741
2020 2030 2040 2050
2,753 2,753 3,066 3,424 3,832
2020 2030 2040 2050
Cleantech GDP (Millions of 2012 Dollars) Traditional GDP (Millions of 2012 Dollars)
The net zero scenario analyzed the investment required across the
clean economy and across clean technology verticals for Alberta
to remain on an emission-reduction trajectory, as well as the
subsequent jobs and GDP contributions that would result from this
investment. According to the analysis, the top 5 performing clean
technology sub-sectors, in terms of job growth, between 2020
and 2030 are:
1. Sustainable fuel development
2. Energy efficiency
3. Non-thermal use of bitumen and sustainable materials
4. Waste management
5. Renewable energy production.
ti o
Ele nt a
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1,373 1,423
704 755
526 540 534
379 403 367
A g er e l i z a …
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te odu …
W Dig o rin
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If Alberta is to reap the benefits of clean economy-related jobs By breaking down the data around investment dollars in cleantech
and economic activity, the analysis suggests that a significant sub-sectors and economic growth, the numbers revealed a
level of new capital will need to be invested. A previous Alberta- compelling takeaway which is that cleantech investments would
focused cleantech study developed by Navius Research was not only put Alberta on the road to a lower-carbon future but
reviewed and used as a source for the future market growth would also kickstart significant economic growth. The study’s
analysis. modeling found that to capitalize on the clean energy transition,
Alberta will need to invest more than $2.1 billion annually in the
The Navius study showed that every dollar of capital investment cleantech sector by 2030; and this amount will increase to $5.5
in the clean economy would yield $2.90 in GDP in 2020. By billion by 2040. This growth versus investment comparison is
2030, this ratio is expected to be $2.54 because of the cleantech highlighted in Figure 9 below. The investment leverage – or the net
‘learning curve’ or productivity gains within emerging clean GDP gain from cleantech investment – is indicated by the yellow-
technology markets. The same phenomenon applies to job shaded area in Figure 9.
creation. For example, in 2020, every million dollars in cleantech
capital investment yielded 19 cleantech jobs. By 2030, this
multiplier is 14.6 jobs per million dollars in capital investment.
This ratio was used to guide the development of the future market
assessment for this Alberta Energy Transition Study.
Figure 9 5 - Clean technology generated GDP vs. required investment through to 2050 in Alberta
1.2 SWOT & Gap Analysis
• S
hort-term opportunities (3 per cent): Commercialization
potential within 1-5 years.
• D
emonstrated industry interest and demand (15 per cent):
Active pilot projects, large-scale demonstration of the
technology, industry accelerator/incubator sponsorship, direct
industry investment in start-ups and scale-ups.
• M
edium and long-term opportunities (12per cent): Anticipated The scoring also took into consideration Alberta’s ability to
commercialization and deployment potential beyond the next lead across each sub-sector through the utilization of existing
5 years. Annual growth potential of the sub-sector. infrastructure and assets, leveraging the province’s current skilled
energy workforce and leveraging the deep expertise Alberta
• G
lobal interest/foreign direct investment (FDI) potential has in energy, agriculture and forestry. In this regard, some sub-
(15 per cent): Indicators that the technology sub-sector sectors did not score well overall, despite having relatively higher
would be deployed by other markets and draw interest from economic contribution – jobs, GDP and export revenue. Focus
international investors. was put on future growth rates of the technology sub-sectors. It is
expected that many energy transition focused technology areas
• E xport potential (12 per cent): Export-focused data from the
will begin to outgrow traditional energy sector service industries,
baseline economic model; based on 2020 values.
such as waste management and wastewater treatment, by 2025.
• F uture job projections (12 per cent): Average of 2030, 2040, Similarly, some sub-sectors did not complement Alberta’s energy
2050 job projections as determined by the future market transition strengths or are already seeing considerable market
growth assessment net zero pathway model. saturation from other jurisdictions. These lenses were taken into
consideration when selecting the highest-potential technology
• F uture GDP contribution projections (12 per cent): Average of sub-sectors to focus the study’s SWOT and benchmarking
2030, 2040, 2050 GDP contributions (millions of 2012 GDP) analyses on.
as determined by the future market growth assessment net zero
pathway model.
The results of this exercise are interesting, as they significantly SUSTAINABLE FUEL DEVELOPMENT
alter the potential sub-sectors of focus. As with any transition, it
becomes evident that the path forward will require more attention Alberta’s energy sector infrastructure, talent pool and feedstocks
to be spent on new and emerging opportunity, rather than align well to this sub-sector. Sustainable fuel technologies are
emphasizing historical or ‘business as usual’ sectors. Greater mature within the province and offer significant opportunities.
opportunity for success will be found in fostering sub-sectors with Emerging pathways in the sustainable fuels space include the
greater growth potential and stronger strategic advantage. utilization of Alberta’s forestry sector residual waste to generate
transportation fuels and the development of sustainable aviation
A detailed profile of the six prioritized sub-sectors can be found fuel (SAF). Significant policy and regulatory barriers still exist
in the Appendix. The top six identified sub-sectors, in alphabetical in the SAF space, although it is emerging as a clear priority for
order, are as follows: the airline industry. The implementation of the federal Clean
1. Ag-tech and agriculture Fuel Standard14 will also drive activity and increased need for
sustainable fuels.
2. Carbon-capture utilization and storage
3. Digitalization The use of sustainable transportation fuels beyond 2035 is in
4. Electrification question as the focus is shifting toward the electrification of
personal vehicles, although a market for diesel displacement for
5. Energy efficiency,
remote communities and heavy industry vehicles is likely to remain.
6. Hydrogen production and utilization. For this reason, sustainable fuels scored lower in the long-term
opportunities category compared to other technology pathways.
While not in the list of the top six, the authors wish to make a note
However, over the next five to ten years the opportunity within the
below of two additional categories that are expected to play a
sustainable fuels industry will remain high for Alberta and should
significant role in Alberta’s energy transition.
remain an investment priority.
This sub-sector is intrinsically linked to several other clean A SWOT analysis was undertaken to better understand (and
technologies, including electrification and energy storage. The verify) the current state of the clean technology ecosystem in
pace at which Alberta can bring additional renewable energy Alberta and to identify the opportunities and threats that exist for
capacity online (currently electricity in the province is over 91 per successful clean technology development within the province.
cent fossil-fuel generated11) will impact its ability to attract start-ups It was developed using a combination of secondary desktop
working on certain energy transition pathways, like electrification. research and a series of key informant interviews.
Alberta has significant renewable energy potential, with one of
the best solar resources in Canada12 and the potential for 150 The SWOT analysis was conducted in two separate parts:
GW (giga Watts) of wind generation and 120 GW of geothermal
1. A
SWOT analysis of the overall Alberta ecosystem, including
generation13 – which would far exceed Alberta’s current power
needs (~15 GW). However, with the exception of geothermal, available supports, programs, policies and funding
renewable energy technologies are considered a mature product mechanisms.
with an established global supply chain. As such, renewable 2. An individual SWOT analysis for the six prioritized clean
energy is likely to represent a deployment effort in Alberta, rather technology sub-sectors, highlighting potential opportunities
than a cleantech development opportunity. In light of this, a and areas for improvement needed to drive additional activity
deeper dive into this sector was not pursued. within each sector.
Source: CER – Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles - Alberta (cer-rec.gc.ca)
Source: Photovoltaic potential and solar resource maps of Canada (nrcan.gc.ca)
Source: Alberta’s green energy future | Corporate Knights
Source: Clean Fuel Standard regulatory design - Canada.ca
The growth of Alberta’s cleantech sector presents significant Despite the strengths of Alberta’s cleantech sector, barriers
opportunities to achieve net zero emissions and sustainable continue to slow growth. A lack of consistent policy and regulatory
economic growth. Robust public funding and cleantech drivers for technology adoption,24 as well as a narrow focus of
development programs,15 coupled with key commercialization financing mechanisms25 hinder mass commercialization efforts.
laboratories and test centers, are driving rapid progress in the These mechanisms have primarily focused on supporting start-ups,
sector. Specifically, funding programs from Emissions Reduction rather than helping established SMEs achieve market expansion
Alberta, and Alberta Innovates, in part supported by carbon and/or pivoting into cleantech areas. SMEs developing non-oil
compliance revenues from the Technology and Innovation and gas technologies tend to be overshadowed by the traditional
Emissions Reduction Regulation (TIER), has been an important hydrocarbon-based companies,26 which limits potential for global
differentiator in setting the sector up for success.16 markets and offtakers.
Foresight Alberta’s 2021 Cleantech Report highlighted new Higher labour costs and difficulty reaching economies of scale
ventures are more rapidly progressing through Technology continue to pose challenges for Alberta to scale up and compete
Readiness Levels (<10 years) compared to historical timelines.17 with global manufacturing centers27. Other key barriers include
Favorable corporate tax rate,18 wide availability of public grants,19 connection to first buyers,28 corporate partner red tape,29 as well
along with strong entrepreneurial spirit have been instrumental as a lack of carbon pricing and regulatory certainty domestically,
in attracting new streams of cleantech investment to the region. and with key trading partners, driving overarching net zero or
Organizations like De-centralized Energy Canada and Canadian decarbonization targets and associated investments.30
Environmental Technology Advancement Corporation-WEST
have been the backbone of the ecosystem by providing a range
of support such as mentorship, networking, and policy advocacy
Source: Globe Series - Emissions Reduction Alberta; Successfully 22
Source: Engineers Canada - 2019 National Membership Information
Scaling Cleantech 23
Source: Government of Alberta - Life in Alberta
Source: SWOT Interview 24
Source: Foresight Alberta 2020 Cleantech Report
Source: Foresight Alberta 2020 Cleantech Report 25
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Source: Canada ranks 1st among G7 countries for ease of paying taxes 26
Source: 2018 Cleantech Directions: Spotlight Alberta Report
and low total tax burden for small to medium-sized companies 27
Source: SWOT Interview
Source: Government of Alberta - Supports for technology businesses 28
Source: Foresight Alberta 2020 Cleantech Report
Source: SWOT Interview 29
Source: Alberta’s Labour Market Highlights 2019 Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Source: SWOT interview
Source: Foresight Alberta 2020 Cleantech Report
The evolving ag-tech sector in Alberta is driven by deep Beyond mere productivity gains, ag-tech verticals introduce a
agribusiness expertise and emerging digital solutions in the region. myriad of opportunities for the agribusiness sector and farmers.
