Periodontal Plastic Surgery in The Management of Multiple Gingival Recessions Two Therapeutic Approaches

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Periodontal Plastic Surgery in the

Management of Multiple Gingival Recessions:
Two Therapeutic Approaches.
Khaireddine Hamdane 1, Wafa Nasri 1,Chaima Hammemi 1, Haithem Moussa 1, Rania Gargouri 1
University of Monastir, Faculty of dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Oral Health and Oro-Facial Rehabilitation
Laboratory Research LR12ES11, 5019,
Monastir, Tunisia

Abstract:- Aim: The aim of this case report study was to simultaneously or manifest as a lesion localized to a single
describe two different surgical techniques for treating tooth. They can be a concern for patients for a number of
multiple gingival recessions. reasons. In addition to root hypersensitivity and cervical
lesions, aesthetic considerations may also come into play,
Background: Multiple recessions are of concern to patients especially in patients with a high smile line. [2]
for a number of reasons: aesthetic problems,
hypersensitivity, and carious or non-carious cervical However, multiple recessions are even more difficult
lesions. However, their treatment represents a challenge in defects to manage, as the surgical site is larger and more
periodontal plastic surgery with difficulties added to those anatomical variations may be present (prominent roots, shallow
encountered in the management of single recessions such vestibules, malpositioned teeth, etc.).
as the extension of the avascular surface, different depths
of recessions or the position of the teeth concerned on the In these cases, the goal of periodontal plastic surgery is to
arch. Many techniques have been described to cover these achieve complete root coverage and optimal esthetics with
recessions. perfect integration of the overlying tissues.

Case description: A patient with multiple recessions of Several specific surgical procedures have been proposed
type 1 according to the Cairo classification (RT1) in the to treat this type of lesion, including coronally advanced flaps,
maxillary arch was treated with two different techniques laterally positioned flaps, free gingival grafts, combination of
of periodontal plastic surgery. On the right side, a lateral flaps and connective tissue grafts or acellular dermal matrices.
sliding flap from the edentulous ridge on the former site of
the 2nd premolar was performed without the addition of a II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
connective tissue graft. For the left side, a modified
coronally advanced flap with a connective tissue graft was A. Description
performed. For the right hemi-arch, a partial root A 48 years old female patient, non smoker and in good
coverage of 90% for the canine and the first premolar. As general health consulted our periodontology department at the
for the modified coronally advanced flap with a connective Dental University clinic of Monastir complaining of multiple
tissue graft, partial coverage for all the teeth concerned by recessions on the maxillary arch causing an aesthetic prejudice
the flap varied between 50 and 90%. These coverages badly perceived by this patient. (fig1)
remained stable during the 1-month and 6-month follow-
up appointments. The good oral hygiene and the non-carious cervical
lesions suggest that the recessions are of traumatic origin
Conclusion: The different techniques of periodontal plastic associated with anatomical predisposing factors (fine gingival
surgery have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of typology) and dental malposition.
multiple recessions and especially with the introduction of
the technical modifications of the coronally advanced flap All recessions are of type 1 according to the Cairo
by Zucchelli and by the addition of a connective tissue classification, i.e. without loss of interproximal attachment.
graft. They involved both hemi-arcades and extended from the first
molar to the canine on the right side and from the first molar to
Keywords:- Multiple Gingival Recessions, Root Coverage, the lateral incisor on the left side.
Surgical Flaps, Dental Esthetics.
The patient was treated with different techniques on each
I. INTRODUCTION side. She received a laterally displaced flap from the edentulous
ridge at the former site of the second premolar without the
Gingival recessions are defined as an apical migration of addition of a connective tissue graft (Fig2). The choice of this
the marginal gingiva from the amelo-cementary junction technique was due to the absence of keratinized tissue apical to
resulting in an exposure of the root surface. [1] These lesions the recessions and their presence in abundance at the level of
affect both subjects with poor oral hygiene and those with good the edentulous crest with a good thickness. On the left side, a
hygiene. They can affect several teeth in the same arch

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
coronally advanced flap using the Zucchelli technique with a same level as the amelo-cementary junctions of the two teeth
connective tissue graft was performed ( Fig5). [3] affected by the recessions.

