Media and Information Literacy: Module 5: Types of Media

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Activity #1: Editorial Cartooning
Direction: Draw a visual presentation that shows your understanding on what is/are the
influence of media in the society. You may also produce your output using a computer and
submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put or print your work using long
coupon bond (8.5x13). A rubric for this task will be given by your respective teacher through
your group accounts that will served as your guide in performing the task and to know how your
work will be evaluated

Activity #2: Q&A

Direction: Provide your answers to the following questions. Submit your final output, with
your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your output using yellow pad paper or print it using long
coupon bond (8.5x13).
1. If you had to receive news and knowledge about the world from only either printed
materials or digital sources, which would you choose and why?
I will prefer digital sources because they are easy to handle and can be accessed
from anywhere using our gadgets. People increasingly acquire their news online, via
websites or social media. Print media like newspapers and magazines as well as
televisions and radios have been digitalized. More news sources than ever are available
24 hours a day. People capturing photos and films with their phones during news events
is now fairly prevalent.

2. As more newspapers reduce their pages, cut staff, go to digital formats entirely, or even
shut down, consider the future of newspapers. Do you think they should change formats
and do what magazines did more than forty years ago to counter the rise in popularity of
television and specialize in subject matter? Would this strategy work for newspapers?
Why or why not?
Yes, newspapers give global news, articles, advertisements, and
whereas magazines feature interviews, intriguing articles, and targeted advertising.
However, newspapers are designed and laid out simply, also there are some few
pictures whereas, magazine designs can engage readers more than books. And that’s it
makes the newspaper presents bland and magazine arise.

3. Trustworthiness of mass media. Does media accurately present information and whether
people can trust the media? You might focus your argument on mass media in general
or one specific form of media, such as newspapers, broadcast or internet media.
Internet media is a very wide platform to present accurate information. To avoid
being tricked, we can't trust everything we hear, see, and read today. In the media, must
always consider the publication's authority, history, and core ideas.

Activity #3: Explore More! General

Direction: Explore what is media and convergence and answer the succeeding
questions. Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your output using
yellow pad paper or print it using long coupon bond (8.5x13). What is Media Convergence?
a. The co-existence of traditional and new media.
b. The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet,
mobile phones, as well as others, allowing media content to flow across various
c. The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then
accessible by a range of devices (ex. from the personal computer to the mobile
phone), thus creating a digital communication environment.
Part I: Table Completion
Direction: Given the idea behind media convergence, think about a platform and one
example that will represent in each category. Write the appropriate answer for second and third

Scenario of Media Convergence

Media Convergence In Platform Specific Example
1. Communication
2. Education
3. Advertisement
4. News
5. Entertainment

Part II: Synthesis

Direction: Provide your answers to the following questions.

1. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new
Because of current technology, conventional and new media have converged,
affecting how individuals obtain information. Many people nowadays prefer to obtain
information via mobile devices. A softcopy of the local paper or a podcast is easier.

2. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.

As media convergence evolved, so did platforms. Media allows people to speak
with anyone worldwide. It allows the public to receive news swiftly. With a single click
you can communicate to others and shows your talents.



Activity #1: Exploring Indigenous Information

Direction: Interview two elders in your family and ask them about cultural beliefs or
practices in your community: how they preserve, handed-down and adapted them. Second, ask
at least two teenagers if they know and value those cultural beliefs or practices. Write down the
answers of your interviewee and create a summary report of their answer. Finally, create your
own reflection about the result of your interview. Put or print your work using yellow pad paper
or long coupon bond (8.5x13). Alternatively, you can produce a video interview for this task.

1. Elder # 1 Age: 87
Interview Summary:
My grandfather mentioned his group used to undertake "Mano Po"
customs. Instead of hugging or kissing their elders, Filipino children take their hands and
lay the back of their hands on their forehead. This is called "mano po." It's a common
way of showing respect to an elderly person. He stated they inherit it from their
forefathers and pass it on to future generations.

2. Elder # 2 Age: 54
Interview Summary:
My aunt claims Filipinos are religious. We have many statues in our
home. Christ and Mother Many Statues She added they normally feed the statue for
birthdays, Christmas, festivals, and other events. So, they offer the foods to GOD at the
altar where the statue sits. As part of our tradition, they learned it from their ancestors.

3. Teenager # 1 Age: 17
Interview Summary:
I asked a childhood friend about our community's practices and she said
we have strong "Family Ties". Filipinos love family more than anything else. Another
Filipino tradition that we still follow is adult children living with their parents. Unlike in the
US, where kids move out after high school or college, many Filipinos stay with their
parents until they marry.

4. Teenager # 2 Age: 17
Interview Summary:
My buddy mentioned Filipinos value respect highly. In our community, we
used "po" or "opo" to address seniors or the elderly. Children are taught these early on
so they grow up with respect. Also, to express reverence.

Due to colonization, the Philippines has a very distinct culture with many cultural beliefs
and customs that persist today. Culture is vital in one's life. Not only does it drive and lead
people to their way of life, but it also defines them. Culture shapes a people's identity. Our
culture is vital to our own integrity.
Activity #2: Explore More! General
Direction: Answer activity 1 and 2 following the given direction in each task. Put or print
your work using yellow pad paper or long coupon bond (8.5x13


Direction: Create a mind map that will feature the difference between (a) indigenous
media, (b) library and (c) internet. You may add more circles if necessary.
***Note to the learner: What is a Mind Map? Mind Map is a diagram used to visualize the
relationship among pieces of the whole.

Part II. Sources of Information

Direction: Give at least two (2) examples of media for each source of information by
putting it in each box. Provide a short description in each item containing its title/name and its

Indigenous Media Library Internet

1. Proverb (Salawikain) – It 1. Newspapers - These are 1. Email - it is a method of
makes a statement about collections of articles about electronically transmitting
what it describes. They current events usually textual messages. Email
provide people with lessons published daily. stands for 'electronic mail'.
that allow them to cope with
the problems of living
2. Riddle (Bugtong) - It is 2. Books - It is one of the 2. Web sites - Web pages
usually a test of wit which best sources of information. linked together under a single
requires that the audience Books cover virtually any domain name form a website.
sees the meeting between topic, fact or fiction. Individuals, groups,
the object referred to. businesses, and
organizations can establish
and maintain websites for
many purposes.

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