Alberta has established itself as a large net exporter of food Digital agriculture monitoring can help farmers to see beyond a
commodities43 supported by federal and provincial programs myopic view on production and take sustainability considerations
and policies (such as Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Smart into account.51 The agriculture sector is one of the largest
Agriculture and Food Digitalization and Automation Challenge producers of greenhouse gas emission, thus carbon offsets and
and Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network the carbon marketplace could complement the agricultural (and
funding). Its geographic proximity to the largest trade partner, i.e., forestry) technologies, to create strategies towards a low carbon
U.S., has also been critical in establishing its strong export market. economy.52 This study found that, by 2030, the ag-tech sector
could employ 2,400 people and contribute $229 million to
Albertan farmers have been early adopters of productivity Alberta’s GDP.
boosting technologies, such as precision farming, which has been
well-deployed and well-utilized. Increased local and global Canada can form targeted policies similar to the recent
consumer demands, coupled with labour shortages and supply U.S. Agriculture Innovation Agenda initiative, to reduce the
chain disruptions, present huge opportunities to integrate in-farm environmental footprint of its agricultural sector.53 There is
automation to scale up agricultural capabilities. Institutes such as also an opportunity to develop irrigation and surveillance
Olds College, the University of Lethbridge, University of Alberta, technologies within the province that will not only improve its water
and Lethbridge College offer unique agricultural programs, efficiency but also allow it to export technologies to jurisdictions
supporting strong technical capacity-building across the supply experiencing similar climate impacts.54
Adoption of new technology has slowed due to barriers such as Lagging internet connectivity55 in rural areas coupled with
large upfront investment, and return-on-investment uncertainties.45 cybersecurity and data ownership56 concerns may cause
Technologies come with a steep learning curve, and uptake can disruptions in the ag-tech sector. Government investments will be
be hampered by a lack of basic digital literacy,46 general risk required to ensure reliable and fast internet connection to farms.
aversion,47 especially among the older generation of farmers. The The province will require updates on intellectual property laws to
siloed nature of agribusiness further prevents mass knowledge ex- integrate data ownership associated with ag-tech.
change and collaboration across the value chain.48 Without core
digitalization skills and industry-wide collaboration, the adoption The sector also faces a looming threat of a knowledge vacuum,
cycle may die a “quick death”. as it heads into a retirement cliff in the next decades.57 Earlier
integration of agriculture, starting in K-12 schools, can provide a
Reskilling and mentorship programs49 can train farmers in significant opportunity for attracting younger talent.58
digital literacy by connecting them with peers who possess
both agricultural and digital knowledge (e.g., intergenerational The agri-food system also remains vulnerable to COVID-19
mentorship programs). In terms of government policies, a related import restrictions, and exogenous shocks in the U.S.
more holistic and forward-looking perspective is lacking for agricultural market.59 The current adoption of digital technologies
jurisdictional land development and the future of food security.50 are driven by the needs of large-scale corporate farms, which can
Such policy consideration is critical to enable the emergent sector be detrimental to the participation of small-scale and medium-
to jump-start and compete with the major global producers with sized farms in the long run.60 These factors may inhibit the growth
similar or more advanced ag-tech verticals. and success of the Albertan ag-tech industry to compete in the
global market.
Source: CED Agribusiness Market Study 52
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Ibid. 53
Source: Five key issues facing Canada’s agri-food industry
Source: A lberta Farmer Express - Pandemic speeding up adoption of 54
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
technology 55
Source: Agriculture 4.0: The Canadian Ag-tech Ecosystem
Source: R ural broadband policy recommendations for improving broadband 56
Source: CED Agribusiness Market Study
access & adoption in rural Alberta 57
Source: C ountryGuide - Alberta farm builds labour diversity into its core
Source: The Ag-tech Adoption Dilemma: Irrigation 58
Source: RBC Though Leadership – Farmer 4.0
Source: CED Agribusiness Market Study 59
Source: Canadian agri-food export opportunities in a COVID-19 world
Source: RBC Though Leadership – Farmer 4.0 60
Source: Disruptive Technologies in the Agri-Food Sector
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Source: Food Agility - What are the social drivers and barriers to ag-tech 24
adoption in Australia?
Source: The Carbontech Innovation System in Canada
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee action and momentum is needed across industry.74
Source: Canada and Alberta Launch Steering Committee to Advance CCUS 71
Source: The Carbontech Innovation System in Canada
Source: G
overnment of Alberta - Carbon capture, utilization and storage 72
Source: Alberta CCUS Policy: An Interview with Tristan Goodman the
– Overview President Of EPAC
Source: Canada Update: Select CCS Regulatory Developments 73
Source: The Delphi Group AIHA Study
Source: SWOT Interview 74
See: https://financialpost.com/commodities/energy/oil-gas/stag-
Ibid. gering-dow-plans-major-petrochemical-expansion-shift-to-net-ze-
Source: N
orton Rose Fulbright - Growing use of Carbon Capture, Utilization ro-in-alberta
and Storage (CCUS) in Canada
Source: SWOT Interview
Source: Canadian Oilsands Heavyweights Commit to ‘Lead on Climate 80
Source: Government of Alberta Carbon Sequestration Tenure Management
Change’ in Net-Zero Plans Using CCUS 81
Source: C
arbon Capture, Utilization and Storage - Polarization, public
Source: Carbon Upcycling Technologies confidence and decision-making
Source: ERA - Lehigh cement Edmonton metropolitan region CCUS 82
Source: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage - Polarization, public
feasibility project confidence and decision-making
Source: Pembina and TC Energy Partner to Create World-Scale Carbon Trans- 83
Source: Canadian Institutes for Climate Choices - Policy Implementation Will
portation and Sequestration Solution: The Alberta Carbon Grid Be Tricky on Carbon Capture and Storage
Source: Government of Canada - Budget 2021
Widescale AI Adoption
Source: Opinion: Artificial intelligence could be Alberta’s oilsands 2.0
According to this study’s analysis, by 2030 the digitalization Alberta is developing a one-sided digital narrative as it relates
sector could employ over 2,300 people in Alberta and contribute to AI and other pathways. The focus has been on academic
$540 million in provincial GDP. Digitalization will be a key feature and network capacity to-date and has not focused on
across numerous economic sectors, including financial services, commercialization and deployment, which is a key missing link
healthcare, energy, agriculture, and advanced manufacturing for the sector.100 The lack of collaboration between research
and will be a key driver to economic growth and employment in institutes and industry further limits the full potential of Alberta’s
the coming decades. An estimate suggests that the demand for AI ecosystem.101 The study’s Advisory Committee also indicated
skilled tech workers is expected to grow twice as fast as overall that they feel that Alberta still leans heavily toward hard-tech
employment by 2023.96 Certain roles such as cybersecurity development and capital project expenditures and that funding for
analysts, backend developers, UX/UI designers, which have software innovation remains relatively low in comparison.102 Thus,
cross-sectoral application will see more demand than others.97 holistic policy and funding mechanism, along with industry-wide
Alberta’s leading industries, including energy, agriculture, and collaborative partnerships, will be fundamental to advancing the
forestry, can be strong early adopters for locally developed digital digitalization sector.
The current policies (both at federal and provincial levels)
Multiple collaborative and cohesive efforts are underway in the are not well defined to include consideration for digital data
digitalization sector that could help bridge the fragmentation management, cyber security, and data ownership.103 As a result,
across the supply chain and provide capacity-building support a lack of clear policy and institutionalized frameworks related to
for commercialization. There is potential to position the “Alberta cyber risk and privacy continue to hinder mass diffusion of many
Innovation Corridor” as a global digital innovation capacity emerging digital technology pathways, such as machine learning,
leader and a support hub for SMEs developing digital tech.98 among businesses (e.g., Cancellation of Google’s Sidewalk Labs
A recent partnership between Attabotics, AltaMl, and Alberta Community in Ontario).
Machine Intelligence Institute, is a unique example of an industry
and research collaboration that could lead to more integrated As AI and other technology verticals gain prominence,
sector-wide efforts in the future.99 occupations such as auditors, financial analysts, and healthcare
information management practitioners may face increasing risk of
being displaced. Hence, a coordinated upskilling and reskilling
strategy is required for these occupations to prepare and perform
value-added work.104
Source: A Digital Future for Alberta 101
Source: SWOT Interview
Ibid. 102
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Source: Alberta Innovation Corridor 103
Source: Boosting Competitiveness of Canadian Businesses: Clearing a Path to
Source: A
ttabotics Partners With AltaML and Amii to Bolster Artificial Intelli- Widescale AI Adoption
gence and Machine Learning Capabilities for Supply Chains 104
Source: On the Edge of Tomorrow – Canada’s AI Augmented Workforce
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee 105
Source: The race to the top among the world’s leaders in artificial intelligence
Alberta’s electrification sector, characterized by its deregulated Alberta’s electrification efforts are currently focused on grid
electricity market, has enabled public investors to participate modernization and electric vehicles. However, there is a significant
and deploy their technologies. The competition in the market opportunity for Alberta to electrify and reduce emissions from
has allowed electricity prices to remain steady across the heavy industry processes. Development of game-changing
economy.106 The EV market and associated infrastructure has been electrification technologies such as radio frequency heating for
growing, supported by strong federal level funding107 and vibrant bitumen extraction can support the province in achieving this goal.
community engagement.108 By 2030 the electrification sector could employ 3,000 people in
Alberta and contribute more than $526 Million in provincial GDP.
Municipal governments strategies (such as the active
transportation strategies for both the Edmon-ton Metropolitan Excellent renewable energy resources, specifically wind and solar,
Region and Calgary)109 and regional collaborations (such as the can support decarbonization as deployment increases over the
Peak-to Prairies Network)110 are leading EV expansion efforts next decade. Alberta’s energy transition can provide a pathway to
across the province. There has been significant progress across integrate energy equity and energy resilience strategies, ensuring
other electrification verticals. For instance, the University of Alberta a just distribution of energy across communities.
and NAIT are leading research and demonstration in smart
grid.111 Despite being a medium-sized jurisdiction, municipalities in THREATS
Alberta are punching above their weight in regard to the number
of current and planned energy storage projects.112 The absence of a provincial roadmap for grid decarbonization
creates some uncertainty on how low-carbon technology may be
deployed in the electricity sector. Thus, a strategy incorporating
electrification into a comprehensive climate, transportation, and
Alberta’s electricity grid is carbon intensive, limiting its potential to infrastructure plan could support achieving net zero targets in the
achieve net zero targets.113 Thus, the share of renewable energy in sector.