Prior to surgical treatment, initial therapy was performed The vertical releasing incision extends beyond the muco-
(complete scaling, teaching of a more appropriate brushing gingival junction. From this point on, it becomes oblique and
technique, prescription of a less traumatic toothbrush and an takes the direction of the recessions to be covered.
antiseptic mouthwash with Chlorhexidine). Once all etiological
factors were controlled, and after ensuring the absence of A partial thickness dissection of the flap was performed
inflammation during the re-evaluation phase, surgical at the level of the keratinized tissues followed by a dissection
treatment could be initiated. in the alveolar mucosa in order to liberate the flap and allow it
to be moved without tension.

A vicryl 4.0 absorbable sutures was used to suture the

flap in its final position by suspended sutures and interrupted
"o" sutures after ensuring its passivity.

A paracetamol-based analgesic and an antiseptic 0.12%

chlorexidine mouthwash were prescribed. The sutures were
removed after one week.

Modified coronally advanced flap: As with the lateral sliding

flap, local para-apical anesthesia (lidocaine 2% with
vasoconstrictors) was performed beforehand.

Fig 1:Initial situation Initial situation : a) appearance of the The canine was selected as the central recession. The
smile ; b) right hemi-arcade; c) left hemi-arcade. height of the recession was measured for this tooth and then
transferred from the tops of the interdental papillae distal and
B. Surgical protocol: mesial to the canine by adding 1mm.
Lateral sliding flap: After a local para-apical anesthesia
(lidocaine 2% with vasoconstrictor), the edges of the most For the posterior recessions, the same measurements were
mesial recession were prepared with a 15 scalpel blades: made for each tooth but were only transferred distal to the
- An external bevel gingivectomy around the recession, recessions.
extending to the alveolar mucosa, on the side opposite the
donor site was performed to expose the connective tissue. The incision tracing was performed with a 15c scalpel
- An internal bevel incision joining the first incision was made blades and includes the intrasulcular incisions continued at the
on the side of the donor site. level of the papillae by oblique incisions going from the most
The incision pattern was continued at the level of the sloping point of the marginal gingiva of the teeth to the most
interdental papilla with a horizontal incision, an intrasulcular apical point of the previously reported measurement (fig 3).
incision at the level of the first premolar and then a crestal This line will determine the surgical papillae that will
incision. The horizontal and crestal incisions were made at the subsequently cover the anatomical papillae. [3]

After 6 months.

Fig 2: Lateral sliding flap: a) bevel incisions + horizontal interdental incisions + crestal incisions ; b) partial thickness dissection
of the flap; c) sutures; d) healing after 6 months.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The healing process was uneventful. The patient reported

minimal pain at the donor site for the first two days after the
connective tissue graft. But no signs of necrosis or hemorrhage
were observed at this site.

For the right hemi-arcade, i.e., the one that benefited from
a lateral sliding flap, healing was satisfactory on the day the
sutures were removed, with 90% partial coverage for the canine
and first premolar. The healing of the donor site was
This coverage remained stable over time during the 1-
Fig 3:Incision pattern: Blue line: Gingival recession depth; month and 6-month follow-up appointments. The patient was
Green line: Depth of Gingival recession reported from the top satisfied with the results.
of the papilla; interrupted orange line: Interdental
submarginal incisions. With regard to the modified coronally advanced flap
associated with a connective tissue graft, healing was
The flap was released using the split-full-split thickness satisfactory at the first follow-up appointment at one week with
technique: The surgical papillae were dissected in partial a partial coverage for all the teeth affected by the flap varying
thickness from the oblique incisions. The marginal gingiva between 50 and 90%. This coverage also remained stable over
apical to the recessions was raised in full thickness until 3mm time during the 1-month and 8-month follow-up appointments,
of the bone surface was exposed apically to the dehiscence. with a progressive harmonization of the graft edges with the
Subsequently, partial-thickness dissection was repeated at the surrounding tissues and a homogenization of the color.
alveolar mucosa apically to the full-thickness portion of the In addition to the coverage, a thickening of the keratinized
flap (Fig4). The exposed root surface was treated tissue could be observed.
As for the right hemi-arcade, the patient was satisfied with
The anatomic papillae were then de-epithelialized and the the results.
flap passively tried in its final position.
A free gingival graft was harvested from the palate and
de-epithelialized. It was then sutured with a vicryl 4.0 Several surgical procedures have been described in the
absorbable sutures at the level of the anatomical papillae by literature to correct mucogingival problems and improve the
interrupted "o" sutures. Finally, the flap was sutured with sling aesthetics of the patient's smile.
sutures around the teeth. A paracetamol-based analgesic and an
antiseptic 0.12% chlorexidine mouthwash were prescribed.
The sutures were removed after ten days. The coronally advanced flap is a suitable technique in
cases where there is still gingiva adherent apically to the defect.
Bernimoulin described this technique in 1975 for the treatment
of multiple recessions. He performed a free gingival
augmentation graft followed by a coronally advanced flap after
3 months. Complete coverage was obtained in 43% of sites at
one year follow-up. [4]

