06.labial Frenectomy Through Z-Plasty - A Case Report

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Labial Frenectomy through Z-plasty-A Case report

*Unnati Pitale , **Bhavna Sethia

The frenum is a mucous membrane fold that attaches the lip and the cheek to the alveolar
mucosa, the gingiva, and the underlying periosteum. The frena may jeopardize the gingival
health when they are attached too closely to the gingival margin, either due to an interference
in the plaque control or due to a muscle pull. In addition to this, the maxillary frenum may
present aesthetic problems or compromise the orthodontic result in the midline diastema
cases, thus causing a recurrence after the treatment. The management of such an aberrant
frenum is accomplished by performing a frenectomy. This case report demonstrates the
removal of the abnormal labial frenum attachment in a 24 year old male through the technique
of Z-plasty.

Key Words: Frenum, diastema, esthetics, z-plasty.

INTRODUCTION classified as-a) Mucosal--when the frenal

fibres are attached up to mucogingival
Frenal attachments are thin folds of mucous junction. b) Gingiva--when fibres are
membrane with enclosed muscle fibers that inserted within attached gingiva. c) Papillary
attach the lips to the alveolar mucosa and – when fibres are extending into interdental
underlying periosteum. Most often, during papilla; and d) Papilla penetrating – when
the oral examination of the patient the the frenal fibres cross the alveolar process
dentist gives very little importance to the and extend up to palatine papilla.3
frenum, for assessing its morpholology and Clinically, papillary and papilla penetrating
attachment.1 There are several frena that are frena are considered as pathological and
usually present in a normal oral cavity, most have been found to be associated with loss
notably the maxillary labial frenum, the of papilla, recession, diastema, difficulty in
mandibular labial frenum, and the lingual brushing, malalignment of teeth and it may
frenum. Abnormal or aberrant frena are also prejudice the denture fit or retention
detected visually, by applying tension over it leading to psychological disturbances to the
to see the movement of papillary tip or individual.4 Frenectomy is the complete
blanching produced due to ischemia of the removal of the frenum, including its
region.2 attachment to the underlying bone, while
Depending upon the extension of frenotomy is the incision and the relocation
attachment of fibers, frena have been of the frenal attachment.5 The technique
discussed in this case report is Z Plasty. This
*Professor and Head, ** Post-graduate student, technique is indicated when there is
Dept. of Periodontics, Modern Dental College and
hypertrophy of the frenum with a low
Research Centre,INDORE

NJDSR Number 2, Volume 1, January 2014 Page 21

insertion, which is associated with an inter- incisors have appeared without causing the
incisor diastema, and when the lateral
diastema to disappear and also in cases of a Orthodontist for further treatment.
short vestibule6. The frenal attachment was re-assessed after
a month (Fig:4).

We report here a case of a 24-year old male

who reported to the Department of
Periodontics with the problem of a midline
diastema between the maxillary central
incisors. The diastema was created due to an
abnormal frenal attachment (Fig:1). Patient
was told about the procedure and informed Fig 1: Abnormal frenal attachment
consent was taken. He was administered 2%
xylocaine with Adrenaline. Infiltration was
given on the labial aspect and on the palatal
aspect near the base of the papilla. The area
was assessed and one central incision was
given and two lateral incisions at an angle of
60 degrees, creating two triangular flaps of Fig 2: Two triangular flaps
equal size and shape. Adequate undermining
of surrounding tissues was performed to
achieve proper mobilization of the flaps and
minimize the distortion of the underlying
structures. (Fig:2) The two flaps were then
transposed to the opposite side of apex of
each flap. Transposition of these triangles Fig 3: Suturing of the flaps
redistributes tension on the wound and
changes central limb direction. They were
then sutured to the defect at the opposite
side of the other flap base and secured in
position by using interrupted braided silk
suture (Fig:3). The vertical incision on the
attached gingival was also closed by
suturing. Antibiotics and analgesics were Fig 4: One month post-operative
administered and routine wound care view
instructions were given to the patient. The DISCUSSION
wound was re-examined after a day, then
In the era of periodontal plastic surgery,
after a week and sutures were removed in 14
more conservative and precise techniques
days time. Patient was referred to an
are being adopted to create more functional

NJDSR Number 2, Volume 1, January 2014 Page 22

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