Alberta’s grid must improve significantly. The province is lagging in
The EV market may face numerous uncertainties in the future. As
terms of residential, commercial, and industrial policies requiring a
usage of EVs goes up, uncontrolled and simultaneous charging
shift to electrified equipment compared to other jurisdictions, such
could significantly increase congestion in power systems and peak
as Ontario, which requires new furnaces in residential homes to
load.119 The province may need to look for alternative funding
be non-emitting by 2031.114 There is a fragmentation of policy and
for EV infrastructure, since the infrastructure funding received
funding initiatives among the municipalities and the province for
from provincial and federal fuel taxes will decline because of
progressing the electric vehicle market. Considerable policy and
decarbonization goals.120
funding efforts exists at the municipal level, while the province has
no clear directive – creating uncertainty among investors. Changes to fuel consumption regulations in the United States
may slow down the development of fully electric pickup trucks
The EV market faces numerous challenges as it grows and evolves.
and SUVs121 (potentially tempered by the recently elected Biden
Alberta does not have any provincial government incentives or
government). This could significantly affect EV adoption in Alberta,
quotas to encourage the move to EVs or plug-in hybrids (PHEVs)
as light-duty vehicles – particularly SUVs – are the most widely
compared to other provinces such as Quebec, which offers up to
used vehicle type in the province.122
$8,000 in rebates.115 Equipment and installation costs of charging
stations, especially the retrofitting cost for home charging, pose
significant barriers in the market.116 Lack of accurate information on
EV ownership, due to voluntary purchase disclosure, limits policy
and infrastructure decisions.117 The mass adoption of EV is also
hindered by unfavorable public perception of EV ownership.118
Source: SWOT Interview 115
Source: Want to buy an EV? Slow down there, we’re in Alberta
Source: Government of Canada- Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program 116
Source: Electric Vehicle Home and Workplace Charging Study
Source: Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta - Community Engagement 117
Source: Want to buy an EV? Slow down there, we’re in Alberta
Source: Electric Vehicle Home and Workplace Charging Study 118
Source: Peak to Prairies 119
Source: Utilities tackling supply challenges, smart charging opportunities in EV-led disruption
Source: SWOT Interview 120
Source: Future of Transportation in Calgary Study
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee 121
Source: SWOT Interview 122
Source: (1) Wheels of change: Pickup trucks no longer Alberta’s favourite vehicle | Globalnews.ca
Source: Goodbye, gas furnaces? Why electrification is the future of home heating
Alberta’s strength in the energy efficiency sector is driven by its The growth of the cleantech sector shows potential to advance
well-established cogeneration and HVAC industry. With some energy efficiency performance, as energy efficiency technologies
of the largest facilities123 in Canada, and a well-established can be implemented across various sectors and industrial users.
infrastructure,124 the cogeneration sector boasts over 20 years of There are significant opportunities to expand industrial process
proven track record of supporting Alberta’s electricity system.125 energy efficiency and low carbon heat recovery efforts in the
The surplus of energy has helped the electricity grid to continue province.134 Alberta has developed expertise in large-scale waste
to be reliable and low cost.126 Cogeneration has a 50 per cent heat recovery, which may offer considerable export opportunities
capital allowance rate in Canada, which allows it to operate at a to regions looking to develop similar projects. By 2030 the energy
lower cost compared to other waste heat recovery technologies.127 efficiency sector could employ over 9,500 people in Alberta and
Alberta also has the most competitive HVAC market among the contribute $1.4 billion in provincial GDP.
Municipal-led initiatives show potential to improve energy
Alberta is one of the four provinces to adopt Property Assessed efficiency technology uptake, particularly at the residential or
Clean Energy style program to facilitate financing of energy MURB (multi-unit residential buildings) level. The Edmonton
efficient improvements in buildings through property tax. This Metropolitan Region’s Building Energy Retrofit Accelerator will
legislation enables municipalities to access federal support to support efficiency upgrades to commercial and institutional
develop their efficiency plans under the Federation of Canadian buildings,135 while the Clean Energy Improvement Program
Municipalities’ Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) initiative. could be extended at commercial and industrial scale.136 On
September 7, 2021, the City of Calgary passed ‘The Clean
Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw’. The bylaw will establish the
Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) in Calgary and
Alberta lags other jurisdictions in terms of energy efficiency authorize the City to borrow up to $15 million for financing clean
policies and initiatives and has been performing worse in recent energy improvements on eligible properties.137 There remains a
years – in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Policy Scorecard for strong opportunity for both Calgary and municipalities within the
2020, the province fell to eighth position, a significant drop from Edmonton region to build on actions such as the bylaw to take a
its position as sixth last year.129 Currently, there are no formal leadership role in the development and deployment of energy
energy saving targets or any commitment to move towards net efficiency technologies. Stakeholders also indicated that there is
zero energy buildings in Alberta. Compared to the rest of Canada, an opportunity to improve the perception around energy efficiency
the province has the lowest petajoules of electricity saved from programming by prioritizing rebates and incentives for low-income
energy efficiency initiatives as a proportion of overall domestic families and individuals who need extra support upgrading their
sales of electricity.130 Alberta is also far behind in building homes.138
code requirements which impedes uptake of energy efficient
technologies and building techniques.131 THREATS
Cogeneration, the largest economic activity in Alberta’s energy Energy efficiency initiatives in Alberta have a long history of
efficiency sector, emits GHGs and incurs a carbon tax for non- fluctuations with change in government, as political interests
industrial applications under current policies. Cogeneration in energy efficiency have shifted.139 A low degree of support
production is largely oil-sands based, with lack of standardization for efficiency through frequent defunding or decisions to scrap
across the industry.132 Thus, over reliance on cogeneration will programs has led to persisting uncertainty around energy
make it difficult to achieve a net zero pathway. efficiency. The recent cancellation of the provincial carbon levy
and the ensuing closure of Energy Efficiency Alberta,140 has sent
Trades are highly regulated by Alberta government, and schools mixed signals to technology developers and investors in this space.
like NAIT and SAIT cannot modify trade curriculum at this time to
include more clean energy related topics. This limits the knowledge Beyond inconsistent policy and government support for energy
on different energy efficiency verticals and pathways among the efficiency, the largest threats to in-creased activity in this sector are
workforces.133 the lack of standards and regulations to spur activity.
Source: Market Snapshot: Alberta cogeneration capacity has grown significantly in the last 15 132
Source: A Review of Cogeneration in Alberta
years, led by oil sands projects 133
Source: SWOT Interview
Ibid. 134
Source: Suncor building $1.4B cogeneration units in Alberta oilsands 135
Source: City of Edmonton metropolitan region - Building Energy Retrofit Accelerator
Ibid. 136
Source: SWOT Interview
Source: Income Tax Folio S3-F8-C2, Tax Incentives for Clean Energy Equipment 137
See: Clean Energy Improvement Program Bylaw (escribemeetings.com)
Source: 2020 Canadian Plumbing & HVAC Industry Competitive Analysis by Province 138
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Source: Canadian Energy Efficiency Policy Scorecard – Alberta 139
Source: Unpacking the Climate Potential of Energy Efficiency
Source: 2020 Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard - Efficiency Canada 140
Source: 2020 Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard - Efficiency Canada
Source: SWOT interview
SWOT ANALYSIS — Alberta’s hydrogen economy is progressing in its pathway to
commercialization, with demonstration projects like a hydrogen
Source: B
uilding A Transition Pathway to A Vibrant Hydrogen Economy in The Alberta Industrial 155
Source: Task Force established to Advance Hydrogen Economy in Southeast Alberta
Heartland 156
Source: Hydrogen scaling up
Source: Government of Alberta - Natural Gas Vision and Strategy 157
Source: Building A Transition Pathway to A Vibrant Hydrogen Economy In The Alberta Industrial
Source: The Delphi Group AIHA Study. Heartland
Source: Hydrogen Strategy for Canada 158
Source: Emission Reduction Alberta - Alberta Zero-Emissions Truck Electrification Collaboration
Source: Government of Alberta - Natural Gas Vision and Strategy 159
Source: The Delphi Group – AIHA Study
See: https://erh2.ca/ 160
Source: Alberta’s hydrogen strategy – economic boon or blimp?
Source: The Delphi Group AIHA Study 161
Source: The Delphi Group AIHA Study
Source: Building an Albertan Hydrogen Economy 162
Source: Green Hydrogen, The Fuel Of The Future, Set For 50-Fold Expansion
Source: The Delphi Group AIHA Study 163
Source: The Bold and The Blue-tiful: Canadian Oil and Gas’ Role in the Hydrogen Economy
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee 164
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee
Ibid. 165
Source: A $100B opportunity: Alberta could emerge as Canada’s first hydrogen energy hub,
Source: SWOT Analysis Advisory Committee report says
Source: Suncor and ATCO partner on a potential world-scale clean hydrogen project in Alberta
Source: Air Products Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Net-Zero Hydrogen Energy Complex in 31
Edmonton metropolitan re-gion , Alberta, Canada
2.1 S
ub-sector Macro Trends and Alberta Innovation
Ecosystem Benchmarking
Achieving a comprehensive energy transition that not only reduces Within the low-carbon hydrogen market, Alberta is positioned
emissions but facilitates and accelerates economic growth requires as a potentially competitive ecosystem, with the continued
pursuing areas of opportunity for Albertan companies to launch deployment of large-scale projects and emergence of early-
and export technologies that underpin an energy transition. A stage innovators.
critical challenge for governments seeking to lead in technology
innovation is resisting the temptation to attempt picking local Becoming a technology contender in hydrogen production
winners, and instead develop a comprehensive innovation will require Alberta to go beyond attracting and promoting
ecosystem that fosters innovation and perpetual advantage in large projects; it will require investment in an ecosystem that
technology development. Building innovation clusters (research, launches successful innovation
demonstration, supply chain, manufacturing, commercial
deployment) around constituent technologies associated with However, producing hydrogen from non-renewable sources
energy transition will yield positive decarbonization benefits for presents challenges in the ability of current infrastructure to prevent
Alberta, but also contribute to offsetting economic trade-offs methane leakage from natural gas assets. It also requires use
associated with the energy transition, i.e., carving out places for of highly efficient carbon capture technologies to ensure that a
new local industries as the province’s energy supply shifts away threshold of 2.256 tCO2eq/tH2 (the threshold put forward by in
from oil and gas. the 2021 Renewable Hydrogen Coalition letter to EU Commission)
can be met. As a result, there is potential for enthusiasm around
To assess Alberta’s ability to participate in and lead technology
low-carbon hydrogen production technology to reach a plateau
development within the subsectors for energy transitions, the
globally, despite the growing need for hydrogen as a chemical.
project team took a demand-first approach to understand which
energy transition technologies are the focus of demand-pull. Within the low-carbon hydrogen market, Alberta is positioned as a
These demand-pull technologies were then compared against potentially competitive ecosystem, with the continued deployment
the ability of Alberta’s innovation ecosystem to launch and export of large-scale projects (such as the aforementioned $1.3 billion Air
technologies, versus global competitive ecosystems. Products facility and a forthcoming 11,000 tpa Suncor and ATCO
production facility) and emergence of early-stage innovators.