However, this technique requires vertical releasing

incision, which impedes blood supply and early healing.
Zucchelli et al. then made an important modification for the
coronally advanced flap in the treatment of multiple recessions
by eliminating the releasing incisions. [3]

The same authors published a randomized controlled trial

Fig 4:Flap design in 2009 in which they studied the clinical and esthetic results
of the coronally advanced flap with or without releasing
incisions. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of both
techniques in root coverage and clinical attachment gain.
However, the coronally advanced flap showed a greater
number of sites with complete root coverage, a greater increase
in keratinized tissue, fewer postoperative complications, and a
superior esthetic result than the coronally advanced flap with
releasing incisions. [5]

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
These authors also published another randomized clinical tissue graft are predictable techniques for the coverage of
trial in 2014 to compare the short- and long-term root coverage Miller class I and II multiple recessions with greater stability
and short- and long-term esthetic results of the coronally over a 5-year period for the zucchelli technique. The connective
advanced flap alone or in combination with a connective tissue tissue graft appears to improve its long-term stability and show
graft for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions. No better results in combination with the different techniques than
statistically significant difference was demonstrated between absorbable membranes, PRFs, and allogeneic dermal matrices.
the two groups in terms of reduction in recession depth and [8] The 2014 meta-analysis by Graziani et al. also confirms
complete root coverage at 6 months and 1 year. At 5 years, the these results. [9]
reduction in recession and the probability of complete root
coverage were statistically superior for the coronally advanced The tunnel technique has been described in the literature
flap combined with a connective tissue graft. Similarly, a as an alternative for covering multiple recessions. [10,11] The
greater increase in keratinized tissue and a better aesthetic principle of this technique is summarized by intrasulcal
assessment of the gingival contour by an independent incisions and a partial-thickness flap extending beyond the
periodontist were observed in the group. [6] mucogingival junction, leaving the interdental papillae intact,
followed by insertion of a connective tissue graft. [2]
The results of this study are consistent with the 2010 study
by Pini Prato et al. The latter study also compared the coronally A systematic review by Bherwani et al. in 2014 compared
advanced flap with and without a connective tissue graft. No the tunnel technique with the Zucchelli modified coronally
difference in the number of sites with complete root coverage advanced flap. A statistically significant root coverage rate was
could be demonstrated at the first 6 months. At the 5-year obtained for both groups, and the proportion of defects with
follow-up, sites treated with a connective tissue graft had a complete coverage was also statistically significant in both
higher percentage of sites with complete root coverage. Apical groups. [12]
migration of the marginal gingiva could be noticed in the sites
treated with the coronally advanced flap alone, whereas coronal The lateral sliding flap represents the ideal solution in
migration was observed in the sites treated with the coronally cases where there is no gingiva attached apically to the defect.
advanced flap combined with a connective tissue graft. [7] This technique was adapted by Hattler et al. in 1967 for the
treatment of multiple recessions. [13] The combination of this
A systematic review investigating the predictability of multipapillary flap with a connective tissue graft was proposed
different surgical techniques for root coverage of multiple 20 years later by Nelson et al. [14] This technique requires
recessions was published in 2012 by Hofmänner et al. and healthy and voluminous interdental papillae. To date, there is
reported that the coronally advanced flap and the zucchelli insufficient evidence on the predictability of the lateral sliding
modified coronally advanced flap with or without a connective flap in the treatment of multiple recessions.

Fig 5:Modified coronally advanced flap: a) Intrasulcular + interdental submarginal incisions; b) Split-full-split thikness flap
release ; c) free gingival graft; d) sutures of the deepithelialized graft; e) sutures of the flap; f) healing after 8 months.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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