Proton Technologies is an example of an early-stage innovator
demonstrating the ability to bridge the R&D-to-commercial
This analysis reviewed global potential for uptake of hydrogen gap, already licensing technology to Whitecap Resources for
production technology, with a focus on the areas of existing production of hydrogen at 500 tons per day.
capabilities in Alberta, such as blue hydrogen (hydrogen from
Becoming a technology contender in hydrogen production will
natural gas, but still below a specific CO2 emissions threshold).
require Alberta to go beyond attracting and promoting large
Hydrogen will be a critical means for reducing emissions across projects; it will require investment in an ecosystem that launches
many industries’ emissions profiles, especially as part of a net zero successful innovation. Albertan hydrogen innovators received
strategy. The market for hydrogen, globally, is significant, currently less than $2 million in venture investments 2011 to 2021, versus
estimated at just below $200 billion and expected to grow to nearly $1.75 billion and $325 million in California Bay Area and
$420 billion by 2030 and reach $2.5 trillion by 2050.166 Investors Northern England innovators, respectively. A focus on applied
and corporations globally have demonstrated an eagerness to research and comprehensive technology transfer to industry will
participate in financing of low-carbon hydrogen (grey and blue not only launch innovators into a fertile demonstration market, but
hydrogen) production technologies, with venture capital firms likely be an attractive selling point to multinationals considering
having invested over $400 million into low-carbon hydrogen subsidiary locations.
production technologies since 2016.
The market for agriculture is highly fragmented, with a wide from the Bay Area Y Combinator Accelerator. Moreover,
array of technologies and chemicals used on farms, in livestock momentum is building to position Alberta as a subsidiary
operations, in agricultural product manufacturing, and monitoring destination for global incumbents – in 2021 U.K. alternative
of each production phase. In this analysis, agricultural technology protein company Meatless Farm announced a large-scale
directly relevant to an energy transition was the focus and was production facility to be opened in Alberta.
segmented into three buckets: agricultural efficiency (including
robotics, monitoring and automation, and electrification of Capitalizing on this momentum, and Alberta’s natural advantages,
equipment), crop biosciences (including engineered crops and necessitates intentional efforts to transfer technology into the
sustainable crop treatments), and alternative proteins (proteins commercial market and attract more financing to local innovators
from non-animal sources: from crops or lab-engineered materials). – the biggest disadvantage that Alberta faces in alternative
proteins is that competing supplier ecosystems are launching
The global markets for agricultural efficiency technology are tomorrow’s global incumbents (e.g., $2.4 billion of venture
still highly fragmented by application area but are beginning to investment into California Bay Area companies that birthed
move toward consolidation – many hardware technologies focus Impossible Foods and Beyond). A critical component of the Bay
on one function but are being unified and coordinated through Area ecosystem is highly focused R&D efforts at local universities
improvements in connectivity and software. The crop biosciences to launch dedicated alternative protein research labs that
market presents the challenge of requiring large-scale operations collaborate with multinational corporations (e.g., the California
to take early-stage ventures into global markets, requiring Berkeley Alternative Meats X-Lab). This is the type of effort that
significantly more capital than more scalable software or even Alberta likely can replicate at the earliest stages of innovation to
electronics technologies. ensure that R&D is demand-oriented and attracts investor attention
early on.
Both markets remain relatively small; agricultural efficiency slated
to grow to $10.8 billion by 2023, and crop biosciences to just Another key area of growth for Alberta is in agricultural carbon
under $2 billion by 2025. Alberta boasts a rich agricultural abatement. Alberta has transacted over 16 mega-tonnes (Mt) of
ecosystem as well as an advantage of proximity to export markets, on-farm offset credits. As a result, aggregators and producers
including the United States and Asia. Despite the strong potential have developed considerable expertise in this area. Telus Ventures
for export of agricultural end-products, Alberta lags behind recently invested in Radicle Group,167 a carbon abatement
competitive regions with regards to ability to launch and sustain project developer based in Alberta which has transacted over
innovation. While the province has some emerging innovators 6 Mt of carbon. In parallel to the growth of CCUS technology
such as Trustbix, G2V or Future Fields have all recently raised demand, the call for nature-based carbon abatement solutions
multi-million-dollar investments. Verge (agricultural software) and decarbonization options in the agriculture value chain, which
and Decisive Farming (crop biosciences), there is significantly accounts for roughly 17 per cent of global emissions, will grow.
less financing volume to innovators than peer ecosystems. Further
leveraging of a strong constellation of university and government- Alberta boasts a rich agricultural ecosystem as well as an
funded research into areas such as crop biotechnology (University advantage of proximity to export markets, coupled with a
of Alberta and University of Lethbridge) and more intentional strong constellation of university and government-funded
efforts to fund pilot testing of emerging technologies can improve research into areas such as crop biotechnology.
the ability of Albertan technologies to move into export markets.
A key area of growth for Alberta is in agricultural carbon
Perhaps the most noteworthy development in agricultural abatement. Alberta has transacted over 16 mega-tonnes
technology in recent years has been the advent of alternative (Mt) of on-farm offset credits. As a result, aggregators and
proteins, which are expected to comprise 10 per cent of global producers have developed considerable expertise in this area.
protein market share by 2029 for a $140 billion market size.
Alberta has unique resources allowing it to potentially participate Capitalizing on this momentum, and Alberta’s natural
in this market, namely, an abundance of land, access to water, advantages, necessitates intentional efforts to transfer
availability of key feed-stocks (peas and beans), and established technology into the commercial market and attract more
research programs in food science and bioscience in local financing to local innovators.
Source: R
adicle Announces Investment by TELUS Ventures to Accelerate Growth | Radicle (radiclebalance.com)
KEY FINDINGS: ENERGY EFFICIENCY The abundance of industrial operations in Alberta creates a
potentially vibrant opportunity zone for corporate incumbents to
During the shift to alternative energy sources and fuels, achieving test energy efficiency and waste heat recovery technologies. It
net zero requires that operators of facilities, and especially also presents an opportunity for innovators of these technologies
industrial operations, optimize energy and heat usage at every to secure critical pilot testing and demonstration platforms. Alberta
operational turn. The global market for waste heat recovery and has some existing advantages in digital technologies for energy
reuse alone is estimated at $50 billion, and the market for energy efficiency, rooted in local innovation and deployment of digital
efficiency in buildings is already over $100 billion. oilfield technologies, which received $44 million in investment
over the past decade. While Albertan technologies in this field
Alberta has some existing advantages in digital technologies have indeed received market traction, e.g., Hifi with GE, Shell,
for energy efficiency, rooted in local innovation and and Suncor, Alberta accounts for only one per cent of digital
deployment of digital oilfield technologies, which received oilfield venture investments globally in that same period. Similarly,
$44 million in investment over the past decade while there has been enough venture financing to keep the energy
efficiency sector healthy in Alberta (total $182.4 million since
The abundance of industrial operations in Alberta creates
2011), the ecosystem is significantly outpaced by other innovation
a potentially vibrant opportunity zone for corporate
hubs such as the Bay Area ($7.3 billion) and Munich ($1.42
incumbents to test energy efficiency and waste heat recovery
technologies. It also presents an opportunity for innovators
of these technologies to secure critical pilot testing and
Collectively, Alberta’s waste heat recovery innovators have
demonstration platforms.
raised just over $81 million since 2011, more than innovators
in competing ecosystems such as Sweden ($59 million in the
The dropping price of sensors and improved accessibility of
same period) and the United Kingdom ($68.8 million).
artificial intelligence technology has instigated an acceleration of
capabilities to not only monitor but automate control of buildings Waste heat recovery, especially, presents a unique
and on-site energy assets. Smart equipment, energy-savings-as- opportunity for Alberta to position itself as the premier global
a-service, and next-generation building information modeling innovation ecosystem, and continue momentum in launching
technology companies are recording record numbers of investment differentiated waste heat recovery innovation, with University
– at time of writing, more financing went toward energy efficiency of Calgary graduates founding established waste heat
innovators in the first three quarters of 2021 than in all of 2019 recovery companies such as Genalta Power and Kanin Energy.
and 2020. Waste heat recovery, too, is on an upward trajectory
of industrial uptake, as technologies mature and corporations Waste heat recovery, especially, presents a unique opportunity
come under more pressure to reduce emissions and record more for Alberta to position itself as the premier global innovation
efficiency in operations – waste heat technologies such as electro ecosystem. Large corporate projects such as Siemens’ and TC
turbo compounding can reduce CO2 emissions of existing systems Energy’s forthcoming waste-heat-to-power facility (announced in
by 15 per cent or generate 10 per cent more power. 2021) to power 10,000 homes, alongside NuVista’s four waste
heat recovery units across Grande Prairie are all tangible pipelines
creating demand of local innovators. Alberta has momentum in
launching differentiated waste heat recovery innovation, with
University of Calgary graduates founding established waste heat
recovery companies such as Genalta Power and Kanin Energy.
CCUS technologies, capturing CO2 from fuel combustion or Alberta’s greatest advantages in developing a competitive
industrial processes and using it as a feedstock or sequestering it CCUS innovation ecosystem comes from access to large-scale
long-term, are critical both to reducing industrial emissions and industrial processes, which offer collaborative opportunities
creating bridge processes that reduce fossil fuel emissions during for innovators to pilot technologies and for incumbents to
the eventual shift to renewables. The International Energy Agency invest further in subsidiary operations to access knowledge.
(IEA) names CCUS as one of the four “key pillars” of global
energy transitions and the market is estimated to reach $3.5 billion Where Alberta loses ground versus competitive ecosystems
by 2025. is the launch of innovative companies out of local universities
compared to innovators in California and U,K. innovators
Alberta’s greatest advantages in developing a competitive where they benefit greatly from significant fundraising rounds
CCUS innovation ecosystem comes from access to large-scale sup-ported by industrial incumbents.
industrial processes, which offer collaborative opportunities
for innovators to pilot technologies and for incumbents to invest Given Alberta’s strength in large projects, which will
further in subsidiary operations to access knowledge. Global accelerate need for CCUS through continued hydrogen
incumbents such as Lafarge Holcim are engaging the ecosystem growth, and active corporate collaboration with innovators,
through col-laboration with Carbon Upcycling and acceleration it is likely that similar financing could emerge in Alberta to
of Carbonova. The relative abundance of corporate players and support CCUS innovators through the growth continuum.
projects makes Alberta one of the best venues for innovators to
connect to demand.
Despite a slow start, the market for electric vehicle (EV) charging
infrastructure is set to expand precipitously through this decade
to a market size of $150 billion by 2030. As EVs become more
affordable and uptake by consumer, commercial, and industrial
buyers continue to expand, rolling out a comprehensive charging
infrastructure will become a challenge area for many geographies
Alberta has local advantages that can already be leveraged for More specific recommendations for Alberta’s innovation
near-term wins in areas such as waste heat recovery, geothermal, ecosystem include:
and CCUS. However, other areas covered in this analysis, namely
• Capitalizing on waste heat recovery technology development
energy efficiency for buildings, grid digitalization, and electric
in high-heat industries is a key opportunity for Alberta.
vehicle charging, all have overlap in large-scale corporate
players and investors. Coordinated efforts to develop an Alberta Developing a value chain of underlying components, multi-
value chain around these technologies, e.g., focus on developing application products, and innovative service models will
and deploying the technologies that solve Alberta’s unique improve exportability. As an example, multiple sites in Alberta
challenges first, is a strategy to arrive at a portfolio of technologies have piloted next- generation waste heat recovery technology
that can eventually be exported to other similar economies. See at pipeline compression sites, including the 2021-announced
the proposed prioritization grid below for more detail. Siemens and TransCanada project to feed energy (enough to
power 10,000 homes and offset 44,000 T CO2e per year)
from recovered waste heat at a pipeline compression site into a
local grid, and a NuVista deployment at various compression
sites that will offset 4,500 T CO2e per year.
3.1 Value Proposition Statements Alberta is also home to some of the most livable and safe cities in
the world,180 with easy access to the Rocky Mountains and world
Unique value propositions for Alberta, Calgary and the Edmonton class national and provincial park systems, affordable residential
Metropolitan Region were developed to highlight the key strengths and commercial real estate and high-quality education and
and differentiators of each region as it relates to clean technology healthcare. Alberta also boasts some of the most business-friendly
development. The three individual value proposition statements policies in North America, including a low corporate tax rate,
developed as part of the study follow. currently at just 8 per cent - the lowest in Canada.181
ENERGY TRANSITION VALUE PROPOSITION: ALBERTA Alberta has a long history of collaboration, capital deployment
and resource mobilization to execute large-scale, innovative
Alberta is uniquely positioned to bridge the transition to a
projects, such as the development of the steam-assisted gravity
low-carbon economy. Rich in natural resources and serving as
drainage (SAGD) technology, a transformational, multibillion-
Canada’s energy powerhouse, Alberta has a long history of
dollar oil sands initiative.182 Alberta is ready for our next great
carbon policies and an established, sophisticated carbon market,
challenge: the energy transition.
creating favourable deployment conditions for clean technology.
Alberta has had an industrial carbon pricing system in place since
2007 and has transacted over 15 megatonnes of compliance-
quality, nature-based climate solutions since its creation.168 Calgary is Canada’s innovation hub, with the highest
concentration of high-tech workers, proportion of STEM graduates
Alberta is home to one of the largest industrial centres in Canada,
and labour force productivity of all major Canadian cities.183
which includes a high concentration of energy companies shifting
Calgary is also home to the most head offices per capita of any
their focus toward decarbonization and a clean energy transition.
major Canadian city,184 including utilities, telecommunication
Currently, 75 per cent of all clean technology investments by
providers, transportation and logistics operators and virtually
Canadian companies ($1.4 billion annually) come from the oil
all major Canadian energy companies. This density and
and natural gas sector169 – and that number is only expected to
diversity means direct access to customers and decision-
grow. A formal alliance, Oilsands Pathway to Net Zero170, was
makers. Technology developers are taking notice of this unique
launched in July 2021 by the province’s largest energy companies
advantage, with 70 per cent of Alberta’s cleantech firms based in
– Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Cenovus Energy, Imperial
Calgary.185 Calgary is considered to be one of the top 15 markets
Oil, MEG Energy and Suncor Energy. To achieve net zero in
for cleantech development globally. The city’s holistic start-up
Alberta, it is estimated that heavy industry will need to invest
ecosystem, talent pool and cleantech focus have the potential to
more than $2.2 billion in cleantech development and deployment
make Calgary an energy transition leader.
annually by 2030, rising to $5.4 billion annually by 2040.171 With
this investment, it is estimated that by 2040 the cleantech sector Its key laboratories and test centres, such as the Alberta Carbon
will contribute $15 billion to Alberta’s GDP, a massive market Conversion Technology Centre (AC-CTC)186, the Avatar Energy
opportunity. Transition Centre,187 Exergy Solutions188 and the Advancing
Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA) Laboratory189 at Pine
The cleantech ecosystem in Alberta is strengthened by world-
Creek, are accelerating the pace of commercialization of new
class laboratories and test centres, such as the Water Technology
ventures, complementing Edmonton’s manufacturing and industrial
Development Centre,172 C-FER Technologies,173 the Centre for Grid
heartland narrative. Strong government and public support for
Innovation174 and the CanmetENERGY Devon Research Centre,175
local research and expertise also makes access to land for testing
as well as top-ranking universities. The University of Alberta
and development significantly easier than in other jurisdictions.
consistently ranks on the global top 100 universities list and ranks
3rd globally as an Artificial Intelligence research centre176. Clean The Economist’s 2019 Global Livability Index190 ranked Calgary
technology development is also supported by strong public grant the fifth most livable city in the world. It offers premium office and
programs, including Alberta Innovates, which will invest $159 industrial space (with amazing views of the Rockies), a strong
million in clean technology projects in 2021177, and Emissions complement of support services (IT, engineering, legal) and a
Reduction Alberta (ERA). ERA is a unique provincial funding highly integrated transportation and logistics system.
structure that leverages industrial carbon levies to support projects
that drive heavy industry emission reductions.178 Over the past Calgary is an entrepreneurial hot spot in Canada, consistently
decade ERA has provided $646 million in funding to over 204 ranking on Start-up Genome’s Emerging Ecosystem List.191 The
emission reduction projects across Alberta.179 2021 Start-up Genome report ranked Calgary 2nd place in the
National ‘Bang for Buck’ Ecosystem category192. Calgary boasts
Pricing Carbon Pollution in Alberta_Mar2019_final (pembina.org) 181
F ederal and Provincial-Territorial Tax Rates for Income Earned by a
Canadian oil and natural gas is a cleantech industry - Context Magazine CCPC—2020 and 2021 (home.kpmg)
by CAPP 182
Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority - Oil Sands - Alberta’s
Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero - Helping Canada achieve its climate goals Energy Heritage
Source: Delphi’s future market growth assessment economic model 183
PowerPoint Presentation (calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com)
The Water Technology Development Centre | Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation 184
PowerPoint Presentation (calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com)
Alliance - COSIA 185
Startup Genome
Home | C-FER TECHNOLOGIES (cfertech.com) 186
Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre (ACCTC) - InnoTech Alberta
Centre for Grid Innovation - Industry Solutions (nait.ca) 187
General 4 — Avatar Innovations
CanmetENERGY in Devon (nrcan.gc.ca) 188
Agile Engineering and 3D Printing Experts - Get Exergy working for you!
ai | Research + Innovation (ualberta.ca) (exergysolutions.com)
https://albertainnovates.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Alberta-Inno- 189
Laboratories | Research at UCalgary | University of Calgary
vates-2021-24-BUSINESS-PLAN_Final.pdf 190
Liveability-Free-report-2019.pdf (cbeinternational.ca)
Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation | Alberta.ca 191
Startup Genome
Impact - Emissions Reduction Alberta (eralberta.ca) 192
Startup Genome
Liveability-Free-report-2019.pdf (cbeinternational.ca)
a strong support network of post secondary-institutions including in carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS); hydrogen
the University of Calgary, SAIT and Mount Royal University, production; and digitalization. In 2018 Edmonton was ranked
co-working spaces (Assembly193, EFFECTIV194, ResourceYYC195, as one of the Top 100 Best Cities to Live globally.216 Edmonton,
WorkNicer196), business accelerator programs (The Accelerator197, is an exceptionally livable city, with affordable real estate and
Platform198, Plug and Play199, SVG Thrive200 GreenSTEM201) access to high-quality education and healthcare. The region’s 14
and an emerging financing nucleus. Over the past decade, the municipalities are individually unique, include a population of 1.4
Calgary region has undergone a profound shift in the way it seeks million and are bursting with potential.
to support its entrepreneurs and create a culture of innovation.
Programs such as Rainforest Alberta,202 Creative Destruction Lab The Edmonton Metropolitan Region is home to Canada’s first
(CDL)-Rockies203 and collaborative networks such as the Central and largest hydrogen hub,217 which builds off its extensive CCUS
Alberta Regional Innovation Network (CARiN)204 and the Clean expertise. The Edmonton region is one of the largest producers
Resource Innovation Network (CRIN)205 have allowed a shift in of hydrogen globally and has deep technical expertise in
mindset in the region, promoting a culture of collaboration. producing low-cost and low-emission hydrogen – in addition
to having well-established energy transportation, pipeline and
Calgary is emerging as an ag-tech expertise and talent centre. CCUS infrastructure, such as the ACTL (Alberta Carbon Trunk
Institutes such as Olds College206, the University of Lethbridge207, Line)218, the world’s largest CO2 pipeline. With a robust R&D-
and the Integrated Agriculture Technology Centre at Lethbridge to-commercialization pipeline, concentration of heavy industry,
College208 have unparalleled technical capabilities across the transportation corridor, and considerable government support for
agribusiness supply chain. Alberta’s proven success with carbon large-scale projects219 – such as Air Products’ $1.3 billion net zero
tax and carbon marketplace mechanisms also lends itself well hydrogen energy complex220 – the region has a built-in hydrogen
to agriculture’s carbon offset and nature-based sequestration market. This in turn will position the region to capitalize on the
potential. With a growth projection of 13 per cent year-over-year, large potential export market for hydrogen. Sixty-six countries
Calgary’s agribusiness sector is forecast to invest $246 million in have 2050 net zero targets221 and hydrogen is being included in
digital transformation by 2024209, while agtech globally is forecast short, medium and long-term planning. Key industrial players plan
to become a $725 billion (USD) industry by 2023210. With its to increase hydrogen investment six-fold by 2025, with a potential
history of farming, skilled workforce, world-class academic and for a 16-fold increase in investment by 2030.222
research institutions, and renowned entrepreneurial spirit, Calgary
is poised for significant growth and investment in ag-tech. The Edmonton region has established itself as a leading artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) research cluster,
ENERGY TRANSITION VALUE PROPOSITION: backed by strong post-secondary and research capabilities and
EDMONTON METROPOLITAN REGION a thriving startup ecosystem. The region is home to dozens of
startups leveraging artificial intelligence innovation – in the last
The Edmonton Metropolitan Region is the manufacturing and few years these companies have raised hundreds of millions.
industrial heartland of Alberta, with GDP, income and population The region is home to the University of Alberta, which is ranked
growth expanding by three times the Canadian average over the 3rd in artificial intelligence research globally223, and the Alberta
past five years.211 The Edmonton region is also home to a thriving Machine Intelligence Institute, part of the Pan-Canadian AI
technology ecosystem. The CBRE’s 2021 Scoring Tech Talent Strategy.224 Edmonton was rated as an AI up-and-comer by
Report ranked Edmonton as the fastest growing tech ecosystem in Global Startup Ecosystem225 and has already attracted corporate
North America.212 investment from major global players like Google and Amazon.226
A built-in local market and strong pool of first customers for digital
Home to Western Canada’s largest manufacturing hub,213 the
technologies can be found in Alberta’s industrial base, many
region is the gateway to Canada’s north , a strategic advantage
of whom are looking to drive efficiency and productivity and
when accessing Asian markets.
transform how they do business. A close proximity to customers
The Edmonton region’s robust research ecosystem and post- and access to extensive data sets also creates a natural feedback
secondary institutions, such as the Northern Alberta Institute of loop for algorithm refinement and accelerated development.
Technology (NAIT)214 and the University of Alberta (which is Navius Research estimates that the annual growth rate within the
ranked among the top 100 post-secondaries in the world for digitalization sector will reach 18 per cent over the next decade,
graduate employability)215 support its clean technology expertise spurred locally by digital oil field applications and large market
opportunities across a wide range of economic sectors.
Assembly Coworking Space | Tech Start-ups and Small Business | Calgary 213
2017-Heartland-Industrial-Guide-FINAL.pdf (industrialheartland.com)
(assemblycs.com) 214
NAIT - A leading polytechnic committed to your success
About Us – EFFECTIV | Calgary coworking space U of A graduates rank among most employable in the world | Folio
ReSourceYYC | Calgary Coworking Office Space for Professionals (ualberta.ca)
Work Nicer Coworking | Calgary & Edmonton Coworking Community 216
World’s Best Cities - Best Cities
Canada’s first Hydrogen Hub: Boosting economy, creating jobs, tackling
Home » Platform Calgary climate crisis - Ryze Hydrogen
Plug and Play Alberta - Plug and Play Tech Center 218
Alberta Carbon Trunk Line - Alberta Major Projects
SVG Ventures | THRIVE launches in Canada and establishes their innovation 219
Alberta: Government Is Charting A New, Diversified Future For The Natural
and investment platform with headquarters in Calgary, Alberta - THRIVE Gas Sector And Hydrogen Playing A Leading Role - FuelCellsWorks
(thriveagrifood.com) 220
Air Products Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Net-Zero Hydrogen Energy
GreenSTEM | Alberta.ca Complex in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Rainforest Alberta - HOME PAGE (rainforestab.ca) 221
United Nations: Sixty-Six Countries Committed To Net Zero CO2 Emissions
Calgary - Creative Destruction Lab By 2050 (ndtv.com)
HOME - Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network (ca-rin.ca) 222
Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) ing-with-more-than-300-billion-in-project-pipeline/
Research & Innovation (oldscollege.ca) 223
David Staples: Edmonton leading way in artificial intelligence research |
Welcome to the University of Lethbridge | University of Lethbridge Edmonton Journal
(ulethbridge.ca) 224
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute | AI for good and for all (amii.ca)
Integrated Agriculture Technology Centre | IATC at Lethbridge College 225
Investing in AI is good business for Alberta | Alberta School of Business
Agri-business (calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com) (ualberta.ca)
Dentons - AgTech and AI – influential agribusiness trends in Alberta 226
Artificial Intelligence - Edmonton Global
Economic Strength | City of Edmonton - Industrial (edmontonindustrial.ca)
Edmonton region a top destination for tech company expansion - Edmonton
Alberta and its core urban centers – Calgary and the Edmonton
Metropolitan Region – offer clean technology investors several
benefits including affordable housing and a high quality of living.
Alberta’s extensive energy sector infrastructure complements
many energy transition technology pathways, including hydrogen,
CCUS and energy storage, potentially accelerating pilot project
and demonstration timelines in these areas.
Alberta’s oil and gas sector is one of the largest investors in clean
technology in Canada and the sector continues to implement
leading technologies to drive annual emission reductions and
operational efficiencies. One of the largest challenges likely lies
in changing the Alberta energy sector narrative to an energy
transition narrative. This is a conversation that has been taking
place over the last decade and while inroads have been made,
Alberta’s reputation as solely an oil and gas producer persists,
Source: Latest CBRE report shows Canada has some of the fastest-growing tech talent pools in North America | BetaKit
This report contains a great deal of information about Alberta’s A strong focus on developing the skillsets needed to build out
clean technology ecosystem and clean economy. But what does Alberta’s future workforce will be essential to strengthen Alberta’s
it all mean in terms of where Alberta’s strengths lie and what clean economy. Reskilling and training programs for energy sector
opportunities we should be focusing on? workers should play a role in this transition. Many energy sector
skills naturally lend themselves to the cleantech sector, which
Based on Alberta’s current assets and areas of strengths, means that Alberta has an advantageous position when it comes
there is a clear opportunity to bridge the province’s energy to talent access. Bringing in new skillsets, currently not present in
sector through the energy transition. Development of clean the province, should also be a priority. Alberta’s affordable real
technology sub-sectors can utilize energy sector assets to estate market, high standard of living and world-class recreation
accelerate commercialization and decarbonization, specifically access will be important selling features when trying to bring top
hydrogen production and utilization, as well as CCUS. Several talent to the province.
technology pathways, including energy efficiency, digitalization,
and electrification, should also be a focus for the province, as Energy efficiency, digitalization, and electrification need
these sub-sectors need to be developed in concert to reduce to be a focus for the province as sub-sectors that should be
impacts from the energy sector while helping unlock larger plays developed in concert to reduce impacts from the energy
like hydrogen and CCUS more quickly. Lastly, given Alberta’s sector while accelerating the unlocking of larger plays like
expertise and reputation as an agriculture centre, not only within hydrogen and CCUS.
Canada but globally, there is significant opportunity for Alberta to
develop ag-tech solutions for in-house use and global export.
From a cleantech development perspective, both Calgary and Both approaches, although unique, operate effectively in tandem.
the Edmonton Metropolitan Region are emerging as focal points Calgary, with its proximity to head office decision-makers and
within Canada. Alberta’s urban centers have taken different high density of cleantech ventures, is developing clean technology
approaches to how they want to capitalize on their respective that can find local deployment sites and first customers within
cleantech opportunities; however, the approaches complement the EMR’s Industrial Heartland. Together, both urban centres are
one another. The Edmonton region, which includes Alberta’s creating a natural innovation corridor within Alberta.
Industrial Heartland, is within close proximity to industrial
infrastructure and assets, including refineries and pipeline net- To achieve the capital investment required for a successful net zero
works. These assets create a natural development and deployment pathway in Alberta, significant foreign direct investment (FDI) will
area for hard-tech solutions like hydrogen and CCUS. The be needed. At this time, some negative signals are being sent to
Edmonton Metropolitan Region is also looking to set itself apart investors that may indicate that the energy transition and serious
from competing jurisdictions by creating deep expertise within pursuit of clean technology development is not a priority for
emerging technology pathways, such as AI and ML. Alberta. This includes the cancellation of the Alberta Investor Tax
Credit, the closure of Alberta’s provincial energy efficiency agency
Calgary on the other hand is taking a slightly different approach – Energy Efficiency Alberta and the provincial government’s
in that it is seeking to build out a strong start-up ecosystem that can decision to repeal Alberta’s carbon tax.
support ventures across the spectrum of ‘cleantech’. Calgary is less
hub-focused and instead concentrating its efforts on becoming Despite these headlines, it doesn’t tell Alberta’s complete
a strong overall innovation ecosystem. This is seen by the fact cleantech story. The province is sending positive signals to
that currently 70 per cent of Alberta’s cleantech companies investors that clean technology development is a priority,
are headquartered in Calgary. It was also ranked as a top 15 including net zero targets and commitments from oil and gas
cleantech market by Start-up Genome. companies, strong small business practices and low taxation
rates, strong public funding programs for emerging technology
The province is sending positive signals to investors that clean and investment in leading research institutions and test facilities to
technology development is a priority, including net zero accelerate commercialization timelines. For Alberta to maintain
targets and commitments from oil and gas companies, strong a cleantech leadership position, strong, consistent climate policy
small business practices and low taxation rates, strong public and leadership will be needed, as it will be key to securing FDI
funding programs for emerging technology and investment in for Alberta’s cleantech ventures and large-scale technology
leading research institutions and test facilities to accelerate demonstration projects.
commercialization timelines
Research and stakeholder engagement for this study yielded several recommendations to strengthen Alberta’s
cleantech ecosystem and to capitalize on Alberta’s leadership position in the clean economy, including:
Improve the presence of local investment/investors, A program designed to connect cleantech ventures with
including venture capital (VCs) and angels. first customers would benefit the province significantly.
Several stakeholders cited a lack of local investment presence This includes the development of municipal and Crown
as a reason for relocating their company. Alberta has seen a Corporation local-first deployment programs, with financial
number of new investment firms emerge in the last 18 to 24 incentives to help offset the perceived risk of pilot/demonstration
months, however more local investment is needed to keep projects. As mentioned throughout the report, there is no shortage
ventures based in Alberta. It was also noted that capital of potential first customers within Alberta. The willingness of
access tends to be better for start-ups than scale-ups and that customers to pilot or deploy new technology remains an issue.
investment for scaling ventures should be prioritized.
Given the large potential of these technology Increasing the percentage of renewable energy
pathways within Alberta, a more robust on Alberta’s grid will help drive further uptake of
telecommunication system would benefit deployment electrified technologies, which stand to benefit from a
and commercialization opportunities within these lower-emitting grid.
particular sectors. Alberta’s electricity grid is one of the most carbon-intensive
Rural areas throughout the province still struggle with broadband in Canada, although it also has one of the highest potential
network quality. This remains a potential barrier to the deployment renewable energy capacities in the country, and will need to do
of both ag-tech and digital oilfield solutions, which would this if it wants to remain competitive in the electrification space
be deployed in rural settings and require strong wireless or against other Canadian jurisdictions.
broadband networks to successfully deploy.
There is an opportunity to incorporate electrification
Alberta could demonstrate net zero leadership by into comprehensive climate, transportation and
driving alternative, sustainable product adoption with infrastructure plans – which are currently all
updated green procurement practices and product standalone strategies
certifications. Increased collaboration between government departments
Currently there is a lack of regulatory certainty, reliable incentives, will enable clean technology deployment opportunities by
and investment credits to reduce the capital-intensive investments creating an environment that supports the uptake of emerging
required for large-scale CCUS projects. Similarly, as new carbon- technology pathways.
derived products and alternatives begin to emerge, industrial
codes, product standards and green building/infrastructure rating
Consistent, strong climate policy and ESG leadership,
systems will need to evolve to encompass these new solutions.
including an overarching hydrogen utilization strategy,
is needed to create a ‘north star’ that guides clean
A narrative has begun to emerge about the carbon- technology development in Alberta.
impact of blue hydrogen. Alberta will need to begin This, perhaps more than other recommendation within the report,
to transform and control this narrative if hydrogen is was strongly endorsed by the project’s key stakeholders and
to remain a part of a net zero and energy transition Advisory Committee.
This should include increased marketing about the environmental
benefits of hydrogen utilization and the role hydrogen has to play
in clean energy generation.
Project Methodologies
The economic model for the study was developed using multiple The future-facing economic model utilized the same NAICS
statistical data sets – Statistics Canada’s Environmental and codes and definitions as the baseline model to bound the scope
Clean Technology Products Economic Account (ECTPEA) and of the sub-sectors analyzed. The future market growth assessment
business counts for Alberta, and HS Commodity Code-linked developed an annual growth rate for each sub-sector using
data. Together, these economic datasets measure the economic several forecasts from established sources, including McKinsey
contribution of environmental and clean technology products in (global), Navius Research (local), SNC Lavalin (global),
terms of output, gross domestic product (GDP), employment (i.e., Bloomberg (global), the International Energy Agency (IEA)
number of jobs), and international trade (i.e., export-generated (global) and the AESO (Alberta Energy Systems Operator) (local).
revenue). Jobs, real GDP, and export revenue were estimated by A blend of localized and global growth rates was used to develop
analyzing specific industries in the Alberta provincial business an averaged, unique growth factor for each cleantech sub-sector.
accounts that are operating in the cleantech space. A summary of the average annual growth rate used for each sub-
sector can be found in the Table A1 below.
The Statistics Canada cleantech economic dataset and Alberta
business counts were useful at the macro level, but a more VALUE PROPOSITION DEVELOPMENT
granular level of detail was required for this study to determine
the economic contribution of the 16 selected energy transition Key findings and stakeholder feedback generated from the
technology sub-sectors. This was accomplished by refining the SWOT Analysis and Ecosystem Bench-marking Analysis were
HS Commodity Codes used to better match clean technology used as the foundation for the value propositions. Additional
development and clean economy activities across the 16 sub- research was conducted to fill in gaps and provide evidence
sectors. Considerable research in identifying clean HS codes has to support stakeholder claims. Three SMEs also provided their
taken place over the past 20 years and this research is continuing direct feedback via a primary interview process. The companies
today. The United States Trade Administration (USTA), the World provided their perspective on the advantages Alberta, Calgary
Trade Organization (WTO), Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region offer to prospective
(APEC), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and founders and business owners who may be looking to relocate
Development (OECD), and Statis-tics Canada have all been their cleantech companies. The interviews were developed into
working to classify cleantech export and import activities with accompanying case studies, not published in this report.
best-fit HS Commodity Codes. These classifications are accepted A draft value proposition was developed for each of the 3
globally. identified regions and presented to a group of key stakeholders
It is important to note that some NAICS codes were mapped to (i.e., Advisory Committee) to gauge their initial reactions to the
more than one sub-sector and in such cases the duplication has statements and gather further insight on the strengths that should
been netted out. GDP and job numbers have been filtered through be highlighted for each unique statement. Stakeholders were also
intensity ratios at the industry level developed by Statistics Canada asked if the statements told an accurate narrative and were asked
for Alberta. For the waste management and advanced recycling if the narrative rang true based on their own experiences within
technologies sub-sector, only estimates for remediation and the ecosystem. There was a consensus that the narratives were true
material recovery materials (recycling) were included. Activities for and accurate, with a need for more examples to demonstrate the
waste collection and disposal were excluded. claims within the statements.
Table A1 - Net Zero Growth Projection Trends, by Sub-Sector
Table B1. Cleantech Sub-sector Definitions:
Carbon capture, utilization Low-carbon concrete, direct air capture and carbon sequestration technologies and
and storage infrastructure
Renewable energy generation Projects and facilities that generate renewable energy from solar, wind, geothermal and run-
of-river hydro
Sustainable fuel production, including aviation fuels, ethanol, biodiesel, renewable natural
Sustainable fuel development gas and biogas
Technologies that monitor emissions (e.g. sensors, surveillance, cameras) and abate emission
Methane monitoring and abatement releases (leak prevention solutions for pipelines, flare units)
Modular nuclear systems designed for localized power generation, such as for oil sands
Small modular reactors
Technologies to improve the yield and efficiency of agricultural operations and to create
Ag-tech and agriculture
alternative products.
Technologies, materials and supply chain. Batteries, compressed air and pumped hydro
Energy storage are included.
Sustainable, alternative and Covers biochemicals, alternative bitumen products such as bitumen beyond combustion
high-tech materials pathways, bioplastics, biopharma and engineered forest products
Technologies that reduce water consumption – commercial and residential – and improve the
Water efficiency and effectiveness and efficiency of wastewater treatment, especially contamination and heavy
wastewater treatment
metal processing
Covers a wide-range of technologies that increase the digital capacity and efficiency of
Digitalization various sub-sectors, including sensors, data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning,
IoT, data management, software solutions and augmented/virtual reality applications such as
digital twins and training
Table B2: Cleantech Subsector and NAICS Codes
Sub-sector NAICS
Sub-sector NAICS
Aviation Fuel re-fineries
Note: Double counting was avoided for NAICS codes which were included in more than one sub-sector.
Table B3: Job and GDP Intensity Ratios (Statistics Canada)
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage 0.5 per cent 0.6 per cent
Energy efficiency (e.g., co-generation, high-performance 11.8 per cent 14.9 per cent
HVAC equipment)
Energy storage technologies, materials and supply 100.0 per cent 100.0 per cent
chain (e.g., lithium extraction)
Waste management and advanced recycling technologies 95.1 per cent 95.3 per cent
Sustainable fuel development, including transportation fuels (e.g., 6.9 per cent 3.2 per cent
aviation, biodiesel, biogas and renewable natural gas
Small Modular Reactor (SMR) development (i.e., modular nuclear) 13.5 per cent 17.9 per cent
Methane monitoring and abatement 9.6 per cent 13.5 per cent
Digitalization (IoT, sensors, data analytics, AI, machine learning, 13.3 per cent 17.3 per cent
AR/VR/digital twins, data management)
Water efficiency and wastewater treatment technologies 95.1 per cent 100.0 per cent
Sub-sector Exoprts Imports
Table B4: Summary of Clean Technology GDP and Jobs, by Clean Technology Subsector, Alberta
Carbon capture, utilization, $44 -7.8 per cent 220 -6.8 per cent
and storage
Energy efficiency (e.g., co-generation, $442 -0.3 per cent 3,524 1.9 per cent
high-performance HVAC equipment)
Renewable energy production $325 0.9 per cent 1,173 -2.1 per cent
Waste management
and advanced recycling $318 -1.3 per cent 2,449 4.3 per cent
Electrification (including
vehicle and rail electrification
technologies) and grid $191 -2.7 per cent 1,157 8.3 per cent
infrastructure, including smart
grid capabilities
Small Modular Reactor (SMR) $16 -12.4 per cent 115 -12.4 per cent
development (i.e., modular nuclear)
Methane monitoring and abatement $47 18.5 per cent 117 -6.7 per cent
Water efficiency and wastewater $492 1.1 per cent 989 6.6 per cent
treatment technologies
Ag-tech and agriculture $99 -2.6 per cent 1,270 -6.8 per cent
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
HS 854590
HS 680710 - Articles of
- Asphalt or Carbon or
Similar Material Graphite - For
Articles - in Rolls Electrical
Purposes, Nes
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
HS 841090
Hs 841011 Hs 841013 Hs 854140 -
Hs 841012 -Hydraulic
Biogas - Hydraulic - Hydraulic Photosensitive
Energy - Hydraulic turbines Hs 850231
Renewable Hs 271600 generator sets; Turbines And Turbines Semiconductor
Production / Turbines And elsewhere - Electric
Energy - Electrical Gas Generator Water Wheels And Water Devices,
Integration Water Wheels specified and Generating Sets
Generation Energy (ex-85023900) - Power Not Wheels - Power Photo-voltaic
- Power 1,000- water wheels; - Wind-Powered
[Ch] Exceeding Exceeding Cells And Light
10,000 Kw parts, including
1,000 Kw 10,000 Kw Emitting Diodes
HS 290433
Hs 850690 HS 280519 -
Hs 850630 - - Lithium
- Parts Of Alkali Metals HS 282520 - HS 283691
Primary Cells perfluorooctane
Primary Cells (Other than Lithium Oxide - Lithium
And Batteries - sulphonate,
And Primary Sodium and and Hydroxides Carbonates
Mercuric Oxide whether or not
Batteries Calcium)
HS 382479
HS 854330 -
- Other
Machines and
Mixtures Cntg
Hydrogen Hydrogen HS 280410 - Apparatus For
Economy Production Hydrogen Electroplating,
Derivatives of
Electrolysis or
or Propane,Nes
HS 870390 -
Motor Vehicles
Hydrogen Hydrogen
- Passenger
Economy Transportation
Transport -
Other Nes
Hs 850680 -
Primary Cells
Hydrogen Hydrogen Use And Batteries
Economy - Other Nes
(Including Fuel
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
HS 293319 -
HS 292320
HS 110814 HS 293311 Compounds
HS 110812 - - Lecithins
Hs 110811 - HS 110813 - - Manioc HS 110819 - HS 110820 - - Phenazone Containing
Bio-Products Biochemicals Maize (Corn) and Other
wheat starch Potato Starch (Cassava) Starch-es Nes Inulin (Antipyrin) and An Unfused
Starch Phosphoam-
Starch Its Derivatives Pyrazole Ring
in The Structure,
HS 293349
HS 293340 -
HS 293329 - HS 293339 - - Other
Heterocyclic Heterocyclic Heterocyclic
HS 293333 - Compounds
Compounds Com-pounds HS 293341 - Compounds
HS 293321 - HS 293331 - HS 293332 - Methylphendate Containing A
Containing Containing Levorphanol Containing A
Hydantoin and Pyridine and Its Piperidine and (Inn), Similar Quinoline or
An Unfused An Unfused (Inn) and Its Quinoline or
Its Derivatives Salts Its Salts Com-pounds Isoquinoline
Imidazole Ring Pyridine Ring in Salts Isoquinoline
and their Salts Ring System
in The Structure, The Structure, Ring System
(Not Further
Nes Nes (Not Further
HS 293355 -
HS 293369 -
Methaqualone HS 293359 -
HS 293351 - HS 293354 Heterocyclic HS 293371
HS 293353 - (Inn), Heterocyclic
Malonylurea - Other Compounds - 6-Hex-
HS 293352 - Phenobarbitals Lozprazolam Com-pounds
(Barbituric Derivatives of HS 293361 - Containing anelactam
Barbituric Acid (Inn) and Similar (Inn), Containing A
Acid) and Its Malonylurea Melamine An Unfused (Epsilon-Capro-
and Its Salts Compounds Mecloqualone Pyrimidine Ring
Derivatives (Incl. (Barbituric Acid) Triazine Ring in lactam)
and their Salts (Inn), Zipeprol or Piperazine
Salts Thereof) The Structure,
(Inn) and their Ring, Nes
HS 293391 - HS 293499
HS 293390 - HS 293490 -
Diazepam (Inn), HS 293399 - Other
Heterocyclic Heterocy-clic HS 300210
HS 293372 - Flurazepam - Other Heterocyclic
Compounds Compounds - Antisera,
Clobabazam HS 293379 - (Inn), Oxaze- Heterocyclic Com-pounds
With Nitrogen HS 293392 - Nes (Including Other Blood
(Inn) and Other Lactams pam (Inn), Com-pounds Nes (Including
Hetero-Atom(S) Azinphosmethyl Morpholine, Fractions and
Methyprylon Nes Chlorazepate With Nitrogen Morpholine,
Only Nes (Incl Sultones, Immunological
(Inn) and Other Hetero-Atom(S) Sultones,
Benzodiaz- Sultams and Products
Benzodiaze- Only Nes Sultams and
epenes) Nucleic Acids)
penes Nucleic Acids)
HS 350220 - HS 391390
Milk Albumin, - Natural
Including Polymers,
Concentrates Modified
of Two or More Natural
Whey Proteins Polymers Nes -
in Primary Forms
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
Hs 390770
- poly(lactic
Bio-Products Bioplastics acid), in primary
HS 300212 - HS 300214 -
Hs 300110 HS 300120 HS 300190 - HS 300213 -
HS 300210 Antisera & other Immunological
- glands and - Extracts of Heparin & Its Immunological
- Antisera, blood fractions, products,-
other organs, Glands or Other Salts;Human/ HS 300211 products,
Other Blood whether or mixed,not put
Bio-Products Bioplastics dried, pow- Organs or of Animal Subs - Malaria diag- unmixed, not put
Fractions and not modified/ in measured
dered or not - their Secretions For Therap or nostic test kits up in measured
Immunological obtained by doses/forms/
for thera-peutic - Therapeutic Prophltc Uses, doses/forms/
Products biotechnologi- packings f ret
uses Uses Nes packings frs
cal proc sale
HS 300219 -
HS 300215 -
Immunological HS 300231 HS 300290 -
products, nes, HS 300220 HS 300230 - - Vaccines Other Human
products, put HS 300239
whether or - Vaccines - Vaccines For Against Foot or or Animal Blood
up in measured - Vaccines Nes -
not modified/ Human Uses Veterinary Mouth Disease - Preparations
dos-es/forms/ Veterinary Uses
obtained by Medicine Veterinary Uses Nes
packings, for
retail sale
cal processes
HS 300339 -
HS 300310 - HS 300340 - HS 300341 HS 300342
HS 300320 - Medicaments
Medicaments HS 300331 - Medicaments - Medicaments,- - Medicaments,-
Medicaments (Bulk)
(Bulk) With Medicaments (Bulk) Contain- cont ephedrin/ cont pseudo-
(Bulk) With Containing
Penicillins, (Bulk) Contain- ing Alkaloids But salts,mix,ther- ephed-rine/
Other Hormones But
Streptomycins or ing Insulin No Hormones ap/prophltc sa,mix,therap/
Antibiotics Nes No Insulin or
their Derivatives or Antibiotics us-es,nfrs, prophltc,nfrs,
HS 300440
HS 300432 - HS 300439 HS 300441 HS 300442 HS 300443 HS 300449 HS 300460
- Alkaloids or
Adrenal Cortical - Hormones - Medicaments,- - Medi,cont - Medi,cont - Medi,cont HS 300450 - - Medicaments,-
their Derivatives
Hormones - in Nes Other than cont ephedrin/ pseudoephed- norephed-rine/ alkaloids/deriv Vitamins and cont anti-ma-
- Other than
Dosage Antibiotics or salts,therap/ rine/salts,ther- salts,therap/ t/o,nes,therap/ their Derivatives larial active
Antibiotics or
Contraceptives - prophltc,in ap/prophltc,in prophltc,in prophltc,doses/ - in Dosage principles,in
Hormones - in
in Dosage doses/frs doses/frs doses/frs frs doses/frs
HS 391710
391390 - Nat-
- Sausage Cas-
ural Poly-mers,
HS 300490 - ings (Artificial
Modi-fied Nat-
Medicaments Guts) of Hard-
ural Polymers
Nes - in Dosage ened Protein
Nes - in Primary
or of Cellulosic
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
HS 440831
Hs 440810 - Veneer/ HS 440839
Hs 441299 - HS 440820 Plywood Sheets HS 440890 HS 441019 -
- veneer/ - Veneer/
veneered panels - Veneer/ (Thickness - Veneer/ HS 441012 - Waferboard
plywood sheets Plywood Sheets
Engineered and similar Plywood Sheets <6Mm) - Plywood Sheets Oriented Strand and Similar
Bio-Products (thickness (Thickness
Forest Products laminated (Thickness (Meranti Red (Thickness Board (Osb), of Board, of
<6mm) - <6Mm) -
wood, nes, <6Mm) - (Light and Dark) <6Mm) - Other Wood Wood, Nes
coniferous Tropical Wood
Tropical Wood and Meranti Wood Nes
wood Nes
HS 441299 -
HS 441031 Veneered Panels
HS 441021 -
HS 441029 - - Particle HS 441032 - HS 441033 - and Similar
Particle Boards HS 441039 -
Particle Boards Boards of Particle Boards Particle Boards Laminated
of Wood Particle Boards
of Wood Wood - Other of Wood - of Wood - Wood, Nes,
- Oriented of Wood - Edge
- Oriented than Oriented Covered With Covered With Ply HS 441890
Strand-boards/ or Face Worked
Strand-boards/ Strand-boards/ Mela-nine- Decorative - Builder’S
Waferboards (Whether
Waferboards - Waferboards Impregnated Plastic Joinery and
- Unworked, Painted or Not)
Other Nes - Unworked, Paper Laminates Carpentery, of
Sanded Wood, Nes
HS 902690
and apparatus
for measuring
or checking
the flow, level,
Hs 902790 -
HS 902620 HS 902680 pressure or oth-
Instruments and Instruments and er variables of HS 300410
Parts And
apparatus for apparatus for liquids or gases - Penicillins or
Methane Accessories
measuring or measuring or (for example, Streptomycins
monitoring & Of Instruments
checking pres- checking other flow meters, and their
abatement And Apparatus
sure of liquids variables of level gauges, Derivatives - in
For Physical
or gases, nesoi. liquids or gases, manometers, Dosage
Or Chemical
[US] nesoi. [US] heat meters),
instruments and
apparatus of
heading 90.14,
90.15, 90.28 or
90.32 [Au]
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
HS 843319 -
HS 843280
HS 843290 - Non-Powered HS 843320 - HS 843330 HS 843340 HS 843359
- Rollers, HS 843610
Parts For Rollers Mowers - For Other Mowers - Swathers, - Straw or - Forage
Stone-Removers - Machinery HS 843629 -
and Other Soil Lawns, Parks Nes (Including Windrowers Fodder Balers Harvesters
and Other Soil For Preparing Poultry-Keeping
Preparation or Sports Cutter Bars and Other (Including Pick- and Other
Preparation Animal Feeding Machinery Nes
or Cultivation Grounds - With For Tractor Hay-making Up Balers) Harvesting
or Cultivation Stuffs
Machinery Horizontal Mounting) Machinery Machinery Nes
Cutting Device
HS 843880
HS 843680
HS 843242 - Other
- Other Agricul-
- Fertilizer Machinery For
tural, Horticul-
distributors, for The Industrial
tural, Forestry
agriculture/ Preparation of
and Bee-Keep-
horticulture/ Food and Bev-
ing Machinery
forestry erages (Incl Fish
Hs 284450
- spent
HS 840110 HS 840140 -
Small Modular (irradiated)
- Nuclear Parts of Nuclear
Reactor fuel elements
Reactors Reactors
(cartridges) of
nuclear reactors
HS 840290
HS 842382
Parts for
Waste HS 842381 -Other weighing
super-heated Hs 841780 - Hs 841790
management -Other weighing machinery
water boilers Non-Electric - Parts Of
and advanced HS 842220 machinery having a HS 842389 Hs 846291 -
and steam or Furnaces And Non-Electric
recycling - Machinery having a maximum -Other weighing Hydraulic Press- Hs 847290
other vapour Ovens - Other Industrial Or
technologies for cleaning or maximum weighing machinery es - For Working - Office
generation Industrial Or Laboratory
drying bottles or weighing capacity not elsewhere Metal Or Metal Machines, Nes
boilers (other Laboratory Nes Furnaces And
other containers capacity not exceeding specified Carbides
than centra (Incl Incinera- Ovens (Inc
exceeding 30kg but not
heating hot tors) Incinerators)
30 kg exceeding
water boilers)
5,000 kg
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
Hs 731010
- Tanks,
Casks, Drums,
Cans, Boxes
And Similar
Containers, Hs 731029
Of Iron Or - Tanks,
Steel, For Any Casks, Drums,
Hs 392690 Hs 730900 Material, Of Cans, Boxes Hs 841350 -
Hs 460120 - Hs 560314 -
- Articles Of - Reservoirs, A Capacity And Similar Reciprocating HS 854390
Water efficiency Mats, Matting Nonwovens Hs 841320 -
Plastics, Nes & Tanks, Vats & Of >= 50 L Containers, Positive Parts for
and wastewater And Screens - Man-Made Hand Pumps
Art Of Other Sim Ctnr, Cap But =< 300 L, Of Iron Or Dis-placement 854389x. [Ca,
treatment Of Vegetable Filaments - Not Elsewhere
Mate-rials Of >300L,I O S (Ex Not Elsewhere Steel, For Any Pumps Not Ja, NZ, K, CT,
technologies Plaiting Weighing More Specified
Hds 39.01 To Liq/Compr Gas Specified (Excl. Material, Of Elsewhere Au]
Materials Than 150G/M2
39.14, Nes Type) Containers For A Capacity Specified
Compressed Or Of < 50 L, Not
Liquefied Gas , Elsewhere
Or Containers Specified
Fitted With
Or Thermal
HS 840290
HS 842382
Parts for
HS 842381 -Other weighing
super-heated Hs 841780 - Hs 841790
-Other weighing machinery
water boilers Non-Electric - Parts Of
HS 842220 machinery having a HS 842389 Hs 846291 -
and steam or Furnaces And Non-Electric
- Machinery having a maximum -Other weighing Hydraulic Press- Hs 847290
other vapour Ovens - Other Industrial Or
for cleaning or maximum weighing machinery es - For Working - Office
generation Industrial Or Laboratory
drying bottles or weighing capacity not elsewhere Metal Or Metal Machines, Nes
boilers (other Laboratory Nes Furnaces And
other containers capacity not exceeding specified Carbides
than centra (Incl Incinera- Ovens (Inc
exceeding 30kg but not
heating hot tors) Incinerators)
30 kg exceeding
water boilers)
5,000 kg
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector
Sustainable Hs 271012 -
transportation Aviation fuels light oils and
fuel preparations
Renewable Hs 271129 -
natural gas petroleum or
gases in
gaseous state
natural gas)
Table 5: HS Commodity Codes by Clean Technology Subsector